



理念:基本功是王道,技巧只有建立在强大的基本功之上才能起效。考研英语虽然难,但再难,从根本上考得还是大学英语的基本功。只要能研究透外刊视频班、外刊超精读、真题超精解,细水长流,通过长期而非短期的努力点点夯实基本功,高分必然不在话下。实力为主,技巧为辅;真题、题源外刊是王道;打通阅读和写作,以阅读带动写作,以写作促进阅读。。。望各位丁门同仁谨记师尊教诲,摒弃无用技巧,扎实强化基本功,先超精读吃透外刊书和外刊视频,闲暇时辅助泛读BBC NEWS,然后逐年逐文逐段逐句逐字吃透20年真题,长期坚持,水到渠成。祝各位同仁复习顺利,马到成功!

更多最新内容,请各位登陆丁老师的微博及时学习: http://weibo.com/xzding


1.We guarantee you that you will cough to death in the Heavenly Dynasty.

2.The hero will enjoy eternal glory!

3.Dear clocks, It's a hard road to success, but you're truly on your way! 4.Hold on, guys! I do believe you're just days away from success!

5.#分享图表作文加分句型#The upward / downward trend can be put down to a host of factors. 这个上升(下降)趋势可以被归结为许多因素。本句型也可用于漫画作文分析原因,主语换成The trend等。

6.#分享加分句型#The cartoonist seeks to underscore the supreme importance of (doing) sth.

7.#必背加分用法分享#写个句子送给大家,可用于投诉信: Your after-sales service is far from outstanding. 加分亮点为be far from outstanding,用途很广泛,还可用在英语一二大作文里,如 The quality of cars with local brands was far from outstanding. 背!

8.#造句#Thanks to China's supreme leader, Baozi, or steamed stuffed bun, is suddenly a buzzword on the nation's social networks. 时事学英语!

9.Launching a violent attack against them should be at the center of your priorities! (对它们发起猛烈攻击应该是你们的重中之重!) Doing sth should be at the center of one's priorities. 又是一个作文加分句型,快背!

10.Dear clocks, fear nothing! It's time to test your limit.

11.#分享加分句型#Working out solutions to the problem should be the central focus of our policy-making. 必背!!!

12.What are your ways to motivate yourself?

12.You must find ways to motivate yourself!

13.#分享加分句型#The trend is a symbol of the growing spending power of Chinese.

14.Simply put , it is my firm belief ,I will taste success with you help !

15.Let's embrace challenges ahead!

16.#分享加分句型#The trend, if not curbed, would endanger our nation.

17. #分享加分句型#The trend is indicative of our growing power in the auto industry.

18.#分享加分句型#China cannot afford to ignore innovation.

19.睡觉前随手写个句型送给大家,很多作文能用: The picture deepens my understanding of the crucial importance of (doing) sth.

20.You have gained an edge over your rivals.

21.As a college student in the Ivory Tower,I am convinced that my English writing skills taught by Mr.Ding will top the world.

22.19 days to go! wanna lead a more decent life? redouble your efforts!

23.You are right on the tipping point of success.

24.He made headlines. Persistence prevails when all else fails!

25.#造句#Over the period from 2006 to 2010, the auto industry in China has seen robust growth in market share. 这种句型可用于英语二作文图表描写。背!

25.#外刊点睛# Over the past few months Beijing has also announced stimulus measures aimed at helping exporters and boosting domestic demand. #体会介词over; 必背搭配:stimulus measures 刺激措施;be aimed at 旨在;boost domestic demand 推动内需#

26.My Lumia 1020 is only 2G capable. If Nokia launched a Lumia handset running on the 4G network and armed with a 41 million pixel camera, I would snatch it up in a heartbeat. 我写的这句话中包含重要语法和词汇考点,请考生仔细研读。 27.老师,你看下这句有没有错 it is generally believed that what have mentioned above are commonly concept. #你是在总结作文模板句吧,基本功还是要好好提高,一个句子三个错误: It is generally believed that what has(或have) been mentioned above is common concept.#

28.What we need is #a breath of fresh air#!

29.Choosing what path to follow can be tricky. I strive to lead you down the right path.

30.#外刊点睛 * 4G# China has awarded its first licences to mobile phone companies to provide the superfast 4G network to customers. #必背搭配: award the licence 发放(颁发,授予)牌照(执照,许可证); award可用grant替换#

31.#造句#Despite limited time, many of my students are doing whatever they can to sharpen basic English skills, which are intensely important to their ultimate success on the upcoming test.体会句子中各种用法,并背诵!

32.#外刊点睛# Despite the hype(大肆宣传、炒作), many advisers are steering clear of (避开)the online currency(可用virtual currency替换), which is unregulated (不受监管)by central banks and traded freely on the Internet.

33.#造句 · 忠告#Despite all their efforts, many test-takers are distancing themselves from their desired goal because they are too much absorbed in taking practice tests. #各种地道用法,背!#

34.I strongly recommend this magazine.

35.#造句 * 感悟 * 淡定#Anxiety can screw up not only your present but your future.

35.#造句#China's successful launch of its first lunar probe is a symbol of its growing global might.

36.It is a great honor to be recommended by Sina Education.


1.#外刊点睛#Two unarmed US B-52 bombers #on a training mission# flew over disputed islands in the East China Sea without informing Beijing. #体会介词on#

1.#造句: 防空识别区# China has set / set up / created / established its first air defense identification zone over / in the East China Sea to protect / guard / safeguard its sovereignty. #体会替换思维! protect替换guard在哪篇阅读中考过?# 2.May we all live with a thankful heart.

3.#造句#China has emerged as a global economic power. #背!#

3.#外刊点睛# Shale gas assets(页岩气资产) have emerged as popular acquisition targets for oil and other companies. #必背搭配: emerge as 成为; acquisition target 收购目标#

4.Don't stop being awesome! Don't stop being different.

5.#造句 - 与大家共勉!#A person with a positive mentality is far more likely to taste success. 背!

6.His parents are partly to blame. #背!#

7.#造句#You are desperately needed to read intensively.

8.#造句#There would be #a close battle# between China and Japan for the leadership of Asia in the decades to come.

8.#外刊点睛 · 红魔战胜枪手# Manchester United boss David Moyes is predicting a close battle for the Premier League title(超级联赛冠军) after seeing his team beat Arsenal. #地道搭配:a close battle 难分胜负的战斗#

9.Singles' Day is around the corner.

10.#随时随地学英语#Barrier-free Access 无障碍通道 (词根free表示没有,免除) 11.#外刊点睛#On Thursday, Twitter begins its first day of trading(交易) after listing (上市) on the New York Stock Exchange(纽交所), making it the biggest initial public offering (IPO)(首次公开募股) from a technology company since Facebook went public (上市) in May 2012.

12.Boys and girls, it's time to test your patience, endurance and limits!

13.Twitter, the American version of Weibo, went public.

14.Writing is not an easy task.=Writing is no easy task.

15.You cannot get up too early to pursue your dream!

16.Basic skills are key to success in any field.

17.A growing number of students wake up to the fact that taking practice tests is not going to save them. 背!

18.The general public come to realize natural resources are limited. #翻译#公众越来越意识到自然资源是有限的。


1.#造句#Rumor has it that Wang Feng is a bisexual? #学习句型Rumor has it that(有谣言、传言说); 复习前缀bi(双),又如bilingual 双语的#

2.#造句#For China, a Nobel prize in science is still a long way off. 背! 3.AC Milan's predominance back in the 1990s is a fading memory.

4.#造句#Nokia's first phablet carries a bunch of thrilling features inside.

5.#造句#The Legend of the Condor Heroes enjoys wide readership in Greater China and Chinese communities across the world. #体会enjoy和across的用法#

6.#造句#The term tuhao, or the uncultured rich, has gone viral on the Chinese mainland.

7.#外刊点睛#US television network ABC has issued an apology(致歉,体会issue) for allowing the comment ―Kill everyone in China‖ to air (播出,体会熟词僻义)on its late-night show Jimmy Kimmel Live, which has provoked outrage(引起震怒) from Chinese communities around the world.

7.#外刊点睛#ABC has apologized for a Jimmy Kimmel Live segment in which a child joked about killing Chinese people to help erase the U.S. debt, according to The Associated Press. #考研小作文考过道歉信,很多考生分不清楚apologize和apology,导致失分#

8.Have you ever thought of quitting treatment? 你想过放弃治疗吗?

9.#造句# Intensive reading is the surest path to success on your English test.

10.#外刊点睛#Across many different cultures(在很多不同的文化里), researchers have found that girls rely mostly on indirect aggression(间接攻击) rather than physical conflict(肢体冲突) or overt aggression(公然攻击), which men use more frequently.

11.Press on toward your goal!

12.roasted goose. my mouth is watering.

13.#分享 - 造句#Life comes to an end without ups and downs. 没有起伏的人生无异于死亡。

14.14.#外刊是王道#20xx年完形16题考查turn sth/sb around,正确率10%左右,可见考生中知道这个短语的人很少。但是,这个短语在外刊中很常见,请看例句:Elop is running out of time to turn Nokia around.#造句 - 分享# A little more persistence can turn your life around. 记得turn around哪一年完形考过吗?

15.I'm fond of embarking on a road less traveled.

16.#造句 · 时事#After the iPhone maker, Starbucks is targeted by Chinese state media. 17.Your goal is within reach!

18.We have reasons to be grateful in daily life.

19.#翻译# 与过往告别常常增加你成功的机会。

A break with the past often adds to your chances of success.

20.Using a Windows Phone has been a thrilling but lonely experience.

21.#外刊点睛#The debt ceiling is a cap set by Congress on how much the federal government can borrow to pay its debts. #必背搭配:debt ceiling 债务

上限;set a cap on sth 对...设定一个上限;建议关注债务上限、财政悬崖(fiscal cliff)和美国政府关门这类易考话题的文章,有好的我会推荐。#

22.#分享-造句-背诵#You are supposed to penetrate the mysteries of words and sentences to win ultimate success on the upcoming test.

23.#翻译,欢迎参与# 他离他的目标仅有一步之遥。

24.#外刊点睛#Three Americans won the Nobel prize for economics on Monday for developing methods to study trends in stock, bond and house prices — work that has changed the way people invest. #work是developing...prices的同位语,that引导定语从句修饰work,句型结构地道,可用于作文#

25.#翻译#The nation continued to fall short on food safety, despite government efforts to regulate the market.尽管政府努力监管市场,这个国家仍然继续在食品安全方面达不到要求。

26.#外刊点睛# China property prices continued to rise in August, despite government efforts to cool the market. #必背搭配:property prices 房地产价格;cool the market 使市场降温 #尽管政府努力监管市场,这个国家仍然继续在食品安全方面达不到要求。

27.#翻译# 我们来解决这一问题的时间已经不多了。(可用于很多作文中!)

We are short of time to fix the problem. / Time is running out for us to address the problem.

28.#翻译# 武汉大学生人数世界第一。

#造句#Wuhan #tops或leads# the world in the number of university and college students. #体会top,lead的用法,总结,背诵,争取每天提高一点点!#

29.#外刊是王道#Ford has reported healthy profits thanks to strong demand in its home US market, which #offset more losses# in Europe. #地道搭配:healthy profits 可观利润;thanks to 由于,因为,幸亏;strong demand 强劲需求;home market 本土市场;offset losses 抵消、弥补损失#

30.#推荐精读: 鲍尔默致微软股东的最后一封公开信# Working at Microsoft has been a thrilling experience(令人兴奋的经历) — we’ve changed the world and delivered record-setting success (实现创纪录的成功)— and I know our best days are still ahead.

31.#造句: 点点积累,点点提高! 转,背!#The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Canada's Alice Munro. #was awarded to 可用 went to 替换#

32.In a business setting, high-value activities include experiences such as conducting meetings with colleagues in multiple locations, gaining insight from massive amounts of data and information, and interacting with customers. #各种重要考点#

33.Fight for those who you love and love you!

34.Word of mouth matters a lot.

35.#外刊点睛:美科学家实现核聚变试验重大突破# Researchers at the National Ignition Facility have made a major breakthrough(取得重大突破) toward achieving self-sustaining nuclear fusion(自持续核聚变).


1.#造句#Japan continues to devalue the yen, putting its domestic economy under #strain#.

2.#外刊点睛#This would help #stem thousands of job losses# in the struggling auto giant's home market.=This would help head off substantial job losses in the crippled auto giant's domestic market. #必背搭配:auto giant 汽车巨头;home market 国内市场#

3.#造句 · 感悟 · 分享# Gratitude and success are intimately linked.

#改写---句型多样化是高分作文特征#There is a close link between gratitude and success.

4. Do you feel like you are wasting your life away?

5. May God rest the souls of Xia and the men he killed in eternal peace!

6. #经典造句# At the time of its launch in 1995, Amazon.com, the world's leading online retailer, was widely seen as unpromising. 转,背,模仿!At the time of its release not long ago , iPhone5S, Apple's new flagship device , was not seen as having a bright future in the coming days.

7. #造句# We can make you outcompete your rivals. (体会下午我用outpace写的句子,out这个重要前缀表示在某方面超过。)

7.#经典造句# ① Those who follow me closely can significantly outpace their rivals. ②A nation focusing on innovation is bound to outpace its rivals in the global competition. 稍加改写可以用于各种作文!转!背!

7.#外刊点睛# Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa should significantly outpace the global average over the next three years, according to the World Bank. #outpace 超过(更好或更快);sub-Saharan 撒哈拉沙漠以南的(体会前缀sub)#

8.#造句# Pop diva Faye Wong has reportedly ended her second marriage, shocking her fans across the nation.

9.#造句# It is indisputable that Hayao Miyazaki is an unrivaled master of animation. 背诵,总结,模仿,改写! Collaborating with renowned Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki,Joe Hisaishi has reached the pinnacle of his career in music.

10.The iPhone 5S with an unchanged screen really let me down.

11.Today marks the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. May the departed souls rest in peace.

12.#造句# New technology enables the NSA to break the security codes. #培养替换思维:break 替换crack#

12.#外刊点睛# The US National Security Agency is reported to have cracked the security codes which protect data on iPhones, Blackberries and Android devices. #科技类文章核心搭配:crack the security codes 破解安全码,crack可用unlock替换#

13.#造句# Microsoft will buy Nokia's devices and services divisions. 微软将收购诺基亚设备与服务部门。#buy可用acquire, purchase替换#

14.Personally, Simon's singing is far superior to Bi's. His spirit never dies. He's

just fading away.

15.It's the basic English skills that matter crucially for your ultimate success.

16.#造句# Wentworth Miller, best known for starring in the drama Prison Break, has acknowledged his homosexuality publicly.

17.#经典造句# Siri, a voice recognition software launched by Apple, is far from perfect.#voice recognition替换speech recognition; 体会本句语法结构和词汇用法并背诵。从外刊中吸收地道词汇、句型用法,加以背诵、模仿,是真正提高写作能力的唯一途径!#

17.#外刊点睛# The falling costs of processing power and storage capacity have also helped make speech recognition more accurate. #必背搭配: processing power 处理能力;storage capacity 存储容量;speech recognition 语音识别;搭配、句型背得少是完形、阅读、写作水平差的重要原因!#

18.#外刊点睛# Apple MacBook owners should be aware of a design flaw that may lead to unrecoverable data loss. #设计缺陷design fault=design flaw;unrecoverable data loss=permanent data loss;提取搭配:recover data恢复数据=restore data。替换思维对阅读和写作至关重要!# 转!背!

18.#外刊点睛# The furniture giant IKea is recalling thousands of children's beds, because of a design fault. #必背搭配: design fault 设计缺陷##造句# A design fault is responsible for the plane crash.

19.#外刊点睛# More than a quarter of UK mothers feel they have been discriminated against at work after returning from maternity leave. # 必背搭配: be discriminated against 被歧视;maternity leave 产假#

20.#外刊点睛# Obama Cancels Meeting With Putin Amid Tension Over Snowden 斯诺登导致紧张关系,奥巴马取消与普京会晤。

21.Is the mercury rising in your city? Scorching heat is threatening Shanghai.

22.Such a comment is hardly surprising in this large forest.

23.#造句# Coke is seeking an expansion in China, the world's second-largest economy, through a string of acquisitions. 背!


1.Persistence prevails! Execution matters!

2.Follow me closely to pursue your dream!

3.#造句# The news is deeply saddening that the innocent Beijing baby girl thrown to the ground by a cold-blooded man has been diagnosed as brain death.

4.#外刊点睛# MIT scientists plant false memory in mouse’s mind. 麻省理工学院科学家在老鼠大脑内植入虚假记忆。

5.Stay focused, and the payoff for doing so could be huge!

6.This is an unforgettable bullet train.

7.#造句# The death toll from the tragic Gansu earthquake has climbed to 89.

8.#外刊点睛# Apple Inc is investigating an accident in which a Chinese woman was killed by an electric shock when answering a call on her iPhone 5 while it was charging. # electric shock 电击,触电;answer a call 接听电话;charge 充电;体会介词on,以及when,while的用法。#

9.#外刊点睛# A man in a wheelchair explodes a device at Beijing International Airport apparently after failing to have a grievance addressed, Chinese media say. #address a grievance 解决冤屈(委屈,不平); address 是阅读和完形重要考点,grievance 在05年Text 1 考查过#

10.You have to distinguish yourself from the crowd to be distinguished!

10.I can make you stand out from the crowd.

11.#造句# The chengguan, or urban management law enforcement force, has set off another wave of Internet buzz. ( 城管引发新一波网络热议。)

12.#外刊点睛# Sales to corporations and government agencies are at the heart of IBM's business model. #be at the heart of 是…的核心;business model 商业模式#

12.#外刊点睛# Google’s revenue model for Android is not sustainable. #必背搭配: sustainable revenue model 可持续的收入模式#

13.May the Purple Books bless you into your dream graduate school! 13.Do whatever you can to bite into the Purple Book!

14.#外刊点睛# China agrees to resume talks on a bilateral investment treaty with the US which could open up new opportunities for businesses in both the countries. #核心搭配: resume talks on sth 恢复关于某事的谈判;open up new opportunities 开启新的机会#

15.#外刊点睛# The bacteria probably don't pose a threat to most people, although they could be problematic for those with weakened immune systems. #核心搭配: pose a threat to sb 对某人构成威胁;immune system 免疫系统#

16.Basic English skills matter the most.

17.#外刊点睛# Doctors treating Nelson Mandela said he was in a ―permanent vegetative state‖ and advised his family to turn off his life support machine. #be in a permanent vegetative state 处于永久性植物人状态;turn off (=switch off ) 关闭;life support machine 生命维持机器#

18.Nanjing is heating up.


1.#造句# Younger generations #are increasingly reliant on# their mobile phones for information. 转,背!

1.#外刊点睛# Increasingly reliant on electronic controls, cars are at a growing risk for malicious manipulation. #核心搭配:be increasingly reliant on 越来越依靠(依赖);be at a growing risk for 处于...越来越大的风险(危险)中;malicious manipulation 恶意操纵#

2.#外刊点睛# The bill would impose massive regulatory and financial burdens on businesses. (这个法案会给企业带来巨大的监管和财务负担。)#核心用法:bill 法案;impose burdens on sb. 给某人带来负担(完形考点);massive 巨大的,大规模的;regulatory 监管的#

3.#外刊点睛# A political deal on the EU's hotly contested seven-year budget is struck as leaders of the 27 countries gather for a summit in Brussels. #核心搭配: strike a deal 达成协议;hotly contested 激烈争论的;gather for a summit 聚集参加峰会#

4.#外刊点睛# Car companies are also #increasingly reliant on# rare earth metals in order to produce new energy-efficient cars such as the Toyota Prius. #rare earth metal 稀土金属;energy-efficient 节能的#

5.#外刊点睛:棱镜门事件# Silicon Valley mines personal data for profit, #while# the NSA seeks intelligence information.#Silicon Valley 硅谷;mine data 挖掘数据;intelligence information 情报信息;NSA=National Security Agency国家安全局;再次体会while#

5.#造句# The Chinese national soccer team was "slaughtered" by the Thai team, while Japan lost by a neck to Mexico. Is this a national disgrace?(中国国足被泰国队―屠杀‖,而日本惜败于墨西哥。 这是国家的耻辱吗?)#slaughter 屠杀;lose by a neck to sb 惜败给某人;体会考点while#

6.#外刊点睛# China's PC market is second only to the United States and could take the top spot within three years. #核心搭配:be second only to 仅次于;take the top spot 占据首位(榜首、最高点),可用take the first place, take first place 替换;替换思维对于阅读和写作等都很重要#

7.#外刊点睛# Samsung has unveiled a tablet that can switch between the Windows 8 and Android operating systems. 三星已推出一款能在win8和安卓两种操作系统之间转换的平板电脑.#必背:unveil 推出,公布;tablet 平板电脑;switch between A and B 在A和B之间转换;operating system 操作系统#

7.#外刊点睛# Like other products, Skype allows you to #switch between# front and rear cameras during a call. #front and rear cameras 前置和后置摄像头#

8.Everything about history appeals to me very much. Knowing history matters.

9.#外刊点睛# Drowning is the top cause of death for children in Cambodia over the age of 1, according to a recent report. #核心搭配:top cause 首要原因# #造句# The decay of education is the top cause of moral decline.

10.#精彩造句# Steve Jobs has the #personal attributes# needed to be an inspirational role model for us, such as optimism. #用于20xx年考研英语一大作文# 转,背!

10.#外刊点睛# In his new book, Kaufman looks at several different kinds of personal attributes that contribute to success as an adult, many of which have nothing to do with IQ.#必背搭配: personal attributes 个人品质(特质,特征);contribute to 有利于,促成# 转,背!

11.#外刊点睛# Rupert Murdoch files for diorvce from Wendi Deng. # file for divorce from sb 申请与某人离婚#

11.file for damages 申请损害赔偿 file for bankruptcy 申请破产

12.How do you keep yourself motivated and positive?

13.#造句# Success turns on details, small things, and basic skills.

14.#外刊点睛# Coco-Cola resumes business in Burma after six decades, following a US decision to suspend investment sanctions. #必背搭配: resume business 恢复业务;suspend investment sanctions 暂停投资制裁#

15.#外刊点睛# Universities are independent bodies and many say they need to charge maximum fees to #make up for the loss# of funds from teaching grants. # 必背搭配:independent body 独立机构(体会body);charge maximum fees 收取最高费用(学费);teaching grants 教学补助金(基金)#

15.#外刊点睛# The visitor industry was just starting to gain momentum, but that momentum doesn't make up for the loss that businesses are feeling now. # visitor industry 旅游行业;gain momentum 加速发展,获得动力(势头);make up for the loss 弥补损失#

15.The Purple Books are gaining momentum.

16.#外刊点睛# This is essential for students in this day and age who need to #transmit data# faster than the old USB 2.0 can. #必背搭配:in this day and age 在当今这个时代##造句# In this day and age a shrinking number of people love reading.

16.#外刊点睛# Samsung Electronics is said to have developed the core technology for 5G wireless networks, after it managed to successfully transmit data at a speed of 1 gigabits per second. #必背搭配:core technology 核心技术;transmit data 传输数据;at a speed of 以...的速度#

17.#极佳英文学习材料:The Lost Interview (遗失的访谈)# 苹果网站原句:In this candid, in-depth interview with the late visionary filmed in 1995, Steve Jobs discusses at length(详细地) his early days, career battles(职场争斗), and vision for the future.

18.A solid foundation can remove obstacles to your leap forward.


1.#外刊点睛# . Sina, which rolled out its Weibi #virtual currency# this month, is trying to generate revenue from Weibo. #必背搭配: roll out 推出;generate revenue 产生(创造)收入#

1.#外刊点睛#Owners of bitcoins have become the target of cyber thieves keen to cash in on the boom in the digital currency. #重点用法:bitcoin 比特币;cyber thief 网络小偷;keen to do sth 热衷于做某事;cash in on sth 靠...赚钱;digital currency 数字货币(可用virtual currency替换)#

2.#外刊点睛# The fear is that escalating tensions could ignite a trade war that hurts manufacturers in both countries. #必背搭配:escalating tensions 不断升级(加剧)的紧张局势;ignite a trade war 替换 trigger a trade war;必背句型:The fear is that... 令人担忧的是...#

2.#外刊点睛# Obama has been consistently challenging Sino-US trade relations, which could trigger a trade war. #必背搭配: trade relations 贸易关系;trigger a trade war 引发贸易战#

3.#外刊点睛# Manchester United has struck a new loan deal to cut the amount of interest it pays on its huge debts. #strike a deal 达成协议;interest 利息;huge debts 巨额债务#

4.#外刊点睛# Apple is experiencing #explosive growth# in China, overtaking computer manufacturer Lenovo in its home country. #home country 祖国,母国,原籍国#

4.#外刊点睛# China's explosive growth remains the envy of developed nations like the United States. #必背搭配:explosive growth 爆炸性增长;the envy of sb 某人羡慕(嫉妒)的对象# #造句# China has seen an explosive growth in its auto industry over the past decade.

5.Persistence is what it takes to succeed.

6.For anyone aiming for a high score!

7.#外刊点睛# But he warned that measures have taken a toll on the Greek economy, which has been #in recession# for three years. #take a toll on 给…造成损失,损害##造句# The lack of clean air can take a heavy toll on public health.

7.#外刊点睛# Earlier this week, official figures showed the eurozone is now in its longest recession on record. #必背搭配: official figures 官方数据;in recession 处于衰退中;on record 记录在案的# #造句# Official figures suggest cyber attacks against home users are on the rise.

8.#外刊点睛# British hackers who were behind a series of high profile cyber-attacks in 2011 have been sentenced. cyber attacks = online attacks 网络攻击

9.#外刊点睛# The president pointed to biofuels as a way to break our dependence on oil.#point to 指出,表示;break one's dependence on 打破(摆脱)对...的依赖# #造句# You should break your financial and emotional dependence on your parents.

10.#造句—忠告# Trying to take shortcuts is human nature, but countless success stories demonstrate it will backfire. 转,背!

11.#造句# When you practice English, you are practicing for your future. Every day what you practice puts you a step closer to a life of decency, dignity, and security.

12.#外刊点睛# The contraction in economic activity is substantially deeper than previously projected. 经济活动的萎缩比之前预期的深得多。#必背搭配: economic activity 经济活动;substantially deeper 深得多;previously projected 之前预期的。注意体会比较结构。#

12.#外刊是王道!外刊读透了,很多考点会在真题中重现,会使你对英文的反应速度和准确度提高,高分信手拈来!# Peer Pressure starts earlier than previously imagined. #必背搭配:peer pressure 同龄人的(同辈的)压力<12年 Text 1>;previously imagined 之前想象的<02年Text 2># 转,背!

12.#造句# Back in high school, I picked up smoking due to peer pressure. Are you susceptible to peer pressure?

12.#经典造句 — 打通阅读和写作!# #The movie turns out to be more fantastic than previously imagined.# 用于20xx年英语一小作文

13.I am the driving force behind you.

14.The book is a must-and-fantastic read.

15.#外刊点睛# Sony has reported an annual profit for the first time in five years, boosted by asset sales and a weakening yen. #report v. 公布;annual profit 年利润;boost v. 推动;asset sales 资产出售;a weakening yen 疲软的日元#

16.Your support is what drives me to be my best.

17.The proposed scheme is designed to ease public concerns over potential hazards from genetically modified foods that were raised in an academic conference by some top scientists and sociologists from across the world.(这是我上课写的句子,包含我之前所发外刊点睛或造句中的一些必背用法,比如

health hazards, ease concerns, raise concerns, 我将它们和其它几个重要用法串在一起写了这个句子,请同学们体会将阅读和写作打通的学习思路。)

18.造句―Amazon shares Hit A Record High As It Releases Kindle 2.‖

19.#外刊点睛# Experiments on monkeys suggest that the health


hazards facing astronauts may be greater than previously thought.#必背搭配:experiment on sth 针对某物的实验;health hazard 健康危害;previously thought 之前(以前)所认为(的)#

19.#外刊点睛# Italy's economy will shrink by 1.4% this year, a sharper contraction than previously forecast, says the country's statistics agency. #shrink 萎缩,收缩;sharp contraction 急剧(剧烈)的萎缩;previously forecast 先前预测(的);statistics agency 统计局#

20.#造句# A decades-old attempted murder case that happened in China has landed on the doorstep of the White House.

21.#外刊点睛# The report added to concerns about hazardous materials that were raised in a similar report in January. #必背搭配:和我写的句子一起体会concerns:add to concerns about sth 加剧(增添)对某物(事)的担忧;hazardous materials 有害物质;raise concerns 提出(引起)担忧#

school,a goal that requires painstaking efforts.(这是我在上海上课时写的句子,改写了我之前微博写的句子,包含02真题阅读第二篇中的一个重点结构--- goals that。打通阅读和写作!)

23.#造句# My vision for the immediate future is to reach more students. (影响更多的学生是我对于最近的未来的愿景。)

23.#极佳英文学习材料:The Lost Interview (遗失的访谈)# 苹果网站原句:In this candid, in-depth interview with the late visionary filmed in 1995, Steve Jobs discusses at length(详细地) his early days, career battles(职场争斗), and vision for the future.

24.#经典造句# The move is aimed at easing public concerns over rocketing home prices. 此举旨在缓解公众对飞涨的房价的担忧。

24.#外刊点睛# Facebook has reported a jump in mobile advertising revenue, easing investor concerns over its future growth. #必背搭配:a jump in sth 某方面暴涨(猛增);mobile advertising revenue 移动广告营收;ease concerns over sth 缓解对某事的担忧#

24.#外刊点睛# The move by the eurozone's two biggest nations helped #ease concerns#that major banks in Europe and elsewhere would be brought down by the region's debt crisis. # major banks 大银行;bring down 使倒闭(垮台);the region指代the eurozone (欧元区);debt crisis 债务危机#


The message is being processed, which may take 10 to 20 minutes.

26. #外刊点睛# A plane powered only by the Sun has set off from San

Francisco on the first leg(第一段路程) of a bid (努力尝试) to cross the US with no fuel. (燃料)#必背搭配:be powered by 由...驱动;set off 出发#

27. #造句# Being your best self even when times are harsh.

28. #外刊点睛# Sony says 40 senior executives will give up bonuses worth up to 50% of their salary after they failed to return its consumer electronics business to profit.#必背搭配: senior executive 高管;return sth to profit 使...恢复盈利;consumer electronics business 消费电子业务#

29. #外刊点睛# China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest market for personal computers, according to a market data report. #必背搭配: overtake sb as 超越某人成为;market for sth 某物的市场#


1.WiFi = Wireless Fidelity

2.#外刊点睛# The government is not doing enough to promote economic growth, a prominent Conservative party #figure# has said. #必背搭配: promote economic growth 促进经济增长;prominent figure 著名(重要)人物。注意:背单词最好通过搭配、句子和文章来背#

2.#外刊点睛# While the growth figure was lower than analysts' expectations, it was better than the 0.4% rate recorded in the final quarter of last year.#必背搭配: growth figure 增长数据;be lower than one's expectations 低于某人预期#

3.You are on the right track.Follow me down the path to your dream.

4.#外刊点睛# The App Store made purchasing apps incredibly easy, and many of the high quality apps are #dirt cheap#.

4.#词汇微学习# dirt 泥土。汉语有―视金钱如粪土‖,英语也有类似的说法:dirt-cheap 像泥土一样的便宜,也就是非常便宜了。如: on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices 廉价的潮流货品【20xx年考研阅读】;...newsprint was dirt-cheap 新闻用纸非常便宜【20xx年考研阅读】

5.#外刊点睛# Samsung's biggest rival, Apple, is not expected to introduce a new iPhone model at least till the latter half of the year. #be not expected to 预计将不会...;introduce a new model 推出新款式(型号);the latter half of the year 下半年(反:the former half)#

6. There is a marked difference between A and B. A与B有明显的区别【09年翻译】

a marked difference 明显的区别

6.#外刊点睛# Despite their similar biographies, the two men had markedly different approaches to their field. #be markedly different 明显(显著)不同; 05年 Text 1 考查#

7.individual universities 各个大学

8.#外刊点睛# Australia's central bank is planning to invest around 5% of its foreign currency reserves in Chinese government bonds, its deputy governor says. #必背搭配:central bank 央行;foreign currency reserves 外汇储备;government bonds 政府债券;deputy governor 副行长#

9.#外刊点睛# In the U.S. the crisis may take longer as rising debt levels eat into economic growth. #必背:debt levels 债务水平;eat into 损害,侵蚀,对...


10.The pursuit of knowledge should be highly valued.

11.My most sincere thanks go to you.

12.#造句: 四川雅安大地震# Breaking: A powerful earthquake rocked Yaan, Sichuan province, causing multiple casualties and sending the city into chaos and grief. # 大家对比下外刊原句,仔细体会如何切实提高写作能力!#

12.#外刊点睛# Breaking: Two explosions rocked the Boston Marathon near the finish line, causing multiple casualties and sending the city into chaos. #rock 震动,震惊;the finish line 终点线;multiple casualties 多起伤亡;send sth into chaos 使...陷入混乱#

13.This book is in short supply. Snap it up to boost your chances of success.

14.Your attitude determines your altitude.

15.#造句# Overexploitation of natural resources can #wreak tremendous damage on# the long-term growth of the economy. 转,背!

15.#外刊点睛# A powerful earthquake struck (可用hit替换)China's southwestern Sichuan province Saturday, leaving at least 156 people dead and more than 5,500 injured, nearly five years after a devastating quake wreaked widespread damage (造成广泛破坏)across the region.

15.#造句# The tragic earthquake stunned and saddened the public.

15.God don't bless Sichuan! It has been a tough day for the people struggling in the wake of the devastating quake.

15.A massive earthquake hit Sichuan again.

16.Learning is a gradual process. Haste can accelerate you into the abyss of failure.

17.#外刊点睛: 波士顿爆炸案嫌疑犯之一已被抓获# Breaking: One suspect in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings has been captured, according to an official with knowledge of the investigation. #必背搭配: with knowledge of 知情,了解#

18.#造句# Fact checking reveals the intriguing news that a VIP took a taxi in rush-hour Beijing is false.

19.#外刊点睛: 撒切尔葬礼# Thousands of police will be on duty as dignitaries from across the world gather in London for the funeral of former UK Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher. #必背搭配:be on duty 执勤,值班;from across the world 来自于全世界的#

20.#造句 < fictional 虚构># It is reported that family members of the victims of the Boston Explosion Incident are emotionally stable. (据报道,波士顿爆炸事件受害者家属情绪稳定。)

21.#外刊点睛# Breaking: Two explosions rocked the Boston Marathon near the finish line, causing multiple casualties and sending the city into chaos. #rock 震动,震惊;the finish line 终点线;multiple casualties 多起伤亡;send sth into chaos 使...陷入混乱#

22.#外刊点睛# Feedback from the survey helps shape the future of postgraduate medical education in the UK. #必背搭配:shape the future 塑造未来;postgraduate medical education 研究生医学教育#

22.HP Labs Helps Shape the Future of Digital Media.

22. Your investment helps shape who you are and who you are going to be.

23. #经典造句# We have long needed to address the moral crisis produced by our blind pursuit of economic benefits over the past decades.

23.#外刊点睛# We have long needed a tough law against illegal immigration.(针对非法移民的严格法律)#经典句型:We have long needed sth. 我们一直需要某物# #经典造句# We have long needed greater efforts to raise public awareness of the value of water. 转!背!

24.结合前两天写的句子中用的team up with和今天外刊点睛中的经典用法:#造句# ① China is rumored to be raising the retirement age. ② Qihoo 360 is rumored to be teaming up with Line in the hope of rivaling WeChat, a wildly popular mobile messaging app developed by Tencent.

24.#外刊点睛# Micro-blogging site Twitter is rumoured to be launching a new music service after buying the music discovery site We Are Hunted. #必背搭配:micro-blogging site 微博网站;be rumoured to be 据传,传言在(要);launch a service 推出一个服务#

25.#造句、分享、共勉# Brilliant ideas abound, but it is execution that matters more!

26.经过8轮艰苦拼杀,从36位选手中脱颖而出 to emerge victorious from 36 players following a gruelling 8 rounds

27.#造句# Microsoft has teamed up with Nokia to step up its campaign against Apple. #作文加分亮点,可用于08年英语一大作文:team up with sb. 与某人合作#

27.#外刊点睛# The Catholic Church(天主教会) in Scotland has stepped up its campaign against(加紧反对某事的活动) proposals to allow gay marriage. #造句# We should step up the campaign against rampant piracy. 转!背!

28.#外刊点睛# 标题:Iceland PM weds as gay marriage legalised #PM = Prime Minister; wed v. 结婚;gay marriage 同性恋婚姻;legalise (legalize ) v. 合法化#

29.They say swimming is the best way to slim and streamline your body.

30.#外刊点睛# Stated simply, the "digital divide" is the gap between the technology haves and have-nots. #必背搭配:stated simply 简而言之;haves and have-nots 富人和穷人#

30.#外刊点睛# It is aimed at bridging the digital divide and attaining the goals of Education For All (EFA). #必背搭配:be aimed at 旨在;bridge the digital divide 消除数字鸿沟;attain the goal 实现目标#

31.Take one step at a time toward your goal! (一步一个脚印,朝你的目标进发!)

32.Try to strike a balance.

33.Follow me and you will thrive. I show a way forward for students struggling with English.

34.What is your Chinese dream? Mine is to live a life of dignity and security.

35.#外刊点睛# That helped temporarily ease worries that the U.S. economy may slide into another recession. #必背搭配:ease worries 减轻忧虑;slide into


36.#外刊点睛# The manufacturing industry(制造业) is slowing, home sales (住房销售)are weak and the job market remains sluggish(萧条). #经济类文章是考研重点考查方向,尤其是英语二#

37.#外刊点睛# As more people live longer, scientists are #stepping up their efforts#to understand the biological process of aging. (衰老的生化过程)

37.#外刊点睛# China is stepping up its efforts (加强努力)to contain(遏制) the spread of a new strain(类型) of bird flu (禽流感)which has killed six people in the country. #造句# We need to dramatically step up our efforts to curb this trend. 转!背!

38.This course opens up a new world for you and increases your likelihood of success.

39.#造句# Shanghai is battling fiercely against the spread of bird flu.#地道搭配: battle fiercely against 与…做激烈斗争(可以在很多写作话题中使用)#

40.#造句# A wise man doesn't think it a waste of time to do intensive reading.

41.#外刊点睛# After the 2008 collapse of the housing bubble in the U.S., the Canadian financial sector remained strong. #必背搭配:housing bubble 房地产泡沫; financial sector 金融行业#

42.#外刊点睛# Regulators (监管机构)said that companies can use Twitter, Facebook and other social media (社交媒体)to make key announcements (发表关键公告)as long as they tell investors which sites they will use, an effort to help companies navigate the new media age.

43.Persistence prevails when all else fails.

44.#外刊点睛# China has overtaken the US and France as Africa's biggest trading partner.#必背搭配: overtake sb as 超越某人成为;trading partner 贸易伙伴# 背!

45.#外刊点睛# With new computer applications constantly emerging, it is difficult to predict how or even what kind of technology we might use in years to come. #必背搭配:constantly emerge 不断出现:in years to come 在将来# 转!背!

46.May I extend my warmest congratulations on your remarkable success in being accepted into your dream school!

47.#外刊点睛# The U.S. government worries such a financial crash in a key part of the world economy could hurt global growth. #必背搭配:financial crash 金融危机,替换financial crisis#

48.#外刊点睛# China's increasing economic might is likely to present challenges to the incoming administration of Barack Obama. #必背搭配:economic might 经济实力;present challenges to 对…构成挑战#


1.#外刊点睛# So any deal reached now would in practice be nothing more than a deal to#slash# Social Security and Medicare with no lasting improvement in the deficit. #必背搭配:reach a deal 达成协议;in practice 实际上;nothing more than 不过是,无非是;social security 社会保障#

1.#外刊点睛# Boeing executives face pressure to speed up manufacturing of the jets and slash costs in the production system. #必背搭配:speed up manufacturing 加速生产;slash costs 大幅削减成本#

2.It's my honor to be a big part of your success.

3.#外刊点睛# South Korean consumer electronics giant(电子巨头) Samsung has unveiled(发布、公布) its new Galaxy S4 which comes with #a wealth of# new features.

3.#外刊点睛# These nations, some with sizable populations and others with a wealth of natural resources, could be the economic boomers of the next decade. #必背搭配:sizable populations 相当多的人口;a wealth of 大量;economic boomer 经济繁荣的国家#

4.用slow one's pace写个句子,与诸君共勉: Impatience slows your pace toward your goal.

4.#外刊点睛# While we all aspire to climb to the top (登顶,达到顶峰)of our respective professions (各自的职业), from time to time we come up against (遇到)a roadblock, a barrier that slows our pace(放慢步伐).

5.#外刊点睛# Studies suggest women are attracted to men whose genetic makeup differs from their own. ( 研究显示,那些基因组成与她们不同的男人对女人有吸引力。)#重点用法:suggest 显示;genetic makeup 基因组成;differ from 与...不同;whose引导定语从句修饰men # difficult labor (难产)

6.#外刊点睛# The economy may be heading south(下行), debt levels (债务水平)are soaring (飙升)and unemployment (失业率) is mounting -(上升) but Britain, it seems,(体会it seems 做插入语) is still in the mood to (有心情去做某事)celebrate. #宝句,包含很多重要考点!#

6.The temperature in Nanjing is heading south again to 1 degree centigrade!

6.The temperature has taken a nosedive from 25 C in Guilin to 6 C in Nanjing.

7.How high you will fly turns on how low you lie. The lower you lie, the higher you will fly.姿态越低,才能飞得越高。与大家分享一点雨夜的思考。

8. #外刊点睛#The world's second largest economy faces the prospect of a graying population before its economy really takes off. #必背:economy 经济体;prospect 前景;a graying population 老龄化的人口(形象表达,地道!);take off 起飞 #

9. #外刊点睛# The Obama Administration has made domestic production of renewable energy a national priority. #必背搭配:make sth. a national priority 使某事成为一项国家重点(优先)工作;renewable energy 可再生能源 # #造句# You should make learning English your top priority. #背!#

10.Focus feverishly on your top priority and follow me closely down the right path toward your dream.

11.I'm at a loss for words.

12.#妙语# 美国前总统里根说过:Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. (经济衰退是你邻居丢了工作。经济萧条是你丢了工作)。去年美国大选时,美国有选民打出标语,在里根的话后面加了一句:And recovery is when Obama loses his.

13.#外刊点睛# Many Japanese electronics giants have cut or are going to cut their payrolls because their businesses are in the red. # 重点用法: electronic giants 电子(产品)巨头;cut one's payroll 裁员;business 业务;be in the red 亏损,赤字,和in the black 是反义短语 #

13.#外刊点睛# At a time when many of its domestic peers are expected to report huge losses, Toshiba said it stayed in the black in the just-ended fiscal year. # domestic peers 国内同行;huge losses 巨额亏损;stay in the black 保持赢利;fiscal year 财年 #

14.We teach you how to stay ahead of your competitors.

15.#感悟# #造句# Your success turns on your ability to focus on small details and big pictures. 你的成功取决于你关注细节和大局的能力。

16.#外刊点睛# Samsung Electronics is the world leader in smartphone sales, besting (胜过,打败)Apple in many countries. Now Samsung of South Korea is stepping up its challenge (加紧挑战)to Apple, bringing the battle to its rival's home turf(自己地盘).

17.#外刊点睛:女性总是在社交网站上撒谎?# Women consistently lie on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to make their lives appear more exciting, a survey has found. # social networking sites 社交网站#

18.Gain Knowledge and Lose Weight.

19.Let us seek inner peace of mind amid outer chaos and discord.

20.A Really Short History of Nearly Everything. 《万物简史》

21.My anticipation is building for the forthcoming Samsung Galaxy S4.

22.Success is beckoning to you ahead!

23.#外刊点睛:宜家召回蛋糕# Swedish furniture giant Ikea pulled a batch of almond cakes (一批杏仁蛋糕)from its restaurants in 23 countries on Tuesday after Chinese authorities said they contained coliform bacteria (大肠型细菌), normally present in faecal matter(排泄物,粪便).

24.It would be a fantastic read.

25.Everyday, remind yourself that you are the best! Happy Women's Day!

26.看到一句很有意思的英文:Love is a carefully designed lie.

27.Many thanks! You push me to seek greater excellence.

28.Double your efforts at conquering English!

29.It is shocking to watch this video.

30.#外刊点睛:保护儿童,佛州州立大学中国学生因下载儿童色情影和图片被逮捕。# An FSU student - here on a visa from China - has been arrested and accused of downloading child pornography. #on a visa from China 持中国签证;be accused of 被指控;child pornography 儿童色情作品#

31.I was saddened to learn of the passing of this innocent and lovable baby. May he rest in eternal peace.

32.#外刊点睛:同一时间,美国发生类似案件,小偷发现婴儿后,停车报警并逃跑# The baby and the SUV were found after the unwitting ―kidnapper‖(无意的、不知情的―绑匪‖,也就是说小偷一开始不知道车里有孩子) called 911 and fled.

33.#外刊点睛# Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died on Tuesday after a two-year battle with cancer(与癌症作斗争), ending 14 years of tumultuous rule

(动荡、混乱的统治)that made the socialist leader a hero for the poor but a hate figure (憎恨对象) to his opponents.

34.If trouble comes in threes(接二连三), then what'll be the next global market to melt down(熔化,崩溃) after the U.S. and Europe?

35.My thanks go to you!

36.548 students have signed up for this online lecture. Welcome to join us.

37.Pray for this kid. A careless father can ruin a kid's life. Leaving a child alone in a vehicle is against the law in America.

38.#婚前检查# pre-marital medical check-ups

39.#外刊点睛# Shortages in baby milk formula (婴儿奶粉) caused by traders and tourists have worsened tensions between Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese. #核心搭配:worsen tensions 加剧紧张关系#

40.It pains me greatly to read it!

41.I really have my hands full.

42.I will stretch myself to keep your trust.

43.Milk powder is a national disgrace!

44.Chinese authorities should wake up to the country's chronic and worsening food safety problems.

45.#外刊点睛:亚洲鲤鱼入侵美国# While scientists have been battling to keep a ravenous, invasive fish species out of the Great Lakes, some worry that spring floods along the Mississippi River may be spreading the Asian carp downstream. #battle 与...斗争,较量#

46.#新词# phablet 平板手机(phone + tablet)。相同构词法的还有smog (smoke + fog), edutainment (education + entertainment) 等等。#造句# The phablet is increasingly becoming a device that many users prefer for online surfing.

If the current trend for large-screen devices continues, we'll soon make a phone call like this guy.


1.#讨论# The legal recognition for same-sex marriage is a long way off in China, a relatively conservative country. Personally, I'm neither for nor against it. Even in the U.S., it is legal in less than ten states. What's your view on this issue?

2.#外刊点睛# The European Commission is providing 1m euros for a project to map the human brain and even develop artificial intelligence in computers. # 必背考点: the European Commission 欧盟委员会;euro 欧元;map v. 绘制地图;artificial intelligence 人工智能 #

3.美国公车车牌 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (仅限公务使用)

4.School authorities should take moves against occupying seats for studies. If I were you, I would move these books away and sit down.

5.Thank you for your recommendation. May God bless you into your dream school.

6.#外刊点睛# Taiwanese-born Ang Lee won his second Oscar for Best Directing on Sunday for "Life of Pi," the adaption (改编)of Yann Martel's

fantasy adventure(奇幻冒险) novel about an Indian boy who survives a shipwreck but is stranded in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger.

7.Life is a chain of choices. Your choices shape your destiny.

8.You are inventing your future. Your possibilities are limitless.

9.#佳句欣赏# A train of events that mobilized the antislavery North resulted in the formation of the Republican Party and ultimately provided Lincoln's generation with a challenge equal to or surpassing that of the founding fathers. #a train of events (一连串事件)形象、地道#

10.Should the restricted areas for firecrackers and fireworks be expanded?

11.#造句# The son of Li Shuangjiang was under arrest on suspicion of gang rape, sparking widespread public outrage.

12.#外刊点睛# The eurozone recession will persist into 2013, the European Commission has conceded in its latest forecast. #必背考点:eurozone recession 欧元区衰退;persist into 持续至;the European Commission 欧盟委员会#

13.Hengdian is the nightmare of Japanese troops.

shaky evidence 站不住脚的证据【20xx年考研英语翻译】

15.The cultural revolution was a national tragedy.

16.This centenarian serves as a positive role model for us.

17.The next year will witness your dream coming true!Struggling for success is a lifelong endeavor.

18.I have been on a mission to help you tackle the difficulties and challenges that pop up on the rocky road to graduate school.

19.#外刊点睛# Sina’s stock price has dropped 13.4 percent since the beginning of the fourth quarter, falling along the shares of peers like Baidu and Sohu.com due to a weaker economy. #stock price 股价;peer 同行;weak economy 疲软的经济#

20.#外刊点睛# Under regulatory pressure, banks such as Citi and Bank of America have hired more directors with strong financial-services backgrounds. # 核心搭配:under regulatory pressure 在监管压力下#

21.Reading late into the snowing night opens up a new world.

22.Hanfu, or traditional Han Chinese clothing, is truly beautiful.

23.#造句# Rumor has it that Apple is working on a smart watch, an attempt to explore a new market for further growth.

24.Core competences make differences! What core competences do you have?

25.Of all the study tours in 1978, the one that had by far the greatest impact on Chinese development was the study tour led by Gu Mu to Western Europe from May 2 to June 6.

25.Of the five films that Phuong saw during the film festival, the last was unquestionably the most enjoyable.

26.#学英语# 台北捷运(Taipei Metro)视障等候椅上文字:Vision Impaired Only (vision impaired 盲人,也就是视力受损者)

27.Smoking is prohibited on this trail.

28.When other test-takers compete like crazy, dare to be different. We provide different strategies to help you stand out from the competitive herd.

29.The glass door is an invisible barrier.

30.It is a form of self-abuse to watch the soccer match between China and Saudi Arabia at midnight.

31.#替换思维对阅读和写作都很重要!# grant = award! #外刊点睛#The much bigger questions raised by this case are whether all Apple’s innovations should have been granted a patent in the first place.

31.#外刊是王道# Apple has been awarded a design patent for the slide-to-unlock feature used in iOS since 2007, which has been the subject of several legal battles. #考研核心考点:award 授予(可用grant 替换);patent 专利;feature 功能;subject 对象;legal battle 法律战争,官司#

31.#外刊例句# Instead of offering a #patent for# an innovation, the government could offer a prize.

32.Congrats! Following me pays off.

33.I'm extremely willful to win, and I respond to challenges. — Kobe Bryant

34.#造句# A truck loaded with fireworks exploded in Henan, collapsing an expressway bridge and plunging vehicles 30 meters to the ground.

35.Last April, for example, the justices #signaled# that too many patents were being upheld for "inventions" that are obvious. #20xx年阅读理解第二篇直接考查signal#

35.#造句# Zhao Benshan has signaled that he will quit the Spring Gala.(赵本山表示他将退出春晚。) #signal 表示;quit 退出#

35.Quitting the Spring Gala and dodging the limelight may be advisable for him,whose new short sketches increasingly dissatisfy the mass tastes.

36.#副词经常表达作者观点、态度# notoriously 用的好!我也来写个句子:It is notoriously difficult to eat safe foods in this country, which has emerged as the world's second-largest economy.

36.While travel during Spring Festival is notoriously chaotic, it could be said that the rush to purchase train tickets for this period is even crazier.

37.Knowledge is your ladder out of poverty.

38.The happiness resulting from success is fleeting. Be a doer not a talker.

39.#造句# Losers always outnumber winners. Far too many are doomed to fail because they lack the qualities a highly competitive society demands.

39.#外刊点睛# The shift is so dramatic that women now constitute 49.9% of the work force and will soon outnumber men. #重点用法:dramatic shift 重大转变;constitute 可以被 account for, make up 替换;outnumber 在数量上超过#


1.#外刊例句# Toyota's #net profit# fell sharply, but was better than expected. #通过句子、文章记单词#

1.#外刊点睛# Last week, Swedish furniture retailer IKEA posted record

revenues of $36 billion in 2012 and an 8% increase in net profit. #必背:post record revenues 宣告创纪录的营收;net profit 净利润#

2.You can only thrive by internalizing the knowledge you gain.

3.Nanjing is distressingly high on the list.

4.After trial usage, I plan on switching to the Samsung Galaxy Note II.

4.#外刊点睛# The Galaxy Note II is a huge improvement over its predecessor, and offers fantastic performance and innovative features. #a huge improvement over sth 相对于某物的巨大改进;predecessor 上一代(产品),前任;feature 功能;通过语境来记忆单词是最好的做法!#

5.#造句# It is very rare for homosexuals to come out of the closet in this relatively conservative country. #come out of the closet 出柜#

6.Will Li Na pocket the championship? She is a fearless warrior.

7.#学英语# API = Air Pollution Index; 扩展:上证综合指数:Shanghai Securities Composite Index; PM = Particulate Matter

8.#思考# Are you patient enough to wait for your efforts to bear fruit?

9.#大部分同学对所谓简单词和搭配掌握不好,基本功急需提高。加强超精读是当务之急。# step up its drive 加快努力,加紧行动 中国应提高其能动性以确保给公众一个安全怡人的环境。 China should step up its drive to ensure the public a safe and enjoyable environment.

9.#造句# Voices now come from many parties insisting that China’s air quality falls far short of international standards.

10.#造句# Several Chongqing officials have been removed from office after featuring in indecent videos exposed recently. #be removed from office = be fired = be sacked; indecent video = sex video#

11.#外刊点睛# In this camp are some # advanced and emerging economies#, such as Canada and Brazil, that are still growing but increasingly worried about the slowdown.#advanced economy 发达经济体;be increasingly worried about 日益担心#

11.#外刊点睛# Many emerging economies have tightened monetary policy in response to high inflation. (许多新兴经济体已收紧货币政策以回应高通胀。)# 一个句子四个重要搭配:emerging economy; tighten monetary policy; in response to; high inflation #【经济类文章是考研英语重要考查方向】

11.#地道!打通阅读和写作# tighten one's belt 勒紧腰带,减少开支,节衣缩食;shed workforce 裁员;in reaction to 替换 in response to #造句# Many businesses have tightened their belts and shed workforce in reaction to economic recession.

12.#造句# The path you take may mean the difference between success and failure.

13.#演讲原文学以致用# The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. 可提炼句型: The path towards sth will be long and sometimes difficult. #造句# The path towards success in life will be long and sometimes difficult.(可用于今年英语一大作文等等)

13.#奥巴马就职演说# America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive;

diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. #原文有很多可以学习的语言点,比如:drive 干劲#

14.#造句# Wireless charging, a selling point of Nokia's flagship Lumia 920, is far from practical. #必背搭配:wireless charging 无线充电;selling point 卖点;flagship product 旗舰产品;be far from 远非,完全不。阅读输入,写作输出,英语就要这样学!#

15.#学英语# CNMD=Chinese National Missile Defense

16.Diandian will witness your ultimate success!

17.#外刊是王道#【SAT原题】Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, and Minnesota have begun to enforce statewide bans #prohibiting landfills from accepting# leaves, brush, and grass clippings. 【外刊例句】Apple #prohibits users from downloading# apps from third-party sources.

18.#造句# As the spring rush, or chun yun, approaches, relevant departments should make train tickets more accessible and affordable to tens of millions of migrant workers.

19.#外刊点睛# The Galaxy Note II is a huge improvement over its predecessor, and offers fantastic performance and innovative features. #a huge improvement over sth 相对于某物的巨大改进;predecessor 上一代(产品),前任;feature 功能;通过语境来记忆单词是最好的做法!#

20.我用前两天我发的外刊点睛中的 a surge of 和disproportionately 造个句子:Over this period, a surge of hot money flooded disproportionately into property. #词汇在具体语境中的考点、使用是最难掌握的,考生只记住基本词义还远远不够#

21.#思考# When you take a look at the back of iPhone, you will find this statement of origin: "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China." I was wondering why all those wonderful electronic gadgets can't be designed in China, a country with Four Great Inventions.

22.#push up 可用 drive up 替换。替换思维(即语言表达多样性)对阅读和写作取得高分至关重要# 【例句】The last thing anyone should want now is a return to recession, which would stall job creation and #drive up# the jobless rate again.

22.#外刊点睛# Higher public debts and a surge of retirees will push up taxes and weigh on companies and consumers. #必背搭配:a surge of 激增;push up 使上升、提高;weigh on 对...构成重压。商业经济类文章是英语一、二重要考查对象,14年考生务必重视!#

23.Expecting too much of others often leads to disappointment and resentment.

24.#补充例句,用法很丰富,值得背诵# Her overall efforts will #contribute to# Toyota's commitment to integrity, while sustaining and maximizing Toyota's success. #commitment to integrity 对诚信的信奉(承诺);sustain one's success 维持成功;maximize one's success 获得最大的成功#

24.#外刊点睛# The fall of labor income, and the rise of capital income, has contributed to America's growing inequality. #必背搭配:labor income 劳动力收入;capital income 资本收益; contribute to 导致,促成,起作用#

24.#老丁说词# contribute to 是重要的写作词汇和阅读、完型因果关系考点。#造句# This cartoon contributes to our understanding of the importance of team spirit. 这幅漫画有助于我们了解团队精神的重要性。

25.Maximizing my value is a source of my happiness.

26.#经典造句# I expect a real fix, rather than a quick fix, for this thorny problem. # 用于负面社会问题类作文,四六级、考研等等考试均可。quick fix 权宜之计#

27.#造句# #Of# all the teachers I've had in life, Mr. Smith is the most inspirational. #精读外刊可以横扫几乎所有国内外英语考试#

27.【多读外刊】SAT语法题,除了简单的语法点,我们还可以给学生更深入的分享。今晚讲了20xx年的一道语法题,其正确版本如下:Of the five films that Phuong saw during the film festival, the last was unquestionably the most enjoyable. ——我发现这种表达方式在英美期刊很很常见。

28.#经典造句# Your first step to success is to clearly define your goals and priorities.

29.#外刊点睛#The latest news that many are having to lower their growth expectations as they face stiff competition from domestic counterparts comes as no surprise. #必背搭配:lower one's growth expectations 调低增长预期;stiff competition 激烈竞争;come as no surprise 不足为奇#

30.Are you suffering from post-exam syndrome?

31.#外刊点睛# The Federal Trade Commission is# scolding# Google Inc. without punishing the Internet search leader #for# collecting e-mails, passwords and other personal information transmitted over unsecured wireless networks.

31.#外刊点睛# Rather than adjust their activities to gain respect, politicians simply blame the people they claim to represent and scold them for thinking for themselves. #20xx年英语一阅读直接考查scold sb for doing sth 因为做某事而谴责、责骂某人#

32.#经典造句# In choosing which path to take in life, these young adults should consider the big picture. #用于13年英语一大作文。阅读、写作打通、互相促进,是我们一贯强调的重要复习思路。#

32.#外刊是王道# Mr Hawkins, by contrast, is interested in the big picture of how the brain works.#the big picture 整体(总体)情况;大局<20xx年考研英语一完形第四题直接考查>#

33.I was always taught in my boyhood that I should be grateful for those who helped me.

34.We are committed to helping those whose English proficiency is low climb the ladder higher.

35.The series of the Purple Books deserves a wider audience.

36.Will you sit for the national civil service exam? 你会参加国考吗?

37.#经典造句:利用了原句主干结构和用法,可用于20xx年英语一大作文# The path they embark on is vital for the shift to post-college life. #阅读和写作打通,互相推动,是英语学习的正道#

37.#外刊是王道# Schools and universities, for example, are vital for the shift to

an economy driven by brainpower instead of cheap labour. #(be) driven by 由...驱动。20xx年考研英语二Text 2考查#

38.#外刊是王道# In order to maintain a viable and successful brand, Apple must look to differentiate Apple from Steve Jobs in the minds of consumers and shareholders.#differentiate A from B 将A与B区分开来。20xx年考研英语二Text 3考查#

39.This is a rare and early bird!

40.The time is ripe for harvest. Are you ready?

41.#造句# It is my fervent hope that I would fuse into you to help you, dear Diandian fighters, win out in the upcoming battle. #fuse into sb (与某人合体)可用 merge into sb替换。It is my fervent hope that 可用在小作文中#

42.I am a smart commander and you are fearless soldiers!

43.Creating books of superb quality would be a win-win situation for both students and teachers. 创作高质量的图书对学生和老师来说是双赢。

44.#经典造句# The time is ripe for the government to pour more resources into curbing this disturbing trend. #用在大作文第三段#

44.稍微改造下即可用到英语二20xx年大作文第三段:The time is ripe for the government to pour more resources into boosting the domestic auto industry. #英语一、二作文内容可互相借鉴,请各位粉丝、读者、学员切记!#

45.#经典造句# The new traffic regulation designed to ensure the safety of the public imposes harsher penalties on drivers who run yellow lights. This has sparked a fierce debate nationwide.

46.#精彩造句# Happiness is diversely defined. Personally, happiness is determined by our capacity to love and to be loved.

47.#造句# Regulators should take strong measures against athletes taking stimulants.

Performance-enhancing drugs must be strictly prohibited and eliminated!


1.#精彩造句# Relevant government departments should focus enough attention on this worrisome problem. #晚上有个学生让我造个类似意思的句子,请体会: focus enough attention on 替换 pay enough attention to ; problem 之前加个形容词更好,worrisome 很少见考生用,但是很常见、很地道。#

2.#经典造句# It pains me to say that #thrift# is among the endangered virtues in China.#thrift 这个位置可以根据主题词替换。本句型可以用于负面现象话题。#

3.#partner with 和 forge 都是加分亮点词。#Follow this trio to crack the tough Kaoyan English. /I would partner with Mr. Ding to forge a stronger team to help all the test-takers.

3.What's your vision for the upcoming new year? Mine is to create books and courses of higher quality that no one else can rival.

4.#经典造句,必背!# Law enforcement departments should gear up for a fierce battle against this dangerously prevalent trend. #随手写了个句子送给各位考生,可用于负面社会现象的作文。gear up for sth 准备好某事#

4.#经典造句,必背!# The positive energy flowing out of the picture above is in urgent need of being fostered and advocated on a national scale.#随手写了个句子送给各位考生,可用于正面社会现象的作文。#

5.#造句# Few would like to be a diaosi, or a social and economic loser, for a lifetime.

6.#外刊点睛# In the short term such measures may further damp the supply of credit (抑制信贷供应)to economies(经济体) that sorely need(急需) it. 再写个句子,用于大学生缺乏独立性的话题:Independence is what many college kids sorely need.

6.#经典造句# They say Chinese are innovation-deficit. True, the innovative spirit is what China sorely needs.

7.There is significant discrimination against Henanese in the talent market. Demonizing them is morally unacceptable. 第二句是作者(我)观点句,区分观点句和细节句是重要阅读能力!

8.#Basic Skills Count!# 丁老师,您能帮我看看这句话写的对吗?though educate can sharp moral judgment。# 有严重错误,词性不分。应该是though education can sharpen moral judgment. 13年考生要记住,考场上尽可能减少自己写的句子。14年考生要记住,从现在开始好好强基本功。#

9.随手写个句子给大家: The past couple of years have seen the growing popularity of Weibo, or China's microblogging service. #提示# The past couple of years have seen sth. 是100%的作文都能使用的句型。

9.#经典造句# The past couple of years have seen the growing popularity of car pooling in urban China. #描述现象类句型,属于加分句型,送给各位背诵。car pooling 聽(拼车)可以根据主题词替换。#

10.#句型和词汇替换在阅读考试中常见,表达多样性是高分作文特征!# The number of people with mental disorder is on the rise. = People with mental illness are rising in numbers.=The number of the mentally ill is on an upward trend.

11.政府应该制定法律、发起运动这种句子太常见,不是不能写,但大部分学生写的都是作文书上互相抄来抄去的句子,词汇、句型用法高度雷同,老师会看到吐。送给大家一句我写的预测范文上的一句话:Tightening existing laws and regulations to bring this worrying trend under control would be a must.

12.#诚信缺失是重点写作话题,写两句话送给各位同学。# The loss of honesty is a fatal virus that is plaguing this ancient land. So the man in this picture makes the news.

13.It pays to follow my advice.

14.#经典造句# This would spark off (trigger) greater work enthusiasm from employees and drive up (boost) their job satisfaction. #加分亮点短语:spark off 激发;drive up 提升。刚才随手造了个句子送给大家,可用于20xx年英语二大作文。提示:考试作文短语优先,因为短语比单词字数多。#

15.#举例# Materials of both Chinese and foreign features are indispensable. (indispensable比较难拼,用something that we cannot do without替换,简单、地道而且还多了五个字。语言贫乏,字数来凑,这是考场写作技巧之一。)

16.#举例# It is the same in India and other developing countries. 改进为The

same is true for India and other less developed countries.

17.The dawn is breaking. With the guidance of the Purple Book, a beam of light will be shining through your life!

18.MacBook Air is a fantastic device

19.Your wise option will lay a solid foundation for your success. You have my thanks for your support.

20.If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .

21.Today marks a turning point in your study career!

22.be physically and mentally burnt out 身心疲惫

23.#有感# The self-centered people are those who persistently criticize everybody else as selfish.

24.I was born to embrace keen competitions and tough challenges.

25.one’s last ray of hope 某人的最后一线希望

26.Golden sparkling sentences!

27.#造句# An attacker suspected of mental disorder slashed 22 school kids in Henan province of central China.

27.#经典造句# Despite the latest traumatic event, Americans are divided on imposing tighter curbs on private gun ownership. #结合时事的句子。divide 英语二完形考过;curb 英语一阅读考过。建议背诵!#

27.#美国宪法第二修正案# A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. (管理良好的民兵对保障自由州的安全是必需的,因此人民持有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。)

28.造句:Helping the test-takers on the cliff is at the center of my priorities. 帮助身处险境的考生是我的重中之重。

29.Sirens wailing across Nanjing are a reminder of national humiliation. My thoughts and prayers go to every single victim in the Nanking Massacre. May they rest in eternal peace. Move to strengthen ourselves and our long-suffering country!

30.#evil / treacherous / erroneous way ( road, path )# 邪路,歧途

31.#造句# Amazon.com has patented a mobile phone feature which would release airbags and jets of gas to protect your gadget from impact damage if it slips out of your hands. (本句中有多个重要单词和必背搭配)

32.#图画描写# The picture below features a man savoring Kweichow Moutai and Xinjiang Nut Cake. The term "modest luxury, or low-profile luxury" is employed by some Chinese netizens to depict this scene.

33.To quote Steve Jobs, "Stay hungry, stay foolish."

34.Being too naive is stupidity.

35.#外刊是王道# The EU is different because, since it's a more open system, political parties, interest groups, etc., can demand changes and apply pressure to ensure privacy protections. #interest groups 利益集团;apply pressure 施加压力#

36.Conflicting ideas result in confusion!

37.#外刊点睛# In line with WTO standards, US policy should play by the rules of the international economy. #必背搭配:in line with 符合;play by the rule 遵守规则#

38.#Countdown to One Month 倒计时一个月!# Countless students are prone to indulging themselves in a sea of simulated test questions. They need to rethink this strategy before it is too late. The all-important exam season is only a month a way.

38.Are you prone to mood swings when preparing for the exam?

38.My pleasure. Make a last-ditch effort to prepare for the coming battle with the Purple Book. Success is not a long way off.

39.Do whatever you can to make full use of my books.

40.It is a wise option.

41.You are a visionary student. Stay laser focused on sharpening your basic English skills!

42.#经典造句# China is among the few countries that enjoy an unbroken brilliant culture stretching back millennia and with a unique feature of being inclusive. #用在文化火锅那篇作文中。体会among,以及定语从句、现在分词短语做定语、介词短语做定语三个同样常见于阅读中的语法结构。背!# 43.It pays you to be honest.

44.#外刊点睛# Financial regulators in America were criticised for doing too little about the country's housing bubble. #必背搭配:financial regulator 金融监管机构;be criticized for 因为..而受到批评;housing bubble 房地产泡沫#

44.#housing bubble 可用property bubble替换。替换思维对阅读和写作取得高分至关重要。#外刊例句:As Ireland’s property bubble burst, it triggered a crisis in the public finances. #必背搭配:trigger a crisis 引发危机;public finances 公共财政#


1.#renewable energy 可以用 sustainable energy 替换。替换思维对阅读和写作取得高分至关重要!# 外刊例句:Electricity is the most commonly used #sustainable energy# source for a car.

1.#外刊点睛# Using renewable energy to power electric vehicles will cut down on the carbon emissions created in the process. #必背搭配:renewable energy 可再生能源;electric vehicles 电动汽车;carbon emissions 碳排放;cut down on 减少,削减;可用cut back on, shrink, reduce替换#

2. #外刊是王道# Despite new curbs on offshore exploration after last spring's disastrous BP oil spill, U.S. oil production rose to a seven-year high last year. #必背搭配:curb on sth. (10年Text 2) 对...的限制;oil spill 石油泄漏(替换:oil leak;data leak 数据泄露 07年Text 4)#

3.#造句#Failure often stems from the lack of repetition. 失败常常源自缺乏重复。

4.#造句# Fervent support from readers across the nation #ignites# my passion for work.

4.#外刊点睛# The surge of funds into the market has reignited fears of a new

bubble forming in both the property and share markets. #必背搭配:surge into 涌入;reignite fears 重燃恐惧、担忧;the property and share markets 房地产和股票市场# #经济类文章是考研重点话题#

4.#surge 可以用 pour 替换。替换思维对阅读和作文取得高分都非常重要。#

【外刊例句】:The #pouring of funds into# a private system at the expense of our public institutions must stop.

5.#外刊点睛# The country has plenty of problems, including a succession of governments addicted to financial regulation. #a succession of 一连串,一系列;be addicted to 沉溺于,沉迷于;financial regulation 金融监管#

6.Drink a cup of coffee and continue to work late into the cold night.

7.#精彩造句# To my dismay, myriads of people have not yet recognized that the nation's environmental protection system is, to put it gently, imperfect. #用在20xx年英语一大作文,好几个加分亮点;the nation's environmental protection system 可以根据主题词进行替换。送给各位朋友。#

8.We are aimed at taking a bite out of the rival Yellow Book's market share with uniqueness and creativeness.

9.It is no easy job. You are bound to be a winner in the upcoming fiercely competitive battle.

10.If you rest, you rust.

11.Time is running out. Step up your efforts to increase your chances of squeezing into your dream graduate school.

12.It's well into the night. Are you staying up late for the looming exams?

13.It's worth your time and money to dig deep into the Purple Books.

14.This book increases your chances of breaking into Fudan University.

15.Nokia will make a comeback. 诺基亚将卷土重来。

16.#经典造句# High achievers believe they can make a difference, and they move forward with that belief.

17.Writing first-rate books suitable for students on the real test has been my dream.

18.A student told me the other day he didn't opt for the Purple Book because he's surrounded by the Yellow Books. What a pity! Wish him good luck all the same.

18.It comes as no surprise that a host of students fear attempting new, innovative things because they are not risk takers. Relying on word-of-mouth marketing is the best long-term policy.

19.The task of perfecting testing techniques isn't accomplished.

20.#外刊是王道# Part of the jump in box-office revenue #is down to# increased ticket prices. But attendances are also up nearly 5 per cent. (票房收入大幅上升的部分原因是票价提高。但上座率也上升了将近5%。)

20.#经典造句# The failure of far too many students can be put down to a lack of execution. #be put down to 在哪一年考过?重要的原因考点!#

21.Following us closely can ignite your potential and boost test performance.

22.You have my heartfelt thanks!

23.Many papers stayed afloat by pushing journalists overboard.许多报纸通过


24.#经典造句# With a handsome appearance and superb football skills, Beckham has earned himself a legion of #devoted# fans the world over. Clearly, both folks in this picture are among them.

24.#外刊是王道# The best people in any field are those who devote the most hours to what the researchers call "deliberate practice." #强大的实力是怎么得来的?是通过deliberate practice!这个短语在哪一年真题考过?考查下你对真题的熟悉程度。#

24.#经典造句# All top performers reach the very top only after immensely long hours of#deliberate practice#. #very, only, immensely 是强调词,如果在阅读中是标志重点信息,为潜在考点#

25.Are you noisily dozing off in college?

26.Driving in drizzling Changsha.

27.#再来一例#【通过阅读记忆单词最有效】08阅读原文:Adeline..., but was #determined#to finish college. 演讲原文:I return to the White House more #determined# and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead.

27.【推荐精读 — 奥巴马胜选演说】I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, #despite# all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us...#despite sth. to the contrary 在哪一年完形考过?这一题正确率很低。#

27.08真题阅读原文:Works of several historians reveal the moral #compromises made# by the nation’s early leaders ... 演讲原文:#...making the difficult compromises# needed to move this country forward. #

28.Last night on the Beijing subway I spotted two men hugging and kissing. It is a small wonder.

29.#经典造句# Despite surging popularity of social networking sites among young netizens, little attention has been paid to the risk of technological addiction which could be damaging to their psychological health. #两句话充满各种加分亮点,送给大家背诵。#

29.#造句# Despite making us more easily connected than ever before, the Internet, the most transformative invention of the last century, alienates us from each other. #alienate为20xx年大纲新增词汇#

30.You are less than two months away from the battle that determines your fate. I would like to serve as your compass through the darkest of storms.

31.Are you proud of being single? Do you desire to be involved in a romantic relationship?

32.If winter comes, can kaoyan be far behind?

33.#外刊是王道# Many retirees will struggle to manage on a rapidly shrinking pension that will have to cover rising living costs as well as pay off debts. #retiree(哪一年考过?) = pensioner ;cover the cost 哪一年考过?#

34.The fate of far too many people is preordained because they have chosen a wrong path, a path that leads to failure.

35.Zero hour is coming soon. Guys, stay focused and motivated! Success

doesn't automatically belong to you.

36.#造句# Romney would be a fading memory.

37.#造句# Being able to handle the section of Reading Comprehension well, especially Part A, means the difference between success and failure.

38.#经典造句# Uncontrolled human activities, coupled with the lack of emphasis on education, pose a grave threat to the fragile environment. (用于20xx年英语一大作文。恰当使用插入语是高分作文特征。)

38.#外刊是王道# This, #coupled with# rising raw material costs, has led to pressure on its profit margins. #coupled with 加上(哪一年阅读出现过这个短语?);profit margin 利润率,利润空间#

39. #外刊是王道# We have seen an increase in the number of people with mental health problems, #but this is because# they are being diagnosed and counted better than they were in the past. #but this is because 这个结构哪一年考过?当年正确率极低!精读真题、外刊文章,多总结,得高分!#

40.#外刊是王道# The result was that the presidential race reached a tipping point. #tipping point 引爆点、临界点、转折点。这个用法在哪篇阅读中出现过?# #造句# The Purple Books help you reach the tipping point of success.

41.#外刊是王道# Pursuing further research may involve, at a subsequent stage, the acquisition of a doctoral degree. #the acquisition of a doctoral degree 获得博士学位(20xx年英语一新题型考查)#

42.It is #a shame# that Romney could identify no more market-friendly options to curb the problem of under-insurance #a shame 可惜。这个短语在哪一年考过?注意:口语中的用法在外刊中很常见,平时即使娱乐时看看美剧也要学点用法,说不定考试时会在阅读中作为考点。#

42.#外刊是王道# Mitt Romney is straight up lying to the American people, intentionally misquoting sound clips of Barack Obama. #straight up 直接,坦率。这个短语在哪一年考过?#

43.#外刊是王道# Most people tend to follow rules they #accept as# fair, even when they have the opportunity and a strong incentive to break them. #accept as 认为,承认。这个短语在哪一年哪个题型考过?#

44.It's worth your effort to read our books! 加分句型:It's worth one's effort to do sth.

45.Your words spur me on! Throw yourself into this book!


1.#造句# We lead the pack precisely because we know where your weaknesses are.

1.#外刊是王道# Precisely because of big banks' easier access to financial markets, they rely less on deposits for their funding.#precisely because 正因为,恰恰因为;20xx年Text 3 考查#

2.#造句# Put trust in Diandian and take a lead over your competitors. #写作加分亮点:put trust in sb. 信任某人; take a lead over sb. 领先某人#

2.#造句# This is the first time Mitt Romney has taken a slim / slight / modest (三个词可互相替换) lead over President Obama in Ohio, a state that is

widely considered (to be 或 as, 可以省略) a must-win for both candidates. (Romney 50%, Obama 48% )

3.The Purple Book moves you ever closer to your dream. #体会俺用的动词move#

4.Thanks to trust from the readers, my confidence is sky high. By word of mouth, we are making strides with each passing day.

5.This unique book enables you to leap ahead over your obstacles.

6.送给紫宝书的读者们一句我写的话:Being an early adopter requires courage, wisdom and enthusiasm for something new or different, qualities that often separate high achievers from the crowd.

7.You have my sincere thanks! I'm working feverishly.

8. I'm working feverishly.'m working feverishly.

9. Those tasting ultimate success are always in the minority

9.You said it. This is a sad truth of the world. Step up your efforts, guys!

10.Following our advice would boost your score.

11.Thank you. Your words warm me. All the best wishes for you.

12.Thirty nine years ago today, I came to this world, destined to have you as my brother. My thanks go to everyone who loves me, especially my mother. It's a pity that this is a birthday without my family becasue I am in Tsingtao giving lectures.

13.A rapidly growing share of test-takers opt for believing in our team. Thank you for your trust!

14.The Purple Book stays far ahead in the essay writing section.

15.#外刊是王道# Hedge funds appear to be off their radar screens because they have found it easy to generate returns in the white-hot high-yield bond market. <对冲基金似乎正淡出他们的视线。因为他们发现,在白热化的高收益债券市场创造(获取)回报很容易。> #经济类文章是考研重点题材#

16.#外刊是王道# Indeed, many commentators #split Americans into# two opposing groups: uncompromising supporters of unfettered free markets and advocates for government solutions to economic problems. #split...into 将...分为;本短语在20xx年英语二Text 2 29题直接考查#

17.Believe in me, believe in yourself, and believe in my books that can help you out of the quagmire and get you on a right track to success. #排比句属于写作加分亮点,其中几个地道用法同学们也可以背一下。#

18.WP scored 255 out of 300 in specialized courses. Not a bad score.

19.最后的救命稻草 life-saving straw

20.#造句# ① I fervently hope that the government would enact laws and regulations to #get us back on track# to a sound environment. ② As college costs continue to #rocket#, we should find ways to #lighten the financial burden# on our parents. #rocket 在哪一年阅读中出现过?#【背】

20.#外刊点睛# To quote Romney, "I want to get us on track to a balanced budget, and I'm going to reduce the tax burden on middle income families." #get sb. on track 让某人步入正轨;reduce the burden on sb. 减轻某人的负担; relieve / cut / ease / lower / lighten 可以替换reduce#

21.May God bless you and curse that thief.

22.#外刊是王道# Both candidates are receiving ridiculous amounts of funding to use towards creating a storm of negative ads. #a storm of negative ads 一场负面广告风暴;记得a storm of 在哪篇完形中考过吗?那篇完形难度不低,值得好好研究。#

23.This book is a fantastic read if you are having trouble with your English. It is your lifesaver. Good luck! May God, Buddha and Diandian bless you!

24.集束炸弹 cluster bomb

25.Purple suggests a sense of something out of the ordinary.

25.These books abound with tips and strategies for doing your best.

26.#外刊是王道# Is Apple's case against Samsung based on shaky evidence? #shaky evidence 站不住脚的、不可靠的证据 <20xx年翻译46题直接考查>

【 提醒】:超精解翻译解析之后【拓展练习】的句子结构和考点句结构类似,起到强化对重要结构考点理解的作用,务必好好研究#

27.#外刊是王道# Romney could end up outspending Obama. #end up doing 以..而告终<20xx年完形第二题直接考查>#

28.It pays to remain positive when you are feeling #absolutely awful.#(可以用在12年英语一作文中)

29.Thanks for listening to my course and lending me your support.

30.#外刊点睛# President Obama appears to be in serious trouble in Florida, America's biggest battleground state. New polls points show Florida is shifting significantly toward the Republican nominee Mitt Romney. #battleground state 战场州;shift significantly toward 显著地转向..#

31.#外刊是王道# As a condition of being allowed to provide its services within the country, Google agreed to have its search results censored. #as a condtion of ... 作为...的条件<20xx年英语一阅读27题直接考查>#

32.#造句# Mo Yan pocketed the Nobel Prize in Literature. #体会形象而地道的pocket#

33.#外刊点睛# In what Republicans are heralding as an attempt to chart a new course for America in international affairs, Mitt Romney on Monday outlined the key elements of what will become his foreign policy if elected president. #herald 为大纲新增单词;动词后跟as是重要考点#

33.#外刊是王道# Apple co-founder Steve Jobs apparently envisioned an Apple-made automobile as a future project ahead of his death. # envision sth. as 将某物设想(预想,想象,视)为 <20xx年英语一完形第10题直接考查,正确率很低>#

34.Major national polls show Romney now holds a slight edge over Obama after his historic debate win.

34.This book enables you to have an edge over your competitors.

35.#外刊点睛# Ten years from now, word processing may have migrated to the ―cloud‖. #地道加分亮点:ten years from now 十年后;migrate to 迁移到,可以用 switch / transit / move / shift to 替换。语言表达多样性(替换思维)对阅读和写作非常重要#

36.Speculation is highly risky.

37.It pays you to savor slowly.

38.With three months to go, are you gathering pace and racing towards the finishing line?

39.If your weight goes into the obese range, your overall health will be greatly undermined. Brother Pei, stick to your weight-loss goal!

40.【美国大选首场电视辩论后民调】#外刊点睛# 67% of registered voters who watched the debate said Romney won the debate, while 25% said Obama came out as the winner.#体会考点词 while和won the debate = came out as the winner 之间的替换#

41.Reading is a pleasurable way of relaxing and enjoying some quality time alone.


1.#外刊是王道# #Unveiled 公布,推出# earlier this month in New York, Nokia is #banking on 指望# the Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 smartphones to turn around its #flagging fortunes 萎靡的运势# in the high-end smartphone market. #turn around 使...好转<06年完形16题直接考查>#

2.补充一个必背搭配:gender inequality 性别不平等

2.#外刊点睛# The main culprit behind increasing poverty rates and income inequality is the high and persistent level of the unemployment rate. #culprit为20xx年考研大纲新增词汇#

2.补充:#Obesity# seems to be a main #culprit#; the authors found #a high correlation 高度相关性# between rising rates of #diabetes# and a rise in #body mass index 身体质量指数#.

3.Count down begins, 100 days to go!

4.#外刊点睛# The biggest divide is over whether to raise the debt ceiling in one phase or two. (最大的分歧在于是一次性还是分两个阶段提高债务上限。 )# the divide over sth. 绝对的重要考点;经济类文章是重要考查题材,经常比较难懂,外刊超精读书中相关文章务必仔细研读!#

4.再添一句:ALMOST everyone takes it for granted that a failure to raise the debt ceiling will eventually force the United States to #default on 违约,拖欠# its Treasury debt. #default属于20xx年大纲新增词汇# raise the debt ceiling 提高债务上限

5.#经典造句# Most iPhones are #unethically# made by Foxconn, whose employees are allegedly working in #deplorable# conditions. #ethic, deplore是大纲新增单词,其同源单词也需掌握#

6.Romney campaign's efforts came to naught.

7.I have a driving force within me that doesn't allow me to quit my journey half-way.

8.Your effort will pay off.

9.#外刊点睛# ①The modern lifestyle of super-sized french fries often takes the blame for the rising rates of obesity and diabetes. ②Obesity is one of the biggest factors in developing diabetes. # obesity, diabetes为大纲新增单词。take the blame for 为...承担责任;develop 患#

10.再添一句:A U.S. judge hearing the high-profile Apple-Samsung patent infringement dispute turned down Apple’s request to #defer September 20 hearing 推迟听证#.

11.再添一句:Uncovering the #embryo# of a fossilized #dinosaur# is no easy task.

12.#经典造句# We are dedicated to pioneering more effective solutions to your English needs.

13.unique features 独到之处

14.#经典造句# A destructively massive meteorite strike has long been considered the main culprit in (for / behind) triggering the extinction of the dinosaurs. #culprit, dinosaur 是大纲新增单词。注意体会本句所用加分句型sth. has long been considered...和亮点动词trigger#

15.【外刊是王道】#外刊点睛# Statistics that show obesity is a growing problem prompted an overhaul of the nation's school lunch menus. #一个句子包含三个大纲新增单词:statistics 统计(数据);obesity 肥胖; overhaul 彻底革新(改革)#

16.According to Greene's brain scans, the second #scenario#--the "up close and personal" intervention, he calls it--more thoroughly excites parts of the brain linked to emotion than does the lever-pulling scenario. #scenario 是大纲新增单词。记得是外刊书哪篇文章的句子吗?#

17.补充:网络的同义表达:the interconnected world/net / Internet / web / www/ network / cyber/cyberspace / the virtual world / the electronic world / the wired world 等,在考研阅读中反复出现,在考研写作中也可以使用。

17.#20xx年考研英语真题考点冲刺#The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastry of the electronic world. (20xx年真题阅读)

18.Spread, download, print and digest it!

19.#外刊是王道# It has #begun a crackdown on 开始打击# Twitter users and #bloggers 博客作者# using their #online presence 网络影响力# to #endorse products 公开支持某些产品# and companies, without clearly stating their relationship with the brand. #blog, endorse都属于大纲新增单词#

19.#外刊点睛# Arnie -Gullov-Singh, founder of Ad.ly, a company that pays celebrities to endorse products from shampoos to shoes via Twitter, believes ―celebrities are the driving force of social media‖. (celebrity 名人;endorse products 代言或公开支持某些产品)

20.Today marks the 81st anniversary of the September 18 Incident that triggered Japan's invasion of China.

21.#造句# The movie made its debut in the U.S. last week and was heralded as the first serious look at boomers facing the daunting reality of the Great Recession. (debut, herald, daunt, recession属于大纲新增60词)

21.#大纲新增词汇#The iPhone 5’s marketplace #debut# is Sept. 21, and nobody seems to doubt that customers will form a lengthy line around many Apple stores in order to get their hands on the device.#debut 首次推出某产品<->launch/introduction#

22.Retweeting but not commenting is a virtue. 转而不评是美德。

23., in which...是常见的非限制性定语从句标志,which指analysis。再举一例:Companies that are accepted into the VCSP must enter into a closing agreement with the IRS, in which, among other things, they agree to prospectively treat the workers as employees. which指agreement。基本功!

24.#60词解读# #造句# Some of his die-hard fans still pledge allegiance to him even if they know he is actually a despicable thief violating basic ethics. #pledge allegiance to sb. 对某人宣誓效忠;allegiance和ethic属于今年大纲新增60个词汇#

24.#学点英语# 由于用户设置,你无法回复评论。翻译:Due to the user's privacy settings, you are unable to reply to comments. Please click to view the enlarged image. (请点击看大图。)

24.#60词解读# #造句# Some of his die-hard fans still pledge allegiance to him even if they know he is actually a despicable thief violating basic ethics. #pledge allegiance to sb. 对某人宣誓效忠;allegiance和ethic属于今年大纲新增60个词汇#

25.We steer you onto an expressway to success. 我们带你进入成功的快车道。

26.#造句# Qihoo 360 has dropped Google as its default search engine and started using its own instead, a move some analysts argue aimed at taking a bite out of the monopolistic market share of baidu, China's search champion. #包含多个必背搭配#

26.#default# 大纲新增词汇之一。再如:default option 默认(缺省)选项。

27.#大纲新增重点词汇# It's time to start looking for the environmental culprits responsible for the remarkable increase in the rate of autism in California # culprit# 罪人,问题的根源,问题的起因# 另外,be responsible for也是阅读中的重点搭配,因果关系考点,remarkable increase

28.#造句# A Jiangxi college fresher named Fuck Japan has reportedly dropped out of school following an Internet buzz about his peculiar name. Internet buzz 网络热议

29.#造句# The iPhone 5 is more of an evolutionary than a revolutionary device. #记得more of...than...这个考点结构哪一年出现过吗?#

30.#外刊点睛# For the vast majority of the 500-plus students who graduate each year in Kalamazoo, a better future really does await after they collect their diplomas. #the vast majority of 绝大部分;体会plus和collect用的妙#

31.I’m actually a very nice person, until you piss me off.我其实是个很好的人,直到你惹毛了我。

32.I'm at a loss for words.

33.#造句# The handout, which is in the pipeline, will undoubtedly give you a much needed shot in the arm.

34.#外刊例句# Chennai: Government has responded to the slide in the growth rate by formulating an action plan to spur the economy which is expected to#bounce back# and resume high growth trajectory, Shipping Minister G K Vasan said Tuesday. #bounce back<->rebound#

34.#外刊点睛# As the country’s economy rebounds, many of these differences will probably persist. #重点核心动词:rebound 反弹;persist 持续#

35.#关心时事,学习英语# 国有化(nationalize v. nationalization n. 反:privatize, privatization);领土完整(territorial integrity);领海基线(baseline of territorial sea;记得baseline在哪篇阅读中出现过吗?)

36.#经典造句# People usually think of adversities as misfortunes, but there are often opportunities in them. (用在20xx年英语一大作文)

36.#外刊点睛# A headache is #usually# a minor ailment, #but# it can be a sign of a serious problem. #20xx年英语一阅读理解第一篇也考查了usually与but之间的对比关系,从而引出文章主题#

37.#外刊点睛# The iPhone 5, which Apple Inc. plans to #release 发布# this week, could #get credit for something 因为某事而受到好评、赞扬# Congress, the White House and#Federal Reserve 美联储,省略board# have struggled to do: boosting the U.S. economy in a measurable way.

38.#写作闪光词积累# Genetically modified foods are #a contentious issue#. #a contentious/controversial issue一个争议的话题# #四六级常用句型# Admittedly, this is a highly contentious issue. When people speak of it, their perceptions vary enormously.

39.Our books enable you to leave your rivals in the dust. #leave sb. in the dust 使某人望尘(dust)莫及。哪年完形考过?#

40.#问题# #造句# Do you have a strong desire to live a life of dignity? ( an intense 替换a strong;lead 替换 live)你有过一个有尊严的生活的强烈欲望吗?

41.#外刊点睛# The Chinese government #pledged to 誓言,保证# defend its #territorial sovereignty 领土主权# Wednesday as reports #surfaced 出现,显现# that the Japanese government was in talks to purchase a #disputed 有争议的# set of islands which both countries claim.

42.#外刊点睛# The task for Democrats in the House was to draft a stimulus plan that was timely, targeted and temporary. 众议院民主党人的任务是起草一项及时的、目标明确的、暂时性的刺激计划。#draft a stimulus plan 起草一项刺激计划;introduce a draft bill (提出一项草案)哪年完形考过?#

43.Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that grow forever.

44.Many thanks! Put your heart and soul into kaoyan and you are bound to succeed in 2013!

45.#造句# My utmost respect goes to the most dedicated teachers in rural and remote China.

45.We should honor them for their sacrifices and contributions.

46.Thank you for giving me strength to keep on going!

47.A wealth of test-takers are caught in a hopeless quagmire.

48.For if I help the world to grow in wisdom and in grace, then, I shall feel that I have won and I have fillled my place -----By James J.Metcalf.

49.This is the world's most tragic thing!

50.This is the source of my strength, satisfaction, happiness and pride.

51.#造句# Far too many students will learn the hard way the crucial importance

of reading intensively.

52.#感悟# #造句# The use of deferential language is sadly lacking in China. It's a shame! Take time to reflect on yourself.

53.亮点!brand, notably, come under fire, a string of, trigger#经典造句# Japanese automobile brands, notably Toyota, have come under fire for a string of recall incidents, which triggers the decline of their market share. #用在英语二20xx年图表作文里#

53.#外刊点睛# Apple is under fire for approving a controversial iPhone app created by a religious organization that seeks to help gay individuals become heterosexual. #20xx年英语二Part A阅读理解第一篇直接考查。原文是be under fire for 题干用be criticized for替换#

54.These books are worth recommending.

55.#外刊点睛# Contrary to the new results, federal data show a decline in child abuse in 2008. #contrary to 与...相反;child abuse 虐待儿童#

56.I am right behind you.

57.A good teacher can change the trajectory of a student's life. This is what I strive to be!

58.There is power in cooperation!

59.We accompany you to success.

60.Diandian is dedicated to helping kaoyaners realize dreams.#be dedicated to doing sth 致力于做某事#

61.#外刊点睛# Free Wi-Fi service is becoming an important tool for operators in maintaining quality mobile service during a time of skyrocketing data traffic. # skyrocketing data traffic 飙升的数据流量;skyrocketing 是英语二图表作文加分亮点;traffic 熟词僻义,为考研词汇重要考查方向#

62.COSCO, as the State-owned shipping line formed in 1961 is known, officially landed in the U.S. by registering COSCO Americas in California in 1982. #As...... is known正如人们所知; State-owned 国有;land 登陆,入驻。#

63.#经典造句# Currently, college graduates might have a difficult time landing a decent job.

63.#外刊点睛# Some analysts say Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank's president, might#have a difficult time 很难# convincing investors that the bank will #take decisive action against 对 ...采取决定性行动# the euro debt crisis.

64.#外刊点睛# The proportions of undergraduates and homeless young adults #accessing social networking sites 访问社交网站# are similar. #形近易混词assess#

65.#造句# Never take a break from fighting for your dream!

66.#写作闪光词积累# Mr Yang joins a multitude of Chinese tourists venturing abroad. #a multitude of替换many 大量的,许多# venture overseas 替换 venture abroad

67.#外刊点睛# Amazon is planning an advertising-supported tablet computer that will be priced lower than similar models. #tablet computer 平板电脑; price v. 定价#

68.#外刊点睛# Japan's Sharp hasn't started #mass producing 量产# screens for Apple's next iPhone, #signaling 显示,标志# potential supply problems for the U.S. company as it#gears up to 准备好# #unveil 推出# its next-generation smartphone next month.

69.#造句# Naocan, a term coined by Chinese netizens, refers to someone who has a "handicapped" brain full of unanswerable questions and ridiculous ideas. #一个句子包含几个语法重点:插入语,过去分词、形容词做后置定语,定语从句。#


1.wp, take your aim at a successful school year! Diandian fighters, you are embarking on a path of no return, you are fighting an uphill battle!

1.#外刊点睛# Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president and took aim at Barack Obama as a failed steward of the nation's economy. #accept the nomination 接受提名;take aim at 瞄准,以...为目标;failed steward 失败的管家,管理人。知道steward在哪年的真题出现过 吗?#

2.#造句# There #sits# a cultural hot pot in the picture.#10年大作文#/

2.#汉译英# 我的书桌上有两本丁先生写的书。 On my desk sit two books authored by Mr.Ding.

3.#造句# I am writing to recommend a hit film to you - The Love of the Hawthorn Tree, which is opening across the country to rave reviews now. #20xx年英语一小作文# #open to rave reviews获得热烈好评,a hit film热门、卖座的电影#

3.我也来写个句子: This movie has received universal critical acclaim and landed multiple award nominations. #两个动宾搭配好好背,属于加分亮点!#

4.#造句# If you want to be #outstanding#, you will need to find a way to #stand out#!

5.Writing a high-scoring essay involves following these guidelines.

6.I would never buy zombie followers, re-tweets and comments to make myself look more popular even if it costs mere pennies.

7.Are you under a massive amount of stress?

8.heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, 这世界真是丰富多彩。

9.#Tips# Guys, you would be well advised to strengthen your English muscle to the maximum extent prior to the exam for the sake of increasing the odds of your success.Work feverishly towards your target!

10.brain-imaging 是大脑成像,不是大脑图像,更不是什么大脑想象!#形近词混淆在所有题型中都是造成失分的重要因素,要高度重视。特此提醒,希望大家转发,转给更多的同学看到!#

10.#外刊点睛# Recent brain-imaging studies suggest that areas of the brain involved in mood, concentration and conscious thought are hyperconnected, which scientists believe could lead to the problems with focus, anxiety and memory frequently seen in depression. 近期的脑成像研究表明,大脑中涉及到情绪、注意力和有意识思考的区域是超度(过度)连接的,科学家们相信这会导致抑郁症中常见的与注意力、焦虑和记忆力相关的问题。

11.#Breaking News# #造句# According to reliable sources, the preliminary examination of China's annual National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates 2013 will be unexpectedly given in Jan. 5th and 6th, 2013. Time is running out. Seize every second!

12.#造句# Qihoo 360 has dropped Google as its default search engine and started using its own instead, a move some analysts argue aimed at taking a bite out of the monopolistic market share of baidu, China's search champion. #包含多个必背搭配#

13.#外刊点睛# The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung’s copying went far deeper than even we knew. #mountain的用法形象、地道#

14.High scores speak the loudest. Fight for yourself. Fight for diandian.


16.#造句# Zuoyeben, an intensely popular microblogger, has made a comeback to Sina Weibo after being banned from the site in June, which is in some degree indicative of China's progress.

17.#造句# Grave pollution is suffocating urban China.

17.中国的城市化英语是:China's urbanization 或 the urbanization of China #细节是魔鬼!考研英语要求精确理解原文,加强精读、超精读对很多学生来说刻不容缓。#

18.【打通阅读和写作】 #造句# Exceptional mental toughness has been one of the conditions for Chamberlain's stunning success. 非凡的坚韧不拔的精神是张伯伦获得惊人成功的条件之一。#exceptional, stunning是加分亮点# (主题词换一下可以用在很多作文中!)张伯伦在哪篇阅读中出现过,记得吗?

18.#外刊点睛# Emerging East Asia's exceptional economic openness has been one of the conditions for its great economic success. (新兴的东亚国家异乎寻常的经济开放度是其取得巨大经济成功的条件之一。 )

19.Have you reached a plateau in your learning?

20.#七夕快乐!# Happy Qixi, the Chinese version of St. Valentine's Day! #version 可以用 equivalent 替换#

21.I want to exert huge efforts in pursuit of my dream,but I failed to persist and control myself.I harbor the idea that I stand a slim chance of success. Thanks Frank Ding,I know what I can do.

22.#Three Conditions for Success成功三条件#It has long been known that students who possess persistence,self-control and fairly remarkable English literacy ,big advantages over those who pin their hopes on parents failing to center on children's education ,are more likely to earn a top degree.

23.#学英语:三个知道 Three Knows; 三个代表 Three Represents; 地铁报 metro newspaper#

24.Set a specific goal and relentlessly pursue it!

24.#造句# I am in pursuit of being the best that I can be! #背!#

24.#替换#pursue=in pursuit of #造句# For the past couple of decades, China has exerted huge efforts in pursuit of vibrant economic growth.

25.#回忆# #造句# Way back in the 1980s, this little Zen Buddhist monk won the hearts of a whole generation of Chinese. #体会way表强调,加强语气;little Zen Buddhist monk 禅宗小和尚;win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心;a whole generation 整整一代(whole也表强调)#

26.I highly recommend this book to anyone who aspires to score high in intermediate or advanced English exams, with no exception to CET-4 and CET-6. It is available in amazon.cn, dangdang.com, and 360buy.com.

27.#外刊点睛# It's absurd to expect children who grew up in poverty, with parents who, for example, dropped out of school, to appreciate the value of education without giving them immediate rewards for taking school seriously. 对于那些在贫困中长大并且父母有着诸如辍学之类经历的孩子而言,如果不能从认真上学之中获得即时的回报,那么期待他们能领悟教育的价值则是很荒谬的。

27.#造句# It's absurd to expect people who always look on the negative side to achieve high personal goals in life. (12年大作文)

28.#感悟# #造句# Life often sucks, but an optimistic guy can turn it around.(可用于12年英语一大作文) #turn sth around 在06完形16题考查,正确率很低# 背!

29.#外刊点睛# How can fast-growing economies ensure that the poor, the disadvantaged, those in remote areas, benefit as well? #fast-growing economies 增长迅速的经济体;ensure 保证,确保;the disadvantaged 弱势群体;remote areas 偏远地区#

30.#时事学英语# #错把英菲尼迪当奇瑞# #造句# According to an anonymous netizen, an Infiniti was mistaken for a Chery by anti-Japanese protesters in a Chinese city, thus escaping from being smashed and overturned. #be mistaken for 被误认为#

31.#学英语# #翻译# Canon: Capture Every Wonderful Moment of Boycotting Japanese Products.

31.#时事学英语# #造句# 100-plus years after the Boxer Rebellion, boycotting Japanese products remains a rallying cry for many Chinese. (义和团运动一百多年了,抵制日货仍是许多中国人的战斗口号。)# rallying cry在07完形15题直接考查过。#

31.#造句# Amid an upsurge of anti-Japanese sentiment, some nationalist netizens are calling on all Chinese to teach the Japs a lesson by boycotting Japanese goods.

32.#外刊点睛# The recession and stiff competition from European rivals hurt Lexus, which is hoping its emphasis on hybrid models will differentiate it from the pack. #亮点:differentiate it from the pack 使...脱颖而出;可替换为separate it from the pack;set it apart from the pack#

32.#造句# A host of high-achievers invariably place considerable emphasis on cultivating an optimistic mindset, setting them apart from the pack. #20xx年英语一大作文#

33.#写作闪光词积累# #In an effort to# curb fraud and plagiarism in higher-learning institutions, the Ministry of Education began soliciting public opinion on draft regulations that will govern how those who commit such

infractions will be punished. #in an effort to替换in order to#

34.#外刊点睛# Japan's foreign ministry appointed Doraemon, a robot cat who travels in time and produces miracles of technology from his pockets, as Japan's "anime cultural ambassador".#foreign ministry 外务省(外交部);appoint sb. as 将某人任命为;produce miracles 创造奇迹#

34.亮点短语produce miracles 可以用 #更亮的work miracles# 替换。#打通阅读和写作# #造句# Faith can work miracles. (句子短而地道。替换主语faith,就可以应用在很多作文中。)#狂背!#

35.#外刊点睛# The consequences of losing the lawsuit would be dire for HTC – half of its revenues come from the US – but there may be a silver lining. #dire consequences严重的的后果;lose the lawsuit败诉;revenue营收;a silver lining一线希望(在英语一和二的阅读A中都直接考查过#

36.#造句# A person with a strong internal drive will #relentlessly pursue# his or her target and be more likely to #thrive# in the #stiff competition#. 关于个人成功所需要的品质的漫画作文常考,所以这个包含好几个词汇亮点的句子必背!

37.#外刊点睛# The chaos highlights the vulnerability of even the best-protected websites and could shake public confidence in the booming global e-commerce economy.#vulnerability 脆弱性,弱点(07年Text 4 直接考查;亮点短语:shake confidence 动摇信心;booming economy 繁荣的经济#

37.#打通阅读和写作!##造句# Their confidence would not be shaken no matter what the adversity or challenge is. #可以用在07或12年英语一大作文中# 背!!!

38.#造句# Okinawa police arrested five H.K. patriotic activists who rented a boat to protest Japan's claim of sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, known as Senkaku Islands in Japan.

39.Congrats! You have made a wise choice.

40.#造句# Despite fierce / violent / stiff / keen / cut-throat competition, our business in 2012 saw / witnessed robust growth. #我写的这个句子也必须背一下,体会替换,以及加分搭配robust growth 强劲增长#

40.#外刊点睛# Despite global economic uncertainty and a tightening credit market in China, the trust sector in 2011 saw tremendous growth. (尽管全球经济形势动荡,信贷市场紧缩,但信托行业在20xx年却实现了巨大的增长。)#体会despite, see的用法和几个基于名词的搭配。本句很值得背诵。#

41.#外刊点睛#纽约时报文章标题: Ryan Has Kept Close Ties to Donors on the Right #重要核心替换,考研多次考查:keep close ties to = keep close links to = be closely / intimately linked with(to) #

42.#外刊点睛# Nippon Steel is seven weeks away from formally #merging with 与...合并#Sumitomo Metal Industries to form the world's second-biggest steelmaker by output after ArcelorMittal. #体会after的用法#

43.#Breaking News# Robber Zhou Kehua was shot dead by Chongqing police and army this morning.

44.#写作加分表达积累# This trend involves a multitude of factors. #亮点:involve 涉及;a multitude of 许多的,大量的#

45.#外刊点睛# Motorola Mobility, the ailing cellphone maker that Google bought in May, told employees Sunday that it would lay off 20 percent of its work force and close a third of its 94 offices worldwide. #ailing 境况不佳的;buy=acquire 收购;lay off 解雇#

46.#外刊点睛# The closing ceremony of the London Games was filled with memorable performances by iconic British stars, including the Who, Eric Idle, Russell Brand, Fatboy Slim and the Spice Girls. #closing ceremony闭幕式;memorable performance令人难忘的表演;iconic star偶像明星#

46.#造句# Ge You's performance in the movie is memorable and touching. #用于20xx年英语一小作文#

47.#造句# Curiosity's safe landing on the Red Planet marks a giant leap for technology. #亮点:giant leap 巨大飞跃,巨大进展(步)#

47.Never can Apple make a gaint leap for digital produts without its persistent innovation.

48.#外刊点睛# 纽约时报文章标题:N.Y.C. Homeless Shelters in Record Demand; New Facilities Planned #shelter在06年那篇讲美国无家可归的人的完形第12题考查过。外刊是王道!#

49.Mr. Mao #would have loved# the microblogging site.

50.Have chengguan, or urban management officers, been sent in to hunt down the hijacker?

51.#外刊点睛# Opponents of the policy argue that it is ill-timed, given a dismal job market that is especially grim for Americans under 30 who do not have college degrees. #观点句。体会修饰job market的dismal和grim两个形容词;given=considering#

52.#Room for Debate# They say Liu Xiang aspires to compete in the Brazil Olympics. Personally, Liu should quit the game to enjoy his life. You are welcome to voice your opinion about this in English.

53.Abu has burnt midnight oil for three consecutive days / for three successive days / for three days in a row.

54.We power and accelerate your success!

55.The power of web shopping has revolutionized the way we buy books.

56.Believe it or not, this is real feedback from a real reader.Diandian is speeding up.

57.#造句# Haikui, a threatening typhoon that is lashing the Yangtze River Delta, has paralyzed bullet trains and airlines. #随时随地学英语#

58.#风# typhoon 台风;hurricane 飓风;cyclone 龙卷风,旋风;breeze 微风

59.#紫宝书# Purple suggests a sense of something out of the ordinary.

60.#外刊例句 Obama's handling of health care reform has sharply divided America.# 此处divided可以用split替换

60.#造句# A world-renowned hurdler, an idol who once enjoyed immense popularity and was the source of national pride, has divided Chinese.

61.There were way too high expectations for Liu Xiang.

62.先看下图片第三处红线的文字:It is wrong to suggest, as many of the critics do, that we singled her out because of her nationality. 这可以出一道阅读题,考


63.#外刊点睛# There is little doubt that Nokia will launch a N8 successor highlighting a high-definition camera. #句型:There is little doubt that...几乎没有疑问的是,几乎毫无疑问的是。语气比There is no doubt要缓和点。#

64.The newly launched/released/issued policy targets not the general public but real estate speculators.

64.#外刊点睛# As housing costs on China's mainland skyrocket -- raising concerns of a property bubble there -- monied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain. #housing costs 住房成本;skyrocket 飙升;property bubble 房地产泡沫#

65.#外刊点睛# Huawei is becoming an increasingly powerful global player, capable of going head-to-head with the best in intensely competitive markets. #注意increasingly powerful , be capable of, intensely competitive markets几个用法,作文中为加分词汇#

66. #外刊点睛# Huawei is becoming an increasingly powerful global player, capable of going head-to-head with the best in intensely competitive markets. #注意increasingly powerful , be capable of, intensely competitive markets几个用法,作文中为加分词汇#

67.#外刊点睛# Despite threats of a veto from President Obama, the House passed its own#cybersecurity bill 网络安全法案# in April, which called for more information sharing between national security and #intelligence agencies 情报机构# and businesses.

68.#外刊点睛# Ye dismissed any concerns about doping. (叶驳斥(批驳)了任何关于服用兴奋剂的担忧。或:叶对任何关于服用兴奋剂的担忧不予理会(不屑一顾)。) #体会外刊标题# Japanese Dismiss Concerns Over Toyota Recalls

69.#外刊点睛# The bulk of the major IPOs this year are trading below their offering prices.#the bulk of 大多数,大部分;IPO = Initial Public Offering 首次公开募股;offering price 发行价# (考研常考经济类文章,了解一些常见经济名词是有必要的。)


1.#外刊点睛# Apple asserts that Samsung made "a deliberate decision to copy" the iPhone and iPad, in both product design and software that creates the user experience.苹果公司坚称三星在其两款产品iPhone和iPad的设计和创造用户体验的软件上均存在蓄意模仿的行为。 #重要动词:assert 断言、坚称#

2.#外刊点睛# The customers most likely to opt against upgrading to Windows 7 because of money are businesses. 最有可能因为开支问题而选择不去升级(系统)到 Windows 7的是那些企业客户。#亮点用法:opt against doing sth. 选择不做某事(反义:opt for doing sth.) ;替换常见用法 choose not to do sth.#

2.The people most likely to succeed are those who maintain a positive mental attitude when in adverse situations. #用在20xx年英语一大作文#

3.#外刊点睛# India, a country that once aspired to double-digit growth, can now only dream of ridding itself of double-digit inflation. #亮点:插入语做India

的同位语,其中又有that引导定语从句修饰a country。once和now构成时间对比,为阅读考点。此句式写法可以用于考研作文,为加分亮点#

3.我写个句子给大家背背,充满各种亮点:China, a country that once isolated itself from the rest of the world, is opening up to a diversity of foreign cultures, as evidenced by the picture. #用在那篇文化火锅的作文中#

4.Peking, the Imperial Capital, is downpouring again? 帝都又在倾盆大雨吗?

5.#外刊点睛# #闪光点# U. N. officials say aid workers are #in a race against time # to save thousands of earthquake victims stranded in remote mountain villages near the epicenter. 联合国官员说,救援人员正在争分夺秒地抢救几千名被困在震中附近边远山村的地震灾民。

5.Are you in a race against time to gain access to graduate school?

5.English matters much.英语很重要。

5.The race is crowded, but candidates with a highly efficient review method stand a fair chance of realizing their goals.

6.#外刊点睛# Some are also finding ways to take their money out of the country, contributing to unusual downward pressure on the currency. # downward pressure 下行压力#

6.contributing to...结果状语(考点!)Some test-takers tend to overestimate the difficulties facing them and underrate their real capacities, contributing to their abnormally poor performance in exams.

7.# 写作闪光加分表达积累# #造句#① We should take a hard look at the growing gap between haves and have-nots. ② We urgently need to take a hard look at how we treated the environment. (12年英语一大作文)#take a hard look at 严加(认真)审视#

8.#外刊点睛# If current trends continue, China could overtake Europe as Africa's second-largest oil export market by 2020. (如果现有趋势继续,中国可能到20xx年超越欧洲成为非洲的第二大石油出口市场。)#overtake A as 超越A成为#

9.#建议# Reading and writing reinforce one another. (阅读和写作互相加强<相辅相成>。)

10.#语言表达多样性# claimed 37 victims 替换claimed 37 lives //@燕守伟老师: Statistics available now show the heaviest rain in 61 years that lashed Beijing Saturday has#claimed 37 lives# and left many injured. May those who died in this disaster rest in eternal peace.

11.My sincere thanks go to you!

12.You are on the right track to success.

13.#外刊点睛# Heavy rain flooded roads and caused 223 flights to be cancelled in the capital. #heavy rain 暴雨;flood 淹没;cancel flights 取消航班#

14.Undaunted by the huge trench lying ahead of them, three persons, collectively carrying a block of wood on their shoulders, are striding across the chasm ingeniously.

15.shhh, it's a secret. striving for innovation is in our DNA.

16.#外刊点睛# Washington has scrambled to assess if cyber security had

been compromised by the raid on Google's Gmail system, reflecting increasing concerns among global policymakers. # scramble to 赶着干某事; compromise cyber security 危害网络安全;increasing concerns 日益担忧#

17.#voice加分亮点!# 我也来写个句子:A wealth of students opt for our books and courses to #voice# their support for diandian. They have my most sincere thanks! #造句# Many Chinese voice #increasing concerns about# social issues like food safety.

18.irresistible temptation 无法抵挡的诱惑

19.Delve deeper into the texts!

20.Learning is a gradual process.

21.对真题文章、题源外刊文章和考题进行从微观到宏观的全方位深入挖掘(dig deep),而不只是浅尝辄止(scratch the surface),才能将竞争对手远远抛离(leave your competitors far behind)。各位考生切记!

22.#写作闪光词积累# Given this, politicians might be expected to #do all in their power# to ensure that America's teachers are good ones.#do all in one's power to do sth尽全力做某事# #造句#We are supposed to do all in our power to curb this undesirable trend before it goes too far.

22.#all 可以用everything 替换 # #外刊例句# Still reeling from a net loss of $2 billion during its first quarter, Nokia is #doing everything in its power# to forge ahead with something new.

23.#写作闪光词积累#San Francisco #stands a fair chance of# becoming the first major American city without a daily newspaper.#stand a fair chance of 很有可能...# #造句# People with a positive frame of mind stand a fair chance of getting ahead in this increasingly fierce society.

23.#造句# Diandian stands a fair chance of winning a good share of students.

24.#外刊点睛# China's Ministry of Commerce said the U.S. should be fair in any investigation into allegations telecommunications-equipment maker ZTE Corp. sold banned U.S. telecom equipment in Iran. 中国商务部表示,美国应该在任何针对电信设备制造商中兴公司的指控而进行的调查中保持公正,这些指控称中兴公司在伊朗销售被明令禁止(向该国销售)的美国产电信设备。#investigation into 可以用probe into替换#

25.#写作闪光词积累# They need to #wake up to# the huge social changes happening in their countries and think about how to cope with the consequences. #wake up to认识到,察觉到# #造句#We need to wake up to the potential consequences of not valuing honesty.

26.#外刊点睛# Republican governors, eager for new revenues to ease budget strains, are dropping their longtime opposition to imposing sales taxes on online purchases, a significant political shift that could soon bring an end to tax-free sales on the Internet.那些急于通过新增税收来舒缓(财政)预算压力的共和党州长们正在背离他们长期所持的反对针对网络购物强征营业税的立场,这一重大的政治(立场)转变可能很快会导致互联网上(商业)交易免税时代的结束。 #体会本句动词用法#

27.Apple takes a comprehensive approach to measuring our environmental impact and all of our products meet the strictest energy efficiency standards

backed by the US government .苹果公司采取了全面的策略以测量我们对环境的影响,并且我们所有的产品均符合由美国政府支持的最严格的能效标准。(体会take,measure,meet,back四个动词的搭配。)

28.A new law comes into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry two breathalyser kits, in a move aimed at cutting drink-driving accidents.一项新的法规在法国开始生效,这项法规强制司机们携带两种酒精测试设备,此举旨在减少酒驾事故。#come into force 生效,开始实施;cut drink-driving accidents 减少酒驾事故#

29.issue是考研重点核心单词!in a move 后加过去分词短语做定语是阅读常见结构,写作加分亮点结构!#句式模仿# A new lottery system for #issuing# car license plates has been introduced in Beijing, #in a move aimed at# alleviating this city's chronic traffic congestion.

30.#外刊点睛# The mortality rate in Wales from cancer is only slightly higher than the UK average. #mortality rate 死亡率 = death rate;slightly higher 稍高# #补充例句# Overall the proportion of arrests for ethnic minorities was #slightly higher# than for white people

31.#写作闪光词积累#A growing share of foreign and Chinese companies now check the authenticity of diplomas as well. #a growing share of替换more and more#

31.#造句# A growing share of students now opt for Diandian.

32.#外刊点睛# J.P. Morgan Chase said traders appear to have hidden problems in a portfolio whose losses have ballooned to $5.8 billion.摩根大通称其交易员们在(操作)一个投资组合中看来存在隐患,该投资组合的亏损已经激增至58亿美元。 #hidden problem 隐性问题;balloon v. 激增(形象用法,原意气球)#

32.#造句#This picture's #hidden meaning# is not difficult to grasp.

33.#外刊点睛# Nokia is closing two regional sales offices in China and laying off staff as it reorganizes its operations in the world's largest smartphone market. #lay off 解雇;reorganize its operations 重组业务#

34.meet the deadline 赶上最后期限,如(按)期完成。反义短语 miss the deadline 。#这是四级听力都考查过的搭配,各类阅读中也很常见。词汇搭配能力的缺失,制约着听力、阅读、写作能力的提高!在此提醒各位考生通过精读好好提高基本功!#

35.#外刊点睛# The price of the low-cost loans the International Monetary Fund provided was usually a requirement that the borrower slash spending or devalue its currency or both.国际货币基金组织向借款国提供低息贷款的价码常常是要求该国大幅削减开支或者使本国货币贬值,抑或二者皆有。 #IMF 国际货币基金组织;地道搭配:slash spending 大幅度削减支出、开支#

35.货币升值:currency appreciation=currency revaluation 货币贬值:currency depreciation=currency devaluation

36.#外刊点睛# There is compelling evidence that entire populations of marine mammals are at potential risk from increasingly intense man-made underwater noise. 有可靠证据表明,整个海洋哺乳动物种群均处于日益强烈的人为水下噪音的潜在威胁之中。#compelling evidence 令人信服的证据;population 种群;

at potential risk 处于潜在的风险中;intense noise 强烈的噪音#

37.It pays to be honest.

38.We need to dramatically step up our efforts to publicize our books and courses.

39.#外刊点睛# The past few years have seen some setbacks on this front, notably in Afghanistan, where the Taliban regime stopped all girls from going to school. 近年来这方面的情形出现了些许改善,尤其是在阿富汗,塔利班(前)政权(曾经)禁止女性上学。#加分句型:The past few years have seen sth.过去的几年里出现了某物;加分短语 on this front 在这方面#

40.You are morphing into a master!

41.Japan's financial regulator says cameramaker Olympus's former auditors must submit plans detailing how they will improve their oversight.日本金融管理机构指明相机制造商奥林巴斯的前任审计员应当呈交计划来详细说明它们如何提高监管。#detail v.详细说明;improve their oversight 提高监管=strengthen their supervision;financial regulator 金融监管机构;regulator监管机构 = regulatory body#

42.I'm flying north across half of the country.

43.#外刊点睛# Taiwanese handset maker HTC said its unaudited second-quarter net profit fell 58% to $247 million due to intense competition and a slowing global economy. #必背搭配:handset maker 手机制造商;net profit 净利润;intense competition 激烈竞争#

44.#外刊点睛# Central banks in China, the euro zone, the U.K. and other countries took new steps to bolster growth amid mounting worries the global economic slowdown is worsening. 在对全球经济衰退的情况正在日益恶化的忧虑不断加剧的情况下,包括中国、欧元区国家、英国以及其他国家在内的各国央行纷纷采取新的措施以支撑经济的增长。#mounting worries 越来越担忧;worries后是省略了that的同位语从句#

45.#外刊点睛# Greater China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, has emerged as Apple's second-largest market after the United States. #Greater China 大中华区;emerge as 成为#

45.#造句# We are working feverishly in a bid to emerge as a major contender in this sector.(我们正在疯狂努力以成为这个行业的主要竞争者。)

46.#外刊点睛# Airbus detailed plans to spend $600 million to build jetliners in Alabama, in a bid to grab more American orders from Boeing and defuse political opposition. 空客公司已制定了详细计划,欲斥资6亿美元在阿拉巴马州建造喷气式客机,以图从波音公司手中攫夺更多美国客户的订单并平息政治上的反对声音。#detail,grab两个动词尤其地道!#

47.As the fire raged and consumed homes, typical programmed shifts became impossible.#consume v.耗尽,毁灭#

47.#加分亮点词rage# #造句# A debate is raging over whether the nation is in moral decline. (一场关于这个国家是否正处于道德滑坡中的争论正在激烈展开。)

48.#外刊点睛# Apple Inc. has agreed to pay $60 million to settle its iPad trademark dispute with a Chinese electronics company. #settle a dispute 解决


49.blanket bombing 地毯式轰炸


1.#外刊点睛#The plight of traditional bookstores is not a new topic. Over the past few years, brick-and-mortar bookstores have been struggling to make ends meet amid fierce competition from online bookstores, and their situation just got worse.

2.#漫画英语#Environmental degradation has ranked as a top public concern nowadays. The blame rests largely with our disproportionate efforts to boost the economic growth. True, we focus so much on expanding the economy that environmental protection has been left on the back burner.

3.#外刊点睛# News Corp. is considering splitting into two companies, separating its publishing assets from its entertainment businesses. #split into可以用divide / separate into替换#

4.We are bound to take a bite out of their market share and rank as the top spot in terms of sales! Nothing can contain the rise of Diandian. Period!

5.#本期《时代》封面# MADE IN CHINA · Why Apple's future depends on the world's biggest market #iPhone的外壳之下是重度污染和劳动密集型工业#

6.Gaokao is relatively the fairest means of boosting social mobility. Imagine a China without it?!

7.#漫画英语#As graphically depicted in the compelling picture, a teacher is striving to plant some philosophy of life into his pupil's mind that whether he can pick that mouth-watering fruit, which obviously equals attaining desired success in reality, rests entirely on himself.

8.This will be a watershed/ turning point/milestone for Diandian's development!

9.#补充例句# Investors fear that Europe's problems could cause the global economy to slip into another recession, weakening demand for basic materials such as copper.投资者们担心那些欧洲问题将导致全球经济陷入另一次衰退,这种低迷状态会削弱对原材料的需求,比如铜。 #slip into尤其地道#

9.#典型长难句# Investors fear any refusal by Athens to impose deep spending cuts agreed under a bailout deal could result in the country quitting the bloc of 17 countries that use the euro.

10.You reap what you sow. This book helps you to sow the seeds of hope that will bear fruit early next year.

11.dear daddy, happy father's day. thank you for all the times you've been my support, guide and strength!

12.Improving little by little every day! 每天进步一点点!

13.These test-takers are the sad victims of their own choices.

14.With diandian's books, you are on a faster path to success.

15.打好强大的基础是第一要务。(Laying a solid foundation is your top priority.)

16.#漫画英语#A popular TV reality show, Only You, in which contestants seek employment against a panel of judges, has been pushed into the forefront of public attention after one boss erroneously accused a candidate of faking his

university degree, causing him to faint on camera. 写得真好!Only You has been in the spotlight lately.

17.#外刊点睛# Member states of the European Southern Observatory organisation #green-light# the project to build the world's biggest optical telescope. 欧洲南方天文台组织的成员国批准了建造世界最大光学望远镜的项目。#green-light这个词用的太形象了!#

18.#外刊点睛# Had Alibaba done nothing, this verification system would quickly have become worthless. #have sb done sth 如果某人做了某事# #20xx年英语一text2 But had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be beside the point.#

18.#外刊点睛# Had Toyota been able to respond to their recall crisis with truthful, favorable media from friendly sources, the brand impact would have been less devastating.

19.We are an immensely powerful team to accelerate your success.

20.#外刊点睛# The Fed chief cited significant risks to the U.S. recovery and told Congress the U.S. central bank stands ready to act if necessary, but Bernanke stopped short of signaling imminent action.美联储主席伯南克列举了美国经济复苏所面临的几个重大风险并向国会表示美国央行已经做好准备,如有必要将随时采取行动,但他不再发出将采取立即行动的信号。

21.#外刊点睛#The BJ's case, said FTC chair Deborah Platt Majoras, #signalled# the regulator's ―intention to challenge companies that fail to protect adequately consumers' sensitive information‖. #signal后经常引出重点信息#

22.#造句#For decades we have been raised to believe it pays to attend college . @丁晓钟 老丁来看看我造的句子地道不地道 很地道,能对得起你考研英语90分的水平,每天都在sharpen your English skills啊。俺也来造一个:For centuries women have been raised to believe they cannot be too thin.

23.#有感# From a long-term perspective, a person keen on cutting corners and lacking integrity is bound to pay dearly for his or her short-sightedness.

24.#漫画英语#This picture speaks volumes about the primary importance of confidence. A young adult, proudly holding an admission letter, is standing at the top of the ladder captioned two huge Chinese characters "self-confidence", the very driver behind his impressive success.

24.Confidence powers success.

25.Repetition is the father of success!(重复是成功之父!)

26.The trial in San Jose ,california ,centres on a lawsuit that HP filed against Oracle last year .#trial 审讯;centre on 以……为中心;file a lawsuit against sb. 控告某人 #

26.#考研英语20xx年完形21题考查center on,和focus on上下文互相替换# Theories#__21__ on# the individual suggest that ... Theories #focusing on# the role of society suggest that... #外刊是王道!#

27.Stock markets have fallen following worse-than-expected US job figures for a year. #follow 在……之后;worse- than-expected 比预期坏,better-than- expected 比预期好;job figures就业数据,job data,job statistics#

27.#考研英语必背核心替换# job figures = employment statistics (data, figures)

28.#加分模板# 20xx年英语一大作文: The path to success is paved with positive thinking. With it, you will blaze a trail of excellence. #加分亮点为:be paved with, blaze a trail。positive thinking 部分可以根据话题替换,比如self-confidence, mutual help, determination等个人优秀品质#

29.Thanks to advances in society, ... Therefore, there is a pressing need to... 随着社会的发展,……。所以,……很必要。

30.Don't squander your time!

31.#加拿大变态狂魔柏林落网#Luka Magnotta, whose alleged killing and dismemberment of his gay lover made him the world's most wanted man following his escape to Europe, was arrested peacefully in Berlin on Monday.

31.The Canadian psychopath is under arrest after global hunt.

32.#漫画英语# A race, clearly symbolic of gaokao, or national college entrance examination, has drained this teenage boy, who is spurting in the last leg. He is approaching the finishing line, with beads of sweat pouring down his forehead.

33.May God favor this diligent rabbit! (愿上帝宠爱这只勤奋的兔子!)

34.#外刊点睛# A study involving an experimental cancer drug being developed by Roche showed it delayed disease progression in women with a specific type of breast cancer compared with conventional therapy. 一项与罗氏制药公司正在研发的试验性抗癌药物相关的研究表明,与常规疗法相比,该药物可以延缓患有某种特定类型乳腺癌的女性的病情恶化过程。#注意其中involve,develop,delay三个动词的用法。全句值得背诵#

35.Technology has driven mankind’s progress, but each new advance has posed troubling new questions. #drive v.推动 ;pose v.造成# #advance 替换 progress# 简单而地道!

36.#外刊点睛# Faint signs of warming have emerged in China's property market as the extended fall in prices began to moderate in May, a key survey showed Friday.一项重点调查于本周五发布(结果)称,随着近来持续下跌的价格走势于5月开始趋缓,中国的房地产市场已经显露出微弱的回暖迹象。 #体会faint sign, emerge, property market, extended fall, moderate#

37. #佳句欣赏# Despite its high ranking, however, the iPhone's sales pale in comparison to the mountain of devices sold around the world that are powered by Google Inc.尽管iPhone的销售业绩排名靠前,但其与有谷歌公司(的系统)支持的大量(移动电子)设备在全球的热销相比,则黯然失色。 #pale in comparison to 与...相比黯然失色;the mountain of 大量的(形象用法)#

37.#外刊点睛#Despite the higher growth, Android Market is still dwarfed by Apple's App Store in terms of overall download traffic, accounting for 18% compared to Apple's 79%. #be dwarfed by...使...相形见绌#

37.这就叫同义替换,对阅读和写作都至关重要!#外刊点睛#Revolutionary new web software could put giants such as Google in the shade when it comes out later this month. #put...in the shade使黯然失色,使相形见绌#

38.A package of superbly reviewed learning materials worth 100 Chinese dollars may transform your life!

39.You are their role model. You have my heartfelt thanks.(你是他们的榜样。衷心感谢你。)

40.昨天正好读到一个句子,很形象:We've got a structural deficit that threatens to leave our children a mountain of debt. #a mountain of 堆积如山的(大量的)债务#

40.#造句# Diandian strives to inject a flash of hope into the mountain of despair in your English learning.


1.Striving for perfection is in my DNA. You have my most sincere thanks!

2.Paul Williams' manager says the boxer has been paralyzed from the waist down after being involved in a motorcycle crash in the Atlanta suburbs.#看体育学英语 be involved in 涉及到/卷入到... motorcycle crash 摩托车撞击 motorcar 汽车 suburbs(outskirt) 郊区 #

2.#外刊点睛immigration laws.

3.#外刊点睛# Apple has emerged as a major contender in e-book publishing.(苹果已成为电子书出版领域的主要竞争者。)#造句# Kindle Fire has the potential to emerge as iPad's top rival.

4.#考研核心单词# The hackers compromised the building's security system. (黑客破坏了这栋大楼的安保系统)#compromise v.破坏,危害,损害# #造句# The Federal government's policy compromised its reliability.

4.#替换# regulatory bodies = regulators #外刊例句# In some cases, the independence of regulatory bodies is compromised by political pressure from the White House, Congress or both. #2010 PartA Text4考点#

5.My gratitude goes to you and all of the readers.

6.#造句# Wrong methods of learning English may seriously #undermine your chances# of being accepted into graduate school.

7.#外刊点睛#The retailer said it had #taken ―concrete actions‖ #to look into the matter and had created a new office in the company #tasked with## complying with# America’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 零售商表示他已经采取―具体行动‖来调查此事,并在公司(内部)(专门)成立一个用来执行美国《海外反腐败法》的新办公室。

7.Diandian #,tasked with# helping students to transcend barriers to English learning, is gathering momentum.

8.Dear readers: dig deep into this empowering book to ensure yourself a promising future!

9.Never giving up, you can end up sky high.

9.#名人名言# Age wrinkles the body.Quitting wrinkles the soul. —Douglas MacArthur (年龄使身体起皱,放弃让灵魂起皱。—道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟)

10.Diandian helps you to build up confidence.

11.#外刊点睛 #But those proportions, too, are edging downwards.#体会edge的用法# #造句# As shown in the chart, the market share of Japanese automobile brands has edged downwards for the past year or two. #2011英语二大作文# #Tips: 平时复习过程中要思考如何将学到的用法灵活运用#

11.Diandian continues to edge upwards.The number of Diandian's followers is

constantly edging upwards.

12.Regional leaders meeting in Brussels failed to signal concrete steps to stimulate the economy or resolve the competing agendas of the German chancellor and the French president.#signal 表明;stimulate 刺激;resolve 解决#

12.#造句# Several Chinese cities boast #competing claims# to be the burial place of Cao Cao.

13.Test-takers are sure to reap huge benefits from diandian.

13.#外刊点睛#Glencore’s acquisition will ensure that it reaps the benefit from the deregulation of Canada’s export market for wheat.#重点用法acquisition 收购, reap the benefit获取收益#

14.Only the paranoid survive.

15.#补充例句# There is ample evidence that China's economy and markets will weather the storm and ultimately thrive in the year ahead. #weather the storm 渡过难关(07年Text 3考点)#

15.#外刊点睛# There is ample historical evidence that government control over banks' lending can breed misallocation of funds. (充分的历史证据表明政府控制银行的借贷会引起资金的错误分配。)#重点搭配 ample evidence; control over sth.#

16.It's an insanely great honor to get published in such a prestigious magazine.

17.A package of superbly reviewed learning materials worth 100 Chinese dollars may transform your life!

18.#考研核心用法# Mobile App Developers Favor Android Over Apple iOS. (移动应用开发者青睐安卓胜过苹果的iOS.)#favor A over B 青睐、喜欢、喜爱、更喜欢A,甚于B#

18.#活学活用# 造句:① Success favors those who take an optimistic attitude toward life over those who don't. #12英语一大作文# ②Success favors those who have a strong will over those who don't. #11年6月CET-4# ③Over time, word of mouth will favor Diandian's books over other labels.

19.Competitors who have filed complaints have accused the company of abusing its dominance in its general search engine to boost the traffic of Google’s other products .#file complaint 提出不满;accuse sb of 控告某人做某事;abuse one's dominance 滥用支配地位 ;boost traffic 提升流量#

19.LightSquared, a firm seeking to set up a super-fast wireless telecoms network in the United States, #filed for bankruptcy protection#. file for 申请

20.#外刊点睛# Barnes & Noble, a bookstore chain, unveiled its own reader, the Nook, in October. #unveil可以用launch,introduce,offer等替换#

21.hanging out in librairie avant-garde, a famous independent bookstore based in nanjing.

22.#考研核心单词# The regulations, issued after years of discussions, address a problem that a new government study finds may afflict one out of every 10 prisoners.#address 应对,解决# #必背搭配# issue the regulations

23.#外刊点睛# As academic dishonesty has been surfacing more and more, it

has been brought to our attention that many students are unaware of its consequences. #surface v. 浮现(20xx年真题TEXT 2考查到)#

23.#外刊例句# The euro-zone crisis #resurfaced# amid worries that Spain will be unable to keep its public finances under control and will require a bail-out at some point.

24.#造句# A wide range of problems lurking behind this pronounced trend have impressively surfaced and warrant our pressing attention. #万能句型#

25.#考研核心词汇#Levin objected to Facebook’s decision to issue its employees options to buy company stock in the future at its original issuing price. Levin 反对 FB 做出将按原始股价向其员工发行公司的股票期权的决定。#issue vt. 发行,发布;发给#

26.#地道短句#European shares fall as the continuing political uncertainty in Greece undermines investor confidence. #fall 下降# #political uncertainty政治上的不确定因素# #undermine confidence 破坏信心#

26.#造句# The past couple of years have seen the vast resources poured into the wired room, which, contrary to what many people believe, has actually undermined the quality of education.

26.#造句# The past few years have witnessed a string of stunning food scandals in this country, which has hugely undermined consumer confidence.

27.Can China's food industry achieve self-redemption? Not likely in the short run!

28.North Korea is an outright rogue state.

29.#外刊美句# The costs of this policy by the Federal Reserve Board are highly likely to far outweigh the benefits of a more competitive exchange rate. 这项由美联储制定的金融政策的代价很有可能会远远超过更具竞争力的汇率所带来的益处。(体会far outweigh)

29.The benefits enjoying Mr Ding's class,it turns out,outweigh the acquisition learning by myself,for I cannot penetrate/filter into the nature of the genuine test papers.

29.Do the benefits outweigh the risks when Weibo increasingly filters into people's life. #加分亮点# 甚好,filter into尤为地道,此处也可用penetrate into替换。

30.However,this company's advertising revenue was outpaced by rising costs,mostly on its Twitter-like microblogging site Weibo .#outpace 超过;outlive 活得更长;outperform 表现更好#

30.Diandian strives to outinnovate our rivals.

31.Rosenberg is asking for Google to pay her medical expenses in addition to punitive damages and loss of earnings. #核心用法:medical expenses 医疗费;punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿;loss of earnings 收入损失#

31.#替换# medical expenses = medical costs #外刊点睛# The government would cover medical expenses for the injured and pay compensation to those who lost loved ones. #体会cover的搭配#

32.#外刊点睛# Portugal's economy remained in recession, as did the economy of Cyprus.#体会in recession,as的用法#

33.Yahoo! chose someone who lacked experience in online media—a weakness shared by its previous boss, Carol Bartz—in spite of the fact that its fortunes are still heavily dependent on online advertising. #欢迎大家积极参与翻译# #体会share的用法#

33.#造句# In spite of efforts by the government towards a more balanced economy over the past few years, China's GDP growth is still #heavily dependent on# the housing market.

34.#造句# Far too many economically disadvantaged young adults' avenues to move up the social ladder increasingly get blocked as social class is ossified in this country boasting the world's second-largest economy.由于这个自诩为世界第二大经济体的国家的社会阶层固化,许多经济上不宽裕的年轻人向上层阶级爬升时越来越受到阻碍。

35.May she rest in eternal peace.

36.#外刊点睛# It’s not a coincidence that the foods that are marketed the most are the foods that are the most processed and the most profitable. 越是精加工的食品,利润越是丰厚,市场也越是货畅其流------这不是一个巧合。#that#

37.学点英语:流量控制(traffic control)。traffic流量,是熟词僻义,考研考查过。#造句# The past month saw surging traffic of the website.(上个月这个网站的流量飙升。体会see的用法。)

38.Follow me and smash the test!

39.#考研核心单词# Cecilia Cheung affirmed that they are not seeking to rebuild their broken marriage.(张柏芝坚称,他们并不在试图重建破裂的婚姻。) #affirm v. 坚称,断言,证实#

39.#评论# There is a slim chance that she may get back with Nicholas.

40.#考研核心单词# Rumors are circulating that Leehom Wang is in town. (有传言说王力宏来了。)#circulate v. 传播,流传#

40.#词汇替换# 类似的表达还有: Rumors are swirling / floating / flying / surfacing / abuzz / spreading / rampant / heating up / buzzing / abounding / prevalent / afloat / circling that ...

41.China's inflation rate slows in April, raising hopes that the central bank will cut interest rates to sustain growth.亮点#raise hopes that# 注意各个词组的动宾搭配 #slow##cut interest rates##sustain growth#

41.cut interest rates drastically = slash interest rates

41.#外刊点睛# Most states have now eased those restrictions, #raising hopes that# contract farming—which only accounts for a small fraction of India’s annual agricultural output of $220 billion—will flourish. 印度大多数邦现在已经放宽了诸多限制,为合同式农业(每年仅仅占印度农业产出2200亿的一小部分)的繁荣燃起了希望。

42.The "Treasured Purple Books", or known as Zi Bao Shu in Chinese, are in the pipeline, due out next week. Dear followers, please spread this news to help the test-takers accelerate into success while minimizing setbacks. 被视若珍宝的紫色书籍,亦称紫宝书,正蓄势待发,将于下周横空出世。请微友广而告之,助芸芸考生一臂之力,排除万难,以满盈之速,直捣黄龙。 (这两句话也可以作为精读材料,翻译并总结亮点用法。)

43.#外刊美句#Investors may have trouble generating respectable returns from the ultralow interest rates of the bond market.#have trouble doing sth# 亮点#generate respectable returns#体会generate的用法 大家能想出几个#respectable#的替代词呢?

44.#地道短句#Unemployment rate in Austria is dramatically low.#dramatically 用于加强语气的副词#请大家一起来补充能用什么副词修饰啊 失业率(unemployment rate, unemployment, jobless rate)之前的修饰语很多,值得总结。比如relatively, sky, extremely, stunningly, startlingly等等。#外刊点睛# The eurozone's unemployment rate is #at a record high#.

45.Caution: Theft rate of both books is exceedingly high.

46.#外刊美句#Transaction costs are 10-15% of the price of a house in Greece, Italy and Spain, compared with roughly 5% in America. Renters are discouraged from moving by generous rent-control policies and public-housing programmes.

46.#外刊点睛# Apple's intentions here are perfectly clear and normal -- almost any electronics company out there will tell you that their customers # are discouraged from #hacking their devices, as it invariably voids the warranty and might be liable to cause issues in the future.苹果公司的意图是极其清晰和正常的——那里几乎所有的电子厂商都宣称他们不鼓励自己的客户通过破解来盗用该公司的产品,因为这样必将无法获得质保并且以后可能承担法律风险。

47.Well-worded Chinese! You did a great translation!

48.We are the successors of communism.

49.Personally, I am more concerned about the country's food safety system, which needs a radical overhaul, than territorial disputes.

50.Growing numbers of test-takers opt for our books, a wise move that will #empower# them to pass the exam effortlessly. Empowering Books (给力的书)!

51.#外刊点睛# Culture, which can be defined as the presence of geographically distinct behavioral variants that are maintained and transmitted through social learning, was long considered to be a uniquely human trait.文化长期以来被认为是人类独有的特质,它可被定义为一种因地理位置不同而造成的行为差异现象,并通过社会学习行为进行维持和传播。

52.#法国大选# #外刊点睛# Mr Hollande secured a convincing 52% of the vote, giving him the majority he needs to unseat the incumbent president, Nicolas Sarkozy.奥朗德先生获得了令人信服地百分之五十二的选票,使他拥有了足够的票数以击败现任总统尼古拉?萨科齐。 #secure, unseat两个动词用得地道#

53.The students who love reading English publications both extensively and intensively are on the list of endangered species.

54.#外刊点睛# Pressure is mounting on Yahoo's board and CEO Scott Thompson after revelations that the Internet company's recently hired chief's academic record was misstated.在被揭露这家互联网公司近期雇佣的长官谎报学历之后, 雅虎董事局和CEO S.T.承受的压力正在上升。

55.Today is Li Xia, marking the beginning of summer.

56.Knowledge piles up day by day.

57.Far too many students just don't understand.

58.#外刊点睛# The European Union's competition regulators are examining whether France is providing tens of millions of euros in unfair state aid to Agence France-Presse, sparking deep concern among officials of the French news agency.欧盟的竞争监管机构正在调查法国是否在向法新社提供数千万欧元的不正当的国家补助,此举使这家法国新闻机构的管理人员们深感忧虑。

59.Let's mourn the critical shortage of vitamins in great China!让我们为伟大中国的维生素奇缺而哀悼。

60.Participate in this contest to show your English prowess.


1.#外刊点睛# A Texas jury awarded damages totalling more than 253 million dollars to Carol Ernst, whose 59-year-old triathlete husband Robert died in May 2001 from heart failure after using Vioxx to treat pain in his hands.一个德克萨斯的陪审团判定给Carol Ernst合计超过253百万美元的赔偿,她的丈夫,一个铁人三项运动员Robert,在20xx年五月死于心脏病,该病发生在他使用Vioxx以治疗他手上的疼痛之后.

2.#外刊点睛# A senior US Congressman highly critical of the Afghan government is prevented from entering the country, in a development likely to strain ties with the US.一位强烈批评阿富汗政府的资深的美国国会议员被禁止进入阿富汗,这或许会导致(阿富汗)与美国的关系发展趋于紧张状态。

3.#汉译英# 这一消极趋势在日本最为明显,中国紧随其后。 Japan leads this negative trend, closely (tightly)followed by China.

3.#抢分用法来了!背!# noticeable=pronounced,hard on its heels=close behind。或写为Japan leads this negative trend, closely (tightly)followed by China. //#造句# Nowhere is this undesirable trend more noticeable than in Japan, with the Middle Kingdom hard on its heels.

4.What is happening in this land is far beyond our wildest imaginations.

5.#汉译英# 自从电子书出现后,关于传统图书是否将被取代的话题就一直备受讨论,但是人们的观点大相径庭。 Ever since the advent of electronic books, the topic on whether they will render traditional ones obsolete is on the lips of everyone, but the views among the general population are divided.

6.Since the advent of e-books, many folks have been turning away from physical books.

7.#外刊点睛#Rather, the focus for companies willing to tap into the growing mobile opportunities should be on moving from experimentation to the creation of a mobile business case and strategy, while recognizing that the challenges associated with fragmentation will persist.恰恰相反,那些愿意去开拓不断上涨的移动商机的公司的焦点应该从实验转移到创建移动商务案例和策略上,尽管他们意识到伴随着分裂的挑战仍旧存在。 连接词考点:rather,while

8.#汉译英# 对我们与地球的关系进行彻底反思,以避免可能对我们的生活产生负面影响的经济、生态和环境灾难,是当务之急 #精品译文# There is a pressing / urgent need for a radical rethink of our relationship with the earth to ward off economic, ecological and environmental catastrophes that may

negatively / adversely impact our life. #请体会各种抢分表达# 背之!转之!

8.#汉译英# 对我们与地球的关系进行彻底反思,以避免可能对我们的生活产生负面影响的经济、生态和环境灾难,是当务之急。 #造句# In efforts to avert the economic, ecological and environmental misfortunes that may feed adversely into our life, rethinking the relationship between us and the planet radically is high on our list of priorities.

9.#外刊点睛# Across emerging markets, nowhere more than in China, women are increasingly keeping jobs after having children -- a big driving force behind 10 percent annual growth in the $30 billion a year baby food industry. 越来越多的中国女性在生完孩子后继续工作,纵观所有新兴市场,在这一点上无出中国其右者。它(女性产后工作)也是婴儿食品行业在一年中达到300亿美元市场规模并且保持每年10%增长的一个巨大推动力。

9.#造句# Across the corporate world, nowhere more than in Apple, staff are persistently valuing innovation after their company's having already grabbed the lion's share of the market—a big driving force behind the ever-increasing sales of its pioneering products

10.#外刊点睛# Hong Kong hospitals will limit maternity services to most pregnant women from mainland China from next year, under new proposals from its incoming chief executive. 根据即将(到任)的行政长官的新提议,香港医院将从明年起限制(为)大部分的大陆孕妇(提供)妇产科服务。

10.#造句# China intends to #scale back on# the consumption of plastic bags in China's mainland, under the new order issued by the State Council.

10.#外刊点睛# Banks are struggling with weak loan demand, even as they #scale back on#riskier lending.

11.Thanks for your recommendation!

12.double your efforts!

13.#外刊点睛# Women, despite the dangers of childbearing, have been outliving men for centuries and continue to outlive them in most countries. #despite用作插入语,闪光结构#

13.#造句# The Internet, despite/for all its merits, has many faults and will continue to feed negatively into us in some ways. #for all=despite#

13.The Internet cuts both ways.

14.#汉译英20xx年英语一大作文# 这种心态的人很少取得很高的成就。问题的部分原因在于他们缺乏乐观,这种精神常使成功者从人群中脱颖而出。 地道,全是闪光用法和句型! #积木造句# The phenomenon that folks adopting this mental attitude can hardly reap impressive attainments is partly rooted in their lack of an optimistic state of mind, the very spirit that will enable achievers to emerge from the pack.

14.#超精解解析部分的造句,属于【考点提炼】部分# Folks with this mindset are rarely among the high achievers. Part of the problem is that they lack optimism, a spirit that often separates successful people from the rest of the pack. 这种心态的人很少取得很高的成就。问题的部分原因在于他们缺乏乐观,这种精神常使成功者从人群中脱颖而出。(separate可用distinguish替换。体会among的用法。)

15.We go all out to bring #uniqueness# into your test prep, not only with the unique cover design.This book will help you stand out from the crowd.

16.Congrats! Thank you for your trust. This is a book that stands out from the pack. (祝贺!谢谢您的信任。这是一本卓尔不群的书。)

17.#外刊点睛# A team of researchers led by a group from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign recently asked 3,622 young men and women in Mexico to estimate their body size based on categories ranging from very underweight to obese. 最近一个研究小组通过领导一个伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校的团队询问了在墨西哥的3622位年轻男人和女人,让他们在一个从重量不足到极度肥胖的范围中估计自己的体型大小。

17.#请体会结构类似的句子# The study is believed to be the first to attempt a comprehensive look at the status of California women #based on factors ranging from poverty to mental and physical health#, as noted in the Los Angeles Times.正如洛杉矶时报所报道的那样,此项研究可被看作是首次试图囊括贫困和身心健康等各方面因素而进行的针对加州妇女的地位的全面研究。

18.#外刊点睛#But new research suggests that waist size could play as important a role as body weight in determining how long you live. #改写# But waist size and body weight, #new research suggests, # could play equally important roles in determining your life span. #句子改写能力即是语言表达多样性能力,对阅读和作文均有重要意义。#

18.#佳句欣赏#The law has yet to take full force, and key aspects, #health experts argue,#remain fundamentally misunderstood by the public.健康专家们认为这一法案并未得到充分的实施,并且大众仍然对此法案的关键点存在根本误解

19.I strongly recommend this lecture.

20.Yan and Brother Pei play multiple roles in my life. We are joining our hands to forge an unrivaled team.

21.#外刊点睛# Scientists have long held that attention – regardless to what – involves mostly the prefrontal cortex(前额皮质), that frontal region (额区)of the brain responsible for complex thought and unique to humans and advanced mammals. 科学家们长久以来都认为,任何涉及注意力的行为都与前额皮质最密切相关,大脑的这一额区负责处理复杂的思维活动并且为人类和高等哺乳动物所独有。

21.#补充例句# Social scientists have long held that peer pressure is a powerful factor in teenage behavior.

22.#外刊点睛# Even though its audience was growing — and continues to grow — Hulu’s corporate parents questioned whether giving their shows away online could put at risk the hundreds of millions they earn from traditional cable and satellite deals. 尽管Hulu的用户在不断地增长--并且会继续增长-但是它的母公司还是质疑它把节目放在网络是不是在拿从传统有线和卫星业务中赚到的数亿美金在冒险。

23.Now my inspiration is erupting spontaneously and uncontrollably.

24.#外刊点睛# The parents of a 21-year-old Iowa City man accused of sexually assaulting a woman showing her apartment for rent in March have

been arrested on suspicion of tampering with a witness after police say they flew to town and tried to pay the victim to change her story. 爱荷华州21岁男子的父母已经在警察说他们飞往那个城市并且试图给受害者钱以改变她的经历之后被逮捕,因怀疑他们篡改证据,这个男子在三月性侵犯了一个向他展示准备出租的公寓的妇女。

25.#外刊点睛# Considering the vivid 3D effects, we fear that viewers may reach out their hands for a touch and thus interrupt other people's viewing. Out of consideration of building a harmonious ethical social environment, we've decided to cut off the nudity scenes. 考虑到栩栩如生的3D效果,我们害怕观众可能伸出他们的手去触摸并且因此打断其他人的观看。出于考虑建立一个和谐文明的社会环境,我们已经决定剪切掉带有裸露的情节。

26.#外刊点睛# North Korea launched a rocket on Friday, an act that the United States called a cover for developing an intercontinental ballistic missile that one day might be able to carry a nuclear warhead. 周五朝鲜发射了一枚火箭,美国将这一行为称之为为发展洲际弹道导弹而作的掩饰,这种洲际弹道导弹有一天可能会携带核弹头。

26.#体会结构相同的句子# "Police said he had died of "excess alcohol", an explanation that was initially accepted by Mr Heywood's family and the British embassy."警察说他死于―过度饮酒‖,这种解释最初被海伍德的家人和英国大使馆所接受。

27.May she rest in peace.

28.#外刊点睛# In an action that could lower the price of e-books and shift the expanding market in Amazon’s favor, the Justice Department slapped Apple and five large book publishers with an antitrust lawsuit, charging that the companies colluded to raise the price of e-books. 司法部向苹果以及五家大型图书出版商提起反垄断诉讼,控告这几家公司串谋提高电子书的价格。这个行动可能会降低电子书的价格并且使得(电子书)这个不断扩大的市场转而对亚马逊有利。

29.#外刊点睛# Prime Minister David Cameron said the government wanted to turn around a drinking culture that last year had contributed to one million alcohol-related violent crimes and 1.2 million hospital admissions. 卡梅仑首相想扭转饮酒文化(现状),这种(现状)导致了去年100万与酒精相关的暴力犯罪和120万人住院治疗。

29. #补充例句# Or maybe it's because experienced educators recognize that it takes a lot more than the experienced educator to #turn around a societal culture#.

29.#补充例句# Nelson Mandela was #admitted to#Netcare Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg briefly a year ago for an acute respiratory infection.

30.#外刊点睛#The more optimistic we are about the future of our species, the better we can focus on today's challenges. #直接运用于20xx年大作文#

30.#造句# #建议# The more you employ English, the more skilled you are.

31.#外刊点睛#Teams of scientists working independently have for the first time identified several gene mutations that they agree sharply increase the chances that a child will develop autism. 独立研究的科学家团队首次辨认出一些突变


32.#造句# Achievable action plans, coupled with strong internal motivation, are the catalyst for success.

33.This statement applies to virtually every English test.

34.Dota ruins your life. Online games lock your family into poverty for three generations.

35.Can peer pressure be mobilized to change behavior for the better? Sometiimes peer pressure pushes people to get motivated.

36.做任何事都要持续专注。(Stay focused on whatever you do.)

37.#学英语# 粉我:Fan me; Follow me; Friend me

38.刚才看原版书The Price of Everything时看到一个好句子,分享给大家:Even the Internet, a technology that was meant to empower the twenty-first-century consumer by allowing us to compare prices around the world at the click of a mouse, can cloud consumers' understanding. 即使是如因特网这样一种通过点击鼠标在全世界范围内比较价格而本该意味着增强21世纪消费者的主动权的技术,也会对消费者们的理解能力产生不良影响。(本句句法和词汇用法值得揣摩。体会插入语a technology ...为Internet的同位语,其中又有that引导定语从句。还有be meant to do,empower,cloud三个动词用法。)

38.#外刊点睛:再次体会mean的用法# Investments in new processes and applications#meant# to provide competitive edge often disappoint because users fail to fully utilize complex systems. 旨在获得竞争优势而对新工艺和应用上进行的投资常常令人失望,因为用户无法充分适应复杂的系统。

38.体会:The Windows Store follows the path of Apple's Mac App Store, #a software marketplace that# is built into Mac OS X.

39.#造句##感想# High achievers always opt for the road less travelled.成大事者往往选择少有人走的路。

40.#外刊点睛# In a major diplomatic blow for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia and China joined the Security Council on Wednesday in voicing support for U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's bid to end violence that has brought Syria to the brink of civil war. 周三俄罗斯和中国与联合国安理会(其他成员国)达成共识,对联合国-阿拉伯联盟特使科菲·安南旨在结束暴乱的努力(行动)表示支持。暴乱已经将叙利亚推向了内战的边缘。俄中的这一表态在外交上给了叙利亚总统阿萨德沉重的一击。

40.His attention to detail, combined with a well-formed sense of taste, have driven the creation of some amazing pieces of technology — and some people to the brink of insanity. #combined with =coupled with; drive / push / bring sb.(sth.) to the brink of#

41.#外刊点睛# But our understanding of consumer trends to date, coupled with an analysis of the economic and demographic factors that will further shape them in the next decade, serve as a useful lens for contemplating the profile of the Chinese consumer in 2020.

41.#外刊点睛# Seamless integration with trusted business productivity technologies from Microsoft—coupled with a clean, intuitive experience—makes Windows Phone the optimal choice for users and

enterprises. #coupled with做插入语很常见#

42.#造句# Sina Weibo has temporarily banned its users from posting comments to curb the spread of rumors circulating on the nation's leading microblogging site.

43.#造句# Your mindset shapes your future.

44.The statement also demands the Syrian government stop fighting first-something Annan and the West have called for.(something...for是 the Syrian government stop fighting first的同位语。非常简单的句子。你的基本功急需提高。)

45.当美国老太撞上苹果店玻璃门后 #外刊点睛# An 83-year-old woman is suing Apple for $1 million after she walked into a glass wall at a Manhasset, New York Apple store and broke her nose, CBS New York reports. #sue sb. for sth 控告,起诉#

46.Many economists recken this year Chinese growth will fall well short of 7.5 percent government official are forecasting. #直击考点# fall well short of 远远低于,远未达到 well是加强语气,这里也可以用far,为考点。

46.#造句# My earnings fall well short of expenditure.

47.#造句串记托福单词# "There is a #polarity# of views among critics on the production#staged# by London Classic Theatre," a close source #revealed.#

48.#外刊点睛# The ruling in the New York case does not directly affect the lawsuits brought against the other schools, but Justice Schweitzer’s lengthy opinion could influence the judges presiding over those cases, lawyers involved in those cases say.纽约案例的裁决不会直接影响到对其他学校的诉讼,但是史怀哲法官繁长的意见可能会对主持这些案件的法官产生影响。参与这些案件的律师就是这样说的。

49.The National Music Publishers' Association wanted rates to be increased from 9 cents to 15 cents, which represents a 66% rise that #Apple said# would destroy its business model.国家音乐出版者协会想要将费用从9美分提高至15美分,苹果公司表示这种费用上升66%将会破坏它的商业模式。

49.#外刊点睛# The government presented tax and benefit changes that it said would spur economic growth, but which the opposition charged would benefit high earners. 政府提出了税收和福利改革,并声称这将会刺激经济增长。但是,反对派却指责该措施将会使高收入者受益。

50.#读外刊学雅思单词# The Justice Department and the Microsoft Corporation have#reached a tentative agreement# to settle the long-running antitrust suit against the company. tentative ['tent?tiv] adj.不确定的, 暂时的, 试验性质的, 犹豫不决的

51.#读外刊学雅思单词# If Toyota rides out the crisis well, it could turn it into an opportunity to #sharpen its competitive edge#. #ride out=weather 安然度过;sharpen one's competitive edge 增强某人的竞争力(竞争优势)#

52.The defective milk involving toxic food additives of Mengniu , at China's heading place of this sector/industry, had sparked mounting and massive corcern among the general population, undermining the reputation of its brand.

53.#读外刊学托福单词# The culture of other countries doesn't support the kind

of innovation that Steve Jobs #exemplifies#, as America does. exemplify

[iɡ'zemplifai] vt.例证, 例示, 作为...例子

54.#造句# I figure the price of recycled cooking oil, often known as "gutter oil," may not rise in the short run. (我估计短期内地沟油的价格可能不会上涨。)#领会本句各种用法#

55.#外刊点睛# The comments attributed to Jobs are perhaps no great surprise, not least because Apple is currently pursuing a number of lawsuits against smartphone makers who have opted to use Android—main market rival Samsung being the most notable target. 乔布斯的言论可能并不会让人太过惊讶,尤其是在目前苹果公司正在对选择安卓系统(作为其手机操作系统)的智能手机制造商们提起一系列诉讼的时刻——其主要市场竞争对手三星公司是最显眼的目标。

56.#外刊点睛# This week President Barack Obama signed a bill that restores his administration’s power to impose tariffs on countries like China and Vietnam, when their goods are reckoned to be subsidised or dumped on American markets. 本周布拉克.奥巴马总统签署了一项法案,旨在恢复当如中国和越南等一些国家的产品被认定为针对美国市场进行补贴或者倾销时,政府有对其征收关税的权利。

57.I'm reading Oprah, a real page-turner.

58.#外刊点睛# Food safety is a heated issue in China, where scandals involving toxic food additives frequently make the pages of the daily newspapers and have sparked outrage and concern among the general population. 食品安全在中国是一个热门的话题,涉及有毒食品添加剂的丑闻常常充斥在日报上,也激起了人民大众的愤怒和广泛关注。

59.#外刊点睛# Inflation is far less of a threat than a deepening recession, not least because the weakest euro-zone economies are also the ones most dependent on imported energy. 通货膨胀的威胁远远低于日益严重的经济衰退,不仅仅是由于最弱的欧元区也是最依赖于进口能源的经济体。

60.#外刊点睛# China's top two online video companies are joining forces, with Youku buying smaller rival Tudou in an all-stock deal worth over $1 billion, creating an industry leader with more than a one third share of a market losing money as it battles rising costs.中国排名头两位的网络视频公司达成合作,优酷公司以超过10亿美元的价格全额收购了其处于弱势地位的竞争对手土豆公司,此次交易创造了一个占有超过三分之一市场份额的行业领导者,而这个市场正因应对持续上升的成本而处于亏损状态。

61.#外刊点睛# Structural and functional imaging data shows that subjects with a particular gene related to violent behavior had reduced volume and activity in a part of the brain thought to be the hub of a circuit responsible for regulating impulsive aggression. 结构性与功能性的影像数据表明带有与暴力行为相联系的特定基因的实验对象已经使得大脑中一个部分的容量和活动量降低了。而这个部分则被认为是负责控制冲动性情绪和行为的枢纽中心。

62.#优酷土豆合并# #外刊点睛# Youku Inc. and Tudou Holdings Limited announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement for Tudou to combine with Youku in a 100% stock-for-stock transaction #sign a definitive

agreement 签订最终协议;combine with = merge with 与...合并#

63.#造句# China has emerged as the biggest #consumer country# of luxury goods. (中国已经成为最大的奢侈品消费国。)

64.Mr. Wong is a guru in helping you grasp English vocabulary. You can't afford to miss the lecture.

65.computer-induced agraphia(电脑失写症,电脑用的太多,导致提笔忘字)

66.College students are being encouraged to do volunteer work in western China. Is it really worthwhile to spend a year or two volunteering in an underdeveloped region?

66.#加分亮点句# Simply stated, serving as a volunteer in a less developed region in western China truly pays off.

67.#读外刊学雅思单词# The CBI blamed the decline on Britain's focus on advanced economies and its #inability# to break into emerging markets. #blame A on B 把A归咎于B;CBI = Confederation of British Industry 英国工业联合会;advanced economies 发达经济体;emerging markets 新兴市场#

68.#熟词僻义# appreciation / appreciate 升值

depreciation n.贬值, 减价, 跌落, 折旧, 轻视

69.#必背搭配# violent swing(剧烈的波动),可以替换为sharp fluctuation。

70.#必背搭配# genetically modified food转基因食品

71.#造句串联记忆托福单词# #Advances# in science have given us #insights# into how the galaxy is #condensed#.

72.#必背搭配# unprecedented demand / interest / popularity

precedent [pri'si:d?nt] 【考法1】 n. 先例, 前例: an earlier occurrence of something similar 类 precedent : unique = opposition : unexceptionable 先例 : 无先例的 = 反对 : 无可指责的(反面特征) 类 precedent : unique = end : infinite 先例 :.....

73.#造句# Jeremy Lin is a role model that can impact us positively.(林书豪是一个能够对我们产生积极影响的榜样 )

74.#造句串联记忆雅思单词# Step by step,I began to find his suppression of innovative ideas disgusting.

75.postal code/post code是邮政编码,但postwar或post-war是战后。 postal ['p?ust?l] adj.邮政的 n.明信片

76.#读外刊学托福单词# Apple Shares Hit New High As Consumers #Flock # To Buy New iPhones. flock [fl?k]n.羊群, (禽、畜等的)群, 大量, 众多 v.聚结


1. #读外刊学雅思单词# Walter Isaacson's anticipated biography of Steve Jobs contains some highly insightful excerpts on Jobs' #disdain# for Android. disdain [dis'dein] n. 轻蔑 v. 蔑视

2. #读外刊学托福单词# Madonna said that perfect love is #unattainable# as she attended the premiere of her new film, W.E. (麦当娜在参加她的新电影《W.E.》的首映式时说完美的爱是可望而不可即的。) unattainable

['?n?'tein?bl]adj.难到达的, 做不到的

3. #造句# It is tough to measure the #breadth# of impacts that the #careless#

utilization of artificial #intelligence# may produce in resolving sports disputes. (本句用了这三个雅思单词)很难衡量在解决体育争端时草率使用人工智能可能会产生的影响的广度。

4.#无处不在的表达多样性# renewable energy = sustainable energy

5.#读外刊学GRE单词# In Africa, where investment in health and education is desperately needed, #stringent financial policies# often forced cutbacks in these areas of social investment. stringent ['strind??nt] 【考法】adj. 绷紧的: tight, constricted 反 stringent → lax绷紧的 → 松弛的

6.#造句# Countless tragicomedies are played(staged) on this land of wonders everyday, which enjoys a long history stretching back five millennia.

7.#造句# #讨论# #契约精神# Jack Ma alleges that he is an entrepreneur honoring the spirit of contracts in the case of the Alipay transfer. Do you believe in him?

8.#造句# Contentment is the highest virtue of life. (知足是人生最高美德。)

9.#造句# Rumors are swirling that Lucas is not fathered by Nicholas Tse.

10.#造句# #感想# A man who fails to keep his promise will never taste true success.

11.Believe you can and you're halfway there. -Roosevelt

12.#造句# An intense desire aimed squarely at a specific goal would lead to success.

13.Here’s a sigh to those who love me, and a smile to those who hate.

14.#造句# Obsessive focus on your target is a must for becoming a high achiever.

15.#造句# This napping chubby(obese / fatty) four-year-old boy weighs —surprisingly— 62kg.

16.Leslie Cheung jumped to his eternal rest and into countless hearts.

17.Simplicity is beauty.

18.The Best Photos from TIME 2010 Protests in Thailand Photographed by James Nachtwey / VII for TIME Coffins are displayed at a memorial ceremony for those who were killed during the April 10 demonstrations in Bangkok.

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