

From the day we arrive on the planet. And, blinking, step into the sun. There’s more to see, than can ever be seen, more to do, than can ever be done. There’s far too much, to take in here, more to find, than can ever be found. But the sun rolling high, through the sapphire sky, keeps great and small, on the endless round. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life.


Scar: Life's not fair; is it? You see I... Well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.


Zazu : Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?


Scar: What do you want?


Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.


Scar: Oh now look Zazu, you made me lose my lunch.


Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a Hippo with a Hernia.


Scar: Ohhh...I quiver with FEAR!


Zazu: Now Scar, don't look at me that way...HELP!!!!


Mufasa: Scar! ... Drop him. 放下它。

Scar: Mmm-Mmm-Hmmm?

Zazu: Impeccable timing your majesty.


Scar: Why! if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.


Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.


Scar: That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. Must have slipped my mind.


Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should have been first in line!


Scar: Well, I was first in line...until the little hairball was born.


Mufasa: That hairball is my son...and your future king.


Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy.


Mufasa: Don't turn your back on me, Scar.


Scar: On, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.


Mufasa: Is that a challenge? 想挑战我吗?

Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you.


Zazu: Pity! Why not? 真遗憾,为什么不?

Scar: Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.


Zazu: There's one in every family, sire...two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions.


Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? 我该怎么处置他?

Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. 他做条地毯很不错。

Mufasa: Zazu!

Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him.


Rafiki: Hmmm...heh heh heh...Simba.

Simba: Dad! Dad! come on Dad, we gotta go. Wake up! Oops! Sorry. Dad? Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad,...


Sarabi: Your son ...is awake...你儿子醒了…

Mufasa: Before sunrise, he's your son.太阳升起前,他是你的儿子。

Simba: Dad. Come on Dad. 快点儿,爸爸。

Simba: You Promised! 你答应过我的。

Mufasa: Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up.

Simba: Yeah!

Mufasa: Look Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.


Simba: Wow.

Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.


Simba: And this will all be mine? 那这都会成为我的?

Mufasa: Everything. 一切。

Simba: Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?


Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.


Simba: But I thought a king could do whatever he wants.


Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time.


Simba: There's more? 不止这些?

Mufasa: Haha. Simba. Everything you see, exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures; from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.


Simba: But Dad, don't we eat the antelope?可是,爸爸,我们不是吃羚羊吗?

Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great circle of life.


Zazu: Good morning sire!

Mufasa: Good morning Zazu.

Zazu: Checking in with the morning report.汇报上午报告。

Mufasa: Fire away. 开始吧。

Chimps are going ape, giraffe remains above it all. Elephants remember, through just what, I can’t recall. Crocodiles are snapping up, fresh offers from the bank, shown interest in my nest egg. But I quickly say no thanks. We haven’t paid the hornbills, and the vultures have a hunch. Not everyone invited, will be coming back from lunch. This is the morning report, gives you the long and the short. It’s every grunt, and snort. It’s not a tale I distort, on the morning report,


Mufasa: What are you doing, son?

Simba: Pouncing. 扑击

Mufasa: Let an old pro show you how its done. 让老手教你怎么做吧。

Mufasa: Stay low to the ground. 离地面低点儿。

Simba: Okay, stay low to the ground, right yeah...

Mufasa: Not a sound 不要出声

Mufasa: That’s very good.

Zazu: Sire! Hyenas! In the pride lands! 陛下,鬣狗到荣誉大陆来了!

Mufasa: Zazu! Take Simba home.

Simba: Aw dad, can't I come?

Mufasa: No, son.

Simba: I never get to go anywhere. 我总是哪儿也不能去。

Zazu: Oh, young master, one day you will be king; then you can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.


Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what! 嘿,Scra叔叔,猜一猜。

Scar: I despise guessing games. 我讨厌猜谜游戏。

Simba: I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock. 我将会成为荣誉石国王。

Scar: Oh, goody. 很好

Simba: My Dad just showed me the whole kingdom. And I'm gonna rule it all. Heh heh.


Scar: Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy-- bad back, you know.


Simba: Hey Uncle Scar. When I'm king, what'll that make you?


Scar: A monkey's uncle. 一只猴子的叔叔。

Simba: Heheh. You're so weird. 你真怪。

Scar: You have no idea. So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?


Simba: Everything.

Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise on the northern border.


Simba: Well no. He said I can't go there.

Scar: And he's absolutely right! It's far too dangerous--only the bravest lions go there.


Simba: Well I'm brave. What's out there? 那儿有什么?

Scar: I'm sorry Simba, I just can't tell you.

Simba: Why not?

Scar: Simba, Simba-- I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew.


Simba: Yeah, right. I'm your only nephew.

Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective! An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince... Oops!


Simba: An elephant what?!? Whoa... 象的什么?

Scar: Oh, dear! I've said too much ... Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later,

you being so clever and all... Oh, just do me one favor. Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.


Simba: No problem.

Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember-- it's our little secret.


Simba: Hey Nala.

Nala: Hi Simba.

Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place. 来,我刚听说一个好地方。

Nala: Simba, I'm kind of in the middle of a Bath. 辛巴,我正在洗澡。

Sarabi: And it's time for yours. 你也该洗了。

Simba: Mom! Mom, you're messing up my mane. 妈妈,你把我的头发弄乱了。

Simba: Okay, okay. I'm clean. Can we go now?

Nala: So where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb. 最好不是无聊的地方。

Simba: No, it's really cool.

Sarabi: So where is this really cool place? 那么这个很酷的地方在哪儿?

Simba: Oh... around the water hole. 喔,在水坑周围。

Nala: The water hole?!? What's so great about the water hole?


Simba: I'll show you when we get there. 到那儿我就告诉你。

Nala: Oh! Uh... mom, can I go with Simba?

Sarafina: Hmm... what do you think, Sarabi?

Sarabi: Well...

Nala and Simba: Pleeeease.

Sarabi: It's all right with me—我没意见。

Simba: Yeah!!

Nala: All right.

Sarabi: --as long as Zazu goes with you. 只要Zazu和你一起去。

Simba: No! Not Zazu!

Zazu: Step Lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.


Nala: So where we really going? 我们要去哪儿?

Simba: An Elephant graveyard. 象冢

Nala: Wow!

Simba: Shhh! Zazu.

Nala: Right. So how we going to ditch the Dodo?


Zazu: Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled, what, with your being betrothed and all.


Simba: Be-what? 什么?

Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. 婚约。订婚。

Nala: Meaning? 什么意思?

Zazu: One day you two are going to be married. 将来你们要结婚的。

Simba: Yuck.

Nala: Ewww.

Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend. 我不能娶她,她是我的朋友。

Nala: Yeah. It'd be so weird. 对,感觉很怪。

Zazu: Well sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It's a tradition going back generations.


Simba: Well when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.


Zazu: Not so long as I'm around. 只要有我在就没门儿。

Simba: Well in that case, you're fired. 那样的话,你会被开除。

Zazu: Hmmm... nice try, but only the king can do that. 做得不错,但只有国王可以那么做。

Nala: Well, he's the future king.

Simba: Yeah. So you have to do what I tell you. 所以你得按我说的做。

Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed.


Simba: Hummph. Not the way I see it. 我不这么看。

Simba: I'm gonna be a mighty king. So enemies beware!


Zazu: Well, I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair.


Simba: I'm gonna be the mane event Like no king was before


I'm brushing up on looking down 我整装打扮,俯视众生。

I'm working on my ROAR! 练习吼声。

Zazu: Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing. 目前为止还很平凡。

Simba: Oh, I just can't WAIT to be king! 我迫不及待要当国王。

Zazu:  You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think—


Simba: No one saying do this 没人说“这么做”,

Zazu: Now when I said that, I--我是说

Nala: No one saying be there 没人说“到那儿”

Zazu: What I meant was—我的意思是…

Simba: No one saying stop that 没人说“那样不行”

Zazu: Look, what you don't realize--

Simba and Nala: No one saying see here

(Zazu: Now SEE HERE!)

Simba: Free to run around all day 每天自由自在地奔跑

(Zazu: Well that's definitely out of the question.) 那肯定是越界了。

Simba: Free to do it all my way 随心所欲做任何事。

Zazu: I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart to heart.


Simba: Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start!


Zazu: If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out! Out of service, out of Africa

I wouldn't hang about!


This child is getting wildly out of wing. 这孩子心比天野。

Simba: Oh I just can't WAIT to be king.

Everybody look left (Zazu: WHERE?!) 大家向左看。

Everybody look right 大家向右看。

Everywhere you look I'm Standing in the spotlight!


Zazu: Not Yet! 还不是!

Chorus: Let every creature go for broke and sing 所有生灵都尽情歌唱吧

Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing 让我们一起自由自在地欣赏

It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling 这是国王辛巴最奔放的舞蹈

Simba & Chorus: Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

Oh, I just can't waaaaaait... to be king!

Zazu: I beg your pardon, madam, but...GET OFF! 对不起,夫人,但是,走开。

Simba? Nala?

Simba: All right, it worked! 好了,这主意不错。

Nala: We lost him. 我们甩掉他了。

Simba: I ... am a genius. 我是个天才。

Nala: Hey Genius-- it was my idea.

Simba: Yeah, but I pulled it off. 没错,但是是我实施的。

Nala: With me!

Simba: Oh yeah?

Nala: Ha. Pinned ya. 压住你了

Simba: Hey, let me up! 让我起来

Nala: Pinned ya again! 又压住你了。

Simba: This is it-- we made it. 是这儿。我们到了。

Simba and Nala: Whoa.

Nala: It's really creepy. 真可怕。

Simba: Yeah... isn't it great? 是不是很棒?

Nala: We could get in big trouble. 我们可能会有大麻烦的。

Simba: I know, huh. 我知道。

Nala: I wonder if it's brains are still in there. 不知道它的脑子还在不在。

Simba: There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out.


Zazu: The only checking out you will do, will be to check out of here.


Simba: Aw, man. 噢,老兄。

Zazu: We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands. 我们越过荣誉大地的边界了。

Simba: The little banana beak is scared! 看呀,香蕉嘴害怕了。

Zazu: It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy. And right now we are all in very real danger.


Simba: Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha!


Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?


Banzai: Hmm. I don't know, Shenzi. What do you think, Ed?


Banzai: Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers!!


Zazu: And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational error.


Shenzi: Whoa, whoa whoa, wait wait wait... I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge.


Zazu: I, madam, am the king's Majordomo. 夫人,我是国王的首席谋士。

Shenzi: and that would make you ...  那你是?

Simba: The future king! 未来的国王!

Shenzi: Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?


Simba: Puh. You can't do anything me. 哼,你不能对我怎么样!

Zazu: A-ha-ha, technically, they can. We are on their land--


Simba: But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers.


Zazu: Ix-nay on the oopid-stay. 此一时彼一时。

Banzai: Hey! Who you calling oopid-stay?!?  你说什么?!

Zazu: My, my, my. Look at the sun. It's time to go. 看太阳,我们该走了。

Shenzi: What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner.


Banzai: Yeeaah! We could have whatever's "lion" around.


Shenzi: Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one. Make mine a "cub" sandwich. What do you think?


Shenzi: What? Ed? What is it? 怎么了?Ed?怎么啦?

Banzai: Hey, did we order this dinner to go? 喂,我们让晚饭走了吗?

Shenzi: No. Why? 没有,怎么了?

Banzai: 'Cause There It Goes!!!! 因为他们跑了。

Nala: Did we lose 'em? 我们甩掉他们了吗?

Simba: I think so. Where's Zazu? 我想是。Zazu呢?

Banzai: So, the little Majordomo bird hippity-hopped all the way to the birdie-boiler.


Zazu: Oh no. Not the birdie boiler. Ahhhhhh! 噢,不行,鸟锅不行。

Simba: Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?


Shenzi: Like... you?!?  比如你?

Simba: Oops. 

Nala: Simba!

Shenzi: Look Boys! A king fit for a meal!

Banzai: Here kitty, kitty. 在这里。

Shenzi: Huh. That was it?! Hah. Do it again... come on. 就这个样子?再来一次,快点

Shenzi: Oh, Please, please. Uncle. Uncle. 饶命,大叔。

Mufasa: Silence! 安静

Banzai: O.K., we're gonna shut up right now. 我们刚打算闭嘴的。

Shenzi: Calm down. We're really sorry. 冷静点,真对不起。

Mufasa: If you ever come near my son again... 如果再靠近我儿子…

Shenzi: This is? This is YOUR son?!?

Banzai: Oh, your son?

Shenzi: Did you know that? 你以前知道吗?

Banzai: No... Me? I...I didn't know it. No. Did you?

Shenzi: No! Of course not.

Banzai: No.

Shenzi and Banzai: Ed?

Banzai: Toodles. 再见。

Simba: Dad I...

Mufasa: You deliberately disobeyed me. 你没有听我的话。

Simba: Dad, I'm... I'm sorry.

Mufasa: Let's go home.

Nala: I thought you were very brave. 我觉得你很勇敢。

Mufasa: Zazu.

Zazu: Yes, sire?

Mufasa: Take Nala home. I've got to teach my son a lesson.


Zazu: Come, Nala. Simba--  Good luck.

Mufasa: Simba. Simba, I'm very disappointed in you.

Simba: I know.

Mufasa: You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse-- you put Nala in danger!


Simba: I was just trying to be brave like you!


Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.


Simba: But you're not scared of anything. 但你什么也不怕。

Mufasa: I was today. 今天我很害怕

Simba: You were? 今天?

Mufasa: Yes... I thought I might lose you. 是的,我以为我要失去你。

Simba: Oh. I guess even kings get scared, huh? 噢,原来国王也会害怕。

Mufasa: Mm-hmm.

Simba: But you know what? 但你知道吗?

Mufasa: What?  什么?

Simba: I think those hyenas were even scareder. 我觉得这些鬣狗更害怕。

Mufasa: Cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you.


Simba: Oh no! no ... Errrgg ...

Simba: Oh, come here... HAH! Gotcha! 抓到你了。

Simba: Dad?

Mufasa: Hmm?

Simba: We're pals, right? 我们是好朋友,对吗?

Mufasa: Right. 对

Simba: And we'll always be together, right? 我们会永远在一起的,对吗?

Mufasa: Simba... let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.


Simba: Really?

Mufasa: Yes, Simba. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I.


Banzai: Man, that lousy Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week.


Banzai: It's not funny, Ed. 这并不好笑,Ed

Banzai: Shut up! 闭嘴!

Shenzi: Will you knock it off! 你们能不能住手?

Banzai: Well he started it. 是他先动手的。

Shenzi: Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain.


Banzai: Man, I hate dangling. 老兄,我讨厌晃来晃去。

Shenzi: Yeah... You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be running the joint.


Banzai: Man, I hate lions. 老兄,我讨厌狮子。

Shenzi: So pushy. 盛气凌人

Banzai: And hairy. 粗鲁

Shenzi: - stinky- 卑鄙

Banzai: And man are they… ugly 还有,他们……很丑陋。

Scar: Oh, surely we lions are not all -that- bad. 我们狮子才没那么差。

Banzai: Oh, Scar; it's just you. 噢,Scar,是你啊。

Shenzi: We were afraid it was someone important. 我们还以为是很重要的人物呢。

Banzai: Yeah, you know, like Mufasa.

Shenzi: Yeah.

Scar: I see.

Banzai: Now that's power. 那是权力。

Shenzi: Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder. 给我讲讲。 我听到那个名字就发抖。

Banzai: Mufasa.

Shenzi: Ooooo... Do it again.

Banzai: Mufasa!

Shenzi: Ooooo!

Banzai: Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa!

Shenzi: ... Oooo! It tingles me. 它让我激动。

Scar: I'm surrounded by idiots. 我周围是一群笨蛋。

Banzai: Now you Scar, I mean, you're one of us. I mean, you're our pal.

Scar: Charmed. 不胜荣幸

Shenzi: Ohh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still so proper.


Banzai: Yeah. Hey, hey. Did ya bring us anything to eat, Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh? Did-ya-did-ya-did-ya?

Scar: I don't think you really deserve this. I practically gift wrapped those cubs for you. And you couldn't even dispose of them.


Shenzi: Well, ya know, it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar.


Banzai: Yeah. What were we supposed to do, kill Mufasa?


Scar: Precisely. 完全正确。


I know that your powers of retention 我清楚你们的记忆力

Are as wet as a warthog's backside 和野猪的屁股一样臭

But thick as you are, pay attention 但你们虽然笨,注意听

My words are a matter of pride 我的话是一种荣誉。

It's clear from your vacant expressions 你们愚蠢的脑瓜儿也会明白

The lights are not all on upstairs 阳光不总是高高在上

But we're talking kings and successions 但我们说的是国王和继位

Even you can't be caught unawares 即使你们也不会轻易被逮到

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime 所以为千载难逢的机会做好准备。

Be prepared for sensational news 为轰动新闻做好准备。

A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer 一个新时代正悄悄走近

Shenzi: And where do we feature? 我们能做点什么?


Just listen to teacher 听老师讲

I know it sounds sordid 我知道听起来卑鄙

But you'll be rewarded 但你们会得到回报的

When at last I am given my dues 在我最终得到应得的权益

And injustice deliciously squared 正义得到伸张之时

Be Prepared! 准备好!

Banzai: Yeah, Be prepared. Yeah... we'll be prepared. For what?


Scar: For the death of the king. 杀死国王。

Banzai: Why? Is he sick? 为什么?他是不是有病?

Scar: No, fool-- we're going to kill him. Simba too.


Shenzi: Great idea! Who needs a king?  好主意,谁会需要一个国王?

Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed: No king. No king. 不要国王,不要国王。

Scar: IDIOTS! There will be a king! 笨蛋,应该有国王。

Banzai: Hey, but you said, uh—嘿,但是你自己说的

Scar: I WILL BE KING!!! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!!!


Banzai, Shenzi, and ED: Yaah!!! Alright!! Long live the king!!! 国王万岁!

All Hyenas: Long live the king! Long live the King!


It's great that we'll soon be connected. 太妙了,我们很快就会结盟。

With a king who'll be all-time adored. 和一个受人敬仰的国王。


Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected  当然,代价是,你们要,

To take certain duties on board 履行一些职责。

The future is littered with prizes 未来充满了奖赏

And although I'm the main addressee 虽然我是主要获利者

The point that I must emphasize is 但我必须强调一点

You won't get a sniff without me 没有我你们什么也得不到

So prepare for the coup of the century! 所以为世纪行动做好准备

Be prepared for the murkiest scam! 为最阴暗的诡计做好准备

Meticulous planning 精心计划

(We'll have food!)

Tenacity spanning 顽强中包含着

(Lots of food)

Decades of denial 数十年的忍耐

Is simply why I'll Be king undisputed 是我成为国王的原因,毫无争议

Respected, saluted 受人尊敬,赞扬

And seen for the wonder I am! 被视为奇迹!

Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared 对,我的利齿和雄心一起暴露

Be Prepared! 准备好!

All: Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared. Be Prepared!

Scar: Now you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you.


Simba: Whoa. What is it? 是什么?

Scar: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?


Simba: If you tell me, I'll still act surprised.


Scar: Hohoho... you are such a naughty boy.

Simba: Come on, Uncle Scar.

Scar: No-no-no-no-no-no-no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of father-son ... thing. 你知道的,一种父子关系。

Well. I better go get him. 我最好去找他来。

Simba: I'll go with you.

Scar: No! Heheheh. No. Just stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas.


Simba: You know about that?

Scar: Simba... everybody knows about that.

Simba: Really?

Scar: Oh, yes. Lucky daddy was there to save you. Oh, and just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours. Hmm?


Simba: Oh. Okay.... Hey Uncle Scar! Will I like the surprise?

Scar: Simba, it's to DIE for. 辛巴,你肯定喜欢得要死。

Shenzi: Shut up. 闭嘴

Banzai: I can't help it. I'm so hungry... I gotta have a wildebeest!


Shenzi: Stay put. 不要动。

Banzai: Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones? 我挑个又小又弱的不行吗

Shenzi: No! We wait for the signal from Scar. 不行,我们等Scar的信号。

Shenzi: There he is. Let's go. 他来了,走吧。

Simba: Little roar. Puh! 小嗓门。

Zazu: Oh look sire. The herd is on the move. 看,陛下,羚羊群在跑。

Mufasa: Odd. 奇怪

Scar: Mufasa! Quick! Stampede! In the gorge. Simba's down there!


Mufasa: Simba?!

Simba: Zazu! Help me!!

Zazu: Your father is on the way! Hold on!! 你爸爸来了,抓住!

Simba: Hurry!

Zazu: There! There!! On that tree!!!

Mufasa: Hold on, Simba!!

Simba: Ahhhh!!!

Zazu: Oh Scar, this is awful. What'll we do? What'll we do? Hah! I'll go back for help! that's what I'll do! I'll go back for -oooomph.


Simba: DAD!!!!!!!!

Mufasa: Scar! Brother. Help me!

Scar: Long live the king.

Simba: Dad? ... Dad, c'mon. You've gotta get up. Dad? We gotta go home. HEEEEELP!!!! Somebody!! Anybody. Help.

Scar: Simba... what have you done?

Simba: There were wildebeest and he tried to save me... it was an accident. I... I didn't mean for it to happen. 我不知道会发生这事儿。

Scar: Of course, of course you didn't. No one ever means for these things to happen.... But the king is dead, and if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive. Oh! What will your mother think?


Simba: what am I gonna do?  我该怎么做?

Scar: Run away, Simba. Run. Run away, and never return.


Scar: Kill him.

Shenzi: There he goes! There he goes! 嗨,他跑那儿去了。

Banzai: So go get 'im. 去抓住它。

Shenzi: There ain't no way I'm goin' in there. What, you want me to come out there looking like you?! Cactus Butt?


Banzai: But, we gotta finish the job. 但我们得完成任务。

Shenzi: Well, he's as good as dead out there, anyway. And -if- he comes back, we'll kill him. 算了,反正他去那儿和死差不多了。如果他回来,我们就杀了他。

Banzai: Yeah! you hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill you!!!


Scar: Mufasa's death is a terrible tragedy. But to lose Simba who had barely begun to live... For me, it is a deep, personal loss…So, it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future.


Timon: Yeeaaaahh!! Get out! Get out of here!!!! 滚蛋!

Pumbaa: I love it! Bowling for buzzards. 我喜欢这游戏。

Timon: Gets 'em ev'ry time. 每次都赢他们。

Pumbaa: Uh oh. Hey Timon. You better come look. I think it's still alive.


Timon: All right, what have we got here?  好吧?这是什么?

Timon: Jeez, its a lion!!! Run Pumbaa! Move it!


Pumbaa: Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute and all alone. Can we keep him? 嘿,Timon,只是头小狮子,看,他很可爱,又独自一个人,我们能留下他吗?

Timon: Pumbaa, are you nuts?  We're talking about a lion. Lions eat guys like us.


Pumbaa: But he's so little.

Timon: He's gonna get bigger.

Pumbaa: Maybe he'll be on our side. 也许它会站在我们这边的。

Timon: Hah!... that's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll be ... hey, I got it! What if he's on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.


Pumbaa: So we're keeping 'im? 那我们收下他?

Timon: Of course. Who's the brains in this outfit? 当然,我们之中谁最聪明?!

Timon: My point exactly. Jeez, I'm fried. Let's get out of here and find some shade.


Timon: You okay, kid?

Simba: I guess so. 我想没事。

Pumbaa: You nearly died.

Timon: I saved you.

Timon: Well, Pumbaa helped.

Timon: A little.

Simba: Thanks for your help.

Timon: Hey, where you going?

Simba: No where. 不知道。

Timon: Gee. He looks blue.  他看起来有点儿蓝。

Pumbaa: I'd say brownish-gold. 我得说他是金色的

Timon: No, no, no. I mean he's depressed. 不不,我是说他很忧郁。

Pumbaa: Oh.

Pumbaa: Kid, what's eatin' you? 孩子,什么会吃掉你。

Timon: Nothing he's at the top of the food chain. Ahhhhh- ha ha ha ha. The food cha-haain. Heh heh.  Ah- ahem. So... where you from?


Simba: Who cares? I can't go back. 谁会在乎呢?我又回不去。

Timon: Ahh. You're an outcast. That's great; so are we. 你无家可归?太好了,我们也是

Pumbaa: What’d you do, kid? 你做什么了?孩子。

Simba: Something terrible. But I don't want to talk about it.


Timon: Good. We don't want to hear about it. 很好,我们也不想听。

Pumbaa: Come on, Timon. Anything we can do?


Simba: Not unless you can change the past. 除非你们可以改变过去。

Pumbaa: You know kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says "You gotta put your behind in your past." 你知道吗?孩子,在这种时候,我的朋友Timon会说:“你应该将身后放在过去中”

Timon: No, no, no.

Pumbaa: I mean...

Timon: Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. It's "You got to put your past behind you." Look kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?


Simba: Right.

Timon: Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world!


Simba: Well that's not what I was taught. 没人这么教过我。

Timon: Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. Hakuna Matata.

那你可能需要上一堂新课,跟我说 Hakuna Matata.

Simba: What?

Pumbaa: Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means "no worries". 它的意思是“毋需担心”

Timon: Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase! 多么美妙的词。

Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing craze! 就是转瞬即逝的疯狂。


It means no worries 它的意思是“毋需担心”

For the rest of your days! 为你以后的日子

Timon and Pumbaa:

It's out problem-free Philosophy 它是我们解决问题的哲学。

Timon: Hakuna Matata!

Simba: Hakuna Matata?

Pumbaa: Yeah; it's our motto. 对,那是我们的座右铭。

Simba: What's a motto?

Timon: Nothing! What's a motto with you? Hahahah...


Pumbaa: You know what kid? These two words will solve all your problems.


Timon: That's right! Take Pumbaa for example. 拿Pumbaa来说


Why, when he was a young warthog. 当他还是头小野猪时,

Pumbaa: When I was a young warthog!

Timon: Very nice.

Pumbaa: Thanks.


He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal  他发现他的味道缺乏魅力

He could clear the Savannah after ev'ry meal! 每次饭后他可以扫清大草原

Pumbaa: I'm a sensitive soul 我很敏感

Though I seem thick-skinned 虽然我看起来皮很厚

And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind! 朋友从不站在我的下风令我很受伤

And oh! the shame He was ashamed! 啊!羞愧 他感到羞愧

Though of changing my name! 想改掉名字

(Oh, what's in a name) 噢,关名字什么事。

And I got downhearted  我抬不起头

(How did you feel?) 你感受如何?

Ev'rytime that I—我每次…

Timon: Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids. 不能在孩子面前讲。

Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry.

Pumbaa and Timon: Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze


It means no worries. For the rest of your days!

Timon: Yeah, sing it kid.  对,唱吧,孩子。

Simba and Timon: It's our problem-free ......... Philosophy 它是我们解决问题的哲学

All three: Hakuna Matata!

Timon: Welcome! to our humble home. 欢迎光临寒舍

Simba: You live here?

Timon: We live wherever we want. 我们想住哪里就住哪里。

Pumbaa: Yup. Home is where your rump rests. 对,家就是休息的地方。

Simba: It's beautiful.

Pumbaa: I'm starved. 我饿了。

Simba: I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole zebra.

Timon: Aha. We're fresh out of zebra. 我们没有斑马

Simba: Any antelope? 羚羊呢?

Timon: Nah-ah.

Simba: Hippo? 河马?

Timon: Listen, kid. If you live with us, you have to eat like us. Hey, this looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub.


Simba: Eeew. What's that?

Timon: A grub. What's it look like? 食物,看起来怎么样?

Simba: Eeew. Gross. 太腻了

Timon: Mmmm. Tastes like chicken.

Pumbaa: Slimy, yet satisfying. 粘粘的,但很好吃。

Timon: These are rare delicacies. Mmmm. 这是很少有的美味。

Mmmm... Pecan, with a very pleasant crunch. 开胃,嚼起来还很脆。

Pumbaa: You'll learn to love them. 你会喜欢它们的。

Timon: I'm telling you, kid-- this is the great life. No rules, no responsibilities. Oooh! The little cream-filled kind.  And best of all, no worries.


Timon: Well kid?

Simba: Oh well, Hakuna Matata.  Slimy, yet satisfying. 粘粘地,但很好吃。

Timon: That's it. 没错。

Simba: Hakuna. Matata.

It means no worries

For the rest of your days.

All three:

It's our problem-free Philosophy!

Simba: Hakuna Matata


Nobody knows The trouble I've seen 没人知道我的烦恼

Nobody knows My sorrow... 没人知道我的悲伤

Scar: Oh, Zazu-- do lighten up! Sing something with a little bounce in it.


Zazu: It's a small world after all—这个世界很小

Scar: No! No. Anything but that!

Zazu: I've got a lovely bunch of Coconuts 我有一堆可爱的椰子

There they are a standing in the row. 他们排成一列

Zazu and Scar: Great ones. Small ones. Some as big as your head.


Zazu: Oooh, I would never have had to do this for Mufasa.


Scar: What? What did you say?

Zazu: Oh, nothing!

Scar: You know the law: Never, ever mention that name in my presence. I am the king.


Zazu: Yes, sire. You are the king. I... I... Well, I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences of your... royal managerial approaches.


Banzai: Hey Boss!

Scar: Oh, what is it this time.

Banzai: We got a bone to pick with you. 我们来和你争论一下。

Shenzi: I'll handle this. Scar, there's no food, no water.


Banzai: Yeah, it's dinner time, and we ain't got no stinking entree.


Scar: It's the lioness' job to do the hunting... eeeergh 捕猎是狮子的工作

Banzai: Yeah, but they won't go hunt. 对,但它们不去。

Scar: Ohhh, eat Zazu.

Zazu: Oh, you wouldn't want me. I'd be so tough and gamy and-- eewwgh


Scar: Oh, Zazu, don't be ridiculous. All you need is a little garnish.


Banzai: I thought things were bad under Mufasa.


Scar: What did you say?

Banzai: I said Muf... I said, uh.. "Que pasa?"

Scar: Good. Now get out.

Banzai: Yeah, but we're still hungry.

Scar: Out!

Timon: Ooh. Nice one, Simba.

Simba: Thanks. Man, I'm stuffed.  我吃太饱了。

Pumbaa: Me too. I ate like a pig. 我吃得像头猪。

Simba: Pumbaa-- you are a pig.

Pumbaa: Oh. Right.

Pumbaa: Timon?

Timon: Yeah?

Pumbaa: Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?


Timon: Pumbaa, I don't wonder. I know. 毫无疑问,我知道。

Pumbaa: Oh. What are they?

Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.


Pumbaa: Oh. Gee.... I always thought that they were balls of gas, burning billions of miles away. 我一直以为那是沼气球。在亿万里外燃烧。

Timon: Pumbaa-- with you, everything's gas. 对你来说,一切都是沼气

Pumbaa: Simba, what do you think?

Simba: Well... I don't know.

Pumbaa: Aw come on. Give, Give, Give.... Pleease. Well come on Simba, we told you ours.

Timon: Come on...giiiive, giVE.

Simba: Well... somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us.


Pumbaa: Really?

Timon: You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?


Timon: Who told you something like that?  What mook made that up?


Simba: Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh?  很傻,是吧?

Timon: Ah, you're killing me. 笑死我了。

Timon: Was it something I said? 是不是我说错什么了?

Rafiki: Oh. Simba? He's alive? Hehe.. He's Alive!!

Rafiki: It is time!


In the Jungle, The mighty Jungle 在森林里,在大森林里,

The Lion sleeps tonight. 今夜狮子入睡。

In the Jungle, The mighty Jungle在森林里,在大森林里,

The Lion sleeps to--

I can't hear you buddy, back me up! 我听不到,伙计,扶着我。

Timon: Pumbaa! Pumbaa! Hey, what's going on? 嘿,出什么事了?

Pumbaa: SHE'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!! 她要吃我!

Timon: Huh??

Timon: Woah!! ... Jeez! Why do I always have to save your-- AAAAAA!!!!!


Timon: Don't worry, buddy; I'm here for you. Everything's going to be Okay. Get her!

Bite her head! Go for the jugular. The Jugular! See, I told you he'd come in handy.


Simba: Nala? Is it really you? Nala?真的是你吗?

Nala: Who are you?

Simba: It's me. Simba.

Nala: Simba? Whoaaah!!! Well how did you... where did you come from........ it's great to see you...

Simba: Whoaaah!!! how did you.., who... Wow!!... this is cool... it's great to see you...

Timon: Hey, what's going on here? 这是怎么回事?

Simba: What are you doing here?

Nala: What do you mean "What am I doing here?" What are you doing here?

Timon: HEY!! WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE!?!?!

Simba: Timon, this is Nala; she's my best friend.

Timon: Friend?!?

Simba: Yeah. Hey Pumbaa-- come over here.

Simba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala.

Pumbaa: Pleased to meet you.

Nala: The pleasure is all mine. 我也很高兴见到你。

Timon: How do you do... Whoa! Whoa. Time out... let me get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's OKAY with this? DID I MISS SOMETHING?!?


Simba: Relax, Timon!

Nala: Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all this time. And your mother-- what will she think? 你一直在这儿等大家找你?你妈妈?她会怎么想?

Simba: She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know.


Nala: Well of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead.


Simba: They do? 是吗?

Nala: Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede. Scar告诉了我们惊群的事。

Simba: He did? What else did he tell you?

Nala: What else matters? You're alive. And that means... you're the king!


Timon: King? Lady, have you got your lions crossed.


Pumbaa: King? Your Majesty. I gravel at your feet. 陛下,我匍匐在你脚下。

Simba: Stop it.

Timon: It's not gravel; it's grovel—and don't. He's not the king. Are you?


Simba: No.

Nala: Simba!

Simba: No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was going to be. But that was a long time ago.


Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the king... and you never told us?


Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy. 没什么,我还是我

Timon: But with power! 但是有权力!

Nala: Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes? 你们能让我们单独呆几分钟吗?

Timon: Hey, whatever she has to say, she can say in front of us. Right Simba?


Simba: Mmmm... Maybe you'd better go.

Timon: It starts. You think you know a guy. 这就开始了,你觉得自己了解一个人。

Simba: Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love them. 你慢慢地会喜欢他们的。

Simba: What? What is it? 什么?怎么了?

Nala: It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone. What it means to me.


Simba: Hey; it's okay.

Nala: I've really missed you.

Simba: I've missed you too.

Timon: I tell you, Pumbaa-- this stinks. 这简直臭不可闻。

Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry.

Timon: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone.他,她,单独在一起!

Pumbaa: What's wrong with that? 这有什么不对?


I can see what's happening 我已预料到会发生什么。

And they don't have a clue  他们自己还不明白,

They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line. Our trio's down to two.


Ze sweet caress of twilight 黎明甜蜜的爱抚

There's "magic" everywhere 到处都充满魔力

And with all this romantic atmosphere 除了浪漫的氛围

Disaster's in the air! 空气中还充满灾难!


Can you feel the love tonight? 今晚你能感觉到爱吗?

The peace the evening brings 祥和静谧的夜晚。

The world, for once, in perfect harmony 此刻的世界,和所有的生灵,

With all its living things 相处时如此地融洽。


So many things to tell her 要告诉她的事情很多

But how to make her see 但如何让她明白

The truth about my past? Impossible! 我过去一切的真相?不可能!

She'd turn away from me 她会离开我的。


He's holding back, he's hiding 他在犹豫,他在躲藏,

But what, I can't decide 但是是什么事,我无法确定。

Why won't he be the king I know he is? 为什么他不想做国王?那个我认识的国王。

The king I see inside? 那个我内心深处的国王。


Can you feel the love tonight?

The peace the evening brings

The world, for once, in perfect harmony

With all its living things

Can you feel the love tonight?

You needn't look too far 你无需看得太远。

Stealing through the night's uncertainties 悄悄走出,迷茫的夜

Love is where they are 爱就在那儿

Timon: And if he falls in love tonight, It can be assumed


Pumbaa: His carefree days with us are history


Timon and Pumbaa: In short, our pal is doomed! 一句话,我们的友谊完蛋了。

Simba: Isn't this a great place? 这地方是不是很棒?

Nala: It is beautiful. But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to pride rock?


Simba: Well, I just needed to get out on my own; live my own life. And I did. And it's great.


Nala: We've really needed you at home. 我们那边真的很需要你。

Simba: No one needs me.

Nala: Yes, we do! You're the king.

Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king. Scar is.


Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the pride lands.


Simba: What?

Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water.

Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve.


Simba: I can't go back.

Nala: Why?

Simba: You wouldn't understand.

Nala: What wouldn't I understand?!?

Simba: No-no-no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata.


Nala: What?

Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen--  这是我在这儿学到的,有时候,坏事情总是会发生的。

Nala: Simba!

Simba: --and there's nothing you can do about it. So Why Worry?


Nala: Because it's your responsibility!

Simba: Well what about you? You left.

Nala: I left to find help! And I found you. Don't you understand? You are our only hope.

Simba: Sorry.

Nala: What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I remember.

Simba: You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied?

Nala: No. Just disappointed.

Simba: You know, you're starting to sound like my father.

Nala: Good. At least one of us does. 很好,至少我们有一个像他。

Simba: Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been through!


Nala: I would if you would just tell me! 如果你说,我就会知道!

Simba: Forget it! 算了!

Nala: Fine! 很好!

Simba: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove anyway? .. Won't change anyting. You can't change the past. You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not. And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's..my.. fault.


Simba: Come on, will you cut it out? 喂,割掉你的舌头。

Rafiki: Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back! 你割不掉,还会长回来的。

Simba: Creepy little monkey. Will you stop following me? Who are you?


Rafiki: The question is: Who...are you?

Simba: I thought I knew. Now I'm not so sure. 以前我知道,现在我不太肯定

Rafiki: Well I know who you are. Shh. Come here. It's a secret.


Simba: Errrggh! Enough already. What's that supposed to mean, anyway?


Rafiki: It means you're a baboon, and I'm not. 意思是你是一只狒狒,而我不是。

Simba: I think you're a little confused. 我想你有点糊涂。

Rafiki: Wrong. I'm not the one who's confused. You don't even know Who you are.


Simba: Oh, and I suppose you know? 噢,好像你知道一样。

Rafiki: Sure do! You're Mufasa's boy! Bye.我当然知道,你是Mufasa的儿子。再见

Simba: Hey! Wait! You knew my father?

Rafiki: Correction: I know your father.

Simba: I hate to tell you this, but... he died. A long time ago.


Rafiki: Nope. Wrong again! Haha hah hah! He's alive! and I'll show him to you. You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way. Come on.


Rafiki: Don't dawdle! Hurry up! 别磨蹭,快点儿。

Simba: Whoa whoa. Wait! wait.

Rafiki: C'mon. Come on!

Simba: Will you slow down?

Rafiki: STOP! Shhh. Look down there. 看下面。

Simba: That's not my father. That's just my reflection. 那只是我的影子。

Rafiki: No. Look harder. 仔细看。

You see? He lives in you. 明白了吗?他活在你体内。

Mufasa: Simba...

Simba: Father?

Mufasa: Simba. You have forgotten me.

Simba: No. How could I?

Mufasa: You have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life. 你忘了自己是谁,所以也忘了我。看看你的内心深处,辛巴,你不应该是现在这个样子。你必须在生命轮回中找到自己。

Simba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be.


Mufasa: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king.

Remember who you are.

Simba: No! Please! Don't leave me!

Mufasa: Remember...

Simba: Father!

Mufasa: Remember...

Simba: Don't leave me.

Mufasa: Remember . . .

Rafiki: What was that? The weather. Pbbb. Very peculiar... Don't you think?


Simba: Yeah. Looks like the winds are changing. 对,看来风向变了。

Rafiki: Ahhh. Change is good. 变化是件好事。

Simba: Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do. But going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long.


Oww! Jeez! What was that for? 噢,上帝,为什么打我!

Rafiki: It doesn't matter; it's in the past. 没什么关系,都过去了。

Simba: Yeah, but it still hurts. 对,但仍然让我心痛。

Rafiki: Oh yes. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.


Hah, you see! So what are you going to do? 明白了吗?你准备怎么做?

Simba: First, I'm going to take your stick. 首先,拿走你的拐杖

Rafiki: No no no no. It's not a stick!

Hey! Where are you going?

Simba: I'm going back!

Rafiki: Good! Go on! Get out of here!

Nala: Hey. Hey, wake up.

Nala: It's okay. Whoa, whoa. It's okay. It's me.

Timon: Don't ever do that again. Carnivores. Oy! 食肉动物

Nala: Have you guys seen Simba?

Timon: I thought he was with you.

Nala: He was, but now I can't find him. Where is he?

Rafiki: Ho ho ho ho. You won't find him here. Haha. The king,... has returned.

Nala: I can't believe it. He's gone back.

Timon: Gone back? What do you mean? Hey! What's going on here? Who's the monkey?

Nala: Simba's gone to challenge Scar.

Timon: Who?

Nala: Scar.

Pumbaa: Who's got a scar?

Nala: No, no, no. It's his uncle.

Timon: The monkey's his uncle?

Nala: No! Simba's gone back to challenge his uncle to take his place as king.

Timon and Pumbaa: Ohhh.

Nala: Simba! Wait up! It's awful, isn't it? 太可怕了,对吗?

Simba: I didn't want to believe you. 真不敢相信。

Nala: What made you come back?

Simba: I finally got some sense knocked into me. And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?


Nala: I will.

Simba: It's gonna be dangerous.

Nala: Danger? I laugh in the face of danger. Hahahaha.

Timon: I see nothing funny about this. 这一点也不好笑。

Simba: Timon? Pumbaa? What are you doing here?

Pumbaa: At your service, my liege. 为您效劳,陛下。

Timon: Uhh. We're going to fight your uncle... for this? 我们要与你叔叔作对?

Simba: Yes, Timon. This is my home.

Timon: Uhh. Talk about your fixer-upper.... Well Simba; if it's important to you, we're with you to the end. 嗯,说的是你们上流社会。好吧,辛巴,如果这对你很重要,我们会一直支持你的

Timon: Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what's your plan for getting past those guys?


Simba: Live bait. 活诱饵。

Timon: Good idea. Hey!

Simba: Come on, Timon. You guys have to crate a diversion.


Timon: What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?



If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat 如果你们想吃多汁的肉,

Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat 吃Pumbaa吧,因为他是免费的。

Come on down and dine 快来吃这头美味的猪

On this tasty swine

All you have to do is get in line 你们所要做的只是排好队就可以了。

Are you achin' 你们是不是特别想吃?

For some bacon? 熏猪肉?

He's a big pig 他是一头大猪

You could be a big pig too. 你们也可能成为一头大猪

Simba: Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses. I'll look for Scar.


Scar: SA-RA-BI!

Sarabi: Yes, Scar?

Scar: Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job.


Sarabi: Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.


Scar: No. You're just not looking hard enough.


Sarabi: It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice: We must leave pride rock. 已经完了,什么也没有了,我们只有一个选择,离开荣誉石。

Scar: We're not going anywhere. 我们哪儿也不去

Sarabi: Then you have sentenced us to death! 你是让我们死。

Scar: Then so be it. 那就死吧。

Sarabi: You can't do that!

Scar: I'm the king. I can do whatever I want!

Sarabi: If you were half the king Mufasa was—如果你有Mufasa国王的一半…

Scar: I'm ten times the king mufasa was! 我比Mufasa国王好十倍!

Mufasa? No-- you're dead.

Sarabi: Mufasa?

Simba: No, it’s me.

Sarabi: Simba? You're alive? How can that be? 辛巴,你还活着?怎么可能?

Simba: It doesn't matter. I'm home. 没关系,我回家了。

Scar: Simba? Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you. Alive.


Simba: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart.


Scar: Simba, you must understand.... The pressures of ruling a kingdom—


Simba: --are no longer yours. Step down, Scar. 已经不属于你了,下来,Scar

Scar: Oh-h yes. Well. I would, naturally, however, there is one little problem? You see them?  They think I'm king.


Nala: Well we don't. Simba is the rightful king.


Simba: The choice is your's, Scar. Either step down, or fight.


Scar: Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree Simba?


Simba: That's not going to work, Scar. I've put it behind me.


Scar: Ah, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?


Nala: Simba, what is he talking about?

Scar: Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!


Simba: I am.

Sarabi: It's not true. Tell me it's not true.

Simba: It's true.

Scar: You see! He admits it! Murderer! 你看,他承认了,谋杀者!

Simba: No! It was an accident.

Scar: If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead, do you deny it? 如果不是为你,Mufasa不会死,他的死是你的错,你否认这个吗?

Simba: No.

Scar: Then you're guilty! 那你就有罪!

Simba: No! I'm not a murderer!

Scar: Oh, Simba; you're in trouble again. But this time, daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows why! 噢,辛巴,你又有麻烦了,但这次爸爸不会来救你了。大家都知道为什么。

Nala: Simba!

Scar: Now this looks familiar. Hmm-hm. Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died.


Here's my little secret: I killed Mufasa.

Simba: Noooooo... MURDERER!

Scar: No, Simba. Please.

Simba: Tell them the truth.

Scar: Truth? But, truth is in the eye of the behold—真相?大家的眼睛是雪亮的。

All right, all right. I did it. 是我干的!

Simba: So they can hear you. 让他们听见。

Scar: I killed Mufasa!

Pumbaa: Yeaaaaah!!

Timon: Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through. Hot stuff. 对不起,借光,让我过去

Zazu: Let me out! Let me out!

Timon: Let me in! Let me in! Please don't eat me.

Pumbaa: Problem?

Banzai: Hey, who's the pig?

Pumbaa: Are you talking to me?

Timon: Uh oh. They called him a pig.

Pumbaa: Are you talking to me?!

Timon: They shouldn't have done that.


Timon: Now they're in for it.

Pumbaa: They call me MISTER PIG!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Simba: Murderer!

Scar: Simba, Simba, please. Please have mercy. I beg you.


Simba: You don't deserve to live. 你不配再活着。

Scar: But, Simba, I, ah, am... family. It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault. It was their idea! 可是,辛巴,我们是一家,鬣狗才是真正的敌人。是它们的错,都是它们的主意。

Simba: Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.


Scar: What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your own uncle?

Simba: No, Scar. I'm not like you. 我和你不一样。

Scar: Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. 你真是个高尚的人。

(Aside) I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I prove myself to you? Tell me. Anything. Anything.


Simba: Run. Run away, Scar, and never return.

Scar: Yes... of course... as you wish... your majesty!

Scar: Ahh, my friends.

Shenzi: Frie-hends? I thought he said we were the enemy? 他好像说我们是敌人。

Banzai: Yeah, that's what I heard.

Banzai and Shenzi: Ed?

Scar: No. Let me explain. No. You don't understand. No. I didn't mean for.... No, No!

Rafiki: It is time.

Full Chorus:

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the circle

The circle of life

Circle of Life.







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