





















各位游客朋友,观赏九龙宫的游兴未尽,现在我们又来到了海底峡谷。 (通海宫)这里是通海宫。此处的地下暗河据说可直通东海。

(神鹤斗魔)这个景点叫神鹤斗魔。你看,这神鹤还挺厉害的,敢与魔鬼顽强搏斗。 (冰瀑)大家看这个景点是否像瀑布,它是由化学沉积物形成的,它上面多处发亮的叫冰晶石,在溶洞中它是很稀有的景观。




(鲨鱼道)游客朋友,请低头看,这狭长幽深的地下石隙叫鲨鱼道。因为这是鲨鱼来往海底的通道,所以取名鲨鱼道。您看,里面有一条巨大的鲨鱼正向深海游去呢! (松山冰雪)哎,请看这松山冰雪,层层叠叠的松树林,被这万年不化的厚厚冰雪所压,却依然傲然挺立,迎风斗寒,真可谓形态逼真,维妙维肖啊!这使我想起陈毅元帅的一首诗:"大雪压青松,青松挺且直,要知松高洁,待到雪化时"。看来这松山冰雪是永远也化不了啦!







(海鸥哺乳)怎么这叫海鸥哺乳?海鸥可不是哺乳动物哟!噢,原来它是在悉心哺喂自己的心爱乳雏。这海鸥母子可是十分珍贵哟!你们看这大鸟的头上、翅膀上,还有这小海鸥的身上,点缀着许多碳酸钙晶体形成的小镜片,闪闪发光,堪称是一对奇鸟。 (海底石幔)这海底石幔真的像是长长拉开的帷幔。大家上前掀开看看,说不定石幔那边有龙女在洗海水澡,有美人鱼在海底嬉戏呢!你看这一片石幔,倒像是在外郊游的一顶顶帐蓬,又酷似内蒙古大草原上的一座座蒙古包。






说到这里,大家可能要问了,这二期工程另外的3000一块儿完成该多好啊,那样,可以一次游览完整个大峡谷的全部景点。要知道,由于大峡谷地形极为复杂,开发难度相当之大,有的施工人员为了保护里面的钟乳石,为了向外搬运泥沙和石块,身上被划出一道道血痕,一天施工下来,一个个变成了泥人。整个溶洞开发工程量非常大,施工队伍整整干了两年零四个月。所幸的是,这么大的工程却没有发生一起伤亡事故。在这里,我们向为开发大峡谷付出汗水、做出贡献的施工人员道一声:谢谢!同时请游客朋友放心,不久的将来,二期开发工程会按照计划如期完成,到时候欢迎大家再次莅临大峡谷观光游览。 注:



The Tourist Guide speech of Shandong Underground Grand Canyon Tourist



Hello, every tourist (leader or specialist). Welcome to visit Shandong Underground Grand Canyon Tourist Area (or give suggestions to our work). I’m glad to offer my best introduction service to all of you. First, let me introduce myself. My name is ×, please

call me ×.

(游览须知Tourist instructions )为了使您有一个良好的游览环境,有以下几点,请大家给予配合

1、c洞内都是单行道,灯光由导游控制,开前面关后面,所以请大家紧跟队伍,千万不要擅自离队;2、为了保证洞内空气清新,请志愿为国家烟草事业作贡献的朋友委屈一下,洞内不能吸烟3、为保证大家自身安全,请不要翻越或脱离游道观景或拍照 4、大峡谷是大自然留给我们宝贵的遗产,请游览时,保护好洞内的钟乳石和石笋; 5、请游客朋友们保持好洞内卫生。

In order to ensure a good touring environment, please act according to the following instructions:first, each path in the cave is one way street, and the guide controls the light, so, please catch up with the team, don’t make bold to leave the party; second, don’t smoke in the cave in order to keep the air clean;third, don’t climb over or 1

depart from the tourist path for sighting seeing or taking photos for the sake of every one’s safety; fourth, the Grand Canyon is the precious heritage left by the nature, therefore, please take good care of the stalactite and the stalagmite in the cave; fifth, Please maintain hygiene in the cave.


(Entrance)“ how happy we are, To meet friends from afar”, a famous saying by our Confucius。Listen! The Guest-welcoming Waterfall, which is one of the twelve waterfalls of the Grand Canyon, is applauding at the entrance, to welcome every one of you. Every one may see that, above the waterfall, engraves with seven vigorous and powerful characters: Shandong Underground Grand Canyon, which is inscribed by the famous Chinese writer Wei Wei. Who has created a great work “Who is the Dearest Person?” To us, every friend who pays a visit to the Grand Canyon is the dearest person in our mind.

(Dragon Path)由于洞内光线比较暗,咱们各位进入洞中之后,可以先站在原地适应洞内的光线,然后咱们再继续向前参观,提醒一下咱们各位朋友,有灯的地方就有台阶,大家在走的时候要注意安全了!

The light is quite dim, so after we enter the cave, we’d better stand still for a while to adjust ourselves to the dim light, and then continue our sightseeing. Please keep in mind that where there is light, there exist steps; please take care of yourselves 2

while walking.


Now the path we are walking on is called Dragon Path, which is built manually on the basis of the original canyon for tourists’ convenience. After we finish walking on the 118-meter path, we can see that all the scenery spots ahead are purely nature. The Shandong Underground Grand Canyon is characterized by carst landform, which is developed from great carst crevasse of 200,000 years ago. The carst crevasse is the name of plateau lime rock on the Estoria Island in North West of Yugoslavia.


The Shandong Underground Grand Canyon is a cave found by the local peasant who digs well in the mountain because of drought. And it hasn’t been developed due to the local limitations of technology and capital until the winter of 2000. After taking 28 months for its development, the canyon was officially made open to the public in May, 2003. At the same year, it ranked first in total score to be awarded as the Provincial Geology Park in the Provincial Geology Park Appraisal. And it was awarded as National Geology Park in September, 2005 and Four-A level Tourist Attraction in 3

August, 2006.



The Shandong Underground Grand Canyon is 6100 meter in total length. And 3100 meter of it has been developed till now. It is one of the exceptionally large karst caves in China and also the longest cave at the north of Yangze River. It will takes about one and half an hour for our sightseeing in the cave. There are nine tourist areas, including more than 100 scenery spots such as One River/Nine Spring/Nine Palace/Twelve Waterfall/ Twelve Canyon etc. One thing that needs our attention is that there exists a mirror-clear, constantly flowing underground river, which is extremely rare in north part of China. The In-cave Drift is designed by making use of the water flow, which creates a national precedent in karst cave drift. Now, we can travel by a rubber dinghy in 1000 meter river section. This has been appraised as the longest karst cave drift project in China by the Shanghai Great World Guinness Record Headquarter. The drift length can reach to 2500 meters when the second project was finished. Therefore, this cave is also known as the first cave of underground river drift in China. 4

And it is listed as one of the important tourist adventure projects in Shandong province. So, everyone is expected to take great care of yourself while travelling.

前面台阶比较陡,大家在走的时候要注意脚下,您可以扶一下两侧的栏杆,放慢脚步向下走。前方咱们要进入的就是峡谷内的 第一景段“九龙宫”,从这里开始咱们相继要看到的所有景点都是天然形成的。

The stairs ahead are very steep; we should take care while walking. You can help yourself with the railings on both sides, and slows down your pace. The spot we are going to enter is the first scenery section in the canyon: the Nine Dragon Palace. From here, all the spots we are going to see are naturally formed. 下面我讲一下:地下大峡谷是怎样形成的?如果用一句话来概括,那就是二十万年前由巨大的喀斯特裂隙发育而成。我们知道,石灰岩是能生成洞穴的一种最好岩层。而石灰岩的主要成分呢是碳酸钙,它可以被含有碳酸气的水溶解。当下雨的时候,空气中的二氧化碳和雨水相溶合,就形成了含有碳酸气的水。如果水流经石灰岩裂缝,就会使岩石原有的小裂缝和裂孔不断加深,逐渐扩大,年久日深,水就会横向流动,沿途溶蚀,这“溶”呢是溶化的“溶”,“蚀”是侵蚀的“蚀”。再加上部分顶板塌落,便渐渐形成了各式各样神话般的地下洞府。对于溶洞的形成,专家又提出了“生物建造学说”,洞内洞穴空间的形成,与水的溶蚀作用有关,但溶洞中千奇百怪的钟乳石、石笋、石柱的形成是藻类植物在漫长的岁月中逐渐建造起来的,然后经过石化作用,最后才呈现出今天的面貌。

(Nine Dragon Palace)各位游客,走到这里相信大家有一种豁然开朗的感觉,整个地下大峡谷旅游风景线主要有九个景段。这是第一景段——九龙宫。这里虽然没有动画片《西游记》中东海龙宫里那样富丽堂皇,威严庄重,可也独具特色,别有洞天。哎,你看,怎么只有个硕大的龙头探出洞外呢?原来啊,它那巨大的身躯还在洞里呢?因为那里边还有三千米没有开发,我们也就暂时看不到这条龙的全貌啦!大家都知道龙是中国人幸福、吉祥的象征,也是中国人国泰民安的期望,更是中国人生生不息的图腾,所以大家一定要拜拜龙王,把幸福、吉祥带回家。

Here, I believe everyone may feel that the road opens up suddenly before us. All the underground canyon tourist scenery mainly includes nine spot areas. And this is the first area: Nine Dragon Palace. Although it is not more gorgeous, magnificent and awfully graver than the East Sea Dragon Palace in the TV program named the Journey to the West, it is very special and exceptional. Look! Why is the dragon only showing its head out of the cave? In fact, its big body still stays in the cave because there are still 3000 meters left undeveloped. Therefore we can not see the whole dragon at present. 5

Everyone knows that the dragon symbolizes happiness, luck, and hope for peace and harmony of both the state and people as well as the totem for Chinese people. So hope you can worship the dragon king, and take happiness and luck with you.

(地下暗河)这是地下暗河的中间段,它的源头还在3公里以外,是形成于新生代第四纪。新生代第四纪是地球历史的最新阶段,新生代最后一个纪,约开始于(146万年前至今)古生代(5.7亿年前——2.3亿):地质年代的第3个代,(第1、2代分别为太古代和元古代)古生代共有6个纪,一般分为早、晚古生代,早古生代包括寒武纪(5.4亿年前)、奥陶纪(5亿年前)、志留纪(4.35亿年前)、晚古生代包括泥盆纪(4.05亿年前)、石炭纪(3.55亿年前)和二叠纪(2.95亿年前),动物群以海生无脊椎动物中的三叶虫、软体动物和棘皮动物最繁盛。中生代(距今约2.5亿——6500万年):显生宙第二代,晚于古生代,早于新生代,这一时期形成的地质称中生界,这个时代具有古生代和新生代之间的中间性质,自老至新中生代包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪,以爬行动物时代也成恐龙时代,以真蕨类和裸子植物最繁盛。新生代(距今6500万年至今):地质历史上最新的一个代,这一时期形成的地质称新生界,新生代以哺乳动物和被子植物的高度繁盛为特征,由于生物界逐渐呈现了现代的面貌,故名新生代(即现代生物的时代)。 (赑屃遨海Bie Xie’s Sea roaming/ Sea-roaming of Giant Land Turtle )

大家请向这边看,这个庞然大物是什么?哎对啦,牌子上不是写着嘛——叫赑屃(bie xie)。可它不是专在陆地上驮碑吗?怎么开小差跑到这里遨游大海呢?原来啊,它是龙王的长子,从小娇生惯养,长大了也不务正业,到处独往独来地神游啊!

Please look here, do you know what is the giant? As it is written in the board, it is called Bie Xie. You may wonder why does it desert and come here to roam in the sea instead of carrying the gravestone on the back on land. In fact, it is the eldest son of the dragon king. It’s spoiled since childhood, and doesn’t deal with his proper duties when growing to be an adult, roaming here and there by himself.

(万年灵芝Ten-thousand-year Ganoderma)请大家抬头向上看,那悬崖峭壁上有颗稀世瑰宝万年灵芝。怪不得这九龙宫的老龙王整天昂头挺胸,神采奕奕呢?敢情是常年吃这灵芝保养的呀!传说当年白娘子为救许仙所盗的仙草就是灵芝。早知道这里有棵万年灵芝,白娘子又何必到昆仑山上去费那番周折呢!

Please look up! There exists a treasure in the cliff: the Ten-thousand-year Ganoderma. No wonder the dragon king in the Nine Dragon Palace holds his head aloft and is invigorating every day, that because he maintains his health by eating the ganoderma all the time. It is said that in the legend of White Snake, the medicinal herb stolen by the White Snake in order to save Xu Xian(her husband, the male character in the legend), is the ganoderma. The White Snake wouldn’t have had to suffer from finding the ganoderma in Kunlun Mountains if she had known here exist a Ten-thousand-year Ganoderma.

(九龙瀑Nine Dragon Waterfall)传说是龙的唾液。科学的讲是地表水沿裂隙侵入后在此汇集喷出而形成的。各位游客朋友,观赏九龙宫的游兴未尽,现在 6


It is said that the Nine Dragon Waterfall is the dragon’s saliva in the legend. Scientifically speaking, it is formed because of the surface water immersing to this place through the cranny and then collecting and spraying here. Now we are entering to the submarine canyons although we are still immerged in enjoying the Nine Dragon Waterfall.

(通海河Sea-linking River)这里是通海宫。此处的地下暗河据说可直通东海。为了安全旅游,游客朋友们一定要做到:观景不走路,走路不观景。

Here is the sea-linking palace. It is said that the underground river here can link with the East Sea. In order to ensure safety, all of you must keep in mind: don’t walk while sightseeing, and don’t visit while walking.

(神鹤斗魔Crane’s Fighting against Devil)这个景点叫神鹤斗魔。


This tourist spot is called Crane’s Fighting against Devil. Look, how brave is the crane, it dares to fight indomitably against the devil.

(子母象Child-Mother Elephant)刚才游客跟我侧身而过的时候,您的手可能不自觉地触摸了一下左侧光滑溜圆的巨型石笋,可那不是石笋,那是大象肚皮。不然为什么咱们管它叫子母象呢!您看,后边大的是头母象,走在前面的是小象。象可是吉祥动物哟,谁摸到它就会吉祥如意。在这里我祝各位一生平安,事事如意。

Just now, as we edge our way through, you may have touched the giant, smooth and round stalagmite on the left unconsciously with your hand, I will tell you that is elephant’s kyte instead of stalagmite. If not, why do we call it the Child-Mother Elephant? Look, the big one behind you is the mother elephant, and the one walks in front is the child elephant. The elephant is the luck-carrying animal; it can bring good luck to the person who touches it. Here I wish every one of you be sound and safe, everything goes smoothly in your life.

(冰瀑Ice Waterfall)大家看这个景点是否像瀑布,它是由化学沉积物形成的,在溶洞中它是很稀有的景观,这处景观比较特殊,在夏季或者是多雨的季节它是哗哗流水的,在冬季或者是干旱季节,他并不流水,而是上面有许多闪闪发光的小晶片,我们称之为冰晶石,它是碳酸钙晶体形成的,也就是说您在不同季节游览大峡谷就会欣赏到不同的景观。

Please look at this spot, it looks like waterfall, is that true? It is formed by the chemical deposit sediment. It is a rare scenic spot in the karst cave. It is very special because in summer or rainy season it flows and we can hear the water gurgling; but there is no water flowing in winter or drought season. Instead, there appear many sparkling crystal plates called Cryolite, which are formed by calcium carbonate crystallization. That is to say, we can see different scenery spots in different seasons in this Grand Canyon.

(千载难逢Once in a Blue Moon)大家请看左侧岩壁上的这组钟乳石样子很 7


Please look at this group of specially-shaped stalactites on the left crag. On the right, there is some distance between the upper and lower parts. And it has been measured by the authority that 4 centimeters are needed to connect the upper and lower parts. That is to say, it will take 200 years for the stalactites to link together, because they grow very slowly,it will take 100 years to grow for one centimeter on the condition that there exist water drops. This water drop being full of carbonate matters precipitates gradually, thus forming the stalactites.

(海底草庐Submarine Thatched Cottage )现在我们来到了海底草庐。你看,这像是用海草覆盖的厚厚屋顶,却用石幔砌成的底矮屋墙,冬暖夏凉,独具匠心,多像四川成都的杜甫草堂。传说,东海龙王游西蜀时,见到了杜甫的草庐,顿时恍然大悟:噢,原来杜甫之所以成为诗圣,是因为住在草庐里呀!龙王回东海后呢,就立命管家黑鱼精在这里建了一座草庐,让小龙子在此刻苦读书。据说,这一举动还曾受到过玉皇大帝的表彰呢!

Now we arrive at the Submarine Thatched Hut. Look! The roof seems to be covered with thick seaweeds, and its short wall is built from stones. It has the property of keeping warm in winter and cool in summer. This specially invented hut looks like Du Fu’s thatched cottage in Chengdu, Sichuan province (Du Fu is a famous poet in Tang dynasty of ancient China who was awarded with the name of the poet laureate). It is said in the legend that when travelling across the West Shu (now the west of Sichuan province), the Dragon King of East Sea saw Du Fu’s thatched cottage. And he was suddenly enlightened: Du Fu lived in the thatched cottage was the reason why he became the poet laureate in China! As a result, after returning to East Sea, the Dragon King ordered his housekeeper Goblin Black Fish to build a thatched cottage at this place where the Dragon King’s son will be made to study hard. It is said that this behavior has been rewarded by the Yu Huang Da Di(equals to God in western world). , (松山冰雪Snow Covered Pine Forest)哎,请看这松山冰雪,层层叠叠的松树林,被这万年不化的厚厚冰雪所压,却依然傲然挺立,迎风斗寒,真可谓形态逼真,维妙维肖啊!这使我想起陈毅元帅的一首诗:“大雪压青松,青松挺且直,要知松高洁,待到雪化时”。看来这松山冰雪是永远也化不了啦!

: “大雪压青松,青松挺且直,要知松高洁,待到雪化时”

Please look at the Snow Covered Pine Forest!Although covered by the thick snow, the pine trees still stand firm and fight against the severe cold in the wind, which see to be real and vivid. This reminds us of a famous poem written by General Chen Yi (a famous general in China’s modern times).


Which means the pine tree, although thickly covered by the heavy snow, still shows its firmness and pride; and we have to wait till the snow begins to thaw if we want to know the nobleness of pine trees. But I am afraid the snow covered pine tree forest will never seem to thaw.

(巨石滩瀑布Huge Rock Patch Waterfall)水是万物之源,更是大峡谷的灵气所在,前方的这挂瀑布取名巨石滩瀑布,它是地表水沿着裂隙在此侵入后喷发而形成的。

We all know that water is the source of everything, and it also is the spirit of the canyon. The waterfall in front is called Huge Rock Patch Waterfall, which comes from the surface water. After immersing into this place along the cranny, the surface water will break forth, thus comes the waterfall.

(山海关Shanhaiguan Pass)你看这山海关,位置十分险要,建筑风格独特,真有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”之势。

Please look at the Shanhaiguan Pass. It is strategically located and difficult of access. Combined with the unique building style, it can be unexaggeratedly called:“一夫当关,万夫莫开”which means the location is high and difficult of access; if one warrior keeps guard in there, tens of thousands warriors can not pass.

(海豹戏珠Bead-playing Seal)这只海豹正钻出水面,为游客朋友表演海豹戏珠的拿手好戏呢?我们不妨仔细观赏一番。你看这是海豹的头,这是海豹的身子,哟,这头海豹的胡须还不少呢?看来年龄不小了。哎,怎不见珠子?噢,原来这海豹戏珠时,出现失误,不小心把珠子掉到水里了。你瞧,在这儿呢?

Look, this seal is dashing out of the water, showing its specialty of playing with bead. We can enjoy it carefully. Look, this is the seal’s head, and this is its body. Oh, how many beards the seal have! It seems that the seal is not very young. Oh, where is the bead? In fact, the seal makes some mistake while playing, and drops the bead to the water. Look, it’s here.

(鹅管Goose Straw)大家看,洞顶上这一根根像饮料吸管的是什么?它叫鹅管。因为它的中间是空的,很像鹅羽毛的管而得名,这些鹅管一百年才长出一厘米,而是它只长长,不长粗,因此非常珍贵。鹅管的生成与洞内的小气候有关,洞顶滴水,二氧化碳散发碳酸钙沉淀形成的。

Look, what are the pipes looking like the beverage sucker on the cave? It is called Goose Straw because it is empty inside the pipe, just like the pipe of goose plume. It will take 100 years to produce the goose straw for only one-centimeter long. Moreover, it only grows in length instead of thickness, so it becomes very precious. The goose straw is formed in relation with the local climate in the cave because water drops from overhead, the carbon dioxide emission and the precipitation of calcium carbonate contribute to form the goose straw.


Look, these two spots are also unique in the canyon. On the right, it looks like the 9

Tiananmen of Capital Beijing, and on the left, it looks like the old castle of European building style.

(石屋重檐Triple-eave Stone House)您看这排房子是整块石头形成的并且屋檐还是三层,从地质学上讲,这三重屋檐形成于大水冲刷。不知多少万年前,这里还是一条大暗河,河水不断地冲刷峡谷石壁,于是就渐渐形成了这石屋重岩。

Look at these houses. They are formed from the single block stone with triple eaves. Geologically speaking, the triple eaves come from flood washing.

(海鸥哺乳Sea-gull Suckling)怎么这叫海鸥哺乳?海鸥可不是哺乳动物哟!噢,原来它是在悉心哺喂自己的心爱乳雏。这海鸥母子可是十分珍贵哟!你们看这大鸟的头上、翅膀上,还有这小海鸥的身上,点缀着许多碳酸钙晶体形成的小镜片,闪闪发光,据地质专家用铀系法测定这组钟乳石已经在此生长了14万年了,所以在这里它们堪称是一对奇鸟。

Why is it called Sea-gull Suckling? The sea-gull isn’t the suckling animal! In fact, it is feeding its dear baby carefully. The sea-gull mother and baby are very precious! Look at the mother sea-gull’s head, wing and the body of the baby sea-gull, there embellish many sparkling crystal plates formed by the calcium carbonate crystals. According to the U-Series Test by the geological experts, this pair of stalactites has grown here for 140,000 years. Therefore, they can be called a pair of miracle birds. (海底石幔Undersea Rock Curtain)你看这一片石幔,倒像是在外郊游的一顶顶帐蓬,又酷似内蒙古大草原上的一座座蒙古包。

Look at these rock curtains. They look like the tents for picnic, and also look like the Mongolian yurts in the Mongolian prairie.

(奇耳荟萃Galaxy of Peculiar-looking Ears)游客朋友您看一下,这里有许多奇形怪状的耳朵,其实呢它是钟乳石的一种,我们称之为石旗。它是含碳酸氢钙的液体,在流动时,由于风的作用,流动具有一定的方向性,而形成石旗。

Look! Here are a lot of peculiar-looking ears! In fact, they are the stalactites, which are called Rock Flag. It is formed by the liquid containing calcium bicarbonate. When flowing, the liquid shows its quality of directivity under the influence of wind, thus forming the Rock Flag.

(核潜艇Nuclear Submarine)大家看一下这处景点还真的像核潜艇,它已经在此待命二十万年了,至今还没有在军事上派上用场呢!

Look at this spot! It is just like the Nuclear Submarine. It has been stayed here for 200,000 years awaiting orders, and has never been used for military purpose up to now.

(双塔玉灯Double-tower with Jade Light)这气势恢宏的宝塔,富丽堂皇的玉灯,让人觉得如入天宫仙境一般。地质学家说,钟乳石的形成是洞顶、洞壁的裂隙有水下渗时,水滴进入洞内,压力突然降低,水分蒸发,使已经饱含碳酸盐类物质的滴水重新沉淀,粘附在洞顶、洞壁和洞底,便逐步形成了石笋、石钟乳等.它的生成速度是十分缓慢的。 跟鹅管一样,大约每百年才长出一厘米。请诸位算一算,这么大的钟乳石得需要多少个漫长的岁月啊!这组钟乳据专家铀系法测定已生长了约14万年。我国有句成语叫“水滴石穿”,在我们大峡谷确是“水滴 10


The magnificent pagoda and grandiose jade light make us feel as if we are entering the fairyland. It is said by the geologist that the stalactite is formed because, when there is water in the crevice on top or wall of the cave infiltrating, the water drops will enter into the cave. As a result, the air pressure in the cave suddenly drops, and the water evaporates, thus making the water drops that are full of carbonate matters precipitate again. The precipitated water drops adhere to the top, wall, bottom of the cave, thus forming the stalagmite, stalactites, etc. It grows very slowly. Like the goose straw, it grows for one centimeter per 100 years or so. You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow. This pair of stalactites has grown for about 140,000 years according to the experts’ U-series Test. There is a Chinese proverb saying: “water drops, stone wears” which means consistent efforts can make the stone wear. But in the canyon, it should be “water drops, stone grows”. The stalactite will grow continuously if the water drops.



Here is the origin of the First Drifting Cave of Underground River in China. We will begin our rubber dinghy drifting from here. The current drifting length is 1000-meter. And it has been appraised as the longest karst cave drift project in China by the Shanghai Great World Guinness Record Headquarter. When the second project was finished, the drift length can reach to 2500 meters, extending to the river outside the east cave entrance. This is cave experts’ ingeniously-designed in-cave drift project by making use of the underground water flow. According to research, as a pioneering work, the in-cave drift creates a national precedent at present. We can travel on the rubber 11

dinghy, and share the exciting amazement, adventure and oddness of the First Drifting Cave of Underground River in China. At the same time, we can enjoy the wonderful scenic on the top and both sides of the canyon, as well as appreciating the Three Gorges, the Lijiang River, the Nine-turning Stream in the canyon where we can feel the delight that cannot be experienced in over ground rivers and seas. The underground drifting in the canyon is the key point for tourists. A saying goes: “coming into the Grand Canyon without drifting, efforts in vain with exhausting”, “Grand Canyon visit without drift, pity left, to guide, stop complaint.” Of course, I don’t mean to force you to drift, there is still opportunity for us in the future, and next time is ok. Well, the ones who want to drift, please hurry to get on the dinghy in order. Please feel assured because drifting is very safe. Why can we drift? That’s because the rock bedding of the cave inclines to the east with the inclination angle of 5~ 10 degrees, thus producing the stratigraphic heave with high in west and low in east property. So it makes drifting possible. For the ones who don’t want to drift, please follow me and continue our sightseeing ahead.

(漂流注意事项Drifting Instructions)有这样几点注意事项需要跟大家强调一下:we must behave according to the following instructions:

1、 我们是两人乘坐一艘漂流艇,轻者在前,重者在后;

Two of us share one drifting boat, the light one sits in front, the heavy one in behind.

2、 请大家带好自己随身携带的物品,如相机、手机等怕水的物品,咱们一定要保管好了;

Please take great care of your own belongings, especially the water-funk ones such as the camera, cell phone, etc.

3、 大家坐在漂流艇上不要随意的站起来,扶好两侧的黑色扶手;

Don’t stand up without permission while in the boat; hold the black handrails on both sides.

4、 中途右侧会经过一个瀑布,咱们各位朋友当中如果有背包的,可以把包放在身体的左侧;

On the way of drifting, we will pass by a waterfall; the one who carries the 12

knapsack can put it on the left of your self.

5、 下船后,请大家检查一下自己的物品是否落在了漂流艇上。

After getting off, please check whether your own belongings left on the drifting boat. (玉米王)请您抬头向上看,这里有一个向上悬挂在石壁上的玉米,它粒粒饱满,形态自然,这么大个的玉米可以堪称为玉米王了!









(云南石林)哎,你们看,去南石林怎么搬到这山东地下大峡谷里了?其实也 13


(九天瀑)现在我们已经到了大峡谷十二瀑之一的九天瀑,诗仙李白为庐山九叠泉瀑布题诗赞美道:“日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川,飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”。站在此地,观九天瀑飞流直下,如身临其境,往往禁不往使人引发许多联想和感慨。在此,我也赋拙诗一首,赞美我们的九天瀑:“雾罩峡谷生紫烟,近观雨幕挂前川,水花溅起三千尺,恰似山洪落洞天”,怎么样?献丑啦! (大龙虾)你们看右边石壁上那只头朝上,尾朝下的大龙虾,个头儿倒蛮大的。谁有本事把它捉住带回去,今儿个大家游览完大峡谷,餐桌上将会多了一道上档次的美味佳肴。现在我们来到了圣贤宫,大家累了吧?请在这里坐一坐,稍事休息,养精蓄锐,再进行我们下一段的旅行。有诗曰“山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”。更精彩的景点还在后头呢?告别了龙虎峡,下面我们马上就要进入雷鸣谷。各位游客请注意,这段溶洞比较长,峰回路转,曲曲弯弯,而且电闪雷鸣,请注意安全。




(月老亭Match-maker Pavilion)游客朋友,你看这几位旁若无人似的卿卿我我,亲亲热热,谈得多热乎啊!噢,月老亭。怪不得有这么多恋人呢,原来这里是一处婚姻介绍所啊!说起月老,他乃是神话传说中主管婚姻之神。据史书上说,唐朝有个叫李固的人旅游来到宋城,见一位奇异老人在月光下依着个口袋检点书籍。李固问他是什么书?老人回答说,是天下婚姻之书。李固又问袋子里是什么?老人回答说是红绳子,用来拴系夫妻的。虽仇敌之家,贫*悬隔,天涯从官,吴楚异乡,此绳一系,终不可越。后来便称主管婚姻之神为月下老人,简称月老,有时成为媒人的代称。请问咱们当中有几位是月老牵线,有几位是自由恋爱?

Look! Several pairs speak whispers of love intimately. How pally they are! Oh, this is the Match-maker Pavilion! No wonder here are so many people in love. In fact, here is a marriage bureau! When it comes to the Match-maker, he is the spirit in charge of marriage in the legend. According to the history record, there was a man called Li Gu in Tang Dynasty. While travelling to the Song city, he saw an unusual old man with a pocket checking his books in the moonlight. “What kind of the books are?” asked Li. “books for marriage in the world” answered the old man. “What is in the pocket?” asked Li again. “Red ribbon,” answered the old man, “no matter the two persons are enemies or separated by the wide gap between rich and poor, far or near, once the ribbon is tied together, no one will break. After that, the spirit in charge of the marriage is called“月下老人”Match-maker,short for“月老”。Sometimes refers to the 14

matchmaker. Well, I will ask: how many of you are connected by the matchmaker, and how many are linked by free love?

(企鹅沐浴Penguin Bathing )你们看这几只大鸟在水中干什么?哟,原来是企鹅沐浴。

Look! What are the penguins doing? Oh, they are bathing in the sun.

(老寿星The Longevity Man)大家请看,这位老寿星至少也有十五万岁了,别看他白发苍苍,却精神矍铄,体格健壮。

Please look at this The Longevity Man; he is at least 150,000 years old. Although grey-haired, he is still hale and hearty.

(天泉瀑Heaven Spring Waterfall)天泉瀑。因天上的仙泉之水洒向人间而得名。据说常喝天泉瀑的水能长生不老。

The Heaven Spring Waterfall is known for pouring heaven water to the human world. It is said that drinking the water of Heaven Spring Waterfall will make one long-lived.

(瑶池仙境Jasper Lake Fairyland)伴随着悦耳动听的声声仙乐,我们步入了梦幻世界般的瑶池仙境、仙水宫。你看这形态各异,神情怡然的不同人物造型,真可谓眉目传神,维妙维肖。使人佩服大自然的神奇造化,鬼斧神工。

With the melodious songs, we are entering the dream-like Jasper Lake Fairyland. Look at the figures with happy and contented expressions in different poses. They are remarkably lifelike and vivid, which make us admire the nature’s magic creation and the superb craftsmanship.


你看这从天而降的神来之水叫天仙水,为什么叫天仙水?噢,原来是一位仙女正在这里淋浴呢?你看她,苗条的身材,玉洁的肌肤,长长的披肩秀发被水淋湿以 15


Look, the six sparkling circles are six heaven water springs. The water coming from the heaven is called heaven water. Do you know why? Oh, a fairy is bathing here. Please look at her: the slim figure, beautiful skin, water-soaked long hair flowing down, makes her extraordinarily charming and graceful. In case of being peeped by others, she hides behind the rockery. But the rockery is too short to hide her, her bathing beauties is viewed completely by the tourists.

(石鸳鸯Stone Mandarin Ducks)这对石鸳鸯似乎刚从水中出来,正双双整理打湿了的羽毛和翅膀呢!

This pair of Stone Mandarin Ducks seems to come out of the water just now. Look! They are making up the soppy feather and wings for each other at the moment.

(仙女神道Fairy Path)各位游客,走进这仙女神道,大家有什么感觉?如果觉得飘然欲仙,如入仙境,那就真的找到感觉了。

Walking on this Fairy Path, what kind of feeling do you have? If you feel light as if you were in a fairyland, you really find the feeling.

(水帘洞、定海神针Water Curtain Cave, Magical Rod for Sea Safeguarding)穿过了仙女神道,在我们面前呈现的是一个天然洞穴,被遮掩在一帘瀑布后面,这是峡谷内的洞中洞之一——水帘洞,孙悟空的故居。哎怎么没见猴子猴孙们打闹嬉戏的身影?也可能是到花果山上摘桃吃去了吧?这定海神针也就是孙悟空的金箍棒了。只是未见孙大圣的踪影。莫非遇到麻烦找观音菩萨去了?

Passing through the fairy path, appearing before us is a purely nature cave which is hidden behind the waterfall. This is one of the caves inside the cave in the canyon: 16

Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King’s former residence. Why can’t we see the monkeys playing games with each other? Maybe they are pitching peaches on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits? This Magical Rod for Sea Safeguarding must be Monkey King’s Golden Cudgel. But we can’t find him; maybe he is in trouble and turns to the goddess of mercy for help?

(蒙古包Mongolian Yurt)这一个个圆形的穹顶是数万年前大水不断冲刷所形成的,像不像内蒙古牧民的蒙古包。

These round- shaped domes are formed as a result of flood washing tens of thousands years ago. Are they like the Mongolian herdsmen’s yurts?

(观音宫、莲花宝座Kwan-yin Palace, Lotus Throne)穿过蒙古包,我们就到达了观音宫,请顺着我手指的方向看,在我们的正前方的岩壁上,就是大慈大悲的观世音菩萨而且她的包瓶子里还正在滴水,我们又称之为滴水观音.


Passing through the Mongolian Yurt, we have arrived at the Kwan-yin Palace. Please look at what I point, on the crag in our very front is the Kwan-yin, and the water in her holy bottle is dropping. So we also call her Water-dropping Kwan-yin. You can pay your homage to the Kwan-yin. It is known to all that being pure-hearted is efficacious, and we can pray for peace and happiness for our whole family. Now, I will 17

ask all of you a question: how many times do you bend while entering the Kwan-yin Palace. Three times, that means we have paid homage to the Kwan-yin for three times. Please look! The Kwan-yin is standing here. But where is her Lotus Throne? Look at the Lotus Throne on the blue waves of South Sea: guardian warriors, disciples, Buddhist devotees are waiting for paying homage, but it is empty in the throne. Where is the South Sea Kwan-yin? Let us try to find. Oh, here she is.

(雄狮宫The Lion Palace)看,一头雄狮占踞了整座宫殿,这狮子也够大的了。

Look, a lion occupies the whole palace! What a big lion!


As we are still interested in enjoying the Jasper Lake Fairyland and Fairy Path, we have walked into the unique scenery area: Water Flowing beneath a Little Bridge. (彩环隧道Colorful Tunnel)穿越这五彩缤纷的彩环隧道,犹如钻进了时空隧道。我们似乎感到这世界太小了,人类的生命是那样的短暂。所以我们要善待他人,善待自己,珍惜生活,奉献社会,使自己的人生更加有意义,更加有价值。

Passing through the Colorful Tunnel is like entering into the time tunnel. We can feel how small the world is and how transient our life is! So we should be kind to others as well as to ourselves. To treasure our life and make contributions to our society will make our life more significant and valuable.

(莺歌燕舞A Scene of Prosperity)你看,只要每个人都像我刚才说的那样做了,展现在我们眼前的将是燕歌燕舞,彩旗招展,一派太平盛世。

Look, if each of you has done what I have told you just now, what is unfolded 18

before our eyes is a scene of prosperity with peace and harmony.


Please look at this glittering and matchlessly-large Precious Bottle Gourd above. Please guess what its name is. Oh, it’s called Tianguo, which is formed as a result of the upper wall erosion under the influence of karstification.

(飞天神龟Flying Turtle)大千世界无奇不有,我们平常所看到的龟都是生活在陆地上或水里面的而今天我们将要看到的龟却是在天上飞。走到这里大家抬头向上看在我们上方的那块巨大的岩石很像一只龟因为它是侧立着身子向天飞行的所以这处景点又称为是飞天神龟。

Nothing is too strange in the world. The turtle we usually see lives on land or in water. But today, we will see the flying turtle. Here please look up at the huge stone over us. It looks like a turtle very much because it is flying into the sky with its body on edge. Therefore, this spot is also called Flying Turtle.

(地下三峡The Three Underground Canyons)说到峡谷,有些朋友可能知道,它是河流经过的深而狭窄的山谷,两旁有陡峭高耸的石壁。如北美的科罗拉多大峡谷啦,西藏的雅鲁藏布底杭大峡谷啦,等等。长江三峡也是名副其实的大峡谷。但是,以上这些峡谷都在地上,观光游览是在露天,而.峡,气势磅薄,深长险峻,景色壮观,驰名中外。

When it comes to the canyon, many of you may know that it is the deep and narrow valley with the water passing through. On both sides are the craggy and towering cliffs. Such as the Colorado Canyon, the Brahmaputra Canyon, etc. and the Three Gorges of Changjiang River is also one of the famous canyons. But all the canyons mentioned above are over ground ones, and we can only enjoy them in the open air. But we can enjoy the Three Underground Canyons here in the cave. Its vigor, power and spectacular sceneries, gains great popularity both in and out of China.


After the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River is 19

finished, the completely new scenery will appear before us. Next, we will enter into the Underground Three Gorges area. It concentrates the essence of the Three Changjiang River Gorges, and has many unique scenic spots which can rival with those of the real Three Gorges. It is really a feast for the eyes for all of you. The concentrated essences include the Little Kuixia Gorge, Little Wuxia Gorge, and Little Xiling Gorge. All of the gorges are vigorously powerful, fantastically spectacular and incredible. After the Changjiang River Closure, part of the Three Gorges becomes the underground gorges, which cannot be enjoyed by us. And our underground three gorges can make up the defects. Please enjoy and appreciate the scenery spots while walking.

(三峡蜀道Three Gorges Shu Path)这是三峡蜀道,请各位游客相互照应一下。人说蜀道难,难于上青天,看来确实比较难走,请大家注意安全。三峡蜀道还有步步高升、好运连连之意,您在走这蜀道时,一定要一鼓作气的走上去就会步步高升、好运连连。

This is the Three Gorges Shu Path; please take care of each other. People say it is more difficult for one to climb up the Shu Path than climbing up the sky. It is true that it is hard to walk on, please take care of yourselves. The Three Gorges Shu Path suggests promotion and good luck. If we step up at one fling we will get promoted and have good luck.

(巫山天水瀑Tianshui Waterfall of Mountain Wu)这里是天水瀑景点,瀑布下泻时水流是很大的,很容易淋湿衣服。请大家快些走过。

This is Tianshui Waterfall, the great water power will shower your cloth when the waterfall flowing down, please pass by quickly.

(铁索桥Iron Cable Bridge)大家现在走过的是铁索桥,请体验一下红军两万五千里长征飞夺泸定桥的感觉。请放心,只要大家稳步行走,这上面是十分安全的。

The bridge we are walking on is the Iron Cable Bridge; we can experience the scene of the Red Army fighting for the Luding Bridge in the process of the Long Twenty-five-thousand-kilometer March. Please be assured to walk steadily. It is very safe on the bridge.

(巫山镇山石Safeguarding Stone of Mountain Wu)这是巫山镇山石。也有人把它称作幸运石、长命石,所以游客朋友走过时,一定要用手摸一摸,就会长命百岁的。


This is the Safeguarding Stone of Mountain Wu. It is also called Fortunate Stone, Longevity Stone by some people. So, please touch it with your hand when passing by, it will bring longevity to you.

(重岩叠障巫峡Overlapping and Successive Wuxia Gorge)“重岩叠障巫峡”六个大字是当年古代军事家诸葛亮到三峡时所题。现在大概已经淹没在江面以下了。所幸的是,大家可以在这里完整地观赏到。

The six characters “重岩叠障巫峡”, which means the Wuxia Gorge is overlapping and successive, was inscribed by Zhuge Liang, a famous militarist in ancient times, when he visited the Three Changjiang River Gorges. It may be submerged beneath the water. Fortunately, we can appreciate all of the six characters here.

(小三峡中流砥柱Mainstay of Three Little Gorges)请大家向前看,这里有块顶天立地的巨石,那上面的大字明明白白写着:小三峡中流砥柱。莫非黄河三门峡的中流砥柱飞到这儿来了?


Please look ahead, here is a huge rock, written on it is: Mainstay of Three Little Gorges. Is it possible that the Mainstay of Sanmenxia Gorge of Yellow River flying to here? The saying goes that it is easy for one to go up the mountain, and difficult to come down. Therefore, please slower your pace for safety’s sake.

(剑门关Jianmenguan Pass)各位游客请回过头来,刚才我们从剑门关走过,请大家仔细看这飞来巨石,像不像一把直插大地的利剑呢,这么大的宝剑堪称是世界之最啊!

Please look back, everyone. We have passed the Jianmenguan Pass just now, please look at this huge rock, is it look like a sharp sword straightly cutting the earth? The sword of such type can be called the World’s Top.


The last scenery section of the Underground Grand Canyon is the Nine Curves Eighteen Turns. It is welcoming us now! Please enjoy the natural beauties here. The Nine Curves Eighteen Turns, as its name suggests, this area is famous for its twists and turns.

(峡谷石窟Canyon Grotto)请看这座座石窟,虽然没有敦煌莫高窟的高大雄伟,却也神工天成,蔚为壮观。它是经过大水的不断冲刷所形成的。Please look at these grottos. Although not larger and grander than the Mogao Grottos of Dunhuang, they are superbly extraordinary and magnificent. The grotto is formed as a result of continuous water washing.

(皱谷云涌Cloud Surging in the Valley)请大家看一下两侧的岩壁层层叠叠,像云彩一样。这层层的绕壁横纹,是当年的地下水平面的标志,水面对岩石壁的冲刷腐蚀,从而形成了这一道道平行的水纹线,我们可以想象这无波无浪花的水, 21


Please look at the crags on both sides! They arrange layer upon layer, just like clouds. The layer-upon-layer crag-winding cross grain is at one time the symbol for underground water level. Because of the water’s erosion-corrosion effect to the crags, many parallel water level lines are formed. We can imagine how many years it will take for the water without curve and spray to make the crag corroded bit by bit to become many deep grooves? Maybe for millions of years or tens of millions of years. And from this, we can know another question: we can count how many layers of crag-winding cross grains on the crag. It is just like the growth ring of woods, recording the rise and fall changes of the earth's crust going through this place.

(十里长穴第一锅the First Pot of Ten-mile Cave)大家请抬头向上看,这十里长穴第一锅在欢送各位呢?您看它张着大口好像在说“朋友再见!欢迎再来!”

Please look up, everyone. The First Pot of Ten-mile Cave is saying farewell to us. It opens its big mouth as if saying: goodbye, my dear friends welcome to come back again.


When we walk with robust steps, and climb over the stairs with high spirit, we are going to arrive at the exit of the canyon unconsciously.


Please look up, and you will find on the top exists a cave. It is at this place where the Grand Canyon was found in 1974 when the peasant digging well for anti-drought. (Farewell Speech)好了,到这里,我们今天的峡谷之旅已接近尾声,感谢大家在旅途中对我工作的支持与配合,欢迎您对我们景区及我个人提出宝贵意见,我们将按照您的意见不断完善我们的工作,更好地为游客服务,欢迎大家重游山东地下大峡谷。如果大家有时间的话可以到地下荧光湖去游览一下它是一个生物照明的萤火虫水洞,同时也是亚洲第一,世界罕见,神州独有的一处景观,欢迎大家去体验一下如梦如幻的感觉。同时您也可以到我们龙岗集团的另外一个景区仙山圣水、度假天堂“天马岛”去游览观光,它是集“奇、险、怪、秀”于一体,江北唯一一个山水相依风景秀丽的休闲度假旅游区。

Well, here, our canyon travel is closing today. Thank you for your support and cooperation while travelling. Welcome you to give valuable advice to our scenic area as well as to myself. We will improve our work according to your suggestions and serve you better. Welcome to visit Shandong Underground Grand Canyon again! If your time is permitted, you can pay a visit to the Underground Fluorescent Lake. It is a firefly 22

water cave lightening by living creature, and also the first all over Asia. It is rarely seen in the world, and particular in China. Welcome you to experience the dream-like feeling. Meanwhile, you can also visit another scenic area of Longgang Group---the Tianma Island ---a beautiful vacation paradise with green hills and clear waters. It combines the quality of “oddness, danger, grotesqueness, elegance” together, the only picturesque vacation tourism area with hills and water.

讲解词Introduction speech:下方有灯光的地方就是有台阶的地方;上方有灯光的地方就是有岩壁突出的地方;由于洞内潮湿,所以地面较滑,请您注意;咱们开始上台阶,小心台阶和四周突出的岩壁。

Downwards, where there exits light, there exist stairs. Upwards, where there exists light, there outstands crag. The ground is quite slippery because of the moisture inside the cave. Please be attentive: now we are beginning to climb up the stairs, please mind your step and be careful with the outstanding crags all round.





























