




1. 请将下面名言用楷体准确、规范地抄写在下面的田字格




3.将下列语句依次填入文段的横线处,恰当的一项是 ( )(2分)

几十年来,霍金的身体禁锢在轮椅中, , , 。他以极度残疾之身,取得了极其辉煌的科学成就。

①发现了一个又一个宇宙运行的重大奥秘②震动了整个理论物理学界 ③思维却遨游于广袤的太空

A.①②③ B.③①② C.③②① D.②③① 4. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是 ( )(2分) A. 阅读是认识世界、发展思维的重要途径。 B.校门对面又开了一家卖饮料和汽水的小店。

C.是否保持为政清廉,是关系到党和政府能否取得广大群众信任的大事。 D.通过几年的努力,他记录下来的文字,仅印刷出来的就大约有400页左右。 5. 仿照划线部分写句子,要求句式相同,语意连贯(2分)


仿写: 6.古诗文默写(10分) (1))海日生残夜,。(王弯《次北固山下》) (2)(白居易《钱塘湖春行》 (3),似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》 (4))曲径通幽处, (5)《论语》中阐述学习和思考的辩证关系,认为二者不可偏废的语句是:



(8),志在千里, ,壮心不已。(《曹操《龟虽



《繁星》、《春水》这两本诗集是冰心生活、感情、思想的自然酿造, 《繁星》《春水》的主题大致包括三个方面的内容:一是,二是,三是 。







材料二:“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”“一粥一饭当思来之不易。”“俭以养德。” 材料三:加拿大人一般根据食量和人数一道一道地点菜,如果不够再加;在美国,打包和个人财富、品味等没有关系,只要剩下食物,美国人就打包带走;爱尔兰人和朋友用餐时,必须把所点的食物酒水全部吃完喝完;德国餐桌浪费要罚款。







11. 解释下列句子中加点的字(3分)

(1)太丘舍去( ) (2)尊君在不( )(3)元方入门不顾( ) ...




13.与“下车引之”的“之”用法相同的一项是( )(2分) A.物外之趣 B.左将军王凝之妻也

C.然后知松柏之后凋 D.良愕然,欲殴之

14.指出下列称呼所指代的对象(2分) (1)客问元方:“尊君在不?” 尊君:

(2)元方曰:“君与家君期日中……” 君:

15.这篇文章告诉我们,做人要诚实守信,否则要付出代价。请写出有关诚信守信方面的成语或名言警句 (2分)(成语至少要写两个)

(二)阅读文章,回答16—19小题(10分) 奇妙的唾液


















刚进包厢时, 忐忑 →深夜包厢门被打开时, →想给孩子零食

时, →快到终点站时, →与小姑娘分手时, 。



成人的世界如荔枝皮,粉饰,坚硬,粗糙;孩子的世界如荔枝瓤,莹白,晶透,柔软。 答:

23. 请说说本文开头段和结尾段在内容和结构上的作用(4分)





文题二: 密蜂传粉,是生命的传递;多米诺骨牌的倾倒,是力量的传递;互帮互助,是正能量的传递。在自然界和人类社会,时刻上演着传递的精彩。人类文明之花也在传递中生生不息。请以“传递”为话题写一篇文章,题目自拟,角度自选。

要求:①不少于600字; ②文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名;③适当运用多种描写手法,表达真情实感。



???????????????????? ?英 语 学 科 试 卷???????????????

????????????????? (考试时间120分钟? 满分150分)






例:What is the man going to read?

A. A newspaper.

B. A magazine.

C. A book.



1. Where is the man?

A. At a repair shop.B. At the cleaner’s.C. At the post office.2. What is the woman trying to do?

A. Get some small change.B. Find a shopping center.C. Find a parking center.3. What is the man doing?

A. Asking for permission.B. Offering information.C. Making an invitation.4. How does the man feel about the news?

A. Pleased.B. Uninterested.C. Doubtful.5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A vacation abroad.B. An exciting experience.C. An imaginary situation.?





6. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a school.B. In a hotel.C. In a bank.7. What will the woman do at 3 o’clock tomorrow?

A. Make an appointment.B. Take a test.C. Fill out some forms.?


8. Which part of the woman’s bike doesn’t work?

A. The brake.B. One of the wheels.C. The chain.9. Where can the woman find a repairman?

A. About 15 meters away.B. Opposite the post office.C. At the corner of the street.? 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What does the man like about his present job?

A. The position and the fresh air.B. The good pay and the position.C. The good pay and the fresh air.11. Which of the following jobs is the man interested in?

A. Doctor.B. Teacher.C. Lawyer.12. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Close friends.B. Waitress and customer.C. Interviewer and interviewee.? 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。

13. Where will Carole Berg give a talk?

A. In the Green Room.B. In the Lecture Hall.C. In the Campus Corner Cabaret.14. What can students do in the Union Theatre?

A. Attend a dance.B. Watch a film.C. Enjoy a show.15. What should students do to hear the recording again?

A. Press one.B. Press the pound key.C. Dial again.?


听下面一段对话,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。 ?

Customer Order Form

?????????????????????????????????????????? Item number: YS107D

Name:? 16? ??HollandAddress:Apartment No. 52, No. 2 ??17? ?StreetTelephone No.:? 18?Goods ordered:a pair of black leather ??19? ?shoesSize:? 20?Price:$ 82.95? 第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)

从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A. What’s moreB. That’s to sayC. In other wordsD. Believe it or not答案是D。 ?

21. Those _____ have six or more close friends are described as “very happy”.

A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. when22. She didn’t know _____ she could express her ideas clearly when she was invited to speak at the meeting.

A. howB. whereC. whyD. what23. —Your e-mail address again? I _____ quite catch it. ?? —It’s tracy@163.com.

A. don’tB. didn’tC.? won’tD. wouldn’t24. You know, I _____ for a job for three months, but I haven’t had any luck.

A. have been lookingB. have lookedC. had been lookingD. had looked25. They regard it as their duty _____ the best service to the customers.

A. providedB. providingC. provideD. to provide26. _____ how to deal with the trouble with the car, Lily had to ask her friend for help.

A. Not knowB. Not knownC. Not knowingD. Not to know27. Since there are five managers giving reports, the meeting _____ for at least two hours.

A. lastsB. lastedC. will lastD. would last28. Many things _____ impossible in the past have already come true today.

A. consideringB. to considerC. being consideredD. considered29. —The football match was amazing!

—Really? How I wish I _____ to the stadium with you yesterday!

A. wentB. had goneC. could goD. would go30. What Alex really means is _____ he disagrees with us.

A. howB. whyC. whatD. that31. —Why did you buy two pairs of shoes?

—It was so hard to choose which was the better, so I took them _____.

A. allB. bothC. either?D. each32. All the preparations for the task _____, and we’re ready to start.

A. have completedB. have been completedC. had completedD. had been completed33. —Are there still any English dictionaries in the school library?

?? —I hear there _____ be a few copies left.

A. mayB. mustC. canD. should34. _____ you are all back, we’d better start our class right away.

A. Even thoughB. If onlyC. Now thatD. In case35. The weather at this time is really too warm _____ January in Beijing.

A. inB. onC. duringD. for?

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)



More Than One Way to the Square

We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had __36__ me to this spot in a small town not far from our home. I wondered __37__.

“Look down, Elsa,” Father said. I gathered all my __38__ and looked down. I saw the square in the centre of the village. And I saw the crisscross (十字形) of twisting, turning streets leading to the __39__.

“See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go __40__ one road, try another.”

Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had __41__ my mother to do something about the awful school lunches. But she __42__because she could not believe the lunches were as __43__ as I said.

When I turned to Father, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a __44__—the value of an open, searching mind. By the time we reached home, I had a __45__.

At school the next day, I __46__poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I talked the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. Everything went on smoothly. She swallowed one __47__ and spat it out. Quickly I told her what I had done, and Mother stated __48__ that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!

In the years that followed I often remembered what Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion (时装) designer two years ago. I was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions. But just 13 days before the presentation the sewing girls all stopped working. I was as __49__ as my models. “We’ll never make it,” one of them cried. Accept the failure? __50__ use wisdom to find another road to my goal??Then a great idea? flashed through my mind—why not __51__ the clothes unfinished?

And, exactly 13 days later, our showing turned out to be so __52__that it was a great success. Our different showing caught the __53__ of the public, and orders for the clothes __54__ in.

Father’s wise words had __55__ me once again, “There is always more than one way to the square.”

36. A. sentB. broughtC. directedD. welcomed37. A. whoB. howC. whatD. why38. A. thoughtsB. strengthC. courageD. spirits39. A. squareB. towerC. townD. village40. A. inB. onC. byD. across41. A. persuadedB. beggedC. encouragedD. ordered42. A. failedB. agreedC. promisedD. refused43. A. badB. expensiveC. deliciousD. hot44. A. lessonB. chanceC. shockD. ride45. A. goalB. resultC. planD. choice46. A. skillfullyB. activelyC. carelesslyD. secretly47. A. cupfulB. spoonfulC. handfulD. bagful48. A. thoughtfullyB. simplyC. firmlyD. repeatedly49. A. positveB. cheerfulC. calmD. hopeless50. A. OrB. AndC. ButD. So51. A. showB. buyC. changeD. sell52. A. famousB. poorC. unusualD. ordinary53. A. noticeB. attentionC. desireD. impression54. A. turnedB. handedC. steppedD. poured55. A. suggestedB. guidedC. correctedD. defeated? 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)





Wikipedia: The Online Know-It-All

If you want to find out a piece of information about anything, the best place to search for it is Wikipedia. The name “Wikipedia” is from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning “quick”. This online encyclopedia (百科全书) is written by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with Internet access can write, add or make changes to Wikipedia articles if he or she finds it incorrect or not well written. In this way, people who know a lot about a certain subject can write about it even if they are not university professors. But contributions cannot damage Wikipedia because many experienced editors are watching pages and techies (技术专家) can write editing programs to keep track of or correct bad edits. Where there are disagreements on how to present facts, editors work together to arrive at an article that fairly represents current expert opinion on the subject.

Wikipedia is quite different from paper-based reference sources in important ways. Unlike printed encyclopedias, it is continually created and updated, with articles on historic events appearing within minutes, rather than months or years.

What’s more, Wikipedia includes articles written in about 285 languages. This fact makes it one of the few websites on the Internet that are truly international. It was started in 2001 by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, as a free online English-language encyclopedia project. Since its creation, it has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference websites, attracting nearly 500?million unique visitors monthly. There are more than 77,000?active contributors working on more than 22,000,000?articles in different?languages. As of today, there are 4,396,866?articles in English.

So, if you are looking for some information, why not try Wikipedia? It’s free,

multilingual,and informative.??


56. According to the passage, what is Wikipedia?

A. A free website encyclopedia.B. A computer game.C. A free encyclopedia in book form.D. An online university.57. From the passage we know that ______.

A. Wikipedia catches a wide audienceB. Wikipedia only charges users a small feeC. incorrect editions might do great harm to WikipediaD. it will take long to update the information on Wikipedia58. Where can we probably read the passage?

A. In a story book.B. In a research report.C. In a science magazine.D. In a travel brochure.?


Sixteen-year-old Karlos Dearman’s future is looking much brighter than he might previously have imagined. “I love bikes, but I’ve never thought I’d end up with working with them,” he says. “This program has changed my life.”

Karlos is learning to refurbish (翻新) old bicycles in the workshop (车间) of ReCycle Bikes, an independent non-profit bike project in Sheffield. It provides training chances for young people aged 14 to 16 with the help of the local government, particularly those struggling in mainstream education or rejected from school. “It’s about engaging young people with education and youth training by teaching them work and life skills,” explains Des Pearce, workshop training manager. “These young people have so much potential, but often don’t realize it.”

Founded in 2001, ReCycle Bikes repairs bicycles donated by the public, which are sold for £20 after refurbished. Abandoned bikes supplied by the government make sure a steady flow of bikes, but a recently formed partnership with Sheffield University should improve the further development.

“The student population presents a large and ready market,” says Pearce. “So we approached the university last year and offered to host bike sales on the campus (校园) . They thought it was a great idea, and agreed to provide us with more support. This means we can train young people to repair extra 500 bikes over three years.” Having set up ReCycle Bikes on his own, Pearce now has the staff and resources to track the profession development of those who have passed through his workshop. “But we are planning exit interviews with the young people to make sure what they plan to do, and these will allow us to check on their progress,” says Pearce.

That most of the teenagers enjoy the work is, according to Pearce, easily explained. “Most kids have ridden a bike and know how to oil a chain or mend a flat tyre. As low-cost transport, cycling gives the young and old a sense of freedom and independence, and the effect on their well-being is big. Add to that a growing concern for the environment, and it’s no surprise that bike sales are on the increase.”??? ?

59. From the passage, we know ReCycle Bikes ______.

A. is a popular brand of bikesB. provides training chances for young peopleC. is a training project offered by the governmentD. aims at making money by selling refurbished bicycles60. How did ReCycle Bikes run at the beginning?

A. By working together with Sheffield University.B. By selling bicycles supplied by

the government.C. By getting money from teenagers aged between 14 and 16.D. By repairing bicycles donated by the public and selling them.61. ReCycle Bikes has formed a partnership with Sheffield University because _____.

A. students at Sheffield University can be their potential customersB. Sheffield University donates a lot of money to ReCycle BikesC. teenagers at ReCycle Bikes can study at Sheffield UniversityD. Sheffield University offers to host bike sales on the campus62. According to Pearce, why do most of the teenagers enjoy the work?

A. They’d like to change their lives.B. They want to learn how to repair bikes.C. They don’t have enough money to buy cars.D. They are familiar with bikes and interested in them.?


Men are spending more and more time in the kitchen encouraged by celebrity (名人) chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver, according to a report from Oxford University.

???? The effect of the celebrity role models, who have given cooking a more manly picture, has combined with a more general drive towards sexual equality and men now spend more than twice the amount of time preparing meals than they did in 1961. According to the research by Prof. Jonatahn Gershuny, who runs the Centre for Time Research at Oxford, men now spend more than half an hour a day cooking, up from just 12 minutes a day in 1961.

Prof. Gershuny said, “The man in the kitchen is part of a much wider social trend. There has been 40 years of sexual equality, but there is another 40 years probably to come.”

Women, who a generation ago spent nearly two hours a day cooking, now spend just one hour and seven minutes—a great fall, but they still spend far more time in the kitchen than men.

Some experts have named these men in aprons as “Gastrosexuals (men using cooking skills to impress friends)”, who have been inspired to pick up a kitchen knife by the success of Ramsay, Oliver as well as other male celebrity chefs such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Marco Pierre White and Keith Floyd.

???? “I was married in 1974. When my father came to visit me a few weeks later, I was wearing an apron when I opened the door. He laughed,” said Prof. Gershuny. “That would never happen now.”

Two-thirds of adults say that they come together to share at least three times a week, even if it is not necessarily around a kitchen or dining room table. Prof. Gershuny pointed out that the family meal was now rarely eaten by all of its members around a table—with many “family meals” in fact taken on the sofa in the sitting room, and shared by family members. “The family meal has changed a lot, and few of us eat—as I did when I was a child—at least two meals a day together as a family. But it has survived in a different format.”?


63. What is one reason behind the trend that men spend more time cooking than before?

A. The improvement of cooks’ status.B. The influence of popular female chefs.C. The change of female’s view on cooking.D. The development of sexual equality campaign.64.

What does the author think about the time men and women spend on cooking?

A. Men spend more time cooking than women nowadays.B. Women spend much less time on cooking than before.C. It will take 40 years before men spend more time at the stove than women.D. There is a sharp decline in the time men spend on cooking compared with 1961.65. How did Prof. Gershuny see the family meal according to the passage?

A. It has become a thing of the past.B. It is very different from what it used to be.C. It shouldn’t be advocated in modern times.D. It is beneficial to the stability of the family.66. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Changes of Family MealsB. Equality between Men and WomenC. Cooking into a New Trend for MenD. Cooking—a Thing of the Past for Women?


Teaching is more than leadership. Some of the teacher’s time and effort is directed toward instruction, some toward evaluation. But it is the teacher as a group leader who creates an effective organizational structure (结构) and good working environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place. A group that is totally disorganized, unclear about its goals, or constantly fighting among its members will not be a good learning group. The leadership pattern includes helping to form and maintain a positive learning environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place.

On the first day of class, the teacher faces a room filled with individuals (个体). Perhaps a few closely united groups and friendships already exist. But there is no sense of group unity, no set of rules for conduct in the group, no feeling of belonging. If teachers are successful leaders, they will help students develop a system of relationships that encourages working together.

Standards and rules must be set to keep order, make sure of justice and protect individual rights, but do not contradict school policy. What happens when one student hurts another’s individual rights? Without clear regulations agreeable to the students and teachers, the classroom can become chaotic. Students may break rules they did not know existed. If standards are set without participation from the class, students may spend a great deal of creative energy in destroying the class environment or finding ways to break rules.

No matter how skillful the teacher is in uniting students and creating a positive atmosphere, the task is never complete. Regular maintenance is necessary. Conflicts arise. The needs of individual members change. A new kind of learning task requires a new organizational structure. Sometimes outside pressures such as holidays, upcoming tests or sport competitions, or family troubles cause stress in the classroom. One task for the teacher is to recreate a positive environment by helping students deal with conflict, change, and stress.???


67. The underlined word “maintain” in Para.1 probably means_______.

A. conserveB.? buildC. recreateD. evaluate68. According to the author, the teacher should _______.

A. free students from outside pressuresB. set the standards and rules on his ownC. be responsible for a well-organized classD. focus more on instruction and

evaluation69. From the passage we can learn that ______.

A. rules cannot be changed once they’re formedB. outside pressures may not cause tension among studentsC. if the teacher well unites his students, he then will finish his taskD. if rules are not acceptable both to students and teachers, the classroom can be a mess70. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

A. To provide information for teaching.B. To show the importance of teaching a class.C. To study the teacher’s behavior in the classroom.D. To compare the teacher’s behavior with the students’ in class.?




Why Do We Forget Things?

When it comes to having perfect memories, it is apparent that we humans must have had some faults in our blueprints(蓝图)! Why don’t we remember everything that we want to remember? It makes us feel upset and get discouraged. ??71? ?However, it’s true that we are all forgetful.

? 72? ?These are stored in what we call our “long-term memory”. What about before age three? Sigmund Freud, a doctor of Vienna, discovered the fact that we forget most of our early childhood. ??73? ?They have different opinions. A very good theory, born from the results of experimentation with babies, is that absence of language ability at the time of an event stopped us from describing it to others.

? 74? ?Experts say that you can keep about seven things in your memory at once for up to three days. During that time, you may forget something in order to put something else in its place, or you put it into long-term memory. What goes into short-term memory are things you’ve learned about recently, in the past day or two. ??75? ?For example, you may have met your favorite star last week, and this week you can tell all the details to a friend. A simple example to explain your short-term memory is to look at a list of twenty words for a minute or two. You will discover that you cannot remember more than about seven of them and that they are the ones in the beginning and at the end of the list because your mind has judged them to be more important than those in the middle.?


A. Scientists now know that it may take longer to remember things for the old.B. However, it is widely recognized that short-term memory can be improved.C. Sometimes, it even causes us to lose self-respect or others to think less of us.D. Psychologists have been studying what causes this forgetfulness since Freud’s time.E. Most of us have vivid memories of our lives from about age three to our present ages.F. Only if something really unusual happens does it stay in your short-term memory for longer.G. The other type of memory, the “short-term memory”, is what we are usually referring to when we say, “I forgot.”?


第一节? (15分)



注意:1. 词数不少于50。

????? 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

????? 3. 邮件的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。


姓名:李华????????????????? 性别:男

年龄:18岁???????????????? 学校:北京红星中学

性格:活泼,健谈??????????? 爱好:看英文小说,绘画,打篮球Dear Eric,

I’m very happy to hear that I’ll stay with you while I’m in America. Thank you for being my host.

____________________________________________________________________________. Looking forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

Li Hua

第二节? (20分)


注意:1. 日记的开头已经为你写好;

?? 2. 词数不少于60。

Sunday, January 12???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Snowy This morning, _____________________________________________________________.


??????????????? 英语参考答案?????????? 2014.1





6—10 ABACC? 11—15 AABCB


??? 每小题1.5分。如出现拼写错误不计分;出现大小写、单复数错误扣0.5分;如每小题超过一个词不计分。

16.Willa???? ?17.Green? ???18.86623094 ???19.flat? ???20.8/eight



第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

21—25 AABAD? 26—30 CCDBD? 31—35 BBACD

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

36—40 BDCAC? 41—45 BDAAC? 46—50 DBCDA ?51—55 ACBDB




56—60 AACBD? 61—65 ADDBB? 66—70 CACDA


71—75 CEDGF

















·交际得体,表达时充分考虑到了交际对象的需求;体现出较强的语言运用能力。 完全达到了预期的写作目的。13分-15分第二档基本完成了试题规定的任务。










三、One possible version:


Dear Eric,

I’m very happy to hear that I’ll stay with you while I’m in America. Thank you for being my host.

My name is Li Hua, a boy of eighteen, presently attending Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m active and outgoing. I enjoy talking with new people. In my spare time, I like reading English novels and drawing pictures. What’s more, I’m crazy about the NBA and I often play basketball after school with my friends.

Now I’m very excited about visiting America and meeting you because I love to learn and experience new things. I think it’s going to be great!

Looking forward to seeing you!

???? Best regards,

??? Li Hua




















完全达到了预期的写作目的。18分-20分第二档完全完成了试题规定的任务。 ·覆盖了所有内容要点;








基本达到了预期的写作目的。12分-14分第四档未恰当完成试题规定的任务。 ·漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容;







三、One possible version:


Sunday, January12??????????????????????????????????????????????? Snowy

This morning, when I looked out of the window, I excitedly found it was snowing heavily. Attracted by the beautiful sight, I decided to go out to take some photos. The snow finally stopped at noon, and I couldn’t wait to go outside with my camera. As I walked on the path in front of our building, I saw a boy suddenly slip on the snow-covered ground. It was at that moment that I realized what I should do. Immediately, I ran back home to get a broom and started to sweep the path. I worked so hard that I sweated a lot. An hour later, the thick snow was cleared away. Looking at the clean path, my neighbors all smiled and gave me thumbs up.

I felt very happy that I did something for my neighborhood.



Text 1

M: How soon do you think this shirt can be cleaned?

W: We have same day service, sir. You can pick up your shirt after five o’clock.? ???????????


Text 2

W: Excuse me, sir. Do you have a change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking center.

M: I’m sorry, but I think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street.??????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

Text 3

M: Let’s go to a movie tonight.

W: Sorry, I’ve got to work hard for a test tonight. I haven’t had a chance to study ?? before now.

M: Well, how about going to the late show?

W: No, I’m going to need a good night’s sleep. I want to make sure that I’m ready for

???the test.


Text 4

W: Bill, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we two won’t lose jobs after ?? all.

M: Oh, I’m a little bit tired of working here. I’ve been wondering whether I should ? ?resign. Anyway, the news seems to be good for you.?? ?????????????????????????????????


Text 5

M: Jane, suppose you lost all your money while taking a vacation abroad, what would ? ?you do?

W: Well, I guess I’d sell my watch or computer or do some part-time jobs till I could ? ?afford a return plane ticket.? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



Text 6

W: Excuse me.

M: Yes?

W: Do I need to make an appointment to register for an ESL class?

M: No, but you first have to take a test.

W: A test?

M: We need to find out what your ESL level is.

W: Oh, Okay. Where do I go to take the test?

M: We will be giving the test tomorrow at 3 o’clock in Room 303. Can you come then? W: Yes.

M: Good. Now, let me give you some forms to fill out so we can begin the registration ? ?process. Please write your name and address here, and your ID number here. W: Okay. What do I write under teacher and section?

M: You can leave those blank. We’ll fill them in tomorrow.

W: Thank you.????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

Text 7

W: Can you please help me, Andy?

M: What seems to be the trouble?

W: There is something wrong with my bike.

M: Oh. The brake seems to have become loose. That’s dangerous. Without a good ? ?brake, you can’t control your speed. You’d better have it repaired as soon as ? ?possible.

W: Where can I find a repairman?

M: There is one at the corner of the street near the post office. It is about 150 meters

? ?away.

W: Will it take long to get it fixed?

M: Just 15 minutes. ???????????????????????????


Text 8

W: Why don’t you get another job for a change?

M: But I like my job.

W: Look, digging gardens is not a job for a university graduate.

M: But the money’s not bad and there’s plenty of fresh air.

W: If I were you, I’d take some kind of direction, like teaching law. M: Teaching? It’s so boring.

























