



As we all know, interpersonal relationship , is a basic concept of sociology , its meaning is between people , the process of interaction , through the thoughts , feelings , behavior of mutual exchange and interaction generated. People as social animals , even with a more tenacious survival skills , cannot have more development , because he is a man in combat. We are a group of people in the struggle. Interpersonal relationship provides the basis for learning practical abilities. Our learning relys on interpersonal relationships because teaching and being taught is a typical interpersonal relationship itself. Meanwhile , it can promote the improvement of people’s pratical abilities.

自由辩论中问题:If a boss do not have good interpersonal relationships , how can he unite his employees and develop his career?


To sum up, we insist our opinion that interpersonal

relationship is more important . People embark on a new career relying on great opportunity , material and spiritual help offered by others. These all depend on your interpersonal relationgships. Good interpersonal relationship can make

people have high spirits, much more confidence, and have optimistic attitude to career. Along with the expansion of information , people’s insatiable appetite for owing and using all kinds of information are continually growing. Through interpersonal communication, we can exchange information and results with each other, by which way we will enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and have active thinking and inspired ideas. People’s active thinking and tentative ideas need very strong interpersonal communication to get approved and promoted during their career. In general, most people with good interpersonal can maintain a cheerful disposition and an enthusiasm optimistic quality to understand and treat a variety of practical problems correctly and settle the arguments in career . Conversely, without positive

interpersonal relationships, we can not correctly treat ourselves and others, and become narrow-minded and

short-sighted. It may also lead to failures in career. Because most work need relationship is the protection of people’s success. Many people have high IQ, while their EQ is very low, who do not know how to get along or communicate with others, which is nowadays the most valued business recruitment ability and quality. Morever , interpersonal relationships take

decisive role in one’s career final success. We can see that Liu Bang gained a lot from interpersonal relationships which contributes to his huge success in history. Nowadays , interpersonal relationship is more important while team spirit is held in esteem. At last, let me repeat our opinion: interpersonal relationship is more important than one’s practical ability to a successful career.

Interpersonal relationship or practical ability ability

I am third debater Dai yue

Answer zhang Nan:

Firstly, I agree with the opposite debater’s partial opinion. Certainly, it is right that nowadays society is cooperative. Secondly, however, many people who work together base on everyone’s practical ability. Only in this way, can people who have practical ability make a difference in what they are looking forward to. Thirdly, even though people cooperate by their interpersonal relationship, they can not reach their goals when anyone of them has no practical ability. Have you heard the bucket theory? A bucket of water lies on the shortest board. Fourthly, meanwhile, I think practical ability include the interpersonal relationship. Dealing with others and having good interpersonal relationship show a practical ability. In a word, I think practical ability is more important.

Answer Wang liping:

Ok, in a company, maybe that person can not get along with other workers; they will not work with him. However, usually everyone’s work task is different from others. Even though that person has good interpersonal relationship, he can not make use of it to complete his own work task. He must do his work by himself with his practical ability.

Answer li cang:

Yes, Newton said that, but in fact, what he wanted to express is that he looked further than others because he studied older generation’s knowledge and theory. What’s more, pay attention, the older had been dead. I do not think that Newton had a good relationship with them. Likewise, now, we study Newton’s theory, but we do not know him. We can not shake hands with him. We do not get along with him. He is far away from us. Because Newton studied great man’s knowledge with his own practical ability, he can succeed.

Ask li cang:

As we all know, liu bei, zhang fei and guan yu are sworn bothers. Zhang fei and guan yu are helpful to liu bei to build shu. But if liu bei has no practical ability, zhang fei and guan yu who are brilliant would not help him. What do you think?

Answer zhang Nan:

If a person has no good interpersonal relationship, maybe it will influence the practical ability to bring into play. Good interpersonal relationship can give one person a stage, but if that person has no ability, he can not show a good perform. So the practical ability is more important.

Ask zhang Nan:

Mr. Jobs who is Apple CEO said stay hungry, stay foolish. In fact, he stays hungry to own practical ability. Because of this, now we can use iphone and other high technological products. What do you think, my dear opponent?



题目:男生和女生之间有纯洁的友谊。The pure friendship exit in boys and girls.

辩手一:俗话说“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”、“多一个朋友多一条路”,这些都在阐明友谊对一个人的发展发挥着巨大的作用,当然友谊不仅仅限制于同性之间,自古就有“红颜知己”、“蓝颜知己”、“莫逆之交”“忘年之交”,可以看出友谊的跨度之大,范围之广,更何况在更加多元、开放的现代社会呢?As the saying goes ,parents can help us in home,so does friends out home.one friend stand for a chance .All these tell the trues that same sex play an imporent role for development ourselves.Of course,it not only happen in samesex,there are ( ) ,( ),close friend ,friends between generation ,we can find its scope ,field is so broad, even in more pluralistic ,opend morden society ?

之所以一些人简单地认为没有,我认为是他们的预设或行动越过了友谊的界限,将奉献变为占有,将沟通变为投机,所以要想建立真正的友谊关键要端正态度,遏制贪欲,用宽广的胸襟拥抱友谊,我们要做的就是把握好这一火候。Some peole think it is not exist simplely, I think theire expect ,behaviour beyond the line of friendship . make sacrificial became occupy,communication became speculation , so if hope achieve pure friendship,we need to only to correct attitude,contain avarice,embrance friendship by broad mind and grasp the balance point . 

辩手二:按照逻辑原理,若否定一个命题,只需提供一个命题的反例即可。很明显,这样的例子是十分常见的。例如:苗可秀与李小龙,成龙和金喜善,蔡依林与罗志祥,章子怡与苏毅。According to logical principle ,if negate subject ,we need to only provide a opposite subject .Obvious, there are many example , for example,

另外对方还犯了一个“绝对化的错误”,因为任何绝对化都是一个伪命题,绝对的事情事实上是根本不存在的。Otherside, the opposite party make a mistake about absolute ,because any absolute thing all is a false subject , in fact absolute things is not exist.

辩手三:从心理学方面看,认为男女之间不存在纯洁友谊的人,多是因为封闭、自私与恐惧,内心常常保持高度警惕,并通过拒绝真诚的交流来维持安全感,相反那些自信且乐观的人,通过信任与坦诚更易建立起开放包容的心态并享受友谊带来的快乐。In psychological side, thoese people who think pure friendship is not exist,often display close ,selfish, horrible, keep height vigilant and refuse sinceres communication to maintain the sense of safe .Instend, these people who possess character of selfconfidience, optimistic ,build opend mind by trust and enjoy happy.


      The development of social  provid advantageous condition. First,the diverse of occupation, the update of concept ,the contact from people to people ,became frequent , the strict traditional sex consciousness also thaw, people gather because works contact . Pure friendship is build in the middle of cooperate, help each other .Secondly, developed communication web , diverse interest lead to produce some communication organization, like club. These people build trust ,so friendship is build more easily. Of course it include opposite sex . Next ,because the difference of sex , they possess huge complement in emotional and psychological. In fact, one party accept the other party more easily . Last ,the opposite parety can not comprehension its intention and difference between friendship and love , friendship main display comprehention and help ,love main display rely and occupy.

辩手五:综上所述,异性之间纯粹的友谊是肯定存在的,也是人类自身发展进程中所必须的。随着现代文明的发展,不仅在观念上引导同时也为之提供了客观的条件,从实际效果看,纯洁的异性友谊呈现出规模与数量的同时上升。To sum up, the pure freidentship must be exist in opposite sex people ,also is essentitals in human developing process with morden civilizations development ,not only lead in conscious ,but also provide objective condition . In fact, pure oppositesex friendship have huge rise in scale and quantity.

















辩论赛主持稿 英文版







