


最近拜读了莫言的《蛙》,想必很多同学和我一样,在2012年10月12日之前根本不知这一大家。逛当当网时还以为《蛙》是写什么青蛙的,看后才知真的错到外婆家了---是写人、写计划生育的。可能这就是魔幻与现实吧! 以蛙为书名,并且文中常出现“蛙”。让我想起了厦门上古文化艺术馆馆藏的一尊裸女抱蛙玉石雕。没记错的话,好像距今四到五千年,当时的解说词大概是,青蛙产卵的数量多的惊人,是古人祈求多子多孙,子孙满堂的表现。也许这就是一脉相承,数千年不变。包括文中的人名都是用人的器官取的,给人的感觉真的就是到处是人,人满为患。 高中老师说,小说源于生活,但高于生活。但我还是有两点疑问:一书中说红薯亩产万斤,是否太过魔幻了?二书中提到当时无粮食,生不出小孩,有新生儿补贴二十元。我记得我爸说他十五六岁,也就是78年左右,在矿上上班一月才十来块。是否太脱离实际了?还是南北差距大? 但我深信不疑的是姑姑当计生队长时的那种“干劲”。可以说,我感同身受,因我就是个超生儿。那些计生办的人给我的感觉就是---草菅人命,可能有点过。但听我爸说,当时他是扛着猎枪跟计生办的人对抗的,要不然我妈就被她们拉走了,也就没有我。真的要好好感谢我爸当时的“鲁莽”。 不过计生办的这种“干劲”,并不能有效的阻止超生的现象。听我

妈说,我们村的一家生了三个女儿,男的被拉去结扎了,但最终还是没能阻止他们超生,他家儿子现在可能都要上高中了。不过我现在想想孩子爸是谁就不好说了。 还有一现象是计生办的来牵牛、赶猪,这我还真没见过,或许由于小不记得了,不过砸房子到是屡见不鲜。我上小学时,去学校要走二十分钟的路,路两旁的房子隔几步就能看见一个“大号窗户”。当时乡下建房子,窗户都是留的比较小,不过现在看来,砸了到好,因为现在都是留大号窗户、落地窗。可当时的乡下没有这么时髦,并且当时农民建个房子真心不易。但计生办的那些家伙,扛起锤子砸下去,眼都不带眨的。包括我家的老房子那个洞的轮廓今天都可见,因为补上的砖的颜色不一样。 2012年的诺贝尔文学奖带我认识了莫言,《蛙》带我走进了莫言的小说,而我对莫言说---哇!应该说莫言在2012年10月12日,惊起“哇”声一片!


Frogs Moyan was the first Chinese to win NobelPrize for literature. Frogs, one of his most famous work, was based on the life experience of Gugu (which means aunt in Chinese), who has devoted herself as a gynecologist for over 50 years.

With vivid details and reflection, the book shows the up and downs of New China’s specific fertility history in the past 60 years, and exposes the chaotic phenomenon on fertility in China at the moment. It tells of the difficulties and complexity the country faced during the process of the implementation of the national family planning policy in order to control the sharp growth of population.

The heroine of the novel was called Gugu. She lived in a complicated era, when the food was extremely scarce. The narrator of the novel, Wan Xiaopao, had once eaten coal because of the unbearable starvation. People in a great portion of countryside in China still used a backward way to deliver a child, leading to the high mortality of pregnant woman. After graduating from hygiene school, Gugu persuaded the villagers to accept the new way to deliver a child by using her excellent skills. Those old midwives only cared about their personal gain rather than saving the lives of pregnant women. Gugu was very indignant about it. She blamed those old midwives for their irresponsible behaviors. Then we can see that Gugu was really fearless and


In 1965, she was assigned to community hospital as a gynecologist. She became the leader and executor of one-child policy. No sooner than Gugu started spreading the policy, villagers repelled her violently and blamed her with dirty words. They believed baby was their only hope andand “the more children, the better” is a rigid belief at that time. However, All these obstacles did not stop Gugu’s certain steps to lower the birth rates. By using fierce measures, many villagers did vasectomy unwillingly. Investigating the socialist enemies was a tough thing, for it would make Gugu a hated enemy to villagers.

Gen Xiulian, a woman who had already had two children, was going to have a third baby. When Gugu came to her house, she used every method to beg Gugu, but Gugu insisted in taking her to perform operation, without any mercy. Being driven into a corner, Gen Xiulian jumped into the river. Everyone on the spot was shocked, for it happened in a flash. Gugu immediately jumped onto a boat, yelling loudly to ask someone to help her drive the boat. Gen Xiulian was found under a peel of watermelon. Gugu burst into laughter, because Gen Xiulian used the way that was used to deal with Japanese. Gugu did not catch her at once. She followed her slowly, using loud-speaker to broadcast the instruction of one-child policy. Gugu standing on the board spoke loudly to Gen Xiulian: “There is no way for you but go with us. Even though you can

swim to East Sea, we will still follow you. ”All of a sudden, Gen Xiulian cried out. Her actions became more and more slowly, and her arms couldn’t help her go forward. Gugu was greeted by a smell of blood. Ultimately, Gugu used everything to save Gen Xiulian’s life but it was too late.

At the night before Gugu’s retirement, her colleagues gave her a feast in a restaurant. She was drunk. On the way home, she walked into a pool of mud, where frogs were brawling loudly. Noise came from all directions. Like a raging river, the noise took the whole occupation of wide farmland. It sound like babies’ crying. Gugu felt a gust of cold wind climbed onto her shoulder. A bad feeling struck her,so she escaped quickly. Although it seems like Gugu’s imagination, it revealed the real inside world of Gugu.

After the first time reading, a complex feeling rose from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t figure out what it really was.It confused me ,so I decided to read it again. During the second time reading, I paid my attention to the details in the story, such as Gugu’s actions, feelings and words. I imagined I was on the spot, and I tried to understand their feelings hiden in the words. Gradully, I knew what I felt at the first time. They were happiness for the baby birth, anger to the policy, pity for the abortion, sadness for the past of our country, and a sense of responsibility for the future.

I realized Gugu was a tragedy person. She was torn between the desire to accomplish the tasks from party and country, and the desire to save children. She delivered over ten thousand babies. Her hand was sacred but also full of blood at the same time.

Using the literary device of ridicule and sarcasm, Mo Yan criticizes the distorted history as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. He reveals the murkiest side of human existence. He shows us a world without truth, common sense or compassion, a world where people are reckless, helpless and absurd. Mo Yan defends small individuals like Gugu against all injustices. Thanks him for telling us the history we may never know. Only we realized the pain that our nation went through, we can keep moving on and avoid those things happening again.







莫言《蛙》赏析 读后感




蛙 读后感






蛙读后感 文档






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