美国总统竞选演讲 20xx




I am proud to introduce to you the next president of the United States of America, Mitt Romney!


Mr. Chairman and delegates, I accept your nomination for President of the United States.


If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he's President Obama? You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.


What is needed in our country today is not complicated or profound. It doesn't take a special government commission to tell us what America needs. What America needs is jobs. Lots of jobs. And unlike the President, I have a plan to create 12 milion new jobs.


I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed. 我其实希望奥巴马总统成功因为我希望美国成功。

By 2020, North America will be energy independent by taking full advantage of our oil, our coal, our gas, our nuclear and our renewables.


We will make trade work for America by forging new trade agreements. And when nations cheat in trade, there will be unmistakable consequences. 我们要让国际贸易对美国有利通过达成新的贸易协议,让在贸易中做手脚的国家得到严厉的惩处

I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour. President Obama began his presidency with an apology tour. America, he siad, had dictated to other nations. No, Mr. President, America has freed other nations from dictators. 我会以“就业之旅”开始我的总统生涯。而当初奥巴马的总统生涯是一“道歉之旅”开始的。他说:美国独裁压制了其他国家。不,总统先生,是美国吧其他国家从独裁中解放了出来。

Every American was relieved the day President Obama gave the order, and Seal Tem Six took out Osama bin Laden. On another front, every American is less secure today because he has failed to slow Iran's nuclear threat. In his first TV interview as president, he said we should talk to Iran. We're still talking, and Iran's centrifuges are still spining. President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus, even as he has relaxed sanctions on Castro's Cuba. He abandoned our friends in Poland by walking away from our missile defense commitments. But he is eager to give Russia's President Putin the flexibility he desires, after the election.


Under my administration, our friends will see more loyalty, and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone. We will honor America's democratic ideals because a free world is a more peaceful world.

This is the bipartisan foreign policy legacy of Truman and Reagan. And under my presidentcy we will return to it once again.


President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family. Now is the moment when we can stand up and say: "I'm an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deseves better! My country deseves better!"


Today the time has come for us to put the disappointments of the last four years behind us. To put aside the divisiveness and the recriminations. To forgive about what might have been and to look ahead to what can be. Now is the time to restore the Promise of America.


If I am elected President of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that America, to life our eyes to a better future. That future is our destiny. That future is out there. It is waiting for us. Our children deserves it, our nation depends upon it, the peace and freedom of the world require it. And with your help, we will deliver it. Let us begin that future for America tonight!


Thank you so very much! May god bless you!My God bless the American people! And may God bless The United States of America.



Four years ago as I had the privilege to travel all across the country and meet Americans from all walks of life. I decided nobody else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken health care system. No one in the wealthiest nation on earth should go because they get sick. Nobody should have to tell their daughters or sons the decisions they can and cannot make for themselves are constrained because of some politicians in Washington.


And thanks to you, we’ve made a difference in people’s lives. Thanks to you. There are folks that I meet today who have gotten care and their cancer’s been caught. And they’ve got treatment. And they are living full lives and it happened because of you.


We've come too far to turn back now. We've got too much work to do to implement health care. We've got too much work to do to create good jobs. We've got too many teachers that we've got to hire. We've got too many schools that we've got to rebuild. We've got too many students who still need affordable higher education.


There's more homegrown energy to generate. There are more troops that we've got to bring home. There are more doors of opportunity we've got

to open to anybody who is willing to work hard and walk through those doors. We've got to keep building an economy. Or no matter what you look like or where you come from, you can make it here if you try. And you can leave something behind for the next generation. That's what at stake right now in Colorado. That's why I'm running for President of the United States of America. That's why I'm asking for your vote.


I still believe in you. And if you still believe in me, and if you're willing to stand with me, and knock on some doors with me, and make some phone calls with me, and talk to your neighbors and friends about what's at stake, we will win this election. We will finish what we started. And we'll remind the world why America is the greatest nation on earth. 我依旧相信你们。如果你们依旧相信我,如果你们愿意支持我,和我一起去叩门拜访,和我一起打电话,告诉你的邻居和朋友们,我们在争取什么,那我们就能在这场竞选中获得胜利。我们就会像上次那样赢得最终胜利。

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

























