


1、What’s your (song,food,sport,fruite,toy,season,subject,animal…) 你最喜欢的……是?

My favorite color is…

2、What is your father?(What dose your father do?)


My father is a worker. (teacher doctor farmer solider driver police businessman)

3、What time do you go to school ,have lunch…)


I get up at 7 o’clock.

4、What size are your shoes?


My size of the shoes is 20.

5、What do you do at the weekend?


I often watch TV, and play computer game or go to Nanning.

6、What are you going to do for Sports Day?


I am going to take part in running.

7、What’s the weather like today?


It’s (Cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny, snowy, foggy, humid, wet, dry,)

8、How do you go to school?


I go to school by bike/on foot/ by bus/by car /by taxi

9、How many days are there in a week?


There are 7 days.

10、How many months are there in a year?


There are 12 months.

11、How many people are there in your family?


There are five people in my family. My father, mother, grandpa, grandma and me.

12、How old are you ?


I am 8.

13、How are you ?


I am great. I am happy. I am pretty good. I am super. I am cool. I am OK. I am bad.

14、How do you do ?


How do you do?

15、Where are you from?


I am from the beautiful Pingguo.


16. Good morning!(afternoon,evening)

17. How are you today? / Nice to meet you.

18. My name is ______.

19. What’s your name? Do you have an English name?

20. What’s your English name?

21. Can you spell it?

22. How old are you? / So how to spell____? (Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen)

23. What’s your hobby? / Do you like music/movie/sports/playing computer games?

24. What color is your coat/T-shirt/dress? Do you like _____?

25. What’s your favorite color? / Can you spell it? (Red, yellow, blue, green, orange)

26. Do you like animals? What’s your favorite animal? (Dog, cat, pig, fish, tiger, elephant, giraffe, whale, zebra, dinosaur)

27. What’s your favorite fruit? (Apple, banana, pear, grape, watermelon, pineapple)

28. What’s your favorite sport? (Swimming, basketball, football, table tennis)

29. What’s the weather like today? (Cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny, snowy, foggy, humid, wet, dry,)

30. Could you make a self-introduction? Could you tell me something about your family? 你能够做一下自我介绍吗? 你能够告诉我一些关于你的家庭的信息吗?

31. Do you like animals? What animal do you like?

32. Is it right to speak loudly on a bus? Why?

33. Is it good to play computer games for a long time? Why or why not?

34. How do you usually spend your Spring Festival?



当然,网上学习也存在着一些不尽完美之处,例如:课件点播质量受网络环境、在线人数等客观因素的影响较大;学员之间主要靠文字进行交流而缺乏互动;自己掌握学习进度容易过于冒进或拖拉等等。在网上学习,可以接触到更广泛的学习资源,还有各地的名师教学,且方便快捷,省去了去图书城找资料的烦恼和困惑,也没有了因为资料买的不适合自己或是其他问题而多花的冤枉钱。而且网上有许多志同道合的人,与来自各地的学子一起交流也是个不错的选择!但也有一定的缺陷。比如,网上学习的视频会因为网速问题带来的播放不顺畅会导致焦急的心情,学生在网上学习的同时可能利用这个时间去玩电脑上网什么的,会导致实际成果的不理想In online learning, can be exposed to a wider range of learning resources, there are all over the teacher teaching, and convenient, save to the city library to find information troubles and confusion, nor because the data did not buy their own or other problems and spend the money.And there are many like-minded people online, and from all the students together is a good choice!But there are some defects. For example, online learning video because the speed problem caused by the playback is not smooth can cause anxiety, students in online learning may use this time to play computer games on the Internet,Will lead to practical results are not ideal=====================================================================The lack of proper communicationCommunication is not a person to say, \Another person in the listening;Communication is the exchange of feedbackThe generation gap is because of the different ideas and different gap formation, changes of contemporary social development change rapidly alternating information faster, not all thinking people in time to keep up with the times and the action of synchronization, especially old age came to the old generation because of the age have no responsibility and body economic young family they tend to be no longer study or not self promotion. And a new generation of people on the contrary, on the adaptability of the times in the mental outlook and situation... Good idea generation gap to form.缺乏正确的沟通沟通不是一个人在说,\另一个人在听;沟通是有反馈的交流代沟的产生是因为所处时代的不同而形成思想观念的落差与不同,当代社会发展变化日新月异信息交替较快,不是所有人的思维都及时能够跟上时代的步履 与之同步,尤其是旧时代走过来的老一辈人 因为年龄大了 身体不再年轻 家庭的责任与经济的担负 他们普遍趋于不再学习或不再自我内心的提升..而新一代人恰好相反,对时代的适应性处于良好的精神面貌与态势...思想的代沟从

而形成。==========================================================================一般的岗位,注意:1、仪表整洁、利落,不要搞怪。2、要彬彬有礼,对方先在,要说“您好”,对方后进来,要起立说“您好”。3、自备一份简历,最好有照片,若能制作一份有关业绩说明的文件,最能留下深刻印象。比如,你起草的什么制度、方案、设计的图稿等等。机会留给有准备的人。The general post, pay attention to:1, tidy, neat, not funny.2, to be refined and courteous, each other in the first, say "hello", after the other to come in, to stand up and say "hello".3, prepare a resume, the best photo, if can make a performance that file, the most impressive. For example, you drafted what system, scheme, design drawings etc..Chance favors the prepared mind.=====================================================================任何事都是对立的,出国留学也是如此.总体来说,如果有能力,出国留学的优势还是大于劣势的.最重要的是学生可以接受到国外的先进教育,这一点可以在中国大学在世界上的排名看出来,国内的名校在世界排名并不是很高;出国留学可以锻炼学生的独立思考能力与独立解决问题的能力,这在以后的工作中非常重要;还可以开阔视野,增强知识面;增强与人交往的能力;自己支配金钱的能力;如果能够打些零工,对自己的帮助也是很大的。当然也有弊端,这主要看留学生自己本身的意志了。很多学生出国后经常逃课,疯狂购物等等,严重耽误学习以及浪费金钱,这些都与出国前的教育有关。留学时寂寞是也很不容易克服的;另外,现在出国留学的人员太多,有些国外的学校为了收钱,已经开始大批量招收中国留学生,这就对教学质量和教学环境产生巨大的影响;此外,回国后的就业问题最近也是争议很大,但有一点值得注意的是国外学校在学生的实习过程中要比国内的学校强很多,他们会使学生更多的接触到社会,这一点确实比国内做的好许多,所以同样的毕业生大多数企业还是会优先考虑留学生。好处:接受不同的教育风格吧,可以感受不同的环境。享受良好的教育,开拓视野。增强独立处理问题的能力。环境好的话,身体会好点。可能增加就业机会。弊端:花钱多,生活可能会没规律,语言可能有问题。生活费高。比较寂寞,没办法融入社会。回国就业可能专业不对口。如果没好好学,可能一辈子都不能毕业。Everything is opposite, study abroad is also true. In general, if has the ability, study abroad or outweigh the disadvantages.The most important is the advanced education, students can receive foreign; ability, studying abroad can exercise their independ

ent thinking and independent problem solving; can also broaden their horizons, enhance knowledge; enhance the ability of dealing with people;Disadvantages: expensive, life may not the law, language may be a problem. High cost of living. Lonely, no way to integrate into the community. To return to employment may not professional counterparts. If you don't learn, may never graduated.===================================================================好处是:1、不用出门,就可以购物,而且选择的范围很大。2、网购的东西比商场肯定是便宜的。3、如果你碰到好的卖家,还要以交到朋友,那可是全国各地的哦。坏处是:1、东西质量不一,就看你选择谁家的了。2、价格差距很大,多少钱都有,就看你是不是一个精明的买家了。3、东西寄到后,如果出现问题,处理起来可能会麻烦一点。好处是:便宜 品种样式多 省逛街 有网随时可以坏处:看不到实物 不太放心 , 买食品 担心变质 ,买衣服 不能试穿 尺寸难把握。。。但鞋子、衣服、家用等正规品牌还是可以放心购买的。The benefits are: 1, do not go out, you can shop, and a wide range of possibilities. 2, online shopping than store is certainly cheaper. 3, if you do good, but also to make friends, but that all parts of the country.The disadvantage is that: 1, quality is not a thing, can you choose one. 2, the price gap is very big, how much money you have, is it right? A savvy buyer. 3, what to send, if there is a problem, deal with it may be a bit of trouble.Advantages: cheap variety, shopping nets readyThe bad: no real not assured, buy food that metamorphism, buy clothes can't try on size difficult to grasp...==========================================================================I believe success is the realization of people's hopes and ideals.Nowadays,in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of them are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last?Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people's hopes and ideals.====================================================================================心态,仪容,简历,选择求职渠道(人才市场或者人才网),目标职位心态很关键,有可能找几个星期都找不到的仪容是给面试官的第一印象,蓬头垢面,穿拖鞋,短裤,背心,穿耳,染发的赶紧改变,女性除外简历是面试官了解你最直接的方法,要学会如何营销自己,简

历封面可免即免,内容是关键,刚毕业的话,学过的课程要写,工作(实习)经历要写详细掌握什么技能一个都不能少,(用熟悉,熟练,精通来区分,技术性专业才需要区分)。求职渠道一般都是人才市场+人才网双管齐下,面试机会多的话,被录用的几率也更高目标职位,明确知道自己想找什么类型的工作,没有目标就去找工作,会越找越迷茫,不知道找什么工作好首先你要了解一下目前的就业市场,结合自己的实际情况,确定一下自己的求职目标(行业,地域,企业性质,职位)。然后根据求职目标准备简历,如果求职目标比较多的话,建议你多准备几份不同的简历,并不是说准备假的,而是根据你自己的求职目标以及对方公司可能的求职要求,准备几份针对的,分别突出一些对方可能比较关注的地方。对自己的求职目标有所了解,以备面试用(也可能是电话口试),即相关的薪水,岗位要求等。如果是外企还要准备英语口试可能问的问题。Mentality, grooming, resume, selecting a channel (talent market or talent network), the target positionMentality is the key, it is possible to find a few weeks are not foundAppearance is the first impression to the interviewer, with dishevelled hair and a dirty face, wear slippers, shorts, vest, body piercing, hair coloring of change, except for womenThe interviewer to understand your resume is the most direct method, to learn how to market themselves, resume cover can exemption, content is the key, just graduated, learned to write, work experience (Internship) to write detailedMaster the skills one less, (with the familiar, skilled, proficient to distinguish, technical professional needs to distinguish).Job channels are generally the talent market + talent net work along both lines, the opportunity to interview many words, being more chancesThe target position, know what you want and what type of work, no goal is to find a job, will find more confused, do not know what good work the first thing you should know about the current job market, combined with their own actual situation, determine what their career goals (industry, region, enterprise nature, position).Then according to the objective of resume preparation, if the objective is more words, I suggest you prepare several different resumes, not to say are false, but according to your own job target and the other company may job requirements, prepare a few to highlight some other possible, respectively, more concerned about the place.To understand their career goals, to face trial (may also be a phone interview), that is related to salary, job requirements. If it is foreign to the English oral test may ask the question.



















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