coco chanel


Fashion designer Coco Chanel

Fashion designer Coco Chanel. Born on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France. With her trademark suits and little black dresses, Coco Chanel created timeless designs that are still popular today. She herself became a much revered style icon known for her simple yet sophisticated outfits paired with great accessories, such as several

strands of pearls. As Chanel once said,“luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.”

Her early years, however, were anything but glamorous. After her mother?s death, Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father who worked as a peddler. She was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew—a skill that would lead to her life?s work. Her nickname came from another occupation entirely. During her brief career as a singer, Chanel performed in clubs in Vichy and Moulins where she was called “Coco.” Some say that the name comes from one of the songs she used to sing, and Chanel herself said that it was a “shortened version of cocotte, the French word for ?kept woman,” according to an article in The Atlantic.


Around the age of 20, Chanel became involved with Etienne Balsan who offered to help her start a millinery business in Paris. She soon left him for one of his even wealthier friends, Arthur “Boy” Capel. Both men were instrumental in Chanel?s first fashion venture.

Opening her first shop on Paris?s Rue Cambon in 1910, Chanel started out selling hats. She later added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began making clothes. Her first taste of clothing success came from a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. In response to the many people who asked about where she got the dress, she offered to make one for them. “My fortune is built on that old jersey that I?d put on because it was cold in Deauville,” she once told author Paul Morand.

In the 1920s, Chanel took her thriving business to new heights. She launched her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, which was the first to feature a designer?s name.

Perfume “is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion. . . . that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure,” Chanel once explained.

In 1925, she introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. Her designs were revolutionary for the time—borrowing elements of men?s wear and emphasizing comfort over the constraints of then-popular fashions. She helped women say good-bye to the days of corsets and other confining garments. Another 1920s revolutionary design was Chanel?s little black dress. She took a color once associated with mourning and showed just how chic it could be for eveningwear.

In addition to fashion, Chanel was a popular figure in the Paris literary and artistic worlds. She designed costumes for the Ballets Russes and for Jean Cocteau?s play Orphée, and counted Cocteau and artist Pablo


Another important romance for Chanel began in the 1920s. She met the wealthy duke of Westminster aboard his yacht around 1923, and the two started a decades-long relationship. In response to his marriage proposal, she reportedly said “There have been several Duchesses of Westminster—but there is only one Chanel!”

The international economic depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on her company, but it was the outbreak of World War II that led Chanel to close her business. She fired her workers and shut down her shops. During the German occupation of France, Chanel got involved with a German military officer, Hans Gunther von Dincklage. She got special permission to stay in her apartment at the Hotel Ritz. After the war ended, Chanel was interrogated by her relationship with von Dincklage, but she was not charged as a collaborator. Some have wondered whether friend Winston Churchill worked behind the scenes on Chanel?s behalf.

While not officially charged, Chanel suffered in the court of public opinion. Some still viewed her relationship with a Nazi officer as a betrayal of her country. Chanel left Paris, spending some years in Switzerland in a sort of exile. She also lived at her country house in Roquebrune for a time.

At the age of 70, Chanel made a triumphant return to the fashion world. She first received scathing reviews from critics, but her feminine and easy-fitting designs soon won over shoppers around the world.


In 1969, Chanel?s fascinating life story became the basis for the Broadway

musical Coco starring Katharine Hepburn as the legendary designer. Alan Jay Lerner wrote the book and lyrics for the show?s song while Andre Prévin composed the

music. Cecil Beaton handled the set and costume design for the production. The show received seven Tony Award nominations, and Beaton won for Best Costume Design and René Auberjonois for Best Featured Actor.

Coco Chanel died on January 10, 1971, at her apartment in the Hotel Ritz. She never married, having once said “I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.” Hundreds crowded together at the Church of the Madeleine to bid farewell to the fashion icon. In tribute, many of the mourners wore Chanel suits.

A little more than a decade after her death, designer Karl Lagerfeldtook the reins at her company to continue the Chanel legacy. Today her namesake company continues to thrive and is believed to generate hundreds of millions in sales each year.

In addition to the longevity of her designs, Chanel?s life story continues to captivate people?s attention. There have been several biographies of the fashion revolutionary, including Chanel and Her World (2005) written by her friend Edmonde Charles-Roux. In the recent television biopic, Coco Chanel (2008), Shirley MacLaine starred as the famous designer around the time of her 1954 career resurrection. The actress told WWD that she had long been interested in playing Chanel.

第二篇:传奇女人coco chanel经典语录

传奇女人coco chanel经典语录【一个不喷香水的女人是没有未来的】

【穿不上街的时尚,就不是时尚】 2010-04-24 15:20 | (分类:经济类)





5“黑色能够包容一切颜色,白色也是。穿白色和黑色的女人,永远是 舞会上最受瞩目的美女。”































Coco Chanel生平简介

可可〃夏奈尔(Coco Chanel 1883一1971)

原名布里埃尔〃邦思〃夏奈尔(Gabrielle Chanel) ,生于法国索米尔1883年8月19日,卒于法国巴黎19xx年6月10日。


coco chanel女士

如果要问二十年代的时装女王是谁,那么答案只有一个Coco Chanel,她超越生命极限的设计和崇尚自由随意搭配的风格,把女性从笨拙的扭曲体型的束缚中解放出来,强调优雅简洁而容易穿着,成为现代女性衣着的革命先锋。 她曾说过:“要把妇女从头到脚摆脱矫饰”。她要“创造一个年轻的形象”夏奈尔的服装坦率、自由,裙子为齐膝短裙,上衣为宽松直线型外套,不再强调胸部和臀部的曲线。她的毛呢无腰四分之三长外套,去掉花哨的装饰,简朴得像男装一样。她反对过去的高级时装像“鸽子那样挺胸凸臀”。“烦躁、杂乱”,她壮涨造型县简洁、朴实、舒适自如,色彩单纯、素雅,她喜欢黑、白两色。夏奈尔改变了时装的概念,是服装艺术真正迈入20世纪。

这位意志坚强、有着超凡创造力和生命力的女人使CHANEL的名字及其两个双C字相紧扣的标志成为一种时尚和文化的象征,对于注重品质的人来说,它代表着风格和地位。在二十年代她率先将男性的针织毛衣演绎为女装;从水手裤取材,推出“sailor pants”和 “beach pyjamas”,鼓吹女性如男性般穿上长裤,开创了“男装女穿”的先河。而她对人造首饰与衣服搭配的重视,特别是成串成串的珍珠链,为她简洁的衣服设计添上华丽感,更开启了现代衣着的观念——怎样穿着一件衣服比衣服本身更重要,以及我们所说的“total look”。 19xx年6月10日,夏奈尔独自为即将到来的时装发布会工作到很晚很晚,凌晨时她服用安眠药,她睡了,却从此再也没有醒来.她穿着喜欢的套装,戴着项链,带着她的机智和俏皮,偃然长逝了,结束了她传奇的一生,终年八十八岁.她一个人悄悄地离去了,没有人停下来询问,没有人听到她是否呼救,她不喜欢孤独,却不得不孤独地度过了余生.她曾是那么的显赫,她的临终又是那么的平淡。

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