
















自20##年吉利汽车正式列入国家汽车产品公告并开始市场销售以来,累计销售各类吉利轿车近70万辆,所销售的轿车均属于自主创新产品,吉利商标被认定为中国驰名商标。 浙江吉利控股集团有限公司在国际市场开拓方面也取得了突破性进展,吉利汽车在乌克兰、俄罗斯和印度尼西亚正式开始SKD/CKD组装生产和销售,改变了以往单纯整车出口的贸易模式,开启了海外市场品牌营销的新局面。截至20##年底,在海外已建有200多个销售服务网点,累计出口近30,000辆吉利汽车。



浙江吉利控股集团有限公司为实施国际化战略,已制定出未来十年的规划蓝图,到20##年,吉利汽车将拥有以左、右舵兼顾,满足各国法规和消费习惯的、以经济型轿车为主向两头延伸的两厢、三厢、SUV、SRV等15个系列整车车型;将拥有满足当时国内、国际排放等法规要求的汽、柴油兼顾的8个系列发动机;将拥有6款MT手动变速器;6款AT自动变速器;3款ECVT无级变速器;开展混合动力轿车研发和吉利方程式赛车项目,上述产品规划概括为158663ES 。 到20##年,吉利汽车整车产销将达到100万辆,在海外将建成六个生产基地,实现三分之一出口的目标。 到20##年,建成200万辆生产能力,在海外建成十五个生产基地,把吉利汽车建成为国际知名品牌,实现三分之二出口的目标。 为实现上述战略目标,吉利集团已经在品牌营销规划、业务流程再造、经营管理创新、人力资源整合、企业文化建设、全面实施信息化等方面展开卓有成效的工作。




由于国内竞争激烈,吉利计划积极寻求出口。 吉利高层表示,到20##年,吉利在中国的年产量将由目前的30万辆增加到170万辆。去年,吉利全球共销售了24万辆汽车,包括俄罗斯和印度尼西亚等海外市场。据透露,随着产量的增加,吉利还将在欧洲、非洲、美洲等地陆续开设新工厂。





企业的国际化模式主要有国际直接投资(FDI)、业务外包、出口等。其中,国际直接投资(FDI)模式,“就是一国的投资者将资本用于他国的生产和经营 并掌握一定经营控制权的投资行为”。这种模式最接近东道国市场,相对于其他模式获取东道国市场信心最为便捷,亦可以规避东道国贸易壁垒,在WTO框架下亦可享受东道国国民待遇。但此种模式的缺点在于投资成本较大,且企业将会面临与母国环境存在差异的东道国政治、法律、社会以及文化环境,对企业的经营管理将是难以避免的挑战,这对于缺乏国际化经验的企业来讲难度极大。除FDI外,业务外包也是一种近年来较为流行的国际化模式,企业将某些业务、甚至某些生产加工环节、零部件制造等外包给其他企业,而自身则专注于其核心业务,以保证其核心竞争力。但选择该国际化模式的缺点在于:首先,企业需要寻找到能够符合企业要求的东道国企业,这给业务外包带来了一定难度;其次,业务外包属于非股权模式,发包方与承包方的关系依靠合同维系,双方存在信息不对称,发包方难以对承包方形成控制;第三,业务外包亦受到东道国知识产权保护环境等因素制约。因此,综上所述,出口面临的不确定因素相对较小,对于缺乏国际化运营经验的企业来讲是最佳选择。













如前文所述,在海外设立工厂,一方面可以接近东道国市场,及时、全面、准确地掌握东道国市场市场信息,另一方面可以规避东道国贸易壁垒,以及节约运输成本等。东南亚等发展中国家劳动力成本较低,且汽车普及率较低,市场增长潜力巨大,因此,吉利把投资的目标瞄准了东南亚。20##年,吉利CK-1 CKD组装项目正式落户印尼,使该项目成为吉利汽车进军东南亚和全球右舵汽车市场的跳板。随后,吉利汽车又在乌克兰和俄罗斯建立了CKD装配基地。随着本身的不断国际化,吉利汽车在欧洲也和著名的整车工厂寻求合作。在海外投资设厂,标志着吉利国际化程度的进一步提高。




目前很多中国企业都已经意识到实施品牌战略的重要性,但如何选择合适的目标品牌,则中国企业还需要做进一步研究。对于汽车业来讲,被并购对象的产品应当更符合产业发展需求。 目前,节能环保已成为全球倡导的主题,环保、新能源等成为汽车产业发展的大趋势。在吉利并购案例中,被并购对象沃尔沃是全球知名品牌,其生产的汽车是全世界公认的环保好车,符合汽车产业未来的发展趋势。而同时期的四川腾中重工收购悍马则以失败告终,原因之一就是悍马型号越野车的高耗油特点不符合当今节能环保的汽车产业发展潮流。目前中国企业海外并购缺乏战略性眼光,“并购的目标企业通常是在全球竞争中不再具备竞争优势的老牌跨国公司或者知名跨国公司的某些业务”,其结果只能以失败告终。






1. Company profile and philosophy公司概况及理念

Liujing cars Co.Ltd. specializes in the development, manufacturing and sale of passenger car(乘用车) and their accessories.

Enterprise strategic objectives: to provide cars which can embody their own value for users. able to develop, produce and market the cars with internationally competitive independently; make Liujing brand to be a famous international brand.

Business philosophy: define the needs of users as the company's pursuit, and constantly provide the community with environmental-protected, safe, comfort, and high-grade car products.

2.Liujing Motor Corporation SWOT Analysis

The advantage of producing automobiles customized to a certain market is a good plan to keep a competitive advantage over the competitors in the same geographic region. Liujing also has an advantage over their customers today using the TQM model of operations.

The hybrid car market could be a failure in the market and

others in better technology increases before Liujing begins to turn profits for the company. If this happens, Liujing could have a huge failure with all of the R&D and advertisement they have put into their new hybrid vehicle. If the rest of the industry begins to implement this also, and Liujing fails to keep improving, this could prove to become a disadvantage for the company.

Liujing has rounded out it's product line to suit the market with the redesigned passenger trucks and SUV, but they have also hit the market hard with eco-crazed society with the introduction of the second hybrid car. The company is also being pushed in the right direction for opportunity with the strengthening of the RMB. With the RMB gaining strength and shifts in other world currency, the operating profits dropped during the April-June quarter by fifteen percent or seventy billion yen (Bloomberg). Because of the saving the company acquired in currency shifts, Liujing has extra money on hand to use possibly in R&D to improve on their vehicles or in several other areas causing great opportunities for the company. The opening up of imports in the European market is also an opportunity for Liujing because that enables them to put their luxury line of automobiles Dingning, up against the European

BMW and Mercedes Benz.

A major threat to Liujing is the Xinlan motor company. On average, Xinlan usually has thirty more horsepower in their vehicles, and costs around 3000 dollars less than a comparably segmented Liujing vehicle (Amherst). In the luxury line of Dingning, they are still losing ground to BMW in sedan sales and in SUV sales . Technology increases in cars today is a major driving force in the automobile industry, and if Liujing can't keep up with its other competitors, they could quickly lose market share in sectors they are involved in. The latest trend in the US market is the eco-friendly vehicle that uses less gas and even more use of electronic power .

3.Logistics management

(1) Logistics carriers management物流承运商管理

Choose a third party logistics company, mainly responsible for logistics plan formulation, the logistics operation monitoring and control the logistics cost. Training to make it understand Liujing production mode, and form higher service level.

(2) The logistics cost control

There are two kinds of logistics costs in my enterprise. one

kind is the invariable cost (such as vehicle investment, artificial, fuel prices); Another kind is variable costs (such as driving distance, engineers number, etc).

1) All the facilities providing the same cost dirive from bid(招标) invitation.

2) Perpare reasonable profit reserved space for the carriers(承运商). The management cost in invariable cost is the source of carriers’ profit and the basic guarantee of transport quality, but also requires carriers to increase profit with the improvement of operation and management, digesting the rise of cost..

3) Reduce variable cost through the coordination effect

Construct information system, on the basis of coordinate among all the subsidiary workshops ,reduce logistics cost through integration of resources. For example, purchase transportation insurance together, reduce insurance cost; Through the common logistics, improve loadness rate of vehicle, reduce input on operation vehicle. On the cost of logistics-in-common, each department pay logistics cost according to share the ratio of the material flow rate.

4.Marketing strategy

(1) Enlargeing second-class city in the mid and west. In most second-class city, auto possession only lie in several hundred thousand. Since consuming capacity there is insufficient, Liujing car has natural advantages than high-priced and fuel consumption cars from the western countries. At the same time, for the convenience of second-class cities’ customers to choose and purchase cars, Liujing should draw up car exhibition plan.

(2) Take root in the local marketing., understand local consumer demand by further investigation and study. Manufacture according to sale amount.

(3)Separate car production company with sales company, to make sales company decide the way of sell by itself. Sales company establish "promote responsible area system". Establish special arrangement distribution shops in all the Liujing system, open up several business engage(营业所) under each distribution shop ,so that forming the huge sales network and salesman team. Differentially clear out the responsibility of the operating area belonging to every distribution shop. In order to control their own responsibility area, Liujing headquarters need to visit responsibility area.

(4) Establish new maintenance spare parts warehouse to provide rapid and effective service.

5. Investment strategy

(1) A third of all the assets deposit in the bank, a third of the asset buy securities for long-term capital, and the rest invest to real estate to balance the safety, liquidity and revenue of the investment.

(2) Profit-gaining burstly(分段获利法):During the new high-price conditions(高价行情) on the stock market, I will sell part of the stock I held, in order to earn the difference(差额), and maintain the rest of the shares so as to sell them when new high points of share price appear in the future.

(3) The pyramid selling-buying law(金字塔型买卖法): when share prices rise gradually, reduce the number of buying gradually while enlarge the number of selling gradually.

(4) Real estate investment: invest real estate with better appreciation potential.

6. Financial Management

(1) Recruite powerful controlling shareholders, such as natural person or legal person enterprise whose main businesses are similar to enterprise business scope, or engage in enterprise management.

(2) Employ independent directors(独立董事). Independent directors own knowledge of economics and management or had worked in other companies, process the task of the auditing,salary or important decisions in the board of directors.

(3) Using the statistical indice on enterprise debt paying ability, operation ability,profit ability to make enterprise capital structure control in the reasonable scope.

7. Production management

(1) The lean production精益生产

The characteristics of lean production is removed all useless things in production process. The main idea of it is to simplify all work doesn’t produce attached value in product development and design, production and management, minimize the resources taken up by enterprise production and reduce the enterprise management and operation cost. In my enterprise, the

production model need the support of instant-in-place and intelligent automation system. During the automobile assembly process in the way of water homework, this system can make all parts needed to install reach in the assembly line automatically with necessary number and suitable time.

(2) Total quality management

Liujing car must develop quality consciousness of each staff, during every process(工序), we should pay attention to quality inspection and control, ensure to discover quality problems in time. If quality problem in the process of production is found, leaders can stop production, organize the related technical and production staff as a group and work together, until the problem is solved.

8.Enterprise prospect and prediction

Liujing brand development prospects:

1) Domestic and overseas market:

Liujing brand, was faced with the strength car brand competition from the joint venture since birthday. But, after the hard growth of,independent brand enterprise Liujing

products are expected to occupy a quarter in the domestic market share.

Liujing’s export plans have been identified as to 100000 units this year, and Liujing car plan to sign a cooperation agreement with international giant Chrysler, preliminary draw up making small cars for it and resell(返销)on.the European and American market.

2) products more fashionable

In 2010 ,Liujing brand plans to release sports car.Fashion, personality, popular element is attached to the product design. Liujing brand products’ inexcellent appearance design for many years will be overturned.

3) prices keep falling ,force with the joint venture brand

As the independent brand, Liujing’s worth will gradually meet its price in rounds of cost war.Facing the consistence price attacks generate by independent brand, the joint venture brand has to reduce your price.

4) the master of core technology

In the environment of advocating independent R&D and innovation, Liujing car brands will have the core technology with the independent intellectual property rights in the core

parts such as the development enterprise field and they will take the lead in mass production and put into use.The loss of "independent core" era will become the past.

















现代农业商业计划书 - 现代农业项目计划书-生态农业项目融资计划书







