







阿甘因战功显赫而受到总统接见。这,是导演为我们精心准备的一幕喜剧。但我,却依然不会为此而觉得夸张又或是可笑。也许,曾经,有的人常常会感觉到生活的负担过重,旧因为面前的困难重重,而整天垂头丧气、郁郁寡欢。阿甘呢,信念是这样的单纯,目标又是这样的清晰,即使先天不足,甚至是面前有穷山恶水,可爱的阿甘也绝对能够以一颗绝对平常的心视之,并最终一一跨过。这,绝不是仅仅用“愚人之福”就可以解释的。所以,我宁愿相信,只有保持阿甘这种生活态度和坚强意志的人,信念才是能够减轻自己许多关于生命的又或是别的之类的重负,从而达到生命之巅、获得自己最终的辉煌。 阿甘一生中只有一种爱支撑人生,那就是母爱;阿甘一生只爱一个女孩珍妮,除此他永远心如止水;他可以为了纪念死去的战友布巴,而干起自己并不熟悉的捕虾业(仅仅是由于布巴的一句话)??




阿甘正传英文影评 forrest gump

Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.

Back when Tom Hanks' movie career was relatively new, the actor made a film called Big, which told the story of a young boy forced to grow up fast as a result of an ill-advised wish made at a carnival. In some ways, Forrest Gump represents a return to the themes of that earlier movie. In this case, the main character remains a child in heart and spirit, even as his body grows to maturity. Hanks is called upon yet again to play the innocent.

Forrest Gump (Hanks), named after a civil war hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother (Sally Field) runs a boarding house. Although Forrest is a little "slow" (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal"), his mental impairment doesn't seem to bother him, his mother, or his best (and only) friend, Jenny Curran (played as an adult by Robin

Wright). In fact, the naivete that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life.

During the next thirty years, Forrest becomes a star football player, a war hero, a successful businessman, and something of a pop icon. Through it all, however, there is one defining element in his life: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he's doing or where he is.

Trios of assets lift Forrest Gump above the average "lifestory" drama: its optimism, freshness, and emotional honesty. Though the movie does not seek to reduce every member of the audience to tears, it has moments whose power comes from their simplicity. Equally as important is laughter, and Forrest Gump has moments of humor strewn throughout.

During the 60s and 70s, no topic more inflamed the turbulent national consciousness than that of Vietnam and those who were sent overseas to fight. Forrest, as might be expected, has a singular viewpoint on his time spent there: "We took long walks and were always looking for this guy named Charlie." In this observation can be found the essence of the title character's nature.

Through the miracle of visual effects, Forrest meets his fair

share of famous people - George Wallace, Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, and John Lennon. While mixing the real footage of these notables with new images featuring Hanks is not a seamless process, the result is nevertheless effective. Forrest Gump has several messages, some of which are less obvious than others. The most frequently recurring theme is an admonition not to give up on life. Why surrender when you don't know what lies ahead? By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around him, and by showing how the passage of time brings solace to even the most embittered hearts, the movie underlines this point.

Tom Hanks won last year's Academy Award for Philadelphia, but his performance here is more impressive. The Alabama accent may seem a little awkward at first, but it doesn't take long for the acting to dwarf the twang. Hanks has no difficulty creating a totally human character who is free of guile and deceit, and barely able to comprehend a concept like evil. Robin Wright gives the best performance of her career, surpassing what she accomplished in The Playboys. Looking and seeming like a younger Jessica Lange, she is believable as the object of Forrest's undying affection. The real scene-stealer, however, is Gary Sinise. A renowned director and theatrical actor,

Sinise is probably best known to film-goers for his portrayal of George in 1992's Of Mice and Men (which he also directed). In this movie, his Lieutenant Dan Taylor is riveting. The passion and pain he brings to the middle portions of Forrest Gump hold together some of the film's weaker moments.

The soundtrack boasts a wide variety of sounds of the era -- perhaps too wide a variety. Often, music can be useful in establishing a mood, but Forrest Gump rockets into the realm of overkill. There are sequences when the choice of song is inspired (the use of "Running on Empty" for Forrest's "long run" comes to mind), but the soundtrack could have used a little pruning.

Ultimately, however, any gripes about Forrest Gump are minor. This is a marvelous motion picture -- a mint julep on a hot summer's afternoon.

Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead,

this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to

emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers . 今日重见阿甘。。心里有些感触

----妈妈说,人生就象巧克力,你永远不知道你会尝到什么味道。 ----妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么 不同,没有。

----妈妈说,我只是告诉自己,当我做一件事的时候,我就要尽力去做好它,比如我这辈子做了你的妈妈,这是我无法选 择的事,上帝把你给了我,我的孩子,我就必须尽力做好你的母亲,我做到了。

你不得不承认,其实很多事情的成功是有其偶然因素的,它并不会因你的处心积虑而更接近终点,却会在你不 经意的时候,给你的努力以一个最恰当的褒赏。他忠诚,所以在越战中他独自脱离了危险的时候,他仍然跑回丛林中去找他的战友。他守信, 他答应了战友要共买一艘捕虾船,但战友死了,他却在旁人不可思议的眼神中为他实现了遗愿,也为自己赢得了巨大的财富。他执着,所以他 会在珍妮离开后一跑三年,穿越了整个美国,一直不停,他告诉你,他只是想跑,他用跑步丈量人生,这不需要以和平自由或任何冠冕堂皇的 东西为理由。他友善,在他救回中尉的性命后,失去了双腿的中尉一直对自己不能战死在战场上却仍以残废之躯苟且偷生而羞愧,而恼怒,因为 中尉是这样一种人:他视荣誉高于一切,他不能忍受平凡,是阿甘用友善唤回他对生命的信心,使他发现,即使没有双腿,人生依然可以充满生机。


The film differs substantially from Winston Groom's novel on which it was based. Filming took place in late 1993, mainly in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Extensive visual effects were used to incorporate the protagonist into archived footage as well as for developing other scenes. An extensive soundtrack was featured in the film, and its commercial release made it one of the top selling albums of all time.

Released in the United States on July 6, 1994, Forrest Gump was well received by critics and became a commercial success as the top grossing film in North America released that year. The film ended up earning over $677 million worldwide during its theatrical run. The film garnered multiple awards and nominations, including Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, People's Choice Awards, and Young Artist Awards, among others. Since the film's release, varying interpretations have been made of the film's protagonist and its political symbolism. In 1996, a themed restaurant opened based on the film, and has since expanded to multiple locations worldwide. Although a screenplay was developed on Groom's second novel, as of 2010, no sequel has been officially greenlit.

Forrest Gump, sitting at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia,

watches as a white feather falls to his feet. Forrest picks up the feather and puts it in a book he is carrying, then begins to tell the story of his life to a woman who sits next to him. As his story progresses, the listeners at the bus stop change regularly throughout his narration, each showing a different attitude ranging from disbelief and indifference to great interest and fascination.

Although Forrest has well below average intelligence, his mother is able to get him into a public school. On his first day of school, he meets a girl named Jenny whose life at times is followed in parallel to Forrest's. Having discarded his leg braces, his ability to run at lightning speed gets him into college on a football scholarship. After his college graduation, he enlists in the army. There he makes friends with Bubba, who convinces him to enter the shrimping business with him when the Vietnam War is over. He also meets Jenny again, when he sees her on the cover of Playboy Magazine. He then goes to find her, and discovers that she is a stripper/musician working at a bar. Forrest and Bubba are sent to Vietnam, and after several months of patrolling with the 9th Infantry Division their platoon is attacked. Though Forrest rescues many of the men in his unit, Bubba is killed in action. Forrest is wounded during the battle,

and is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism. Forrest discovers an uncanny ability for ping-pong while in recovery for the bullet wound in his buttocks. He starts playing for the U.S. Army team, gaining popularity and rising to celebrity status. He eventually plays competitively against Chinese teams. At an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C. Forrest reunites with Jenny, who has been living a hippie counterculture lifestyle.

Upon leaving military service and returning home, Forrest endorses a company that makes ping-pong paddles for a fee of $25,000. He uses the money to buy a shrimping boat and fulfill his wartime promise to Bubba. His commanding officer from Vietnam, Lieutenant Dan Taylor, joins him as first mate. Initially Forrest has little success, but after finding his is the only surviving boat in the area after Hurricane Carmen hits the Gulf states, he begins to pull in huge amounts of shrimp. He buys an entire fleet of shrimp boats, and "Bubba-Gump" shrimp becomes a household name. He returns home when his mother falls ill; she dies soon after. Lt. Dan invests the money in Apple Computer and Forrest, Dan & Bubba's family are financially secure for the rest of their lives.

One day, Jenny returns to visit Forrest and he proposes marriage

to her. She declines, though feels obliged to prove her love to him by sleeping with him. She leaves early the next morning. On a whim, Forrest elects to go for a run. Seemingly capriciously, he decides to keep running across the country several times, over some three and a half years, becoming famous again.

In present-day, Forrest reveals that he is waiting at the bus stop because he received a letter from Jenny who, having seen him run on television, asks him to visit her. Once he is reunited with Jenny, Forrest discovers she has a young son, also named Forrest, of whom Forrest is said to be the father. Jenny tells Forrest she is suffering from an unknown virus which has no known cure, that she will soon die of. Together the three move back to Greenbow, Alabama where Jenny and Forrest finally marry. Jenny dies soon afterward, leaving their son in Forrest's care. He talks to Jenny's grave and tells her how well their son is doing in school. On his son's first day of school, Forrest sits with him at the school bus stop. Opening the book his son is taking to school, the feather Forrest put there falls out. As the bus pulls away, he watches as the feather is caught by a breeze and drifts skyward.


Main article: Forrest Gump (novel)

"The writer, Eric Roth, departed substantially from the book. We flipped the two elements of the book, making the love story primary and the fantastic adventures secondary. Also, the book was cynical and colder than the movie. In the movie, Gump is a completely decent character, always true to his word. He has no agenda and no opinion about anything except Jenny, his mother and God."

—director Robert Zemeckis[12]

The film is based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom. Both center around the character of Forrest Gump. However, the film primarily focuses on the first eleven chapters of the novel, before skipping ahead to the end of the novel with the founding of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and the meeting with Forrest, Jr. In addition to skipping some parts of the novel, the film adds several aspects to Gump's life that do not occur in the novel, such as his needing leg braces as a child and his run across the country.[13]

Gump's core character and personality are also changed from the novel; among other things he is an autistic savant—while playing football at the university, he fails craft and gym, but receives a perfect score in an advanced physics class he was

enrolled in by his coach to satisfy his college requirements.[13] The novel also featured Gump as an astronaut, a professional wrestler, and chess player.[13]

Two directors were offered the opportunity to direct the film before Bob Zemeckis was selected. Terry Gilliam turned down the offer to direct.[14] Barry Sonnenfeld was attached to the film but left to direct Addams Family Values.[15]

[edit] Filming

Filming began in August 1993 and ended four months later in December.[16] Although the majority of the film is set in Alabama, filming took place mainly in Beaufort, South Carolina, as well as parts of North Carolina.[4] The Gump family home set was built in Savannah, Georgia and the nearby land was used to film Curran's home as well as some of the Vietnam scenes.[17] Over 20 palm trees were planted to improve the Vietnam scenes.[17] Forrest Gump narrated his life's story in Chippewa Square as he sat at a bus stop bench.[17]

Gump with President John F. Kennedy. A variety of visual effects were used to incorporate Tom Hanks into archive footage with various historical figures and events.

Ken Ralston and his team at Industrial Light & Magic were responsible for the film's visual effects. Using CGI techniques, it was possible to depict Gump meeting now deceased presidents and shaking their hands. Hanks was first shot against a blue screen along with reference markers so that he could line up with the archive footage.[18] To record the voices of the historical figures, voice doubles were hired and special effects were used to alter the mouth movements for the new dialog.[12] Archival footage was used and with the help of techniques like chroma key, warping, morphing, and rotoscoping, Hanks was integrated into it.

In one Vietnam War scene, Gump carries a wounded Bubba away from an incoming napalm attack. To create the effect, stunt actors were initially used for compositing purposes. Then Hanks and Williamson were filmed, with Williamson supported by a cable wire as Hanks ran with him. The explosion was then filmed, and the actors were digitally added to appear just in front of the explosions. The jet fighters and napalm canisters were also added by CGI.[19]

The CGI removal of actor Gary Sinise's legs, after his character had them amputated, was achieved by wrapping his legs with a blue fabric, which later facilitated the work of the

"roto-paint"-team to paint out his legs from every single frame. At one point, while hoisting himself into his wheelchair, his legs are used for support.[20]

The scene where Forrest spots Jenny at a peace rally at the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C., required visual effects to create the large crowd of people. Over two days of filming, approximately 1,500 extras were used.[21] At each successive take, the extras were rearranged and moved into a different quadrant away from the camera. With the help of computers, the extras were multiplied to create a crowd of several hundred thousand people.[4][21]

[edit] Release

[edit] Critical reception

The film has received mostly positive reviews. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported that 71% of critics gave the film a positive review based on a sample of 52 reviews, with an average score of 6.9/10.[22] At the website Metacritic, which utilizes a normalized rating system, the film earned a favorable rating of 82/100 based on 19 reviews by mainstream critics.[23]

The story was commended by several critics. Roger Ebert of Chicago Sun-Times wrote, "I've never met anyone like Forrest

Gump in a movie before, and for that matter I've never seen a movie quite like Forrest Gump. Any attempt to describe him will risk making the movie seem more conventional than it is, but let me try. It's a comedy, I guess. Or maybe a drama. Or a dream...The screenplay by Eric Roth has the complexity of modern fiction...[Hanks'] performance is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths....what a magical movie."[24] Todd McCarthy of Variety wrote that the film "...has been very well worked out on all levels, and manages the difficult feat of being an intimate, even delicate tale played with an appealingly light touch against an epic backdrop."[25] In addition, the film received notable pans from several major reviewers. Anthony Lane of The New Yorker called the film "Warm, wise, and wearisome as hell."[26] Owen Gordinier of Entertainment Weekly said that the film "...reduces the tumult of the last few decades to a virtual-reality theme park: a baby-boomer version of Disney's America."[27]

Critics had mixed views on the main character. Gump has been compared to various characters and people including Huckleberry Finn, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan, among others.[28][29][30] Peter Chomo writes that Gump acts as a

"...social mediator and as an agent of redemption in divided times".[31] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone called Gump "...everything we admire in the American character — honest, brave, loyal...".[32] The New York Times reviewer Janet Maslin called Gump a "...hollow man..." who is "...self-congratulatory in his blissful ignorance, warmly embraced as the embodiment of absolutely nothing."[33] Marc Vincenti of Palo Alto Weekly called the character "...a pitiful stooge taking the pie of life in the face, thoughtfully licking his fingers."[34]

The film is commonly seen as a polarizing one for audiences, with Entertainment Weekly writing in 2004, "Nearly a decade after it earned gazillions and swept the Oscars, Robert Zemeckis's ode to 20th-century America still represents one of cinema's most clearly drawn lines in the sand. One half of folks see it as an artificial piece of pop melodrama, while everyone else raves that it's sweet as a box of chocolates."[35]

[edit] Box office performance

Produced on a budget of $55 million, Forrest Gump opened in 1,595 theaters in its first weekend of domestic release, earning $24,450,602.[1] Motion picture business consultant and screenwriter Jeffrey Hilton suggested to producer Wendy

Finerman to double the P&A (film marketing budget) based on his viewing of an early print of the film. The budget was immediately upped, per his advice. The film placed first in the weekend's box office, narrowly beating The Lion King, which was in its fourth week of release.[1] For the first ten weeks of its release, the film held the number one position at the box office.[36] The film remained in theaters for 42 weeks, earning $329.7 million in the United States and Canada, making it the fourth-highest grossing film at that time (behind only E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and Jurassic Park).[36][37] As of April 2010, the film is ranked as the 19th highest grossing domestic film and 39th worldwide.[37][38] The film took 66 days to surpass $250 million and was the fastest grossing Paramount film to pass $100 million, $200 million, and $300 million in box office receipts (at the time of its release).[39][40][41] The film had gross receipts of $329,694,499 in the U.S. and Canada and $347,693,217 in international markets for a total of $677,387,716 worldwide.[1]

[edit] Home media

Forrest Gump was first released on VHS on April 27, 1995, before being released on a two-disc DVD on August 28, 2001. Special

features included director and producer commentaries, production featurettes, and screen tests.[42] The film was released on Blu-ray in November 2009.[43]

Author controversy

Winston Groom was paid $350,000 for the screenplay rights to his novel Forrest Gump and was contracted for a 3% share of the film's net profits.[68] However, Paramount and the film's producers did not pay him, using Hollywood accounting to posit that the blockbuster film lost money—a claim belied by the fact that Tom Hanks contracted for the film's gross receipts instead of a salary, and he and director Zemeckis each netted $40 million.[68][69] Additionally, Groom was not mentioned once in any of the film's six Oscar-winner speeches.[70]

[edit] Symbolism

"I don't want to sound like a bad version of 'the child within'. But the childlike innocence of Forrest Gump is what we all once had. It's an emotional journey. You laugh and cry. It does what movies are suppose to do: make you feel alive."

—producer Wendy Finerman[30]

[edit] Feather

Various interpretations have been suggested for the feather present at the opening and conclusion of the film. Sarah Lyall

of The New York Times noted several opinions that were made about the feather: "Does the white feather symbolize the unbearable lightness of being? Forrest Gump's impaired intellect? The randomness of experience?"[71] Hanks interpreted the feather as: "Our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance elements to our life and that's kind of the embodiment of the feather as it comes in. Here is this thing that can land anywhere and that it lands at your feet. It has theological implications that are really huge."[72] Sally Field compared the feather to fate, saying: "It blows in the wind and just touches down here or there. Was it planned or was it just perchance?"[73] Visual effects supervisor Ken Ralston compared the feather to an abstract painting: "It can mean so many things to so many different people."[74]

[edit] Political interpretations

In Tom Hanks' words, "The film is non-political and thus non-judgmental".[30] Nevertheless, in 1994, CNN's Crossfire debated whether the film promoted conservative values or was an indictment of the counterculture movement of the 1960s. Thomas Byers, in a Modern Fiction Studies article, called the film "an aggressively conservative film".[75]

"...all over the political map, people have been calling

Forrest their own. But, Forrest Gump isn't about politics or conservative values. It's about humanity, it's about respect, tolerance and unconditional love."

—producer Steve Tisch[75]

It has been noted that while Gump follows a very conservative lifestyle, Curran's life is full of countercultural embrace, complete with drug usage and antiwar rallies, and that their eventual marriage might be a kind of tongue-in-cheek reconciliation.[24] Jennifer Hyland Wang argued in a Cinema Journal article that Curran's death to an unnamed virus "...symbolizes the death of liberal America and the death of the protests that defined a decade [1960s]." She also notes that the film's screenwriter Eric Roth, when developing the screenplay from the novel, had "...transferred all of Gump's flaws and most of the excesses committed by Americans in the '60s and '70s to her [Curran]."[31]

Other commentators believe that the film forecast the 1994 Republican Revolution and used the image of Forrest Gump to promote his traditional, conservative values.[76] Wang argued that the film was used by Republican politicians to illustrate a "traditional version of recent history" to gear voters towards their ideology for the congressional elections.[31] In

addition, presidential candidate Bob Dole cited the film's message in influencing his campaign due to its "...message that has made [the film] one of Hollywood's all-time greatest box office hits: no matter how great the adversity, the American Dream is within everybody's reach."[31]

In 1995, National Review included Forrest Gump in its list of the "Best 100 Conservative Movies" of all time.[77] Then, in 2009, the magazine ranked the film number four on its 25 Best Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Years list.[78] "Tom Hanks plays the title character, an amiable dunce who is far too smart to embrace the lethal values of the 1960s. The love of his life, wonderfully played by Robin Wright Penn, chooses a different path; she becomes a drug-addled hippie, with disastrous results."[78]

Other have interpreted the movie as adding to a discourse of race through the changing contours of white power and privilege during the civil rights era. From the standpoint that studies of whiteness work to dislodge whites from positions of power, Robyn Weigman has argued that Forrest Gump is a "filmic celebration of fundamental white goodness."[79] For example, when George Wallace fails to keep blacks out of the University of Alabama, Gump "symbolically joins the students when he

retrieves one of their dropped books," though it is an innocent gesture. His innocent alignment with desegregation coupled with his attributes as a quintessential white—his name being that of Bedford Forrest, Ku Klux Klan leader—leads Weigman to conclude that the movie works to split "whiteness" from the white body, as "white power and privilege are displaced from any inherent relation--historically, ideologically, politically--to white skin."

[edit] Soundtrack

Main articles: Forrest Gump (soundtrack) and Forrest Gump - Original Motion Picture Score

The 32-song soundtrack from the film was released on July 6, 1994. The soundtrack includes songs from Elvis Presley, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Aretha Franklin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Three Dog Night, The Doors, The Mamas And The Papas, The Doobie Brothers, Bob Seger, and Buffalo Springfield, among others. Music producer Joel Sill reflected on compiling the soundtrack: "We wanted to have very recognizable material that would pinpoint time periods, yet we didn't want to interfere with what was happening cinematically."[80] The two-disc album has a variety of music from the 1950s–1980s performed by American artists. According to Sills, this was due to Zemeckis' request,

"All the material in there is American. Bob (Zemeckis) felt strongly about it. He felt that Forrest wouldn't buy anything but American."[80]

The soundtrack reached a peak of second place on the Billboard charts.[80] The soundtrack went on to sell twelve million copies, and is one of the top selling albums in the United States.[81] The score for the film was composed and conducted by Alan Silvestri and released on August 2, 1994.

The film inspired a seafood restaurant called Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, named for the shrimping company formed by Gump in the film, named for himself and his friend, Bubba. The first restaurant opened in 1996 in Monterey, California, and has since branched out to over 30 other cities in the U.S., Indonesia and other countries.[82] The restaurants' design feature memorabilia from the film. Licensed merchandise is sold at the restaurants.[83]

[edit] Sequel

Main article: Gump and Co.

A screenplay based on the original novel's sequel, Gump and Co., was written by Eric Roth in 2001. Roth's script began with Forrest sitting on a bench waiting for his son to return from school. After the September 11 attacks, Roth, Zemeckis, and

Hanks decided the story was no longer "relevant".[84] In March 2007, however, it was reported that Paramount producers took another look at the screenplay.[85]

In the very first page of the sequel novel, Forrest Gump tells readers "Don't never let nobody make a movie of your life's story," though "Whether they get it right or wrong, it don't matter."[86] The first chapter of the book suggests that the real life events surrounding the film have been incorporated into Forrest's storyline, and that Forrest got a lot of media attention as a result of the film.[13] During the course of the sequel novel, Gump runs into Tom Hanks, and at the end of the novel is the film's release, including Gump going on The David Letterman Show and attending the Academy Awards. It is mentioned Hanks plays Gump, and Forrest seems to have a positive look on the film. danyuan一

一、单选题(共有题目33题) 1.

13. The two main islands of the UK are _______

A.Great Britain and Ireland B.Great Britain and Scotland C.Great Britain and Wales D.Great Britain and England A 2.

27.The "backbone of England" refers

to ________. A.Scafell Pike B.Ben Nevis C.Snowdonia D.the Pennies D

25. Edinburgh is the capital city of ________. A.England B.Scotland C.Wales

D.Northern Ireland B 4.

5.__________ in Scotland is the highest peak in the UK. A.Snowdonia B.Scafell Pike C.Ben Nevis D.Gwynedd C 5.

21. Being an island country, Britain is surrounded by the seas except for ________ A.the English Channel B.the Pacific Ocean C.the North Sea D.the Atlantic Ocean B 6.

14. ________ is the Scottish flag. A.The Saint George's cross B.Union Jack

C.The Saint Andrew's cross D.The Saint Patrick's cross C 7.

18. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Commonwealth?

A.All members of the Commonwealth were once part of the British Empire B.All members of the Commonweath share many customs and tradtions C.All members of the Commonwealth were ruled by Britain

D.All members of the Commonwealth accept the British monarch as the symbolic head C 8.

16. The Westminster Abbey is the place where ________.

A.the British royal residence in London is located

B.almost all English kings and queens have been crowned

C.the British Prime Minister lives D.the British Parliament is located B 9.

3. The north and west of Britain are mainly_______. A.lowlands B.highlands

C.uplands B 10.

29.Scotland has three national zones. In the middle is _______. A.highlands B.lowlands C.uplands B 11.

28.Edinburgh is the capital city of __________ A.England B.Scotland C.Wales

D.Northern Ireland B 12.

23. The Port of London is Britain’s most important _______. A.seaport B.airport C.railway station D.military base A 13.

22. Britain does not share land border with any other countries except for ________ A.France B.Holland C.Italy

D.The Republich of Ireland D 14.

4. ________ is the longest river in Britain A.River Clyde B.Severn River C.River Thames B 15.

20. ______ is the name used today for six counties of Northern

Ireland. A.Celt B.Belfast C.Ulster D.Doublin C 16.

6._______ is the most important river in Scotland.

A.River Clyde B.Severn River C.River Thames A 17.

30. The official London residence of the British royal family is _________

A.Westminster Palace B.Buckingham Palace C.Windsor Castle

D.Royal Greenwich Observatory B 18.

11.________ is the capital city of Scotland. A.Belfast B.Edinburgh C.Aberdeen D.Cardiff B 19.

1.UK consists of a group of small islands, among which ______ is the second largest one. A.Great Britain B.Ireland

C.Northern Ireland D.Scotland B 20.

31. Which of the following is the highest sightseeing--- rotating

wheel in the world? A.Big Ben B.Tower of London C.London Eye D.Tower Bridge C 21.

10. The ancestors of the English are _______ . A.Danish B.Celts C.Anglo-Saxons D.Roman C 22.

24. The famous Speaker’s Corner is an area inside ______, London, where speakers address the public, especially on Sundays. A.the West End B.Hyde Park

C.the House of Parliament D.Westminster Abbey B 23. 12.




Christianity to Britain added the element of _______ words to English. A.Danish

B.Dutch and German C.French and Italian D.Latin and Greek D 24. 12.




Christianity to Britain added the element of _____ words to English. A.Danish

B.Dutch and German C.French and Italian D.Latin and Greek D 25.

26.Union Jack is the national flag of _________ A.the UK B.Ireland C.Australia D.England A 26. 12.




Christianity to Britain added the element of ______ words to English. A.Danish

B.Dutch and German C.French and Italian D.Latin and Greek D 27.

15.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of _________ A.St. Augustine B.Edward the Confessor C.William the Conqueror D.Alfred the Great B 28.

7. Which of the following about Lough Neagh is NOT true?

A.It is used for a variety of recreational and



B.It is well known for its association with



C.It is used as a source of fresh water

D.It is a good attraction to the bird watchers B 29.

9. Which of the following account for the second least among the UK population?

A.The Northern Irish B.The Scottish

C.The Irish D.The Welsh D 30.

8. Who is NOT member of the Lake Poets?

A.William Wordsworth B.Samuel Johnson

C.Samuel Taylor Coleridge D.Robert Southey B 31.

2. UK has a remarkably ______ climate. A.cold B.hot C.mild D.windy C 32.

17. Which part of UK lies in the north of the country? A.England B.Scotland C.Wales D.Ireland B 33.

19. The form of the UK government is _______.

A.coalition government B.authoritarianism C.constitutional monarchy D.autocratic monarchy C 单元二

一、单选题(共有题目29题) 1.

13. Which is NOT true about the Tower of London?

A.It is on the south bank of the River Thames

B.The Tower once served as a royal palace and a prison

C.It is the great fortress which demonstrated William's power D.It is an historic monument in central London A 2.

20.The prevailing religious belief during the reign of Tudors is ________ A.Protestanism B.Greek Orthodox C.Roman Catholic Church D.Purism A 3.

10. During the reign of _______, England broke from the Roman Catholic Church to form the Anglican Church.(Protestant). A.Edward VI B.Elizabeth I C.Henry VIII

D.William the Conqueror C 4.

29. Who was the British Prime Minister during WWII? A.Winston Churchill B.Margaret Thatcher C.John Major D.Harold Wilson A 5.

28. In which dynasty did the British Civil War break out? A.The Windsors B.The Tudors C.The Hanoverians D.The Stuarts D 6.

14. Which of the following is NOT the factor that made Britain the first industrialized country?

A.Favorable geographical location B.Political instablity C.Abundant natural resources D.The enclosure movement B 7.

19.About King Edward I, which statement is NOT true?

A.Scotland regained independence during his reign

B.He was crowned at Westminster Abbey

C.He named his son Edward II Prince of Wales

D.He was succeeded by his son Edward II. A 8. 27.




Revolution, who ruled Britain A.Queen Elizabeth I B.Queen Victoria C.King James II D.King Charles II B 9.

9. In an effort to make a compromise between different



Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of ______. A.Industrial revolution B.Renaissance C.Glorious revolution D.religious reformation D 10.

1. Which of the following event mark the beginning of the British recorded history? A.Roman invasion B.Anglo-Saxon conquest C.Danish invasion D.The celtic invasion

A 11.

24. Who is known as "the father of British navy"? A.Queen Elizabeth I B.Aflred the Great C.William the Conqueror D.King Edward the Confessor B 12.

7. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between ________ A.Protestants and Puritans B.Royalists and Parliamentarians C.nobles and peasants D.Aristocrats and Christians B 13.

15. ________ invaded England and pushed the Celts into the mountains or overseas to Ireland, becoming the main race of England. A.Romans

B.The Anglo-Saxons C.Vikings D.Irish B 14. 17.Which




statements about the Anglican Church is TRUE?

A.It is a Catholic church

B.It was a result of religious movement in the 16th century in Europe

C.It was established by King Henry VII of England

D.It is the Church of Scotland B 15. 18.The




succeeded the Tudors in Britain is ________.

A.the Plantagenets

B.the Normans

C.the House of Hanoverians D.the Stuarts D 16.

26. Which country was the first country to industralize? A.Britain B.America C.Austraia D.Ireland A 17.

12. Which of the following is NOT the consequences of the Norman Conquest?

A.The weak Saxon rule was replaced by a strong Norman government B.Rome had a stronger control over the country C.Latin became




D.It brought numerous contacts between England and Franc C 18.

4. The ________ marked the establishment of feudalism in England.

A.Viking invasion B.Norman Conquest C.Adoption of Common law D.Roman invasion B 19.

23. "England" was a name given by _______ A.Angles B.Celts C.Normans D.Romans A 20.

6. In England, the direct reason for

the religious Reformation was King Henry VIII's effort to________ A.break with Rome B.support the Protestants C.divorce his wife

D.declare his supreme power over the church C 21.

5. The end of the Wars of Roses led to the rule of________. A.the House of Hanoverians B.the House of York C.the House of Tudor D.the House of Lancaster C 22.

11. In the process of resisting the Vikings, the 7 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England gradually became united under________ A.William Conqueror B.Alfred the Great C.Edward Confessor D.King Harold B 23.

21. The Elizabethan Era is considered to be a golden age in English history for the following reason except for_______

A.It experienced the flowering of English literature and poetry B.It witnessed the nations's breakaway from Catholicism to Protestantism

C.It was an age of expansion and exploration abroad

D.It was the time during which English Renaissance reached its peak B 24.

22. Which of the following about

English "Bloody Mary" is NOT true? A.She was a daughter of Henry III of England

B.She was a half-sister of Queen Elizabeth I

C.She was a queen of Tudors D.She was a Protestant D 25.

25. The first king of Great Britain was _______. A.King Edward I B.King Henry I C.King Charles I D.King James I D 26.

3. By the late 7th century, _______ became the dominant religion in England.

A.Celtic religion

B.Anglo-Saxon's Teutonic religion C.Germanic Christianity D.Roman Christianity D 27.

8. The idea of reformation was started by ________ A.Henry VIII B.Edward Confessor C.Martin Luther D.Queen Elizabeth I C 28.

2. Who are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain? A.The Celtic people B.The Normans C.The Danish D.The Anglo-Saxon A 29.

16. Edward I was a king of _______ in England

A.House of York B.House of Plantagenet C.House of Normandy D.House of Tudor B 单元三和四

一、单选题(共有题目18题) 1.

The central government of the UK is made up of the following except _______ ? A.The monarch

B.High-level civil cervants C.Parliament D.The cabinet B 2.

In Britain, the chairman of the House of Commons and the chairman of the House of Lords are called ______ respectively.

A.Lord Chancellor and Speaker B.Lord





C.Speaker and Lord Chancellor D.Speaker and Lord Spiritual C 3.

_______ is the third largest party in UK.

A.Social Democratic Party B.The Liberal Democatic Party C.Green Parties D.Communist Party A 4. Who




Elizabeth's heir on her accession after King Geroge VI's death? A.Princess Anne B.Prince Andrew C.Prince Edward D.Prince Charles :

: D 5.

The two major political parties in Britain are the Conservative Party and the _______. A.Republican Party B.Democratice Party C.Labour Party D.Liberal Party C 6.

In UK, the qualifications for becoming Monarch's consort include the following EXCEPT that ________ A.He or she must be from a noble family

B.He ro she must obtain teh consent of the sovereign

C.He or she must get the Parliament's permission

D.He or she should not be a Roman Catholic B 7.

British people still have a great affection for the royal family for the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.

A.the Monarchy was regarded as a long-established tradition B.the royal families set a good example of happy marriage and happy life for the British people C.Queen's willingness to give in to

popular demands endeared her to her subjects

D.It is a symbol of Britain which represents the nation as a whole B 8.

Who is entitled the Duke of Edinburgh in Britain?

A.Prince Charles B.Prince Andrew C.Prince Edward D.Prince Consort Philip D 9.

In the general elections of the UK, the effort made by candidate to win the support of the voters include all the campaigning activities EXCEPT ________.

A.advertisement in newspaper B.distributing the voting cards in person

C.door-to-door campaigning D.postal deliveries of leaflets B 10.

In which branch of the British parliament does the real power of the UK politics lie? A.The monarch B.The House of Lords C.The House of Commons D.The cabinet C 11.

All the noble title bearers are members of _______ in the UK.

A.The Upper House B.The Lower House C.The cabinet D.The parliament A 12.

The Liberal Party, the third largest party of the United Kingdom, developed from the ______ in 1839. A.Whigs B.Tories

C.Conservative Party D.Labour Party

A 13.

Where were the British Kings and Queens crowned? A.London Tower

B.The Buckingham Palace C.Westminster Abbey D.St. Paul's Cathedral C 14.

Which party devoloped into current Conservative Party in Britain? A.Whigs B.Tories

C.The Social Democatic Party D.The Liberal Party B 15.

In Britain, "by-election" is a special election that must be held in all of the following occasions EXCEPT that _____

A.there is a vacant seat in the House of Commons

B.every time a member of the House of Commons dies

C.every time a member of the House of Commons resigns

D.every time the government loses a "vote of no confidence" D 16.

Who chooses the members of the British Cabinet? A.The Prime Minister B.The Sovereign C.The Lords D.The archbishop A 17.

Which of the followin statement about British Lord is TURE? A.A lord is allowed to join any political party.

B.A lord has the right to vote at parliarmentary elections

C.A lord can not become a member of House of Commons

D.A lord receives regular salary as a member of House of Lords C 18.

Which of the following about titles of nobility in Britain is NOT true? A.All the titles are hereditary B."Knight" is given to those who have got great success in their careers

C.Duke and Duchess are the highes of all the noble titles D.Titles




difference in social status A 单元七

一、单选题(共有题目19题) 1.

Which university does NOT belong to the group of Redbrick Universities in UK?

A.Universtiy of Edinburgh B.University of Liverpool C.London University D.University of Birmingham A 2.

________ is NOT a characteristic of the public schools in UK. A.Boarding schools

B.Admitting both boys and girls C.Emphasizing prayers and daily ceremonies D.Fostering obedience


competitiveness B 3.

Those who want to go on their education in universities and colleges in the UK must pass the

_____ examination after they finish their secondary education. A.GNVQ B.GCEO C.GCEA D.GCSE C 4.

In which river is the boat race between universities of Oxford and Cambridge held?

A.River Clyde B.Severn River C.Thames River D.River Seine C 5.

Which is incorrect to describe the public schools?

A.They are independent schools B.They emphasize the importance of character training

C.They are fee-free schools D.They pay higher salaries for their teachers. C 6.

In 1209, in which English city did the riots of "town and gown" happen, which made the scholars take refuge to another city? A.Oxford B.Cambridge C.Edinburgh D.London

A 7.

The Grammar school in modern Britain _________.

A.offer only grammer lessons to pupils

B.emphasize academic studies and

offers more subjects than any other secondary schools

C.make a point of giving practical instructions which are considered to be of help in the pupils' future work

D.only take in the pupils who are interested in grammar B 8.

The _______ is an examination taken at about the age of eleven, to decide which type of secondary school a Britain child will attend. A.Eleven-plus B.Eleven-Tests C.Eleven-minus D.Eleventh Test A 9.

The most amous redbrick university is _______. A.Oxford University B.Cambridge University C.London University D.Britstol University C 10.

Graduates from the state-owned schools in Britain have ______ to enter famous universities than those from private-owned schools. A.a less favorabe chance B.an equal chance C.a more favorabel chance D.no chance A 11.

Of all the English univeristies, _______ and ______ are the most well-known. A.Oxford University...Eton

University B.Oxford


University C.Eton College...



D.Hardvard...Yale B 12.

The Secondary Modern schools in Britain are somewhat like ____ in China.

A.vocational schools B.junior middle schools C.senior middle schoos D.primary schools A 13.

The Grammar schools in Britain emphasize a lot on students' ______ while enrolling students. A.family background B.vocational skills C.academic ability D.moral behaviour C 14.

The state-owned secondary schools in UK include the following EXCEPT _______

A.Grammar schools

B.Secondary Modern schools C.Comprehensive secondary schools D.Public schools D 15.

Besides the formal universities, other kinds of higher education in UK include all the following EXCEPT______. A.polytechnics B.vocational schools C.comprehensive schools D.Open Universities C 16.

The Prep Schools in Britain are


A.private-owned primary schools B.state-owned primary schools C.Grammar schools

D.Comprehensive secondary schools A 17.

Which aim is more important in primary education?

A.To teach childern some skills B.To make children learn more knowledge

C.To foster the potentialities of children

D.To help children get good marks for exmaination C 18.

Which of the following about the Open University in Britain is NOT true?

A.It is open to everyone and makes use of televisons, radios and correspondence courses

B.It demands the same formal qualifications as




C.Successful students are awarded a unveristy degree

D.It is one kind of higer education B 19.

In Britain, the division between Grammar schools and Secondary Modern school are ended by the introduction of ______ A.Vocational schools B.Comprehensive schools C.Church schools D.Public schools B


Which of the following types of people would be more likely to read

the Mirror in UK? A.Lawyer B.Doctor

C.Building laborer D.Teacher C 2.

Which national daily newspaper has the largest groups of readers? A.Guardian B.Daily Mirror C.Sun D.The Times C 3.

Which of the following features is NOT the features of popular press in UK?

A.Providing photographs B.Providing gossip C.Containing human



D.Containing hard news D 4.

Which of the following games is usually NOT provided in British pubs for the customers to have a fun? A.Dartboard B.Snooker C.Dominoes D.Disco D 5.

British Broadcasting Corporation is mainly funded by ______. A.License fees paid by viewers B.Advertising revenue C.public funds D.personal donation A 6.

Which of the following features is

NOT the features of quality press in UK?

A.Being serious B.Containing soft news C.Being objective

D.Contaiing international news B 7.

Which type of TV programs take up most of the British viewers' time? A.News and current affairs B.Documentaries and features C.Drama D.Sport C 8.

Which one in the following is NOT a quality paper in UK? A.Daily Telegraph B.The News of the World C.Daily Express D.The Guardian B 9.

Which of the following is NOT major British sporting event? A.F A Cup Final

B.Open Golf Championship C.Marathon race D.Baseball tournament D 10.

Which one of the following is the most popular leisure activity for British people? A.reading books B.Gardening

C.Visting and entertaining friends D.Watching television D 11.

Which of the following statement about the tabloids in UK is NOT true?

A.The tabloids are cheaper than the quality paper

B.Tabloids have wider circulation C.The main source of its revenue is from subscription

D.Tabloid readers are usually from the middle or lower class C 12.

Quality paper readers are mainly from the following groups of people except ______ in UK A.middle-class

B.people engaged in professional jobs

C.people engaged in managerial jobs D.the lower class D


一、单选题(共有题目17题) 1.

Ireland is separated from Great Britain by ________. A.North Sea B.English Channel C.Irish Sea D.Atlantic Ocean C 2.

The prevailing religion in the Republic of Ireland is ________. A.Protestantism B.Roman Catholic C.Christinanity D.Muslim B 3.

The two dominant official languages in the Republic of Ireland are ________.

A.Irish and English B.Gaelic and Irish C.Irish and Scottish D.Gaelic and Scottish

A 4.

_______ is a basic instrument in Irish music which is usually formed by a bag in which the air is blown through a blowpipe. A.Harp B.Bagpipe C.Bodhran D.Fiddle B 5.

The majority of the Irish people are of ________ origin. A.Welsh B.Scottish C.Anglo-Saxon D.Celtic D 6.

The instrument in the Irish National Emblem is Irish people's beloved _______. A.fiddle B.harp C.accordion D.flute B 7.

Which of the following countries is known as the Emerald Isle? A.British Isles B.Great Britain C.Ireland D.Australia: C 8.

In 1925, the Irish writer and dramatist ________ was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. A.William Butler Yeats B.George Bernard Shaw C.Seamus Heaney D.Samuel Beckett、

B 9.

The capital city of the Republic of Ireland is __________. A.Belfast B.Cardiff C.Dublin D.Edinburgh C 10.

The national flag of Republic of Ireland consists of three vertical bands of the color______, white and ______.

A.green...purple B.green...orange C.red... orange D.red...yellow B 11.

The Republic of Ireland now has a(an) _____ economy. A.agricultrure-based and

knowlege-based B.knowledge-based and



C.industry-based and service-based D.agriculture-based and foreign investment-based C 12.

___________ is the largest party in the Republic of Ireland since 1932 and has been in power of the time in the Party's history. A.Fine Gael B.The Labor Party C.Fianna Fail

D.The Progressive Democratic Party C 13.

In the Republic of Ireland, the appointment of the cabinet members should obtain the approval of

______. A.the President

B.the House of Representatives C.the British monarch D.the Senate B 14.

In the Republic of Ireland, the term of president office is __________ years and a President may not serve more than _______ terms. A.7...3 B.5...3 C.7...2 D.5...2 C 15.

In the Republic of Ireland, the chief of the state is the ________. A.Prime Minister B.President C.British monarch D.General Governor B 16.

Which of the following statements about the Republic of Ireland is NOT true?

A.The monetary unit is Irish pound B.English is one of its official languages

C.The parliament consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate

D.It was one of the 12 founding members of the Euro A 17.

The Irish parliament consists of _______ and _______.

A.the House of Commons... the House of Lords

B.the House of Commons... the Senate

C.the House of Commons ... the House of Lords

D.the House of Representatives... the House of Lords

























