

Time is too precious to waste.

Procrastination is the voluntary delay of an intended action despite the knowledge that this delay may harm the individual in terms of the task performance or even just how the individual feels about the task or him or herself. Procrastination is a needless voluntary delay.

There are many types of delay in our lives.

Delay is a necessary part of our lives. At any given moment, there are any number of things we could do. What will we choose to do? This choice is based partly on our earlier intentions, our plans for the day, but of course, our choice will also depend on the context of the moment. What is happening right now that has an effect on our choices? What is most important now? What is the wisest thing we can do given our goals, responsibilities roles, and desires.

Procrastination, in contrast to other forms of delay, is that voluntary and quite deliberate turning away from Why are we reluctant to act? Why is it we become our own worst enemy?

need to have strategies to overcome this reluctance.

towards changing our behavior.

are procrastination. These are to do something about. Knowing this difference is a good place to start.

The research score high on self-report measures of procrastination also

Procrastination seems to affect health in two ways. First, it causes stress, which is not a good thing for our health for many reasons. Second, chronic procrastinators needlessly delay health behaviors such as exercising, eating healthily, and getting enough sleep. This affects our health negatively, particularly over time.

Procrastination is a problem with not getting on with life itself. When we procrastinate on our goals, we are our worst enemy. These are our goals, our tasks, and we are needlessly putting them off. Our goals are the things that make up a good portion of our lives.

To author our own lives, we have to be an active agent in our lives, not a passive participant making excuses for what we are not doing. When we learn to stop needless, voluntary delay in our lives, we live more fully. It is one thing to know the cost of not acting; it is quite another to have a strong commitment to the goal itself. It is time to make a commitment to engaging in your life, achieving your goals and enjoying the journey.



London ends 2012 Olympic Games with a British-centric musical bang

By Anthony Faiola, Published: August 13

LONDON — The XXX Olympiad ended Sunday with a blowout of British pop and circumstance, a closing-ceremony-cum-after-party offering a final dose of eccentricity to 17 days that saw the rise of girl power in sports, the coupling of Olympic solemnity with English humor and a wave of euphoria in a host nation that seemed to rediscover the “great” in Great Britain.

Like the Who 谁人乐队 and the Spice Girls on Sunday, Britons reunited over the course of these Games, showing the kind of feverish patriotism infrequently seen on this side of the Atlantic.

Big Ben chimed to mark the beginning of the end inside the Olympic Stadium, where the wonderwall of music(音乐下载网站) included a virtual Freddie Mercury and a jolly postscript echoing Monty Python(英国六人戏剧团体): “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.” Four years after the militant efficiency of Beijing 2008, George Michael crooned哼唱 “Freedom 90,” an impromptu anthem for the irreverent玩世不恭的 London Games. “We Will Rock You,” the British promised. And with surprisingly few major gaffes出丑, they did.

The group Madness sang “Our House,” and that’s what these Olympics were. Britain threw a party for the world, but, first and foremost, for itself.

The Games were strewn with references to Britishness, some obscure and some not — organizers crammed the world’s athletes onto a stage cut in the form of a Union Jack at the Closing Ceremonies. If we had a good time, it was because we were along for the ride.

Urged on by massive home crowds and a cheerleading press that defied predictions of Olympic cynicism, British athletes ran, cycled and rowed their way to their highest medal count since Britannia ruled the seas in 1908.






A Journey by Train: Making Tracks in Europe

Everyone is hurrying and straining to be somewhere else. But my wiry little organ grinder pours his heart into bringing this corner alive with his music. Old favorite songs dance gaily above our heads—“Can Can”, “Lara’s Theme”, “Funiculi-Funicula”---these popular songs from past decades have a European father than an American flavor.

Amazingly, a furry cat is fast asleep on top of the music machine, ignoring everything around it as if this was some peaceful garden rather than a precarious perch that shakes with every turn of its owner’s arm. And in a basket by the organ’s pram wheels, a dog dreams peacefully while commuters pour out from an underground station.

My organ grinder has discovered the miracle of perpetual motion. Round and round goes his arm, his body rocking to the effort. Casually he transfers the handle from one hand to the other, catching it as it twirls, the music leaping around him as if it would whisk him and his machine over the rooftops and away past Notre Dame Cathedral or along the Champs Elysees.

Mind you, he’s not the only one presiding over this noisy corner. Two police officers are here as well, charged with maintaining order. One is male, youthful and confident. The other is…well, a police girl. Her gun is almost as big as she is. Her weapon belt sags on her hips. Maybe in a couple of years she’ll develop into a police-woman, but it’ll take at least that long to grow into her official-issue trousers.

But, petite as she is, this Parisienne carries with her all the authority of the French gendarmerie. The traffic at the corner is clogging up—as it does repeatedly during my half-hour here. Boldly she blows her whistle and strides out into the surge of traffic. Angry cars growl to a halt and sullenly crouch at her feet, snarling their annoyance, fretting to be away. But, cowed by her tiny arm they bite back their frustration and wait till this uniformed child waves them on.






E. B. White

On a warm, miserable morning last week we went up to the Bronx Zoo to see the moose calf (小麋鹿) and to break in a new pair of black shoes. We encountered better luck than we had bargained for. The cow moose and her young one were standing near the wall of the deer park below the monkey house, and in order to get a better view we strolled down to the lower end of the park, by the brook. The path there is not much travelled. As we approached the corner where the brook trickles under the wire fence, we noticed a red deer getting to her feet. Beside her, on legs that were just learning their business, was a spotted fawn, as small and perfect as a trinket seen through a reducing glass. They stood there, mother and child, under a gray beech whose trunk was engraved with dozens of hearts and initials. Stretched on the ground was another fawn, and we realized that the doe had just finished twinning. The second fawn was still wet, still un-risen. Here was a scene of rare sylvan splendor, in one of our five favorite boroughs, and we couldn’t have asked for more. Even our new shoes seemed to be working out all right and weren’t hurting much.

The doe was only a couple of feet from the wire, and we sat down on a rock at the edge of the footpath to see what sort of start young fawns get in the deep fastnesses of Mittel Bronx. The mother, mildly resentful of our presence and dazed from her labor, raised one forefoot and stamped primly. Then she lowered her head, picked up the afterbirth, and began dutifully to eat it, allowing it to swing crazily from her mouth, as though it were a bunch of dried grass. As we watched, the sun broke weakly through, brightened the rich red of the fawns, and kindled their white spots. Occasionally a sightseer would appear and wander aimlessly by, but of all who passed none was aware that anything extraordinary had occurred. “Looka the kangaroos!” a child cried. And he and his mother stared sullenly at the deer and then walked on.

In a few moments the second twin gathered all his legs and all his ingenuity and arose, to stand for the first time sniffing the mysteries of a park for captive deer. The doe, in recognition of his achievement, quit her other work and began to dry him, running her tongue against the grain

and paying particular attention to the key points. Meanwhile the first fawn tiptoed toward the shallow brook, in little stops and goes, and started across. He paused midstream to make a slight contribution, as a child does in bathing. Then, while his mother watched, he continued across, gained the other side, selected a hiding place, and lay down under a skunk-cabbage leaf next to the fence, in perfect concealment, his legs folded neatly under him. Without actually going out of sight, he had managed to disappear completely in the shifting light and shade. From somewhere a long way off a twelve-o’clock whistle sounded. We hung around awhile, but he never budged. Before we left, we crossed the brook ourselves, just outside the fence, knelt, reached through the wire, and tested the truth of what we had once heard: that you can scratch a new fawn between the ears without starting him. You can indeed.




Who Needs Shareholders?

What good are shareholders? What value do they really provide? Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, took an end run around them in the company’s troubled IPO. Like other tech giants, Facebook issued insiders a parallel, more-powerful class of stock, which has 10 times the voting weight of the stock offered to the public. Zuckerberg’s shares give him control of nearly 57% of the company’s voting rights, ensuring that outside shareholders will have little say over how Facebook is run.

Most public companies haven’t gone that route. Yet across the board, shareholders rarely seem to be playing the oversight roles once expected of them.

In this month’s Big Idea feature, Justin Fox, HBR’s editorial director, and Jay Lorsch, a Harvard Business School professor, get to the core of the debate. They describe the functions that outside shareholders are supposed to perform in the modern corporation—providing money, information, and discipline—and demonstrate that these days they’re not doing any of them very well.

On the money front, a surge of short-term trading has led to volatility and impatient capital. As for information, there is so much “noise” in the market that it’s not clear what signals share prices actually send. And an increase in shareholder activism doesn’t seem to be preventing managers from engaging in value-destroying and pocket-lining behavior.

Once more: What good are shareholders?

Fox and Lorsch argue for a rethink(n) of shareholders’ role in the corporation. They call for other actors in the equation—boards, customers, employees, lenders, and regulators—to take on some of the burden of providing money, information, and, especially, discipline. Ultimately, the goal is to give more clout to the patient shareholders who are interested in the long-term health of the company, separating them from the short-termers who drive day-to-day stock price movements.

There’s no easy solution, but we hope the article—part of our continuing series on fixing global economic and financial systems—will stir debate and prompt action.








The “energy crisis” of the 1970’s appeared to sound the death knell for incandescent lighting. It has long been recognized that incandescent lighting is much less efficient than fluorescent and HID lighting, and that it suffers from short service life. In recent years, further improvements in the efficiency and color characteristics of fluorescent and HID lighting have increased their advantage over incandescent lighting. All this makes it fair to say that eliminating incandescent lighting is a leading goal of energy conservation.

At the same time, recognize the advantages that have kept incandescent lighting popular. The color rendering of incandescent lamps is still the best available, although fluorescent and HID lamps have achieved radical color improvements in recent years. Incandescent lighting does not need ballasts, so it is free of the problems associated with them, including audible noise, electromagnetic interference, low power factor, and harmonic distortion of the power system. The small filaments of incandescent lamps allow tight focussing, which is important in some applications. Lamp and fixture costs are much lower than for other types. The lamps themselves are much less expensive, and they do not require the expensive auxiliary equipment of ballasts, capacitors, and ignitors that other light sources need.

The Measures of this Subsection improve the efficiency of incandescent lighting, in some cases by eliminating it. The Subsection starts with the Measures that are least expensive and most broadly applicable, and progresses to Measures that are more expensive or more narrowly applicable. Within this general sequence, similar Measures are grouped together.

Many of the Measures are defined broadly. The variety of possible lighting configurations is unlimited, so it is not practical for Measures to deal with each possible configuration. Combine the Measures in this Subsection and the following Subsections to create a lighting configuration that is optimum for each activity area.














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