




具体来说,一是电力建设实现了跨越式发展。截至20xx年底,全国发电装机总容量达10.6亿千瓦,同比增长9.3%;年发电量达4.72 万亿千瓦时,同比增长11.9%;220 千伏及以上输电线路回路长度达48 万公里,同比增长7.9%;变电容量达22 亿千伏安,同比增长10.5%。我国发电量和电网规模已居世界第一位。

二是转变发展方式进展明显。电力能源结构逐步优化,30 万千瓦以上火电机组占火电装机容量比重超过70%,百万千瓦级超超临界机组建成投产38 台。新能源和可再生能源快速发展,水电装机2.3 亿千瓦,年发电量6900 亿千瓦时。风电并网运行规

模超过4500 万千瓦,均居世界第一。核电已投运装机1191 万千瓦,在建规模占世界40%以上。


四是电力节能降耗成效明显,火电供电标准煤耗为330 克/千瓦时,比20xx年下降11%,达到世界先进水平,烟气脱硫机组占燃煤总装机容量的89%,单位火电发电量二氧化硫排放比20xx年减少了60%以上,煤泥、煤矸石综合利用发电装机达2600 万千瓦,比20xx年增长约3 倍。















機密性文件:僅提供Interush聯盟會員閱覽 請勿外流



20xx年x月,Interush在日本、台灣及香港的發表會上,向各位介紹了我們的投資銀行B. Riley (B. Riley & Co., LLC) 公司的執行董事Paul Donnelly先生。在演說中,Donnelly先生概述了在美國申請上市的公司,皆必須執行的基本步驟。



B. Riley公司已接洽數家機構投資人,並安排了數場三方會議,與會成員包括機構投資人、

B. Riley代表和我本人,也就是Interush執行長Martin Matthews。

以上步驟成功完成之後,我們將慎選一個各方面考量皆最適宜的時機,進行上市作業。我們考量的條件包括所需花費的時間與成本、交易市場的選擇及投資市場的狀態。同時,我們的審計公司,也是擁有合格執照的McGladrey (McGladrey & Pullen LLP) 會計師事務所,也不斷進行公司三年的財務審計作業。前兩年的美國審計作業是最花時間的部分,目前這個部分已完成了百分之98,亦將於近期內完成。待前兩年之審計作業完成後,McGladrey將立刻進入20xx年的財務審計作業。目前Interush的母公司、Interush全球分公司,及我們的稅務顧問,都已結算這部分的財務報表。這個階段將照我們在20xx年x月所公布的預計時間去完成。

除此之外,全球知名的法律顧問公司-K&L Gates (K&L Gates LLP) 律師事務所,也在我們的上市進程中扮演重要的角色。其專業團隊深知國際市場上市公司的組織架構,我們將採納其建議,重組公司股份架構。

在K&L Gates公司的計畫當中,Interush控股公司 (Interush Holdings Ltd.) 將重組架構,將股份分配給員工與投資組織,根據其在職服務年數與投資內容。股份包括分配給執行長的



Interush和美國銀行( Bank of America )擁有良好的企業合作關係,我們更無任何企業貸款。Interush在近期亦通過了萬事達卡公司的審核,針對香港及中國區聯盟會員推出Interush萬事達聯名借記卡。我們與世界知名集團萬事達卡之間的企業合作關係,也使得Interush在世界各地都能接受包括Visa、萬事達卡、美國運通卡等信用卡及借記卡的付款。



祝 安祺

Interush Inc.

Martin J. Matthews,

President, CEO and Chairman



Annual Update Report to Affiliates about the Interush Public


CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: For Interush Affiliates Only

It is the time for the Annual Interush Seminars that are held each September in Japan. At this time, we would like to update all Affiliates on the progress of the Interush public listing. The public listing should be of great interest to all Affiliates as it is expected to bring the next very important stage of development to Interush. This will also be important for those who remain qualified to participate in the company’s Phantom Stock Option Bonus

Program, for Phase One and Phase Two which had been previously closed. We trust that this Annual Update which is providing information in as much detail as permitted, will help you understand that our public listing process is moving forward smoothly and as planned. Please understand that, due to the time this would require and also the legal reasons of not promoting the purchase of a public stock before American Securities and Exchange Commission formal review and approval, we are not able to respond to each inquiry individually.

Last September 20xx, Interush introduced Paul Donnelly, Managing Director of B. Riley& Co., LLC, our Investment Banker in the seminars held in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. At this introduction, Mr. Donnelly outlined the basic steps which all companies are

required to follow to become publicly listed in the USA, and he confirmed and announced that this process was already well underway with Interush. Mr. Donnelly advised in his presentation that this would likely be an 18 to 24 months process. At this time, we continue to expect to be on this schedule, unless there are any outside influences that could potentially cause a delay .

Currently, Interush is proceeding with the strategy advised by our Investment Banker, B. Riley & Co, which is used by the majority of companies who become publicly listed. We are planning to secure an initial minority investment from an Institutional Investor as the first step, to help increase credibility in the company by a well-respected financial firm that has conducted their own due diligence. This step is already underway and B. Riley & Co. has already approached several Institutional Investors who have subsequently met with B. Riley and also me, Interush CEO, Martin Matthews.

Following a successful closing of the above, we will proceed with the public listing through the best possible means at that date, considering various factors such as the time and cost requirements, choice of preferred stock exchange, and investment community

conditions. Also, our auditing firm McGladrey & Pullen LLP, Certified Public Accountants, have been working on the three years of financial audit. The first two years USA audits were the most time consuming and are now about 98% complete, and should be very finalized very soon. Immediately following the completion of this, McGladrey & Pullen LLP will proceed with the audit of 20xx fiscal year, now that the holding company, all

subsidiaries and our tax advisors have closed all these records as well. The timing of this is all within the schedule announced in September 20xx.

Additionally, K+L Gates LLP, one of the world’s most respected legal firms, also plays important roles in our public listing process. Working with their experts in the structure of

public international companies, we are working on the planned restructuring for share ownership in the public market.

Going forward with the plans developed by K+L Gates, Interush Holdings Ltd. is being restructured to accommodate all the groups and individuals who are entitled to shares through their years of service or investment. This includes shares for the Chief Executive Officer who will become the largest individual shareholder; plus shares allocated for our Corporate Staff and key Advisors in USA, Taiwan and Hong Kong; and of course, for the Institutional Investors and the Public Market Shareholders. And most importantly, please note that Interush will secure sufficient funds from the public offering, in order to payout the Phantom Stock Option Bonus for all the qualified Interush Affiliates.

Worldwide revenue for Interush Group in 20xx grew to exceed $85 million USD, and we are projecting revenues of close to $100 million USD in 20xx. Interush currently has about 20 staff members in the USA; plus 50 in Taiwan; and 12 in Hong Kong; for a total of over 80 full-time staff members and we are continuing to expand our support teams. Interush has a very positive and well-established business relationship with Bank of America and has absolutely no corporate debt. Interush was also recently reviewed and approved by Master Card to offer a co-branded debit card for the Hong Kong and China market. These expanding relationships have also allowed Interush to accept credit and debit card payments worldwide, including Japan, through Visa, Master Card, and

American Express. This has also allowed Interush to become more efficient through an advanced business e-Commerce transaction system to accommodate the increasing usage of debit card in Japanese market.

Interush recognizes that as we have grown, we have attracted the attention of various groups who wish to profit by attempting to undermine our success. In response to the

misinformation and conjecture often suggested by outsiders with their self-serving interest, Interush will become much more proactive in our communications to our Affiliates and also more proactive in our Public Relations activities to the regulatory, business and consumer markets. While the company has extensive plans developed to expand our Affiliate network and our Consumer Business, please understand that we are unable to elaborate on these specific details until after the prospectus for the public listing is released.

Interush Management would like to encourage all Affiliate to continue to provide close attention to all the business developments underway to accelerate the company’s growth through the update and expansion of our core IRIS Application Suite, new consumer websites and the introduction of our new e-Commerce program for worldwide consumer markets.

Interush Inc. Martin J. Matthews,

President, CEO and Chairman

Safe Harbor Statement The information presented on this Annual Update Report to Affiliates may contain predictions, estimates or other information considered to be forward-looking statements. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment on what the future holds, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. You are

cautioned not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements which reflect our opinions only as of the date of this report. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact should be considered forward looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause Interush's actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward looking statements. Interush disclaims any obligation to update any forward looking statement.

























