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教材分析: 《猫虎歌》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书人音教材音乐第四册《兽王》中的一个教学主题,教材内容取材于一则民间传说故事,刻画了一只聪明狡黠的猫的形象,幽默诙谐,极富童趣,迎合了低年级学生喜爱小动物的天性,突出了趣味性。通过本课学习使学生感受音乐所描绘的音乐形象,教育学生爱护人类的朋友——动物.   


教学目标 :1、能用清晰的咬字、吐字演唱歌曲《猫虎歌》,并有感情地进行表现。 










在很久很久以前,有一只老虎曾拜一只猫儿为师傅学本领。猫师傅就将本领一一传授给了老虎,老虎想到自己的本领已经学到手,就神气活现专门欺侮森林里的小动物们。弄得小动物们都很害怕,此时老虎就更加威风凛凛了。这时候狡猾的狐狸给老虎出了个主意说:大王大王,你如果能吃掉猫,那你可就“天下第一”了,老虎一想:哎!这可是好主意啊!第二天,森林里的动物们正在森林里玩的热闹,一声大吼,吓得小动物们都瑟瑟发抖,一个个都逃走了。猫没料到老虎会来吃它,当老虎要扑向 “师傅”的瞬间,老师留一个悬念.你们想知道这个故事的结局么? {放课件,猫虎歌背景音乐讲故事}  让歌曲来告诉你。












l  教师范唱歌曲,仔细听歌曲的曲调哦。



读第一段词,比较有吔与没有的区别,能不能删去。不能变,不能变!一变,小猫就变得不活泼、不机灵,那样不被老虎吃掉才怪呢!” 那么怎样唱才能把小猫机灵、诙谐的样子表现出来呢?跳跃的,幽默的。我是小小歌唱家。

























UNIT 1 Interpreting Conversation (会话口译)

欢迎光临 Welcome

I. Key words and expressions

1. 邮电 post and telecommunications

2. 海外部主任 director of the overseas department 3. 感到骄傲和荣幸 feel proud and honored

4. gracious invitation 盛情邀请

5. a distinguished group 杰出人士

6. 寄托 expectations

7. 外宾专用别墅 villa for overseas visitors

8. look over the seas 俯瞰大海

9. 幽默感 sense of humor

10. 字面意思 literally mean

11. 下榻 reside / accommodate

12. 国际机票 international flight

13. school break 假期

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. 我是上海邮电服务发展公司海外部主任陈天明。

— arrangements of massages in an English sentence: specific

to general

— (Rendered version) I’m Chen Tianming. I’m the director of

the Overseas Department of Shanghai Post and Telecommunications Service Development Company. 2. 专程:pay a special visit / come all the way

3. 我们为您来此参加工作,成为我部门的一员而感到骄傲和荣幸。

— when there is overlap of more than one massages, we may

combine them into one.

— (Rendered version) We’re proud that you can come over

to our department to work with us.

4. 考虑到您的方便与舒适: for your convenience and comfort

5. Isn’t it nice that not only your overseas department looks over the

sea, but also my residence?

— to handle the tag questions, we have to be aware that

western people are more emotional than those in the east, and tag questions are usually rendered into statements — (Rendered version) …… 真是令人愉快。

6. have much in common:有许多共同点

7. 招待晚宴:reception party / receive

8. 我得走了,我们晚上再见:I’m afraid I have to leave now, and I will meet

you in the evening.

— Here, “I’m afraid that” is just a polite way for western

people to say something abrupt in a conversation. Students have to be very careful about these sort of expressions, and try to apply them in the interpretation practice in order to facilitate the understanding between the Chinese and foreign parties.

投资意向 A Wish to Invest

I. Key words and expressions

1. share my thoughts with you 听听您的意见

2. 洗耳恭听 would like to hear

3. foreign firm 外国公司

4. investment destination 投资目的地

5. 翻了两翻 quadruple ( double, triple etc)

6. 投资热 investment initiative / enthusiasm

7. 对外全面开放 overall opening to the outside world 8. 沿海城市 coastal cities

9. 内地 interior region / inland area

10. 有利可图 profitable

11. I’m all ears to 洗耳恭听,愿闻其详

12. 最大程度 to the maximum extent / maximize

13. 发挥有关双方的优势 take the advantages of the two parties 14. 幅员辽阔 vast land

15. 税收 taxation

16. 消费者市场 consumer market

17. 基础设施 infrastructure

18. 诱人的投资政策 inviting / attracting investment policies

19. 资金 fund / capital

20. 管理知识 managerial expertise

21. 研究资料 literature

— printed information produced by people who want to sell

you something or tell you about something

22. 利润 profit

23. 合资 joint venture

24. 独资企业 solely foreign funded enterprise

25. enlightening 有启发性

26. consultant 咨询

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Example: In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and

making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, and the Pudong area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destinations. Today t is not a matter of whether to go east, but when and how.

2. 海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番。出现这一高涨不止的投资热


— The second sentence is to a large degree overlaps with the

first one, so we can shorten the concept into “this


— (Rendered version) There are a lot of reasons for this


3. 除了中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一这个原因外,中国政府和地方政府很重


— The sentence needs considerable restructuring, as the

cohesive tie “除了” is not easy to be rendered if it is kept at its

original place, and here, we still have to remember that for a

long Chinese sentence, it should usually be broken up, and

the messages have to be restructuring.

— Restructured messages: 原因很多,(1)中国是世界上经济增





— Rendered version: China is one of the fastest developed

economies in the world. In addition, governments at various

levels have paid great attention to the overall opening up to

the outside world. They have opened not only coastal cities,

but also interior regions. They hope that they can attract

more foreign investments. Moreover, many overseas groups

and individual investors would like to invest directly in China.

They think that it is more profitable than trading with

Chinese companies.

— economy: the system by which a country's money and

goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this

way (LDOCE). So the word can be rendered into “经济大国”.

4. 中国复员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,


— For this kind of long Chinese sentences, interpreters would

have to remain patient, as there isn’t much technique

involved, except that they have to be interpreted as short sentences.

5. 所有这些优势难以在其他国家找到。

— Many students would carelessly render the sentence into

“All these advantages cannot be found in other countries”, so we have to be aware that in English, there is grammar, not only words. We should remember that “All… not…” actually means “Some… do…”.

— Technique involved: render the sentence in the opposite

direction. “所有都难在其他国家找” equals “只有中国有” — (Rendered version): These advantages can only be found in

China. Or: These advantages cannot be found in any other country in the world.

合资企业 Establishing a Joint Venture

I. Key words and expressions

1. cordless / mobile phones (cell phones) 无绳电话 / 移动电话 2. 投资意向 investment proposal

3. 明智的 wise

4. 制造公司 manufacturing firm / manufacturer

5. persuasive 有说服力

6. express train 快车

7. potential market 潜在市场

8. initially 起初

9. embark on 开始

10. at a moderate rate and a safe scale 以稳妥的速度与适当的规模 11. in the vicinity of 在…左右

12. 投资比重 share of investment

13. 利润分配 profit share

14. 权益关系 rights and interests

15. 营销 marketing

16. 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve

17. 天情还需防雨 make provision for contingency

18. convertible currency 可兑换货币

19. the term of our partnership 合作期限

20. the board of directors 董事会

21. 正合吾意 coincide with my idea

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Problem of coherence:

— When there is a shift of the speech between the two

parties, question-answer patterns usually need careful rendering, and the principle here is to “facilitate the listener, not the speaker”.

— Examples:

a. Yes, you did a very good job. “是的,我们谈得很愉快”

b. 当然可以。“Welcome aboard.”

c. I love renminbi. “我们也需要人民币(人民币的前景也很看好)” 2. I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint

venture with your company to manufacture cordless phones and mobile phones.

— If the suffix “-ability” appears in the middle of the sentence, it

should be rendered into “whether or not”.

— “同您商讨能够建一个公司生产…”。

3. The whole idea of my investing… sincere and persuasive.

— The sentence needs condensing.

— (Rendered version) 我们同意投资正是由于和你的讨论,你的回答非


4. 800万是个吉利数字。

— If there is cultural background information, we need to be careful,

as the listener might ask further questions, for example, “why do Chinese people take the number 8 million as auspicious?”

5. 我对这个5:5对半开的合伙投资比例感到满意… 5:5对半开的权益关系。

— If we remember the phrase “share / divide… equally”, the

sentence will be fairly easy. So here we still have to stress that most of the sentences should be condensed or rearranged before translated.

— (Rendered version) We are satisfied that we can share the

investment equally, and we can also share the management and profit equally.

6. “天晴还需防雨天”.

— Here, we cannot really render the sentence literally, as people

coming from different geographic location might have their respective view about “rain”. For example, those who are from tropical regions may actually regard rain as precious and vital, and then for these people, they will never understand why we should “keep foreign exchange for the rainy day”.

— To find the equivalent, we have to search through the English

expressions to find “make provision for contingency”.

7. 我建议贵方负责向海外推销65%以上的移动电话,您看如何?

— We can never really use the structure “I suggest that we should…”,

as in this specific circumstance when the Chinese party pleads that the foreign party may have to do them a favor, they need to be polite and euphemistic.

— On such occasions, we’d better employ such structures as “would

you please…” or “Is it possible that…”.



Wang: 您好, 您是从美国来的Jones先生吗?

Interpreter: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Jones from the United States? Jones: Yes, I am Sam Jones from New York, USA.

Interpreter: 是的, 我是Sam Jones, 我从美国来。

Wang: 欢迎您到上海来, Jones先生, 您一路上好吗?

Interpreter: Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. Jones. How was the flight?

Jones: Pretty good. It’s a fine day and the journey was uneventful.

Interpreter: 很好, 天气也不错。 一路上平安无事。

Wang: 那真好, 咱们别站在这里了。 经过十几个小时的飞行, 您一定很累了。 我们

的车就停在外面, 咱们可以边走边谈。

Interpreter: That’s fine. We don’t have to stay here. You must be very tired

after more than ten hours’ flight. Our car is just waiting outside. We

can talk on the way to the hotel.

Jones: Great! You are very considerate, Mr. Wang. Will it take long to get to the


Interpreter: 好的,王先生。 您考虑得非常周到。 到宾馆要很长时间吗?

Wang: 不远, 只有十五分钟的路程, 这边请。

Interpreter: Not far away. It’s about fifteen minutes’ drive. This way, please. Jones: Thank you very much.

Interpreter: 谢谢。


Assistant: 您好, 能为您效劳吗?

Interpreter: Hello, what can I do for you?

Foreigner: I would like to buy a woolen carpet.

Interpreter: 我要买一块羊毛地毯。

Assistant: 这边请。 这儿有许多羊毛地毯供您选择, 它们有不同的规格, 不同的图案,


Interpreter: This way, please. Here are a good many woolen carpets for you to

select from. They are in different sizes, different patterns and different


Foreigner: I would like to buy a light blue one, and the size is six feet wide, and

mine feet long.

Interpreter: 我想买一块淡蓝色的, 长9英尺, 宽6英尺。

Assistant: 您运气不错, 我们这里正好有这个规格和这个颜色的地毯。

Interpreter: You’re lucky. We have the carpet with the right size and right


Foreigner: I like the pattern and the color assortment. What’s the price of it? Interpreter: 我喜欢这个花样, 颜色也很搭配, 多少钱一块?

Assistant: 一万两千元人民币。

Interpreter: 12,000 RMB.

Foreigner: Ok. I will take it. Can I pay by check?

Interpreter: 好的, 我就买这一块。 可以用支票支付吗?

Assistant: 当然可以。

Interpreter: Yes, of course.

Foreigner: But how can I take it home? It is too heavy I am afraid.

Interpreter: 但是地毯太重了, 我没有办法把它弄回家。

Assistant: 不用担心, 请您留下地址, 我们负责在七天内将地毯送到。

Interpreter: Don’t worry. Leave your address to us, and we will send to you in

seven days.

Foreigner: Sure. Here is my address and phone number. Thank you. Interpreter: 好的, 这是我的地址和电话, 谢谢。

Assistant: 不客气, 欢迎下次再来。

Interpreter: You are welcome. And wish you would come next time.

UNIT 2 Interpreting Interviews (访谈口译)

行在美国 Travel in America

I. Key words and expressions

1. 据说 it is said that

2. 由汽车驱动的国家 a country driven by automobiles 3. 夸张的说法 exaggeration

4. correct observation 基本正确的看法

5. way of life 生活方式

6. drive-in bank / restaurant / church / movie “免下车”银行 / 饭馆 / 教堂 / 影院

7. 以游客的身份访美 visit US with a tourist’s visa 8. international driver’s license 国际驾驶执照 9. 行车限速 speed limit

10. expressway 高速公路

11. minimum speed 最低限速

12. 出公差 on business leave

13. 租车服务行业 car rental service

14. 付款方式 payment terms

15. major credit card (e.g. Master Card, Visa, or American Express) 大公司的信用卡

16. deposit 押金

17. special offer 削价

18. passenger rail service 铁路客运服务

19. long distance coach 长途汽车

20. monthly pass 汽车月票

21. regulated price 统一票价

22. shuttle and commuter flights 往返于两地的航班 23. 不尽如人意 not desirable

24. subway 地铁

25. cab / cabby 出租汽车

26. Yellow Pages 黄页

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Students should pay attention to the most important words in each

section of the speech made by the foreigner, and interpret the sentence with these clues while omitting those trivial expressions.

2. Pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and stressing should all be the

concern of an interpreter when he is trying to make sense of the original speaker, and unfortunately most of the Chinese students have only paid heed to the first and ignore the other three concepts.

3. Intonation:

— rise and fall in pitch of the voice

— The falling tune: the voice falls from a high to a low note on one

stressed syllable, and it is used in the following cases:

a. in short complete statements

[e.g.] It is not far from here.

b. for questions beginning with a question word

[e.g.] How much is this dictionary?

c. for tag-questions when the speaker is sure that what he says is


[e.g.] It’s very warm today, isn’t it?

d. for short orders and exclamations

[e.g.] Don’t forget. / How delicious it is!

— The rising tune: the voice rises on the last stressed word, or on the

unstressed syllables following the last stress, and it is usually used in the following cases:

a. for statements intended to encourage:

[e.g.] That’s good idea.

b. for general questions, namely, questions that are answered by “yes”

or “no”

[e.g.] Would you care for some cold drink?

c. for tag-questions when the speaker is not sure that what he says is


[e.g.] You know that author, don’t you?

d. for questions beginning with question words when the speaker

wishes to show special interest

[e.g.] What does he come to this city for?

e. for sentences ending with “please”; for “thank you” when the

expression is used to show gratitude (or politeness) for a simple matter

[e.g.] What’s the time, please?

— The falling-rising tune: the voice usually falls on the most important

part of the sentence and rises again, and it is used in the following cases:

a. for apologies:

[e.g.] I am sorry.

b. for expressing tentative opinions:

[e.g.] I’m afraid that’s not the case.

4. Rates of air travel are often lower and they don’t always demand a

credit card.

— In US, travel by air is for convenient and by train for comfort, so that is

why air price is sometimes lower than train fare. Here, we should know that cultural and social background sometimes may differ between Chinese and western people, and we have to pay attention. These differences may help us better understand the original speaker. 5. The content of this text should be remembered, as it can serve as a

general introduction of the basic facts about the traffic in US.

艾滋哀之 The AIDS Epidemic

I. Key words and expressions

1. Nobel Prize winning microbiologist 获得诺贝尔奖的微生物学家

2. AIDS epidemic 艾滋病

3. plague 瘟疫

4. on an international scale 在全世界范围内

5. leading cause 最主要的原因

6. HIV-positive HIV阳性

7. imperil 腐朽,死亡

8. homosexually transmitted disease 通过同性恋传播的疾病

9. put in place 开展,执行,实施

10. ultimate solution 最终的解决办法

11. massive educational campaign 大规模的教育活动

12. conceivable 可以想象的

13. self-defeating 自暴自弃的行为

14. 调查结果 survey

15. 隔离 quarantine / segregate

16. HIV virus 艾滋病毒

17. futile 毫无用处

18. 强制性化验 mandatory testing

19. voluntary and confidential testing 自愿并保密的化验

20. better off 更好

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. The text is technical in nature, with many words and expressions in

the field of medicine. Students should gradually realize that a competent interpreter needs to acquaint himself with some special knowledge in order to do the job well.

2. In order to interpret this sophisticated articulated text by a Nobel

laureate, students still have to apply the technique in listening, i.e. to grasp the words stressed by the speaker.

3. In the 20 years since the first reports of what we now know was AIDS,

an entire generation has been born and come of age never knowing a world without the epidemic.

— When there are two negative words in the sentence, we may

interpret them into one positive sentence.

4. To argue that it’s difficult and expensive and therefore we shouldn’t do

it would be self-defeating.

— 如果我们认为这件事很困难,而且成本高,因此我们就不去做,这将是


经营之道 Business management

I. Key words and expressions

1. business communication style 商务沟通方式 2. work ethic 职业道德

3. one’s prospective business contact 潜在客户 4. the “get-down-to-business-first” mentality “工作为先”的思维方式 5. time-consuming 耗费时间

6. keep to 坚持

7. the “bottom-up, then top-down and then bottom-up” principle “自下


8. top management 高层管理人员 9. business practices 商业惯例

10. 咄咄逼人的 aggressive

11. straightforward 直截了当

12. 管理模式 management

13. the top-down management “自上而下”的管理模式 14. efficiency 效率

15. gives priority to 重视,推崇

16. frustrate 令人沮丧

17. fulfillment 成就感

18. membership 成员(身份)

19. a sense of belonging in a community 集体主义感,团体归属感 20. individual orientated 面向个人,以个人为中心的

21. accomplishment 成就

22. dedication 献身精神

23. 利与弊 merits and demerits

24. Oriental 东方的

25. executive 决策执行人员

II. Language points and text


1. I think there are at least two differences… First, Chinese businessmen

tend to… The Chinese take time to learn if… In contrast, the Americans act as… Second, the decision-making process of Chinese… This is because most Chinese companies… American companies, on the other hand, usually operate with…

— Students should pay attention to the structure of this

paragraph. They need to be prepared to abandon the old way of comprehension based on words and expressions and to introduce into the practice this concept of “logic” or “the meaning structure”

2. I notice that a lot of Chinese often avoid saying a clear “no” just to be

polite. Sometimes my Chinese colleagues say “yes” not to express agreement, but only to show that they are listening.

— Students need to notice the cultural difference here, and try to

avoid similar embarrassment in their later career.

3. 我们都应当承认这些文化差异,尊重这些差异,以免产生误解。

— Chinese people like repetition in their speech, especially when

they would like to emphasize, while English speaking people usually try to avoid repetition.

— (rendered version) acknowledge and respect these differences

4. Students should convert the content of the text into a programmed and

automated part of their daily conversation, as it is a common topic for the free talk with foreign businessmen. And here, students should established in their minds the idea that if they would like to do the interpretation very well, they need to be familiar with what they interpret to the extent that the language used can be converted to an automated program deeply rooted in their minds.



Euromaxx dossier —— Donna Leon

From Southberg to Venice, an American crime writer Donna Leon loved Venice so much when she first visited it in 1965, she decided to move there one day. She has now lived there for the last twenty years and it is a constant inspiration for her novels. Her detective story featuring Commissario Brunetti has this unique city on the Adriatic as its backdrop. Donna Leon is our subject of Euromaxx dossier today.

Donna Leon, sixty years old, author.

How would you describe your character?

I am an optimist, and I am happy.

Her detective novels, featuring Commissario Brunetti have become some of the biggest international sellers of the recent years. And that, even though Donna Leon only started writing at the age of fifty, the American born author has spent most of her life abroad ever since she graduated. Since the early 1980s, she has lived in Venice where her fictional crimes take place. When she is not busy working on her next book, She is a confirmed opera lover who is likely to be traveling to see a new performance somewhere in the world. Her favorite music is Handel’s Alcina. Her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Her favorite food is pumpkin risotto.

What makes you happiest, and why?

If I can choose two things, I would choose baroque opera because it makes me joyous to listen to it, and the reading of good books because it makes me think (Pay attention to the skill to cope with the word “baroque”.)

What is your secret passion?

At sixty, one has so few passions, secret or open. Probably my hopeless worship of opera singers and what they can do.

(Here, students have to find a better Chinese rendering for the phrase “secret passion”.)

Who is your personal hero?

I can’t think of a heroic person. I think there are heroic people. I think the heroic people are people who get up in the morning, and go to work, and come home at night and play with their kids, and don’t complain about their life, and just get on with the business of life and taking care of their children. I think those are heroic people.

(In interpretation, we tend to condense some of the random information into concise and brief sentences or groups, so in the sentences above, what Leon really would like to express is that she worships those “common people who have experienced life with optimism.)

What quality do you admire most in a friend?

That they make me think. That they make me laugh. And that I know they will never lie to me.

Who will you always be grateful to?

I will always be grateful to my friend, the conductor Alan Curtis, because he got

me involved in the running of an opera company. And it is great glorious fun.

To whom you owe an apology?

I owe an apology to a little girl on a bicycle in Italian speaking Switzerland who had a dog that wouldn’t come when I called it. I called the dog stupid and I offended the little girl almost to the point of tears. And I owe her an apology because it wasn’t a stupid dog.

(The last sentence has to be rendered into “我应当向她道歉,因为我不应当那样说话”.)

What is your unfulfilled ambition?

To hear well performed every one of Handel’s forty-two operas.

What do you treasure?

I think my most treasure possession is a piece of twelve century Persian ceramic, just a simple geometric painted bowl that has been fired at such high temperature that much of the ceramic took on a growing kind of mother-of-pearl effect. I think of all the things I own, I love that the most. (In the sentence, the words “ceramic, geometric, mother-of-pearl” can all become obstacles to students’ understanding, then how to get around requires some thoughts.)


Interview with Yoyo Ma (Excerpt from CNN Talk Asia)

— Yoyo, your father first taught you how to play the violin, but you eventually

switched to the cello, right. What did you have against the violin?

— You know what’s funny is that people talk about you have musical talent or

you don’t have musical talent. I think that’s true up to a certain point. But in terms of instrumental talent, I was a disaster in the violin. I didn’t like the

violin. It just physically didn’t work. // In fact, that my sister played the violin, and she played very well, may have had something to do with it because you know, she plays so well. Maybe I can never catch up to her. // But I love the sound of the violin, so it continues to be one of my favorite instruments. But I just wasn’t so good at it. I just wanted something big. I wanted to play the double base, and I couldn’t play the double base at the age of four. So the cello is a compromise. // I had promised my parents that if they got me a cello, I would stick to it and would not keep switching. So I’ve kind of kept my promise although I occasionally will play other instruments.

? Something is a compromise. 退而求其次。

? The shadowed words in the above text is phonetically emphasized by

the speaker, and they can sever as the discourse marks for us to better understand the logic of the speaker.

— Now your parents. They were both musicians, your mama a singer and your

father a professor. Were they pretty strict, I mean? Did they force you to practice, practice and practice? Or were you a pretty disciplined child at five? — No. I was never a disciplined child, and I continue not to be incredibly

disciplined. You know Asian household. You play instruments. I think what was different in my family was that my parents both really loved music, as well as my sister, in very specific ways. // My father was a composer. He was a music _____ he conducted. He’s very analytical. He had very specific ways of talking about music. Since he had lived in France for so many years, I was really taught the French system of naming notes, harmony and counterpoint. // My mother was a singer. The analytical sides of music didn’t interest her. I think she more or less wanted more real one. She wanted to be moved by the music. So having this from both sides was certainly part of my musical education. // My sister, who actually has the combination from both from my parents, played the violin and piano. So we actually did make music together as children, and that was certainly a good thing and fun thing.

? Father vs. mother: analytical vs. intuitive (here we have to pay

attention to the understanding of the words the speaker has used to described his parents.)

— Would you say this leads you more toward your mom or your father? — I think at various times when I’m performing, I think the priorities when

you’re performing is to actually be there for the music, and that is really both a conscious and a subconscious response of music. That’s probably my mother. // But I think my father’s side, looking at new music and really looking at the world. I think that’s very much there too. I think it’s that early training there that has given me the ability to learn a lot of new things and having a system to be up to do that. // Obviously I have had many great teachers since I was ten years old, and I can talk to you about all of them because each one of them has taken me to another level of understanding, and I think that part is constant. // I’m continually learning from people and now learning from people who are younger than I am, who know a lot of things I don’t know.

— You were born in Paris, Yoyo. Would you say you were raised in a Chinese


— I think what is interesting about my background is that I received a number

of cultures all at the same time. So I think I learned both Chinese and French at the same time and certainly my parents’ immediate cultural prospective was a Chinese one, but actually a Chinese one from the time they left China that they kept in their minds. // So by the time I moved to America, it really was that I had three cultures in my brain at all times and some parts would be activated more at one time obviously when you’re trying to speak a language. That is one form of activation. // But I think also in terms of thinking, part of why I think I do the work I do in music, as well as culture, is probably the result of this early upbringing and certainly it was my interest

in college as well as in my travels and music.

Unit 3 Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches (礼仪性口译) English-Chinese

故地重游 Revisiting the Old Haunt

I. Key words and expressions

1. world-renowned 举世闻名的

2. diversity 多样化,气象万千

3. dynamism 动态,充满活力

4. a special regard 特殊敬意

5. nostalgic 思乡,怀旧的

6. memorable 值得记忆,难忘的

7. utmost courtesy 彬彬有礼

8. extensive 广泛的

9. overshadow 减弱

10. non-governmental sector 非政府部门

11. foundations 基金会

12. mutual benefit 共同利益

13. good faith 良好诚意

14. strategic relationship 战略关系

15. flourish 繁荣发展

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. When interpreting ceremonial speeches, students need to be aware that

as the occasion is rather formal, they should employ comparatively formal Chinese expressions in the practice. It means that the style of the rendered text should correspond to the original.

2. Eugene A. Nida’s theory of “kernel structure” and “functional

equivalent” and its application.

— Basic element (similar) vs. deep structure (similar) vs. surface

structure (different).

? messages contained in the two languages might be taken

as roughly the same, but the structures of the two languages are surely different.

— The concept of “functional equivalent”

? Each language has its own genius.

? To communicate effectively, one must respect the genius of

each language

? To preserve the content of the message, the form must be


— Practical implications

? The greater the differences in the source and target

cultures, the greater the need for adjustments.

? The greater the differences between the source and target

languages, the greater the need for adjustments. ? The more distinctive (whether idiosyncratic or elevated) the

style of the source text, the greater the number of adjustments.

? The greater the differences in social and educational levels

of the source and target audiences, the greater the number of adjustments.

? The more a translated text is dependent on an

accompanying code, the greater the number and variety of adjustments.

— Other principles in Nida’s theory

? As long as the two sentences have the same information. ? As long as the two sentences generate similar response

among respective readers.

? Readability is one of the basic criteria for judging a good

piece of translated text.

— An initial comparison between the structures of the Chinese and

English languages

? logical clauses

? attributive clauses

? participles

? prepositional phrases

— The above-mentioned linguistic items in the two languages can

serve as modifiers in Chinese and English, but in Chinese, they are placed before the modified subjects while in English they are placed after the modified subjects. This concept is the basis for simultaneous interpretation and sight interpretation, that we have to break the long sentences up into short ones and interpret them in their original consequence.

— An initial comparison between the structures of the Chinese and

English languages

3. How to achieve the rhythmical effect in both Chinese and English


— extraordinary arrangements and hospitality 精心安排,热情好客 — diversity, dynamism and progress 气象万千,充满活力,不断进步

? parallel structure in English

? four-character phrase in Chinese

4. world-renowned “Long March”… and progress of China your policies of reform and opening to the outside world.

— In order to interpret the above sentence while keeping the

elements in the same place, we have to use the technique of “converting part of speech”, either in the form of addition or reduction of words.

? than: “长征”还要长

? under:

— similar examples:

? During that time we never experienced anything other

than…: 那段时间里,我们没有别的感受,感受到的只有… ? We were part of the… which brought us back… road to a

genuine friendly…: 我们是戏剧化进程的一部分,这个进程… 这条道路让我们走向…

? While we are not so na?ve as to believe that there is no

issues of difference between us, I also…: 我们并不天真,我们相信我们之间仍然存在分歧…

愉悦之旅 A Pleasant Trip

I. Key words and expressions

5. Your Excellency 阁下

6. cradle of civilization 文明摇篮 / 发源地

7. renew old friendships 重叙友谊

8. establish new contact 结交新朋友

9. a constant source of encouragement 一直是多我们的鼓励 10. in the pursuit of 在追求…的过程中

11. a common aspiration 共同的愿望

12. endeavor 努力

13. in the service of 为…服务

14. in closing 最后

15. privileged 荣幸

16. propose a toast 为…祝酒

17. cheers 干杯

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Students have to review the basic requirements of interpreting

ceremonial speeches, that, as the occasion is rather formal, they should

employ comparatively formal Chinese expressions in the practice. It means that the style of the rendered text should correspond to the original.

2. In this lesson, students still have to bear in mind E. A. Nida’s translation

theories, namely “functional / dynamic equivalent” and apply them to practice.

3. Review the differences in the structures of the Chinese and English


— logical clauses

— attributive clauses

— participles

— prepositional phrases

4. The above-mentioned linguistic items in the two languages can serve as

modifiers in Chinese and English, but in Chinese, they are placed before the modified subjects while in English they are placed after the modified subjects. This concept is the basis for simultaneous interpretation and sight interpretation that we have to break the long sentences up into short ones and interpret them in their original consequence. And in order to interpret the sentences while keeping the elements in the same place, we have to use the technique of “converting part of speech”, either in the form of addition or reduction of words.

— Ex: “We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that small and developing countries. China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country. 我们欢迎中国显示出的关注和理解,中国关注和理解我们的问题和我们的态度,(我们有这样的问题并采取这样的态度)都是因为我们是小国。中国的支持是持续不断的鼓励,鼓励我们追求自己的目标,维持国家的独立。

— Ex: “As we are both … to the opportunity of learning something

economic and social development in the service of your people. 向你们学习,学习你们的不懈努力和经验,这些都是你们在发展经济和社会方面取得的,而目的正是为了服务人民。

欧亚合作 Euro-Asian Cooperation

I. Key words and expressions

1. European Union 欧盟

2. hereby 在此

3. equal partnership 平等伙伴关系

4. witness a rapid rise to prosperity 经历迅速繁荣发展

5. robust economic region 经济迅速发展的地区

6. alliance 联盟

7. trade bloc 贸易集团

8. gross domestic product 国内生产总值

9. foreign trade volume 外贸交易额

10. tariff 关税

11. fishery 渔场

12. monetary union 货币联盟

13. political and economic integration 政治与经济一体化

14. market share 市场分额

15. a far cry from meeting demands 远远不能满足要求

16. comparatively speaking 相比较而言

17. resolve differences 消除分歧

18. enhance 提高,改善

19. in the interest of 为了…的利益

20. thereby 因此


新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival

I. Key words and expressions

1. 嘉宾 distinguished guests

2. 明月当空 moon-lit

3. 全体同仁 all the colleagues

4. 从百忙当中拨冗光临 take the time of the busy schedule to come over

5. 新春联欢晚会 New Year’s Party

6. 远道而来 come all the way from

7. 尽情品尝 help one’s self

8. 美酒佳肴 delicious wine and cuisine

9. 才华横溢 talented

10. 纯正 authentic

11. 无拘无束 feel free to

12. 万事如意 everything goes very well

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. How to interpret the Chinese phrases with four special Chinese


— Chinese people tent to use words with four Chinese characters to

make their speeches more expressive.

— This kind of words usually bear the nature of conveying meaning

through setting up images, but if we can understand that images in the Chinese culture may not have their English equivalents, we will realize why we should basically simplify the process of interpreting by explaining the real meaning of the phrases instead of resorting to a word-for-word strategy.

— 才华横溢 talented / 拨冗光临 take the time off / 明月当空


2. “各位还将欣赏由本公司一些才华横溢的青年员工所表演的中国味纯正的文艺节


— For long Chinese sentences, the basic strategy is to break up the

long Chinese original into small chunks of expression and then


— Theoretical basis: Nida’s theory of “kernel and surface”, — 各位将要欣赏节目 / 节目由我公司才华横溢的青年员工表演 / 节目具有纯


— Possible interpreted version: You will enjoy some performances.

They are given by the talent young staff from our company. The performances will have an authentic Chinese flavor.

开幕祝词 An Opening Speech

I. Key words and expressions

1. 宣布…开幕 declare… open

2. 社区服务 community services

3. 国际研讨会 international seminar

4. 筹委会 organizing committee

5. 开幕式 opening ceremony

6. 温哥华 Vancouver

7. 市场经济体制 market economic system

8. 社会福利保障体制 social welfare system

9. 政府职能 governmental function

10. 政府包揽 undertaken by the government

11. 民间组织 non-governmental organization

12. 宏观管理 macro-management

13. 分工协作 collaboration and division of responsibility 14. 借鉴 reference

15. 丰硕成果 fruitful / bear fruit

16. 预祝…圆满成功 wish… a complete success

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. “首先,请允许我…表示热烈欢迎!”

— With long sentences, we should first grasp the clue of the sentence

before going into detail.

— Analysis: 请允许我 / 代表研讨会的筹委会 / 向参加今天到场的嘉宾表示

感谢 / (列举出席人员)

2. Overcome the feeling of impatience.

— Most of the sentences in this passage are fairly long and

complicated, but as long as we are patient, we will grasp the

essence of each sentence and then rearrange every detail in

accordance with the English grammar.

— The passage also help show the concept of “interpreting in an

automated and spontaneous fashion”, that if we are not familiar

with the words and expressions, of course we will have great trouble

in interpreting.



At the banquet (Part One)

Mrs. Wang: 菜已经上来了, 怀特先生, 怀特太太, 请不要客气, 随便吃。 对了, 你


Interpreter: Dinner is ready, Mr. And Mrs. White. Please help yourselves. Oh,

by the way, have you learned to manage chopsticks?

Mr. White: Yes. We often go to Chinese restaurants in Britain to learn how to

use chopsticks after our last visit to Shanghai.

Interpreter: 能用。 从我们上次访问过上海后, 我们经常到英国的中餐馆学习如何使


Mr. White: These dishes look very appetizing. What are they?

Interpreter: 这些菜看上上去让人很有胃口, 是什么菜啊?

Mr. Wang: 这是红烧肉, 这是冷盘烧鸡, 这个是青菜烧竹笋, 这个是糖醋鲤鱼。 那

边一个是中国式泡菜。 大家爱吃什么就吃什么吧!

Interpreter: This is braised pork, this is cold roast chicken, those are Chinese

greens and bamboo shoots, this is sweet and sour carp and that is

Chinese style pickles. Please help yourselves to whatever you like.

Mrs. White: They not only look good but also taste good.

Interpreter: 它们不仅看上去漂亮, 吃着也很不错。

Mrs. Wang: 中国人做菜特别讲究“色, 香, 味”。

Interpreter: Chinese dishes are famous for their “color, flavor and taste”. Mr. Wang: 这是北京烤鸭。 是国际饭店的特色菜, 又香又酥, 和面饼, 葱, 甜面酱


Interpreter: This is Peking Roast Duck. It is a specialty of the International

Hotel. It smells good and the skin tastes crispy. It is eaten with

pancakes, Chinese onion and sweet soybean sauce.

Mrs. White: That’s a work of art.

Interpreter: 这简直就是件工艺品。

Mr. White: I can no longer wait to try it. Can you tell me how to eat it? Interpreter: 我都等不及了, 能告诉我怎么吃吗?

Mr. Wang: 先拿块薄饼, 然后用葱蘸点甜面酱抹在饼上, 再放三四块鸭肉, 最后把它


Interpreter: Take a piece of pancake, dip some slices of onion into the sweet

soybean sauce and put them on the pancake, together with three or

four piece of duck meat. Roll the whole thing up and then you can

eat it.

Mr. White: Ok. Let me try one. How nice! This reminds me of the roast chicken

at home. But yours is much better.

Interpreter: 我来试一块。 真好吃! 让我想起家里的烤鸡, 但不如这里的烤鸭。 Mr. Wang: 谢谢光临, 为你们的健康与幸福干杯。

Interpreter: Thanks for coming. May I propose a toast to your happiness and



At the banquet (Part Two)

Mrs. Zhang: 好了, 诸位, 请你们随便用菜。 格罗斯夫人, 你愿不愿意尝尝这个小


Interpreter: Now, everybody, please help yourselves to the dishes. Mrs. Gross,

would you like to try this vegetable dish?

Mrs. Gross: Kim chi! It’s a wonderful appetizer. In the Korean restaurants in

San Francisco they always serve you kim chi as a starter. I love it.

Interpreter: 朝鲜辣白菜! 这是很好的开胃菜。 在旧金山的朝鲜餐馆里总是用这个作

第一道菜。 我很喜欢。

Mr. Gross: I am extremely fond of kim chi. Can I try some?

Interpreter: 我特别喜欢朝鲜辣白菜。 可以尝一点吗?

Mrs. Zhang: 当然可以, 多吃一点。

Interpreter: Certainly. Help yourself!

Mr. Gross: Mm, it is really good. Can you get it form the market?

Interpreter: 真是不错。 这个可以在市场买到吗?

Mr. Zhang: 这个是自己做的, 是我太太的拿手菜之一。

Interpreter: No, it is homemade. It is one of my wife’s special recipes.

Mrs. Gross: Really? It’s excellent. You can hardly tell the difference from the

restaurant’s. Mrs. Zhang, you must write down the recipe for me. I’d like to make some myself when I am back home.

Interpreter: 真的吗? 太棒了。 和饭馆里做的没有什么两样。 张太太, 能不能把配

方给我写下来。 等我回家后自己也做一点。

Mrs. Zhang: 没有问题。

Interpreter: No problem.

Mrs. Gross: Can I try some of that coleslaw, please? It’s so inviting. Interpreter: 我能不能尝尝那个卷心菜色拉, 看上去很不错。

Mrs. Zhang: 当然可以, 请随便用。

Interpreter: Of course you can. Please help yourself.

Mrs. Gross: Mm, smashing. Cabbage and shelled fresh shrimp. This is a perfect


Interpreter: 棒极了。 卷心菜和鲜虾仁, 搭配得真不错。

Mr. Zhang: 但是味道与你们的可能有些不同吧。

Interpreter: But the taste is different from yours, right?

Mr. Gross: Yes. That’s because you use a different kind of dressing. I like yours.

We use too much mayonnaise. Yours is healthier and it tastes

nicer, too.

Interpreter: 是的。 那是因为你们用的色拉酱不同。 我喜欢你们的做法。 我们用蛋黄

酱太多了。 你们的凉菜更加有益健康, 味道也比我们的好。

Mrs. Zhang: 格罗斯夫人要不要来点这个家常菜, 麻辣豆腐? 吃麻辣味道吗?

Interpreter: Mrs. Gross. Would you like me to help you to this plain home dish,

spicy bean curd. I hope you don’t mind spicy food.

Mrs. Gross: Yes, please. We love spicy food. Mm, it is wonderful. It just hits the


Interpreter: 好的, 请给我来一点。 我们喜欢麻辣菜。 啊, 真不错。 味道真纯正。 Mrs. Gross: The fish slices in tomato sauce is brilliant as well. And the

sweet-and-sour pork is also tasty.

Interpreter: 番茄酱炒鱼片真好吃, 还有糖醋猪肉也非常不错。

Mr. Gross: The fried chicken is terrific. The skin is so crispy and the meat is so

tender. You could hardly tell it form KFC.

Interpreter: 炸鸡也很棒。 外焦里嫩。 和肯德基不相上下。

Mrs. Gross: The whole fish is splendid. I don’t believe I’ve ever tasted anything

so delicious. Please tell me how you managed to cook a fish this size so

tender and fresh?

Interpreter: 烧全鱼做得真好。 我从来没有吃过这么好的鱼。 你是怎么把这么大的一


Mrs. Zhang: 我只是放了点水, 加了切碎的葱姜, 放点盐, 慢火炖的。

Interpreter: I added some water, and then just poached it with chopped onion

and ginger, and a pinch of salt.

Mrs. Gross: Is that all? There is no glutamate, no oil. No wonder the flavor is so

natural. I am sure it is a very healthy dish.

Interpreter: 这么简单。 没有味精, 没有盐。 怪不得是天然的香味。 我想这个菜一


Mrs. Zhang: 再来尝尝这个青椒炒肉丝吧。 请大家趁热吃。

Interpreter: This is pork shreds and green pepper. Please help yourselves

while it is still warm.

Mrs. Gross: I have heard that a Chinese dinner usually consists of many

courses, but this is really a banquet. I would like to save my

stomach for some homemade dumplings.

Interpreter: 中国的宴会通常有好多菜。 这次真是顿丰盛的晚餐。 我想留着肚子吃点


Unit 4 Interpreting Informative Speeches (介绍性口译) English-Chinese

股票市场 The Stock Market

I. Key words and expressions

1. raise money 集资

2. the New York Stock Exchange 纽约股票交易所

3. publicly owned company 公有制公司

4. stock holder / share holder 股票持有人

5. stock broker 股票交易人

6. stock dealer 股票经纪人

7. stock trading system 股票交易系统

8. the general public 公众

9. bull / bear market 牛市 / 熊市

10. stock index 股票指数

11. the Dow Jones Industrial Average 道·琼斯工业平均指数

12. the NASTAQ 纳斯达克综合指数

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Binary clue entailed in the passage: Students should notice that there is

a binary clue in most of the paragraphs in the passage, which serves the mark for note-taking

— Para 1: company-sell-to raise money / people-buy-as an investment

— Para 4: stockbroker and dealer-important / Internet-make it easy to trade

— Para 5: 50 years ago-only 5% Americans owned / today 50% — Para 6: bull market / bear market

— Para 7: long term-always increase / short term-affect those selling stock at low price

— Para 8: recently-short term-popular (day trade)-earn large some / most-lose money

— Para 10: usually-invest in companies with strong earning / last few

years-companies with future growth-greater demand 2. Since stock will become a very familiar aspect of most people’s life, we

need to remember all the phrases appearing in the passage.

游客之居 A Place to Stay

I. Key words and expressions

1. motel 汽车旅馆

2. lodging 公寓式旅馆

3. ads 广告

4. in any case 无论如何

5. inn 小旅馆,客栈

6. resort 海边度假旅馆

7. freeway 高速公路

8. single / twin / double / queen size / king size bed 单人床 / 双床位/ 双

人床/ 加大床 / 特大床

9. “long boy” 加长床

10. double room 标准间(双床位)

11. waterbed 水床

12. rollaway bed 滚动式折叠床

13. hide-a-bed 暗床

14. camping 露营,野营

15. campground 宿营地

16. trailer 野营用拖车

17. the States 美国

18. shelter 栖身之地

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. Students should try to remember the background knowledge about

traveling in US, including means of transportation, hotel rooms and types of beds etc.

2. “People who prefer camping… have camp grounds nearby.”

— The phrase “have a hard time” should not be interpreted as “日子

不好过” because it does not really indicate the hard life in US. It only means “not easy to find a place to camp”.

— When we interpret, we need to be accurate in our expression so as

not to make overstatements.


集团公司 An Ambitious Conglomerate

I. Key words and expressions

1. 竭诚欢迎 sincerely welcome

2. 各界人士 personalities of all walks of life

3. 集科、工、贸、旅游、娱乐于一体 integrate scientific research, manufacturing

industry, trade, and tourist and entertainment services

4. 物贸中心 materials trading center

5. 房地产开发公司 real estate development company

6. 娱乐总汇 recreational center

7. 中澳合资纺织制品有限公司 Sino-Australian jointly-funded textile

manufacturing company limited

8. 年销售额 annual sales volume

9. 国家旅游局批准 approved by the Chinese National Tourism


10. 国家认可的 state-certified

11. 外国商社 foreign business establishment

12. 三资企业 foreign-funded enterprises

13. 拓展市场 expanding the markets

14. 提供全方位的服务 offer an all-round service

15. 经营范围 business scope

16. 商务咨询 business consultancy

17. 商务投资考察 investigation tours for business investment 18. 景点 scenic spot

19. 投资开发项目 investment projects

20. 工艺品 handicraft products

21. 招商 tender invitation

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. “拥有资产5亿多元…达18亿元”

— If there are more than one figure in a sentence, we should usually

choose one of them as the most important figure and put it in the main clause, and for the rest, we should only interpret them with the structure of “with something”.

— Possible interpreted version: “It has an asset of 500 million RMB,

with a staff of 6,000 and an annual turnover of 1.8 billion RMB.” 2. “海华公司所属的海华商务国际旅游公司…语种齐全的翻译导游队伍”

— Remember to simplify some details in the sentence. — Reinforce Eugene A. Nida’s theory of “kernel structure” and

“functional equivalent” and its application. (1) Basic element (similar) vs. deep structure (similar) vs. surface structure (different). (2) messages contained in the two languages might be taken as roughly the same, but the structures of the two languages are surely different.

— We should omit “商务旅行社”,“专业公司”,“语种齐全”,“翻译” because

they are already stated in the sentence.

3. “海华商旅以优良的服务态度…发展商务旅游事业。”

— We may still break the sentence up into small chunks — 海华商旅服务态度优良 / 旅游价格优惠 / 竭诚与客户建立互惠互利的合作

关系(omit that “坦诚相待”)/ 共同发展旅游事业

— Haihua provides excellent services and favorable prices / it would

like to establish a reciprocal cooperation with its clients / it would like to develop tourism with its partners

出版王者 A Super-publisher

I. Key words and expressions

1. 新闻出版署 Press and Publication Administration

2. 国际新闻局 International Press Bureau

3. 高级编辑 senior editors

4. 排版 composition

5. 印刷厂 Printing house

6. 旅游指南 tour guidebooks

7. 小说 novel

8. 古典文学 classical literature

9. 专业教科书 academic textbooks

10. 制版 plate-making

11. 入境口岸 port of entry

12. 出版物 publication

13. 展示会 exhibition

14. 幻灯片 slides

15. 音像制品 audio and video tapes

16. 微缩胶卷 microfilm

17. 激光视盘 laser disks

18. 电脑可读光盘 CD-ROMs

II. Language points and text interpretation

1. “前身” : predecessor

2. “集团所辖…专业教科书。”

— Put the sentence into small chucks

— 集团有11家出版社 / 用20种语言发行读物 / 内容包括

— If we can anticipate the contents after the word “including”, our

burden of memorizing details will be relieved. (Mostly, it should

include several basic categories such as: politics, economy and

culture / children, teenagers, young people, adult and the elderly /

professional, entertainment and study etc.)



The Great Wall

Guide: 女士们, 先生们, 早上好。 我是你们的导游, 我叫王伟。 今天我们去参观长

城八达岭。 它位于北京西北75公里处。 路上大约要一个半小时, 如果各位

有什么问题, 请尽管问我。

Interpreter: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m your guide. My name is

Wang Wei. Today we are going to visit the Great Wall, the section of Badaling. It’s 75 km north west of Beijing. It will take us one and a half hours to get there. If you have any questions about the Great Wall, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Foreigner: When was the Great Wall built and why was it built:

Interpreter: 长城是什么时候建的? 为什么要建造长城?

Guide: 长城最初建于公元前476年到221年的战国时期, 当时各个诸侯国为了抵御北

方游牧部落的入侵, 同时也为了保卫自己, 防御别国的侵略, 而在险要地区

筑起城墙。 所以它是一个军事工程。

Interpreter: The construction of the Great Wall first began during the Warring

States period between 476 and 221, BC. At the time, the princedoms built separate sections in scattered strategic areas for holding back

invasions by nomadic tribes coming from the north as well as for protection against each other. So it was a military project.

Foreigner: I heard that the first Qin Emperor had the wall connected. Interpreter: 我听说是秦始皇时代将城墙连接起来的。

Guide: 是的, 秦朝的第一个皇帝秦始皇于公元前221年统一六国以后下令加固并连接原

来由秦、 燕、 赵三国修建的城墙, 以抵御北方奴隶主政权的进攻。

Interpreter: Right. After unifying the six states in 221 BC, Qin Shihuang, the

first emperor of the Qin dynasty, issued an order that the walls originally built by the states of Qin, Yan and Zhao should be linked together and reinforced for defense against the attack by the slave-owner regime in the northern part of China.

Foreigner: The Great Wall is also called 10,000 Li Great Wall. Is it really that


Interpreter: 长城又称万里长城, 它真有那么长吗?

Guide: 是的, 秦朝以后的各个朝代都对长城进行了修缮和加固, 其中以明朝的规模最

大。明朝于1368年建立后, 在一个多世纪的时间里对这一工程投入了大量

的人力与物力。 工程大体依照秦朝长城的轮廓, 最后建成了西起嘉峪关, 东

到山海关, 全长12,700里的长城。

Interpreter: Yes. Since the Qin dynasty, the Great Wall had been restored and

renovated and reinforced during successive dynasties. But the most ambitious efforts were made under the Ming dynasty. After its founding in 1368, the Ming dynasty devoted huge amounts of manpower and resources to the project over a span of more than a century. Following the broad outline of the Qin dynasty structure, a 12,700-li Great Wall was finally completed from Jiayuguan in the west to the Shanhaiguan in the east, which is about 6359 km long.

Foreigner: Gorgeous. I’ve heard so much about the Great Wall. It’s one of the

seven wonders in the world. But “seeing is believing”. I can’t believe how ancient Chinese could manage to build it. It’s really a “great” wall.

Interpreter: 真了不起。 有关长城我听说过不少, 它是世界七大奇观之一。 但是眼见



Seaside Resort

Guide: 这一带叫前海沿, 是我们的城市最美丽的地方。 你看见右边的那个常常的建筑

物了吗? 头上还有一个小巧玲珑的亭子? 那是栈桥, 是我们城市的象征。 你


Interpreter: This area is called Seafront. It is the most beautiful part of the city.

Do you see that long structure to your right with a tiny cute pavilion on

the end of it? It is the Pier, the symbol of the city. Would you like to go

over to have a closer look at it?

Foreigner: Of course. Wow, it is charming. I like these walls and glazed tiles

and the roof. I always admire your Chinese architecture and this one

is a very fine example. Is it very old?

Interpreter: 当然了。 啊, 真是很迷人。 我喜欢这里的墙壁、 琉璃瓦和屋顶。 我一

向欣赏中国的建筑风格。 这个亭子是个很典型的中国传统建筑, 它建了很久了


Guide: 不太久, 它建于1891年, 清朝光绪年间。 19xx年重建, 19xx年进行了大

整修。我们要不要上去看看, 欣赏一下海浪和美丽的市容?

Interpreter: Not very old. It was first built in 1891 during Emperor Guangxu’s

reign, Qing dynasty, rebuilt in 1931 and thoroughly repaired in 1985.

shall we go upstairs to enjoy the waves and the beauty of the city?

Foreigner: It is really beautiful here. Look at those verdant hills will red-roofed

houses scattered on the dark green slopes hidden in lush trees. Look

into the distance, out into the ocean. The sky and water are of the

same color. You simply cannot tell them apart. It is picturesque. No

wonder people say that Qingdao is the “Pearl on the Yellow Sea”, I

must say Qingdao is an extremely beautiful city. Can you tell me what

that small island with a white structure there?

Interpreter: 的确很美, 看那边碧绿的山丘, 深绿色的山坡上, 浓密的树林点缀着红

瓦楼房。 多像一幅美丽的图画。 往大海那边看, 天空和大海是一个颜色, 你

简直分不出哪是天, 哪是水。 难怪人们称青岛是黄海上的明珠。 青岛确实非

常迷人。 那边那个有白色建筑物的小岛是什么地方?

Guide: 那个地方叫琴岛。 白色的建筑是灯塔。 是19xx年德国人建的。 我们要不要也


Interpreter: That place is called Qindao. The white building is a light house. It

is set up by the Germans in 1900. Are we going to that place as well? Foreigner: Well, we have had a very good time today, and I feel a little tired.

So shall we call it a day? We will save that island for tomorrow. We must thank you for showing us around. Without your help I don’t think we could have enjoyed ourselves so much.

Interpreter: 我们今天玩得很痛快, 不过我有点累了。 今天咱们就到这里吧。 我们可

以明天来。 我非常感谢你能为我们带路, 没有你的帮助, 我们不会过得这样








幼儿园教学总结 精选2篇

















