




修女院沉寂冷清的生活令一向好动的迪劳丽丝难以忍受,遂晚上趁人不备跑出去唱歌跳舞,院长(玛吉·史密斯)担心她出事,将她安排到唱诗班里,她又嫌唱诗班异常糟糕,决定动手改造,于是在做弥撒时,唱诗班高唱起流行歌曲,不过歌词改成了赞美天主,谁想,此举竟受到教友的热烈欢迎,并引来教宗的专程前来欣赏。如此好玩的新闻,电视台岂肯放过?可是电视上一曝光,迪劳丽丝也被宣告要再次逃命 。

看完《修女也疯狂》这部影片后,我对此影片内容的概述如下。影片主要讲述主人公逃避黑社会追杀的故事,但在影片中这种暴力与血腥刺激却明显地被真实普通的生活和插科打诨的闹剧式动作情节替代了,影片中更多的是这个活泼粗俗、不甘寂寞的善良的二流女歌手如何把一个死气沉沉的修道院牵动起来,走向社会和人民,使之变得生机勃勃, 甚至连教皇都十分满意。 这中间的错误、巧合、幽默的话语,夸张情绪的动作,令观众笑口常开。就连对黑社会分子杀人灭口、阴狠毒辣的行为,影片也做了幽默的处理,他们在影片中不仅表现得笨拙,而且近乎可爱。当几个杀手拿着枪围住迪劳丽丝要杀她灭口时,本是整部影片最紧张的地方,然而几个杀手却因为害怕杀了修女死后不会被饶恕而推来推去,不肯下手,这又怎能不令观众开怀大笑呢?影片通过各种喜剧的手段,实则是让人们领悟到真诚友爱才是生活的真谛。乌法·戈德堡只要出现在银幕上,就会为大家带来阵阵欢笑,这个黑人女明星在影片中的举手投足都不失幽默滑稽,她就象她所演的人物,外表粗俗,而内心真诚可爱。 各个角度的评述

●一部笑中带感动的电影,轻切幽默但又不失温馨的喜剧影片。传统与现实的抨击除了搞笑,似乎更有些什么深层次的东西。 ●外表传统的修女,内心都有着叛逆的种子;主角人性的魅力, 感染了所有人,说话非常俏皮,可爱。

●幽默的话语,夸张情绪的动作,岂止是增添笑语和和谐,更是积极乐观的人生态度。 ●每一个人都可以发光发热, 做最棒的自己,抛开那些传统的约束,发现自己原来有惊人的一面呢。




I will follow him


Love him, I love him, I love him

And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow 爱他,我爱他,我爱他


I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep

A mountain so high it can keep me away





I must follow him, ever since he touched my hand I knew That near him I always must be

And nothing can keep him from me

He is my destiny





I love him, I love him, I love him

And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love From now until forever, forever, forever







I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep

A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away

Away from my love






I love him, I love him, I love him

And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love From now until forever, forever, forever






I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep

A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away

Away from my love






Do-do do-do-do do-do-do and where he goes

I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

I know I'll always love him






禁锢在上帝周围的修女们,也向往着墙外的花花世界,但我总觉得,让如此单纯的修女们接受这个世界,似乎太仓促了。望着那个胖修女天真而又毫无顾忌的大笑、在酒吧自恋般地翩翩起舞,我衷心地希望,自己也能有她那样纯真般的思想。 我们自己可能永远也做不到像她那样的innocence(天真,无罪,无邪),因为这世界在变,上帝要接纳善良的牧羊,不能依赖以往那深不见底的教堂的神圣氛围,只有打开大门,才能吸纳那早已脱壳的灵魂,才能救赎早已枯泽的心灵。


也许有人认为用酒吧歌手式的唱歌方式是对上帝、对信仰的亵渎,但在这个功利的社会,又有谁会在乎毫无生气的修女合唱团那古怪的、甚至是难听的颂歌?改变,也许,就会让我们多一些虔诚的信徒。看,当崭新的修女合唱队高歌《I will follow him》时,那教堂,充满了生气和阳光,这,才是上帝所需要的。


很佩服whoopi goldberg,演技出众,歌声也真的很美妙,她的嗓音真正诠释了酒吧女郎的那种俏皮和性感,而片末的 I will follow him在大气的同时,也有那么些许颂歌的味道,正是这种传统与现实的妥协与融合,造就了这张原声大碟的成功。在钢琴,小提琴这些古典乐器中,仿佛音乐与信仰,一起在这部电影中得到了人们的敬仰,得到了人们最最真诚的感悟,在这物化的世界,获得了重生。

第二篇:修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本

修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本谁能说出所有使徒的名字? Who can name all the apostles? 迪劳丽丝 Yes, Deloris. 约翰,保罗,乔治和林格(披头士四子) John, Paul, George... and Ringo. Deloris Wilson, 迪劳丽丝,学校里 就数你最不守规矩 you are the most unruly, disobedient girl in this school. Now, I want you to march right up to that blackboard... 你给我走到讲台上来… and write the names of all the apostles alphabetically. 把所有使徒的名字 按字母顺序写出来 约翰,保罗,彼德和猫王 我真的受够你了! This is enough. You are hopeless. 朽木不可雕也, 让四大天王教你去吧! And I wash my hands of you. Mark my words, Deloris. 记住我的话,要是这样下去 If you continue on this disruptive track, 你会变成混世魔女的! it will lead straight to the devil. Have you any idea what girls like you become? 你知道这么下去会变成什么吗? Whenever I'm with him 大意:只要我和他在一起 Something inside - lnside - Starts to burning 我的内心就开始燃烧 And I'm filled with desire 我充满了渴望 Would it be the devil in me 是不是我心里有只魔鬼? 或者这就是爱的滋味 Or is this the way love's supposed to be 象一阵热火 - It's like a heat wave - Heat wave - Burning in my heart - Heat wave 在我心里燃烧 - I can't keep from crying - Heat wave 它将我撕烈让我不停哭泣 - It's tearing me apart - Heat wave - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - Yeah - I said, oh, yeah - Heat wave Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah 主演:乌比.戈德堡 - I said, Oh, yeah - Ain't nothing but love, girl 不要放弃这个机会 片名:修女也疯狂 Don't pass up this chance Here's a chance for a true romance 这是个找到真爱的机会 Heat wave 热火 我们两个如胶似漆 Nothing you can say can tear me away From my guy My guy Nothing you can do 'cause I'm stuck like glue - To my guy - My guy - My guy 粘在一起就象邮票贴着信 I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter 粘在一起就象羽毛贴着鸟 Like two birds of a feather we stick together 从一开始我就不能和爱人分离 I'm telling you from the start I can't be torn apart from my guy Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa No muscle-bound man 猛男也不能把我和爱人分离 Could take my hand from my guy My guy 帅哥也不能把我和爱人分离 No handsome face could ever take the place - Of my guy - My guy - My guy 我的爱人 他不是个电影明星 He may not be a movie star 可是情人眼里出西施 But when it comes to being happy, we are 没有人能让我与爱人分离 There's not a man today Who could take

me away from my guy -你说什么? -没人能让我与爱人分离 - What'd you say - There's not a man today 谁能让我与爱人分离 Who could take me away from my guy - Tell me more - There's not a man today -再说一次 -今天没有人… 能让我与爱人分离 Who could take me away from 把这包起来 All right. Wrap this up, okay? Wrap it up. 我会跟着他 I will follow him 不论他到哪儿 Follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep 不论海有多深 不论山有多高 A mountain too high it can keep 也不能阻挡我 - Keep me away - You better, you better 我会跟随他 - I will follow him - Follow him Ever since he touched my hands I knew 离他越近越好 That near him I always must be 没什么能让我与他分离 And nothing can keep me away He is my destiny 我命中注定 我爱他,我爱他,我爱他 I love him, I love him I love him 他去哪我都要跟随 - And where he goes I'll - Follow - I'll - Follow - He'll always be my - True love - My - True love 他是我的真爱 从现在直到永远 - From now until for - Ever - For - Ever - Whoo! - Whoo! 走! Go. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - Yeah 我是美丽女人 - I'm a whole - Heat wave - Yeah, yeah - Keep burning - Yeah, yeah - Keep burning - I'm a whole, yeah - Ain't nothing but love, girl 不要放弃这个机会 Don't pass up this chance 一只钻石手镯和一条裤子 A diamond bracelet and a pair of pants 晚上好,女士们先生们 - Heat wave - Good night, ladies and gentlemen. - Heat wave - You don't give a shit. 一帮不识货的家伙 - Heat wave - Let's get the hell out of here. 我们得离开这个没开化的鬼地方 Heat wave 热火 世界上最大的小城 So I-- I guess eating is out of the question, huh? 陪我吃个饭应该不成问题吧? Eat? Your next show is in 20 minutes. 你20分钟之后还有演出 You still haven't told me what she said. 你到底和她说了没有? 和谁说什么? - What who said? - ''What who said?'' 和你的老婆提离婚 The one with the moustache. The one you're married to. You are so damn hot. -你真是满身喷火 -你真是满嘴喷粪 And you are so full of it. You didn't tell her, did you? 早料到你不肯说 I knew it. I knew you weren't gonna tell her. I knew it. 我知道你不会跟她说 I want us to be together, babe. 宝贝,我希望我们在一起 Hmm. I want us to be an honest, decent couple. 我真希望我俩能人模人样地 出现在别人面前 I do. I went to confession today. 今天我去忏悔了 什么样的忏悔? 蹲在小黑箱嘟囔的那种? You went to confession? Like confession conf

ession? 是跪在小屋子里 向神父尽诉心中情 You know where you kneel in the box, you tell the priest your deepest secrets? 宝贝,今天我真去忏悔了 Well, I did that today for us, babe. I told Father Antonelli I was in love... 我告诉神父,我坠入爱河 and that it was a special love. 想和她天长地久,永沐爱河 A love for all the ages and that I want to be with her. 神父怎么回答你? And what did he say? 他说别爱河了,胆敢离婚 那就等着坠入地狱 He said that if I got divorced I'd burn in hell for all eternity. 帮我把鞋子拿来-不去 - Hand me my loafers, doll. - You-- No, I-- You-You can get your own damn shoes. 你自己拿你的臭鞋吧! So what does this-- What does this mean? 你到底什么意思? 是不行吗? - Is this no? Does this mean no? - No. No. -什么意思?-不行! 就是不行,现在不行 - What does it mean? - Not no. Just not now. 你给我滚蛋!出去! Just get out, okay? Just go. 你想让我背叛神父… You want me to go against a priest? 被逐出教会吗? Get excommunicated? 算了吧 Okay. 我把你做的东西都吃了 I'll eat the thing you made. -这样可以了吧?-不行! -Is that was this is all about? -No, that's not what it's about. 问题不是你吃不吃饭 而是你滚不滚蛋 It's about you leaving. Good night. 晚安!晚安! Good night! 我会打电话给你 I'll call. You're quitting just because he won't leave his wife? 就因为他不肯离婚,你就了他? No, not just because he won't leave his wife. 不仅是这个,还有诸多原因 I'm quitting for a lot of reasons. It's something I have to do. -What's gonna happen to the act? -What do you mean, ''What's gonna happen to the act''? -那我们还演不演了? -什么意思? You're gonna get somebody else. It's not a big loss. 你们可以另找个人,没什么大不了的 Well, you put everything together. You pick all the music. 可说拉弹唱都是你一手包办的 You tell us where to stand and everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a real genius. 我的确是个的天才 所以才这么招人爱 I'm a real genius. That's why we're packin' 'em in. 别把我的化妆品往你包里装 And don't you pack any more of my makeup in that bag. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. 你那套小伎俩别想瞒过我? 你们来这干什么? - What do you want, huh? - And don't you ever knock? 你妈没教你进来要敲门啊? Hey, girl, you ain't got nothing that I haven't seen before, all right. 姑娘们,你们哪儿我没见过 Yeah, well, stop tryin' to memorize it. 那你该去洗洗脑了! -米歇尔 -请吧 - Hey, Michelle. - Oh, please. Hey,

uh, Deloris, here. This is from Vince. 迪劳丽丝.文森送给你的 - Here. - I hope it's his dead body. -希望里面是他的死尸 -是为了表示对你的爱 - With love. - Oh, really? 真的吗?他怎么不亲自送来? - Yeah. - Then why didn't he bring it down to me himself? Oh, he wanted to, but he's got a big meetin' upstairs. 他是想来 可他在楼上有个重要的会 - Hey, Tina. - Hi. 赶紧和这些小丑们道别吧 Could you say good night to these clowns, please? I'm getting a headache. I don't want them in here. Get out. 我头痛,出去 -走吧-好吧,好吧 - Let's go. - All right, I'm goin'. Just take it easy. 别这么神经兮兮的 Well, at least you got somethin' out of all of this. 至少捞到一份礼物 迪劳丽丝,打开看看 -Come on, Deloris, open this up. -Yes. -打开!-我为什么要打开? Why should I open this? I don't give a damn what's in that box. -里面是什么我都没兴趣 -可我有兴趣 - I don't care. - Oh, see what the man brought you. - I want to see it. -我也想看-为什么?为什么? - Why? - Come on. - Why? - Well, I want to see. - Fine, okay. 好吧,咱们看看是什么 Let's look and see what it is then. - Oh, look at this. - Oh. - Look at this. - Check it out. -是貂皮-看看 - It's mink. - Yes! 是紫貂皮,迪劳丽丝 - It's purple mink, Deloris. - Oh. 太漂亮了 Oh, that's beautiful! Look. - Oh. - Feel. 显然拉罗卡因先生 认为送这个给我. Well, obviously, Mr. LaRocca feels he can win me back... by sending me this absolutely fabulous coat. 就能使我回心转意… 绝对是这样. 这大衣真不错! - Mm-hmm. - Whoo! - Put it on. Put it on. - It's beautiful. -试试!试试!-真漂亮 很多女孩都会被打动,可我不会 Well, see, some girls would fall for that, but not me. I think I'm gonna make him wait a little while... 我过一段时间再告诉他 before I just let him know that I-- 什么他什么? What? “康妮.拉罗卡因” Connie LaRocca. 是他老婆的大衣 It's his wife's coat. 这个人把他老婆的衣服送给我 The man gave me his wife's coat. -真不敢相信-你穿上 - Oh, I don't believe this. - Put it back on. It's yours now. You deserve it. 这已经是你的东西了,你该穿 不,我不该穿,我也不会穿 No, I don't deserve it. I haven't earned it. You don't earn other people's wife's fur coats. 我绝不穿别人老婆的大衣 Okay? 一会我就到楼上还给他… I think it's time to just go upstairs and give it back to him, get the hell out of this dump. 我要离开这个不体面的地方 How long you been with me, Ernie? 你跟我多久了,恩尼?

啊..三年,拉罗卡因先生 - Um, three years, Mr. LaRocca. - Really? Two as a croupier, one as your personal limo driver. 两年管理赌场,一年做你的司机 -恩尼,你知道我最看重什么?-什么? Ernie, you know what's important to me, what counts? 忠诚,伙计,我最看重忠诚 Loyalty, my man. Loyalty is what counts to me. -我一直都很忠诚 -恩尼,群众眼睛可是雪亮的 Well, I've been very loyal, Mr. LaRocca. Gee, Ernie, that's not what I hear. I hear you went down to the police station last night... 听说你昨晚去 警察局和中尉谈过话 and talked with Lieutenant Souther. 听说你在那儿泡了三个小时 I hear you were there for over three hours. -我--我是去了 I-I-I-I went. 我去了,可我什么也没说 I went, but I didn't tell them anything. 据说可不是那样 Again, not what I heard. 再见,文森,我要走了,别拦着我 Good-bye, Vince. I'm leaving and don't try to stop me. I'm going to L.A. where it's nice and warm. 我要去洛杉矶 美丽又暖和的地方 People don't need fur coats from their boyfriend's wife's closet. 在那用不着别人老婆的大衣 Good-bye, Vince. I'm going to Miami, where the sun shines. 再见,文森,我要去迈阿密 那儿阳光灿烂 I know they're trying to get something on me, Ernie, 警察想查我的老底,恩尼 but so far they've come up with bubkas. 可现在什么也没找到 乔尼和威尔也去了. They called Willy and Joey in there, but they were out in 20 minutes. 可他们20分钟后就出来了 What were you doing there for three hours, Ernie? 你却在那儿泡了三个小时? I know you don't think I have any talent, Vince, but I do. 你认为我没本事,我其实挺能的 And I'm gonna leave you, and I'm going to Chicago. 我要离开你,我要去芝加哥 Tell me what you told Souther. 你跟索瑟说了些什么? 不搞清楚今晚我睡不安稳 I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't know. I've always wanted to go to New York. 我一直都想去纽约 I know if I went to New York, I could get some things together, Vince. I could. 到了纽约我就能大展拳脚 I could-- I could. 肯定行!我…肯定行! I could. 我肯定行! 私人禁地 That's all I told him. I swear it. 我发誓就说了这么多 Thanks, Ernie. Now I can sleep. 谢谢,恩尼,我可以睡个安稳觉了 - Say good night, Ernie. - No, no, no. That's all-- 道个晚安,恩尼 别!别!别! 宝贝! Babe. Deloris. 迪劳丽丝?迪劳丽丝! Deloris. Is there a problem? 有事吗? 大衣怎么了? - With the coat? - With the coat? No. 大衣-- 不,大衣没什么 No, not with

the coat. The coat's fine. I-- 大衣很漂亮- 很漂亮,谢谢,谢谢 It's-- It's fine. Thank-Thank you. Is that why you came here tonight? To thank me? 你就是来谢我的? Yeah. Thank you. 是的!谢谢 And to say you're sorry, about tonight and the things you said? 说句对不起吧… 今晚的你就当什么都没见 Forgotten. 完全地…失忆,明白吗? Completely. You understand me? - Forgotten. - Of-Of course. -失忆!-没错!-没错,失忆 It's-- Of course. It's forgotten. That's my girl. My girl in mink. 那才象我的女人 穿貂皮大衣的女人 - Will you be home? - Yeah. - Soon? - Yeah. -今晚你肯定在家吗?-是的 去吧 - Go ahead. - Okay. 好吧 Hey, Vince, is she okay? 文森,她可靠吗? I don't know, Vince. She seemed kind of upset. 我瞧着很不妥,文森 -是吗?-是的 - She did? - Yeah. 叫她回来,我找她谈谈 Bring her back, now, for a talk. And if she runs, then what? 如果她跑路了可怎么办? 赶紧带她回来 Take care of it. 迪劳丽丝? Deloris! Come on back! 回来,迪劳丽丝! 迪劳丽丝,他只想和你谈谈 Deloris, he just wants to talk! -哪去了?-那边 - Which way? - That way. Hey! Hey! Taxi! Hey! 出租车! Hey! Hey! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go! Go! 快走!快走!快走! 文森盯着恩尼,逼他说晚安 And then Vince looks at Ernie and says, ''Say good night.'' And then Vince looks at Joey and Joey shot him. 后来文森又望着乔伊… 乔伊杀了他 I mean, he just shot him in the chair. 砰的一声乔伊就完蛋了 Just boom. He blew this guy away! Sorry I'm late. I'm Lieutenant Souther. 对不起,我来迟了 我是索瑟中尉 - Eddie Souther. - How do you do? I'm Deloris Van Cartier. -你好,我是迪劳丽丝.范凯蒂 Listen, this guy was a simple limo driver, right? 那个家伙只是个开车的 He was a limo driver. So maybe he made a couple wrong turns in his life. 也就偶尔把车开到沟里去 可没理由杀他 That's no reason to kill him. I've never seen anybody killed before. 我从没见过死人 Except, you know, sometimes you pass on the freeway, you see a couple of people dead. -也就偶尔在高速路上见过 几具尸首而已-范凯蒂小姐? - But it's not the same thing-- - Miss Van Cartier? - What? -怎么了? -你是文森.拉罗卡因的女朋友吗? You're Vince LaRocca's girlfriend, right? 也许算是吧,要看以什么标准衡量 Well, you could, sort of, maybe-- It depends on how you look at it. I mean, the guy just tried to kill me, 那个家伙居然要对我下手 我们之间已经没关系了 so I don't think that cements our relati

onship. Well, you realize he's a major underworld figure, don't you? 你清楚他是黑社会大佬,对吧? He's into drug dealing, money laundering. 他贩卖毒品,洗黑钱 We've been investigating Mr. LaRocca for the last 18 months. 3年来我们一直在调查这位大佬 We've got videotapes. We've got surveillance photos. 我们拍了录象带和照片 Am I-- Am I in any of the-- On the videotapes? 那--录象带里有我吗? - No, no, no. Criminal activity. - Oh. -没有,我们又不是拍三级片 -那就好 The tapes aren't enough to convict him. 可录象带不足以指控他 Apparently, there's a lot you don't know about Vince. 显然他有很多事情瞒着你 I mean, the last two people that saw him in action kind of disappeared. 最后两个证人都不见了 What do you mean, they kind of disappeared? What does that-- What do you mean? “不见了”是什么意思? Well, we found a piece here and a piece there. 我们分别在不同的地方 找到他们身上的零件 别担心,喝杯咖啡吧! But don't you worry. Here, have a cup of coffee. You're safe now, and we're gonna see that you stay that way. 你没事的 保护你是我们的份内事 - That's our job. - If you help us, we can help you. 如果你肯帮我们 我们就可以帮你 If you testify against Vince about what you saw, 如果你肯指证他 我们就让他下半辈子都耗在监狱里 we can put him away for the rest of his life. Are you crazy? You're telling me this guy is a mad criminal, and you want me to testify? 你没病吧?居然让我去惹一条疯狗? Do you know what's gonna happen? He's gonna track me down. -他肯定会把我大卸八块 -迪劳丽丝 - Deloris. - He's gonna kill me. - Can I call you Deloris? -可以这么称呼你吗? -只要你能让我活着 叫我麦当娜都没可以 You can call me anything you want, as long as you keep me alive! - We wouldn't put you at risk if we couldn't protect you. - Right. -要保护不了你 我们也不敢让你冒险的 -好吧! It'll only take a couple of months to get a court date. 藏两个月就可以到法庭作证了 Just a couple of months? Only a couple? Why not a year? 就两个月?只要两个月-- 为什么不是一年?二十年呢? - How about a couple of decades? - Two months we hide you out, then you testify. -我们把你藏两个月 然后让你出来指证他 -不干,不干,不干 No! No. No. It's just for a little while, then you can come back. 躲一段时间你就可以回来了 Really? What are you gonna do? You gonna stick me in a bag and bury me? 你们到底要干什么? 把我活埋然后再挖出来? Forget it! -别做梦了! -如果你出来做证… If you testify, 我们会把

你藏在文森找不到的地方 I'm gonna put you in the last place on Earth... that Vince would ever look for you. - Nice church, huh? - Yeah, it's very nice. -这教堂不错吧? -是的,很好 Look, what am I gonna be, Quasimodo in the bat belfry? 可我在这能干什么? 象卡西莫多一样敲钟吗? - What is this? - I want you to stay here for a while. -我打算让你在这藏一段时间 -哪儿? Where? In the convent. It's the safest place in the world. 藏在修女院,这是最安全的地方 - You think Vince is gonna look for you in a convent? - No, no. What? What? -文森做梦也找不到这? -藏在…在哪儿? - In the what? - The convent. - You must be out of your-- -修女院 -你一定是搞错了-- You know what? I'm gonna go back and work this out with Vince. You're a lunatic. 我还不如去找文森通融一下 I'm not gonna be in no damn convent with these people. 我才不要进什么狗屁修女院 These people don't even have sex! 那帮修女连爱都没得作! 迪劳丽丝,文森 已经悬赏10万美金找你 Deloris, Vince has a contract out on you for a hundred grand. -Now you've seen what he can do. -Look-- 你知道他什么都干得出 一颗子弹,你就完了 One bullet, that's all it's gonna take. No, no, look. Let me explain something to you. 让我解释一下吧,文森交际广泛 Vince knows people all over the place. You realize that. He knows people all over the place. That means he's gonna be looking for me everywhere. 他会掘地三尺把我翻出来 - Everywhere but this convent. - Oh, come on! -可再怎么找也不会找到修女院来 -好吧 Nobody knows you're here but me. 除了我没人知道你在这儿 We're trying to get you a quick court date. One month, two months tops. 我们会设法让你尽早上庭 一个月,最多两个月 I promise I'm gonna spring you as fast as I can. What-- What am I gonna do here? I'm gonna go crazy here. 我在这儿能做什么? 我会疯的 There is nothing but a lot of white women dressed as nuns. 那儿只有一堆修女走来走去 我能做什么? I'm-- What am I gonna do here? 祈祷 - Pray. - Pray? 祈祷? Yes, but, Monsignor, we are a small convent. 可是,主教,我们只是一家小修道院 Surely, there are more appropriate places. 肯定可以找到更合适的地方 We can save this young woman's life and imprison a parasite all in one gesture. 我们可以救那女人一命 而且还可以让那寄生虫坐牢 My heart goes out to her, of course. 我也很同情她 My concern would be she might subject the convent to danger. 可我怕她搞得我们鸡犬不宁 The Reno Police Department assures me you'll be protected from any harm. 瑞里警方会确

保你们的安全 They've promised to make a generous financial donation. 而且警方还答应 给你们一笔大捐赠 And, as you know, your small convent is in danger of closing. 你也清楚你们的经济状况 如果他们能如此慷慨 Well, if they can afford to be so generous, so can we. 那我们也能大方点 Excuse me. 对不起 绝对不行,我不能这样做 Absolutely not. I couldn't possibly. Well, think of it this way, Reverend Mother, she's an ideal prospect for rehabilitation. 你换个思路 就当给她一个改过自新的机会 That is not a person you can hide. 她可不是个低调的女人 That is a conspicuous person, designed to stick out. 一付花枝招展的样子 You have taken a vow of hospitality to all in need. 你发过誓要对所有 身临患乱的人提供帮助 我说谎 I lied. 索瑟中尉,一切都安排好了 Lieutenant Souther, everything is in order. No, no, no, no, everything is not in order. 不不不,还没安排好 这个女人不喜欢我 -This woman does not like me. -Deloris, these are holy people. -她们可是遍施爱心的圣人 -爱怎么说随你了 总之她不喜欢我 - They like everybody. - I don't give a shit what you say! - This woman does not like me. - One month. Two months tops. -好了,就一个月,顶多两个月 -好了,好了 No, I'm not staying here. Forget it. Forget it. Forget it. -我不呆在这儿! -你别这样 I'm not staying here! I'm telling you, I'm not... - Behave yourself. - gonna stay here! 我不呆在这儿! -你叫什么名字? -迪劳丽丝.范凯蒂 What is your name? Deloris Van Cartier. 是真名吗? Is that your real name? 是的,我是个歌手的 Yes. I happen to be a singer. -哦,请坐 -谢谢 - Oh-oh. Do sit down. - Thank you. 我很感激你为我所做的一切 Look, before we get started, I-I just want to say... that I really appreciate what you're doing for me. 我知道这对你们来说很不方便 I know it must be a huge inconvenience for you. Yeah, so I-I just, you know, wanted to say thank you up front. 所以我只想说声谢谢 我总是对别人说 I also, uh, have always... and I've said this to people, I've always admired you people. 我很尊敬你们这些修女 我的意思是说 Nuns, I mean. You know, you're so... 你们是…你知道,很有同情心的 Catholic, you know. 我是说你们嫁给了耶酥 I mean, look, you're married to the big J.C. I mean, you're His old lady, you know. 给他老人家守活寡 It's, uh-- It's an amazing thing to me. 我真觉得很不可思议 当然你会说“那比 嫁给一个花心萝卜要好的多” I mean, of course, you must be saying, ''Well, it's much better... th

an being hooked up with some kind of two-timing--'' 请不要在这里抽烟 Please, do not smoke in here. 对不起,我很紧张 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-- You know, I get so nervous. 我一紧张就有点坐不住,对不起 I get worked up. I just-- I just had-- I don't know. I'm sorry. 范凯蒂小姐 Look, Miss Van Cartier, we have agreed to conceal and protect you, 我们答应收留你,保护你… 我们会尽力而为的 which we will do to the best of our ability. 可你得清楚… However, it is essential that you understand... that you are not in a sorority or a speakeasy. 这不是马戏团,也不是酒吧 这里是修道院,宗教圣地 This is a convent, a religious order, 有些规矩你必须遵守 and there are certain rules you must obey. 圣凯瑟琳是一个 忏悔和祈祷的地方… St. Katherine's is a place to commune and to pray, 我不能容忍任何违反规矩的行为 and I will not tolerate any disruption whatsoever with that communion. 你明白吗? Do you understand? -明白 -那就好 - Yes. - Good. 可你明不明白我是一个受害者? 我是一个好人? But do you understand I'm the victim here? Do you understand I'm the good guy? 只是他们把我丢在这里 和你们这些修女在一起 I mean, they just kind of threw me in here with you nuns. 你明白吗? I mean, do you get that? I'm the good guy. 我是个好人,我只是目睹一樁谋杀案. I mean, I saw a guy get his face blown off. 你不如把房间的钥匙给我 So why don't you just give me the key to my room? 我在那闭关 你见不着我,我也见不着你 I'll lay low. You stay out of my face, I'll stay out of your face. 我自己在里面反省 And I will commune my little black ass in that room. 这样可以吗? Can you handle that? -真是个好主意! -谢谢 - I think it's a very good idea. - Thank you. 快到吃午饭的时间了 Well, it's almost lunchtime. 可能你想洗一洗 Perhaps you'd like to freshen up. 你肯定得换身衣服 And you'll certainly want to change. 你别指望我会穿那些企鹅皮 I just hope you don't think I'm gonna wear what I wore in Catholic school. 不,我不穿修女服, 也不穿这些笨重的鞋子 No, sirree. No ugly green jumpers for me. And those stupid clunky shoes. 你能帮我把这些 金闪闪衣服的拿去干洗吗? Oh, with this gold thing-- Could you have it dry-cleaned for me? 打开你左边的柜子 你会找到适合你的衣服 Open the cabinet to your left. You will find suitable attire. 啊,有意思 Oh, cool. 不不不,我不能这样,对不起 Oh, no. No, no, no, I can't do this. I'm sorry. 这倒好了,遮得住肚子却遮不住屁股 This is fine for co

vering a little bulge, but now I've got holster hips. 你一被人见到就小命不保了 People wish to kill you. Anyone who's met you, I imagine. 所以乔装是必要的保护! A disguise is necessary to protect us all. 在这你就得象个修女 While you are here, you will conduct yourself as a nun. 只有我才知道你是谁 Only I will know who and what you truly are. 你千万不能引起别人的注意 You will draw no attention to yourself whatsoever. 可你看我这样,简直象只企鹅! But look at me! I'm a nun. I'm a-- I'm a penguin! 从现在起,你就是玛莉.克拉伦斯修女 As from now and until you leave, you are Sister Mary Clarence. 玛莉.克拉伦斯? 扫荡三人组里主角的妹妹? Mary Clarence? Like-Like Clarence Williams lll from ''The Mod Squad''? 玛莉是从圣母的名字而来 Mary is in deference to our holy mother. 克拉伦斯是为了纪念圣.克拉伦斯 The Clarence is in honor of St. Clarence of Concordia. 每个圣女要立守三个誓言 There are three vows every nun must accept. - The vow of poverty. - Mmm. -这就是贫穷,顺从和圣洁 -这个我做不到 - The vow of obedience. - Mm-hmm. - And the vow of chastity. - I am out of here with that. 哦,天啦 Oh, oh, man. It is necessary to eat-- 下午好,修女们 很抱歉我来迟了 - Good afternoon, Sisters. - Good afternoon. I apologize for my tardiness. 今天我们欢迎一名新成员 I would like you to welcome a new member to our house. 玛莉.克拉伦斯 Sister Mary Clarence. 玛莉.克拉伦斯以前在一个… Mary Clarence comes to us from a somewhat progressive convent. ..较激进的修道院 可她渴望更严谨的生活 However, she's eager to embrace a more disciplined life, 她会遵守我们这里的规矩的 and I am sure will make every effort to conform to our ways. 我会尽力的 I'll do my best. -你找个位子坐下吧 -谢谢 - Would you like to be seated? - Thank you. 玛莉.帕特里克,请说 - Yes, Mary Patrick? - Reverend Mother, 院长嬷嬷 我代表圣凯瑟琳修道院… - Yes, Mary Patrick? - Reverend Mother, on behalf of all the Sisters here at St. Katherine's, …的所有修女欢迎玛莉.克拉伦斯 I'd like to offer a great big hi there and hello to Sister Mary Clarence. Hi. 作为欢迎的一部分我希望… And as part of the welcome, I thought that maybe... 新修女能为我们做今天的祈祷词 our new sister could offer today's blessing. 你想的很周到,不过我-- That is very thoughtful of you, Mary Patrick, but I really-- 是的,我可以 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can-- I can do that. Uh, sure. Oh, fudge. Uh, bless us, O Lord, 保佑我们,上帝呀 用这些我们可以接受的礼物

for these Thy gifts which we're about to receive. 啊,对了… And, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of no food, 虽然我从没有食物的山谷走过 但我不惧怕饥饿 I will fear no hunger. 我们要您提供我们日常需要的面包 We want You to give us this day our daily bread... 并且给他代表的共和国 and to the republic for which it stands, and by the power invested in me, 我以授予我的力量 宣布可以就餐了,阿门 I pronounce us ready to eat. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. 阿门 请坐 Be seated. 谢谢 Thank you. 真难吃! 你们这是怎么回事呀? 吃这种清教徒的饭真是太糟糕了 Gee, what are you people, a Pritikin order? This stuff is terrible. It tastes like shi-- 姐妹们,我们今天不能再说话了 Sisters, we shall spend the rest of the day in silence. 为什么? - Well, why? - Only when our lips are silent, 只有保持沉默的时候 我们的祷告才能得到响应 may our prayers truly be answered. 那动嘴吃饭还不行吗? Then you don't have to eat this food. 现在开始沉默… Silence begins now... 直到日落 and ends at sundown. 你怎么能吃这种东西? 简直太难吃了 How can you eat this stuff? It's terrible. 玛莉.克拉伦斯 Mary Clarence, I think you might enjoy a ritual fast. 我想你大概喜欢禁食 禁食--不不,我不喜欢 A ritual f-- No. No, no. I don't think I would. I'll just put a little salt in it. It will be fine. 我放点盐就行了 你帮我把盐递过来,好吗? Look, I'm gonna have-- Someone pass me the salt over there. 禁食… A fast, to remind you of those who must endure without food. 让你记住那些挨饿的人 不,你别拿走我的-- I-- No, I don't want you to take-- I don't want you to take my plate. 你别拿走我的盘子 And silence. 肃静! 阿门 你怎么能让他们折腾我六个小时? How can you let them grill me in there for six hours? I can't control how long they're gonna question you. 我不能控制审问的时间 -你读过法学院吗? -是的,我读过 - Did you go to law school, Larry? - Yes, I went to law school, Vince. - Did you graduate? - Hey, I'm a lawyer. -你毕业了吗? -我是律师,我当然毕业了 - Of course I graduated. - Hey, Vince. 文森,和你谈话很高兴 咱们法庭上见 Nice talking to you. See you in court. 你在我身上什么也得不到,索瑟 You got nothing on me, Souther. 如果你再骚扰我,我就-- And if you don't stop harassing me, I'm gonna-- -就怎么?你想干什么? -没什么,我的当事人只是说-- What? You're gonna what? Nothing. Nothing, Lieutenant. What my client is

trying to say is that-- 他是害怕了,你知道吗? Is that he's scared. And you know what? He should be. 他害怕了,很害怕 Real scared. 回头见,朋友们 See you around, boys. Something's going on. 有问题 他太自信了 He's so damn cocky. 别担心,他是在装腔作势 Ah, he's bluffin', Vince. Don't worry about it. 找到迪劳丽丝吗? - You find Deloris? - She's gone. 她失踪了,整天都不在家 We don't know where she is, and she hasn't been back to her place all day. 迪劳丽丝在他那儿,得把她找回来 He's got Deloris. We gotta get her back. 把她的照片传真给所有的线人 Fax her eight-by-ten to every contact we got. -我听不见 -只要找到迪劳丽丝… - I can't hear this. - Deloris Van Cartier. 不论死活我都赏他一百万 A quarter of a mil, dead or alive. 这是你的房间,玛莉.克拉伦斯 This is your cell, Mary Clarence. -我的什么? -你的房间 - My what? - Your cell. Your room. 哦,天啦 Oh, man. 难怪要等到现在带我来 No wonder you waited till now to spring this on me. 简直象场噩梦,家具在哪儿? It's like a nightmare. Where's the rest of the furniture? 我们生活的很简单 不需要很多物质上的东西 Our lives are simple. We have little need for material possessions. 这简直就是石器时代 电话在哪儿? This is out of the Stone Age. - Where's the phone? - Who would you call? 你要给谁打电话? 我不知道,或许是撒旦吧? I don't know. Satan? 你房间里该有的东西都有了 Your cell is more than adequate. 好,那我们现在该做什么? 祈祷还是别的? Fine. What do we do now? Pray? What? 已经九点了,祝你做个好梦 It's 9:00. Pleasant dreams. 等等,你是说九点就要上床睡觉吗? W-W-Wait. Are you telling me we go to bed by 9:00? 如果我是你 我就会利用这个时间反思… If I were you, I would use this time to think about my life and its direction. 一下自己的现在和未来的发展 Or lack thereof. 我的生活没有问题 There's nothing wrong with my life. You know, before I came here, I had a career, I had friends, I had clothing that fit. 来这之前我要工作 有朋友,合身的衣服 -来这之前我一切都很好 -哦,真的吗? Before I came here, I was okay. Oh, really? 据说你的唱歌生涯一无是处… From what I've heard, your singing career was almost nonexistent... 你结过婚的情人要杀你 and your married lover wants you dead. 欺骗别人,就是欺骗你自己 If you're fooling anyone, it is only yourself. 是上帝带你到这儿的 God has brought you here. 好好想想 Take the hint.

玛莉.克拉伦斯? Mary Clarence. What? 什么? Up and at 'em. We don't want to be late. 快起来,快迟到 - What time is it? - Well, it's almost 5:00, Sister Sleepyhead. -几点啦? -已经五点了,贪睡鬼 5:00 a.m.? Get out of here. 五点?走开 I just went to bed 20 minutes ago. 我才刚睡了20分钟,快出去 - Get outta here. Scram. - Come on. The sun is shining. It's a beautiful day. 起来吧,太阳出来了,今天天气不错 今天早上来听弥撒的人… We are a small congregation this morning. 又是这么少 Too many mornings. Something has gone terribly wrong. 如果这样下去简直太糟糕了 Where is faith? Where is celebration? 信念何在?对主的赞美何在? Where is everyone? 人们都到哪去了? Still, rather than regret the absence of our neighbors, 不过与其为没到场的人惋悄惜 let us rejoice in the fellowship of those present. 不如跟在场的人一起高兴 我们的唱诗班指挥 玛莉.拉扎勒斯跟我说 Our choir mistress, Sister Mary Lazarus, has informed me that our choir, 我们的唱诗班为节目… while always superior, 特别做了准备 has been toiling especially hard on this week's selection. Sister. 修女们,请吧! Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned above Oh, Maria - Hail - Hail, mother of mercy And of love Oh, Maria Triumph all ye Cherubim Sing with us Ye seraphim - Heaven on Earth - Heaven and Earth Resound the hymn 今天早上查封了一家洛杉矶典当店 There was a raid on a pawnshop in L.A. this morning. The place was fencing stolen property. 他们贩卖赃物,搜查时发现了这张纸 - They found this. - Database hoods. 居然用上了高科技,这是什么时代啊! What a wonderful world, huh? 爱女失踪,悬赏25万美金 ''Beloved daughter missing. Reward of $250,000. Please find our daughter, Angel. 我非常想念她,无能死活都请送来 We miss her so. Dead or alive.'' 文森急的不行了,你把她藏到哪了? Vince is getting desperate. So where did you stash her, Eddie? -我藏谁了? -你连我都不告诉? Where did I stash who? Wha-- You're not even gonna tell us? 罗马教皇也甭想知道 I wouldn't even tell the Pope. 这活我干不了,对我来说太难了 I'm not gonna get this. This is a little too complicated for me. 别担心,我会帮你的 Don't you worry. You'll get the hang of it. I'll help you. 谢谢,你老这么开心吗? Thank you. - Are you always this cheerful? - Am I? 说我吗? 是的,我确实挺乐观的 - Mm-hmm. - All right, I am. I know it. 我总是这样开心,快活 I can't help it. I've always been upbeat, optimistic, perky.

小时候我妈就告诉我 Even as a child, my mother used to say, 这孩子象阳光一样 ''That girl is pure sunshine. 长大了不是空姐就是修女 She'll either grow up to be a nun or a stewardess.'' Coffee? 咖啡要吗? 我说够了,你呢? Enough about me. What about you? 你原来在哪家修道院? Yes. What convent did you come from? 我… I came from the convent... 以前的修道院… 叫做月光,在里诺 of the Sisters of the Moonlight... in Reno. 我喜欢里诺 Oh, I love Reno. -是吗? -是的 - You do? - Yes. Well, you-you would have loved us. 你会喜欢我们那的 我们喜欢领导潮流 We were-- We were a pioneering kind of order. 我们那可不习惯穿这么紧的衣服 You know, we'd, uh, never wear any kind of habit this tight, though. 确实有点…紧 This is really tight. 这套服装是有点勒脖子 Oh, I must say, our habits do cut you at the neck just a bit. 是啊,是啊 - Yeah. - Hear, hear, hear, hear. 闲话少说 That's enough jabber. Vanity. 时 新潮的修道院 A progressive convent? Sounds awful. 真可怕,我还是 喜欢温哥华的那间修道院 I liked my convent in Vancouver. Out in the woods. It wasn't all modern like some of these newfangled convents. 在森林里面 不象有些修道院那样现代 我们不用电,用凉水,光着脚 We didn't have electricity. Cold water, bare feet. Those were nuns. 那里真不错 Sounds wonderful. 是个修行的好地方 这里简直就象希尔顿饭店 It was hell on Earth. I loved it. This place is a Hilton. 玛莉.克拉伦斯 你是什么时候受到感召做修女? Sister Mary Clarence, when did you get your call? 感什么召? What call? 感召,你说的是感召 Oh, the call! The call! I-I didn't know which call you meant. 我不知道你说的是哪种 我是在里诺受到感召 I was working-- I was working in Reno, and I got the call. And you don't know how hard it is to get a call until you've worked in Reno, you know. 如果你在里诺呆过 就知道在那里受到感召有多难 我们什么人都接纳… We were just-- We-We ministered to a lot of different kind of people: 新婚夫妇,还有娼妓,赌棍 newlyweds, hookers, gamblers. 真有意思,跟这些人 一起工作一定很充实吧 What a joy. How fulfilling to be able to get right in there with your hands... and work with the people. 而且里诺这地方一定充满了罪恶 And Reno-- It's probably bursting with sin. 是这样,所以我必须离开 It was. That's-- That's why I had to leave. I mean, we had a hooker living next door... 有个娼妓就在 我隔壁叫什么巴贝瑞克-- called Buckwheat Bertha who would--

玛莉修女,跟你说句话好吗? Sister Mary Clarence, could I have a word with you? - Who? Me? - Yes, you. -跟我? -是的,你 我离开会儿 Yeah. Excuse me. 你们继续干活吧 Get on with your work. - Quickly, please. - I was just talking to 'em. -请快点 -我只是跟他们说说话 Precisely. Enough chatter. Chores. 是的,闲话太多 伸出你的手拯救我 Rescue me Take me in your arms 你的温柔有力的臂膀 Rescue me I want your tender charm 因为我孤独忧郁 'Cause I'm lonely and I'm blue 我需要你的爱 I need you and your love too Come on and rescue me 快来拯救我 快来拯救我 Come on, baby and rescue me 快来拯救我 Come on, baby and rescue me 'Cause I need you by my side 我需要你的爱 你没看到我很孤独? Can't you see that I love you Rescue me 快来拯救我 Come on and take my heart Take your love 带着你的爱,快来拯救我 And comfort every part 'Cause I'm lonely 因为我孤独忧郁 And comfort every part 'Cause I'm lonely And I'm blue I need you and your love too 我需要你的爱 Come on and rescue me Come on, baby 快来拯救我 快来拯救我 And rescue me 快来拯救我 Come on, baby and rescue me 'Cause I need you by my side 快来拯救我 Can't you see that I'm lonely 快来拯救我 是的,我找埃迪.索瑟 Yeah, I need to talk to Eddie Souther. Yeah, it's an emergency. 是的,我有急事! 我是索瑟 - Souther. - Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! 埃迪!你得把我弄出去 - You gotta get me outta here. - Deloris, you can't call me here. 你不能给我打电话 人家会查出你在哪儿的 Somebody's gonna catch on to where you are. 可我都要疯了 这儿的人就知道干活和祈祷 But I'm going insane here. All these people do is work and pray, work and pray. - That's all they do. - Calm down! 你冷静一点,我们这儿有点麻烦事 Look, I didn't want to tell you this, but we got some problems here. 有什么麻烦事?你说有什么麻烦? Well, what kind of problems? What do you mean, problems? Keeping our witnesses alive. 内部出了奸细 I mean, we hide them, but there's a leak in the department, 证人一个一个被干掉 我们要挽回局势 and some of them end up dead. - What? - Just sit tight. -什么? -你就呆在那儿 You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. 你好象不明白我在说什么 I am in a nightmare. This is my nightmare. 我象是在做噩梦,我在噩梦里 It's a nightmare, man. Get me outta here. 你快把我弄出去 I mean it. Don't call me. It's not safe. 我是认真的 为了安全别再给我打电话 我会跟你联系 I'll be in touch. He

llo? Hello? 喂?喂? Yeah? 进来 我送你个东西 I-I-I brought you something. My brother gave it to me when I was a little girl. 小时候哥哥给我的 I could never seem to get up on time. 因为我老不能按时起床 So I, um, set it for 5:00. 我把它定在五点 Out of bed, you daisy head. 起床了,菊花头 Out of bed, you daisy head. -起床了,菊花头 -这玩意老能逗我开心 - It always made me laugh. - Out of bed, you daisy head. 起床了,菊花头 离开以前的修道院… I thought, being away from your convent, that even someone like you could get lonely. 象你这样的人也会感到孤独的 请坐 Have a seat. 那你是谁? - So which one are you? - Mary Robert. 玛莉罗伯特 You have a little trouble getting up at 5:00 too, Mary Robert? 你凌晨五点也爬不起来吗? Oh, not now. 现在不了 I get up a half an hour early just to make sure. 我总是提前半个小时起床 It's-It's not just the mornings. 其实不只是起床这件事… It's that all my life... everybody seems to be doing or catching on to things... 我干什么都比别人慢半拍… a second faster or better than me. 别人干什么都比我快,比我好 现代人都在争分夺秒 Yeah, well, everybody's playing catch-up nowadays. So, Mary Robert, 那么,玛莉罗伯特 你一直都想做修女吗? did you always want to be a nun? Mmm. I always knew that that was my calling: 我一向觉得为上帝和他人服务 to lead a life of service. 是我的责任,不过我告诉你… But, you see, I've always felt that there's something inside me... 我有某种奉献精神 that I-I want to give. Something that's only me and nobody else. 而这种精神别人没有的 Does that sound like a terrible thing? 这样是不是不好? 是不是有点骄傲? Like pride? No. It doesn't sound like a terrible thing at all. 不,这没什么不好的 I'm so happy that you've come to join us, Mary Clarence. 你来我们这我真高兴 有时候不做回真正的自己就要崩溃 Do you know how sometimes it's as if you have to be yourself or you'll just burst? Yep, I do. 是的,我清楚 晚安 Good night. Good night, Mary Robert. 晚安,玛莉罗伯特 Out of bed, you daisy head. 起床了,菊花头 -起床了,菊花头 Out of bed, you daisy head. - Hang on. - Hey, hey, wait up. -怎么搞的? - Hey. - Making me run all this way-- 刺青很好看 Ooh, nice tattoo. 修女? Hey, Sister. Hey, this jukebox got anything on it from Sound of Music? 想唱一首音乐之声里的歌吗? Hey, baby What do I have to do 想跳舞吗? -Want to dance, Sister? -Why? You don't

have any rhythm. 你踩得准步点吗? To make you love me too - You got to roll with me, Henry - All right Young man, take your foot down off that stool. 小毛头,把脚放下来,好好坐着 Now, have a seat. Have a seat. - Baby - Roll with me, Henry - Henry, hold on - Sit down and shut up. - Can I have a Coke, please? 给我杯可乐,好吗? - Coming up. - Thank you so much. 多谢 Roll with me, Henry 又来一个 Whoa, boy! 你来这儿干吗? What are you doin' in here? - I-- - What are you doing? - I thought you-- -我以为-- -你们跑这干吗? What are you guys doing? Look, you have to go. You have to go. 你们都得回去,不要紧 - We-- - Oh, never mind. Go. Go. 这边走 Just go that way. Just go that way. Sister, expecting any more of your friends? 修女,你还有朋友要来吗? 你们跑这作什么? Now, you guys want to tell me what you're doing here? Well, I-I thought that you might be ministering to the winos, 我估计你出来帮助那些酒鬼 我想能帮帮你忙 the way that you did in your convent in Reno, and I thought I could help. And I saw her leave, and it was very late, and so I followed-- 我看见她出来了 我就跟着出来了-- What are you doing here? 那你在这儿干什么? - I'm here to see a man about a car. For the convent. - Really? -我来找一个人,跟他洽谈一下 修道院买车的事-真的吗? - Yes. - Did you get it? - No, I didn't. -谈好了吗? -没有,没有,快出去吧 - I'm gonna get you outta here. - We could really use it. - What color? - Come on, come on. Oh, a jukebox. Oh, one song, one song. -等等,我想选首歌,你有五块钱吗? -快点,快点! - No, no, no, no, no, no. - Do you have a quarter? Oh, one song, please. -我以后会十倍的还你 -快点 Come on. He does. All right. It'll come back to you tenfold. Thanks. Hurry up. Hurry up. 我太喜欢这首歌了 Oh, I love this song. Give me, give me, give me Give me gravy tonight What's the matter with you? One dance. I'll be right back, please. 我想跳个舞,很快就回来 But that don't show me that you're really mine Once they're dancing when they're romancing So put me something extra on the line - Gravy - On my mashed potatoes - Give me - Gravy Come on and treat me right - Gravy - You're the greatest So give me, give me, give me Give me gravy tonight All right. But I want some more There's something missing and we're on the floor Come on, baby I want some gravy A little kiss is what I'm waiting for - Gravy - On my mashed potatoes Come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, come on, come on. 走吧,走吧,走吧,到此为止 好了好了 - Yes, yes, yes, y

es, yes. - Good night. - Come on! 走吧,走吧,够了,够了 - Go, go! - I love this song. We had a lovely time. We'll be back. -我们玩的很高兴,下次再来 -下次再来吧,晚安 - Yes, we will. Good night. - Bless you. 主佑你们 You leaving? This turns into a nuns' bar, I'm outta here. 这儿成了修女院了,我不来了 Yeah. - Oh, good grief. - Just come on. Come on. 来来 Stop giggling. Let's go. 快点快点 别叽叽喳喳的 Quiet. Shh. The sisters have made it clear to me that they followed you of their own volition. 她们说是自愿跟着你出去的. But they would never have ventured out at all at night... 要不是你的话… had it not been for your example. 她们不会冒这个险出去的 But, listen, they just don't want to be stuck behind these walls all the time. 你听我说 她们只是不想老呆在修道院里 These walls are the only protection they have. 修道院是她们的唯一护身之所 The streets are no longer safe for them, and they are certainly not safe for you. 大街上对她们来说不安全 当然对你也不安全! These robes no longer protect our sisters. The walls do. 这些修女服不能再保护修女 只有修道院能! I'm sorry. 对不起 你很关心她们,是吗? You really do care about them, don't you? Yes, I do. 是的,我很关心她们 And I care about you and your life. 可我也关心你的安全 我要请欧亨利主教和索瑟中尉… I shall ask Monsignor O'Hara and Lieutenant Souther... to find a safer and more suitable situation for you. 再给你找一个更安全更合适的地方 Oh, no. Come on. Don't send me away. Really. 别让我走,我求你了 I mean, I'm just starting to get the hang of this. 我才刚刚熟悉环境 I mean, look, I'm not gonna endanger anyone or anything else. 我发誓不会再给人添乱了 I swear. What about forgiveness? lsn't that what you preach? 你们不是老是宣传要宽恕吗? There's got to be something around here that I can do... 这儿肯定有我能做的事情… that's not gonna chip my nails or annoy anybody. -我不会找麻烦了 -你说的对 You're right, Mary Clarence. To err is human, to forgive divine. 人都是要犯错的 只有神才能宽恕人 You may stay. 你可以留下来 可我得限制你的活动能力 But I shall restrict your activities to a single task. What's that? 怎么限制? Singing. You will join the choir. 你要去唱歌,你要加入唱诗班 唱诗班?不行 Choir? No. You will sleep and you will sing. 你要么睡觉,要么唱歌 That will be your task until you leave. 从现在起你只能做这两件事 No. Uh, the choir? 不,唱诗班? I

mean, h-h-have you heard them? 你听过她们唱歌吗? The choir, Mary Clarence. 唱诗班…玛莉.克拉伦斯 Is this the choir rehearsal? 唱诗班在这儿排练吗? It sure is. Come on in, sing a spell. 是的,快进来一起唱吧 - Soprano or alto? - Whatever. -是女高音还是女低音? -什么都行 Thanks. 谢谢 - Hi, Sister. - Hello, Sister. -修女们,开始 - Hello, Sister. - 214. Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb upon His throne - All kingdoms - All kingdoms of the-- Mary Clarence, are you with us? 玛莉.克拉伦斯,你在唱歌吗? I don't know this one. I-- I better-- 我不会唱这首歌 我想等唱完这首再说 I better sit this one out. Excuse me. 对不起 院长嬷嬷说玛莉.克拉伦斯 以前搞过音乐 Reverend Mother says Mary Clarence has a background in music. Really, Mary Clarence? Were you a choir mistress? -真的吗,玛莉.克拉伦斯? 你以前做过唱诗班的指挥?-业余做过 - Sort of freelance. - Freelance? Really? 业余做过?真的吗? Oh. You don't think I see? 你以为我看不出来吗 你以为我昨天才进修道院 You think I took vows yesterday? 我知道你是吃过几碗干饭的 I know what you're up to. You and Reverend Mother. -你和院长嬷嬷… -什么? Uh, what? You're a ringer. 你不是来唱诗的 她是让你来代替我的 She brought you here to replace me. 把我这个老女人替下去 Out with the old. Oh, could you help us, Mary Clarence? 帮帮我们吧,玛莉.克拉伦斯? Mary Lazarus, you're terrific, 玛莉拉扎勒斯,你真的不错 不过我们真的需要人帮帮 but we could really use some help. - Please. You've heard us. - We're terrible. -你听过我们唱歌的 -我们是唱得很差 Please, do something for us. 求求你啦 - Please. - Well, there's a word for this. 帮帮我们吧! Mutiny. 那好! So, Mary Clarence, you think you can do better? 玛莉.克拉伦斯, 你认为能比我强吗? I believe I'd like to see that. 我希望如此 Go ahead, Sister. Make 'em sing. 来吧,修女,让她们唱起来 Okay. 好吧,好吧 Okay. Where are the basses? 低音在哪儿? Oh, you should be over here. 你应该站在那边 Uh, and the altos? 中音在哪儿? Where are you? 你在哪儿? 修女,你和她们在一起 Sister, why don't you join them? And sopranos, where are you? 女高音在哪儿? Oh, you've got to come down this way. 啊,你得到这边来 好了 All right, uh-- Basses, I-I want you to give me a D. 低音请弹D音 Altos, I want you to do a third above that. 中音请弹F音 Give me an F sharp. And sopranos, uh, give me

an A. 高音请弹A音 Let me have Sister Alma play it one time... 让阿尔玛修女给我们弹一遍 so we all know what we're gonna do, 那我们就都知道该唱什么音了 and, and we'll go from there. 然后我们再继续排练 Sister, will you give me those, uh, notes, please? 阿尔玛修女,请你都弹一遍好吗? Okay? On three. 好了吗?都唱第三个音,1,2,3 One, two, three. 好了,好了 Okay. Okay, okay. Okay. Very-Very nice. 很好 Sister, what-- Would you, would you come over here, please? 修女,你能到这边来吗? Just slide right in here for me, please. Right. Right here. 就站在这儿 - Um, that's a powerful instrument you have there. - Thank you. -你的嗓音太好了 -谢谢 But I think it's probably a good idea... 我是说你大概不应该… if we bring you down out of the rafters. 唱的这么高,这么响 I mean, everybody wants to be close to God. 虽说大家都想离上帝近点 可光靠音量大是不能把人抬起来的 I'm just not sure you can do it vocally. Okay, so I need you to sing... -我现在让你低八度的唱一遍 -好吧 an octave below where you've been singing. Okeydokey. 玛莉罗伯特,你可以站到这边来? And Sister Mary Robert, could you, could you come stand over here, please? Yeah, come on over. I noticed that, uh, 站到这边 你虽然在张嘴可就是不出声 you're moving your mouth, but nothing's coming out. So I'd like to just hear you by yourself, if you don't mind. 起码自己要能听到自己的声音 Sister Alma, could you give me an A, please? 阿尔玛,请弹A音 阿尔玛修女! Alma! Check your battery. 请检查一下你的助听器 Give me an A, please. 弹一声A音 好了,停一停 Okay, wait a-- Okay. - Um, try this. - Mm-hmm. 你这样唱 闭上眼睛 Close your eyes. Visualize yourself in a room full of people. 设想屋子里坐满了人,都在听你唱 Lots of silverware, people dropping stuff, talking loud, 酬交错,人们大声的说话 drunks, women with, with trays going, 女人们边端着盘子边嚷 你想吃什么呀? ''What are you gonna have?'' 你的声音要盖过这些声音 Your voice has to carry over the din. You have to get up over all of that... 你在前边唱… to be heard in the back of the room, where I'm sitting, 我坐在后边 一定要唱大点声我才能听见 listening, straining to hear you. - Okay? - Okay. 好吗?我们得记住要领 Keep that in your mind when we do this. Sister. 修女 - Sister, that's amazing. - We call that an A with an attitude. 我们把这个音叫A强音 That's what you need. You have to put attitude in what you sing. 你们就需

要这样 唱歌时要投入感情 You have to think about what you're singing. It's not just quacking. 你们得边唱歌边想着- 唱歌是件高兴的事 不是象鸭子在唱 This is-- This is rejoicing. You are singing to the Lord. 你们是唱给上帝听 Let's review those notes again... 咱们来复习一下这几个音调 看能不能把它们给串起来? and see if we can put it together. Sister. Basses. Altos. Sopranos. 低音,中音,高音 On three. One, two, three. 第三个音节,1,2,3 -我们唱的是合音 -太让人激动了! Oh, we did it. We actually sang a chord. That was exciting. That was exciting. 好的,你们唱了两秒钟的合音 Yeah, you sang a chord for two seconds. The next thing you have to learn how to do is listen to each other. 下面你们互相听一听 That's a big key. Big key. 这点很重要,非常重要 You must listen to each other if you're going to be a group. 如果你们想一起唱歌 就该互相听点调子 - I knew that. - Mary Lazarus, I-- 我知道 玛莉拉扎勒斯 我一进门就知道你是个行家 As soon as I walked in the door, I knew that you knew this. Now, you're somebody who's into hard work and discipline, aren't you? 你喜欢. -辛勤劳动和严守纪律的人,是吗? -是的,我是个修女 Of course. I'm a nun. Four Popes now. -经过四代教化 -四代?难怪! Four? Wow. How often do they rehearse? -她们多长时间排练一次? -一星期两次,练两个小时 Twice a week, a couple hours. Not enough. I mean, listen to them. 那不够,你听她们唱就知道 她们需要更多练习 They really need a lot of work. They gotta rehearse every day. 她们每天都需要练习 She's good. Well, do you think they really could get better? 你认为她们能唱得更好吗? 她们能行吗? I don't know. They're pretty raw. -她们的确没有经过多少训练 -没经验 Wet behind the ears. Oh, please, let us try. 请让我们试一试,好吗? - Please. - Please. This is gonna be hell. -这活不容易呀 -这我知道 Tell me about it. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la. Welcome this Sunday morning, oh, ye few, but faithful. 欢迎你们来到这里, 虽然人不多但你们很忠实 The choir, I'm told, has elected a new director, 唱诗班选了一名新的指挥叫… Sister Mary Clarence, 玛莉.克拉伦斯 她来领唱欢呼神圣的女皇 who will lead them in ''Hail, Holy Queen.'' Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned above Oh, Maria Hail, mother of mercy And of love Oh, Maria Triumph all ye cherubi

m Sing with us ye seraphim Heaven and Earth Resound the hymn Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above Oh, Maria Hail, mother of mercy and of love Oh, Maria Triumph all ye cherubim Sing with us ye seraphim Heaven and Earth resound the hymn Hey, what do you think's going on over there? I don't know, man, but it sounds good. - Yeah. - Let's go. Our life Our sweetness here below - Oh, Maria - Oh, Maria Our hope in sorrow and in woe - Whoa, Maria - Oh, Maria Triumph all ye cherubim - Cherubim - Sing with us ye seraphim - Seraphim - Heaven and Earth resound the hymn Hallelujah - Hallelujah - Hallelujah Our life Our sweetness here below Oh, Maria Our hope in sorrow and in woe - Whoa, Maria - Oh, Maria Triumph all ye cherubim - Cherubim - Sing with us ye seraphim - Sweet seraphim - Heaven and Earth resound the hymn 这象什么话?钢琴弹得 象爵士乐,你想搞什么? Girl groups! Boogie-woogie on the piano! What were you thinking? 我在试图模仿拉斯维加斯 合唱队的风格,这样才能吸引人 I was thinking more like Vegas. You know, get some butts in the seats. 接下来是什么?爆米花答谢观众? And what next? Popcorn? Curtain calls? 这不是剧院,也不是赌场 - This is not a theater or a casino! - Yeah, but that's the problem. 这正是问题的所在 人们喜欢到戏院,喜欢逛赌场 See, people like going to theaters, and they like going to casinos. 可他们不愿到教堂来,为什么? But they don't like coming to church. Why? 因为教堂没意思,我们可以 改变这一点,让教堂坐满人 Because it's a drag. But we could change all that. See, we could, we could pack this joint. 通过亵渎来改变吗? 你败坏了整个唱诗班 Through blasphemy? You have corrupted the entire choir! -对不起,对不起 -哦! - Excuse me. Excuse me. - Oh. - Excuse me. 你怎么能这样说呢? 我们排练的很辛苦 How can you say that? I-- - I've worked my butt off with these women. - Oh. 她们一刻不停的唱,她们唱的很好 They've given up their free time to do this, and they're good! 我们可以让这个地方充满生机 I mean, Sister, we could, we could rock this place. 不可能,明天开始 还是让玛莉拉扎勒斯指挥 Out of the question! As of tomorrow, Mary Lazarus resumes her leadership of the choir. 进来 Come in! 院长嬷嬷,我要祝贺你 Reverend Mother, I just wanted to congratulate you. 我有很多年没有这么喜欢做弥撒了 节目编得太好了 I haven't enjoyed mass this much in years. What a marvelous program. 有创意,令人鼓舞,你应该受到表扬 lnnovative. lnspiring. You're to be commended. 我真恨不得下个礼拜早点到 好再欣赏唱诗班的

表演 I can't wait till next Sunday when the choir performs again. 你注意到了吗? 把街上的人都吸引到教堂了 Did you see the people walk right in from the street? 是音乐声吸引了他们 That music. That heavenly music. Reverend Mother, it called to them. -是这样吗? -我要告诉大主教 It-- It did? I must tell the Archbishop. 我要亲自写封信 告诉他你的努力成果 I'll send him a personal letter describing your efforts, 让这个修道院继续存活 your bold, new fight to keep your little convent alive. 你还得把这件事写上 And you must also include this. This is something she would never tell you herself... 她这样的人永远都不会说的 because this is the kind of woman she is. 姐妹们,她要我们走出教堂 和周围的人见面 Sisters, she wants us to go out into the neighborhood and meet the people. 了不起的女人 - Oh, this woman. - Oh, bless her. 哦,真好,人们有许多问题 我们或许能帮上忙 Oh, there are so many problems out there that we could maybe help with. 我想我们之所以想当修女 就是为了要帮助其他的人 I mean, that's why many of us became nuns. Oh, it's really marvelous, Reverend Mother. 除了祷告以外 我们还可以做很多事情 - There's a lot we could do for them besides pray, Sister. - That's right. 你是位先驱 You're a pioneer. 阁下,你应该清楚周围可是危险重重 Monsignor, surely you realize how dangerous this neighborhood is. 你们应该拿出勇气来面对 And you will face that danger head-on. 就象面对我可能的阻扰 - As if I could stop you. - You couldn't. -你不会阻扰我们的 -我完全支持你们 You have my complete support in this matter. 不管你们怎么帮助 周围的人都是件好事 Anything you can do to revitalize this neighborhood would be a blessing. 你为什么不…爱上她? Don't you just love her? Praise you, Reverend Mother. Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Love has been on my mind for some time now But you've been the missing link With all that's been happening All this has made me think That love is not for keeps - All I want is your love - All I need is promises Once is never enough - Open up your heart and let me in - Look no further Love has got me crying Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Music will light the fires of romance That could be forever You better bat down a lover Someone to discover That just

a touch of love is all I need - All I want is your love - Come a little closer - Once is never enough - Open up your heart and let me in - Love is burning us up - Love has got me crying Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Yeah Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Give me your love, yeah - Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Just a touch of love Just a touch of love - Feels so right 由于唱诗班的努力… Yes, the failing convent at St. Katherine's has truly come alive... 就要倒塌的 圣凯瑟琳修道院又复活了 thanks to the efforts of its popular choir. 多么激动人心的故事 What an amazing turnaround story. This convent was once alienated from its surrounding neighbors. 这所修道院曾经和周围的环境隔绝 - Now, as you can see, its doors are open in an effort... - Vinny, get over here. -现在你们看它的大门敞开了 它要跟周围的社区打成一片 -文森,你快过来一下 - to reach out into the community, - What? …她们给无家可归的人建立了住房 establishing facilities like a day care center... and a food kitchen for the homeless. -事实上…-你快过来看一眼呀! - As a matter of fact, the enthusiasm... - Vin, you've gotta see... - these cute nuns. - generated at St. Katherine's has resulted... 我正在打球 - I'm shootin' pool. - in a new sense of civic pride. 她们是慈善家 我们该给她们送钱去 - Babe, we should send them money. - Why all the changes? - Well, the nuns I talked to... - They're do-gooders. attribute this reach-out philosophy to... …领头人是一名新修女 a new addition to the convent, Sister Mary Clarence, 玛莉.克拉伦斯, 可她很害羞不愿上镜头 who, unfortunately, is a little camera shy. I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her myself. 我要杀了她,我要亲手杀了她 另有消息说,教皇要来访美 我们呆会儿继续报道 In related news, the Pope visits the U.S. And we'll have more on that in just a moment. - Good-- Good morning. - Good morning. -早上好 -还是到教堂好 - Thank you so much. - Good morning, Monsignor. - Good morning. -早上好,阁下 -早上好 - Good-- Good to see you. - Good morning. - Good morning. Hey, hey. What-- 你是来找我吗? 你来这干什么? Are you looking for me? What are you doing here? -你怎么上

电视了? -可那不是我的错 - How come I saw you on TV? - That was not my fault. 那些记者们突然出现了 可这对修道院有好处呀 These people just showed up. But it's been really good for the convent. 你忘了你应该藏起来吗?你随时 都可能挨枪子,你不记得了? You're supposed to be hiding out. Remember? Bullets flying through the air at you. 我知道,我不能陪你说话了 五分钟后我要去指挥唱诗班 - Ring a bell? - Yes. But I can't talk about it now because I have a show in five minutes. 这不是成就你事业的机会 Listen to yourself. This is not a career opportunity. 我知道, 在这儿创建不了什么事业 You don't have to tell me that. This would not be the place to begin a career. 你得保证晚上 不在电视节目里出现,好吗? Hey, just promise me I won't see you on the Letterman show, okay? 好啊! Okay. 我担心你来着,我不想你出事 Hey, I'm worried about you. I don't want to see anything happen to you. 好的,来看唱诗班表演吗? Okay. You gonna come to the show? 当然,求之不得 Yeah, I'd love to. 星期六唱的赞美歌是… This Sunday's hymn is inspired by the lesson of Mary Magdalene. 为了纪念玛莉.麦格达林娜 Now, Mary Magdalene was a young lady with a past. 玛莉.麦格达林娜是个年轻女子 她犯过错误 Oh, yes. And she was no stranger to sin. She was no stranger to practically anybody. 而且几乎人人都认识她 很多人都在谴责她 Many condemned her. 整个社区都在谴责她 The whole neighborhood, in fact. 只有一个人不这么做 But one man refused to do so. One man said, ''Hey, now, hold on. Wait a minute.'' 这个人说,嘿,你停下,等一等 听听这个女人的故事吧 Listen to the girl's story. -欢呼,孩子们 -欢呼,玛莉 - Hail, girls. - Hail, Mary. What's up? -怎么啦? -啊,耶路撒冷真无聊 Well, Jerusalem's become a real drag. Everybody hates me. -谁都恨我 -啊,除了那个男人 Uh-uh. Not that guy over there. 他?他们都说他与众不同 Who? Him? They all say he's different. They say he's really weird. 他们说他特别怪 We don't care what people say. To us, he's always there. 我们不在乎他们说什么 对我们来说,我们需要他 真的吗? Really? 没有什么能让我跟上帝分开 Nothing you could say could tear me away from my God 我的上帝 My God 什么都不能,因为我们如胶似漆 Nothing you could do 'cause I'm stuck like glue - To my God - My God - My God -我的上帝 -我的上帝 - To my God - My God - My God 贴紧了我的上帝 象邮票贴在了信封上 I'm sticking to my God like a stamp to a letter

就象羽毛贴着鸟儿 Like birds of a feather we stick together 我一开始就告诉你 I'm telling you from the start 我不能和我的上帝分开 I can't be torn apart from my God 你做什么也没有用 都不能改变我的忠诚 Nothing you could do could make me untrue - To my God - My God 我的上帝 什么都不能收买我,我不会说谎 Nothing you could buy could make me tell a lie - To my God - My God - My God 我的上帝 我以我的上帝为荣 I gave my God my word of honor -我会忠诚于你,我要忠诚 - To be faithful - And I'm gonna 你最好想相信我 不会欺骗你我的上帝 - You best be believing - I won't be deceiving my God As a matter of opinion I think He's tops 事实上我认为他最好 我是说他是万物之灵 - My opinion is He's the cream of the crop - Cream of the crop -从趣味上来说 -准确的说 - As a matter of taste - To be exact -她是我的理想 - He's my ideal - As a matter of fact -多强壮的男人也不能叫我离开 -我的上帝 No muscle-bound man could take my hand From my God My God No handsome face could ever take the place 多英俊的脸都 不能别想代替我的上帝 - Of my God - My God - My God 我的上帝 他不是电影明星 He may not be a movie star - But when it comes to being happy - We are 可说起幸福来 -我们都很幸福 -现在没有一个人 There's not a man today 能把我从上帝身边夺走 Who could take me away from my God 把歌唱完 Let's take it home, ladies. 没人能把我从上帝身边夺走 There's not a man today Who could take me away from my God 耸耸肩 Give them some of that deep-shoulder action. 没人能把我从上帝身边夺走 There's not a man today Who could take me away from my God I think Sister Mary Patrick was the best. 我认为玛莉帕特里克唱得最好 - You were wonderful. - I wasn't very good. - You were fabulous. - You were very good too. - Ladies. 姑娘们,你们的演出棒极了 - I think-- - Ladies, you were fantastic. - Sisters, you did good. - Fantastic. - Oh, I'm so excited. -你们的演出棒极了 -哦,真是好激动 I can't wait till Sunday when we sing. -我真恨不得下个星期早点来 -我什么都不想干只想唱歌 - I'd rather sing than do anything. - It's better than ice cream. -这感觉比春天还好-比冰淇淋还好 - It's better than springtime. - It's better than sex. 感觉比作爱还好 不,我是听说的 -Oh? -No, no, I-I've heard, you know. Sisters, you're truly an inspiration. 修女们,真是鼓舞人心啊! 我听到一条大新闻,大家冷静! And I've asked you here because I bear remarkable news. Now try to remain calm.

我要说的事情简直是个奇迹 就连我自己也不敢相信 What I'm about to say is nothing short of a miracle. Well, I didn't believe it myself at first. 主教大人,到底是什么? Monsignor, for goodness sake, what is it? 对不起,这事太重大了 太震惊了 Oh, I'm sorry, Sister. It's just that it's so momentous, I'm still adjusting to the shock. 教皇听说了我们的唱诗班 The Pope-- the Pope himself-- has heard of our choir here at St. Katherine's. 他下个星期访问旧金山 虽然他公务繁忙 And when he visits San Francisco next weekend, despite his inordinately busy schedule, 可是他还是决定周日 晚上来看我们的表演 he's requested a special concert here on Sunday night. No. No. 我要死了,我要死了 Oh, I'm dying. I'm dying. 修女们,这真是重大消息 Oh, Sisters. Oh, Sisters, this is indeed glorious news. Oh, Monsignor, we're-we're both humbled and honored. 我们如此卑微,却蒙受如此恩宠 And on such a supremely solemn occasion, 这么严肃的场合… I do feel a traditional program would be best. 我觉得还是 严肃一点的节目更好 跟原来的传统一样吗? You mean ''traditional'' like the old way? 我们在谈教皇的神圣 而不是邻居的舞会 We're speaking of His Holiness, Mary Clarence, not a neighborhood block party. The pontiff commands the utmost respect and humility. 欢迎教皇应该神圣庄严 你们的唱法太世俗,不合适 Your more secular entertainments would be totally out of place. 院长嬷嬷 我们都喜欢我们的新唱法 But-But Reverend Mother, everyone loves our new style. It's brought people back to the church. 这也是教皇来访的原因 就是因为我们换了一个新唱法 And that's why he's coming. I mean, because we're doing something new and different. 我们可以举手表决 Well, I feel this can be settled by a simple vote. -表决? -当然,玛莉.克拉伦斯 - A vote? - Of course, Mary Clarence. 我们的修道院不是专制的地方 A convent is not a police state. I'm-- I'm sure the sisters are more than capable... 我确信修女们完全 能够达成统一的意见 of reaching a mature and dignified consensus. Right. Now, all those in favor of performing a program... 那么好吧,赞成… of time-honored sacred music, 传统神圣音乐的,请举手 a truly spiritual repertoire, raise your hands. All those in favor of allowing Mary Clarence... 现在赞成玛莉.克拉伦斯 to select a more worldly program, however inappropriate, 选择世俗节目的,请举手 raise your hands. 多数人通过了 The majority has spoken. 院长嬷嬷,你跟往常 一样通情答礼,善解人意 Reverend Mother, as always, you're a t

rue leader; gracious and understanding. 我们会演得不错的,院长嬷嬷 Oh, it's gonna be wonderful, Reverend Mother. You'll see. 我相信演出会成功的 I'm sure the presentation will be a great success. 祝贺你,玛莉.克拉伦斯 Congratulations, Mary Clarence. 也祝贺你们大家 And congratulations to you all. 教皇神圣,我们得忙起来了 His Holiness. Now, we've got to get busy. -进来 Come in. - You sent for me? - You have a phone call. -你叫我? -有电话找你 -谁来的? -索瑟中尉 From who? Lieutenant Souther. 哦? Oh. 喂? Hello? 迪劳丽丝, 有好消息 Hey, Deloris. Great news. I pulled some strings. The judge agreed to move up their trial. 我找了关系,法官同意早点审判 我们几天以后就可以上法庭了 We'll be in court in a couple days. Really? That soon? 真的?这么快? 再过48小时,你就是自由的人了 Forty-eight hours, you're a free woman. 哦,那太好了 Oh, gee, it's great. Yeah, well, that's-- That's great. 是的,太好了 Hey, well, don't thank me or anything. 怎么,你不谢谢我吗? 不不,谢谢你,对不起 No, rea-- No, I-- It is. No, thank you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's-- Thank you. 是的,谢谢你 Yeah. All right. Bye. 好的,再见 Well, seems like your prayers have been answered. 好了,你希望的事情要发生了 Uh, I'm gonna be outta here in a week. I'm leaving. 再过一个礼拜我就要走了 要离开这儿了 -你要走了? -是的 - You're leaving? - Yeah. - That makes two of us. - What do you mean? -那我们俩都要走 -你什么意思? I have submitted my resignation to Monsignor O'Hara, privately. 我已经私下跟主教大人提出辞职 I've asked to be relocated as soon as possible. 让他尽快给我安排一个新的位置 这是为什么? But why? 我得去能让我发挥作用的地方 I must go where I can be of use. 可是-- But there's-- 可是这儿还有很多事情要做 There's still so much to be done here. -要是我的缘故,我正好要走了 -确实是因为你 Look, if it's about me, I-I-I'm gonna be gone. lndeed. And after how long, a few weeks? 你在这也就呆了几个星期 可我在这儿呆了多少年? I have been here for years. Well, too long, I suppose. 可能太久了,我变得太守旧了 I've become somewhat obsolete. 可你没必要继续守旧 But you don't have to continue being obsolete. Look, everything that's happening here is-is-is a good thing. 这儿发生的一切都是好现象 你是这的一部分 Sister, you can still be part of it. A part of what? 是哪一部分?你知道吗? You know, Mary

Clarence, it is one thing to rabble rouse, to sweep into town and declare a holiday. 你把这儿搅浑了 你就进城去休假 You've raised the sisters' expectations. 你对修女们的期望太高了 You've-- You've excited and confused them. 你让她们大开眼界 你把她们搞糊涂了 They imagine this neighborhood to be some sort of delightful ongoing bake sale. 她们把周围的工作看得太简单了 Now, you and I know things are not so simple. 我们都知道并没有这么简单 There'll be disappointments and rude shocks. 以后她们会失望,会惊讶 And you will have vanished. 到那时候你就走了 How fortunate. Look, I just got things going. 跟你说,变化是我开始的 You are a formidable woman. You could keep this going. 你是位令人敬佩的女人 你可以把这种变化继续发扬下去 Could I? 我行吗?恐怕心有余而力不足 Even if I wanted to, no. I fear I am a relic. 我担心我太守旧了 不讨人喜欢 And I have misplaced my tambourine. - Good day, Mary Clarence. - But, Sister, I-- -再见,玛莉.克拉伦斯 -可是,修女-- Good day. 再见 再见 Good day. - Don't peek. - How can I peek? - You can look to the right. - That's right, don't peek. - Where can I look? - You ready? - You've got my eyes-- - Ta-da! 别说话,别偷看 Crazy women. What have you done? 疯女人,你们在干什么? 这是什么? - What is this? - It's ice cream. -这是冰淇淋 -我知道,可是-- - I know that, but-- - Well, it's a great big... 这是我们向你表示谢意的 cuddly bear hug of a thank-you from us to you. - Not thank you to me, thank you to you. - No, you. 别谢我,别谢我 应该谢谢你们,什么时候做的? I mean-- When did you do this? This is a sin. It's a wicked indulgence. 这是罪恶,这是邪恶的纵容 没有涂黄油核桃的吗? Didn't they have any butter pecan? - I hope Reverend Mother doesn't catch us. - Yeah, let's keep it down. -但愿别让院长嬷嬷撞见我们 -是的,我们小点声 Is there any syrup? -有没有果汁的? -玛莉.克拉伦斯 Mary Clarence, this morning in prayers, 今天作祷告时 我感谢上帝把你带给我们 I thanked God for bringing you to us. Since you've come, everything has just happened. 你来后一切都变了 我们的唱诗班一下出了名 Our choir is famous, for one. We could cut a demo. 我们可能会灌唱片 我得学吉他 I could learn guitar. 是的,什么都有可能 Yeah, anything is possible. God works in mysterious ways. -上帝真让人琢磨不透的 -说的对 - That's true. - You know, uh, anything could happen. 什么都有可能 I mean, any one of us could be transferred out of

here at any given time. 可能某个时候我们中的 某人突然离开大家 你要离开我们了? Are you leaving us? No. Come on, no. 不,别离开我们 What are you talking about? No, we're always gonna be together. 你在说什么呢? 我们会永远在一起 戴安娜罗斯怎么说的 That's what Diana Ross said. Oh, well. Listen, that was a trio. We're a quartet. 她们是三重唱,我们是四重唱 - Listen. You know, it's true. - I know that. - I believe in things like that. - Okay-- Just missed him. Souther just stepped out. 没遇到他,索瑟刚出去 I need his signature on some things. 他得在这上面签个字 没他的签字不能发出去 Uh, this stuff can't be processed without him. Just leave it here, Henry. Uh, I'll make sure he signs it when he comes in. 放在这吧,他回来后我让他签 Here. 向凯瑟琳修道院捐赠一万美金 授权人:埃迪·索瑟 找到她了 We found her. Beautiful work. 干得好,修道院的地址? What's the address? It's Church Street at 29th in San Francisco. 在旧金山教堂街的29号 Thought you were gone. -我还以为你走了 -我忘了带车钥匙 Get all the way to the car, no keys. Tate said to leave the money vouchers with him. 塔特让我把向 修道院捐款的收据给他 He said you'd sign them later. 他说见到你后会让你签的 St. Katherine's. - Here's our leak, boys. - Come on. 小子们,我们走漏风声了! 先把他关起来 Plug him up! - Get him outta here. - Let's go, Tate. -把他带走-走吧 The Pope. Tomorrow. 教皇明天来,我紧张死了 Oh, my gosh, I'll be so nervous. What if I forget the words? -我忘了歌词怎么办? -你会下地狱 You're gonna go straight to hell. - I'm kidding. - Uh-- - I'm kidding. I'm sorry. -我开玩笑的 -快来,五分钟之后排练 Come on, Sisters. Rehearsal in five minutes. - Go to rehearsal. I'll be there in a minute. - Come on. - Right. -我要去排练,我马上来 -好的 Get in. 中尉 One, two, three and slide. One, two, three and slide. 1,2,3,跳,1,2,3,跳 One, two, three and slide. Sister, take over now. -开始 -1,2,3,跳 One, two, three, together. One, two, three, together. 1,2,3,一起跳 One, two, three, together. Left. Right. -进来-迪劳丽丝在哪? - Oh, come in. - Where's Deloris? - Why? Is something wrong? - They know she's here. -有什么事吗?-她已经暴露了 - Girls-- - Oh, my goodness. She's upstairs with the choir. 她在楼上,跟唱诗班在一起 -迪劳丽丝!-嗨 - Deloris. - Hi. Look, Vince knows you're here. We gotta get out now. -文森知道你在这了 我们得马上离开 -可

我明天要为教皇演出 Oh, but I can't go. We're-We're singing for the Pope tomorrow. 如果你不肯离开 恐怕你就只能给上帝演出了 Listen, you're gonna be singing for St. Peter if you don't get your ass outta here now. But I-- Oh-- 可我-- I-I-I can't do this. I can't leave. 我不能走 这么走好象把她们抛弃一样 It's-It's-- It's like I'm deserting them. Hey, I think they'll understand. 我想她们会理解的 No, you don't understand. They need me. 不,你不明白,她们需要我 They need you? A bunch of nuns? 一群修女需要你?要你做什么? What for? Moral guidance? What? Makeup tips? -指导她们谈恋爱 还是教她们化妆?-我跟你说 Let me tell you something. We are talking about the Pope. 教皇要来了 这件事对她们意义重大 This means a great deal to them, and they have worked very hard for this, and they deserve it. 她们为此做了很多准备 你去哪儿? Where you going? Where are you going? -你去哪儿? -我要去盥洗室,你怎么不明白 I am going to the little nun's room, nosy. There you are. We've been looking for you. 你在这儿呀!我们到处找你 - Shh, shh, shh. - Re-Rehearsal's about to start. - Okay, okay, okay. Let's go. -排练要开始了-嘘,我们走 - Surprise. - Guess who? -没想到吧,猜猜我们是谁? - Rehearsal's this way, Sisters. - Hey, Deloris. -排练应该往这边走 -嘿,迪劳丽丝 - Hi. - Come on. - All right, all right. What do they want? Who are they? -他们是谁?-里诺来的流氓 Reno scum. Come on, man! 上车 - Come on, come on! Let's go! - All right, all right! -上车,快点-好了 Where are we going? -我们这是去哪? -去演个特别的节目,修女 Sister here has got a special command performance. Yeah, back at the Moonlight Lounge. 是的,就在月光厅 Look, why don't you just let her go, you know? 你们放她走吧,她与这事没关系 She doesn't have anything to do with this. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. So she can run right to the cops, huh? 放走她好去报警?你想得美 Look, you just go with the flow, okay? 听着,你要见机行事 Relax. You do what I tell you to do. 我让你怎么做你就怎么做 - Go! - Oh! Oh! -快跑! - She's gettin' away. - You don't even have to worry about her, okay? -她跑了! -你根本用不着担心她 - You got the one you came for. - She's right. Let's go. -你们该抓的就是我-她说的对,走吧 You all right? It's okay, I'm a cop. -你没事吧?我是警察 -玛莉.克拉伦斯被人绑架了 They've got Sister Mary Clarence, and they've got guns. - Where are they taking her? - Um, they said the Moonlight Lounge.

-她被带到哪去了? -月光厅 -Come on, get out of the street. -Okay. - You mean they kidnapped her? - Yes. -你是说她被人绑架了? -是两个男人,他们拿着枪 Two men, and they had guns. Why would anyone kidnap a nun? -他们为什么绑架修女? -他们是天主教徒吗? Were they Catholics? 她不是修女,她是在舞厅唱歌的 She isn't a nun. She's a lounge singer. Her real name is Deloris Van Cartier. 真名叫迪劳丽丝.范凯蒂 She witnessed a vicious crime and has been hiding in our convent. 她目击一樁杀人事件 所以被藏在我们修道院 - She isn't a nun? - She-She lied to us? -她不是修女?-她骗了我们? But she was such a wonderful nun. -可她是个不错的修女啊 -她教我们唱的多好啊 Look what she did with the choir. She made us sing beautifully. - That should have tipped us. - Well, I don't care who she is. We can't sing without her. -其实应该能猜得出 -我不管她是谁,可是 没有她,我们不唱歌 - She's our inspiration. - Right. 她启发了我们,院长嬷嬷 Reverend Mother, please, I know that you and Mary Clarence... 我知道您和玛莉.克拉伦斯 经常意见不一致,可我们得救她 didn't always agree, but we've got to help her. - Please. - We've gotta save her. -我们得救她 -我们不能依靠联邦调查局的人 - We can't leave it up to the Feds. - No, they'll-- Calm down, calm down. 安静,安静,玛莉罗伯特 Mary Robert, think clearly. 你知道这两个人是谁吗? Have you any idea who these two men where? Yes. They were from Reno, and they're taking her to the Moonlight Lounge. 知道,这俩人从里诺来的 要把她带到月光厅 Reno? Nevada. 里诺,内华达州 - Mary Emmanuel, tell the Monsignor the situation. - Yes, Mother. 玛莉.艾曼,你去通知主教大人 - The rest of you, follow me. - Yes, Mother. -其余的人跟我来-是,院长嬷嬷 It's 1,500 for the run to Reno. 飞到里诺最少得1500美金 That's 500 less than I normally charge. But-But we don't have $1,500. -我们可没这么多钱 -很遗憾没法为你们效劳了 Well, then I can't fly you there. I'm sorry. Look, I-I'm sorry. I-I-I've got things I have to check out here. 行了,我要去检查飞机了 Father, do not blame this young pilot for abandoning us in our hour of need. 主啊,请别责备这个 不肯帮助我们的驾驶员 When he stands before You on the day of judgment, 当他接受审判时 不要立即送他去地狱 do not send him straight to hell. Please, please, do not treat him with the same disregard that he's treated us. 请主不要象他 对待我们一样对待他 Just because he can't show charity to nuns, 不要因为

他不对修女们行善 就不给他酬劳 try not to leave him without rewards when he asks for them. We know it is easier to answer the prayers of a man... 我们都知道乐于助人的祈祷 才容易应验 who has answered the prayers of others, but if he should come to You... 如果他来医治疼痛的话-- - for relief of pain or-- - Such as rheumatoid arthritis, 比喻说风湿性关节炎过敏 或者是肌肉什么的 loss of hair, neck polyps. Don't leave him bald and yowling in despair. 不要让他秃了或绝望 Watch over him as he refuses to watch over us. 不要象他对待我们一样对待他 And if You cannot, we know that You will have done Your level best. -我们知道你尽力了 -其实什么事情都是一报还一报 -What goes around, comes around. -Look, Sisters, Sisters-- 服了,服了,修女们,请上飞机吧! Hold on a second. 你以为你在干吗? 去投奔警察? What did you think you were doing, running to the cops, Deloris? Hiding out? Big no-no, babe. 不应该呀,宝贝 你现在肯定后悔了 Bet you're sorry now. I'm sorry for all my sins, Vince, 我为我所有的过错感到遗憾,文森 我也为你所有的过错感到遗憾 and I'm sorry for yours. I loved you, Deloris. 我爱你,迪劳丽丝 我什么都给了你 I gave you everything: my affection, my time, a big-time career. 我的爱,我的时间,我的事业 And how do you repay me? What's the thanks I get? 可你是怎么回报我的? 你是怎么谢我的? Where's the loyalty? 你的忠诚呢? You shouldn't have done that to me, babe. -你不该这样对我,宝贝 -你会受到审判的,我们都会 You'll be judged. We all will. 我不信什么鬼审判 I don't get judged. Vince, she's been acting weird since we picked her up. 文森,把她捉来以后 她的言行一直很古怪 It's like, uh, she's scared of nothin'. -没什么可怕的-她被吓着了 She's scared. Tell the boys how scared you are. -跟小子们说你有多害怕 -我宽恕你,文森 I forgive you, Vince. 废了她 Waste her. It's beautiful. 这儿真美 And what a lovely name: Reno. -这的名字也美,里诺 -这里也是罪恶之城 And Gomorrah. No, she was this doll. She used to wear this basket of fruit on her head and go-- 不,她有点象娃娃 以前她头上老顶着一篮子水果-- Excuse me, Vince. -对不起,文森-啊? - Yeah? - We didn't do it. - It's done? - Uh, not totally. -完事了?-没全完 - What's the problem? - Well, Vince, we can't waste a nun. -为什么?-文森,我们不能杀修女 What are you nuts talking about? 你们在说什么?迪劳丽丝是在装腔作势 It's Deloris, in a costu

me. Well, Vince, now how do you know she didn't join up... 你怎么能保证她 没有归依上帝成为修女? and become a real nun when she was there? 有这事 Things like this happen. Because I know this woman, in the biblical sense, 因为我了解这个女人… 她不可能作修女的 and she ain't no nun. Now I don't want to hear any more of this. 别找借口,回去把这事办好 Go in there and do it. Just don't come back till it's over. 事情不办好就别回来见我 - Okay. - It's done. -好吧,我知道了 Okay, we go one, two, three, shoot. 这样吧,我数到3就开枪 Wait. We don't go one, two and shoot on three? 等等,你是说我们数到3就开枪吗? Get over there. 对,你过去 One, two, three. 1,2,3 -你怎么不开枪?-你也没开 - You didn't shoot. - Neither did you. I figured if, uh, you did, I wouldn't have to. -我想如果你开枪,我就省了 -我也这么想 That's what I figured. Sisters, come on! 修女们,快点 Deloris, we got it all worked out. 迪劳丽丝,我们想到办法了 - Hmm. - Strip. -把衣服脱了-什么? What? Come on, come on. Take off the, uh, nun thing. -快点,把你的衣服脱了-对,快点 Yeah, yeah. The nun thing. What is she doing? -她在做什么?-她在祈祷 Oh, my God. She's praying. Lord, I want you to forgive Willie and Joey... 上帝呀,我要你宽恕威廉和乔治 because they know not what they do. 因为此事并非他们本意 They're only doing what Vince told them to do... 他们只是完成文森交待的任务 because Vince is too chicken to do it himself. 因为文森太怯懦了,不敢做 So he's called upon these two men to take care of his business. 所以他让他们两个替他干 So I want you to forgive them, Lord. 所以我求您宽恕这两个人 So I want you to forgive them, Lord. Espectum, espertum, cacoomb, tutu, eplubium. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. -阿门-阿门 Ooh. 哦 Hey! Get out of my way! 让开! - Hey! - Ow! You all right? You all right? 你没事吧?你没事吧? - Go-Go find Vince. - Right. -快去,去找文森-好的 等等,在那儿,月光厅 Wait, wait, wait! Oh, my goodness! There it is! The Moonlight Lounge! That's it! 内华达俱乐部,在月光厅的夜晚 60年代的记忆 Brace yourself, Sisters. 打起精神 我们分头去找玛莉.克拉伦斯 Just spread out and look for Mary Clarence. - Now, j-- Try to blend in. - Done. - Now, j-- Try to blend in. - Done. 注意别太招摇了 - Over here. - Come with me, guys. Over this way. Hi. Excuse me. Sorry. 对不起,你们看见一位修女吗? Has anyone seen a nun? A

Carmelite nun? - No? Sure? Okay, thanks. - Wait. No, no, no, no, no. -没有?真的?谢谢 -她不是真的修女,她是装的 She's not really a nun. See, she's just posing as a nun. It came as a great shock to us. Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Excuse me. Excuse me. 对不起,请各位让一让 - Place your bets. - Red 23. -请下注-下红23 - You're sure? - Mm-hmm. - How do you know? 肯定吗?你怎么知道? - Red 23. - Well, us too. - Here. -红23-我也是 - Works for me. - I'm on it. - I'm in. I'm in. - All of it. Red 14. 红14赢 I was just trying to teach you all a lesson. 我只是想给各位一个教训 Oh! Excuse me! 对不起 Place your bets. Place your bets. Ah! Sister Mary lgnatius! 玛莉.伊格内修斯! Follow me. 跟我来 Block off the street, but don't move in until I tell you. 把整条街封上,在此等候命令! Okay. Nine! Pay the field. Nine. Pay the field. - Add the point-- - Come on. Stay with the others. - What are you doing here? - Well, we're saving you. Move! -你们来这儿干吗? -我们是来救你的 - Move! - Mary Clarence, you're safe. - What in the-- -玛莉.克拉伦斯,你没事了 -什么-- Come on! Move! Move! 让开,让开 分散行动! - Break! Now! Break! - Oh. - Hey, nuns. - Joey! - Vinny, Vinny, there's a thousand nuns here! 出现了无数修女,怎么办? - What do we do? - You go to the left. 你去左边,你去右边,我往中间走 - You go to the right. I'm gonna go down the middle. - All right. Place your bets. Place your bets. 下注下注 Five black. Five. 见鬼 Hey, babe. 嘿,宝贝 什么事呀?心肝 Yes, sweetheart? No more bets. No more bets. Fifteen black. - Seal off the exits and get ready to move in. - Roger. 全体注意,封上出口进赌场 到这来,另外一条路可以出去,我们走 There's another way out. Let's go. Come. Excuse us. 对不起,让一下 Come on. Out. 快点 - Move in now. - Yes, sir. -全体进来-是,长官 - Hey, uh, I can't see a thing. - Willy, hit the lights. -什么也看不见-打开灯 Freeze! 不许动 Everybody! 谁都别动 -乔治-她在哪儿? Joey. - Wh-Wh-Where is she? - I'm right here. 我就在这,我在这儿 I'm here. Leave them alone. They don't have anything to do with it. 别碰她们,这事与她们没关系 Just-- I'm here. 我在这儿 Calm down. 冷静 Joey, do it. 乔治,你来 I can't, Vince. 不行,文森,她是个修女 She's still a nun. She's a broad. 她是个女人,知道吗? 她只是个普通女人 You got it? Just a broad. I guarantee you she is no broad. 我向

你们保证 她不是你们要找的人 She is Sister Mary Clarence of St. Katherine's Convent. 她是圣凯瑟琳玛莉 修道院的克拉伦斯 She's a model of generosity, virtue and love. 她慷慨,贞洁,富于爱心 You have my word for it, gentlemen. She is a nun. 我保证,绅士们,她是个修女 你听到了吗? You hear that? Now, aren't you glad we didn't shoot her? 幸亏我们没有开枪杀她? - Don't shoot! - Drop it. - Okay, okay, okay. - Right there! Let's go! -别开枪!-放下枪! -The gun's down, the gun's down. -Drop your weapon! -All right, drop it! -Okay. 把枪放下 - Lay it down right there! - You all right? - Turn around. 你没事吧? 你没事吧? You okay? Oh, God. - I'm shot! Watch the arm! - Are you okay? -我没开枪-把手举起来 - Take it easy on me. - Come on. - Sorry. 你没事吧?对不起 情况有点失控 -Things got kind of out of hand. -Oh, just ''kind of out of hand''? 有点失控? 很好,朋友,你的枪法不错 Boy, am I glad you're a much better shot than you are a protector. But thank you. 不过还是得谢谢你 - All right, come on. - I was good to you! 我对你这么好 我们关系一直很好 - All right. - We had a great thing! You sang in the hotel! 你唱得并不怎么地 - Come on. - Badly! - In there. - How could you betray me like this? 你为什么出卖我? - You are nothing! - Get him out of here. - Right, Lieutenant. -你真不是东西!-把他带走 -I got two words for you, Vince. -Mary Clarence. -我有两个字送给你,文森 -玛莉.克拉伦斯! Bless you. 愿主佑你! 带走 - Just go. - Come on. - Oh! Hey! - We got another-- I hold you responsible for all of this. 你要为此负全责 For introducing a lounge act into my convent. 你把娱乐场的风气带到了修道院 For utterly disrupting our lives... 彻底打乱了我们的生活 而且让大家陷入险境 and exposing us all to mortal danger. Thank you. 谢谢! No, no, thank you. 不不,谢谢你,谢谢大家 Thank you all. 我真的会想念大家的 I'm really gonna miss you guys. 我还以为你真的是修女呢 迪劳丽丝 We thought you were a nun, Deloris. - Yeah. - Van Cartier. 她是范凯蒂 Sisters, we have a concert to do. 修女们,我们还要去为教皇演出 I thought you were leaving. 你不是要离开修道院吗? We can't both of us leave. 我们俩都不能离开























扔掉玻璃瓶 ===上帝也疯狂观后感

