


billowy adj rising or moving like waves 如波涛汹涌的.


bright adj (-er, -est)

1 giving out or reflecting much light; shining 发光的; 反光的; 明亮的: bright sunshine 灿烂的阳光 *| bright eyes 明亮的眼睛 *| Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy with bright periods. 明天的天气多云、间中有阳光

2 (of a colour) intense; bold; vivid (指颜色)鲜艳的, 鲜明的, 醒目的: a bright blue dress 宝蓝色的连衣裙 *| The leaves on the trees are bright green in spring. 春天树上的叶子是翠绿的

brilliant adj very bright; sparkling 非常明亮的; 光辉夺目的: brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光 *| a brilliant diamond 耀眼的钻石 *| a sky of brilliant blue 蔚蓝色的天空.

ashen adj like ashes in colour; very pale 灰色的; 苍白的: She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced. 她听到这一悲惨消息, 脸都白了.

ashy adj of or like ashes; covered with ashes 灰的; 像灰的; 覆盖著灰的: His face was ashy grey. 他面如土色.

auburn adj (esp of hair) reddish-brown (尤指毛发)红褐色的.

azure n [U], adj bright blue, as of the sky 天蓝色(的); 浅蓝色(的); 蔚蓝色(的): a lake reflecting the azure of the sky 反射著蔚蓝色天空的湖面 *| a dress of azure silk 天蓝色的丝绸连衣裙.

bluish adj tending towards blue; fairly blue 接近蓝色的; 浅蓝的: eyes of bluish green 绿中透蓝的眼睛.

bay n, adj (horse) of a reddish-brown colour 红棕色的(马): riding a big bay (mare) 骑著红棕色的大(母)马.

beige adj, n [U] (of a) very light yellowish brown 米黄色(的): a beige carpet 米色地毯.

bilious adj of a sickly yellowish colour (similar to bile) 黄疸颜色的: a bilious (shade of) green 黄绿色.

blood-red adj having the colour of blood; bright red 血红色的; 鲜红的: Her finger-nails were blood-red. 她指甲鲜红. *| ,blood-red `nails 鲜红的指甲.

brassy adj (-ier, -iest) like brass in colour 黄铜色的


brindled adj (esp of cows, dogs and cats) brown with streaks of another colour (尤指牛、狗、猫)棕色的并夹杂其他颜色之斑纹的.


brassy adj (-ier, -iest) like a brass musical instrument in sound; harsh; blaring 声如铜管乐器的; 刺耳的; 嘹亮的

brazen adj

(a) made of brass; like brass 黄铜制的; 黄铜般的

(b) having a harsh brassy sound 声音响亮刺耳的: the brazen notes of a trumpet 喇叭的响亮的声音.

breathy adj (-ier, -iest) (of the voice) with a noticeable sound of breathing (指嗓音)带有明显呼吸声音的.

brittle adj (of a sound) unpleasantly hard and sharp (指声音)尖利的: a brittle laugh 尖利的笑声 *| The orchestra was brittle in tone. 管弦乐队演奏的曲调尖利刺耳


balmy adj (-ier, -iest) fragrant and soothing; like balm 芳香的; 能止痛的; 如香脂的.

beery adj like or smelling of beer 似啤酒的; 啤酒味的: a beery taste, smell 啤酒的味道、气味 *| beery men 身上有啤酒味的人.

bland adj (-er, -est) (sometimes derog 有时作贬义) (of food) not rich or stimulating; very mild in flavour; tasteless (指食物)不油腻的, 无刺激性的, 清淡的, 无味的: He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡, 只能吃无刺激性的食物. *| This cheese is rather bland. 这乾酪没什麽味道.

brackish adj (of water) slightly salty (指水)略咸的.

briny adj salty 咸的. the briny n [sing] (dated joc 旧, 谑) the sea 海: take a dip in the briny 到海里小游片刻.



artful adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of things or actions) cleverly made or contrived (指事物或行动)巧妙作出或设计的: an artful deception, trick, etc 骗局, 诡计 *| an artful little gadget for opening tins 小巧玲珑的开罐头工具.

artistic adj done with skill and good taste; beautiful 有艺术技巧的; 有美感的: The decor is so artistic. 全部装饰很有艺术性.

assorted adj of different sorts; mixed 各种各样的; 混杂的; 什锦的: a tin of assorted biscuits 一罐什锦饼乾.

awkward adj badly designed; difficult to use 设计不当的; 使用不便的; 别扭的: The handle of this teapot has an awkward shape. 这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭. *| It's an awkward door you have to bend down to go through it. 这扇门很不方便--得弯著腰才能过去.


abortive adj coming to nothing; unsuccessful 落空的; 失败的: an abortive attempt, coup, mission 落空的尝试, 政变, 任务 *| plans that proved abortive 终归失败了的计划.


attainable adj that can be attained 可获得; 可达到的; 可实现的: These objectives are certainly attainable. 这些目标一定可以达到.

airy-fairy adj (infml derog 口, 贬) not practical or realistic 不实际的; 不现实的: airy-fairy notions 异想天开的想法 *| The scheme seems a bit airy-fairy to me. 这个计划我看有些不著边际.

arguable adj

1 that can be argued or asserted 可论证的; 可断言的: It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff. 我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的.

2 not certain; questionable 可疑的; 有问题的: This account contains many arguable statements. 这种说法含有很多疑点.

absurd adj

1 unreasonable; not sensible 不合理的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的: What an absurd suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议! *| It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. 你竟提出这种事, 真荒唐.

2 foolish in a funny way; ridiculous 愚蠢得可笑的; 怪诞不经的: That uniform makes them look absurd. 他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的.

alleged adj [attrib 作定语] stated without being proved (未经证实而)陈述的: the alleged culprit, ie the person said to be the culprit 被控的疑犯.


abstract adj

1 existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence 抽象的: We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract. 我们尽可谈论美的事物, 然而美本身却是抽象的. *| He has some abstract (ie vague, impractical) notion of wanting to change the world. 他有一种要改造世界的空想.

2 (of art) not representing objects in a realistic way but expressing the artist's ideas and feelings about certain aspects of them (指艺术)抽象派的: an abstract painting, painter 抽象画, 抽象派画家.

Cf 参看 concrete1 1.

abstruse adj difficult to understand 难解的; 深奥的.

abstrusely adv. abstruseness


boggy adj (of land) soft and wet (指土地)软而湿的: boggy ground, moorland, etc 软而湿的地面、高沼地等.

amorphous adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] having no definite shape or form; not organized 无定形的; 无组织的; 杂乱的: amorphous blobs of paint 乱七八糟的颜料 *| an amorphous collection of jumpers and socks 一堆套头毛衣和袜子.

battered adj out of shape because of age, regular use or frequent accidents 由于年久、经常使用或事故频仍等原因而走样的: a battered old hat 一顶破旧不堪的帽子 *| Your car looks rather battered. 你的汽车看上去破破烂烂的.

bedraggled (also draggled) adj made wet or dirty by rain, mud, etc; untidy (被雨、泥等)弄湿或弄脏的; 不整齐的: bedraggled appearance, clothes, hair 邋遢的样子、衣服、头发 *| The tents looked very bedraggled after the storm. 暴风雨过後帐篷又湿又脏.

bleak adj (-er, -est) (of a landscape) bare; exposed; wind-swept (指景物)荒凉的, 裸露的, 光秃秃的: bleak hills, mountains, moors, etc 荒凉的丘陵、群山、旷野等.

bloated adj swollen with fat, gas or liquid (因含脂肪、气体或液体)肿胀的: a bloated face 臃肿的脸 *| I've had so much to eat I feel absolutely bloated. 我吃得过多, 肚子胀得不得了. *| (fig 比喻) bloated with pride 骄傲自大的.


beat-up adj (infml 口 esp US) worn out; battered 穿破的; 用坏的: a beat-up old car 破旧的汽车

balanced adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] keeping or showing a balance 保持平衡的; 显示平衡的: a balanced state of mind, ie a stable one, in which no single emotion is too strong 内心的平衡(无过激情绪的稳定心态) *| a balanced decision, ie one reached after comparing all the arguments 折衷的决定(比较所有意见之後作出的决定) *| a balanced diet, ie one with the quantity and variety of food needed for good health 均衡饮食(按照增进健康所需之食物数量及品种进行调配的饮食)

asymmetric (also asymmetrical ) adj not having parts that correspond to each other in size, shape, etc; lacking symmetry 不对称的: Most people's faces are asymmetrical. 多数人的脸并不对称.

awry adj [pred 作表语] crooked 扭曲; 歪; 斜: Her clothes were all awry. 她的衣服全都歪歪扭扭的.

bald adj without the expected covering 缺少应有的覆盖物的: Our dog has a bald patch (ie a patch with no hair) on its leg. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块. *| bald (ie badly worn) tyres 光秃的(严重磨损的)轮胎 *| (fig 比喻) a bald landscape, ie one with no trees, bushes, etc 光秃秃的景象(没有树木等).

bare adj (-r, -st)

(a) without clothing 裸露的: bare legs 光腿 *| bare to the waist, ie wearing no clothes above the waist 裸露上身.

(b) without the usual covering or protection 缺少遮盖的; 没有保护的: bare floors, ie without carpets, rugs, etc 光地板(无地毯等的) *| a bare hillside, ie one without shrubs or trees 光秃的山坡(没有树木的山坡) *| trees that are already bare, ie that have already lost their leaves 光秃了的树木(树叶已落光的) *| with his head bare, ie not wearing a hat 他光著头(未戴帽) *| with one's bare hands, ie without tools or weapons 赤手(未带工具或武器).

beat-up adj (infml 口 esp US) worn out; battered 穿破的; 用坏的: a ,beat-up old car 破旧的汽车.

bejewelled (US bejeweled) adj decorated or adorned with jewels 饰以珠宝的.

bespangled adj [pred 作表语] ~ (with sth) decorated with (things that shine or sparkle) 用(亮晶晶的东西)装饰: a sky bespangled with stars 闪烁著繁星的天空.

bespattered adj [pred 作表语] ~ (with sth) covered with (spots of dirt, etc) (被泥点等)溅污: Her clothes were bespattered with mud. 她的衣服溅上了泥污.

blood-stained adj stained with blood 有血污的: a blood-stained shirt 沾有血迹的衬衫.


bloody adj (-ier, -iest) covered with blood; bleeding 血染的; 出血的: His clothes were torn and bloody. 他的衣服撕破了并染有血迹. *| give sb a bloody nose, ie hit sb's nose so that it bleeds 把某人打得鼻孔流血.

blotched, blotchy adjs covered in blotches 有大块大块斑点的: blotchy skin 有大块斑点的皮肤.

bold adj (-er, -est) clearly visible; distinct; striking; vivid 显而易见的; 轮廓清楚的; 突出的; 生动的: the bold outline of a mountain against the sky 天空衬托出山的清楚轮廓 *| bold, legible handwriting 醒目而清楚的字体 *| She paints with bold strokes of the brush. 她用雄健有力的笔触绘画.

bushy adj (-ier, -iest) covered with bushes 长满灌木的


abrasive adj that scrapes or rubs sth away; rough 有研磨作用的; 粗糙的: abrasive substances, surfaces, materials 研磨剂, 研磨面, 研磨材料.

all-purpose adj having many different uses 有多种用途的; 通用的: an all-purpose workroom 通用工作室.

blunt adj (-er, -est) without a sharp edge or a point 不锋利的; 不尖的; 钝的: a blunt knife, razor-blade, saw, pencil, etc 钝的小刀、不锋利的刀片、不快的锯、秃的铅笔等.


bouncy adj (-ier, -iest) (of a ball) able to bounce (指球)有弹性的.

battered adj out of shape because of age, regular use or frequent accidents 由于年久、经常使用或事故频仍等原因而走样的: a battered old hat 一顶破旧不堪的帽子 *| Your car looks rather battered. 你的汽车看上去破破烂烂的.

abrupt adj (of a slope) very steep (指斜坡)陡峭的.

bendy adj (infml 口)

(a) having many bends; winding 弯弯曲曲的; 迂回曲折的: a bendy road 弯弯曲曲的道路.

(b) that can be bent easily; flexible 易弯曲的; 柔性的: bendy material 柔性材料 *| a bendy twig 易弯曲的嫩枝.


acidic adj of or like an acid 酸性的; 酸味的.

acid adj

1.having a bitter sharp taste; sour 酸味的; 酸的: A lemon is an acid fruit. 柠檬是一种酸的水果. *| Vinegar has an acid taste. 醋有酸味.

2 (chemistry 化) having the essential properties of an acid 酸性的.

acidulous adj rather sharp or bitter in taste or manner (味)酸的;

acidulated adj made slightly acid 带酸味的; 微酸的.

acoustic adj

1 (a) of sound or the sense of hearing 声音的; 听觉的.

(b) of acoustics 传音效果的; 声学的.

2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of a musical instrument) not electric (指乐器)原声的(不是电的): an acoustic guitar 原声吉他.

acrid adj having a strongly bitter smell or taste 呛人的; 辛辣的; 苦的: acrid fumes from burning rubber 燃烧橡胶的刺鼻浓烟 *| Vinegar smells acrid. 醋味呛人.

aromatic adj having a pleasant, distinctive smell; fragrant 芳香的; 有香味的: aromatic spices 香料.

adherent adj ~ (to sth) sticking; adhering 粘著的; 附著的: an adherent surface 粘著面.

adhesive adj that can adhere; causing things to adhere; sticky 可粘著的; 黏性的: adhesive side of a stamp 邮票[印花]有胶黏的一面 *| adhesive tape/plaster 黏胶带


adjacent / E5dVeIsnt; E`dVesnt/ adj ~ (to sth) situated near or next to sth; close or touching 与某物邻近的; 毗连的; 接近的; 相接触的: We work in adjacent rooms. 我们在邻接的房间 工作. *| My room is adjacent to his. 我的房间与他的相连接.


adj that can be adjusted 可调节的; 可调整的: adjustable seat-belts 可调节的座位安全带.

air-cooled adj cooled by a current of air 空气冷却的: an air-cooled engine 空气冷却的发动机.

airtight adj not allowing air to enter or escape 不透气的; 密闭的; 密封的.


adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] from one aircraft to another in flight 空对空的(在飞行中从一飞行器到另一飞行器的): an air-to-air missile 空对空导弹.

airborne adj (a) [attrib 作定语] transported by the air 空运的; 空中传播的; 空气传播的; 风媒的: airborne seeds 空气传播的种子. (b) [pred 作表语] (of aircraft) in the air after taking off (指飞行器)起飞後在飞行中: Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时禁止吸烟. (c) [attrib 作定语] (of troops) specially trained for operations using aircraft (指部队)受过空战训练的: an airborne division 空降师. 7

airy adj (-ier, -iest) [usu attrib 通常作定语] (a) light as air 像空气一样轻的; 轻飘飘的: an airy silk gauze 轻飘飘的丝质薄纱.

ajar adj [pred 作表语] (of a door) slightly open (指门)微开著, 半开著: The door was/stood ajar. 那扇门半开著. *| leave the door ajar 让门半开著.

alabaster adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (a) of alabaster 雪花石膏的: an alabaster vase 雪花石膏花瓶.

airworthy adj (of aircraft) fit to fly; in good working order (指飞行器)适航的; 飞行性能良好的. Airworthiness. N

alcoholic adj of or containing alcohol 酒精的; 含酒精的: alcoholic `drinks 含酒精的饮料 *| Home-made wine can be very alcoholic. 自制的酒有的酒性很烈.

alterable adj that can be altered 可改变的; 可修改的.

artificial adj made or produced by man in imitation of sth natural; not real 人造的; 人工的; 假的: artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls 假花, 人造光, 义肢, 假珍珠.

base adj (-r, -st)

1 not pure 不纯的: base coin 搀有贱金属的硬币.

2 low in value 不值钱的: base metal 贱金属.


beautiful adj

1 having beauty; giving pleasure to the senses or the mind 美丽的; 美观的; 美好的: a beautiful face, baby, flower, view, voice, poem, smell, morning 美妙的脸庞、婴儿、花朵、景物、声音、诗歌、气味、早晨 *| beautiful weather, music, chocolate 极好的天气、音乐、巧克力.

2 very satisfactory 极其满意的: The organization was beautiful. 组织工作极佳. *| What beautiful timing! 时间正合适!

admirable adj deserving or causing admiration; excellent 令人钦佩的; 极好的: an admirable performance 优美的表演 *| His handling of the situation was admirable. 他对这情况的处理令人钦佩.

brilliant adj causing admiration; outstanding; exceptional 令人钦佩的; 杰出的; 非凡的: a brilliant achievement, exploit, career, performance, etc 非凡的成就、功绩、事业、表演等 *| The play was a brilliant success. 这出戏是一大成功.


acceptable adj ~ (to sb)

1 (a) worth accepting 值得接受的: Is the proposal acceptable to you? 这个建议你认为可以接受吗?

(b) welcome 受欢迎的: A cup of tea would be most acceptable. 来一杯茶就最好不过了.

2 tolerable 可容忍的: an acceptable risk, sacrifice, profit margin, .

admissible adj (fml 文) worthy of being accepted or considered 值得接受的; 值得考虑的: Such behaviour is not admissible among our staff. 这种行为在我们职员中是不允许的.

attractive adj having the power to attract; pleasing or interesting 有吸引力的; 诱人的; 使人愉快的; 引起兴趣的: I don't find him at all attractive. 我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢. *| Your proposal sounds very attractive. 你的建议很动听. *| goods for sale at attractive prices 价钱低廉诱人的货物.

advantageous adj ~ (to sb) profitable; beneficial 有利的; 有益的.

beneficial adj ~ (to sth/sb) having a helpful or useful effect; advantageous 有益的; 有用的; 有好处的: a beneficial result, influence, etc 有益的结果、影响等 *| Fresh air is beneficial to one's health. 新鲜空气有益於健康.

amusing adj causing laughter or smiles; enjoyable 好笑的; 有趣的; 引人发笑的: an amusing story, story-teller 好笑的故事, 讲故事的人 *| Our visits to the theatre made the holiday more amusing. 我们因看了几场戏而使假日倍添情趣.


arresting adj attracting attention; striking 引人注意的; 显著的: an arresting smile 引人注目的微笑.

bijou adj [attrib 作定语] small and elegant 小巧玲珑的: a bijou residence 小巧别致的住宅.


bizarre adj strange in appearance or effect; grotesque; eccentric 奇形怪状的; 古怪的.

bitty adj (usu derog 通常作贬义) made up of bits; lacking unity 拼凑的; 零碎的: a bitty conversation, interview, film 东拉西扯的对话、电影 *| The play is rather bitty. 这出戏有点儿像拼凑的.

banal adj commonplace; uninteresting 平常的; 乏味的: banal remarks, thoughts, sentiments, etc 平平常常的话语、思想、感情等.


bland adj (-er, -est) without striking features; uninteresting 无显著特徵的; 引不起兴趣的: He has a bland appearance. 他外表平庸.

awful adj

1 extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible 极坏的; 极讨厌的; 可怕的: an awful accident, experience, shock, etc 可怕的事故, 经历, 打击等 *| The plight of starving people is too awful to think about. 饥民的苦境糟得不敢去想.

2 (infml 口) very bad; dreadful 很坏的; 糟透的: What awful weather! 多么坏的天气! *| I feel awful. 我觉得难受极了. *| It's an awful nuisance? 讨厌透了! *| The film was awful. 那个电影糟透了.

beastly adj (infml 口 esp Brit) unpleasant; nasty 使人不愉快的; 恶劣的: What beastly weather! 多麽恶劣的天气! *| That's absolutely beastly of him. 那他可太可恶了. adv (infml 口 esp Brit) very; extremely 很; 极其: It's beastly cold outside! 外边冷极了!

adverse adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

1 (a) not favourable; contrary 不利的; 相反的: adverse winds, weather conditions, circumstances 逆风, 恶劣的天气, 逆境.

(b) hostile; opposing 敌对的; 反对的: adverse criticism 非难 *| an adverse reaction to the proposals 对那些建议的异议.

2 harmful 有害的: the adverse effects of drugs 药物的有害的副作用. > adversely adv: His health was adversely affected by the climate. 他的健康因气候影响而严重受损.

baneful adj evil or causing evil 有害的; 有毒的: a baneful influence 有害的影响.

barren adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (fig 比喻) without value, interest or result 无价值、趣味或结果的: a barren discussion 毫无意义的讨论.

awkward adj causing difficulty, embarrassment or inconvenience 造成困难, 尴尬或不便的: an awkward series of bends in the road 路上一连串难走的弯 *| You've put me in a very awkward position. 你把我弄得很狼狈. *| Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time. 请把下次会议时间安排得方便些. *| It's very awkward of you not to play for the team tomorrow. 你明天不为本队参加比赛可太不像话了. *| Stop being so awkward! 别这么别别扭扭的!

bawdy adj (-ier, -iest) amusing in a coarse or indecent way (以粗俗或下流的方式)娱人的: bawdy jokes, stories, etc 淫猥的笑话、故事等.



all-star adj [attrib 作定语] including many famous actors 包括很多著名演员的; 明星云集的: an all-star cast 有很多明星的演员阵容.

breathtaking adj very exciting; spectacular 非常激动人心的; 壮观的: a breathtaking view, mountain-range, waterfall 壮丽的景色、山脉、瀑布 *| Her beauty was breathtaking. 她艳丽动人

austere adj (of a building or place) very simple and plain; without ornament or comfort (指建筑物或地方)简朴的, 无装饰的, 简陋的: The room was furnished in austere style. 这间屋子的陈设都很简单朴素.


angular adj having angles or sharp corners 有角的; 有尖角的.

barbed adj having a barb or barbs 有倒钩的; 有倒刺的: a barbed hook 带倒钩的钩子 *| (fig 比喻) barbed comments 刺人的话. barbed wire wire with short sharp points along it, used for fences, etc 刺钢丝(用作铁丝网等): The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders. 周围有铁丝网阻止了外人闯入.


automatic adj (of actions) done without thinking, esp from habit or routine; unconscious (指动作)未加思索而做出的(尤指基於习惯或因袭陈规者); 无意识的: For most of us breathing is automatic. 我们大多数人的呼吸都是无意识的.

bald adj without elaboration; plain or dull 不刻意修饰的; 简单的; 单调的: bald facts 简单的事实 *| a bald statement of the facts 对事实的直截了当的陈述.

brave adj (-r, -st) (of an action) requiring or showing courage (指行为)需要勇气 11

的, 表现出勇气的: a brave act, deed, speech 有勇气的举动、行为、讲话 *| a brave fight against disease 与疾病进行的毫不畏惧的斗争.

brief adj (-er, -est) (of speech or writing) using few words; concise (指说话或写作)简短的; 简洁的: a brief account, report, description, etc of the accident 对事故简短的叙述、报道、描述 *| Please be brief, ie say what you want to say quickly. 请简断截说


bearable adj that can be endured; tolerable 可忍受的; 经得住的: The climate is bearable. 这种气候尚可忍受.

breathless adj

1. causing one to be breathless; strenuous 引起气喘的; 费力的: breathless haste/hurry/pace/speed 赶得使人喘不过气来的仓促[匆忙/步子/速度].

2. [attrib 作定语] tense; making one hold one's breath 紧张的; 使人屏住呼吸的: a breathless hush in the concert hall 音乐厅内屏息无声.

3. with no air or wind 无空气的; 无风的: a breathless calm 死寂.

adventurous adj full of danger and excitement 充满危险和刺激的; 惊险的: an adventurous holiday 惊险刺激的假日. adventurously adv.

alcoholic adj [attrib 作定语] caused by drinking alcohol 由喝酒引起的: be in an alcoholic stupor 醉得不省人事.

allergic adj caused by an allergy 由变态反应引起的; 由过敏引起的: an allergic rash 变应疹.

believable adj that can be believed 可信的

bookable adj that can be reserved 可预订的: All seats are bookable in advance. 所有的座位都可以预订.

approachable adj (of people or things) that can be approached (指人或物)可接近的 : The village is only approachable from the south. 这个村子只有从南边才能 12


accessible adj ~ (to sb) that can be reached, used, etc 可接近的; 可进入的; 可使用的: a beach accessible only from the sea 只能从海上到达的沙滩 *| documents not accessible to the public 公众无法接触到的文件.

accidental adj happening unexpectedly or by chance 意外的; 偶然的: a verdict of accidental death 意外死亡的裁决 *| an accidental meeting with a friend 偶然遇到一位朋友.

adventitious adj (fml 文) not planned; accidental 未经计划的; 偶然的: an adventitious occurrence 偶发事件.

accessory adj additional; extra 附加的; 额外的.

additional adj added; extra; supplementary 附加的; 另外的; 外加的: additional charges, candidates, supplies 外加的费用, 候选人, 供应.

arduous adj needing much effort or energy; laborious 艰巨的; 费力的: an arduous task 艰巨的任务 *| The work is arduous and the hours are long. 工作吃力, 时间又长.


ancillary adj ~ (to sth) helping in a subsidiary way 辅助的: ancillary staff, duties, roads, industries 辅助职员, 任务, 道路, 工业.

auxiliary adj giving help or support; additional 帮助的; 辅助的; 附加的; 副的: auxiliary troops 辅助部队 *| an auxiliary nurse 助理护士 *| an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts 万一断电时使用的备用发电机.

akin adj [pred 作表语] ~ (to sth) similar; related 近似; 有关系: He felt something akin to pity. 他感到有一种近於怜悯的感情. *| Pity and love are closely akin. 怜悯近乎爱.

alike adj [pred 作表语] like one another; similar 相同; 一样; 相似: These two photographs are almost alike. 这两张照片几乎一样. *| The twins don't look at all alike. 这对双胞胎一点儿都不像. *| All music is alike to him, ie He cannot tell one kind from another. 各种音乐在他听来全都一样(他辨别不出音乐的种类).


analogous adj ~ (to/with sth) partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的; 相似的: The two processes are not analogous. 这两种过程不相似. *| The present crisis is analogous with the situation immediately before the war. 目前的危机与大战前夕的形势类似.

allied adj ~ (to sth) connected; similar 有关联的; 类似的: a union of `allied trades 一个同业工会 *| The increase in violent crimes is al`lied to the rise in unemployment. 暴力罪案的增加与失业的增加有关.

applicable adj [pred 作表语] ~ (to sb/sth) that can be applied (apply 7); appropriate or suitable 可适用; 合适; 适当: This part of the form is not applicable (ie does not apply) to foreign students. 表格中的这一部分不适用於外国学生.

alien adj

1 (a) foreign 外国的: an alien land 外国.

(b) unfamiliar; strange 不熟悉的; 陌生的: an alien environment 陌生的环境 *| alien customs 陌生的风俗习惯.

2 [pred 作表语] ~ to sth/sb contrary to sth; hateful to sb 与某事物相反; 使某人憎恨: Such principles are alien to our religion. 这些原则与我们的宗教信仰相抵触. *| Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. 残忍的行为与他的本性[与他]格格不入.

appropriate adj ~ (for/to sth) suitable; right and proper 适当的; 合适的; 正当的: Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 运动服用於正式婚礼中是不适当的. *| His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion. 他郑重其事的讲话方式适合於那个场合. *| You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在适当的时候将把详情告诉你.

ascribable adj [pred 作表语] ~ to sb/sth that can be ascribed to sb/sth 可归於, 起因於某人[某事物]: His success is ascribable simply to hard work. 他的成功就是由於勤奋.

attributable adj [pred 作表语] ~ to sb/sth that can be attributed to sb/sth 可归属或归因於某人[某事物]: Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo? 这幅画是米开朗琪罗画的吗?

attendant adj [attrib 作定语] accompanying 伴随的; 陪从的: an attendant nurse 专责护士 *| attendant circumstances 附带情况 *| famine and its attendant diseases 饥荒及随之而来的疾病.

automatic adj following necessarily 必然随之而来的: A fine for this offence is automatic. 对於这种过失, 罚款是必然的.

available adj

1 (of things) that can be used or obtained (指物)可用的或可得到的: Tickets are available at the box office. 票房有票. *| You will be informed when the book becomes available. 这本书有货时就通知你. *| This was the only available room. 只剩下那个房间可用了.

2 (of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc (指人)可会见的, 可与之交谈的等: I'm 14

available in the afternoon. 我下午有空. *| The Prime Minister was not available for comment. 首相无暇作出评论.

baseless adj without cause or foundation 无原因的; 无根据的: baseless fears, rumours, suspicions 无根据的恐慌、谣言、怀疑.


apt adj (-er, -est) [pred 作表语] ~ to do sth likely or having a tendency to do sth 易於做某事物; 有做某事物的倾向: apt to be forgetful, careless, quick-tempered, etc 健忘, 总是粗心大意, 动不动就发脾气 *| My pen is rather apt to leak. 我的钢笔爱漏墨水.

auspicious adj showing signs of future success; favourable; promising 吉利的; 吉祥的; 有前途的: I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term. 你新学期开门红使我很高兴.


breakable adj easily broken 易碎的. breakables n [pl] breakable objects, eg glasses and cups 易碎的物品(如玻璃杯和瓷杯)

brittle adj

(a) hard but easily broken; fragile 硬而易碎的; 脆弱的: as brittle as thin glass 如薄玻璃一样容易破碎.

(b) (fig 比喻) easily damaged; insecure 容易损坏的; 不安全的: He has a brittle temper, ie loses his temper easily. 他脾气急. *| Constant stress has made our nerves brittle. 我们长期处於紧张状态, 神经已吃不消了.

breakneck adj [attrib 作定语] dangerously fast 快得危险的: drive, ride, travel, etc at breakneck speed 以非常危险的高速度开车、骑马、行进等


bankrupt adj ~ (of sth) (derog 贬) completely lacking (in sth that is good) 完全缺乏(某种良好事物): bankrupt of ideas, moral scruples 毫无主意、道德上的约束 *| a society that is morally bankrupt 道德沦丧的社会.








《搭配问题》同事评价 巴彦淖尔市第二实验小学 李蕊

















