


2005-4-9 16:53:16

人们都不会忌讳谈论嘴或鼻子,即使是吐痰或流鼻水的污秽排泄口,也不会象下面的排泄口那样成为不便从嘴巴里说出来的禁忌语。penis或vagina所以会成为tabooed words,可能不在其肮脏,而是由于它还得兼做性行为的关系。尤其在基督教国家,这种限制更为严格。圣约翰固然否定男女间的一切性行为,可是也不得不承认婚姻生活的房事。在基督教的这种严格戒律下,否定了婚外的性行为,也可以说否定一切不是以生殖procreation为目的的性行为,只要看美国各州的法律,就知道受这种影响的事实。

“私通”fornication或“通奸”adultery或“同居”cohabitation等罪,最高可判十年徒刑。由于是这样的国家,当然对"four-letter words"非常严格。例如,举世闻名的伟大文学家亨利·席勒的作品,至今仍是禁书;琼斯的杰作《从现在到永远》是描写军队生活的作品,为忠实的描述,当然会出现four-letter words,所以出版社也不敢出版。据说到后来出版社要求把出现258次的fuck减到108次,将shit从135次减到50次,cunt与prick则全部删除才出版。在本书里引用的Dictionary of American Slang据说在出版当时,也曾受到极大的压力。作者之一的Stuart Flexner,在成年人的高级月刊杂志Esquire中回忆说,书中收录的二万字中,只因有250字是obscene(猥亵的),在加州几乎成为禁书。 对字典尚且如此,可见人们对dirty words是极度的反感。不过,一般来说对禁忌字的严格性已有松弛的倾向。 近十几年来许多年来许多禁书得以重见天日,就是一大证明。Fanny Hill或 My life & Lovesby Frank Harris,或亨利·席勒的带有四字经(four-letter word)而不再用“××”或“ ○○”等记号的小说陆续问世。一般大众看的畅销小说也使用相当多的four- letter word 或猥亵的形容。 在Pornography and the Law《色情文学与法律》中,就有从超畅销书Peyton Place及其它大众化的小说选出的词句。 fuck (意味性交的禁忌字)

shit (意味大便的four-letter-word)

ass (意味屁股的禁忌字)

pussy (意味女性性器的禁忌字)

prick (男性的阴茎)

cock (同上)


dildo [taboo] an artificial device resembling an erect penis, used by female homosexuals. “阴毛”是叫pubic hair或pubic floss,也常出现在美国大众化小说之中。这些字眼使用在色情的文章里时,必然会造成相当强烈的刺激感。

son of a bitch(“妓女的儿子、婊子养的”是最恶毒的骂人字眼),这是一般人难以启齿的话,另外还有cherry(处女)或queer(变态男性)、crotch (女性阴户)等。

I feel it like a hard finger. (我觉得那个东西象根硬的手指。)

Is it up good and hard? (那个东西硬得竖起来了吗?)

shove it in. (插进来吧。)


我们研究英语的人,遇到这些字是无可避免的,如果不能理解,自然就看不懂现代文学了。 如果追溯历史就可知道古代对性行为是更为宽待的。对于猥亵(obscenity)的禁制大约开始于维多利亚时代。


希腊人大大方方歌颂性行为是很闻名于世的,在希腊神话中就常出现有关性生活的描述,性行为在希腊不仅没有变成禁忌,而且是哲学家、剧作家最好的题材。罗马人也一样,在他们古典作品中大部分会出现性行为,所以如果小学生要看罗马古典作品,就不得不看删改版了。 古代盎格鲁·撒克逊文学虽然流传不多,但仍可从中看出对性行为的描述仍旧是直言不讳的(frank)。到了中世纪,随着基督教的势力之勃兴,性行为确实受到了很大的压制,但还是有《十日谈》(Il Decamerone)及《坎特布里故事》(the Canterbury Tales)等书的出版。 在十五、十六世纪已有许多以性为取笑对象的书出版,而且在伊莉莎白王朝时代,对排便或放屁等也并未列入禁忌。莎士比亚的作品中有很多猥亵的形容,也是很出名的事。至少在十八世纪中叶以前,作者在作品中写four-letter-word是自由的,鸡奸虽然是被禁止的坏事但只要说明是坏的,画家也可以画成画。可是到了维多利亚时代突然严格,只容许夫妻在床上有性行为,但严禁描述性行为,可以说维多利亚时代的人对性的“象征”或“描述”比性行为本身更感到恐惧。自从十八世纪中叶以后,"four-letter-word"开始从字典上消失。


诺亚·维布史塔提出出版圣经的改删版以及Thomas Bowdler从莎士比亚的作品删除淫秽的文句(boudlerize)也是在这个时候。


到十九世纪中叶以后,由于对“性”的抑制完全成功,故在制定法律方面也受到影响。 这种严格的限制开始出现破绽是在二十世纪的中叶以后,由于“道德的松弛”以及战争,而在新闻媒体上开始自由的使用four-letter-word或猥亵的词句。

巴纳德·D·鲍特在Harper's magazine(美国的高级月刊综合杂志)说过:“这些单音节


所谓“单音节字”系指拉丁系有教养人士使用的copulation,相反的,fuck 等单音节是盎格鲁·撒克逊人使用无教养的话。



学 年 论 文



院 (系)

专 业

题 目


常玉杰 学 号 外国语学院 英语(师范) 020701039 英汉文化中禁忌语差异的研究 On Cultural Difference of the Taboo Words Between English and Chinese

指导教师 陈维平 副教授

(姓 名) (专业技术职称/学位)

2010 年 11 月


On Cultural Difference of the Taboo Words between English and



Chang Yujie

A Thesis Submitted to

School of Foreign Languages

as a Gaduation Tesis

At Huaiyin Normal University

Under the Supervision of Ms. Chen Weiping

September 2010




This thesis involves much generous assistance from my teachers, friends and parents. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to my instructor Chen Weiping, my supervisor, who has been giving me the considerable academic help and constant support during my thesis writing.

I also extend my heartfelt appreciations to all of my friends and especially, my classmate Qi Jianhui, who has spent time discussing questions with me and offered me kind advice about the thesis. And I would like to thank the librarians of Huaiyin Teachers College, who have provided me with useful references needed in my thesis.

Finally, I would like to present sincere thanks to my parents, who have supported and assisted me all the way in my college life.





Abstract:Culture can be manifested in certain language. Different social background and historical culture make a contribution to produce different linguistic taboos. As the old saying goes, “Troubles come out of the tongue”. Superstitious people think that the language itself can bring about fortune and



misfortune so that taboos are created. Taboos are in common use in China and many English speaking countries, and we can find its expression in English and Chinese. This paper gives a brief introduction of the origin of taboos. And then analyzes its evolution process. People can be aware of the fact that linguistic taboos exist in almost every aspect of their daily life, and it is an universal social phenomenon in China and Britain. They share some similarities in certain aspects. Nevertheless, under the influence of different social customs and culture backgrounds, they take on different forms. To avoid the unnecessary troubles caused by misusing taboos, we replace it with euphemisms. Then we can communicate with each other effectively.

Key words:taboo words, comparison ,similarities, cultural difference, euphemism




1. Introduction ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2. Analysis of Gender Differences in College English Education in China错误!


3.1 The phenomena of gender differences .......................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1.1 Female students are more than male students in English department .. 错


3.1.2 Female students get higher achievement than male students in English

learning ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 Analysis of the factors in gender differences ................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.2.1 Physiological gender differences in language learners . 错误!未定义书


3.2.2 Emotional and psychological gender differences in language learners 错




3.2.3 The influence of family education ........................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 4 The influence of school education ........................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.2.5 The influence of traditional society ...................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. Enlightenment of Gender Differences in College English Education错误!未


4.1 Influence caused by gender differences in college English education错误!未定义书签。

4.2 Revealing gender inequality in education in China ...... 错误!未定义书签。

5. Synthetic Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Education错误!未定义书签。

5.1 Enact education policies ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.1.1 Incorporate gender equality into school education错误!未定义书签。

5.1.2 Incorporate gender equality into college and university admission

policies ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.2 Incorporate gender equality into textbooks .................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.3 Teaching by gender ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.3.1 Changing gender stereotypes by teachers ............. 错误!未定义书签。

5.3.2 Classroom teaching by teachers ............................ 错误!未定义书签。

6. Conclusion .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Works Cited ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1. Introduction……………………………………………………2 2. The origin and definition of linguistic taboo…………………5

3. The evolution of linguistic taboo………………………………5

4. The similarities between English and Chinese taboos???………7

4·1 Taboos on religion ???????????????……………7



4·2 Taboos on human excretion parts????????………………8 4·3 Taboos on sex?????????????????………………8 4·4 Taboos on diseases or death???????????……………8 4·5 Taboos on social positions????????????……………8 4·6 Taboos on age and weight??????????????…………8 5. The differences between English and Chinese taboos????………10 5·1 Taboos on names and appellation ??????????…………10 5·2 Taboos on ages??????????????????……………10 5·3 Taboos on privacy affairs??????????????…………11 5·4 Taboos on numbers????????????????………………11 6. The analysis on linguistic taboos between English and Chinese?……11 7. Conclusion??????????????????????……………14

1. Introduction

In the communication between Chinese and western cultures, many people feel strongly the difference between the two cultures on many aspects, such as social life, politics, culture, religion, etc. In addition, the particular historical process and social backgrounds have a great impact on the formation and evolution of their languages. A successful cross-cultural communication requires us to break through the cultural barriers. A good command of taboo culture guides people to speak and behave at a proper time, place and to a proper degree. Taboo is a common



social and cultural phenomenon in both Chinese and Britain. So the words created by it also take on a new form. However, influenced by different cultural backgrounds, ideologies and concepts of value, the content and forms of taboos are different. Therefore, the discussion of the relation between the taboo and language is conducive to English teaching and communication. What’s more, it can also help us to have a better understanding of attitudes and thinking models between China and Britain.

2. The origin and definition of linguistic taboo.

The term “taboo” was borrowed from Tonga, an island group in Polynesia, and its original meaning is “sacred” “untouchable”. When it came into English vocabulary, it became the synonym of taboo, which stands for prohibition or repression. It is specifically used to describe some special languages and behaviors.

3. The evolution of linguistic taboo

As it is mentioned above, linguistic taboo is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a kind of social phenomenon. It is influenced by the development of society.

As we all know, in the primitive society, people didn’t get to know about nature. They were confused about the natural phenomenon, such as lightning, thunder, storm, earthquakes, etc. So they believed in the natural powers and became superstitious. They thought only in this way could they survive the hard environments, therefore, they must respect nature and mighty god when they use language. Here is an example: from the seventh commandment of the Ten Commandment in Bible “You should not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your god, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name”〔[1]〕

In the Medieval period, many countries were divided into many groups of different social status according to innumerable religious rules. People couldn’t



do and get they want to. It is the darken age, people in that time should show respect to the decadent rules and religions. So there are many taboos during the period. For instance, the religion listed the buttock, jaw, and forehead as the linguistic taboos. In China, during the feudal period, it is the feudal code of ethics that dominate the country for more than 2000 years. Men are the major role in the society, and women should be obedient to their father, husband, and son. Besides, as an old saying goes: Ignorance is a woman’s virtue. So women are not allowed to attend class. We can see it from the Chinese expression: Three from the four virtues. Three cardinal guides and the five permanent members, etc. Many taboos are preserved as the form of the feudal code of ethics, for example, in order to show the royal’s authority and majesty, the name of the emperor and his ancestors should not be mentioned. At the same time, people always avoid speaking out their parents’ names or even the characters in their parents’ names.

Taboos have turned into pure commandment without a shade of superstition. In modern society, with the rapid development of science and technology, the scope of the concept of taboo has been widened. Most people are becoming more and more rational, and they never believe in or rely on the superstitions. Therefore the superstitious elements in linguistic taboos decrease and those reflecting spiritual civilization increase. With the frequent interaction between China and the western countries, the tradition of taboos influences each other. In recent years, there are many taboo words that reflect a demeaning attitude towards certain social or ethic groups. Racist language and sexist language, for example, are offensive to the social or ethic groups discriminated against. 〔[2]〕

For example, the term “Nigger” was used in the 1960s, which was widely used to call the blacks. But now, it is considered as a taboo word in the usual social interactions. For such form of addressing is against the American Human Rights. What’s more, because of the Women Liberation, many women step into all walks of life to work with men. The traditional ideas restrict their activities and spirits during the feudal time. However, everything has changed, we can not ignore the forces of women, and they also do a very good job. Therefore, the number of taboo words on sexist language increases.



As is mentioned above, in modern society, people are becoming more and more conscious of other people’s feelings. So they create many taboo words to avoid hurting others. Most of the words can also be called euphemisms. In a word, those words which can make people unpleasant in the interactions and public places are taboos.

4. The similarities between English and Chinese taboos

Every culture has its taboo towards something or some behavior, and also be reflected in its language. With time goes by, the linguistic taboo emerges. As we all know that pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon, but in daily life, people will not say it directly, for it is related to sex. If someone is pregnant, English people will say, “She is expecting a baby” or “She is in a family way.” Similar euphemisms can be found in Chinese “pregnant.”

According to the “International English Usage(1986)”, taboos in English fall into the following six aspects:

4.1 Taboos on religion

As has discussed above, some special words related with God and religion should be only used in some specific religious ceremonies.

Like in English, there are many similar taboo words in Chinese. In religion, people often use some eulogy to address the gods they hold in deep respect, such as “Dadi(大帝)” “Dashen(大神)” instead of words with evil meanings

4.2 Taboos on human’s excretion parts.

It is impolite to mention these things on the most occasions.

4.3 Taboos on sex.

It is impolite to mention anything about sex in some the social or formal interactions. Those words related with sex or genitals can be only used on a very informal occasion or in the field of medical. Due to the Sex Liberation in the



western countries during the 1960s, the English speaking countries took a more freedom, open attitude towards sex. therefore, the phrases “to make love”, “to have sex with” could be often found in written form, however, when they talk about something on it, people tend to replace them with the euphemisms. In addition, influenced by the feudal code of ethics, Chinese people also treat terms on sex seriously. Besides, they always use the expression of “styles” or “improper relationship” to show the immoral relationship between man and woman..

In China, influenced by the asceticism of the Buddhism, combined with the Confucian on the moral, almost everyone hold the opinion that “Prurient is the worst, filial piety is the best”. Therefore, any words related with sex are taboos in Chinese minds.

4.4 Taboo on disease and death.

We often use many other euphemisms to express death or disease. Such as “kick the bucket”, “pop off”, “die”, “pass away”, “decease”, “be with the god”, etc. These words or phrases reflect people’s attitudes toward death and their wishes for the after death. Mental illness is thought not to be mentioned directly. For example, when referring to a mental illness, we just say “a little eccentric” or “a little confused”. Either in Chinese or in western countries, people have sympathy for one’s physical disability.

Chinese are also refrained from saying the word “death”, they often say “mount and ride away to Elysium” or “Pass away peacefully.” Besides, the word “maimed” is a distressing one, so it is very impolite to describe someone; we often use “physical disability” or “deformity” to replace it. In Chinese, if one is a deaf, we will say “ears back” “ears a little bit bad”, “talk was near point”, etc. In English it is called “hard of hearing.”

4.5 Taboos on social positions

We often address people of different origins or positions with different euphemisms rather than calling their names directly. Because it is crude to do



so on a social or formal occasion.

4.6 Taboos on age and weight.

When you meet a young lady on the street, you should not ask such questions as “How old are you?” “What about your salary?”, for it is very crude to greet others. Therefore, words like “old” “childish”, “fat”, “skinny”, etc. They have become the taboo words.

In terms of “age” and “appearance”, people in modern society are very sensitive to these words. So it is seldom to speak of “old” and “fat” to describe a person on a formal occasion.

Both in English and Chinese, the vulgar words are usually rude and offensive and bring about unpleasant, anger or conflicts. Swear words in English are often called four letter words, because most of them are short and many are made up of four letters. Such as: piss, shit, crap, fuck.”. “These so called four-letter words are considered vulgar”. 〔[3]〕

Swear words formed by employing some of the animals’ names are vulgar too. They are very improper expressions in most conversations, such as: “bitch” “cow” “swine” “pig”, etc. Generally speaking, even in daily communications, these vulgar words are considered taboo words. In Chinese, there are also many similar words, such as “son of a bitch,” “little bastard”, etc. These words are used to insult others. People always try to avoid using them in a normal and polite communication.

In conclusion, the taboos in English and China have some similar tendency, which is not only demonstrates the fact that human culture, but also reflect different cultures can influence and penetrate each other.

5. The difference between English and Chinese taboos

Although the linguistic taboos in Chinese and English share some similarities in some aspects, there exists some different opinion on what should be regarded as taboos between the two cultures. Therefore, a taboo in one culture may not be so in another; and vice versa. The difference between English and Chinese taboos



falls into the following four aspects.

5.1 Taboos on name and appellation

Influenced by the traditional feudal code of ethics, respecting one’s parents and ancestors is one of China’s most important virtues, so the concept of taboos on name and appellation is rooted in the social life. Therefore, people always avoided speaking out their parents’ names or even the characters in their parents’ names. When a younger generation addresses the elder, he often addresses him with such words as “Grandpa” “Papa” “Mama” rather than his or her names. On the contrary, people in the English speaking countries don’t have any taboo in this aspect. You can often notice the phenomenon in TV or films: A child may call his elder’s name directly, which is also applied to the people of different social positions.

5.2 Taboos on ages

With the time goes by, “becoming old” is an inexorable natural law, however, people in China and Britain hold different opinion towards it, and produce different cultural connotations. Generally speaking, Chinese give “the old age” a more positive meaning, for “old” is the symbol of wisdom and experience. You can find it in the expression in some proverbs, such as “There’s many a good tune played on an old fiddle,” “Old people still cherish high aspirations.” As a result, the elder is widely respected and took care of in China. However, people in the English speaking countries hold an opposite view. They treat “old” as a taboo, which means “outdated” “useless”. The elder signifies “decline” “fall into decay” “dying”. Therefore, this term is not a positive word. People admire the youth. Besides, in those English speaking countries, the aged is addressed as a senior citizen rather than “the old” or “old people”.

5.3. Taboos on privacy affairs.

People take their privacy affairs seriously in those English speaking countries. It is impolite to ask questions upon age, salary, family, politic, religions, etc. you should not ask questions on age when you talk with a stranger. However, in China, people always talk about age; when you greet a friend, you may



say “How old are you?” It is very crude to ask some questions on age to a lady on a public occasion. What’s more, issues on money is another taboo in the western countries, people should not ask about other people’s salary and income, even members of the family, while Chinese like to ask and answer these questions. In our daily conversations, you can hear such questions as “Are you married?” “How much is your cloth?” “What does your wife do?”, etc. These questions are concerned with privacy affairs in English, so it is forbidden to talk about it. The British often greet other people with the question “How nice the weather!”

5.4. Taboos on numbers

As we all know, in the western countries, there are many political parties and various religions, and people often take them as taboos. Both China and English speaking countries have taboos on certain numbers, for example, when talking about age, Chinese often avoid using “73” “84” and “100” in many regions of China, for the great sage Confucius died at 73; Mencius died at 84; “100” stands for the end of life. While in English speaking countries, number “13” and “Friday” are taboos, for Jesus Christ died at 13, Friday. Speaking of odd and even numbers, different countries hold different opinions. Chinese take even numbers as a good omen, while people in the western countries in favor of the odd numbers except number 13.

6. The analysis on linguistic taboos between English and Chinese

As a cultural phenomenon, linguistic taboos are based on its profound natural culture. When contrast the taboos of different cultures, we may find that there exists many similar parts on taboos between English and Chinese, however, they have different “resources”. From this point, we can have a better understanding of cultural difference between the two nations.

In America, it is a rude behavior to inquire about someone’s political and religious tendencies. This is because the United States of America is a country that consists of different immigrants. People from different countries bring with different religions and customs. They use the taboo words in order to avoid the unnecessary trouble. Besides, Americans think that other people have no right to



ask about it for it is their freedom to choose different religions and political parties. So an American citizen may never ask a Chinese such questions as “Are you a party member?” which is very common in China, for “Party member” is always closely related with one’s morals and ethics. In the past western history, the religion is associated with politics, but after the Middle Age, the religion began to separate itself from it. On one hand, the association of politics and the country became government’s affairs; on the other hand, the integration of religion and people’s daily life became a standard to restrain their morals and ethics. However, people’s life belongs to private affairs, and others should not mention those ask these taboos. While in China, due to its special traditional culture, it is very hard to separate religion from politics. So we can see that in western countries, politics is separated from moral principles, and ethics integrated with religion; in China, politics, religion and ethics exist side by side, for ethics penetrates politic, and politic is closely related with people’s daily life.

Taboos on sex between the two countries have different expressions and origins. Due to the “Sex Liberation” in western countries, the expressions on sex have become more casual. The aim of this liberation is to against the traditional restrictions and taboos; while in China, because of the traditional deep-rooted conception, people tend to be cautious of the taboos on speech and writing.

In China, it is the traditional feudal code of ethics that preserve the spoke of rank and the relation of ethics. The core of the feudal code of ethics on taboo is well manifested in the aspect of spoke of rank. For example, the taboos on death and disease according to the different social positions. Furthermore, filial piety is one of the most important virtues in China. As an old saying goes “Among all the good deeds, filial piety comes first”. Showing respect to one’s teachers and superiors is considered as a good virtue in our daily conservation. But in the western countries, people put more emphasis on the statement that men are equal and enjoy the same privilege, which can be best evidenced by the Declaration of Independence of USA. So there exists no spoke of rank in these countries, everyone struggles to fight for their own rights.






From the above discussion, we know that some hash, blunt, unpleasant offensive and taboo things or acts should not be exposed directly in our daily life. So it is very important for us to know how to avoid these linguistic taboos. Most linguistic taboos can be avoided by the employment of euphemisms.

In short, by comparison and analysis, we know that it is the profound cultural difference that determines the linguistic taboos, and it is impossible to illustrate every aspect of the culture that is included in the taboos. The existence of linguistic taboos best illustrates the fact that people tend to pursue nice things. The Chinese and English people restrict their words and deeds through taboos trying to keep a good relationship between human and nature, or between people and society. And this kind of mind is motivated by different moral principles, values. Finding out the difference between the two barriers of cross-cultural communication and enhance the interaction between the two cultures.

Works Cited

〔[1]〕Holy bible. Chinese Christian Society, 2000. p114.



〔[2]〕Zhen ya. Language and Culture [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004. p278 〔[3]〕Zhen ya. Language and Culture [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004. p273


















英语学习方法 领悟语言的规律







