

“穿普拉达的女王”观后感 这部电影其实是部很老套的轻喜剧:一个对时尚一窍不通的女孩安迪偶然进入了一家全世界顶级的时尚杂志社,然后又因为受不了这里的复杂冷酷而尖锐的竞争而离开。甚至这个结局,可以看到淡泊名利的道德教育,只不过披了个时尚的外衣,但这外衣却足够光鲜亮丽,光彩照人。 影片所说的上下级间的感情也是比较少见的。小助理从对“女魔头”的惧怕到憎恨到慢慢建立信任和感情,是一个很自然的过程。这里面最大的功劳当然是“女魔头”的扮演者梅丽尔.斯特里普,老戏骨就是老戏骨,把一个女强人的张狂表现得让人害怕,但在这些背后,她又要演绎面临即将二次离婚、被大赞助商排挤等诸多问题时的脆弱一面,使得人物并不简单模式化。两个人之间从互相排斥到慢慢互相欣赏的过程,很值得玩味,尤其是片尾那里,就算不再是雇主关系各走各路,但她们知道彼此欣赏着对方,小女生的自信是最大的收获。


第二篇:穿普拉达的女王观后感 英文

To be yourself

---The Devil Wears Prada On the way to dream and happiness, how can we keep our original purpose and innocence when facing the objection, others’ view and the blind following environment, really make me think heavily.

Through that movie, we know that to be a journalist, Andy gave up her opportunity to go to Stanford University and the original purpose she went to Runway being Miranda’s assistant was help her open lots of door. And at first she laughed at her colleague and kept her own style. Her courage and innocence for her dream really make me respect on her.

However, as a series of things happening, she changed gradually. Fashioned clothes made her acquaint lots of different people, serious attitude to work put her into an important position, meanwhile, busy work made her get distant with her friends and family. What’s worse, she even forgot to write. I still remember that plot: when Miranda’s call coming, she tried her best to get a flight for Miranda, when getting off the taxi, she even forgot her dear father. When being pointed out of her change by her father, her friends, her boyfriend and her colleague, “I have no choice” has become her most powerful excuse. The more she devoted herself to her “beneficial” job, the further she’s away her close and her original dream. Fortunately, she realized her missing and was be herself at last.

The dialogue between Andy and Nate “I turned my back on my friends and family and everything I believed in, and, that, that for what?” “For shoes and shirts and jackets and belts” which impresses me a lot shows off the losing of Andy when she worked for Miranda and also the losing of most people in modern society.

It’s wonderful to pursue our dream and happiness, however, in the materialistic age, we may always be lost in money, power and glory. I believe that all the official hope to serve public at first but as time goes on, some of them forget their dream and become the one he ever hates deeply. We hope to live a happy life, but what a happy life means? Harmony family, close friends, healthy body, good income, and what’s more, doing things you love. The problem is that when trying hard to achieve those we are likely to be buried in the busy work for great income and power which seems to be the guarantee, getting away from our love, losing our health, suffering the pain from the boring and disgusting job. Just like Miranda in this movie, resplendent and confident in public, but when it comes to her private life, the dragon lady is so tender and sensitive.

What I talked above is not mean to criticize anyone in that movie or any kind of people in real life. Everyone has his choice on the way of life, his own style of life and the pursuit of life. Whatever happens, to be yourself can always make you happy and enjoy the life, just like Nate and Nigel.

Movie Review

To be yourself

---The Devil Wears Prada

41258017 谷雪葳





穿普拉达的女王 影评












穿普拉达的女王 观后感







