

Robinson Crusoe

Brief Introduction

The novel, Robinson Crusoe written by an English writer Daniel Defoe was published by Oxford University Press for sale in the People’s Republic of China in 1993. But the book I read is printed by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 1997. The book has 283 pages.

Main Contents

The novel happened around Robinson Crusoe. At first, He had a happy family and entered a good school. His parents hoped that he could get a good job. However, he didn’t want that. He wanted to adventure and have an exciting life. When he told his parents that he wanted to be a sailor and would go to sea, his parents were angry. But he never forgot his ambition.

In 1651 he with his friend went to Hull by sea. They adventured a strong wind and a heavy rain. At first he was afraid. Then he didn’t want his friends and his family to laugh at him, so he began to go on with his second time. They met the famous thieves of the sea at that time. The thieves wanted to sell them as slaves but in the end the Turkin capitan decided to keep Robinson for himself as a salve. Then he and a boy named Xury escaped from the Turkin’s control. He met with a Portuguese captain, who would go to Brazil. Robinson came to Brazil with the Portuguese captain. There he began to have a new life. But soon he was bored again. His friends were going to Africa to do business. He went with them again. They met a terrible storm. His friends were all dead. Only Robinson survived and was thrown onto a lonely island.

On the lonely island he began to live a new life alone. Totally he set three houses to survive. He never forgot that he must return to his home, so he created several ships to help himself to leave the island.However, he didn’t succeed in leaving the island. Someday he found there were fights between wild men on the other islands. Then they came to his island with their prisoners, to kill them, cook them, and eat them. Robinson was very angry. He wanted a friend to talk to, so he determined to try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men. There was a man who was very lucky. Robinson called him Friday. Robinson taught him to speak and work. Friday was very clever and he learned to speak and work.

At last, Robinson and Friday wanted to leave the island. One day a captain and his officers were controlled by the mutineers. The ship was from England. They drew an agreement. Robinson and Friday helped them to own the ship again and the captain helped Robinson and Friday return to England. They were successful. Robinson ended up his island life which lasted twenty-seven years, two months and nineteen days. Robinson was married and had a peaceful life. From the beginning to end he liked adventuring, so he began to adventure again. Maybe he would write another book about his adventures. 

Excellent episodes

 1.At first I was very thankful to be alive. Slowly, I got to my feet and went higher up the shore. From there, I looked out to sea. I could see our ship, but it was wrecked and there was nobody in the water. All my friends were dead. I was alive, but in a strange wild to sleep on the shore. Perhaps there were wild animals there. So I went up into a tree and I stayed there all night.

2.My life was still busy from morning to night. There were always things to do or to make. I learned to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. They looked very strange, it is true, but they kept me dry in the rain.

3.The prisoner ran like a wild goat, and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill. As fast as I could,  Iran down the hill and jumped out of the trees between the prisoner and the two wild men.

4.He was a fine young man, about twenty-five years old, tall and well-built, with a kind face and a nice smile. He had a brown skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth. I decided to give him the name of “Man Friday”, because I first saw him on a Friday.

5.Friday was a quick learned and his English got better day by day. He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfields, and soon we were good friends.I enjoyed teaching him and, most of all, having a friend to talk to. This was the happiest of all my years on the island.


When I was in primary school, my teachers asked me to read the book, Robinson Crusoe. They told me that the novel can make you understand how to be independent from your parents. I read it when I was a little girl. Yes, I had a deep feeling. I understood many things. If we always rely on our friends and parents, when we have to survive independently we will not be able to adapt to all. To the contrary we usually depend on ourselves, then when we encounter some unexpected things, we can adapt and have positive attitudes to resolve it.

However, this time after I read the novel I have deeper reflections. In our lives we should do adventures. When hardships are on the corner, we should face them bravely and never be fear. We shouldn’t have been satisfied with the situation which we are in at present. We should have ambitions. I believe if we are on a high stand, and we struggle for it, we can arrive a higher stand.

Now we live in the modern society, so it is not necessary to drift to a desert island. But promise me to image it. If I stayed on a lonely island, I absolutely couldn’t conquer dangers. Maybe I would lose confidence for life. I respect Robinson very much. He is a real hero in my heart. There is no perfect life in the world and our life will not be plain sailing and sometimes we maybe also encounter some dangerous things. But we can change our fate. Only if we know how to take the right measures, we will escape from the dangers. Only if we have confidences and work hard, we absolutely will be victorious. In fact, the most important thing is “Never give up”. 

Now I am young. There is a long time that I must experience. When I am in the college, I can make the most of the time. And no matter what difficulties, I will face with them and never give up. I believe I can conquer any difficulty.














 鲁滨逊也是一样的,如果他没有离开家,那么他的人生一定没有那么精彩,在他的眼中就只有金钱,和过着"衣来伸手,饭来张口"的日子. 他也就不会懂得用自己的双手去制造东西,去捍卫自己的家园,他勇于向世俗挑战:离家出走;他勇于和大自然斗争:在经过大浪后也没被淹没;他勇于行动:在荒岛上看见俘虏快被野人杀后吃掉,舍身去救他;他勇于追求:己想要的事物——挑战和磨练.


在一次背包旅行的途中,鲁滨逊乘坐的飞机在无人岛上坠毁.这是什么地方?炽热灿烂的阳光,一望无垠的大海在鲁滨逊眼前展开的是一幅浪漫,孤独,刺激和冒险的画卷然而,如果真的独自留在无人岛上会怎么样呢?这里没有自来水,也没有煤气炉,打不通手机,也没法叫外卖送餐.除了泥土,大海和一直生活在那里的动植物以外,无人岛上没有任何东西是为了让人类生存而存在的.一滴水都要亲自去找,一个火苗都要亲手点燃.在这样的状况下,你还会感到浪漫吗鲁滨逊并不是天才,但是他有着更强的好奇心.他历尽了限险,九死一生.他经历了没有淡水的痛苦,克服了孤独一人生存的恐惧,熬过了无人岛上漫长的梅雨期,战胜了自己精神的绝望,最后终于乘坐英国海轮,驶向希望的故乡。 虽然鲁滨逊生活在远离当时社会的荒岛上,过着衣食无忧的生活,但他始终没有脱离过社会,利用先前在社会中学到的知识使自己活了下来.如果他从一生下来就生活在荒岛上,那情况又会是怎样?人不能脱离社会而存在,这是不可否认的事实.鲁滨逊能够在荒岛上生活几十年,不单是他不服输的思想,超强的生存能力,最重要的是他丰富的社会经验.鲁滨逊在岛上时,从没有放弃过要回到他原来是生活,,也许是他活下来的信念虽然鲁滨逊生活在远离当时社会的荒岛上,过着衣食无忧的生活,但他始终没有脱离过社会,利用先前在社会中学到的知识使自己活了下来.如果他从一生下来就生活在荒岛上,那情况又会是怎样?人不能脱离社会而存在,这是不可否认的事实.鲁滨逊能够在荒岛上生活几十年,不单是他不服输的思想,超强的生存能力,最重要的是他丰富的社会经验.鲁滨逊在岛上时,从没有放弃过要回到他原来是生活,,也许是他活下来的信念

鲁滨逊在荒岛上解决了自己的生存难题.面对人生挫折,鲁滨逊的所作所为充分显示了他坚毅的性格和创造精神.同样我们在学习的同时,也要搞一些发明创造,从小养成一种创新精神,把鲁滨逊在荒岛,不畏艰险,不怕失败挫折,艰苦奋斗的精神结合起来,为实现自己的目标而努力. 鲁滨逊在荒岛过着贫困的生活,正是艰苦的环境促使他立志成长,为改变处境而奋发;也正是这种奋发才使鲁滨逊克服难以数计的困难,从而取得了辉煌的成就.其实,艰苦的环境,也会促成人成才.是的,安逸的生活炼不出精干的水手,平静的湖面造不出时代的伟人.环境优越,生活舒适,往往会诱发这种惰性,阻碍人们成长;而恶劣的环境却能激人奋发,使人立志改变处境,因而促使一个人成长.有了这种敢于挑战的精神,不管环境是好是坏,都能创造条件,克服困难成才.否则,优越的环境,会成为滋养惰性的温床,艰苦的环境会成为淤埋弱者的深渊. 正如人生道路,它坎坷,它不平,到处有荆棘,石头,高山,急流.人生,并不满布绚烂的朝霞;它是由痛苦,磨难,快乐的丝线,组成的网. 当我们受到挫折,积极对待.我看到这样一句话:"天不总是蓝的,水不总是清的,草不总是绿的,花不总是艳的,人生也可能一帆风顺!" 花要凋落,草要枯黄,春天又给它们生机.《鲁滨逊漂流记》给我的启示:只有奋斗,才有出路.鹰和乌龟》的意思相同,它让我们懂得:一切事物都要有顺其自然.




















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