

Strong heart is the source of strength to overcome all

The Film’s story takes place in 1971 in Virginia, two black and one white high school were consolidated so football teams of these three schools must reform a mixed team. Whites coach BillYoast considered this behavior as insult and angrily resigned. Black coach Herman Boone took over the command. He not only need to solve his team's divergence but also does deal with the anxiety situation of inter-ethnic. Eventually, he was against all troubles, led his team to open the door of victory.

In this movie, I was most impressed by the Herman Boone who not fear difficulties and have a constancy heart. When the United States is in the most chaotic period in history, blacks require cancel racial discrimination, strive for equal civil rights of whites, various protest demonstrations after another. Herman Boone as a black coach, he has to face not only the problem of the team training but also the pressure that he must handle the relationship between whites and blacks. Himself as the first black coach of white students, his identity is very sensitive and he had to face the threat of attack of some people who opposed to racial integration. Under these pressures he did not fear and flinch but trying to do his job well: training players, take good care of families, deal with the relationship between colleagues. Eventually he led the team to victory and won the respect of everyone. He's positive attitude of facing difficulties shocked me.

In today's society, there are many news young people who can’t stand the pressures of life choose suicide. The courage of contemporary young people that to face difficulties are disappearing. Society is becoming more and more sensitive, people are becoming more and more fragile. Herman Boone’s firm power is exactly what we need. A strong heart is a source of strength to overcome all difficulties.


zong sen hang hei gui ga dei sun hou

钟 声 响 起 归 家 的 讯 号

zai ta sen ming lei 在 他 生 命 里 fang fa dai ding hei hui 彷 佛 带 点 唏 嘘

ha si ji fu ka ta dei yi yi

黑 色 肌 肤 给 他 的 意 义 si ya sen fen ying fu si dou zen zong 是 一 生 奉 献 肤 色 斗 争 中 ning yue ba yong you bing zou sa hui 年 月 把 拥 有 变 做 失 去 pei gun dei suang an dai ze kei mang 疲 倦 的 双 眼 带 著 期 望 gang ting zi you can lou dei kui huo 今 天 只 有 残 留 的 躯 壳 ying ji guang fei sui yue 迎 接 光 辉 岁 月 feng yu zong pao gang zi you 风 雨 中 抱 紧 自 由

ya seng jing guo pang wang dei zen za 一 生 经 过 彷 徨 的 挣 扎 zi sang kou gai bing wei lai 自 信 可 改 变 未 来 men sei you nen zuo dou 问 谁 又 能 做 到

hou fou ba fen fu se dei gai hing 可 否 不 分 肤 色 的 界 线 yun ze tou dei lei 愿 这 土 地 里 ba fen nei we gou dei 不 分 你 我 高 低

bing fen se cai sen cu dei mei li

缤 纷 色 彩 显 出 的 美 丽 si ying ta mu you 是 因 它 没 有 fen hai mei zong se cai 分 开 每 种 色 彩

生要走多远的路程 经过多少年 才能走到终点

梦想需要多久的时间 多少血和泪


天地间任我展翅高飞 谁说那是天真的预言 风中挥舞狂乱的双手 写下灿烂的诗篇 不管有多么疲倦 潮来潮往世界多变迁 迎接光辉岁月 为它一生奉献 一生要走多远的路程 经过多少年


孤独的生活很需要时间只要肯期待 希望不会幻灭



gang tin nuo hon ye lui han sv piu guo (今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过) wai ze lang kue liu di sang wo piu yun fong (怀着冷却了的心窝飘远方) fong yu lui zui gon mou lui feng ba cin ying zong (风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪) tin hong hai fu nei yu nuo huo wei bin (sui mu zuo er bin) (天空海阔你与我 可会变 谁没在变) duo siu cee yin ze lan nan yu zao siu (多少次 迎着冷眼与嘲笑) cong mu yao er fong hei guo sang zong di lei siang (从没有放弃过心中的理想) ya sa na fang fa yuo yao er suo sa di gan guo (一刹那仿佛若有所失的感觉) ba zi ba guo yi bin tang sang lui nuai (sui ming ba nuo) (不知不觉已变淡 心里爱 谁明白我) yun lang nuo ze ya seng ba gei fong zong nuai zee yao er (原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由) ya wui pa yao er ya tin wui di dou (也会怕有一天会跌倒) bui hei liu lei siang sui rang dou kuo yi (背弃了理想 谁人都可以) NA wei pa yao er ya tin zee nei gong nuo (那会怕有一天只你共我) ying yin zee yao er zee nuo (仍然自由自我) wing yun gou cang nuo guo zao er pin cin lei (永远高唱我歌 走遍千里) gang tin nuo hon ye lui han sv piu guo

(今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过)

wai ze lang kue liu di sang wo piu yun fong


fong yu lui zui gon mou lui feng ba cin ying zong

(风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪) tin hong hai fu nei yu nuo huo wei bin (sui mu zuo er bin)

(天空海阔你与我 可会变 谁没在变)

duo siu cee yin ze lan nan yu zao siu (多少次 迎着冷眼与嘲笑)

cong mu yao er fong hei guo sang zong di lei siang


ya sa na fang fa yuo yao er suo sa di gan guo


ba zi ba guo yi bin tang sang lui nuai (sui ming ba nuo)

(不知不觉已变淡 心里爱 谁明白我)

yun lang nuo ze ya seng ba gei fong zong nuai zee yao er

(原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由) ya wui pa yao er ya tin wui di dou (也会怕有一天会跌倒)

bui hei liu lei siang sui rang dou kuo yi

(背弃了理想 谁人都可以)

NA wei pa yao er ya tin zee nei gong nuo

(那会怕有一天只你共我) ying yin zee yao er zee nuo (仍然自由自我)

wing yun gou cang nuo guo zao er pin cin lei

(永远高唱我歌 走遍千里)


光辉岁月观后感--个人与团队(拓展管理部 蔡海亮)












《兰辉》观后感 沈晶晶











