



第一条 为规范我市与国内外城市缔结友好城市工作,扩大对外交往,促进改革开放、经济发展和社会进步,根据宪法、地方组织法、监督法和河南省实施监督法办法以及安阳市人大常委会决定重大事项的办法,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称“国内外城市”,系指国内与安阳市相应级别和规格的城市或国外相应级别的地方行政单位。

第三条 我市与国内外城市缔结友好城市工作,由市人民政府主管部门负责,办理缔结前的具体事宜和缔结后的友好交往,开展经贸、科技、文化、教育、体育等领域的交流与合作。

第四条 我市与国内外城市缔结友好城市工作,要遵循“态度积极,步骤稳妥,友好当先,注重实效”的原则。

第五条 对拟缔结友好关系的城市,市人民政府应进行认真细致的调查论证,要特别注意双方在各个领域开展交流合作的互补性。

第六条 我市与国内外城市缔结友好关系,应严格履行审批程序。市人民政府应在市政府常务会议同意后的30日内,将拟与某市缔结友好城市的议案,包括意向书或备忘录、对方城市简介和双方交往情况等材料,报送市人大常委会。

第七条 市人大常委会接到市人民政府关于拟与某市缔结友好城市的议案后,先交有关工作委员会提出初审意见,然后由主任会议决定是否提请市人大常委会会议审议。提请审议的,应作出相应的决议或决定,不提请审议的,要向市人民政府作出说明。

第八条 市人大常委会审议市人民政府提交的关于拟与某市缔结友好城市的议案时,市人民政府应向常委会作出说明,并到会听取意见、回答询问。

第九条 根据市人大常委会的决议或决定,市人民政府按照规定的程序 —1—


第十条 我市与国内外城市缔结友好城市后,市人民政府应加强与对方的联系,在平等互利、相互尊重的基础上开展经贸、科技、文化、教育、体育等领域的交流与合作,推动民间交往,促进双方的经济发展和社会进步。

第十一条 对发展与我市友好城市关系作出突出贡献的对方知名人士、友好人士,经本人同意,依照有关规定可以授予“安阳市荣誉市民”称号。

第十二条 在与国内外友好城市交往中,应严格执行我国对内对外交流与合作的方针、政策,严格遵守外事纪律。

第十三条 对违反本办法的,市人大常委会可责令其改正;情节严重的,可依法提出询问、质询,撤销其不适当的决议、决定,直至撤销有关责任人的职务。

第十四条 我市与国内直辖市所辖区缔结友好市区、我市所辖各县(市)与国内外县(市)区缔结友好县(市)区可参照本办法。

第十五条 本办法自市人大常委会通过之日起生效。



Developing Age-Friendly Cities:Policy Challenges & Options

Developing what has been termed ‘age-friendly’ cities has become a significant issue for public and social policy, embracing questions covering different types of communities.The reasons for this include: first, the complexity of demographic change, with the emergence of a wide spectrum of housing and community needs amongst those in the 50 plus age group; second,awareness of the importance of the physical and social environment as a factor influential in maintaining the quality of life of older people; third, the policy debate about what represents‘good’ or ‘optimal’ places to age, as reflected in the work of the World Health Organization(WHO) around ‘age-friendly’ cities, these defined as encouraging: ‘…active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age’.



物理环境和社会环境是决定老年人能否过上有品质生活的重要因素 “老年友好城市”反映了什么样的生活对老年人来说才是最好的生活 Despite the importance attached to building age-friendly cities, the approach itself requires better understanding and elaboration at

conceptual and operational levels. Some important and critical questions that might be raised include:

? What are the origins of the age-friendly approach?

? What is the case for developing an age-friendly approach within cities? ? What needs to be done to make age friendly communities a realistic option for older people?

? What are some of the barriers that might be encountered in attempting to implement the policy?

? What are some of the issues and alternatives that policy-makers need to consider?

在概念和操作层面上,对研究方法本身应当注意的关键点: 老年友好城市研究方法的起源是什么


为老年人建造一个切实可用的老年友好社区需要做些什么 在实施这一政策时可能会遇到哪些障碍


Debates about securing optimum community environments for ageing populations emerged from a number of organizations during the 1990s. The theme of age-friendly communities arose from policy initiatives launched by the World Health Organization (WHO). A precursor was the notion of ‘active aging’ developed during the United Nations’ Year of Older People in1999 and elaborated by the European Union and the

WHO.The idea of maintaining ‘active ageing’ referred to the notion of older people’s ‘continuing participation in social, economic,cultural, spiritual and civic affairs, not just the ability to be physically active or to participate in the labour market.


雏形是联合国提出的积极老龄化的概念,经过欧盟和WHO发展而来,active ageing 是指老年人继续参与社会、经济、文化、精神和公民事务,而不仅仅是身体活动能力和参与劳动力市场的能力

The theme of age-friendly environments was subsequently applied to urban contexts, with work beginning in 2005 around the theme of ‘Global Age-friendly Cities’. Subsequent work by the WHO, based upon focus groups with older people, caregivers and service providers,produced a guide and checklist of action points focused on producing an ‘ideal’ city relevant to all age groups. This work concluded that: ‘It should be normal in an age-friendly city for the natural and built environment to anticipate users with different capacities instead of designing for the mythical “average” (i.e. young) person. An age-friendly city emphasises enablement rather than disablement; it is friendly for all ages and not just “elder friendly”’. Building on this work, in 2010 the WHO launched the ‘Global Network of Age-friendly Cities’ in an attempt to encourage implementation of policy recommendations from the 2006

project. By 2012 there were 103 cities and communities participating across 18 countries. In the UK, the Urban Ageing Consortium has been formed, the result of a collaboration between the Beth Johnson Foundation, Keele University, and the Valuing Older People (VOP) Partnership at Manchester City Council – Manchester having been a founding member of the WHO Network.6 The aims of the Consortium include: developing a strong research and evidence base to inform workaround age-friendly issues; to develop a strong network of UK cities working on the age friendly theme; and to encourage private and public sector partnerships of groups working to improve the quality of life of older people living in cities.


The possibility of creating age-friendly cities may also be linked with models of urban development produced during the 1990s and early 2000s, notably ideas around ‘sustainable’ and ‘harmonious cities’. The former raised questions about managing urban growth in a manner able to meet the needs of future as well as current generations. The latter emphasised values such as tolerance, fairness, social justice and good governance, these regarded as essential in achieving sustainable development in urban planning.



The argument for an age-friendly approach revolves around the mix of challenges and benefits which urban environments pose for older people. The challenges may be summarised as follows:


? 80 percent of the time people aged 70 and over is spent at home or in the neighbourhood surrounding the home: hence the importance of maintaining a high quality physical environment


? Cities have to meet the needs of stable groups (e.g. older people who may have lived in or around the same community for much of their lives) and highly mobile groups (e.g.students, professional workers) who may stay for a very short period within a particular neighbourhood. The two groups may bring contrasting expectations about the way in which particular localities should be developed.


? Fear of crime / feelings of insecurity: these may be especially strong

among older people living in urban areas (despite low levels of victimisation). Such perceptions may limit participation in certain aspects of daily life e.g. 33 – 55 per cent of older people are likely to feel unsafe moving around their neighbourhood at night.


? Withdrawal of resources such as shops, banks and other key services. Some neighbourhoods may suffer from a form of ‘institutional disengagement’ as traditional businesses close–unable to compete with hypermarkets and out-of-town developments. Older residents(but other age groups as well) may be particularly vulnerable to such changes – especially those with limited mobility and who rely on good quality facilities within easy reach.



? Cities have an infrastructure of resources and facilities which can work to raise the quality of life for older people (e.g. museums, galleries, libraries).


? Cities are centres for creative and technical innovation – this can be used to develop new ideas to engage with ageing populations. 城市是技术和创造力的中心,这对应对人口老龄化问题有帮助

? Cities provide specialist resources for minority groups – these may become particularly important for migrants adjusting to old age. 城市给弱势群体提供特殊的资源

? Cities provide a broad range of social networks around which healthy ageing can be built.



Creating a better ‘fit’ between urban environments on the one side and ageing populations on the other is assuming some urgency within social policy. The WHO develops the point that‘making cities more age-friendly is a necessary and logical response to promote the wellbeing and contributions of older urban residents and keep cities thriving’.Equally, measures to support the inclusion of elderly people within cities must be viewed as a key part of the agenda for creating sustainable and harmonious urban environments. Implementing this agenda will, however, demand radical interventions across urban areas. A number of themes can be identified here:


? first, developing new forms of ‘urban citizenship’ which recognize and support changing social needs across the life course。


? second, applying an age-friendly approach within the context of lifelong/lifetime communities


? third, encouraging innovation in housing options for older people 在为老年人选择房子方面鼓励创新

? fourth, ensuring the engagement of older people in the re-generation of neighbourhoods


The use-value of the city over its exchange value, emphasizing that citizens have a right to make use of the city, and that it is not just a collection of resources to enable economic activity. The uses of the city by citizens should be seen as valid ends in themselves,not merely as a means to produce economic growth ... The right to the city is the right to live a fully urban life, with all the liberating benefits it brings. [Lefebvre] believed the majority of city residents are denied this right because their lives are subordinated to economic pressures — despite being in the city,

they are not fully of the city.


This last point applies especially well to older people, who may find that despite having contributed to an urban world in which they have spent most of their life, it may present major obstacles to achieving a fulfilling existence in old age. On the one hand, cities are increasingly viewed as key drivers of a nation’s economic and cultural success. On the other hand, the reconstruction of cities is often to the detriment of those outside the labour market, especially those on low incomes. Achieving recognition of the needs of different generations within cities, and exploiting the potential of the city for groups of whatever age, will be central to implementing an age-friendly approach.


Second, some of the issues associated with the above are being developed through the ideas associated with lifetime communities and neighbourhoods. In planning for lifetime neighbourhoods, Harding suggests the need to consider:


? accessibility of the built environment;? appropriateness of housing available;? fostering social capital;? location and accessibility of services;? creating aesthetically pleasing public spaces which promote a sense of place and social cohesion;? cross-sectoral integration and planning of services;? building intergenerational relationships by shared site usage;? better use of information technology.










Despite the benefits of applying an age-friendly approach, some critical questions also need to be faced to ensure effective implementation of such a policy. At the present time,discussions around age-friendliness have been largely disconnected from the pressures on urban

environments in the Global North, where private developers retain the dominant influence on urban planning. The result, according to Harvey is that the ‘quality of urban life has become a commodity, as has the city itself, in a world where consumerism, tourism,cultural and knowledge-based industries have become major aspects of the urban political economy’.The tension here is between the social needs of older people, as an increasingly important constituent of urban populations, and the pressures on public space arising from private ownership. This may lead to a distortion in provision in terms of meeting the needs of competing groups within the urban system

























