篇一 :black beauty读后感

Judge the world as a horse

---book review on Black Beauty To be frank, although I grew up in the village, I hardly pay much attention on animals. And it was taken for granted that they are just creatures without mind in the mercy of our human beings. Never have I had the chance to learn about horses till I come upon with Black Beauty. After finishing reading the novel, I am deeply impressed by the author’s elaborate description of horses’ nature and behavior. How could a grace lady like Anna Sewell seem like a senor groom who knows exactly horses’ feelings? And I am also ashamed of my innocence and prejudice to animals. The book is far more meaningful in calling up people of all ages to respect animals and take good care of them than just entertaining the child as some critics defied it as children’s classic. The author personified these horses and presented the world in the horse Black Beauty’s eyes in his lifelong experience. Truth is told in the horse’s various daily experiences with different kinds of masters and grooms. However, being well taken care of or suffering miserable overuse, Black Beauty as the inferior creature, is powerless to revolt. So what matters is humans’ consciousness and morality.

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篇二 :black beauty 读后感


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篇三 :黑骏马black beuaty读后感

<Black beauty>读书笔记

1870年,安娜-塞维尔坐在伦敦郊区的家中。微笑的写完最后一个单词,然后合上了自己的笔记本,她重病六年了,苍白的面色和有气无力的声音让她显得弱不禁风。但是此刻,她的眼睛却散发着熠熠的光芒。或许她自己都不会想到,她刚刚完成的这篇中篇小说Black Beauty(中文名译作《黑骏马》)会在十九世纪下半叶的欧洲文坛产生那么大的轰动。这是她的唯一一部作品,却足以让她在欧洲文学史上占有自己的一席之地。这本书自出版以来已经售出了3000多万本,并且在以后数次改编为电影。


黑骏马的一生是在幸福和痛苦的交替中度过的,虽然在最初的主人家中他受尽优待,但是依旧生过重病,还经历了火灾。其后更是接触了形形色色的主人:有动辄就喝酒鞭打他的马夫,还有对他无度实 1


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篇四 :Beauty读后感


读完Susan Sontag所写的《Beauty》后,我感觉获益良多,重新思考了女性与美这两者之间的关系,同时也对此有了更深入的认识。






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篇五 :Black Beauty

Black Beauty

This winter holiday, I read the book named “Black Beauty”. “Black Beauty” was writing by Anna Sewell, who came from England. She spent 6 years on writing this book, although she was seriously sick at that time. Anna Swell was critical of mistreating the animals, so she wrote the book in order to pursued people to be kind to animals. Black Beauty was the only book that was wrote by Anna Swell.

Black Beauty tells us a story of black horse, its name is Beauty. There are 13 chapters in the book.

The chapter 1-3 mainly tells that the background of this story. Beauty’ mother was a kind horse, her name is Duchess. Then it tells the first home of Beauty and her mother, the Berwick Park, and a friend of Beauty named Ginger.

The chapter 4-6 tells one of the masters of the Beauty, a sad story of his friend named Merrylegs, and a bad experience of him in a heavy rainy night, because he was injured because of the heavy rain.

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篇六 :黑骏马读后感

Black Beauty

Black Beauty is a very interesting book written by British writer Anna Sewell. After reading the book, I was filled with emotion. In the book Anna told a story about a horse, whose name was Black Beauty.

Black Beauty was born in a stable owned by a kind farmer. He had a pure blood-relation, and was black all over, with the only exception of his right foot and a small mark on his forehead in the shape of the star. He also had all kinds of noble characters:loyalty, courage, resourcefulness, perseverance, kindness, and so on. Anyway, he was a rare perfect horse.

However, Black Beauty was ill-fated. He once encountered a kind master and experienced the happiest time in his life. Unfortunately, after he had been an adult, he started to be sold to different people, when his miserable life began. Since then, he was misused, was worn short reins and made friends with Ginger. He saved a master who had taken good care of him, but was racked by another brutal one. Luckily, he survived at last and had a good destination.

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篇七 :象人读后感

Before I search on the internet, I really can not understand what the meaning about this story.It began in a little black and gray,it described a person looked like a elephant and was treated unequally. People around him always hated him,including his mom,she abandoned him when he was very young. His appearance looked terrible for everyone. And the first time when doctor saw him,all of him was filled with depressed and sadness. People around him all laughed at him,even more threw stones to him. Because of his terrific appearance,he was caught by the police,blamed by the neighboring,hated by the children,refused by the women. He can write and sing,but nobody hired him. Although through the doctor’s help,he become more happier than before and he can also chatted with others and had fun with others. What’s more,the Queen Alexandra,the queen of England came to see and talked with him.

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篇八 :美国丽人 观后感 American Beauty

赵矜矜 09级翻译一班 0940501007

American Beauty

When I surf the Internet, I get some information about American Beauty. The American Beauty is said to be the name of a red rose. We often regard red as the presentence of desire and enthusiasm. Here, I think this film reveals the desire in the human beings’ deep heart, just as the name of the film.

American Beauty is a black comedy which full of social problems-the middle class, cheating, drugs, homosexuality, peep and Lolita relationship .This film that got the 72th Academy Awards in 1999 sharp reveals American daily life .It uses a typical American middle-class family as an example ,demonstrates all kinds of "cancer" hidden in American society. It reflects the whole American society, every

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