

心理语言学的视角下网络语言 ——我之简单看网络语言


姓名:赵霄娜 学号:2010411514












第五、语码混合:如“U2(you too,你也是)”“3ku(thank you,谢谢你)”;


网络语言作为网络的伴生物相应而生,在使用过程中初步形成了鲜明的个性化特征。网络为网民们提供了充分发挥想象力和创造性的自由空间,网民们能够在网络上最大限度地发挥自己的想象力和创造性。网络语言发挥了作者的自由性,做到了语出惊人令人瞠目。另外,网络语言以这些简单的符号来传达丰富的思想感情和内涵,最大限度地反映个人在语言上的创造力,具有很强的心理显著性,传递着一种 特殊的审美信息,是一种新的审美文化对现实文化的反叛和超越。










年级:10级心理2班 学号:2010411514

第二篇:心理语言学 1

About the course

Psycholinguistics is interdisciplinary in nature and is studied by people in a variety of fields, such as and It is an area of study which draws insights from linguistics and psychology and focuses upon the comprehension and production of language. This course will explore the principles of psycholinguistics along with selected applications.

Topics to be covered include…n




nGeneral issues of psycholinguisticsLanguage comprehensionLanguage production and conversational interactionLanguage acquisitionLanguage in perspective

About the textbooks

Required Readings:

lCarroll, D. W. 2008. Psychology of Language.Beijing: Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press

Aitchison, J. 2000. The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to

Psycholinguistics. Beijng: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Pressl

Expanded Reading

Garman, M. Psycholinguistics. 2002. Beijing:Peking University Press

About the author

nProfessor of Psychology at

University of Wisconsin-Superior

B. A. (1972). University of

California at Davis. Psychology and Philosophy.

M. A. (1973). Michigan State University. Experimental and Developmental Psychology.Ph. D. (1976). Michigan State University. Experimental and


Developmental PsychologynnDr. David W. Carrolln

Chapter One

General Issues of Psycholinguistics

March 2, 2010

Key Points

nWhat is psycholinguistics?

How has this field evolved over the last century?n

Question 1


is psycholinguistics?


Language in general is important because…–

–It makes us different from all other animalsIt makes possible the organization of our civilized societyIt is the most important tool in communicating thoughts and feelingsIt is a means of identifying social identity It is a source of leisurely pleasure (e.g. word play, word puzzles, poetry, short stories)……

Tongue twisters

Sixth sick sheiks sixth sheepssick.

Whether the weather is cold, or whether theweather is hot, we’ll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

Tongue twisters



uPsycholinguistics deals withthe mental processes a person

uses in producing and understanding language. –language comprehension(how we perceive and understand speech and written language)

language production(how we construct an utterance from idea to completed sentence)

language acquisition(how human beings learn language). ––

The scope of psycholinguisticsnLanguage can be studied in a number of ways.



üas a corpus of data in descriptive linguistics as an abstract system of knowledge in theoretical linguistics as a social phenomenon in sociolinguistics

nPsycholinguisticsis about how people use language. As its name implies, itis principally an integration of the fields of psychology and linguistics.

The scope of psycholinguisticsnThe common aim of all who call themselves psycholinguists is to find out about the structures and processes which underline a human’s ability to speak and understand language.

Psycholinguists are not necessarily interested in language interaction between people. They are trying above all to probe into what is happening within the individual.n

The scope of psycholinguisticsAt its heart, psycholinguistic work consists of two questions.–What knowledge of language is needed for us to use language?

What processes are involved in the use of language?–

The “knowledge”questionnIn a sense, we must know a language to use it, but we are not always fully aware of this knowledge. nTacit knowledge: (not spoken) the knowledge of how to perform various acts

Explicit knowledge: (fully and clearly expressed) the knowledge of the processes or mechanisms used in these acts (e.g. e-mailing, speech)n

n“Although everyone knows and uses a specific language, few people understand what they know”(Miller, 1991) .

The “knowledge”questionnFour broad areas of language knowledge:ü



üSemanticsdeals with the meanings of sentences and words. Syntaxinvolves the grammatical arrangement of words within the sentence. Phonologyconcerns the system of sounds in a language.Pragmaticsentails the social rules involved in language use. nIt is not ordinarily productive to ask people explicitly what they know about these aspects of language. We infer linguistic knowledge from observable behavior.

The “process”question

What cognitive processes are involved in the ordinary use of language?

–“ordinary use of language”: e.g. understanding a lecture, reading a book, writing a letter, and holding a conversation, etc. “cognitive processes”: processes like perception, memory and thinking. –

lAlthough we do few things as often or as easily as speaking and listening, we will find that considerable cognitive processing is going on during those activities.

Example 1: garden path sentencesü





üThe horse raced past the barn fell.Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. Would you hit a woman with a baby? No I'd hit her with a brick.The man who hunts ducks out on weekends. The cotton clothing is usually made of grows in Mississippi. Fat people eat accumulates.

ü(22/6 搜狐网)

Example 1: garden path sentencesnGarden path sentences: human beings process language one word at a time. (from the saying "to be led down the garden path" meaning "to be misled“)

garden path sentences:the subjective impression is one of following a garden path to a predictable destination until it isobvious that you were mistaken in your original interpretation and thus forced to “backtrack”and reinterpret the sentence. The point is that in the course of comprehending language we are making decisions---we are doing mental work.nn

More garden path sentencesü






üThe complex houses married and single students and their families. The prime number few. The old man the boat. The tycoon sold the offshore oil tracts for a lot of money wanted to kill JR. I convinced her children are noisy. The player kicked the ball kicked the ball. What has four wheels and flies?

Example 2: Indirect requestsCan you turn off the light?

–Literally, the ability to turn the light off, but in fact an indirect request.

Why phrased indirectly? Rules about the use of language in social settings, including rules of politeness. A request is intrusive or threatening at times in that it is to change another person’s behavior. So we soften it with indirect speech to make it more polite.–

nConsider: How to interpret“Can I have your name please?”

Indirect requests

lFrom a processing standpoint, a speaker takes this pragmatic knowledge into accountwhen making a statement in a social setting.

The speaker utters the sentence knowing it will be taken as a request. The listener presumably shares this pragmatic knowledge and interprets the sentence as a request rather than literally, although the exact processes by which the listener arrives at the non-literal meaning are not fully clear. l

lThe point: Even when studying individuals, it is necessary to recognize the social dimension of language.

Example 3: Language use in aphasialAphasia:partial or total loss of the ability to understand or


speak spoken language as a result of damage to the brain

Language use in aphasia

lA Wernicke’saphasiaexample:

Before I was in the one here, I was over in the other one. My sister had the department in the other one.

lTypical in Wernicke’saphasia: smooth articulation, appropriate pausing and intonation, appropriate syntactic structure, yet devoid of meaning

The semantic relationships between words are seriously disrupted, suggesting that the patient’s semantic knowledge was spared. l


Language use in aphasia

Language use in aphasia

lDepending on the exact location of the injury, its severity, andother factors, aphasias may display a wide range of reactions. –

–normal comprehension, but deficient in language productionno loss of ability of sentence structure but greater than normalproblems finding wordsunimpaired in comprehension and production but be unable to repeat exactly what they have heard and understood

lIn normal individuals, various aspects of language—sentence structure, meaning, sounds—appear to form a smoothly coordinated system of communication; however, in brain-damaged individuals, this system is revealed to be a

combination of separate parts, for the deficits in such persons are often selective rather than total.

Language use in aphasia


Brain injuries enable us to analyze an apparently unified

program of language abilities into its separate components and raise questions about how such abilities become integrated in the normal adult in the first place.

Example 4: Language in childrenlObservation: A young child about 1 year old, communicating with his




üDoll, not motherMore, not milkOff, not shoes

lTentative conclusions:

–the child might know, at least in a tacit manner, some of the rules of language to use words appropriately. the child may have learned certain pragmatic rules to guide her choice of words.

Language in children

lAlthough there is disagreement over exactly how much knowledge to attribute to young children, it appears that children know more than they say.

Another example: Children commonly express themselves with two words at a time, as in baby gone, by eliminating the

closed-classorfunction words(prepositions, conjunctions, and so on) in favor of open-class or content words(nouns, verbs, adjectives) This pattern suggests that children have an intuitive understanding of these two grammatical classes, which is part of their syntactic knowledge.l

Question 2


has this field evolved over the last century?

Historical context of psycholinguisticsuPsycholinguisticsflourished twice:


üaround the turn of the last century, mainly in Europein the middle of the 20th century, mainly in America

uIn the early decades of the 20th century, linguists turned to psychologists for insights into how human beings use language. In the later period, psychologists turned to linguists for insights into the nature of language.

In between these two periods, behaviorismdominated both fields, each neglecting the other.uu


Early psycholinguistics

nGerman physiologist and psychologist

At the University of Leipzig (1875-1917),

he established the first psychological

laboratory (1879) and founded the first

journal of psychology (1881). nn

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)

Early psycholinguistics

lFrom the development of the first psychological laboratory, at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879, until the early 1900s, psychology was defined asthe science of mental life.lWundt

–it was possible to investigate mental events such as

sensations, feelings, and images by using procedures as rigorous as those used in the natural sciences.

the study of language could provide important insights into the nature of the mind. –

Early psycholinguistics

lWundt (the master psycholinguist)

extensive writings about many different aspects of languageincluding grammar, phonology, language comprehension, child language acquisition, sign language, reading and other topicsWundt’s theory of language production

He regarded the sentence, not the word, as the primary unitof language and saw the production of speech as the transformation of a complete thought process into sequentially organized speech segments (comprehension was thought to be basically the same process in reverse).

Two notions:speech production is a word-by-word process

it begins with a whole sentence (Top-down approach)ll

Early psycholinguistics

lOther significant developments in measuring various language processes:

–Eye-voice span: the lag between eye position and voice when reading aloud, about 6 or 7 words

Tachistoscope: a machine that presents visual stimuli for very brief periods of time

Interest in eye-voice span and tachistoscoperemains very strong to this day.––

Behaviorism and Verbal BehaviorlOpposing to focus on mental life as a goal for psychology, by the 1920s, behaviorismtook over the mainstream of experimental psychology.

lBehaviorists stressed

–objective behavior, often in laboratory animals, as opposed to the study of mental processes.

a strong commitment to the role of experience in shaping behavior (environmental stimuli/ model) –


lA school of psychology that confines itself to the study of

observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.

In 1913 John B. Watson proclaimed himself a "behaviorist" and announced a new theoretical tendency within psychology. "Behaviorism," he promised, would be a "purely objective experimental branch of natural science," dedicated to the

"prediction and control of behavior." Consciousness, thoughts, and feelings would no longer be studied, he explained, just the behavior of animals—including humans. l


Chicago, at Johns and

as a he should objective, relations and





land author.He conducted pioneering work on and He also wrote a number of

controversial works in which he proposed the widespread use of techniques, primarily and increase B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)


lBehaviorismseeksto explain animal and human behavior entirely in terms of

observable and measurable responses to environmental stimuli.

Behaviorism was introduced (1913) by the American psychologist John B.

stimuli. He rejected the exploration of mental processes as unscientific.

and were central to the development of behaviorism.

contended that all but a few emotions were conditioned by habit, and could be learned or unlearned.. lll

Behaviorism and Verbal BehaviorlFrom the 1920s to the 1950s, psychologists expressed relatively little interest in language. Behaviorists preferred instead to speak of “verbal behavior”.

The behavior of speaking correctly was, it was assumed, the consequence of being raised in an environment in which

correct language models were present and in which children’s speech errors were corrected.

(B.F. Skinner,Verbal Behavior) l

Behaviorism and Verbal BehaviorlThe most basic premise of the behaviorists is verbal behavior

could be conditioned by reinforcement. Similar developments were occurring within linguistics.



–Opinionated statements in free conversation increased in frequency when they were followed by verbal reinforcerssuch as mmmor good. The frequency of a grammatical class, such as plural words, could be increased by reinforcing only words from that class.Subtle signs of approval (nodding) probably influence our choice of words in conversations.

Behaviorism and Verbal Behaviorl

lAnother major topic of research was meaning. (emphasize associations among words)Meaningfulness of individual words: the number of associations a person could produce in a given period of time. High-meaningfulness words were more easily learned than low meaningfulness words.

Similar developments were occurring with linguistics. Linguists of this period tended to emphasize behavioristictreatments of language, in which reference to mental states or processes was carefully avoided.

Despite the inherent interconnections between the fields, psychology and linguistics “divorced”for a period of several decades.ll

Later psycholinguistics

lThe second period of interdisciplinary psycholinguistics really took hold in the late 1950s, beginning with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky has also played a powerful role in how psychologists perceived language because he argued that the behaviorists’accounts of language were inadequate. l

Later psycholinguistics





lWriter / Linguist / Political FigureBirthplace:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Best Known As:Creator of the theory of generative grammar Noam Chomsky is a leading linguistic scientist and a longtime professor at MIT. His 1957 book Syntactic Structuresoutlined his theories of transformational generative grammar and made him a prominent and controversial figure in the field. Chomsky is also known as a political activist suspicious of big media, big business and big



Noam Chomsky (1928-

Later psycholinguistics

lBehaviorists’associative chain theory:each word in a sentence serves as a stimulus for the next word, and thus the entire sentence is produced left to right.

Chomsky’s examples against this view:

–Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

–Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.

–George picked up the baby.

–George picked the baby up.l

Later psycholinguistics

lLanguage acquisition cannot be explained in terms of children’s language experience.

Poverty of stimulus argument:there is not enough

information in the language samples given to children to fully account for the richness and complexity of children’s language.llExamples:

–John believes heis incompetent. (John)John believes him to be incompetent.John wants him to win.John wants Bill to see him. (John)

Later psycholinguistics

lThe language children acquire is intricate and subtle, and the sample of speech given to them during the course of language development is anything but. Therefore, although parents may assist the child’s language development in some ways and influence the rate of development somewhat, the pattern of development is based not on parental speech but on innate language knowledge.

The revolution of the 1960s and early 1970s emphasized the role of linguistic theory in psycholinguistic research and the role of innate mechanisms in language acquisition.

These themes continue to be influential, but there are indications that psychological interest in linguistic theory has become waned.ll

Later psycholinguistics


lThroughout the 1960s and 1970s linguistic theories underwent rapid and (to psychologists, at least) confusing changes. These changes made it difficult for psychologists to base their studies in any linguistic view. And some psychologists became wary of linguistics, preferring instead to develop a psychological view of language that was not tied to any specific linguistic theory.lThe two fields are distinct in their methodologies. A distinction may be drawn between two intellectual traditions, rationalism and empiricism.


lReliance on reason as the best guide for

belief and action.

Philosophy.The theory that the exercise of reason, rather than experience, authority, or spiritual revelation, provides the primary basis for knowledge.l

Rationalism vs. EmpiricismRationalism(heredity, nature)

nEmpiricism(environment, nurture)uRationalists emphasize the

role of innate factors in

human behavior.

Rationalists emphasize the

use of argument.

For the most part, linguists

approach language in a

rationalistic manner.Empiricists stress the role of experience.Empiricists favor the collection of data as a means for evaluating hypothesis.Psychologists favor the empirical methodunnu

Current Directions

lMore interdisciplinary. (contributions from computer science, philosophy, neuroscience, and related fields)

More recent interest in phonology, semantics, and pragmatics than in syntax.

More recent interest in language production than in

comprehension(not merely the reverses of comprehension) Considerable interest in the brain mechanism associated with language

Applications of psycholinguistic principles to society(reading, bilingualism, language disorders) llll
























