

Once saw the movie version of "XiaoShenKe redemption", the second time to read the writing version of "XiaoShenKe redemption", feel still! "20 years", "free" only decades of life means??????? I always think, can touch my deepest things, will I moved! There is no doubt that the XiaoShenKe redemption "touched me.

As I read the novel students around the same, a began to think that Andy sure prison misery through life? But see the last, and the end, is not within the law, is we all the audience what is in your mind of that kind of results. We will cross the boundaries of the law, for the real good, real people who understand love happy! This novel, has three aspects is I feel special is deep!

One is feeling relax. Although each in prison all are not crime, such as Andy, although they have in violation of laws and regulations, violate the law, and was sentenced to life in prison, but they are not not understand not only the person. Here, they have their friends, they also have the sincere friendship! Andy through their own wisdom and courage for the prisoner friends won the ice beer, libraries and dignity, freedom, and more want to rely on life. He and another prisoner red's feelings also let us moving, in his successful escape and red in jail for forty years in prison after they the good friend again embraced, life in prison for decades they have already accustomed to one another. Instead, those who in the life, the top of the identity the warden, they have only the selfish, narrow, but they use their right to own all covered up the crime just.

The second is freedom, never give up Andy chasing the spirit. From a high-flying bankers, suddenly was sentenced to life in prison, and is life imprisonment, and is being set up, it seems no one can withstand blow but he insisted on after 20 years of hard to those who truly violate the law, those who hypocrite punishment. He used a in rhett seems like it will cut 600 years to may cut out of the way little hammer, but he only 20 years, he opened up to their own path. He is a wisdom and courage and some people! Some people if get used to a life style, it won't change. Andy life in prison for twenty years, used to the daily routine of every day, should do. Perhaps we will think he will yield, honest in prison through his life remaining, but the twenty years, he insist every day digging wall, he was going out of determination, not visible to the general. Twenty years in prison, the spirit and the body double torture, this kind of prison life and not spend his will. Andy was free and succeed, this is his wisdom and efforts to fight for freedom, when his breathing to free the mouth in the fresh air, we all feel happy for him.

The third is exclamation each system of society is not fair. A vain clearly, not sinned people will be wrong in prison, I think this is anyone can not accept. But who can help you proof, you are innocent? The law is not perfect, it always have their own defects. But some people is the victim of the system. Shouting, injustice can have what use? Who can really fight for justice for you? The selfish the warden, in order to satisfy my own interests, but design kill know insider, human nature ah, the desire, money, right in front a dew undoubtedly. Twenty years is not long, but enough to change one's life, and enough to have a society may have unlimited contributions a prisoner. The terrible human, social justice, just let a person to the society more desperate.

The XiaoShenKe redemption "let me once again to understand, no society can is equal to everyone, we must rely on our own hands to create your own life.


姓名:严婷婷 班级:08英语1班 学号:0812010007

Hope is of Great Importance in One’s life

Of the topics reflected in the movie The Shawshank Redemption I give my vote to hope. When it comes to hope, people often say, “so archaic a topic,” “Too much has been discussed about it.” “Do you think others will be interested in things having been said again and again?” Against these people, what I want to argue is that just like love and faith, hope is an eternal topic. No matter how the times change, hope will never be out of date. No matter what achievements we human have made, the work of arousing people’s inner hope and emphasizing hope’s value can never be stopped. Furthermore, if you really have true feelings towards hope, then you can always have something valuable to say and will have empathy with others.

Andy Dufresne, imprisoned in Shawshank for 27 years, has never given up his plans to escape the cage. Imagining a man, under the effects of the long-term incarceration, surrounded by the air of desperation and numbness, still can make his own plans, do his own things, and never go with the flow. It is unbelievable but it is true. It is out of hope that he endures all the hardship, carefully works out a plan of escape and finally sets himself free. Hope for renewal, hope for a better life indeed can save a man .Just as Andy says in his letter to Red ,“……Hope is a good thing, may be the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”. Hope can not only help you conquer the darkness and secure liberty, but also influence the people around you. Take Red as an example, Andy’s strong faith in hope has changed his perception of life, saved him from desperation, and encouraged him to seek for peace and happiness in his remaining years. Just as someone has mentioned, “Hope is like sunshine, illuminating all the darkness of the world”. The scene must be very familiar to us that Andy should chip away at a cement wall for an unknown number of years! What a magic power hope is! It makes a man so patient and perseverant!

Many examples can be found about the importance of hope. During WWI, Thomas Mann, a famous German writer, published a long novel Magic mountain .The protagonist, Hans Castorp was diagnosed tuberculosis when he visited a treatment center of tuberculosis in Davos Village in Alps, that is the Magic Mountain. During

the 7 years of his staying there, Hans Castorp witnessed the extremely corrupt life of bourgeois class and their abnormal psyche. The evil reality even makes Hans come to such a conclusion that a person is destined to death once falling into the world. However, he is enlightened later. There is still love, beauty and goodness in this world worth pursuing. Just with the hope Hans abandons the idea of death and leaves the treatment center and starts his new life.

Helen Keller, with whom we are very familiar, is the deafblind American author, political activist, and lecturer. When we mention her, no one will not be moved and shocked by her experiences and achievements. Although many people help her, her determination and hope towards her future life is the real source for her success.

Draw our attention back to our own land, and we can still find some famous people, whose stories also tell us the significance of hope. Sima Qian, the author of Shi Ji, an excellent piece of historical works in our country, has even under the punishment of castration. Even so, he didn’t give up his life because he still had an important task to complete –that is to complete his historical works. Imaging how unbelievable it is that a man suffering such a big humiliation can still live and live significantly! But so he does. When admiring him, we can’t help asking “what gives him courage and motivation?” It’s hope! Nothing can stop a man if he has a hope and strong faith in his mind.

Another example must be familiar with us, too. We all know Zhang Haidi, a famous modern female writer in China. She is disabled, but she never gives up the pace of going forward and improving herself. She learns all the courses of high school and many foreign languages by herself. “If you choose to live, then you should do something useful to your country and your people”. This is her faith and it is just this hope that makes Zhang Haidi wins through in the end and leaves a great legacy for our literature.

Life can not always be smooth. It seems that destiny sometimes takes a hand. If one day you indeed suffer the same situation as Zhang Haidi and Helen Keller, what will you choose from the 2 roads,--the one leading to brightness or the other leading

to darkness? Hope, at this moment, will determine your direction. A desperate man succumbs to his fate, while a man with hope will never bend towards unfairness. Even in a desperate situation, as long as you have hope and faith, fate can still change because god helps those who help themselves. Even if the whole world says no to you, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is that you yourself should keep a hope in your heart.

We all know such a story. Many centuries back, a severe famine swept through a valley in Tibet. A father saw that he and his children would not live much longer since all their food was gone. And so he filled some bags with ashes, tied them with ropes from the ceiling, and told his little children, “We have lots of roasted barley flour in those bags, but we have to save it for the future.” Find out what happened, and learn the powerful lesson from this Tibetan Buddhist healing story: the father died of hunger, but the children survived until some people came to rescue them. Although they were weaker than their father, they lived because of their belief that they had food. Their father died because he had lost hope.

Coming to the real life, students’ suicide cases occur frequently. It must be admitted that the causes of their tragedies are manifold. They may meet frustrations concerning family, love, study, work and so on. But so what? Is that the reason for them to commit suicide? They can’t endure the sufferings only because they are not patient enough. A man with real hope will be patient. Just as Andy in the movie, he spends 27 years finding a possible means of escaping and finally breaking out of Shawshank. It is hope that makes him staying in a constitutionalized jail full of despair, violence and horror can live out. It is hope that enables him to hold on during the years’ hardship. So, no excuse can be found for those irresponsible men, who end their lives and no sympathy will be given to them.

Still some people live without any hope, but they still live. We call these people the living dead. They are alive, but they are more like the dead because they have no hope towards their life. They are humans, but they are more like other animals, because they live just for meeting basic physical needs, like eating, drinking, and sleeping. They can do nothing useful to the society as well as themselves. From these

we can see that how poor those people without hope are and how significant hope is!

What is hope? Hope is the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. It is a feeling of what is wanted can be had or that things will turn out for the best. Hope is what keeps most people going. Hope truly is a spiritual blessing from god. So those of you that read this and feel down trodden, remember there is always this blessing. As Andy Dufresne would say, “no good thing ever dies." May you hear "hope" every day regardless of where you are.(1368)

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