




下文中简称XXXX” / hereinafter called "XXXX"



以下简称“供应商”。 / hereinafter called "the supplier".

1.目的 / Purpose

  供应商和XXXX应当签订质量合同在于为了能够取代在批量出货的进货检验。 / The supplier and XXXX shall sign a quality contract in order to be able to replace the incoming goods inspection at the premises of XXXX by an expanded outgoing goods inspection at the supplier's site.

   在交货时,XXXX应该对数量和品种类型和可见的运输损坏检查方面进行来料检验。如果运输过程损坏造成的缺陷,交付前没有声明,供应商必须承担全部相关责任。 / On delivery of the goods, XXXX shall conduct only an incoming inspection in respect of quantity and type and a check for visible transport damage.  These inspections shall, however, not exempt the supplier from its liability.   Defects caused by transport damage are to be noted on the delivery note.

2.合同的目标 / Object of the contract

2.1XXXX包装规范由供应商管理以书面形式分发,文件回收更新也有供应商管理人员完成。 / XXXX specifications are binding for deliveries. Modifications/changes to the specifications shall be distributed in the form of memoranda to the suppliers by the Supplier Quality Management of XXXX. The withdrawal of the replaced specifications shall also be carried out by the Supplier Quality Management Department.

2.2如有供应商发现订单错误(甚至可能只是怀疑订单错误),应当立即书面通知XXXX。 / If the supplier notices errors in the order (or even if it may merely suspect these), XXXX is to be informed immediately in writing.

3.质量管理的执行 / Implementation of quality management

3.1供应商应保证其质量管理体系运作符合ISO9001或TS 16949质量管理体系,从而确保产品质量符合XXXX要求。 / The supplier shall guarantee XXXX that a quality management system is in operation which complies with generally recognized quality management systems such as, TS 16949 or ISO9001 and is there by appropriate to ensure the quality of the products to be supplied to XXXX.

最低要求是《供应商质量评估表》最后得分须达67分以上,一般要求是ISO9001,首选是TS 16949。 / Minimum requirement is final Socre above or equal to 67 in 《SUPPLIER QUALITY ASSESSMENT》, Normal level is ISO9001,preferred is TS 16949.

3.2可以被公开的文件或记录,在XXXX需要的时候必须提供给XXXX。 / This system shall be published by the supplier in writing and documented. The records and documentation have to be made available to XXXX on XXXX request.

3.3供应商承诺遵守质量管理体系,提供给XXXX产品的质量需要持续改进,且持续改进应体现在测量的流程。 / The supplier undertakes to comply with this quality management system or to develop it in such a way that the quality of the products supplied to XXXX is maintained and improved. A Continuous Improvement Program should also be in place for all measured processes.

3.4供应商应保证出货质量检验的执行。合格证明书(合格证)为一批将在订单要求。The supplier shall guarantee the implementation of a comprehensive quality inspection of outgoing goods. A COC (certificate of compliance) for the batch will be requested in the PO.

3.5 出货检验取样时应”0缺陷” 验收标准。 / The acceptance criteria "0 defect" for sampling testing during the outgoing inspection shall be used.

3.6每批发货必须与XXXX提供订单文件(包括订单号)一致。订单号必须与产品相关的数据(第8条)一致,且保可追溯性的正确性。 / XXXX provides order documents (incl. order Number) to each shipment. This order number has to be stored together with the product related data for the agreed period mentioned in chap 8 in order to ensure traceability in case of errors.

3.7如果在出货检验过程中发现不合格,应停止发货。并立即以书面通知XXXX。只有得到XXXX批准后才能发货。 / In the event of faults occurring in the outgoing inspection, the delivery is to be blocked.  XXXX must be informed immediately in writing. Delivery can only take place if approval from XXXX has been received.

3.8出货检查必须保留一个报告,以方便后续跟踪故障(文件必须保存在8章一致)。 / The inspection of outgoing goods must be documented including retaining a report to trace faults; so that these can be followed up (documents must be kept for in accordance with chapter 8).

3.9在正常办公时间内,供应商得到XXXX通知后,XXXX有权随时检查货到仓库与质量保证协议的一致性。 / Having given due notice, XXXX has the right to check at any time during normal office hours that the quality assurance agreement (ship to stock) is being adhered to.

3.10给出提前通知后,XXXX应对质量体系/制造过程进行审核。 / Quality system / manufacturing process audits shall be carried out by XXXX, after giving advance notice of this.

审核结果应当书面形式记录。 / The result shall be recorded in writing.

3.11XXXX生产过程中出现问题(须参数保持不变),XXXX和供应商应立即共同查找问题原因。如果故障时由于供应商的交期和(或)服务引起,供应商应赔付更换有缺陷的材料,加工费用报销(包括XXXX人力成本)以及最终产品的费用。如果时间允许,XXXX应给供应商机会改善和(或)返工机会,交付时间须在可接受范围内。 / If XXXX ascertains faults in its on-going production with process parameters which remain the same, XXXX and the supplier shall immediately locate the causes together. If the supplier's delivery and (or) service is established as the source of the fault, the supplier shall, in addition to the replacing defective materials, reimburse the processing costs (including XXXX's own personnel costs) which have arisen up to the stage of producing the finished product. If temporally possible XXXX gives the supplier the chance to improve and / or rework the faulty delivery for their costs in a timeframe accepted by XXXX.

3.12XXXX有权和客户一起审核供应商工厂。审核前XXXX只需要提前一周时间通知即可。 / In these cases XXXX has the right to audit the Supplier’s plants concerned together with its customers. One (1) week prior to each audit XXXX will give advance notice to Supplier.

3.13在客户端与供应商的相关失效产品(从投诉之日起最多三个月),根据客户要求,需要和供应商共同确认的。如确认问题是由供应商引起,所产生的相关检测费用将全部由供应商承担。XXXX只是承担未能被证实的、合理的,或是由于XXXX自身规范不清造成的检验费用。 / XXXX undertakes to hold, in safe custody and in a proper manner, the defective products on its business premises for a maximum of three months from the date of complaint and, upon request, to surrender possession of these immediately to the supplier for inspection. In the event of a justified complaint, the costs of this inspection are to be borne in full by the supplier. The supplier will indemnify and hold harmless XXXX with regard to any of these inspection costs, transportation costs for the return of the products  and  (or) services from the supplier. XXXX is only obliged to bear the costs of the inspection if a complaint is unjustified and if the inspection costs are normal and reasonable, or which were caused by specific order of  XXXX.

3.14在供应商收到XXXX书面赔偿投诉或协议,在确认完毕后,应支付XXXX直接和间接的费用。 / The costs and expenses which arise to XXXX directly and indirectly from claims and guarantees are to be reimbursed in full to XXXX by the supplier immediately after receiving notification in writing.

3.15 除上述保证外,如果供应商应在本协议有效期(随产品有效合同)内或协议结束之后2年内,如果供应商停止和XXXX合作,供应商必须签订书面通知终止通知XXXX,至少留取十二月来终止合作。供应商必须尽最大的努力帮助XXXX提供替代解决方案。 / Subject to the guarantee given above, if the supplier shall, at any time during the validity of this agreement or within a period of 2 years there after, discontinue its services, the supplier must give a signed written notice of its intention to discontinue such service and ensure that XXXX receives a copy of such notice at least twelve (12) months prior to the intended date of discontinuation, in order to give XXXX a chance to place end-of-life Orders before discontinuation. The supplier will use its best endeavors to provide alternative solutions as soon as possible.

4.生产件批准&更改通知 / Production Part Approval & Change Notification

       新材料(或产品)生产件批准程序(PPAP)都按照第三级执行。整个执行过程由供应商,质量管理和工程共同完成(PPAP3-仅适用于汽车产品或客户有特殊要求)。 / For new materials(or product) a production part approval process (PPAP) according to the stated Level in the purchase order (usually standard is Level 3) has to be executed. The implementation of this process will be agreed between Supplier, Quality Management and Engineering.

       已经合格或已有订单的材料(或产品)在有任何变化的情况下: / In case of already qualified or ordered material(or pruduct)  any change in.

i.          新材料(或新产品)用在之前的批准过的产品上 / Use of new material(or product) than was used in the previously approved product

ii.          新工艺/生产技术的更改  / Production from new process/technology

iii.          设备转移到其他工厂的更改。 / Production from equipment transferred to a different plant.

iv.          供应商材料或外协的更改。 / Change of supplier for material or off-load.

v.          测试/检测方法-新设备(没有最终验收前)的更改 / Change in test/inspection method - new technique (no effect on accep-tance criteria)

vi.          新原材料(产品)来自已有或现有供应商。 / New source of raw material(or product) from new or existing supplier.

vii.          任何产品外观属性变更应通知XXXX供应商质量管理,供应商质量管理将决定所需的生产件批准程序(PPAP)。 / Change in product appearance attributes shall be notified to the Supplier Quality Management of XXXX After notification the Supplier Quality Management will decide on the required production part approval process (PPAP).

产品更改通知(PCN)和产品终止通知(PTN)适用于所有的材料(或产品),必须在最后交货日期前递交给XXXX。产品/过程的变化和产品终止条款必须和ISO9001:2008 ISO/TS16949:2009描述一致。  / Product Change Notification (PCN) and Product Termination Notification (PTN) apply to all material, independent the last delivery date. The rules and terms for Product / Process Changes and Product Discontinuation are described in ISO9001:2008/TS16949:2009

i.          除了ISO9001:2008 ISO/TS16949:2009的要求,供应商必须提交按照约定时间要求的声明。 / In addition to the ISO9001:2008/TS16949:2009 requirements, the supplier has to submit the notifications as per the defined time requirements above

ii.          除非得到XXXX书面的许可。任何未经XXXX授权的变更都不可接受。 / Only written statements from XXXX are allowed for answers. Lack of response from XXXX does NOT constitute acceptance of the change.

iii.          PCN / PTN必须提交所给组件交付的地点。 / This PCN / PTN must be submitted to all XXXX locations that the components are delivered to.

iv.          PCN / PTN相当于对供应商与XXXX接受或放行凭证。 / If not otherwise mutual defined the supplier has to receive acceptance and release notifications from all XXXX locations, affected by the PCN / PTN.

v.          XXXX批准后,材料(产品)的更改才可以交付。/ Deliveries of changed material(or product) must not start prior to a written approval of XXXX.

vi.          供应商有义务对首批发货做特别标识(首次交样),供应商和XXXX双方协商交货地点。 / The supplier is obligated to identify the first shipment including the change with proper identification, mutually agreed upon between the supplier and the receiving XXXX location.

5.质量管理部门负责人 / Person responsible for Quality Management


   供应商应告知XXXX供应商端的质量负责人,及对本质量协议负责人员。 / The supplier shall inform XXXX in writing of the person responsible for quality management (and his/her deputy), who shall be responsible for this quality agreement.

   供应商应对本协议负责人员及质量人员给予声明: / Supplier shall give notice and direct all correspondence concerning this Agreement to the following persons, being responsible for quality management:

6.进料检验 / Inspection of incoming goods

XXXX有权不事先通知,在任何时间抽取样品。 / XXXX reserves the right to draw samples on the goods received at any time and without prior notification.

6.1 规格偏差应以书面8D报告通知供应商。投诉应根据“全球8D报告”。 / Deviations from the specifications shall be notified to the supplier in writing (8D Report).  A complaint shall be handled according to “Global 8D-Report”.

6.1.1 供应商应在24小时内完成围堵措施,包括但不限于短期解决方案。 / Containment actions at Supplier’s premise within 24 hours (including but not limited to short term solutions and filling out the 8D report).

6.1.2 供应商应5个工作日完成纠正和预防措施的确认。复杂的问题需要在5个工作日明确的措施进度。 / Confirmation on corrective and preventive actions within 5 additional working days (including the finalized 8D report). Alternatively where complex issues are involved, clear progress report within 5 additional working days on actions with daily up-dates.

6.1.3 根据上述XXXX的8D报告关闭时间为6个工作日。 / According to above said, XXXX will receive the finalized 8D report from the supplier in total within 6 days (8D closing time in summary 5 working days).

6.2 当产品质量没有达到,或货物损坏或有缺陷的,XXXX将收取100RMB / 供应商管理成本(此处仅指批量供货,费用将会从货款中扣除)。 / In case quality targets are not met, or the goods are otherwise damaged or defective, XXXX will charge RMB 100,- per claim to the supplier as administration costs. 

6.3 XXXX给出具体的数额标准,不限制其他权利或要求:/ XXXX will charge further standard amounts without limiting other rights or claims as follows:

6.3.1选捡,必要的返工/挑选,RMB72/小时,— / Selection, rework/sorting necessary, per hour:   RMB 72,-

6.3.2 进一步的技术分析(工程支持),RMB120/小时,—Further technical analysis necessary, per hour:   RMB 120,-

6.3.3 额外的商品运输费用将由供应商承担。 / Additional the Supplier will be charged for the transportation costs for returned goods.

6.3.4 返修场地RMB 30 /小时(面积不超过20m2) / Reworking area,per hour :RMB 30 (below 20 square meter)

6.3.5返修过程中使用的材料或零件按照甲方标准价的120% 计取 / Material (Or parts) will be charged costs, according to 120% standard price in JDE.

6.3.6以上任何形式的处理方式,都不得造成XXXX生产线停线。如果造成XXXX停线,供应商须承担停线损失,基本费用RMB 6000 / 分钟.  / Supplier can not stop product line,caused by upwards clause(6.3.1~6.3.5).If product lines were stopped by supplier,XXXX will chared the cost.Basic expense -RMB 6000 / min.

6.4 投诉/或达到XXXX系统控制下限的紧急情况下,XXXX可以指定的第三方机构接管一切,第三方机构成本以及XXXX选捡返工及其他成本由供应商承担。 / In case of claims and / or at reaching a CSL Status at XXXX, as well as in case of urgency,  XXXX reserves the right to assign a 3rd Party Organization to take over all necessary efforts / actions on supplier’s costs or XXXX will do sorting and/or reworking and charge Supplier with the respective costs.

6.5 对已交付的货物收据,产品报价应该和XXXX约定的价格。运输时间应符合寄售合同中的约定条件。 / Upon receipt of the delivered goods, the risk for supplied products shall transfer to XXXX regardless of the agreed quotation for the delivery. The time of the transfer of use shall comply with the agreed conditions of any consignment contract which may exist.

6.6 如果交付产品质量不符合XXXX规格,供应商应尽快解决问题。 / In case the quality of the delivered product does not meet XXXX specification (s) the supplier shall correct the work as soon as possible.

7.供应商评级 / Supplier Rating

7.1 XXXX定期将签发一个关于供应商质量业绩的报告。这一报告将显示每月在此循环体系中供应商的业绩、定级/评级的数字。 / XXXX will give supplier performance report periodically.The report will show supplier’s figure, grade & other informations.

100 ~ 85        A级供应商       首先供应商

70~84             B级供应商      先进供应商

55 - 69             C级供应商      合格供应商

<55                  D级供应商        不合格供应商

A级供应商: 业务流程整体优化,增加订单比例,寻求和供应商进一部合作和改进机会;年度颁发证书,以表示谢意。

B级供应商: 业务流程整体优化,保持份额,寻求和供应商改进机会。(普升A)

C级供应商: 对于关键原物料,应停止订购供货或积极寻找第二供应商,并发出警示,对于非关键原物料供货份额维持在20%以下,并发出警示。

D级供应商: 供应商产品不能满足XXXX需求,终止与不合格供应商合作,寻找更好的供应商。


Ø  供应商会议(根据需要,每天,每周或每月)

Ø  减少订单数量

Ø  停止供应商供货至少3个月

Ø  如有质量问题– 重新评估或再审核

具体评分标准,请参见《供应商表现评估标准》。 / More detail for supplier rating,please refer to Suplier performace rating system.

8.保密性 / Confidentiality

8.1 供应商收到的文件或附属部分,在未得到XXXX的允许前提下,不得以任何形式发给第三方。 / No documents or information pertaining to XXXX, which the supplier receives, may be passed to third parties, irrespective of the form this may take.

8.2 属于供应商文件应以同样的方式处理。 / Documents belonging to the supplier shall be handled in the same way.

9.文件 / Documentation

9.1 一般产品 /Normal Product

   文件保存时间:使用寿命+2年。 / Doument archived time:shielf life plus 2 yers.

9.2汽车产品 / Automotive Product

   供应商相关产品质量文件保存期限为15年。XXXX要求时,供应商提供给XXXX相关文件及其他要求文件。 / Supplier is responsible for the documentation of all quality related documents and shall keep these documents archived for a period of 15 years. When required by XXXX, Supplier is obliged to give XXXX insight and in case of quality claims provide XXXX on its request with respective documents.

10.有效期 / Period of validity

  本协议经签署立刻生效,可以与合同一起终止。 / This agreement shall come into effect after it has been signed and can be terminated together with contract.

11.修改及增加 / Modifications and Additions

 11.1 对此协议的修改和补充,包括本条款,是唯一有效的采取书面形式并由双方签订。 / Modifications and additions to this Agreement, including this Clause, are only valid if in writing and duly signed by both parties.

11.2 橡胶件产品要求参见产品规范 / Rubber reqiurement refer to P-S-Rubber-03-Rubber Product Spec.

11.3 模具要求参见《模具验收标准流程》

11.4 其他产品以产品要求参见具体产品(1.图纸-以XXXX最新版本的受控图纸为准,解释权由XXXX决定2.技术规范3.验收标准4.其他要求)/Other Product Spec refer to drawings,which came from XXXX & should be controlled.The version is decied by XXXX. Technical Sepc and other requirment.

11.5 WN系列产品其他要求(仅适用于WN系列,其他产品暂不适用):


11.5.2 XX系列产品的验收及不合格品的处理 供方应按计划要求时间,数量将产品运送到指定的地点。

供方如果预计会出现短交或晚交情况,应提前交货节点时间一周,以书面形式通知XXXX计划人员,XXXX有权对供方提出考核。  经XXXX检验合格的产品,才能入库。 XXXX依据相关标准对供方提供产品进行抽样检验,接受标准为零缺陷:即抽样检查,只要发现一件不合格品,则该批产品不合格。发生下列不合格经供方确认确系供方导致,经双方协商一致后可予以修理或退货,并对供方提出考核:

a)      外观质量不符合有关规定要求;

b)     产品合格标识不符合有关规定要求;

c)      出厂产品检验报告不符合有关规定要求;

d)     包装不符合有关规定要求。 XXXX破坏性检验的产品其本身价值由供应商承担。 不合格品的处理方式为:拒收(退回,换货),让步接收,批挑(全检),返工/返修。 返修品或让步接收的产品由供方提供质量保证。 由于供方原因导致最终客户拒收并退货所造成经济责任由供方承担。 由于某种原因被XXXX验收入库的不合格产品,XXXX将不予使用,供方必须负责更换合格产品,XXXX有权对供方提出质量索赔。将不合格信息以《不合格报告单》或邮件形式通知供应商,供应商须在XXXX要求的时间(除非特殊要求,通常24小时给回复,5个工作日完成围堵措施,遇法定节假日顺延)内,向XXXX提交整改报告或方案,按XXXX要求处理不合格品。非第一次验收不合格时(至少上一次验收结论为不合格),供方须按XXXX要求提供改进实施记录的见证性资料,否则XXXX有权拒绝验收使用。 产品交付后,在XXXX(或XXXX最终客户)的进一步生产过程中发现的不合格品经供应商确认系供应商责任导致,供方必须负责修理或更换合格产品,并承担该质量问题引起的工时损失,材料损失和其他相关损失。 在XXXX生产,库存,售时/售后等相关过程中,供方提供产品被发现存在质量问题时,XXXX有权从库存供方产品中抽取适量产品按国家标准及双方技术协议规定进行检验(检验方式分XXXX检验和XXXX送相关权威检验机构检验两种),相关检验费用被检验产品价值费用根据检验结果由供应商或XXXX承担(结果不合格的由供应商承担所有费用) 对于质量责任归属有异议时,供应商应按XXXX的要求先行处理,随后双方协商解决有关责任和费用。保管不合格品期间,由于可归责于供方的事由导致不合格品的丢失或部分丢失,损坏或变质,该风险由供应商承担。由于供应商质量问题造成XXXX的重大经济损失,信誉影响或客户的强烈不满,XXXX可以对供应商采取减量,暂停采购,加倍考核和取消供方资格的处置。

11.5.3 质量保证金


11.5.4 质量违约赔偿  质量赔偿原则:因供应商质量责任给XXXX带来损失(包括紧急措施导致的额外运费)时,XXXX有权利向供方索赔。 质量索赔费用:包含到货不及时的处罚费用,造成XXXX(或最终客户)生产停工/停线或加班的损失费,材料损失费,加工损失费(包含机加工时,装配工时,试验费用,及包装费用),让步损失费,返工工时费,物流费,仓储费,二次赔偿费用(指售时/售后)等,赔偿费用中各项费用均不含税金。


  XXXX财务部从供方保证金中扣除质量赔偿金额并开具(默认为增值税发票,金额为质量赔偿费用X1.17),供方在发票有效期内到XXXX领发票,或委托XXXX将发票以快递方式寄往供应商,供应商承担运费。 违约变更的赔偿:由于供应商原因发生产品设计变更,过程变更时,供应商未提交XXXX认可或批准的,无论是否给XXXX造成损失,XXXX有权向供应商要求赔偿。违约变更后的供货量由供方举证,不能举证的按最近6个月的供货量计算。违约变更按下列金额进行赔偿:

Ø  材料违约变更根据变更的风险程度,按违约变更后该产品供货金额的10~20%;

Ø  违规产品设计变更根据变更的风险程度,按违约变更后该产品供货金额的10~20%;

Ø  工艺方法,设备,工装的违约变更的风险程度,按违约变更后该产品供货金额的5~15%;

Ø  对于高风险人员违约变更人民币1000元/人次 交付不及时的质量赔偿

a)      供应商未按节点计划交付,每次考核责任供方该批产品总价值1%~5%;导致XXXX(或最终客户)生产停工,停线或加班,按1小时1000元考核责任供方。影响XXXX(或最终客户)产品发交货的,按延误1小时10000人民币考核责任供方,并由供应商承担因此带给XXXX的全部经济损失。

b)     供应商如果预计少交或晚交情况,应提前交货节点时间一周,以书面形式通知XXXX计划人员,视具体情况可以减轻处罚。

c)      因不可抗拒原因导致供货不及时,供方经过努力仍未能确保及时交付,在提供充分证据的情况下,XXXX免于提出索赔。 交付不及时的质量赔偿







工时以XXXX(或XXXX直接客户)的工艺工时为准 由于供方责任须让步接收的产品,XXXX对供方货款按以下幅度降价处理:

重要产品 5%~10%

一般产品 2%~5% 售后(市场)质量赔偿

供方产品发生售后市场质量赔偿,由XXXX应用工程师或工程部界定质量责任,确定赔偿额度,提供相关信息及依据至采购部,作为索赔证据。若供方需要返回旧件,以书面形式向XXXX提出要求,从XXXX(或XXXX直接客户)处返回供方,并由供方提供相关费用。 其他赔偿:  供方同时发生多项不合格项的,则各项合并考核。 供方应在接到XXXX通知之日10个工作日内取回不合格品,逾期不取回的,XXXX有权自行处理,并按20/日收取存放费,期间造成零件的损坏或丢失,由供应商自行承担;供方委托XXXX返还或处置的,收取100/批次的处理费。


买方不履行本定单中任何条款和条件的行为或者在一个或多个场合中不行使权利的行为,均不应构成买方对主张在将来实现该条款或条件或行使该权利的放弃。如果根据任何法律、规章、法令、执行条例或其它法律规定,本定单中的任何条款或部分内容归于无效或不可执行,则在符合上述法律、规章、法令、执行条例或其它法律规定所必要的限度内,该条款或该部分应视为根据需要已作出更改或删除,且本合同的剩余条款仍具有法律效力。 / Buyer's failure to insist upon the performance of any term or condition of this purchase order or to exercise any right hereunder on one or more occasions shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment of Buyer's right to demand future performance of such term or condition or to exercise such right in the future. If any term or portion of this purchase order is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any statute, regulation, ordinance, executive order or other rule of law, such term or portion shall be deemed reformed or deleted as the case may be, but only to the extent necessary to comply with such statute, regulation, ordinance, order or rule and the remaining provisions of this contract shall remain in full force and effect.

13.应用法律 / Applicable law

   本协议须与中国法律管辖,排除规则有关的法律冲突只要是非强制性的。 / This agreement shall be subject to and construed in accordance with Chinese Law, excluding the rules concerning the conflict of laws as far as they are not compulsive.

14.仲裁条款 / Arbitration Clause

凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 / Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Sub -Commission  for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司                                   供应商名称

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                          Supplier Name

___________________________                                          ___________________________

名字 / Name, SCM Manger/供应链经理                                  名字 / Name, Salse Manger / 销售经理

___________________________                                          ___________________________

名字 / Name, GM/总经理                                                        名字 / Name, GM/总经理
























