








7:我的肉体归黄土,我的灵魂归天堂,我的金钱归穷人——最后的遗言 8:幸福的精灵,以热烈的爱情,使我垂死衰老的心,保持生命。..........


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利用点:GRE类似命题: 75"The people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others."

*亚里士多德 (Aristotle 384.BC-322BC)



*阿基米德(Archimedes 287.BC-212BC)




马可波罗 (Marco Polo 1254-1324)



但丁 (Dante 1265-1321)



贞德(Joan of Arc 1412-1431)

参考事迹:英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,民间描述:“改成男装,身披盔甲,手执长矛,胯下一匹高头大马 ,威风凛凛”(偶像阿...555....)..,1429年5月8日,贞德统帅法军,终于打败了英国侵略者,被称为“奥尔良姑娘”,成为法国人民爱国斗争的旗帜。可惜以后的战斗中由于统治者的重重顾虑,没有给与贞德有利的支援,导致贞德在巴黎孤军深入,1430年战斗失利,贞德被迫退到巴黎不远的贡比涅城,被助纣为虐的勃什么第集团所出卖,以四万法郎卖给了英国侵略者。1431年5月30日,被英国以“女巫”,“妖术惑众”火刑处死。贞德的壮烈牺牲激怒了法国人民,二十二年后,他们终于把侵略者赶出了国土。


哥伦布 (Columbus)



*达芬奇(Vinci 1452-1519)


利用点:很多,蒙拉丽莎可以用来举证74"The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.",

透视,光线等绘画理论,用解剖尸体的方法研究人体的比例和结构是80"All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science."很好的支持证据,还有很多可以参考,毕竟此人是大牛。

*哥白尼 (Copernicus 1473-1543)




名人生平 作者:David 来源:寄托天下








When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Alien started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world's No.lUniversity. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world.

We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success. The voluminous personal papers of Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous woks.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters." The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor. Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 missions throughout 100 countries worldwide.

Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Whales is remembered and respected by people all over the world more for her beauty, kindness, humanity and charitable activities than for her technical skills.


Mandela, the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa's antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.

Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, forms a transition from classical to romantic composition. Individual, Companies, Leadership and Internal control

Mr. Lesson was accused of losing 1.3 billion dollars as a result of a risky

derivative investment with the potential of a 27-billon gain. The collapse of

Barings Bankin 1995 has been one of the most spectacular events in the banking world in recent years. Banks solvency and liquidity can be significantly threatened if speculative trading in financial derivatives is guided by a lack of adequate internal and external controls. There is evidence that such reasons are responsible for the failure of Barings in February 1995.

Recently, many multi-national companies, such as Cisco and Yahoo, stimulate the employees? morale by offering stock options to their employees. Stock option provides a chance for employees to become the shareholders of the company. As the result, the interest and profit of the company is tightly connected with the employees' interest and income.

Philip morris, the largest tobacco company in the world, has been sued by government and many other groups for producing products that are harmful to health. The fines and legal fees that have resulted from the legal attacks against the company have cost the company substantial amounts of money.

Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutics companies in the world, announced that the company would cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.

Mitsubishi Motors had concealed significant defects in the brake system of Pajero, one of the company's major products, before apologized to public: Hundreds of car accidents were directly caused by the brake error. Thus, the company suffered a great goods return, losing not only the market share but also the confidence of consumers.

Henry Ford's factorv was so efficient that by 1926 a new "model-T" cost

only $310, one-third the price of the original 1908 model.

Discriminating services may cause misunderstanding and unpleasant result.The best example is

[Toshiba|, one of the largest Japanese companies. In 2000, the Company announced that among notebook computers it produced, one model had serious defect. Users in North America could choose either replacements with an upgraded model or full refund. However, no such offer for users in China. Chinese users were outraged at the company's discrimination and refused to use any of Toshiba's notebook computers. What the company lost is not only the temporary revenue but also the consumer's confidence, which contribute to the long-term success of the company.


It took Columbus, the Italian explorer in the service of Spain who determined that the earth is round, over 3 months to sail from Europe to America. However, we can do so by air within one day.


Sisyphus : a king of Corinth, condemned in Hades forever to roll uphill ahuge stone that always rolled down again. Represent the endless travail.

Sandman : in nursery lore, a mythical person supposed to make children sleepy by casting sand in their eyes.

Frankenstein : the title character in Mary W. Shelley's novel Frankenstein who creates a monster by which he is eventually killed; a monstrous creation; especially : a work or agency that ruins its originator

Yeats : William Butler 1865*1939 Irish poet & dramatist; awarded 1923 Nobel prize for literature for his poems; leader of Irish literary revival with poems, essays, plays; best known poems include *The Wild Swans at Coole,* *Sailing to Byzantium,* *The Second Coming,* etc

Maya : a Mayan language of the ancient Maya peoples recorded in inscriptions Pythagorean theorem : a theorem in geometry: the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides

Adam Smith : writer of the Wealth of Nations.

Goethe Bach Supposition : the hardest supposition that none has thoroughly prove it.

Archimedes阿基米德: Greek mathematician & inventor; known especially for work in mechanics; discovered principle of buoyancy; wrote treatises on volumes of spheres and cylinders, value of pi, etc.

Galileo伽利略:Italian astronomer & physicist; discovered law of uniform acceleration of falling bodies; discovered that moon shines with reflected light; denounced for advocating Copernican system; was later tried by Inquisition (1632) and forced to recant

Newton牛顿:Mathematician & physicist; author of Principia (1687), one of the seminal works of modern science; laid the foundation of calculus; expanded human understanding of color and light; formulated three fundamental laws of mechanics, leading to the law of gravitation

Hegel黑格尔: 1770-1831 German philosopher; his dialectic process for reconciling opposites influenced Existentialists, Marx, etc.

Socrates: Greek philosopher; developer of philosophical thought concerned with the analysis of the character and conduct of human life; famous for his injunction *know thyself; * remembered for his conviction on charges of impiety and death by drinking poisonous hemlock.

Roosevelt: the 32nd president and the only president elected for 4th terms (1933-45); developed reforms and projects known as the New Deal. Under his sagacious leadership, America successfully walked out the shadow of Recession and conquered the notorious fascism in the Second World War. And according to a poll conducted at Harvard in 1950, Roosevelt is highly renowned as one of the greatest president of American, ranking only after Washington and Lincoln.

Washington: 1st president of the U.S. (1789-1797); established many precedents that permanently shaped the character of the office of president; universally regarded as father of his country. Abraham Lincoln: 16th president of the U.S. (1861-65); successfully preserved the Union during the American Civil War; issued Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in rebelling states; made famous address dedicating cemetery at Gettysburg; assassinated five days after end of Civil War.

Jefferson: chief author of Declaration of Independence (1776); 3d president of the U.S. (1801*09); purchased Louisiana from France, sent Lewis and Clark to explore it; prohibited importation of slaves; instrumental in founding U. of Virginia. From him we can see the importance initially laid upon education. He required his progenies to carve such epitaph on his tombstone as ?chief author of Declaration of Independence; author of the Freedom Law of Religion in Virginia; Father of the Virginia Uni.? Without mentioning of his presidency. It reflected vividly what a status of education in Jefferson?s heart and this status was inherited by his successors. It is why American?s being super power of the world today.

Pasteur: French chemist & microbiologist; did pioneer work in the study of microorganisms and their effects; developed method of inoculating against anthrax and chicken cholera; developed cure and prevention for rabies; developed the germ theory of disease that disentangled human from the superstition that disease are a curse cast by god.







French mathematician who made valuable contributions to number theory algebra before being killed in a duel at the age of 21.

康托尔(Cantor,1845-1918,法国)集合(set)论的创始者。他的名言是:数学的本质在于思考的充分。他的思想使得我们有可能研究超越了感觉想象到的高维和无限维的空间,使数学家可以建立起抽象的纯数学和种种特异的数学来,并且还将促使数学永无止境地向前发展。 但是康托尔的一生并不平坦,1884年他患了精神分裂症,并且以后34年间一直影响着他的生活。他发病的一个重要原因是他的创见和思想不被当时的许多人(其中甚至包括一些数学界的领袖人物)所理解,反而受到了一些击和不公正对待。


希尔伯特(Hilbert,1862-1943,德国)二十世纪最伟大的数学家之一,他最为有名的事迹之一是在二十世纪开端时提出了著名的二十三个数学问题,这些问题在相当程度上引导和促进了二十世纪数学的发展。同时他也是数学公理化方法的开拓者、倡导者、实践者之一。 勒贝格(Lebesgue,1875-1941,法国)他主要的成就是建立了完的测度理论,从而改造了传统的积分,使得积分的方法可以在更广泛的范围内得到准确的应用,并且极大地促进了泛函分析、微分方程等数学领域的发展。他的一生中也有曲折。他起初只是一个中学教师,但是后来他一直作到了法国科学院的院长。



German philosopher and mathematician. He invented differential and integral calculus independently of Newton and proposed the metaphysical theory that we live in搕he best of all possible worlds.?




German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.



Swiss mathematician particularly noted for his full development of integral calculus and for his theories of complex numbers, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, and lunar motion.


To add one(亨利.庞加莱)



Henri Poincare (1854-1912), a great French mathematics and theoretical science professor at the Sorbonne (Universityof Paris), had a highly original influence on the development of pure and applied mathematics. He also worked on functions that changed celestial mechanics, helped pioneer algebraic topoloty and co-discovered the special theory of relativity. For further introduction to his works, please visit http://www-chaos.umd.edu/misc/poincare.html. The following is a story about him and his Fuchsian functions(富克斯函数):

For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations but he arrived at no result. One night he drank some balck coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep. Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. He had only to prove the results, which took only a few hours.

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