




B:I’m Eddy,Welcome to English Show”

A:欢迎各位前来参加XX教育首届英语汇报演出——“ English Show”。



B:Today,we are getting together,to feel the love of mingde family.

A:时光飞逝,XX教育也迎来了属于我们新的一年,建校以来,我们所经历的风风雨雨历历在目,十年来,我们培育的学子如今也都茁长成长,这离不开老师们的辛苦付出,更离不开家长的理解和信C,在此我仅代表XX教育全体人员向所有的家长们说一声:谢谢!(鞠躬)在未来的日子里,我们会继续秉承XX教育十二项服务,为家长提供更完善的保障,为孩子提供更优质的教育! 下面就有请西安XX教育校长先生致辞!

B:Thank you,thanks for our honorific president to provide us a big platform to show ourselves. A:感谢校长,让我们再次将热烈的掌声送给他。就像Eddy所说的,我们要感谢汪校长给我们提供这样一个舞台展示我们的才华,同时也感谢大家的到来,今天到场的所有朋友们注意咯,我们的抽奖环节会贯穿整场晚会,看今天幸运之光能降临在谁的身上!表演还未开始,我们的大奖已经开始降临了,接下来还会有更多的幸运儿你们想不想抽到大奖?想不想,没准儿,下一个就是你。

在节目正式开始之前,我要提前说明,我们的嘉宾会对本晚的所有节目进行打分评比,除此之B我们还会进行线上投票,最终获奖节目将会按照评委打分与线上投票相结合综合评定。现在我宣布:西安XX教育首届大型英语汇演——English Show 正式开始!谢谢!

1、短剧《I have two hands》A:今天我们晚会请来了一群特殊的朋友,他们会是谁呢?我先不告诉大家哦,现在我想全场用一种特殊的方式欢迎他们,需要大家的配合哦!OK,Everyone Show me your hands: up clap down clap. What’s this? Yes, I have two hands.有请带来的节目《I have two hands》

2、歌谣《Five little monkeys》

A:同学们,你们知道20xx年是什么年么?Please say English,great!

B:In this year, monkey is a lucky animal, isn’t it? Now, look ,they are coming!

A:接下来请欣赏由带来的歌谣《Five little monkeys》掌声有请!

3、话剧《Three monks》





B:Yes,I know。光头光头,光头强!

A:nonono,猜不出来吧,底下的小朋友们,你们知道吗?对啦,瞧瞧接下来这三个小和尚,会闹出怎么样的故事,有请新概念入门班Three monks》

4、歌曲《If you are happy》

B:Thank you!Thanks for our cute monks.Today is a happy day , Are you happy? I can’t hear, Are you happy?I say happy you say hey!Happy hey!If you are happy,clap your hands!If you are happy, stamp your feet! Now, Ok ,together! Welcome our babies From KC1 !The song《If you are happy》


C:Hey,Eddy ,你来中国时间也不短了吧,喜欢中国文化吗?







6、魔术《Magic show》



B :注意看啊,我还能让我的指头转移呢!

A:好了,咱们俩就别在这儿逗大家开心了,还是有请我们今天真正的魔术师登场,见证一下奇迹吧!Welcome our super star——赵皓然!

7、话剧《The cat and the Bell》B:Wow,there are so many mice here.


B:shh,be quiet ,they are talking about something,don’t let the cat hear that. Welcome the babies from KC1

C:掌声有请KC1班的The cat and the Bell》

8、歌谣《Teddy Bear》

C:谢谢我们可爱的小朋友们!现在大家请看看大屏幕,What’s this?Yes, Teddy bear. 现在让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎我们的KC1班的熊宝宝们上场!




9、话剧《The tiger and the fox》


C:我们俩是给大家表演了一个成语故事,大家猜到了么?有请来自临潼校区新概念2B班 等同学们带来的话剧《狐假虎威》

B:《The fox and the tiger》,welcome.

10、诗朗诵+歌曲《you raise me up》B:Thanks for them. We also should say thank you for our parents. A song says: You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains, you raise me up, so more than I can be. When I was a boy, my parents taught me washing, eating, walking and speaking, so

thanks for them.

A:Eddy说的没错,当我们还是个小女孩儿,小男孩儿的时候,是父母教会我们吃饭,洗脸,读书,父母的爱一直伴随着我们的成长,一首来自新概念2A班 等同学表演的诗朗诵《you raise me up》 Welcome!

11、歌曲《Proud of you》B:See me fly,I’m proud to fly up high. show you the best of mine,Till the end of the time。

A:看着我飞翔,飞翔让我如此自豪。或许每个人都应该为自己的努力点赞,为自己感到骄傲。现在就让我们随着悠扬的旋律,带上梦想的翅膀,走向远方!请欣赏,新概念1A班 等同学的歌曲表演《Proud of you》

12、诗朗诵《Bring it all back》A:Jenny,你在生活中或者在学习上有没有感到特别困难的时候? C:有啊,比如每次考试考不好的时候。我又自责又担心。



A:说的太好了,Don’t stop,don’t give up,永远不要停止对理想的追求,不要停止前进的脚步,当你坚持不住的时候,请你继续坚持,因为困难如果没有打到你,就只会让你变得更强大!

C:当自己的内心足够强大,所有你失去的终将会回来!请欣赏带来的配乐诗朗诵《Bring it all back》,掌声有请

13、话剧《little red riding hood》

B:OK,thanks our students from 1A .Now, this time, I will give you some Key- words.


B:There are some words: red hat; little girl, wolf. Which story can you think?

A:Eddy已经给大家提示了,大家猜出来了么?红色的帽子,小女孩,大灰狼,是什么故事呢? B:Yes, excellent boy! 《little red riding hood》,welcome!



14、诗朗诵《When you are old》

B:When you are old and grey and full of sleep,and nodding by the fire, take down this book. C:当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉。一首很优美的诗歌,现在让我们放松心情,感受这首充满爱意的诗朗诵《when you are old》.有请新概念1B班宋羽西,xxx上台表演



16、话剧《Three little pigs》

C:大家看到舞台上的三个房子了吗?那我就要考考大家接下来这个节目的名字了。对,三只小猪的故事大家听说过吗?接下来请欣赏音标班 等人表演的话剧《Three little pigs》

17、跆拳道表演《Kung fu Boys》

A:Hey,Do you know Ye Wen?

B:sure,咏春拳,I can do some Kungfu.

:really?Show me your kungfu.

B:ho ho,(表演几个动作)

A:好,看来你还是有点功夫天赋的,接下来我给你找个师傅,看完他的表演,你才知道什么叫做功夫,好,最热烈的掌声送给我们剑桥二下班王志国,xxx带来的功夫表演《Kungfu boys》 线上抽奖——刮刮乐





A:那一双水晶鞋,那辆南瓜车,那位英俊的王子,还有,那位善良而美丽的姑娘,滋润了多少童年的梦想,又引起了多少人对美和爱的渴望……让我们现在一起重温经典,欣赏新概念2B班 等同学们精心为大家准备的话剧,《灰姑娘》,注意看,里面有亮点哦!

19、歌曲《It’s a small world》

A:如果不是最后卸下他飘飘长发的那一刻,相信我们都会被李佳航这个男子汉的美貌所迷倒吧,谢谢他们的表演!世界再大,王子也找到了他心爱的姑娘,这是一个有着笑声的世界, 这是一个有着泪水的世界, 这是一个有着希望的世界,这个小小的世界,可以承载我们所有的开心和不开心。接下来,让我们聆听由剑桥班胡采薇和KC2班翟诗语同学共同带来的歌曲《It’s a small world》

20、诗歌《Thanks for parents》

A:谢谢两位同学的精彩演唱,在这里也祝愿我们的同学们在新的一年心情天天好,学业步步高!XX教育不仅仅是教书的地方,更是育人的地方,我们希望孩子们除了在这里收获知识B,还能学会如何怀着感恩的心,去对待身边的人,尤其是抚养我们长大的爸爸妈妈,在今天这个特殊的夜晚,希望我们的爸爸妈妈们听听孩子们的心声,接下来,掌声欢迎音标班的同学们带来的诗歌朗诵《Thanks for parents》!


好,现在我公布17-20号的得分。我们此次节目共设一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名的XX助学金奖励,评定参考60%现场打分成绩以及40%线下投票成绩,即就是说今天现场分数高的同学们不要骄傲太早,分数靠后的同学们也不要灰心,积极发动你的朋友们为你投票。我们的线上投票窗口会砸元月24日中午12:00关闭,晚上6:30进行公示,颁奖典礼于1月25日6:30 举行。现在有请我们的互动主持为大家说细则。

谢谢!今天所有参加节目的同学们都可以获得一枚XX首届英语汇演奖牌,现在有请嘉宾为1号节目《I have two hands》的小演员们颁奖。。。


A:踏着青春的节拍,我们向2016走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语,万物在漫天风雨中欣然等待。 C:激扬着青春的风采,我们向2016走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语,万物在翘首期盼中安然舒怀。 B:In 2016,we will write the most beautiful music.



B:In 2016,we will hand in hand, shoulders to shoulders, to meet future challenges.

我宣布XX教育20xx年英语汇演圆满结束,感谢各位来宾,各位家长。我们明年见,再见(合)see you next year~现在有请各位领导,嘉宾,全体演出人员及工作人员前来合影留念!



Good afternoon, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the finals of the fifth National Teaching Skills Contest for English Majors of Normal Universities. I’m your host Lingxuxu. Now I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Contest. They are Professor…Mr.xxx from...Welcome.

Now,let’s warmly welcome the organizer of this contest Mr. Zhu to make a speech.

Thank you for your speech. This contest is a good opportunity for the contestants to display their ideas on organizing successful classroom teaching. And I hope that you, the audience will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what you hear.


Now I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.

All together, there’re XX contestants here. Each of the contestants has chosen a number at random and would have 5 minutes to perform, 2minutes to answer the questions raised by the judges.

During the performance, a staff member will raise a cardboard as a signal that there is 30 seconds left. Then at the end of 5minutes, the cardboard will be raised again to let the contestant know that time’s up, so please stop your performance. The sore will be announced after every XX contestants have finished their performance.

OK. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome contestant number 1XXX! Contestant No.2 please get ready.

It’s time for questions.


Thank you for contestant No.1, now let’s welcome contestant No.2.

Thank you for contestant No. X. Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the score of contestant No. X-X. Contestants XX XX. Congratulations! Now, let’s welcome contestant No. X


Well, now all the contestants have finished their performance. Let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results. For this period, let’s welcome Miss/ Mr. XX to give us a comment on this competition.

Final Results

Thank you for giving so many helpful suggestions to our contestants. I believe

everyone here have learned a lot.

Now it’s time to announce the final results.

The winners of the Prize of Excellence are XXXX. Congratulations!

The winners of the Third Prize are XXX. Congratulations!

The winners of the Second Prize are XXX. Congratulations!

The winners of the First Prize are XXX. Congratulations!


I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the XX contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls, let's give them a big round of applause.

And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.

Last but not the least, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.

Good bye! See you next time!



1.在繁花喧嚣的日子里,六月告别了春风的季节。我们那一颗颗晶莹剔透、纯洁无比的心翼翼的绽开,快乐的走进童话乐园。 翠绿色的幕幔缓缓开启,迎接我们这些粉黛浓妆的小天使。在这里,你可以像小矮人一样和我们的小丑做游戏。在这里,你可以像海尔兄弟一样运用你的智慧,获取精美礼品!在这里,你可以像奥特曼一样愉快的翱翔!在这里,你可以像天线宝宝一样自由自在!在这里,你能看见山姆大叔为你炮制三明治、汉堡包、刨冰!在这里,你能欣赏到无数的神奇童话故事……




1. Fanhua the hustle and bustle of day, June bade farewell to the spring season. We crystal clear that for many, the very purity of heart Zhankai Yi Yi, happiness into the fairy tale theme park. Emerald green mantle of the screen slowly opened, we meet these Fendainongzhuang the Little Angels. Here, you can like dwarves, like the

clown and we do games. Here, you can use like Haier, like brothers and your wisdom, access to beautiful gift! Here, you can like Altman as happy flying! Here, you can baby the same as the antenna free! Here, you can see Uncle Sam as you prepared sandwiches, hamburgers, Paobing! Here, you can enjoy numerous magical fairy tale……

Sky blue water, the world's great magic!

Come on! We quickly flew to the fairy tale is full of sunshine in the park!


1.Welcome to China.欢迎到中国来。

2.We are delighted to see you again.我们很高兴又再见面了。

3.We’ve been counting the days to see you.我们一直算着日子要和你再见面。

4.I hope you’ll stay as log as possible.我希望你尽可能住久一点。

5.I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay.我希望你在此期间过得很愉快。

6.It is my GREat pleasure to say to Mr. Smith “Welcome back to Taiwan!’’我很高兴能够对史密斯先生说“欢迎回到台湾”。

7.It is my special pleasure to welcome Mr. Smith.我非常高兴来欢迎史密斯先生。

8.It is my pleasure to welcome Miss Smith back.很高兴欢迎史密斯小姐回来。 9,It is my pleasure to welcome you all here to day.今天我很高兴欢迎各位。

10.It is my pleasure to welcome Mr. Smith to our company.很高兴欢迎史密斯先生到我们公司来。

11.Welcome to our company from all the members of this section, Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,本课所有同仁欢迎你到本公司来。

12.I take GREat pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome to our company.很高兴能够衷心的欢迎您来我们公司。

13.It is my GREat pleasure to say a few words of hearty welcome to Mr. Smith.很荣幸能说几句话表示对史密斯先生衷心欢迎。

14.the first thing that I would like to say to Mr. Smith is a hearty “ Welcome home!”我最先想对史密斯先生说的心底话是:欢迎回国!

15.I want to assure Mr. Smith that we will all give him our support in his efforts.我想向史密斯先保证,我们每个人对他的努力将给予支持。

16.It is my pleasure and honor to welcome back Mr. Smith who has been in Canada for the past three years.过去三年史密斯先生都在加拿大,我很高兴也很荣幸来欢迎他回。

17.Please go ahead before it gets cold.趁热吃。

18.Thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的一番盛情。

19.I’m very happy that I’ve come back to Taiwan.我很高兴我回到台湾了。

20.I had long been looking forward to coming back.我老早就期待着回来。

21.I’m very grateful to you for all your kindness.你的厚意我非常感激。

22.I have no words with which to thank you for holding this welcome party for me.我不知要用什么话来感谢你们为我办这个欢迎会。

23.I don’t know how I can thank you sufficiently for holding this welcome party

for me.你们为我办这个聚会,我不知道要如何才足以表示我的谢意。

24.On behalf of all my fellow students from Taiwan I wish to say a word of hearty thanks to Mr. Smith.谨代表所有我从台湾来的留学生,向史密斯先生表示由衷的谢意。

.Goodbye, and have a good year.再见了,祝你未来一年都很顺利。

2.We are gathered here today to send off one of our upperclassman, Mr. Smith, who has been appointed to his new post in London. 今天在这里我们在这里相聚,为我们的学长史密斯先生送别,他被派到伦敦担任新职。

3.May you have the best of luck in San Francisco.祝你在旧金山会有很好的运气。

4.1.I really don’t know whether to be happy or sad here today.今天在这里我真的不知道要高兴,还是要悲伤。

5.A year seems like such a long time to be away, so we will miss you a lot, and we hope you will miss us, too.过了一年,似乎是很久远以前的事,我们会很想念我你,希望你一样想念我们。

6.We will miss him as a worker amongst us and also as a cheerful friend who could always brighten the day around here.他是我们的同仁,也是让我们在这儿的日子充满欢乐的一位开朗的朋友,我们会怀念他的 。

7.I hope you will think of me from time to time as I shall be thinking of you always.我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。

8.I certainly wish Mr. Smith the best of luck in everything he undertakes, either academically or socially, at Hope College and in America.我祝福史密斯先生在霍浦学院和美国,不论是在学术上或是在社会上,一切顺利,万事如意。

9.Thank you for taking time off from your busy jobs to come here tonight to say goodbye to Miss Smith.感谢你们今晚从百忙之中抽空到这儿向史密斯小姐道别。

10.All the members of your department are before you today to wish you farewell and good luck in your future.你部门的所有同仁都来到你面前,祝你一路平安,未来福星高照。

11.Soinstead of concluding my speech with the customary “Good-bye,” allow me to say “Good luck and much happiness!”不要照一般习惯说“再见”作为结尾,我要说的是“祝好运,万事如意!”

12.I’m full of excitement.我很兴奋。

13.I owe a GREat deal to all of you.我欠你们大家太多了。

14.Thank you for coming here tonight to see me off.谢谢你们今晚来为我送行。

15.I will miss all of you while I’m away.我没和你们在一起时,我会惦记着你们每个人。

16.I thank all of you for what you have done for me.我很感谢大家的一番厚意。

17.I did not expect at all that you would hold a party like this for me.我一点也没想到你们为我举办一个这样的聚会。

18.In the first place, I wish to say a word of thanks for holding this send-off party for me.为我办这个欢送会,首先我要说声谢谢。

19.I certainly am thankful to the company for giving me such a chance, and I earnestly hope that I will live up to everyone’s expectations.我非常感谢公司给我这样的一个机会,我诚挚期盼不负大家的期许。

20.I’d like to thank Mr. Smith not only for coming to this party, but also for making such a nice speech full of good advice and kind words encouragement.我要感谢史密斯先生莅临这个聚会,以及发表这么棒的演讲,充满了受益良多的忠告和鼓励的话。


The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an English Evening Party. young ladies and young men, we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: ***, our language expert from Canada. ***, our headmaster and ***, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school. And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish *** to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to have a wonderful time tonight. Now let's invite *** to say a few words to us. Mr. ***'s speech... Thank you, Mr ***. Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight. The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause.... Therefore,I'm very glad to be the host of this evening party.I believe we can give you a great perform ! “Thank you for the warm hospitality that makes me feel so welcome。” ”意思就是“谢谢你们的热情,这热情使我感觉到自己如此受欢迎”。

Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌) Good bye! See you next time! OK!THANKS FOR ALL OF YOU .SEE YOU NEXT TIME.BYE! 节目类型 节目名称

大合唱 1、Fingers

Chorus 2、EdelwissShortplay 短剧 Donkey and Wolf大合唱 1、Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star Chorus 2、I Wish You a Happy English Festivel Chant Ask a question Shortplay Little Red Righding Hood 短剧 A Fable A Monkey and His Action

大合唱 1、Take me to your heart Chorus 2、More than I can say 独唱 Casablance 卡萨布兰卡大合唱

1、Take me to your heart Chorus 2、More than I can saySemichorus 《挥着翅膀的女孩》伴唱 《大海啊,故乡!》大合唱 1、Take me to your heart Chorus 2、More than I can say 情景剧

Scene play On bus
























