


1.A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams


  2.This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.


  3.for all the great things you say and do the best teacher’s award goes to you.


  4. We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!


  5. You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.


  6. The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.


  7. We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.


  8. Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.


  9. My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.


  10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.


 11. Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.


  12. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.


  13. You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.


  14. It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.


  15. This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you


  16. I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.


  17. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.


  18. The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.


  19. No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.


  20. Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.

  感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。 21. We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today.


  22. Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.


  23. You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.


  24. My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.


  25. I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing my child.


  26. My sincere thanks to you for being my child's teacher.


  27. My child speaks highly of you. Thank you very much.


  28. As parents we recognize the value of you in our child's development. Thank you for what you have done.


  29. One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.


  30. Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.


 31. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.


  32. You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.


  33. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.


  34. The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.


  35. Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.


  36. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.


  37. It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.


  38. This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you


  39. I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.


  40. No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.



一、机场(飞机上)       重点


Security check(安检处)         Gate(登机口)         Terminal (航站楼)

Check-in counter (换票柜台)    Customs (海关)

2. 机场人物              

Airhostess/stewardess (空姐)   steward (空哥、空少)   flight attendant (飞机乘务员)

3. 飞机动作

Take off/land (起飞、降落)     ascend/descend(上升、下降)    

postpone/delay/cancel (推迟、延迟、取消) 



I hope you are packed and ready to leave. (我希望你已经打包完毕准备出发了)

I have packed my passport in one of my bags. (我把护照装在一个包里了)

二、餐厅          重点


Order    menu     wine list (酒单)    alcohol    steak   French Fries (薯条)

2. 买单:

Check the bill please!(买单!) Treat (请客)   split the bill (分开付)

三、酒店          次重点


Reservation   (高频词,预定)   honeymoon suite (07年6月词汇,蜜月套间)  

hotel clerk (07年6月词汇,等于receptionist)    discount  (07年6月词汇, 折扣) 

free continental breakfast  (07年6月词汇,免费的清淡早餐)

四、图书馆   重点

1.书籍:journal 学术类刊物  (08-6)

原句:did you check the pile of the journals you borrowed for the library the other day?


volume 卷   current/back issue 现/过刊   periodical   期刊

2.人物:librarian 图书管理员


Campus life  校园生活

1.  作业词汇:assignment   paper   essays    book/research report    composition 作文

textbook教科书/reference book参考书(07-6)      copy 副本

搭配词汇还有:be through with sth  结束,完成(两次考到)

due  到期            have sb's hands full with sth  忙于做某事(07-12)

2.  课程形式词汇:

Seminar(06-6、07年6月词汇,研讨会)    原句: do you have the seminar schedule with you?  


optional course/elective (选修课)            evening/day course (晚间/白天课程 09-12词汇)

compulsory course/requirement (必修课)       presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课)


advanced physics (高级物理)          data processing (数据处理)    

computer programming (计算机程序)     

3     名称

freshman(大一)   sophomore(大二)    junior(大三)    senior(大四)(05年考点)

graduate(毕业生)     undergraduate (在校生,本科生)    postgraduate (研究生)

tutor(导师)          graduate school  (研究生院)

Job hunting    求职  (长对话重点)

Job applicant    candidate (06-6、08-12 候选人)   apply for   application   

Position/post  (多次考到。职位)                 resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到)

recruit (连续考到。招聘)                reputation(声望。06-6/09-12出现)  

resign  (退休,多次考到) 

benefit (package)  (福利,两次考到)     paid vacation   (带薪假期)   

social security (美国的社会保险)        relocation expenses (异地补偿费用)

phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休)      be laid off (解雇 09-12考点)

hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询)     sales manager(08-12 销售经理)

Administrative work (08-12 行政工作)


the job will involve much train travel (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)

tell me about your present job.。.


There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager's job. And finally

it was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified(合格)。



09-6 I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled。(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧)

not really, the new office is huge,but the work load has doubled。


09-12 Aren’t you disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion?


1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地

  2) affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

  3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

  4) angel 天使 angle 角度

  5) dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记

  6) contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛

  7) principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则

  8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的

  9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文

  10) pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打

  11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下

  12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水

  13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近

14) costume 服装 custom 习惯

  15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的

  16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的

  17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)

  18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变

  19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

  20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

  21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

  22) beam 梁, 光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

  23) precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续

  24) pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

  25) chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

  26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27) chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

  28) cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

  29) clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

  30) compliment 赞美 complement 附加物31) confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

  32) contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

  33) council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

  34) crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

  35) dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

  36) drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水

  37) emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民

  38) excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长

  39) hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店

  40) latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激

41) immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的

  42) lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的

  43) mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal 勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄

  44) scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的

  45) drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖 拉 draughts (英)国际跳棋

  47) assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险

  48) except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除

  49) floor 地板 flour 面粉

  50) incident 事件 accident 意外

  51) inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望

  52) march 三月, 前进 match 比赛

  53) patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的

54) police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治

  55) protest 抗议 protect 保护

  56) require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得

  67) revenge 报仇 avenge 为……报仇

  68) story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店

  69) strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的

  70) expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长

  71) commerce 商业 commence 开始

  72) through 通过 thorough 彻底的 (al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词

  73) purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议

  74) expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑

  75) glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落

  76) steal 偷 steel 钢


77) strive 努力 stride 大步走

  78) allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避

  79) prospect 前景 perspective 透视法

  80) stationery 文具 stationary 固定的

  81) loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式

  82) amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正

  83) amoral unmoral immoral 同义




考试结构:Section  A:10 short conversations 复习的重点

  Section  B:最可能考三个段子(3 passages)。其次,有可能考复合式听写(Compound Dictation)或听写填空(Spot Dictation)。



Section A考题为六种题型。无论每个考题的具体内容是什么,考题的题型总在重复。我们要培养解类型题的能力。比如在态度方向题中,每个考题的内容肯定不同。但题型高度一致,解题的方向也必然相同。

如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?第二人的回答只有两种Yes或No。我们要听的是第二个人的态度方向。这个题问去跳舞吗?而另外的一个完全不同的考题可能会问去看电影吗?去音乐会吗?去野餐吗?去看比赛吗?这些不同的考题在我们的耳朵里就应该是同一类考题。我们要听的是:他在问去还是不去?第二人要回答Yes还是No。而解题点即正确选项一定就在第二人的回答的开头。

听力范围:Campus life

考察对象:College students(在什么都没听清的情况下,异性猜classmate,同性猜roommate)


1. rush hour 高峰时间,尖峰时刻;

2. cheer up 使振奋,使高兴;

3. check (it) out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);

4. travel agent 旅行社(travel agency, travel bureau);financial aid 经济资助;

5. turn down 关掉,拒绝;turn on 打开


例如:1. tape 胶带;cassette 磁带。

2. project 作业(homework, assignment);工程;项目;计划;任务。

3. awful 糟糕的;terrific 特别棒的,好极了(口语中);可怕的,恐怖的(阅读中)。

4. I can tell that. 我能看得出。

5. I understand that... 我听说……。

6. I have got this one.     have= have got    have to= have got to (gotta)

7. must 在口语中表猜测

8. I'll take this one. 我要买这个。

9. I won't buy that. = I won't believe that. 我才不信呢。

10. He was my boyfriend.



比如:book,校内library;校外book store(线索词manager, order)。

四、解题思路比如:交通:traffic jam车:break down

题目分析:Section A为重点(主要为三种题型)


这类考题的回答都是:I'd love to, I'd like to, Sounds great, Sounds a lot of fun...... but ......

注:be sold out 售光了 wear out 穿破了; be worn out (指东西)破旧;(指人)非常疲惫check out 借书;出院;彻底检查;退房 figure out 想清楚,弄明白;figure 数字;体形work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym)拼命锻炼make out 分辨出,辨认出help out 帮个大忙hang out 到处闲逛dine out 外出吃饭cook out 野餐   turn out 事实证明

注:1. 一句话后面加一个小尾巴,都是反义疑问句。核心是陈述句。2. sth. doesn't agree with sb. 指某人不适应某种情况。悲惨原则:




第一类,有关学习的考题基于学生身份去猜题。关于考试:考试难,时间紧,能否延期。作业难做。论文没做完。选课多。对老师评价:讲课boring,老师strict,作业多。She is one in a million. 当老师要退休的时候对老师的评价才会高。

第二类,生活。学生穷poor,要省钱。时时带着学生证。购物时一定要bargin。杂志不订应该去图书馆读,如:A: Maybe I oughtta subscribe(捐献,订购) to the magazine.  B: Why don't you save the money and read it in the library?。在家看比赛没钱买票。


注:1. gas station 加油站。

   2. 口语中的缩略:gas station = gasoline station 生活中也可说成 filling station。

                                      gym = gymnasium 健身房

                                      dorm = dormitory 宿舍

                                      lab = laboratory 实验室(secretary 秘书)            

                                      ad = advertisement 广告

                                      exhibit= exhibition 展览 (场景:博物馆museum)

                                      ob = obvious 明显的

                                      vet = veterinarian 兽医

   3. 发音 /v/ /w/ very, visit, well, very well

                   /A/ gas, lab, ad, bad

                    We really had a bad time last night, you should've been there.






3、选项的四个特点:(1) 四个选项全是介词结构;(2) 全是to do结构;(3) 全是doing结构;(4) 全是A and B结构(人物关系题)。

4、问题的特点:最常用的四个提问词:What? Where? When? Who?

考题类型:1. but题型占1/3;2. 场景题型占1/3;3. 替换题型1/3。


1、paper 论文:

(1)paper 常用词义:paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;papers 文件;paper 纸

(2)research 查询资料。对应场景library图书馆。

(3)写论文的步骤:第一步,选题topic,选题难,范围广。第二步,查询资料research,图书馆场景。第三步,打出论文。typewriter 打字机,computer 计算机,printer 打印机,laser printer 激光打印机,laptop 笔记本电脑。论文没打完,typewriter/computer坏了break down 或者typewriter需要新的ribbon。


奖学金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant

2、presentation 口头演讲,口头报告:

(1)同义词:report, speech, address。

(2)考点:I. 着装正式 formal clothes(考试中另一个考到着装正式的考点是interview面试),会出现change。

         II. 演讲人的内心感受:nervous紧张的。

3、reading assignment 阅读作业:

文科学生reading list读书清单。抱怨需要读的书多。



校外:restaurant有waiter, menu, order, reserve a table, make a reservation

apple pie 苹果派(好吃)可以代表traditional American,比如:This picnic is as American as apple pie. John is as American as apple pie.

apple pie virtue = traditional American virtue

在考题中形容apple pie好吃的句子举例如下:

(1) Even my mother's can't match this.

(2) I took the last one, and it was out of the world.

(3) You wouldn't have to force me to take another helping.

注:1. A and B结构,考人物关系 2. 选项B非主流,应排除。 3. fine 罚款。pay the fine, check the fine


    (1)交通traffic: break traffic rules, speeding。(2)图书馆library:过期罚款。

注:1. rewrite 重写,改写

    2. upset 从考试痛苦可猜想该选项;modest 从西方文化可直接排除该选项。





注:1. transfer 转机,换车

    2. board 登上(交通工具)



airplane 飞机;flight 航班;take off 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;wing 机翼,侧面建筑(常用),鸡翅;terminal 候机大厅,终端(常用),终点站


1、交通堵塞:traffic jam, back up, heavy


3、交通晚点:behind schedule

注:gas 汽油


1、约人约不到:make an appointment 主要指约医生

2、约会去不了:come up, reschedule, fit sb. in

3、电话打不通,打错了:run out of coin, cut off(被中断;hang up 主动挂断)

相关词汇:receiver 听筒  hook 钩slot 投币孔dial 拨号telephone book = yellow pages 电话簿(yellow press 黄色出版物)


1、医生难找。2、病情如何。3、有病耽误课。miss the class 缺课 缺课的原因:

(1) 生病get ill(2) 睡过了头over sleep(3) 交通问题,车坏了等。


治疗 treat(过程);治愈 cure(结果)

【study 表过程;learn 表结果。search 表过程;find 表结果。try 表过程;manage 表结果】

学校医务室 infirmary

学生健康中心 students health center

医疗中心 medical center

诊所 clinic

病房 ward

开处方 prescribe;处方 n. prescription;按方抓药 fill the prescription;还按原方抓药 refill the prescription

急诊室 emergency department

呕吐 vomit


1、超市supermarket:购买生活用品 supplies(便宜)

2、百货公司department store:服装;家用电器 appliance(贵)

注:1. 反义疑问句,表达陈述观点。 2. must表猜测

熟词的多种用法:run into sb. = happen to sb. 碰巧碰到某人 

My nose has been running the whole morning. 整个早上我都在流鼻涕。

run it down to me = tell me the whole story 告诉我,娓娓道来

I've got the runs. 拉肚子


注:Madam:女士,夫人(较正式); Ma'am 口语中常用

注:1. receptionist 前台,接待员

       2. air hostess 空姐

       3. shop assistant 售货员

       4. blanket 毛毯,毯子。carpet 地毯。rug 小地毯

       5. take-off 起飞;脱衣服。

注:1. How are you doing? 普通打招呼

            How are you feeling? 用于对方生病时打招呼

        2. out of bed 离开床了


注:1. breakfast 的构词法:break 打破 + fast 禁食 = breakfast 早餐

            brunch 早午餐

        2. fruit juice 果汁。orange juice 橘子汁。lemonade 柠檬汁。

        3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于。 选项中一般有 be accustomed to do sth. 或 adapt 替换。

            used to do 过去常常。选项中一般有 was always 或 not now 表现在不做。


        4. allergy 敏感症。 be allergic to (生理上的过敏)对什么过敏;不喜欢

            sensitive (心理上的过敏)敏感的

            I have sth. allergy. 我对……过敏。


注:1. much adv. 修饰adj. & v.

            very adv. 修饰adv. & adj.  如:Thank you very much. 和 very good

        2. would have traveling 省略结构,省略了seen即would have (seen) traveling

注:1. operator 接线员

        2. 修理fix, repair, mend(真实修理;抽象表达弥补)


常修理家电:电视 television,冰箱 fridge,烤箱 oven


非正式:Hi! What's going on? What's new? What happens? What's up? = Wassup

正式:How do you do?

道别:非正式:See you (later/ again/ then/ tomorrow)   正式:Goodbye for now.

注:填表格表达方式 fill in/ fill out/ fill up

Nationality(国籍): Chinese(中国人)  Mandarin(普通话)




1、搜集信工作息,来源如下:classified ad 分类广告  help and wanted section 供求关系版

      bulletin board 公告板  flier 传单

2、打电话确认工作是否还available:make a phone call。

3、准备工作简历resume v. 重新开始;n. 个人简历。

4、面试interview:需携带证书certificates;需出示身份证明identification;判断你是否具有qualification;出示推荐信referrence letter。


keys – kiss  sheep – ship    steel/ steal -- still   break up 分手;下课 = let us out下课(meet 上课)

make up 重归于好   old flame 旧情人   date 约会  a big date 玩通宵的约会

a blind date 被人介绍的第一次约会(相亲)  stand sb. up 约会爽约,放鸽子  注:must 表猜测。


例句1:A: It's a bit warm out today.

       B: Warm? You can fry an egg on the sidewalk.

例句2:A: Mary seems happy with her grades.

        B: Happy? She could hardly contain herse



1、与过去相反:might have/ could have/ should have 把后面内容反过来为正确选项。

2、与现在相反:if I were you I would 应理解成 you should


1、糟糕系列:     It's too bad     What a pity  Tuff luck. It's (really) tuff.  Oh no.      Uh uh    Shit Fuck

2、吃惊系列:     (Oh) Boy!              (Oh) Man!          Oh my!     Oh dear!  Oh my God/ Goodness. Wow!

3、赞美系列:wonderful   terrific  my favorite    cool   super cool  ultra cool  

4、赞同和否定系列:Yeah.   You bet.   Uh huh.Nope.

5、脏话系列:  dummy   idiot    moron     jerk        asshole    s.o.b. = son of bitch

注:1. Do you mind if I ... 生活中常常省略为Mind if I ...  回答相反。

       2. Not at all. 理解成no

节日:Christmas 圣诞节;Valentine's Day 情人节


1. forgetful: He is forgetful.    Isn't he forgetfull? (有责备的语气)    How forgetful he is! (语气更强)

2. absent minded

表示人内向:shy   embarrassed   keep to oneself    keep one's mind/ thought to oneself

conscious (stream of consciousness 意识流)  self-conscious 自我意识

注:bedroom 卧室    living room 起居室,客厅    rest room 厕所


段子题:词汇(很少考生词含义) 题材(抛弃题材,注重结构)抓共性,总结规律

(一)解题步骤Procedure to follow:


在听题之前先看选项。四个选项纵向看,找相同的词,反复出现的词一定是段子所叙述的对象,确定文章的论述范围、论述主题。另外如果选项中有数字,迅速记下来,段子题中听到什么数字选什么,原则上不考数字计算。如P64 Test14的第一个段子。


1、介绍型 introduction:介绍新的概念。说明起源、发展过程、现状、展望未来,对我们的影响和用途(正负两方面)。【听力中常考】

2、讨论型 discussion:根据问题进行讨论,分析原因一、原因二,最后说明如何解决。

3、对比型 comparison:两种观点、流派、理论进行对比,比较两种的优缺点,最后突出自己的观点。



结尾提示词:(1)有重复词出现。(2)表结果连词出现:therefore, so, that, as a result 等。







First, most, because【前三个百分百出考题】, only, just 【后两个常出考题】(but).

这五个词是经典的考点。其中如果First, Most, Because出现一定要出考题。Just与Only也非常重要,基本会出考题。其实,这一点在阅读中也有非常明显的体现。听到这些词意味着找到了正确选项。

五种逻辑关系:1、并列:and2、转折:but3、让步:though, although, even though, in spite of, despite



       听力考试的Section A的短对话是学生生活的场景对话。问其中一人的观点,诸如:What does the man mean?   或What does the woman imply?不难发现,这样的考题是在问第三人的想法,非常主观。而相比之下,Section B的段子则截然不同,段子叙述的都是客观的事实。针对事实性的文章,我们应学会运用常识来推出正确选项。文章开头抓名词,名词概念为文章讨论的对象。如一题中问:What is the topic of this talk? 选项中找electric car。What is the advantage of the electric car over the traditional gas-fueled car? 我们不需要对段子听得很清楚就可以轻易地想出答案:没污染!比如:silk。再比如问:如果南极洲的冰帽融化,将对地球产生什么影响?What will happen if the ice cap of Antarctica melts? 我们立即会想到海平面会上升!所以,听段子时,我们需要客观冷静。有时,要跳出原文来客观地审视考题。



又称态度题(Attitude)问Speaker对所叙述的对象的态度,或褒或贬。典型的问题类似:What is the speaker’s impression of…?; What is the speaker’s attitude to/ toward…? 段子题中一般是褒的态度。


解题方向:Speaker的态度反映在文中的形容词或副词。注重fortunately, luckily, unfortunately这样的具感情色彩的词。但凡听力中的段子,Speaker对于谈论的对象,不论是人物还是事物,都可能有双向评论。但在CET听力中,如果未能听出态度方向。只要选正态度就可以了!因为反驳的文章要比介绍性的文章复杂的多。典型的段子往往会说一个人对人类社会,或对某一团体有着伟大的贡献。或叙述某个组织,某个机构有创新性的,划时代意义的活动。


比如数字题。问及时间,多少,年代。问:When; How many...; How much? 在Section A中的数字题的对策是听到什么不选取什么,即把听到的数字在选项中要排除掉,因为Section A这部分要考察对数字的进一步运算能力。你听到的一定是原始数据,而不是最终结果(正确选项)。但是,在Section B的段子中,对策完全要反过来。即听到哪个数字就要选那个数字。段子中的数字不考运算。



Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. Why is Toluker prison called an open prison? 考开头

15. What is the essential characteristic of Toluker prison? 考结尾“Because”

16. How long did Barb Crook stay in the Toluker prison? 客观数字题

17. What is the speaker’s attitude toward this type of prison? 态度方向题

注:work 起作用。同义词help;do some good;do any good。

注:1. gonna = going to

        2. wanna = want to





3、宏观题(中心思想题)   4、细节题(注意中间的提示词)


宏观题考察文章的整体思想把握,即中心思想题(Main idea/ Topic题)。一篇文章的首尾是这篇文章的灵魂,体现Speaker的观点。

考题特点:What is the passage mainly about? What is the passage talking about? What is the main idea of this talk? 等。


一、从选项入手。选项中出现的多次重复的词一定是中心词(Key word),正确的main idea选项应该包括,围绕这个中心词来叙述。








题型总结:1、but 题型2、场景题(线索词)3、主观题(找积极态度,正面评价)4、客观题(数字题,听到什么选什么)5、宏观题(中心思想题)6、细节题(注意中间的提示词)7、替换题



比如:call off = cancelbehind schedule = late, delay


比如:interesting = stimulating, fascinating, not boring


态度方向(Yes or No)题型

选项中一般有两个相反选项。短对话中第一个人提出一个观点或一个一般疑问句,第二个人的回答Yes or No,后面再进一步解释原因。

表示“Yes”“赞同”的一组词:And...;I'll say;You said it.;You can say that again.;and how;isn't it, though;aren't they, though;You bet.;Of course;Certainly;Indeed;Sure.

表示“No”的一组词:Are you kidding/ joking/ serious?;No kidding/ joking.;Who told you that?;Says who? Says you.


trim 修剪  bang 刘海  parting 头发分缝   I want to parting to the left.back 背头   I want to all back.pigtail 辫子ponytail 马尾辫   ripple 小波浪


表示建议:You should

You ought to (oughta)

Shouldn't you比you should 语气强烈的多

Why not   How about   What about    If I were you I would   had better    Let

It's high time... 早就应该这么做了(表达强烈主观愿望,选项中找should)  It's time...   It's right time...

It's about time...   It's just time...





有人说这个方法我老早知道了,可是又累又麻烦!ok,如果你想要拿到好的分数,还要找一个简单轻松的方法。那么理论上除了作弊大概就没有了,不过现在抓得蛮紧的,应该也不会太轻松。 好了言归正传,听写是提高听力唯一有效的方法。所谓听写就是把你听到的每一个词都写下来。具体怎么听,因人而异。最好是按一个个意群来听,水平高的可以按句子来听,实在不行的开始的时候2-3个单词一听也可以。 总之就是想办把你听到的准确地写下来。一般只要听3遍就可以了,如果3遍写不了,30遍也是写不下来了。




其二:默读,在你看着原文指读几遍之后你可以尝试,让录音在哪里放,然后你在心里默默地跟着原文一起读。 这一步的目的是暴露你和原文在语音上的差异。因为当你听着别人读的时候,你不会觉得有任何问题的,你觉得我应该也是这么读的。但事实上绝非如此,我们之所以听不懂是因为我们说的英文和磁带是有差异的甚至是截然不同的。所以我们要把问题暴露出来,然后纠正。那为什么不让大家读出声呢?因为,首先如果一开始就读出声,对你自己的自信心将是巨大的打击。你很可能发觉你几乎很少有地方和原文读的是一样的。第二,这时候读出声对周围的人是巨大的摧残。所以先培养一下感情,默默的忍受一下吧:)这个过程也是2-3遍即可。


好了,经过前面的积累,这一步就要求你大声地读出来了。跟读,当然就是要跟着磁带去读。要求半句或者一句去跟,对于短期记忆不好的同学这里也可以得到提高。跟读的时候首先要看着原文去跟,不要小和尚念经有口无心。其次形式和内容都要准确无误。所谓内容就是每个词都要和原文说的一样,不可以说错,也不可以漏掉或者自己加出来。比方原文说it's no bother to me 你就不要跟成it's no brother to me。 所谓形式就是语音语调,人家读升调你不要读降调,人家重音在前你不要在后,人家是弱读你就不要重读。你可以借助复读设备把自己的读音和原文比对,也可以让其他同学老师帮你。总之就是要以原文为唯一标准,不论男声女声都要模仿的惟妙惟肖,一模一样。理论上要一直模仿到你觉得磁带就是你,你就是磁带的境界。但这个要求可能短时期内太难了,但我们至少可以通过跟读做到对这两个人说话方式很熟悉吧!就像我们学唱卡拉ok一样,也许你不能完全模仿某个歌手,但是你至少可以对他的唱歌特点和方式很熟悉。听力也是,你要熟悉他们,一直熟悉到听到他们说英文就如同听到自己的男朋友和女朋友像你低声耳语一样亲切。 这样就没什么问题了。这个过程一般需要10遍--15遍。




   英语语言中笼统词又have, take 等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。


  I experienced a terrible hard time.

  这一句中,experience被遗忘时,用have代替,成为:I had a terrible hard time. 其效果及表达的意义决不亚于第一句。这样的例子还很多。如:

  Do you understand my meaning, sir? = Do you take my meaning, sir?

  I will preside over the meeting. = I will take the meeting.

  I will subscribe to the local newspaper. = I will take the local newspaper.

  They occupied the city. = They took the city.

  The boy resembles his father. = The boy takes after his father.





  I had a nightmare last night. = I had a bad dream last night.

  Nightmare 使用频率不太高,因此不太好记。而其同义词bad dream 却很容易记。以后者取代前者丝毫不影响原句的意义。再比如:I don‘t understand this word. 也可以说成 I don’t know this word.

   另外:  He is stupid. = He is foolish. = He is a fool. = He is silly.

The food is delicious. = The food is tasty. = The food is nice to eat.

 They discontinued the work at five. = They stopped the work at five.

  His temper is nasty. = His temper is terrible. = He has a bad temper.



  He is stubborn. = He is not tame.

  The knife is blunt. = The knife is not sharp.

  This is expensive. = This is not cheap.

 She is talkative. = She is never quiet.

  3. 试用解释性语句


  He is a dumb. = He is a person who can not speak.

  He refused. = He said “no”.

  I‘ve never seen such a stubborn person. = I’ve never seen such a person who never listens to other‘s advice.


Examination is a common headache to students all over the world. They all detest is, but all being domineered by it. It represents a trial; the grade its verdict.

  Nowadays, examination has become a popular form of testing. It almost can dominate one‘s future. I am not exaggerating; for you all know it is true. If we want to obtain a diploma, we must first pass the exams. If we do not have a diploma, we may not find a job easily. That is the reason why all students are nervous and pale when they are sitting for an important examination which may concern their future.

  But as long as examination is on its peak of power, we must be philosophical of it. Do not always think of the harm that it brings, but think of the good it may do to us. If we do not have exams, we may indulge ourselves in other things instead of books. Exams have to always drive us on. What is wrong for learning more and thoroughly?

  Examination is a common headache to students all over the world. They all dislike it (hate it), but all being ruled by it. It is a trial; the grade its decision.

   Nowadays, examination has become a popular form of testing. It almost can control one‘s future. I am telling the truth, for you all know it is true. If we want to get a graduation paper, we may not find a job easily. That is the reason why all students are nervous and pale when they are sitting for an important examination which may have something to do with their future.

  But as long as examination is on its highest point of power, we must have a calm attitude to it. Do not always think of the harm that it brings, but think of the good it may do to us. If we do not have exams, we may spend our time on other things instead of books. Exams have to always drive us on. What is wrong for learning more and deeply?



(1)    break away             突然离开,强行逃脱

(2)    break down            损坏

(3)    break in                 非法闯入

(4)    break into               非法闯入,强行进入

(5)    break out                爆发,突然出现

(6)    break off                突然停止,中断

(7)    break through         突围,冲破

(8)    break up                 打碎;终止,结束

(9)    break out                爆发,突然出现

2.         bring

(1)    bring about             导致,引起

(2)    bring around/round  使恢复知觉(或健康);说服,使信服

(3)    bring down             使落下;降低,减少

(4)    bring forth              产生,提出

(5)    bring forward         提出,提议;提前

(6)    bring off                 使实现,做成

(7)    bring on                 引起,促进

(8)    bring out                出版,推出;激起,引起

(9)    bring through          使(病人)脱险,使安全度过

(10)bring to                  使恢复知觉

(11)bring up                 养育,教养;提出(问题)

3.         call

(1)    call at/on                访问,拜访

(2)    call back                回电话

(3)    call for                   要求,需要

(4)    call in                     招来,叫~进来

(5)    call off                   取消

(6)    call on/upon (sb. to do sth)     号召,要求

(7)    call up                    打电话;招集

4.         carry

(1)    carry forward         推进

(2)    carry off                拿走,夺走

(3)    carry on                 继续

(4)    carry out                执行,完成,实现

(5)    carry over                     使)继续下去,将~延后

(6)    carry through          实现,完成,坚持下去;使度过困难(或麻烦)

5.         come

(1)    come about             发生,产生

(2)    come across           偶然遇见,碰上

(3)    come along             出现,发生;进步,进展

(4)    come apart             破碎,崩溃

(5)    come around/round        到来,顺便来访;苏醒,复原

(6)    come at                  攻击,冲向;达到,了解

(7)    come between         分开,离间;妨碍

(8)    come by                 得到,获得;访问,看望;

(9)    come down            (物价)下跌;落魄,潦倒

(10)come down to         可归结为

(11)come in for             收到,遭到

(12)come off                结果,表现;脱落,分开

(13)come on                 (表鼓励,催促)快,走吧;进步,进展

(14)come out                出现,显露;出版,发表;结果(是)

(15)come through         经历,安然度过

(16)come to                  苏醒;涉及,谈到

(17)come up                 发生,出现;走上前来

(18)come up against      突然(或意外)碰到(困难等)

(19)come up to             达到(标准),比得上

(20)come up with          提出,提供

6.         cut

(1)    cut across                     抄近路穿过,对直通过

(2)    cut back                 急忙返回;削减,缩减

(3)    cut down                削减,减少;砍倒,杀死

(4)    cut in                            插嘴,打断

(5)    cut off                   切断,阻断;使分离,隔离

(6)    cut out                   切去,删去;戒除,停止服用   

7.         get

(1)    get about                走动;(消息)传开

(2)    get across               (使)被了解,将~讲清楚

(3)    get ahead                获得成功,取得进展

(4)    get along                前进,进展;过活,生活

(5)    get around/round     (消息等)传开;克服,设法回避(问题等)

(6)    get at                            够的着,触及;意思是;查明,发现;指责

(7)    get away                走开离开;逃脱;

(8)    get back                 回来,回到;取回,恢复;对~进行报复

(9)    get down                (从~)下来;写下;使沮丧

(10)get down to            开始认真处理,着手做

(11)get in                            进入,抵达;收获(庄稼等);(with)对~亲近

(12)get into                   对~发生兴趣;卷入;使进入

(13)get off                    (从~)下来;结束工作,下班;动身,出发

(14)get on                    骑上(马,自行车),登上(车,船,飞机);进展,相处;继续

(15)get out                   (使)离开,退出(组织等);(消息等)泄漏;生产,出版

(16)get over                  从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来;克服(困难);解决(问题)

(17)get rid of                摆脱, 除去

(18)get through             with)干完(工作),完成(任务);度过(时间)

(19)get together            相聚,聚集

(20)get up                    起床,起立

8.         give

(1)    give away               泄露;赠送

(2)    give back            送还,恢复

(3)    give in               交上;投降,屈服

(4)    give off             放出,释放

(5)    give oneself away  泄露,露马脚

(6)    give oneself up      自首,投降,投案

(7)    give out            分发,放出

(8)    give rise to         引起,使发生;造成

(9)    give up            停止,放弃

(10)give way          让路,让步

(11)give way to        给...让路,对...让步;被...代替

9.         go

(1)    go after                  追求

(2)    go along with     陪同前往,随行

(3)    go back on        违背

(4)    go by            过去

(5)    go down          下降,降低;被载人,传下去

(6)    go for             竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,拥护

(7)    go in for                从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于

(8)    go into            进入,研究,调查

(9)    go off             爆炸,发射;动身,离开

(10)go on              继续,发生

(11)go out             外出,熄灭

(12)go over            检查,审查;复习,重温

(13)go through         经历,经受,详细检查

(14)go under           下沉,沉没;失败,破产

(15)go up              上升,增加 ;建起

(16)go with             伴随,与...协调

(17)go without          没有...也行

(18)go wrong           发生故障,出毛病

10.     hand

(1) hand down           留传下来,传给,往下传

(2)hand in              交上,递交

(3)hand in hand         手拉着手 ,携手;结合起来,联合

(4)hand on              传下来,依次传递

(5)hand out             分发,散发,发给

(6)hand over            交出,移交,让与

11.     hang

(1) hang about           闲荡

(2)hang back            踌躇不前,退缩

(3)hang on              持续,坚持下去

(4)hang up                 挂,吊,拖延...,中止,搁置

12.     hold

(1)hold back                跨躇,退缩;阻止,抑制

(2)hold on                  继续,掘住不放

(3)hold on to                紧紧抓住,坚持

(4)hold out                  维持,支持;坚持,不屈服

(5)hold up                  举起,承载;阻挡, 使停止;抢劫,拦截

13.     keep

(1)keep an eye on            留意,照看

(2)keep back                阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留

(3)keep company with        与...交往,与...结伴

(4)keep down              控制,压制,镇压;压低,放低(声音)

(5)keep from               使...不(做)

(6)keep house               管理家务,做家务

(7)keep in touch             保持联系

(8)keep off                 不接近,避开

(9)keep on                 继续不断,保持

(10)keep one's head          保持镇静

(11)keep one's word          守信用

(12)keep out of              躲开,置身...之外

(13)keep to                坚持,保持

(14)keep track              通晓事态,注意动向

(15)keep up                保持,维持;继续进行,坚持

(16)keep up with            向...看齐,跟上...

14.     look

(1)look after                 照管,照料

(2)look at                   看望,注视

(3)look back                回顾,回头看

(4)look down on             看不起,轻视

(5)look for                  寻找,寻求

(6)look forward to           盼望,期待

(7)look in                   顺便看望

(8)look into                 调查,观察,过问,窥视

(9)look on                  帝观,观看;看待;视作

(10)look out                留神,注意,提防,警惕

(11)look over               检查,查看,调查

(12)look through            仔细杳看,浏览,温习

(13)look up                查阅,查考;寻找(某人)

(14)look up to               尊敬,敬仰

15.     make

(1)make a face              做鬼脸

(2)make a/the difference        有影响, 很重要

(3)make believe              假装

(4)make for                走向,驶向;有助于,有利于

(5)make friends              交朋支,友好相处

(6)make fun of              取笑;嘲弄

(7)make one's way           前进,行进

(8)make out                 辨认,区分;理解,了解;开列,书写

(9)make progress            进步

(10)make sense             讲得通,有意义,言之有理

(11)make sure              确认

(12)make sure of/that         确信;确定,务必

(13)make the best of          充分利用,妥善处理

(14)make the most of         尽量利用

(15)make up              构成,组成,拼凑;弥补

(16)make up for            补偿,弥补

(17)make up one's mind       下决心

(18)make use of            利用

(19)make way             开路,让路

16.     out of

(1)out of                   丧失,失去;缺乏,没有

(2)out of breath                     喘不过气来,上气不接下气

(3)out of control                     失去控制

(4)out of danger              脱离危险

(5)out of date               过时

(6)out of doors               在户外

(7)out of order               发生故障 ,失调

(8)out of place               不得其所的,不适当的

(9)out of practice              久不练习,荒疏

(10)out of sight              看不见,在视野之外

(11)out of step               步调不一致,不协调

(12)out of touch              失去联系

(13)out of work             失业

17.     put

(1)put across                解释清楚,说明

(2)put aside                 储存,保留

(3)put away                放好,收好;储存

(4)put down                记下,放下;镇压,平定

(5)put forward              提出

(6)put in                    驶进

(7)put in for                 申请

(8)put in order                整理,检修

(9)put into effect              实行,生效

(10)put off                 推迟,推延

(11)put on                 穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)

(12)put out                 熄灭,消灭,关(灯);出版,发布;生产

(13)put to use               使用,利用

(14)put up                 提出,举起,升起,提(价);为...提供食宿,投宿,建造

(15)put up with             容忍,忍受

(16)put/bring into operation使投入生产,使运转

18.     run

(1)run down               撞倒,停掉,撞沉;追捕,追

(2)run for                  竞选

(3)run into                  撞上,偶然碰见

(4)run off                  复印,打印

(5)run out of                用完,用尽,耗尽

(6)run over                  溢出,满出;略读,略述;辗过,浏览,匆匆复习

(7)run short                 用完,耗尽

19.     set

(1)set about                 开始,着手

(2)set aside                  挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝

(3)set back                 推迟,延缓,阻碍

(4)set down                卸下,放下,记下,记入

(5)set fire to                  点燃

(6)set forth                 阐明,陈述

(7)set free                   释放

(8)set off                   出发,动射 ,引起,使发生

(9)set out                   陈列,显示;动身,起程;制定

(10)set out to                打算,着手

(11)set up                  创立,建立,树立;资助,扶持

20.     take

(1)take ...for granted            认为...理所当然

(2)take a chance              冒险一试

(3)take advantage of                  利用,趁...之机

(4)take after                 与...相像

(5)take away                清除,清耗

(6)take care of               照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责

(7)take charge of             担任,负责

(8)take delight in               以...为乐

(9)take down               记下,写下

(10)take effect               生效,起作用

(11)take for                 把...认为是,把...看成是

(12)take in                 接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗

(13)take off                拿走,脱下;起飞

(14)take on                呈现,具有,装出;接纳,承担,从事

(15)take one's time            不急不忙,从容进行

(16)take over               接管,接办

(17)take pains               尽务,煞费苦心

(18)take part in              参加

(19)take place               发生,进行

(20)take the place of                 代替

(21)take to                 喜欢,亲近

(22)take turns              轮流

(23)take up                占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,接收

(24)take...into account               考虑

21.     turn

(1)turn down               关小,调低;拒绝,搌斥

(2)turn in                  交出,上缴;转身进入,拐入

(3)turn into                  变成

(4)turn off                  关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开

(5)turn on                  接通,打开

(6)turn out                  制造,生产;结果是;驱逐,使离开

(7)turn over                 翻过来,翻倒;移交。转交

(8)turn to                   变成;求助于,借助于

      (9)turn up                 开大,调大;出现,来到,发生

1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻

e.g. I had a big time there.

the big time:第一流,最高级

e.g. Don’t worry, you are in the big time now.

2) according to:按照,根据

e.g. They were commended or criticized according to their work.

according as:随……而定

e.g. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold.



1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻

e.g. I had a big time there.

the big time:第一流,最高级

e.g. Don’t worry, you are in the big time now.

2) according to:按照,根据

e.g. They were commended or criticized according to their work.

according as:随……而定

e.g. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold.

3) admit to:承认

e.g. I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.

admit sb.(in) to:允许某人进入某地或加入某组织、行业

e.g. They have admitted me into their club.

4) all for:完全赞成

e.g. I am all for holding a meeting to discuss it.

for all:尽管

e.g. They could not open the box for all their forces.

5) all in all:总的说来

e.g. All in all, it is a success.

all in:疲倦,筋疲力尽

e.g. He was all in, but he stuck it out.

6) as it is (was):照目前的情况来看

e.g. As it is, we shall be able to complete our task in time.

as it were:可以说,姑且这样说

e.g. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

7) as much as:几乎,实际上

e.g. By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money.

as much…as:与……一样多

e.g. It is as much our responsibility as yours.

8) as well:也,还是……为好

e.g. He gave me advice, and money as well.

Since you have begun to do it, you may as well finish it.

as well as:不仅……而且,除……之外

e.g. With television, we see a picture as well as hearing sound.

Small towns as well as big cities are being rapidly industrialized.

9) at one time从前某个时期

e.g. At one time, we met frequently.

at a time:每次,一次

e.g. You can borrow only two books at a time.

10) attach to:属于,归因于

e.g. No blame attaches to him.

attach oneself to:参加,加入

e.g. He attached himself to the group of climbers.

11) be a credit to:为……增光

e.g. I hope you will be a credit to your school.

do credit to:为……增进荣誉

e.g. This piece of work does credit to you.

12) bear in mind:记住

e.g. I hope you will bear in mind all I am saying.

have in mind:考虑

e.g. Don’t give your confidence to others regarding the plan you have in mind.

13) begin with:以……为起点

e.g. He advised me to begin with something easy.

to begin with:首先

e.g. To begin with, we must consider the problem from all sides.

14) build up:逐步建成,增强

e.g. They are trying hard to build up an independent economy.

He went for an ocean voyage and built up his health.

build on:以……为基础,依赖

e.g. Let’s build on your idea.

We shall build on your supporting us.

15) by day:在白天

e.g. Most of them work by day and study by night.

by the day:(指工作报酬等)按日计算

e.g. Will you pay me by the day or by the hour?

16) can but只好……罢了

e.g. We can but try to make him see how unreasonable he has been.

cannot but:不得不,禁不住

e.g. I cannot but tell her the truth.(=I cannot help telling her the truth)

17) come forth:出现,发行

e.g. Many new things are coming forth..

Do you know that a set of new stamps has come forth?

come forward:自告奋勇,提出供讨论

They have come forward with an offer to help.

The matter was deferred at last evening’s meeting, but will come forward at our next session.

18) compare … to比拟(指出其中的相似点)

e.g. Man’s life is often compared to a candle.

compare … with:把……和……相比(指出其不同之处)

e.g. He compared his camera with mine.

19) consist in:包含在……中

e.g. Happiness consists in good health.

consist of:由……组成

e.g. The apartment consisted of two rooms and a kitchen.

20) end on:两端相碰,正对

e.g. The two ships collided each other end on.

We shouldn’t place the bicycles end on.

on end:竖着,连续地,不断地

e.g. Place the box on end.

She often works for 20 hours on end.

21) familiar to:某事为某人熟知

e.g. There were facts not familiar to me.

familiar with:熟悉或通晓某事

e.g. He is familiar with English, German and French..

22) feel for sb.:同情某人,为某人难过

e.g. I feel for you in your sorrow.

feel for sth:(用手、脚、棍子等)摸索,寻找某物

e.g. She felt under the pillow for her watch.

23) for a moment:片刻,一会儿

e.g. She was silent for a moment, weighing in her mind the pros and cons.

for the moment:此刻、暂时

e.g. I cannot recall his name for the moment.

24) get down:下去,下来;写下来

e.g. The bus was so jammed that I could not get down.

Here’s the telephone number I got down for you.

get down to:认真着手进行处理

e.g. It is no good shirking the job, it will have to be got down to.

25) get into trouble with sb.:遭到某人的(训斥等)

e.g. Poor Tom is always getting into trouble with the boss.

get sb. into trouble:使某人陷入困境

e.g. The letter got me into trouble.

26) give sb. a hand:帮助某人或参与某人做某事

e.g. Give me a hand with the cleaning, please.

give sb. one’s hand:与某人握手

e.g. She gave me her hand and wished me a good trip.

27) go through:检查,搜查;通过,穿过

e.g. They went through our luggage at the customs.

It took us a whole week to go through the great forest.

go through with:把……坚持到底

e.g. We should go through with the experiment now we’ve started.

28) good for:有益于

e.g. This book is good for your English study.

for good:永久地

e.g. The lost money was gone for good.

29) have a fancy for:爱好,喜爱

e.g. She has a fancy for nice clothes.

have a fancy that:猜想,认为

e.g. I have a fancy that he will come tonight.

30) head up:领头;领导

e.g. A band headed up the parade.

Mr. Jones will head up the new business.

heads up:注意,小心

e.g. Heads up, now! You can do better than that.

31) in a way:在某种程度上

e.g. In a way, it is an important book.

in the way:妨碍,挡路

I will visit you next weekend if there is nothing in the way.

32) in black:穿黑色衣服

e.g. Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes.

in the black:赢利,赚钱

New production methods put the company in the black.

33) in charge of:负责

e.g. Who is in charge of this work?

in the charge of:照护

e.g. The patients are in the charge of the nurse.

34) in hand:控制

e.g. There was a little rioting, but the police soon had the situation in hand.

hand in:递交,交给

e.g. He handed in his resignation in protest against it.

35) in one’s honor:向……表示敬意或感谢

e.g. The day was kept as a holiday in honor of victory.

on one’s honor:用人格担保

e.g. We were on our honor not to cheat on the exam.

36) in possession of:占有

e.g. He is in possession of this house.

in the possession of:被占有

e.g. The keys are in the possession of the door keeper.

37) in spirit:在内心,在精神上

e.g. In spirit, at least, these laws were very fair.

in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等)

e.g. He is in poor spirits because of his failing in the exam.

38) keep up:继续,保持

e.g. They entered into a correspondence which was kept up for almost ten years.

keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上

e.g. With their help, he has kept up with the class.

39) look about:环视

e.g. He looked about him with great interest.

look about for:四处寻找

e.g. She was looking about for the key she had just lost.

40) look up:向上看

e.g. He looked up and nodded to me.

look up to:尊敬

e.g. It must be rewarding to be looked up to by so many people.

41) make one’s way:开路

e.g. As soon as he saw us, the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us.

make one’s way to:向……走去

e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place.

42) measure to:测量到某一精度

e.g. Measure this part to mm.

measure up to:够得上,可以匹敌

e.g. The new techniques measure up to advanced world standard.

43) more than:很,非常

e.g. He was more than upset by the accident.


e.g. I regarded her more highly than me.

44) much as:虽然

e.g. Much as I should like to go, I can’t go right now.

as much:同样的或同样多少的

e.g. You have always helped me and I will always do as much for you.

45. no less than:不亚于,竟达……之多

e.g. There were no less than one hundred people at the meeting.

not less than:不比……差,至少

e.g. There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting.

请大家注意区分以上两句的差别,第一句是指“竟达100人之多”,第二句则是“至少有100人”,要明白no less than是一种强调说法,它和not less than的区别在于事先假定的程度或是数量有所不同,no less than在某种意义上说来没有超过的意思,而not less than可能会超过,这种表达方式正好与no more than以及not more than相反。

46. no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有

e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one.

It is no more than empty talk.

not more than:不比……更,不如;至多

e.g. He is not more clever than you are.

There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation.

47. on sale:出售的;廉价出售

e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store.

I got this book on sale; it was very cheap.

for sale:出售的,上市的

e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale.

在作“出售的”的意思的时候,on sale和for sale还是有一些不同的,一般来说,for sale多指物主亲自或委托代理人经手出售,而on sale通常表示店里的货物是供出售的。

48. once again:再一次

e.g. I want to try this once again.

once and again:一再

e.g. I have told him once and again not to do that.

49. out of question:毫无疑问,必定

e.g. Out of question, this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time.

out of the question:不可能的

e.g. What you propose is out of the question.

50. refer to:提及,涉及

e.g. I would like to refer back to the first of my three points.

refer to…as:称作,叫做

e.g. Coal is often referred to as food for industry.

51. search sb.:认真搜查某人身体

e.g. They searched him but nothing was found on him.

search for sb.:搜查某地为找到某人

e.g. They searched for him everywhere but failed.

52. settle down:落下;定居

e.g. The dust slowly settled down.

He has settled down in the countryside.

settle down to:专心致力于;逐渐习惯于

e.g. He settled down to his homework.

They settled down to a new job.

53. speak for itself:不言而喻

e.g. One does not to be told that this fact speaks for itself.

speak for oneself:发表本人的意见

e.g. What others think I do not know, I can only speak for myself.

54. submit to:屈服于

e.g. He has to submit to an operation.


e.g. They must submit the case to the court.

1,a change of pace 节奏变换
You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 

2, a far cry from 相距甚远
The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

3, and how 的确
A: She’s a good dancer.
B: and how.

4, a matter of time 时间问题
It is only a matter of time.

5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。
If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

6, a while back 不久以前

7,all along 一直
I knew it all along.

8, anything but 绝对不
I was anything but happy about going.

9, account for 解释
How do you account for it?

10, after all 到底
A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,
B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.

11, allergic to 对|……过敏
Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something.

12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务
I am at your service at any time.

13, around the clock 24小时不停
Martha studied around the clock for management exam.

14, as far as I know 就我所知

15,at home with 对…..很熟悉
She is at home with problems like this.

16, back out
1) 退出
A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight?
B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute
She finally backed out of her promise.

17, be cut out for 天生适合
I’m not cut out to be a hero.

18, be absorbed in
She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can’t tear her away.

19, be addicted to 对……上瘾
She has been addicted to drugs for years.

20,be attached to 对……有感情
A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have

gotten rid of it years ago.
B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it.

21, back up
1) 累积
The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show.
2) 支持
I’ll back it up.

22, be bound for 到……地方
The bus is bound for New England.

23, be (feel) myself 找到自我
I’m feeling myself again.

24, be burned up 生气
She was really burned up at the news.

25, be hard up for
I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books.

26, be head and shoulders above 好许多
In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.

27,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里
A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?
B: I’m as in the dark as you are.

28,be stuck 卡住了
I can’t get this window open. It’s stuck.

29, bite off more than one can chew. 贪多嚼不烂
A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this semester.
B: I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

30, break new ground 有了新的突破
His architectural design broke new ground in the field.

31,benefit concert 慈善音乐会
We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don’t have much money for advertising.

32, busy signal 占线
I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy signal.

33,between you and me 你我之间,保密

34,call for
Tom just called for you.
The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Aren’t you glad we’ll be getting away from this for a week?
It’s probably in the new part of town. We’ll have to call for directions.

35, call it a day 就此结束
A: I’m really glad our club decides to raise money for the children’s hospital, and most of the people we’ve phoned seemed happy to contribute.
B: Yeah, I agree. Now we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a day.

36,cash the check 兑现支票
Have your sister cashed her paycheck?

37,clear off 收拾,整理
It’s about time we clear off the desk.

38,come down (雨,雪)下起来
The heavy rain is coming down, now.

39, come in first in the race 比赛第一名
Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season.

40,come what may 不管怎样
We’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may.

41,cost somebody an arm and a leg
A: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?
B: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.

42, cut it out 闭嘴
I told you to cut it out.

43,be cut out for 生来时做……的
Dr. Hamilton doesn’t feel Larry is cut out for the medical profession.

44,department chair 系主任
I didn’t write that memo to the department chair.

45,dirt cheap 非常便宜
A: You’ve already furnished your apartment?
B: I’ve found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.

46, do with 用…..凑合; do without 没有……也行
You can do with your girlfriend.
You can do without your girlfriend

47, dog tired 特别累,同义:run down; worn out; out of steam
I’m dog tired these days. I’m working on seven articles.

48, down jacket 羽绒服

49,drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯;同义:drive somebody out of one’s mind
The sound of all that raffic is driving me out of my mind.

50, fall back on 依赖
A: Were you able to understand that French novel without any help from the teacher?
B: I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally.

51, fill a prescription 按处方抓药
Would you please fill this prescription for me?

52, fill in for 代替;
同义:fill one’s place(position, shoes); take the place of; take over Say, Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? I’d like to go out of town.

53,food for thought 令人思考的东西;同义:thought-provoking
There is a lot food for thought in what he had to say.

54,for nothing 免费
To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on TV for nothing.

55,from top to bottom 从上到下
A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this room.
B: I’ve searched it from top to bottom..
56, get of on the wrong foot 开始事情就做错了
I got off on the wrong foot, and I don’t have any idea which way to turn now.

57,get a lot out of something 从……学到很多
The training program was difficult, but she got a lot out of it.

58, get at 想说
Do you understand what I’m getting at?

59, get away with 对…..摆脱惩罚
A: Did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight? He isn’t planning to take his final exams.
B: He can’t get away with that

60,get going 赶紧行动;
同义:get moving
A: It looks like we won’t have enough time to do all we wanted to.
B: Who says we won’t? let’s get going.

61, get on one’s nerve 招惹某人神经了
A: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.
B: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve sometimes.

62, get started on 开始做
We should get started on the project.

63, get time off from work 从工作中抽时间
Oh, so she was able to get time off from the work.

64,give credibility to 相信
A: did you hear about Jim?
B: I wouldn’t give that rumor any credibility.

65,go easy on 温和对待
Well, since it’s your first and only ticket, the judge will probably go easy on you.

66,go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出
Well, you know Mike, everything’s in one ear and out the other.

67,go jogging 去跑步
Are you ready to go jogging?

68,go to one’s head 某人自负
A: Have you noticed how John’s changed since he became student government president?
B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head, and he used to be so sociable and open.

69,got the time 几点了
A: Got the time?
B: It’s a little after ten.

70, graduation announcements 毕业典礼请柬
Have you ordered your graduation announcements?

71,graon about 抱怨
How come Michael’s always groaning about something?

72,guest lecturer 客座教授
The only person who understood the guest lecturer was the professor.

73,hand-me-down 送的东西
A: What a gorgeous jacket. It must have cost a fortune.
B: Not at all. It’s a hand-me-down.

74,hand down 易如反掌
Lee won the chess match hands down.

75,have a way with 擅长
Bonnie really has a way with words.

76,have had it with 处于
I’ve had it with being sick in bed. I’ve read most of these magazines twice.

77, head and shoulders above 高出许多
In computer programming, Susan is head and shoulders above the rest of us.

78, hit the spots 特别好
This lemonade sure hits the spots.

79, hold the grudge 记仇
A: I wish I hadn’t hurt Mary’s feelings like that. You know I never meant to.
B: The great thing about Mary is that she doesn’t hold the grudge.

80, I have no idea which way to turn 我不知道该怎么办

81, I have seen worse 我见过更糟的

82, in advance 提前;同义:before hand, ahead of time
It’s a really nice apartment. But the owners want two-month rent in advance and I just don ’t have it.

83, in case 万一
Let’s take our suits along in case the sun comes out.

84, in next to no time 马上
A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long?
B: I’ll be through in next to no time.

85, in the red 赤字
反义:in the black

86,in the works 正在准备阶段
An advanced course in theoretical chemistry is the works.

87, keep to oneself
I’m amazed that you still haven’t gotten to know your neighbors.

88, kill time 浪费时间
Gosh, what can we do to kill the next 10 hours?

89, leave…up to somebody
We’ll have to leave the decision up to him.

90, letter of recommendation 推荐信;letter of reference 推荐信

91, look on the bright sides of things 看事物的光明面

92, no kidding 不是开玩笑吧

93, on the tip of one’s tongue 就在舌尖
A: Are you sure you can’t remember the name of that record?
B: It’s just on the tip of my tongue!

94, quitting time 下课时间
I’m glad it’s almost quitting time.

95, take it over 重修
Don failed physics and had to take it over.

96, than necessary 比应该的要冷
The lab was cooler than necessary.

97, That’s easer said than done. 说来容易做来难

98, There is nothing to it. 没什么,很容易
I can run this projector. There’s really nothing to it.

99, with flying colors 成功
A: How did Ellen do on her American History exam?
B: She passed with flying colors.

100, You can bet your life 当然
A: Will Prof. Smith come to class on time?
B: You can bet your life.



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