

电影片段《神探夏洛克S3E1》 By Kevin 2015-5-1 对应单元:Book 1 Unit 5 相关话题:一位当代英雄 听力我要这么练(填词):

--When I met you for the first time yesterday,I said Afghanistan or Iraq.You looked surprised.

--Yes,how did you know?

--I didn’t know,I saw.Your haircut,the way you 1 says military(军人).But your 2 ... Bit 3 .Said trained at Barts.So army doctor,obvious.Your face is tanned,but no tan 4 the wrists(手腕).You’ve been abroad,but not sunbathing.Your limp(跛行)is really bad when you walk,but you don’t ask for a chair when you stand.So it’s 5 partly psychosomatic(身心失调).That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatic(创伤性的) wounded 6 . Then,wounded in action,suntan--Afghanistan or Iraq. --You said I had a therapist(治疗师).

--You’ve got a psychosomatic limp,of course you’ve got a therapist.Then there’s your brother.Your phone,it’s expensive,e-mail 7 (能够的),MP3 player.And you’re looking for a flatshare.You wouldn’t buy this,it’s a gift.Scratches(刮痕).Not

one, 8 ,it’s been in the same pocket as keys and coins.You wouldn’t treat your one luxury(奢侈) item like this,so it’s had a 9 owner.Next bit’s easy.You know it already.

--The engraving(刮刻)?

--Harry Watson.Clearly a family member who’s given you his old phone.Not your father,this is a young man’s gadget(工具).Could be a cousin,but you’re a war hero who can’t find a place to live, 10 you’ve got an extended(扩展的) family,certainly was one you’re close to.So brother it is.Now,Clara.Who’s Clara?These kisses says it’s a romantic 11 .He gave the phone to you,so he wants you to 12 .You’re looking for cheap accommodation(住处),but you are not going to your brother for help,that says you’ve got problems with him.Maybe you liked his wife,or didn’t like his drinking. --How can you 13 know about the drinking?

-- 14 in the dark.Good one,though.Power connection--tiny little scuff(磨损) 15 round it.Every night he plugs(插) it in but his hands are 16 .You never see those marks on a sober(清醒的)

man’s phone,never see a 17 is without them.There you go, you see,you were right.

--I was right? Right about what?

--The police don’t 18 amateurs(外行人).

--That was ...amazing!

--Do you think so?

--Of course it was. It was extraordinary(惊人的),it was quite extraordinary.

--That’s not what people 19 say.

--What do people normally say?

--“Piss off!”(滚!)

Keys:1.hold yourself 2.conversation 3.different from my day 4.above 5.at least 6.in action

7.enabled 8.many over time 9.previous 10.unlikely

11.attachment 12.stay in touch 13.possibly

14.Shot 15. marks 16.shaking 17.drunk

18. consult 19 normally



(身心失调的) traumatic(创伤性的)therapist(治疗师)Scratches(刮痕)luxury item(奢侈品) engrave(刮刻)gadget(工具)extend(扩展)accommodation(住处)scuff(磨损)plug(插)sober(清醒的)extraordinary(惊人的)assume(假设)arch-enemy(天敌)split(分裂)sentiment(情绪)


the way you hold yourself 站立姿势

Be different from my day 时过境迁

no tan above the wrists 手腕没晒黑

at least partly psychosomatic多少有些身心失调

the original circumstances of the injury创伤的最初原因

had a therapist 看心理咨询

e-mail enabled phone 能发邮件的手机 looking for a flat-share 寻找一位室友 many over time 很多很多

Next bit’s easy. 下一步就简单了 a young man’s gadget 年轻人的用品 get an extended family 出生在大家庭 a romantic attachment 爱情关系

People do it ,sentiment. 人之常情

Shot in the dark.Good one,though.瞎猜的,不过猜中了。 There you go, you see,you were right.所以,看吧,你说对了。

It was quite extraordinary. 真是惊人,非同凡响! Piss off! 滚蛋!

You asked me to come,I’m assuming it’s important.急着叫我回来,有什么要紧事?

There was no hurry. 我又不赶时间

Always a chance that my number will be recognized.我的号码可能被认出来。

Pity,we could have split the free.Think it through next time.可惜了!本来我们可以分了,下次要三思啊。


1、What does Microft offer Watson money to do? ( C )

A、Because he is in debt to Watson.

B、To persuade Watson to spy on Sherlock Holmes.

C、Want Watson to tell him the life about Sherlock regularly to care about Sherlock.

2、Who is Clara? ( B )

A.Watson’s wife

B.Watson’s brother’s wife

C.Watson’s girlfriend

3、How did Watson get the expensive and luxury(奢侈的) phone? ( B )

A.He bought it on his own

B.It was a gift that his brother sent to him

C.His brother’s wife sent him


Retiring(退役) from army with a injury,Watson is looking for a flat-share.By coincidence,Sherlock Holmes,a friend of his friend,has the same problem.Certainly,they live together.The delights of taking risks with the famous detective appeal to Watson a great deal.And without running after the convicts(犯人) with Sherlock,he would not be able to get his injured leg recovered.On the other hand,he writes the adventures with Sherlock on his blog to win reputation for Sherlock.

The particularity of the story is,changing the

background of the story from 19 century into 21th century makes it more popular with the fans of Sherlock Holmes.And what attracts me mostly is that Sherlock uses wonderful and realistic methods to pretend to die to convince the Moriyaty’s snipers(狙击手) who will kill Sherlock’s friends if Sherlock not dead.

I am fond of the modern style of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.



You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


Season Two Episode Three —The Reichenbach Fall

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


Why today? 你想听我说?

Do you want to hear me say it? 上次诊断已经过去个月了

18 months since our last appointment. 你看报纸吗? You read the papers? 有时候 Sometimes... 电视总看吧 And you watch telly? 你知道我为什么来 You know why I'm here. 我来是因为... I'm here because... 出了什么事 约翰? What happened, John? 夏...


你必须说出口 You need to get it out. 我最好的朋友... My best friend... 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes... 死了

..is dead.

"莱辛巴赫瀑布" 透纳的杰作

Falls Of The Reichenbach. Turner's masterpiece. 终于失而复得

Thankfully recovered,


owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes.

小小意思 不成敬意

A small token of our gratitude. 钻石袖链 我袖口都有扣子的

Diamond cufflinks... All my cuffs have buttons. 他说谢谢 我说了吗 He means thank you. Do I? 快说 谢谢 Just say it. Thank you. 稍等

Hang on.

我历经艰辛 终于和家人重聚

Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal.

我的解脱 还要格外谢谢一个人 And we have one person to thank for my deliverance...


Sherlock Holmes.

领带夹 我不戴领带 嘘 Tie pin. I don't wear ties. Shhh. 彼得·里科里特 Peter Ricoletti...

19xx年以来国际刑警组织通缉名单首位 Number one on Interpol's most wanted list since 1982.

已经被捕 我们必须感谢一个人

We got him, and there's one person we have to thank 给予的关键性指引

for giving us the decisive leads. 仰仗他对人情世故的精通

With all his customary diplomacy and tact. 是讽刺 没错 Sarcasm. Yes. 大家凑钱买的 We all chipped in. 哦 Oh...

戴上 戴上

Put the hat on. Put the hat on. 对 夏洛克 戴上 Yes, Sherlock, put it on. 早戴早超生 Just get it over with. 学术神探



"Boffin Sherlock Holmes!" 人人都会有

Everybody gets one.

一个什么? 小报外号 One what? Tabloid nickname. 苏珊大妈 贱尼克 我应该也快有了 SuBo, Nasty Nick. I'll probably get one soon. 第5页第6列第1句

Page five, column six, first sentence. 为什么总是这张带帽照?

Why is it always the hat photograph?! "单身者华生" 什么头衔啊

"Bachelor John Watson." What kind of hat is it? "单身者" 想暗示什么?

BACHELOR? What are they implying?!

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



Is it a cap?Why has it got two fronts? 是猎鹿帽

It's a deerstalker.


"Frequently seen in the company of bachelor John Watson." 帽子能猎鹿?

stalk a deer with a hat? 怎么用 扔吗?

What are you going to do, throw it? "绝对单身者华生"

"Confirmed bachelor John Watson." 夺命飞盘 真过分 A death frisbee! This is too much 我们得小心点了

we need to be more careful.

怎么还有帘子 这是遮耳朵的帽子 约翰 It's got flaps. Ear flaps, it's an ear hat, John. 你说什么小心点?

What do you mean, more careful?

我是说 现在不是猎鹿帽 是福尔摩斯帽了 I mean, this isn't a deerstalker now, it's a Sherlock Holmes hat.

要我说 你不再是个私家侦探了

I mean, you're not exactly a private detective any more.

你差这么点就红了 哦 会过去的 You're this far from famous. Oh, it'll pass. 能过去最好 媒体会转向 夏洛克

It better pass.The press will turn, Sherlock, they always turn

没准哪天就会针对你 and they'll turn on you.

困扰你了 什么? It really bothers you. What? 别人的议论 对 What people say. Yes. 议论我? 你着什么急?

About me? why would it upset YOU? 尽量低调点 这个礼拜接个小案子

Just try to keep a low profile.Find yourself a little case this week. 远离新闻

Stay out of the news. 是你的手机 That's your phone.

—— Sherlock Holmes


Hmm, it keeps doing that. 你刚才真跟他聊了半天?

So, did you just talk to him for a really long time? 哦 亨利·菲舍嘉德绝不是自杀

Oh, Henry Fishguard never committed suicide. 弓街捕手 什么都看不到

Bow Street runners missed everything. 紧迫的案子?

Pressing case, is it?


They're all pressing until they're solved. 请放回钥匙 谢谢

Put your key back please. Thank you. 不好意思 先生

Excuse me, sir.

有任何金属物件吗 钥匙 手机? Any metal objects, keys, mobile phones? 你可以通过 You can go through. 谢谢 Thank you. 来杯茶 兄弟?

Fancy a cuppa then, mate? 好 干嘛不? Yeah, why not? 国债七个点

Gilts at seven.

荷兰电信简直一泻千里 多谢 哈维

Dutch Telecoms in free-fall. Thank you, Harvey. 你们觉得呢?

What are you saying?

拒绝所有假释 恢复绞刑?

Refuse them all parole and bring back the rope? 开工吧

Let's begin.

紧急状况 请离开

This is an emergency. Please leave. 先生 我必须请你离开

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 长官 发生了入侵事件 Sir, there's been a break-in. 不归我们部管 Not our division. 你会想管的 You'll want it. 金库 The vault!

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes

黑进了伦敦塔保安系统? 怎么可能?

Hacked into the Tower of bloody London's security?! How?!

回话说我们已经上路 Tell them we're on our way! 又一起入侵事件

There's been another one, another break-in. 英格兰银行

Bank of England!

长官 警戒系统关闭了 整个失灵了 Sir! Security's down, sir. It's failing. 又什么事? What is it now? 本顿维尔监狱 Pentonville Prison. 不会吧 Oh no! 不着急 No rush.


I'll get it, shall I?

给 不接 忙着呢 Here. Not now, I'm busy. 夏洛克 没空 Sherlock... Not now! 他回来了

He's back.


That glass is tougher than anything. 不比结晶碳硬 他用的是钻石

Not tougher than crystallised carbon. He used a diamond.

* 哦 罪犯 你要逃到哪去?

* Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to? * 罪犯 你要逃到哪去?

* Sinnerman, where you gonna run to? * 你要逃到哪去? * Where you gonna run to? * 就在那天 * All on dim day * 我奔向礁石...

* Well, I run to the rock... * 准备好了? 是 Ready? Yes. 往后站 往后站

Stand back. Stand back.

福尔摩斯先生 福尔摩斯先生 Mr Holmes. Mr Holmes.

让他们过 Let them through. 多谢 上车

Thank you. Get in. * 哦 主啊 * Oh, Lord...

* 请帮帮我 主啊 * Please help me, Lord * 您没看见我在祷告吗 * Don't you see me praying * 您没看见我在谦卑祷告吗 * Don't you see me down here praying * 但是主说 * But the Lord said * 找魔鬼去吧 主说

* Go to the devil The Lord said * 找魔鬼去吧 * Go to the devil * 他说 找魔鬼去吧 * He said Go to the devil * 就在那一天 * All on that day * 于是我去见魔鬼 * So I ran to the devil * 他在等我

* He was waiting... *

记住 嗯 Remember... Yes. 记住 嗯

Remember... Yes.

记住他们说的 别耍小聪明

Remember what they told you. Don't try to be clever. 不


拜托 简单明了就好

Please, keep it simple and brief. 暴殄天物 明星证人

God forbid.The star witness at the trial 就应该有点智慧

should come across as intelligent. 智慧 好呀 那就远离自作聪明吧

Intelligent, fine. Let's give "smart-arse" a wide berth.

我保持本色好了 I'll just be myself. 你有没有听我讲? Are you listening to me(?)

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


今天 在老贝利法院...

Today,STANDING outside the Old Bailey... 世纪大审判...

This is the trial of the century... 对詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂的审判... The trial of James Moriarty...

詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂 今天早些时候被控 James Moriarty, earlier today accused of... 企图偷窃皇冠御宝

..attempting to steal the Crown Jewels. 莱辛巴赫英雄夏洛克·福尔摩斯 At the Old Bailey we have 也来到法院...

Reichenbach hero Sherlock Holmes... 介意到我裤兜里拿点东西吗?

Would you mind slipping your hand into my pocket? 多谢


* 我逃向大海 海水在沸腾 * It was boiling, I ran to the sea * 我逃向大海 海水在沸腾 * It was boiling I ran to the sea... * 莫里亚蒂公诉案件 请到10号庭

Crown v Moriarty, please proceed to Court 10. 是你

You're him. 你走错厕所了

Wrong toilet.

我是你狂热粉丝 显然 I'm a big fan. Evidently. 我读过你的案子 每个案件都追踪 I read your cases, follow them all. 给我衬衫上签个名 好吗? Sign my shirt, would you?

粉丝有两种 哦? There are two types of fans. Oh? "杀人杀到你来追我" A型 Catch me before I kill again, Type A. 啊哈 B型呢?

Uh-huh.What's Type B?

"打个车就到你卧室啰" Your bedroom's just a taxi ride away. 哼


猜猜我是哪一种? Guess which one I am? 都不是 真的? Neither. Really?

—— Sherlock Holmes


No, you're not a fan at all.


Those marks on your forearm, edge of a desk. 你心急火燎地打字

You've been typing in a hurry, 大概截稿期要到了

probably, pressure on, facing a deadline. 就这些? 手腕上有墨水印

That all? There's an ink smudge on your wrist 上衣兜鼓了一块

a bulge in your jacket pocket. 露馅了?

Bit of a giveaway?

墨水印子是有意为之 验证我是不是货真价实 The smudge is deliberate, to see if I'm as good as they say I am.

油墨 印刷报纸时用的

Hmm. Oil-based, used in newspaper print. 却是用食指涂上去的 你的食指

But drawn on with an index finger, your finger. 记者 在报社不会弄脏手

Journalist. Unlikely you get your hands dirty at the press.

你特意涂上试探我的 You put that there to test me. 哇 我喜欢你

Wow! I'm liking you. 是喜欢把我写成专题吧

YOU MEAN,I'd make a great feature, "夏洛克·福尔摩斯 帽子下面的男人" "Sherlock Holmes, the man beneath the hat". 凯蒂 Kitty...

莱利 很高兴见面 Riley. Pleased to meet you. 不行



I'm saving you the job of asking. 我不会接受采访 给钱也不要

NO.I won't give you an interview. No, I don't want the money.

你和华生只是柏拉图关系? You and John Watson, just platonic? 这个你也回答"不"吗?

Can I put you down for a "no" there as well(?)

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


There's all sorts of gossip in the press about you. 迟早你需要有人帮你说话的

Sooner or later, you're going to need someone on 詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂接受雇佣 James Moriarty is for hire. 是技术人员吗? A tradesman?

your side.


Someone to set the record straight. 你觉得你是担此重任的女孩 是吧?

You think you're the girl for that job, do you? 我很聪明 你可以完全... I'm smart and you can trust me... 信任我


聪明? 好吧 探秘记者

Smart? OK, investigative journalist. 好 看着我 告诉我你看到了什么

Good. Well, look at me and tell me what you see. 要是你真有本事 你不需要采访

If you're that skilful, you don't need an interview, 你可以直接读出你需要的东西 you can just read what you need. 不行? 好 换我来

No? OK, my turn.


I see someone who's waiting for their first scoop, 好引起编辑的注意

so their editor will notice them. 你这条裙子价值不菲

You're wearing an expensive skirt, 已经改了两次

that's been rehemmed twice. 你就这一条高级裙子

Only posh skirt you've got.

你的指甲 你负担不起频繁美甲

Your nails, you can't afford to do them that often. 我看到你饥不择食

I see someone who's hungry,

但是看不出聪明 也不值得信任 I don't see smart. I don't see trustworthy. 要是你想要 我可以提供三个词的评论 I'll give you a quote. if you like. Three little words. 我 厌恶 你

You repel me.

"咨询罪犯" 对 "A consulting criminal." Yes. 你的描述 能详细解释下吗?

Your words. Can you expand on that answer?

是 但不是修暖气的那种吧?

Yes. But not the sort who'd fix your heating? 对 是放置炸弹或设计暗杀那种

No, the sort who'd plant a bomb or stage an assassination.


But I'm sure he'd make a decent job of your boiler. 你会把他描述为... Would you describe him as... 诱导 什么? Leading. What? 不能这样 你在诱导证人

can't do that, You're leading the witness. 他可能提出反对 法官也可能支持 He'll object and the judge'll uphold. 福尔摩斯先生 Mr Holmes.


Ask me how, HOW would I describe him? 我对他看法如何?

What opinion have I formed of him? 他们没教过你吗?

Do they not teach you this?

福尔摩斯先生 我们不需要你的帮助 Mr Holmes, we are fine without your help. 你会怎么描述他 他的性格?

HOW would you describe this man, his character? 第一个错误

First mistake.

詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂不能算人 James Moriarty isn't a man at all. 他是一只蜘蛛 He's a spider.


A spider at the centre of a web, 一张千丝万缕的犯罪网络

a criminal web with a thousand threads 他对其中每一丝的震颤都了如指掌

and he knows precisely how each and every single one of them dances.

多久了...? 不 不 别那样

And how long...? No, no. Don't, don't do that. 这不是个好问题

That's really not a good question.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



Mr Holmes!

我认识他多久? 这问题真不合适

How long have I known him? Not your best line of enquiry.

我们见过两次 加起来不超过五分钟 We met twice, five minutes in total. 我拔了枪 他想炸飞我

I pulled a gun,he tried to blow me up. 我觉得我们之间挺特殊的

I felt we had a special something.

索瑞小姐 你是否坚称此人是被告的专家? Miss Sorrel, are you seriously claiming this man is an expert?


After knowing the accused for just five minutes? 两分钟就够我成为专家 五分钟绰绰有余 Two minutes would have made me an expert, five was ample.

福尔摩斯先生 这由陪审团决定 Mr Holmes, that's a matter for the jury. 哦 是吗?

Oh, really?

一个图书馆员 两个教师

One librarian, two teachers,

两个压力很大的 多半在金融城工作 two high-pressure jobs, probably the City. 团长是医务秘书

The foreman's a medical secretary, 海外培训 看她的速记

trained abroad, judging by her shorthand. 福尔摩斯先生?

Mr Holmes?

七个已婚 两个彼此在搞婚外情

Seven are married, two are having an affair with each other.

哦 他们刚吃了茶点

Oh, they've just had tea and biscuits. 想知道谁吃的华夫饼吗?

Would you like to know who ate the wafer? 福尔摩斯先生

Mr Holmes!


You've been called here to answer Miss Sorrel's questions,


not to give us a display of your intellectual prowess.

—— Sherlock Holmes


Keep your answers brief and to the point. 不然将被判定为藐视法庭

Anything else will be treated as contempt. 你觉得你就忍这几分钟...

Do you think you could survive for just a few minutes...


WITHOUT SHOWING OFF?! 我说什么了? 别耍小聪明

What did I say? I said don't get clever. 聪明又没有龙头可关

I can't just turn it on and off like a tap. 怎样? 什么? Well? Well, what? 你在旁听席上听着呢

You were there for the whole thing, up in the gallery, 从头到尾

start to finish.

真被你料到了 稳稳坐着 不动声色

Like you said it would be - sat on his backside, never even stirred.


Moriarty is not mounting any defence. 英格兰银行 伦敦塔 本顿维尔监狱

Bank of England, Tower of London, Pentonville. 全国最保险的三个地方

Three of the most secure places in the country 六周前 被莫里亚蒂入侵

and six weeks ago, Moriarty breaks in, 没人知道他怎样或为何入侵

no-one knows how or why.

我们知道的只是... 以拘留结束

All we know is... He ended up in custody. 别那样 哪样? Don't do that. Do what? 你的表情 表情? The look. Look? 又来了

You're doing the look again. 我又看不到自己的表情 Well, I can't see it, can I? 那是我的脸

It's my face.

没错 你刚露出了那副

Yes.and you're doing a THING YOU ARE DOING "我们都知道怎么回事"的表情

"We both know what's really going on here" face.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes

我们确实是 不

We do. No.

我不知道 所以才觉得这表情讨厌

I don't, which is why I find the face so annoying. 要是莫里亚蒂想要皇冠 他早得手了 If Moriarty wanted the jewels, he'd have them. 他要是想释放囚犯 他们早跑了

If he wanted the prisoners freed, they'd be on the 有罪



You must find him guilty.

他们回来了 用了六分钟 They're coming back. That's six minutes. 老实说 用这么久真有点奇怪

Surprised it took them that long, to be honest. streets.

他现在身处监狱 是因为他乐意去

The reason he's still in a prison cell is cos he chose to be there.


Somehow this is part of his scheme.

克雷西尔先生 能否传唤你的首位证人? Mr Crayhill, can we have your first witness? 法官大人 我们没有任何证人

Your Honour, we're not calling any witnesses. 我不明白

I don't follow.


You've entered a plea of not guilty. 不过 我的委托人没有提供任何证据 Nevertheless, my client is offering no evidence. 被告方...放弃举证 The defence...rests.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,287詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂先生被控

James Moriarty stands accused... 几宗不同的盗窃案

of several counts of attempted burglary. 要是被判定有罪 根据其罪行 Crimes which, if he's found guilty, 会被判处漫长的监禁

will elicit a very long custodial sentence, 但是 他的辩护人 and yet...his legal team... 却不肯提供任何证据

has chosen to offer no evidence whatsoever 支撑其诉讼请求

to support their plea.

我感到自己应该违反常规地 I find myself in the unusual position 推荐陪审团倾向一种裁决

of recommending a verdict wholeheartedly. 请务必裁决他有罪 You must find him guilty.


There's a queue for the loo! 陪审团达成一致裁决了吗?

Have you reached a verdict on which you all agree? 无罪 他们裁决他无罪

Not guilty, they found him not guilty. 都没辩护 莫里亚蒂无罪释放了 No defence and Moriarty's walked free. 夏洛克?


你在听吗? 他释放了 Are you listening? He's out, 你知道他要回来找你 夏...

you know he'll be coming after you. Sherl... 一般人都会敲门 Most people knock.

不过 我猜你不是一般人

But then, you're not most people, I suppose. 沏茶的水刚烧好

Kettle's just boiled.

约翰·塞巴斯蒂安(巴赫的名字)都要气活了 Johann Sebastian would be appalled. 可以吗? 请自便

May I? Please. 你知道 巴赫临死的时候

You know when he was on his deathbed, Bach, 听到他儿子在钢琴上 弹他的一支曲子

he heard his son at the piano playing one of his...pieces.


The boy stopped before he got to the end. 将死的巴赫跳下床 跑到琴边弹完曲子

The dying man jumped out of bed, ran to the piano and finished it.


Couldn't cope with an unfinished melody. 你也是 所以你来了

Neither can you, that's why you've come. 说实话 你有点高兴吧

Be honest, you're a tiny bit pleased.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


哦 因为裁决?

What, with the verdict? 因为我 我又回到街上了 With me, back on the streets.


Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 你需要我 不然你什么都不是 You need me or you're nothing. 因为我们非常相似 你和我 Because we're just alike, you and I, 除了你很无聊

except you're boring. 你站在正义的天使一边 You're on the side of the angels. 当然 你搞定了陪审团 You got to the jury, of course. 我能入侵伦敦塔

I got into the Tower of London,


you think I can't worm my way into 12 hotel rooms? 有线电视

Cable network.


Every hotel bedroom has a personalised TV screen. 每个人都有施压点

And every person has their pressure point. 都有要保护的人

Someone that they want to protect from harm. 小菜一碟

Easy peasy.

那么你想到办法了吗? So how are you going to do it? 焚烧我? Burn me?

啊 那个难题 终极难题

Ah, that's the problem, the final problem. 你还没明白是什么?

Have you worked out what it is yet? 什么是终极难题?

What's the final problem?

我刚才告诉你了 但你有在听吗? I did tell you... but did you listen? 要逼你不说声"我不知道"有多困难?

How hard do you find it, having to say "I don't know"?

我不知道 I don't know.

—— Sherlock Holmes

哦 真聪明 相当聪明

Oh, that's clever, very clever, awfully clever. 说到聪明 告诉你的小朋友们了吗?

Speaking of clever, have you told your little friends yet?


Told them what?


Why I broke into all those places and never took anything? 没


但是你懂的? 当然 But you understand? Obviously. 说说看啊

Off you go, then.


YOU WANT ME TO tell you what you already know?

不 我要你证明你知道

No,I WANT YOU TO prove that you know it. 你没取东西是因为不需要

You didn't take anything because you don't need to. 不错



You'll never need to take anything ever again. 很不错 因为?

Very good, because? 因为无论在英格兰银行

Because nothing in the Bank of England, 本顿维尔监狱 还是伦敦塔

the Tower of London or Pentonville Prison could possibly match


the value of the key that could get you into all three. 我可以用几行程序代码进入任何一扇门

I can open any door anywhere with a few tiny lines of computer code.

不存在私人账户了 都是我的了

No such thing as a private bank account now, they're all mine.

没有什么是保密的了 机密一词都属于我了 No such thing as secrecy, I OWN secrecy. 核弹密码?

Nuclear codes?

我能把北约成员按字母顺序炸翻 I could blow up NATO in alphabetical order.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes

在这个上锁房间的世界里 有了钥匙就是王 In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is 就多了一个永恒的终点

except there's a more permanent destination. king.

亲爱的 你该看看我戴王冠的样子 And honey, you should see me in a crown. 整个审判都是你的广告

You were advertising all through the trial, 你在向世界展示能耐

you were showing the world what you can do. 也有你的帮助

And you were helping.

客户名单可长了 无赖政府 情报组织

Big client list - rogue governments, intelligence communities, 恐怖组织 terrorist cells. 都想要我

They all want me.

忽然间 我成了性感先生 Suddenly, I'm Mr Sex. 要是你能进入任何银行 If you can break any bank, 何必还关心最高出价?

what do you care about the highest bidder? 不关心 我就喜欢看他们为我竞价

I don't, I just like to watch them all competing. "爸爸最宠我" 普通人多可爱啊

"Daddy loves me the best." Aren't ordinary people adorable?

好 你有个约翰 我也该给自己找个同居的 Well, you know, you've got John. I should get myself a live-in one.

你干嘛这么做呢? 肯定很有情趣 Why are you doing all of this? It must be so funny. 其实你不想要钱或权力

You don't want money or power, not really. 那所为何来呢? What is it all for?

我想要解决那个难题 I want to solve the problem. 我们的难题 Our problem. 终极难题

The final problem.

很快就要开始了 夏洛克 坠落(又意瀑布) It's going to start very soon, Sherlock...the fall. 别害怕 坠落就像飞翔

But don't be scared, falling is just like flying,

从来不喜欢打哑谜 Never liked riddles. 学着喜欢吧

Learn to.

因为我欠你一次坠落 夏洛克 Because I owe you a fall, Sherlock. 我 欠 你


不好意思 我找麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯 Er, excuse me, I'm looking for Mycroft Holmes? 有人知道他去哪了吗?

Would you happen to know if he's around at all? 听不到我说话吗? Can you not hear me? 好吧 好吧 谁帮个忙? Yes, all right. Anyone? 谁知道...

Anyone at all know...

麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯在哪? where Mycroft Holmes is, 我被约来这里见他

I've been asked to meet him here? 没反应 我是隐身的吗 能看到我吗?

No takers, right. Am I invisible, can you actually see me?

啊 多谢 先生们 Ah, thanks, gents.

我被约来见他 怎么回事?

I've been asked to meet Mycroft Holmes. What the hell?!

传统 约翰 传统定义了我们

Tradition, John, our traditions define us. 一声不吭也是传统啰?

So total silence is traditional,is it? 你甚至不能说帮忙递个糖? You can't even say pass the sugar? 四分之三的外交人员

Three-quarters of the diplomatic service 和议会一半前座议员 由同一个推车送茶 and half the government front bench all sharing one tea trolley,

一声不吭再好不过了 相信我 it's for the best, believe me. 我们可不想再来一个... 72年 We don't want a repeat of...72.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



But we can talk in here. 你读这个?

You read this stuff?

正好瞟到了 嗯 Caught my eye. Mm-hm. 星期六 他们说要爆猛料

Saturday, they're doing a big expose. 我想知道她哪来的消息

I'd love to know where she got her information. 姓布鲁克的 有印象?

Someone called Brook. Recognise the name? 可能是校友? School friend, maybe? 夏洛克的?

Of Sherlock's?


But that's not why I asked you here. 这是谁? 不认识? Who's that? Don't know? 不认识 以前没见过?

No. Never seen his face before? 他搬到贝克街了 你们往南两个门

Um... He's taken a flat in Baker Street, two doors down from you.


Hm, I was thinking of doing a drinks thing for the neighbours.


I'm not sure you'll want to.

苏莱曼尼 阿尔巴尼亚暗杀小组的 特训杀手 Sulejmani, Albanian hit squad, expertly trained killer,


living less than feet from your front door. 好位置 到地铁银禧线很方便

Well, it's a great location. Jubilee line's handy. 约翰 这和我有什么关系? John... What's it got to do with me? 季亚琴科 柳德米拉 Dyachenko. Ludmila. 好像还挺面熟呢

Actually, I think I have seen her. 俄罗斯杀手 她住你们对面的公寓 Russian killer.She's taken the flat opposite. 好吧 OK.

—— Sherlock Holmes


I'm sensing a pattern here. 实际上 四个国际顶尖杀手

In fact, four top international assassins relocate 都聚集到2B大门口来了 to within spitting distance of 2b. 有什么消息要分享吗?

Anything you'd care to share with me? 我要搬家了?

I'm moving?


It's not hard to guess the common denominator, is it? 你认为是莫里亚蒂? You think this is Moriarty? 他向夏洛克发誓说要回来

He promised Sherlock he'd come back. 若是莫里亚蒂 我们早就死了

If this was Moriarty, we'd be dead already. 若不是莫里亚蒂 那是谁?

If not Moriarty, then who?

你这么关心夏洛克 何不直接找他谈

Why don't you talk to Sherlock, if you're so concerned about him? 老天啊 不用说了

Oh, God, don't tell me.

我们之间有太多往事 约翰

Too much history between us, John. 当年的输赢和怨恨 Old scores, resentments.

你偷过他的蓝精灵? 弄坏过他的兵人? Nicked all his Smurfs? Broke his Action Man? 再见吧


我们都知道后果 约翰

We both know what's coming, John. 莫里亚蒂走火入魔了 Moriarty is obsessed,

发誓要毁掉他唯一的死敌 he's sworn to destroy his only rival. 你让我守护好你弟弟

So you want me to watch out for your brother 因为他不肯接受你的帮助? because he won't accept your help? 如果不太麻烦的话? If it's not too much trouble? 借过 抱歉

Excuse me. Sorry.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


夏洛克 奇怪... 这是干什么?

Sherlock, something weird...

绑架案 鲁弗斯·布鲁赫

What's going on? Kidnapping. Rufus Bruhl. 驻美大使

The ambassador to the US. 他不是在华盛顿吗? He's in Washington, isn't he? 不是他 是他的孩子 Not him, his children.

7岁的麦克斯 9岁的克劳黛 Max and Claudette, age seven and nine. 在萨里郡的上流寄宿学校圣阿尔代

They're at St Aldates. Posh boarding place in Surrey. 学校放假 寄宿生都回家了

School broke up, the boarders went home. 就他俩和其他几个孩子留下

A few kids remained, including those two. 两个孩子丢了 The kids have vanished. 大使点名请你

The ambassador's asked for you personally. 莱辛巴赫的英雄

The Reichenbach hero.

跟名侦探共事 真是与有荣焉

Isn't it great to be working with a celebrity? 不会耽误你太久的

We shouldn't need to keep you for much longer. 谢啦 Thank you. 没事

It's all right.

这是女舍长麦肯锡小姐 温和点

Miss Mackenzie, House Mistress. Go easy. 麦肯锡小姐 你负责学生们的福利

Miss Mackenzie, you're in charge of pupil welfare, 昨晚却让这里门户大开

yet you left this place wide open last night. 你是笨 是喝醉了 还是同谋?

What are you, an idiot, a drunk or a criminal?! 快告诉我

Quickly, tell me! 所有门窗都栓好了

All the doors and windows were properly bolted. 昨晚没人进他们房间 连我都没进

No-one, not even me, went into their room last night.

—— Sherlock Holmes


You have to believe me! 我信 我就想让你说快点

I do, I just wanted you to speak quickly. 让麦肯锡小姐呼吸纸袋 冷静一下

Miss Mackenzie will need to breath into a bag now. 一学期6千镑 连个安全都保障不了

Six grand a term, you'd expect them to keep the kids safe for you.


You said the other kids had all left on their holidays. 这层楼就住着他们两个

They were the only two sleeping on this floor. 完全没有强行闯入迹象

There's absolutely no sign of a break-in. 入侵者当时一定潜伏在哪里

The intruder must have been hidden inside some place.


Show me where the brother slept. 男孩每晚都睡在这里

The boy sleeps there every night. 盯着唯一的光源 走廊的灯光

Gazing at the only light source outside in the corridor.

他能认出每个形状 每个轮廓

He'd recognise every shape, every outline, 门前每个人的剪影

the silhouette of everyone who came to the door. 所以呢?

OK, so?


So if someone approaches the door who he doesn't recognise,

有入侵者 也许他都能看见武器轮廓

an intruder, maybe he can even see the outline of a weapon.


What would he do?


In the precious few seconds before they came into the room,

他没哭嚎 干什么去了呢?

how would he use them if not to cry out? 这个小男孩 唯独这个男孩

This little boy, this particular little boy, 读了这么多间谍故事 他会干什么?

who reads all of those spy books, what would he do?

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


留记号? He'd leave a sign? 叫安德森来 Get Anderson! 亚麻籽油

Linseed oil.

没啥用 追踪不到绑匪

Not much use, it doesn't lead us to the kidnapper. 精彩呀 安德森 真的? Brilliant,Anderson. Really? 对 简直是白痴的完美写照 Yes, brilliant impression of an idiot. 地板


他...给我们留了踪迹 He...made a trail for us. 他们逼男孩走在前面

The boy was made to walk ahead of them. 还踮着脚? 说明他紧张 On what, tiptoe? Indicates anxiety. 枪指着他的头

Gun held to his head.

女孩在他身边 被侧拖着走

The girl was pulled beside him, dragged sideways. 他左胳膊环着她的脖子

He had his left arm cradled about her neck. 就这些 从这里就不知道哪去了

That's the end of it, we don't know where they went from here.


Tells us nothing after all. 说得对 安德森 毫无用处 You're right, Anderson, nothing. 除了他的鞋码 身高 步态 步速

Except his shoe size, his height, his gait, his walking pace.

开心了? 有点 Having fun? Starting to. 最好别笑出来 小孩被绑架啊

Maybe don't do the smiling. Kidnapped children? 他怎么通过监控镜头的? 门都锁着呢

How could he get past the CCTV? If all the doors were locked.


He walked in when they weren't locked. 可是陌生人不能随便进学校啊

But a stranger can't just walk into a school like that.

—— Sherlock Holmes

任何人都能进任何地方 只要找好时机

Anyone can walk in anywhere if they pick the right moment.


Yesterday, end of term, 到处都是家长 司机 员工

parents milling around, chauffeurs, staff. 混进一个陌生人有什么难?

What's one more stranger among that lot? 他耐心等着他们 He was waiting for them. 只需找个地方潜伏下来

All he had to do was find a place to hide. 茉莉


你好 我正要出去 去不成了 Hello, I'm just going out. No, you're not. 我约了人吃午饭

I've got a lunch date.

取消掉 跟我吃吧 什么? Cancel it, have lunch with me. What? 我需要你帮助

I need your help.


One of your old boyfriends, we're tracking him down.

他又做坏事了 莫里亚蒂? He's been naughty. Moriarty? 当然是莫里亚蒂

Of course it's Moriarty!

吉姆不是我男朋友 约会三次我就跟他分了 Jim wasn't my boyfriend, we went out three times. I ended it.


Then he stole the Crown Jewels, 闯进了英格兰银行 还搞了次越狱

broke into the Bank of England and organised a prison break. 为公序良俗起见

For the sake of law and order, 建议你别再谈恋爱了 茉莉

I suggest you avoid all future attempts at a relationship, Molly.

油 约翰 绑架者脚印里的亚麻籽油 Oil, John. The oil in the kidnapper's footprint. 会带我们找到莫里亚蒂 It'll lead us to Moriarty.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


All the chemical traces on his shoe have been 别随口承认 因为我明白

And don't just say you are, because I know what that preserved.


The sole of the shoe is like a passport. 走运的话 我们能看出他全部行踪

If we're lucky, we'll see everything he's been up to. 我需要分析结果 I need that analysis. 碱性 Alkaline. 谢谢 约翰 Thank you, John. 是茉莉 好 Molly. Yes. 我欠你 I...O...U. 甘油分子 Glycerol molecule. 到底是什么? What are you?

"我欠你"什么意思? What did you mean, IOU? 你说"我欠你" You said IOU. 边工作边嘀咕

You were muttering it while you were working. 没什么 自言自语 Nothing, mental note.

你有点像我爸爸 他去世了 不 抱歉 You're a bit like my dad. He's dead. No, sorry. 茉莉 请别费心找话说了

Molly, please don't feel the need to make conversation, 你真的不擅长

it's really not your area.

他临死前 一直欢乐又亲切

When he was dying, he was always cheerful, he was lovely,


except when he thought no-one could see. 我见过一次 他满脸哀伤 茉莉 I saw him once, he looked sad. Molly. 你也面露哀伤 在你以为他看不见的时候 You look sad, when you think he can't see you. 你没事吧? Are you OK?



looking sad when you think no-one can see you. 没背着你 我不算数

You can see me. I don't count. 我是说 如果我能帮上什么忙

What I'm trying to say is, that if there's anything I can do,

你需要什么 找我做什么都可以

anything you need, anything at all, you can have me. 不 我是说 你需要什么我都会帮忙

No, I just mean, I mean, if there's anything you need, it's fine.

可我会需要你什么呢? But what can I need from you? 没什么 我不知道 Nothing. I don't know.


You could probably say thank you, actually. 谢谢?

Thank you?

我去弄点薯片 你要什么吗?

I'm just going to go and get some crisps. Do you want anything?

没事 我知道你不要 It's OK, I know you don't. 其实我想要点... Well, actually, maybe I'll... 我知道你不要

I know you don't.

夏洛克? 嗯? Sherlock? Hmm? 她箱子里这个信封 不止一个

This envelope that was in her trunk, there's another one. 什么?


今天扔在我们门口的 对 你看

On our doorstep. Found it today. Yes, and look at that.

你看 印鉴一模一样

Look at that, exactly the same seal. 面包屑 嗯 我一回来就看见了

Breadcrumbs. Uh-huh. It was there when I got back. 面包屑做的小线索 A little trace of breadcrumbs.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



Hardback copy of Fairy Tales. 两个孩子被狠心的父亲带进丛林

Two children led into the forest by a wicked father, 一路洒下面包屑

follow a little trail of breadcrumbs. 汉泽尔与格莱特的故事 That's Hansel and Gretel. 什么样的绑匪会留线索?

What sort of kidnapper leaves clues? 喜欢炫耀 把这当成游戏的

The sort that likes to boast, that thinks it's a game. 他坐在我们公寓里 一字一句对我说

He sat in our flat and he said these exact words to me...


"All fairy tales need a good old-fashioned villain." 第五种成分 来自故事里巫婆的糖果屋

The fifth substance, it's part of the tale. The witch's house. 什么? What? 甘油分子

The glycerol molecule.

聚甘油蓖麻醇酯 什么? PGPR! What's that? 做巧克力用的

It's used in making chocolate. 一小时前收到的传真 This fax arrived an hour ago. 有什么线索?

What have you got for us? 在城里找一个

We need to find a place in the city 同时有这5种东西的地方

where all five of these things intersect. 白垩粉 沥青 砖粉 植被

Chalk, asphalt, brick dust, vegetation. 什么 巧克力?

What - chocolate?!


I think we're looking for a disused sweet factory. 还得缩小范围

We need to narrow that down. 有沥青的糖果厂?

A sweet factory with asphalt? 不 太宽泛了 得精确点

No, too general. Something more specific.

—— Sherlock Holmes

白垩粉 白垩土 在地质学上已经够精确了 Chalk, chalky clay. That's a far thinner band of geology. 砖粉?

Brick dust?

建筑工地 50年代的砖

Building site. Bricks from the 50s. 伦敦有几千处建筑工地

There's thousands of building sites in London. 我派人去找了 我也派了 I've got people out looking. So have I! 流浪汉消息网 比警察快得多

Homeless network, faster than the police, 也比警察好贿赂得多

far more relaxed about taking bribes. 约翰


彭土杜鹃 对上了

Rhododendron ponticum. Matches. 阿德斯顿 什么?

Addlestone. What?


A mile of disused factories between the river and the park,


matches everything. 好 出发 出发

Right, come on. Come on! 好 你去那边

OK, you look over there. 仔细搜索

Look everywhere. 分散开 请分散开

OK, spread out, please, spread out. 安静 安静

(Quietly, quietly!)

这个刚才还点着 他们还在这里 糖纸?

This was alight moments ago. They're still here! Sweet wrappers?

他给你们吃了什么? 汉泽尔与格莱特 What's he been feeding you? Hansel and Gretel. 水银 什么? Mercury. What? 纸上涂了水银 致命毒物

The papers, they're painted with mercury, lethal. 他们吃的越多... The more they ate...

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


It was killing them.


But it's not enough to kill them on its own. 剂量够大的话 早晚会杀死他们

Taken in large enough quantities, eventually it would 男孩呢? 不 他还没醒 And the boy? No, he's unconscious. 他还在重症加护中

He's still in intensive care. 别瞎想了

Don't let it get to you,

kill them.


He didn't need to be there for the execution. 遥控谋杀 他可以在千里之外

Murder by remote control, he could be 1,000 miles away.

他们越饿 吃的越多

The hungrier they got, the more they ate, 死的就越快 干净利落 the faster they died. Neat. 夏洛克 这边 Sherlock. Over here! 我来抱他 别怕 I've got him, don't worry. 好吧 专业人士问完了

Right then, the professionals are finished. 业余的想进去可以进去了

If the amateurs want to go in and have their turn. 记住 她受了惊 她才7岁

Now remember, she's in shock and she's just seven years old, 所以请尽量...

so, anything you can do to...

别暴露本性? 嗯 可能会好点 Not be myself? Yeah, might be helpful. 克劳黛 我...

Claudette, I...

不 不 我知道你受了委屈... No, no, I know it's been hard for you. 克劳黛 听我说... Claudette, listen to me. 出去 快出去

Out. Get out!

怎么会呢 那孩子精神受创 Makes no sense. Kid's traumatised. 夏洛克让她想起了绑匪

Something about Sherlock reminds her of the kidnapper. 她说什么? What's she said? 一个字都没说

Hasn't uttered another syllable.


I always feel like screaming when you walk into a room.

实际上 大多数人都是 In fact, so do most people. 来吧

Come on.

你真厉害 凭一个脚印就找到了孩子

Brilliant work you did finding those kids from just a footprint, 太神奇了 it's really amazing. 谢谢 Thank you. 难以置信 Unbelievable. 啊


你没事吧? 在思考 You OK? Thinking. 这是我的车 你打下一辆

This is my cab, you get the next one. 为什么? 免得你说话

Why? You might talk.

是巧克力吗? 我们在找废弃的糖果厂

'Is this chocolate?' 'We're looking for a disused sweet factory.' 出去 'Get out!' 有问题吗? Problem?


..this stunning evening wear set from us 伦敦出租车购物频道有售 at London Taxi Shopping. 麻烦你关掉它

Can you turn this off, please? ' 内含一件漂亮的...

The set comprises of a beautiful...' 能关掉它吗? Can you turn this off?!

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



'Accompanied by four spangly diamond bracelets...' 你好 Hello.


Are you ready for the story? 今天我们讲吹牛皮骑士的故事 This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot. 一个脚印 他就凭这个 A footprint, it's all he had. 一个脚印

A footprint.

嗯 你知道他就这样

Yeah, well, you know what he's like. 贝克街的"犯罪现场调查" CSI Baker Street. 我们的人可做不到

Well, our boys couldn't have done it. 所以才需要他嘛 他比较厉害

Well, that's why we need him, he's better. 这倒也是个解释 That's one explanation. 还有什么解释? And what's the other? 吹牛皮骑士是最机智 Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest 最勇敢的圆桌骑士

and cleverest knight at the round table.

可是没多久 别的骑士就听腻了他的故事 But soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories

讲他多勇敢呀 屠了多少条龙呀

about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain.


And soon they began to wonder, 吹牛皮骑士的故事是真的吗? "Are Sir Boast-a-lot's stories even true?" 只有他能找到那个证据

Only he could have found that evidence. 哦 不

Oh, no.

那女孩一见他 吓得喉咙都喊破了

The girl screams her head off when she sees him 她可没见过他呀

a man she has never seen before, 除非她见过他

unless she had seen him before.

—— Sherlock Holmes


What's your point?

你心里明白 只是不愿去想

You know what it is, you just don't want to think about it.

于是 骑士们一起对亚瑟王说

So, all of the knights went to King Arthur and said, "我不相信吹牛皮骑士故事"

"I don't believe Sir Boast-a-lot's stories. "他是个大骗子

"He's just a big old liar 编故事给自己脸上贴金"

who makes things up to make himself look good." 你不是真想说他也有嫌疑吧

You're not seriously suggesting he's involved, are you?


We have to entertain the possibility. 于是 连国王也怀疑了

And then, even the King began to wonder. 可是吹牛皮骑士的麻烦可不止这些呢

But that wasn't the end of Sir Boast-a-lot's problem. 不



That wasn't the final problem. 讲完了 The end. 停车 Stop the cab. 停车

Stop the cab! 那是什么?

What was that?! 那是什么? What was that? 不要钱 No charge. 小心 Watch out! 谢谢你 Thank you. 夏洛克 Sherlock!

是他 是那个人

That is him. It's him.

苏莱曼尼什么的 麦克罗夫特给我看过档案 Sulejmani or something,Mycroft showed me his file.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



He's a big Albanian gangster, 住我们家往南两户

lives two doors down from us.

他因为跟我握手就死了 什么? He died because I shook his hand. What? 他救了我的命 却不能碰我 为什么?

He saved my life, but he couldn't touch me. Why? 四个杀手就住我们门口

Four assassins living right on our doorstep. 他们不是来杀我的

They haven't come here to kill me. 是来保我的命的

They have to keep me alive.

我有个什么东西 他们全都想要 I've got something that all of them want. 可只要其中一个靠近我

But if one of them approaches me... 其他人就杀了他 免得被抢先

The others kill them before they can get it. 所有注意力都集于我一身 All of the attention is focused on me. 此时此刻 监视网就在朝我们收紧

There's a surveillance web closing in on us right now.


So what have you got that's so important? 我得问问打扫的事

I need to ask about the dusting.

上周的准确细节 到底扫走了什么?

Precise details, in the last week, what's been cleaned?

星期二我洗了你的地毡 Tuesday, I did your lino.

不 这个房间 这里就能找到

No, this room, this is where we'll find it. 检查灰尘边缘

Any break in the dust line.

灰尘是唯一不能还原的 最有说服力

You can put back anything but dust. Dust is eloquent. 他在找什么?

(What's he on about?) 摄像头 我们被监视了 Cameras, we're being watched. 什么? 这里有摄像头? What?! Cameras? Here?

—— Sherlock Holmes


I'm in my nightie!

不行 探长 什么? No, Inspector. Why?

告诉你不行 我还没问你呢

The answer's no. You've not heard the question! 你想带我去警局 省得你问了

You want to take me to the station. Saving you the trouble of asking. 夏洛克


那声尖叫? 对 The scream? Yeah.

是谁 多诺万? 我打赌是多诺万

Who was it? Donovan? I bet it was Donovan. "我是不是要为绑架负责?"

"Am I somehow responsible for the kidnapping?" 哈哈 莫里亚蒂真聪明

Ha ha, Moriarty is smart.

他给她头脑里埋了那个疑问 盘桓不去

He planted that doubt in her head. That little nagging sensation.


You're going to have to be strong to resist. 因为想法是杀不死的 对吧? You can't kill an idea, can you? 只要它在这里... 扎了根 Not once it's made a home...there. 你来吗?

Will you come?

一张照片 就是他的下一步棋 One photograph, that's his next move. 莫里亚蒂设的局 Moriarty's game. 首先是尖叫

First the scream,


then a photograph of me being taken in for questioning.


He wants to destroy me inch by inch. 这是一局游戏 雷斯垂德 恕我不奉陪

It is a game, Lestrade, and not one I'm willing to play.


Give my regards to Sergeant Donovan. 他们在做决定 决定? They'll be deciding. Deciding?

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



Whether to come back with a warrant and arrest me. 你这么觉得? 标准程序

You think? Standard procedure. 你应该跟他走 别人会以为...

You should have gone with him. People'll think... 我不在乎别人怎么想

I don't care what people think. 你在乎别人以为你蠢或者出错

You'd care if they thought you were stupid or wrong. 不 那是他们蠢 他们出错

No, that would just make them stupid or wrong. 夏洛克 我不要世人以为你是...

Sherlock, I don't want the world believing you're... 我是什么? That I am what? 一个骗子

A fraud.

你担心他们是对的 什么? You're worried they're right. What? 你怕他们猜对了我 不 That they're right about me. No. 这才是你心烦的原因 That's why you're upset.


You can't entertain the possibility they may be right. 你怕你也被骗进去 我没有 You're afraid you've been taken in. I'm not. 莫里亚蒂也在玩弄你的头脑

Moriarty is playing with your mind, too. 你还不明白吗?

Can't you SEE what's going on?! 不 我知道你是真的 No, I know you for real. 百分百真实?

100 percent?


Well, nobody could fake being such an annoying dick all the time.

夏洛克·福尔摩斯? 对 长官 Sherlock Holmes? Yes, sir. 新闻里那个家伙?

That bloke that's been in the press? 我以为他是个私家侦探

I thought he was some sort of private eye. 他确实是 He is.

—— Sherlock Holmes

你们想说 我们一直在咨询他?

We've been consulting with him, that's what you're telling me?


Not used him on any proper cases though, have we? 呃 有一二件 Well, one or two. 或者一二十件 Or 20 or 30. 什么?


不是我一个高级警官这样 葛莱森...

I'm not the only senior officer who did this. Gregson... 闭嘴

Shut up!

让一个业余侦探 An amateur detective 随意查看所有机密信息

given access to all sorts of classified information. 现在他还成了嫌犯

And now he's a suspect in a case. 恕我直言...

With all due respect... 你这个白痴 雷斯垂德 You're a bloody idiot, Lestrade! 现在马上把他抓来

Now go and fetch him in, right now. 快去 Do it!


Proud of yourselves?


Well, what if it's not just this case? 如果他每次都这样耍我们呢?

What if he's done this to us every single time? 警察里还算有自己人 是雷斯垂德

So, still got some friends on the force. It's Lestrade. 说他们马上过来

Says they're all coming over here now. 排着队等着铐你

Queuing up to slap on the handcuffs. 每个因为你出过洋相的警官

Every officer you've ever made feel like a tit, 那人数可真不少 which is a lot of people. 哟喝 Yoo-hoo.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes

抱歉 打扰你们了吗?

Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?

忘了说了 有人送来个包裹 说是易腐物

Some chap delivered a parcel, I forgot, marked 解决罪案不能满足他 总有一天他会越界 Solving crimes won't be enough. One day he'll cross the line.

你扪心自问 什么样的人会绑架小孩子



I had to sign for it.

有趣的德国名字 跟童话里一样

Funny name, German, like the fairy tales. 焚烧到焦 Burnt to a crisp. 什么意思?

What does it mean?

警察 我去开 'Police!' I'll go. 夏洛克


抱歉 赫德森太太 我们有话要跟你说 'Excuse me, Mrs Hudson. We need to talk to you. 你们不能这样硬闯民宅 'You can't just barge in like that!' 你们有授权吗 有吗?

'Have you got a warrant? Have you?' 算了吧 约翰 'Leave it, John. 喂 礼貌点

'Eh? Manners!'

夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes,


I'm arresting you on suspicion of abduction and kidnapping.

没事 约翰 他没反抗

It's OK, John. He's not resisting. 什么叫没事 简直岂有此理 No, it's not all right, this is ridiculous. 马上把他带下去 Get him downstairs now. 你不必这样的

You don't have to do this.

别妨碍公务 不然我得连你一起逮捕 Don't try to interfere or I shall arrest you too. 完事了吗?

You done?

我说吧 嗯? I said it. Hmm? 第一次见面我就说了 First time we met. Don't bother.

Now ask yourself, what sort of man would kidnap those kids


just so he can impress us all by finding them? 多诺万 长官? Donovan? Sir? 人抓到了? 是 长官 Got our man? Er, yes, sir. 要我说 一看就像怪人

Looked a bit of a weirdo, if you ask me. 自封警察的多事鬼都这德行 Often are, these vigilante types. 你在看什么?

What are you looking at? 你没事吧 长官? Are you all right, sir? 来陪我了? 嗯 Joining me? Yeah. 显然



apparently it's against the law to chin the Chief Superintendent. 嗯 有点尴尬了

Hmm. Bit awkward this. 没人来保释我们了

There's no-one to bail us.


I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape.

所有人员到号 什么? 'All units to .' What? 所有人员到...

'All units to 2...'

女士们先生们 麻烦大家都跪下

Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?

马上照办 照他说的做 NOW would be good! Do as he says! 只是说一声 枪是他的主意

Just so you're aware, the gun is his idea, 我只是...懂吧 I'm just a...you know.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



My hostage.

人质 对 还真说得通

Hostage, yes, that works. That works. 那现在怎么办?

So what now?

照莫里亚蒂的意思亡命天涯吧 快跑

Doing what Moriarty wants, becoming a fugitive. Run!

追上他 雷斯垂德 Get after him, Lestrade! 牵着我的手

Take my hand.

这回咱俩彻底洗不清了 Now people will definitely talk. 枪 不要了 The gun! Leave it! 夏洛克 等等 Sherlock, wait! 我们得协作

We're going to need to coordinate. 往右

Go to your right. 嗯? 往右

Huh? Go to your right. 人人都想相信它 这才是高明之处

Everybody wants to believe it, that's what makes it so clever.

一个比真相更受欢迎的谎言 A lie that's preferable to the truth. 我的演绎是骗局 没人会被伤自尊

My deductions were a sham. No-one feels inadequate,

夏洛克·福尔摩斯只是凡人 Sherlock's an ordinary man. 麦克罗夫特 他能帮我们

Mycroft, he could help us.

跟家人重归于好? 现在可不是时候

Big family reconciliation, now's not really the moment.

夏洛克 有人跟踪

Sherlock...we're being followed. 我就知道跑不过警察

I knew we couldn't outrun the police. 不是警察

That's not the police, 是我贝克街的新邻居

it's one of my new neighbours from Baker Street.

—— Sherlock Holmes


Let's see if he can give us some answers. 我们去哪?

(Where are we going?) 我们去撞公交车

We're going to jump in front of that bus. 告诉我 你们在找什么 Tell me what you want from me. 告诉我

Tell me!

他把它藏在你家 He left it at your flat.

谁? 莫里亚蒂 Who? Moriarty. 什么?


电脑密码 当然 The computer key code. Of course. 他在兜售 攻入伦敦塔用的程序

He's selling it. The programme he used to break into the Tower.

他过来的时候藏在了这里 He planted it when he came around. 能颠覆游戏的道具 It's a game-changer.


It's a key, it can break into any system 现在就在我们公寓里

and it's sitting in our flat right now. 所以他才写那条留言 That's why he left that message, 给所有人指示 "去找夏洛克"

telling everyone where to come, "Get Sherlock!" 我们得回家找出来

We need to get back into the flat and search. 刑警会驻扎在门口的 CID will be camped out. 为什么要栽给你?

Why plant it on you?


It's another subtle way of smearing my name, 我成了所有这些罪犯的好伙伴 now I'm best pals with all those criminals. 好吧 你看这个了吗? Yeah, well, have you seen this? 揭秘文章 A kiss-and-tell.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


一个叫理查·布鲁克的人爆料 Some bloke called Rich Brook. 他是谁? Who is he?


Too late to go on the record?

恭喜你 "夏洛克·福尔摩斯的真相" Congratulations, "The Truth About Sherlock Holmes."

你弄到了大家都想要的猛料 真棒

The scoop that everybody wanted and you got it. Bravo!


I gave you your opportunity. 我想站在你这边的 记得吗? I wanted to be on your side, remember? 你拒绝了我 所以... You turned me down, so... 看啊 有人揭露了全部真相

Then lo and behold, someone spills all the beans. 无巧不成书啊 谁是布鲁克?

How utterly convenient. Who is Brook? 算了吧 凯蒂

Oh, come on, Kitty,


no-one trusts the voice at the end of a phone. 咖啡店那些小会面

All those little meetings in cafes, 酒店房间里

those sessions in the hotel room 他向你的录音笔窃窃私语

when he gabbled into your Dictaphone. 你凭什么相信了他?

How do you know that you can trust him? 他平空出现 双手奉上传说中的圣杯

A man turns up with the Holy Grail in his pockets. 他的证据在哪里?

What were his credentials? 亲爱的 他们没有现磨咖啡了

Darling, they didn't have any ground coffee, 所以我买了一般的 so I just got normal. 你说过他们找不到我

You said that they wouldn't find me here, 你说我在这很安全 you said that I'd be safe here. 你是安全的 You are safe.

—— Sherlock Holmes

理查德 我是目击者

Richard, I'm a witness,


they wouldn't harm you in front of witnesses. 这就是你的线人?

So that's your source?

莫里亚蒂是理查德·布鲁克? Moriarty is Richard Brook? 他当然是理查德·布鲁克 Of course he's Richard Brook, 根本没有莫里亚蒂这个人 there is no Moriarty. 从来都没有

There never has been.

你在说什么? 你看他 What are you talking about? Look him up. 理查·布鲁克

Rich Brook,

夏洛克·福尔摩斯雇来 假扮莫里亚蒂的演员 an actor Sherlock Holmes hired to be Moriarty. 华生医生 我知道你是好人 Dr Watson, I know you're a good man, 别...别打我

don't, don't, don't hurt me.

不 你是莫里亚蒂 他是莫里亚蒂 No, you are Moriarty! He's Moriarty! 我们见过 不记得吗? 你当时要炸死我

We've met, remember? You were going to blow me up!

对不起 对不起 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 他付钱给我

He paid me,

我得找活干啊 我是个演员 没工作

I needed the work. I'm an actor, I was out of work. 夏洛克 你解释一下 我搞不懂了

Sherlock, you'd better explain, because I am not getting this.

让我来解释 用书面形式 I'll be doing the explaining, in print. 都在这里 证据确凿

It's all here, conclusive proof.

你捏造了詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂 你的宿敌 You invented James Moriarty, your nemesis. 捏造了他? 嗯 Invented him?! Mm-hm. 所有罪案都是他制造的

He invented all the crimes, actually.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


为了圆谎 编了个经典大反派

And to cap it all, he made up a master villain. 别开玩笑了

Don't be ridiculous!

问他 他就在这里 问他

Ask him. He's right here. Just ask him. 告诉他 理查德

Tell him, Richard.

老天 这人出庭受审了啊

For God's sake, this man was on trial! 你付钱让他被捕 你保证操纵陪审团

Yes, and you paid him to take the rap. Promised you'd rig the jury.

比不上西区舞台剧 但报酬应该不错

Not exactly a West End role, but I'll bet the money was good.


But not so good he didn't want to sell his story. 真对不起 对不起 I am sorry. I am. I am sorry. 这就是你要发表的报道?

So this is the story you're going to publish? 结案陈词 莫里亚蒂是个演员?

The big conclusion of it all, Moriarty's an actor? 他知道我的身份

He knows I am.

我有证据 给他们看 凯蒂 给他们看

I have proof. Show them... Kitty, show them something. 好 给我看

Yeah, show me something.

我上过电视 儿童节目 讲故事的

I'm on TV. I'm on kids' TV. I'm the story-teller. 讲故事的 还出了DVD I'm the story-teller. It's on DVD. 告诉他吧 事情暴露了 全完了

Just tell him. It's all coming out. It's all over. 告诉他们 告诉他们 一切都完了

Just tell them. Just tell them. Tell them! It's all over now!

不 别碰我 一个指头都别碰我

No! Don't you touch me! Don't you lay a finger on me! 快停止

Stop it now!

别伤害我 别让他跑了

Don't hurt me! Don't let him get away!

—— Sherlock Holmes


Leave him alone!

0不 不 他会有人接应

No, no, no. He'll have back-up. 1你知道吗 夏洛克·福尔摩斯? Do you know what, Sherlock Holmes? 我现在能读懂你了 我 厌恶 你

I look at you know and I can read you...and you repel me. 他能做到吗?

Can he do that?

完全改头换面 让你成为罪犯?

Completely change his identity, make you the criminal?

他掌握了我毕生的资料 He's got my whole life story. 这是编造弥天大谎的必备功课

That's what you do when you sell a big lie, 用真相包裹它 让它可信又诱人

you wrap it up in the truth to make it more palatable. 你们各执一词啊

It'll be your word against his. 过去小时

He's been sowing doubt

0他在人们脑中种下了怀疑的种子 into people's minds for hours. 1他的游戏

There's only one thing he needs to do 只缺一件事 就是...

to complete his game and that... 夏洛克?



There's something I need to do.

什么 我能帮忙吗? 不 我自己来 What? Can I help? No, on my own. 你错了 知道吗? You're wrong, you know? 你当然算数

You do count.

我一直看重你 一直信任你

You've always counted and I've always trusted you. 可你说对了 But you were right. 0我状况不好 I'm not OK.

1告诉我 出什么事了 Tell me what's wrong.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes

茉莉 我想我快死了

Molly, I think I'm going to die. 你需要什么?

What do you need?

如果我不是完全像你想的那样 If I wasn't everything that you think I am, 也不完全像自己想的那样 everything that I think I am... 你还愿意帮助我吗?

..would you still want to help me? 你需要什么? What do you need? 你


她确实做足了功课 这个莱利小姐

She has really done her homework, Miss Riley, 和夏洛克很亲近的人 才会知道这些

and it's things that only someone close to Sherlock could know. 啊



Have you seen your brother's address book lately? 只有两个名字 你和我

Two names - yours and mine...

莫里亚蒂不是从我这里得到信息的 and Moriarty didn't get this stuff from me. 约翰... 好吧 你们的感情 John... So how does it work, 发展的如何了?

your relationship?

你和吉姆 会偶尔出来喝咖啡吗?

Do you go out for a coffee now and then, you and Jim?


Your own brother


and you blabbed about his entire life to this maniac. 我不是故意... 我从没想要... I never intend...I never dreamt... 这才是你想告诉我的 对吧?

This...this is what you were trying to tell me, isn't it? "守护好他 因为我做错事了"

"Watch his back because I've made a mistake." 你怎么认识他的? How did you meet him?

他这样的人 我们有记录 有监视

People like him, we know about them, we watch them.

但是吉姆·莫里亚蒂... But James Moriarty...


..the most dangerous criminal mind the world has ever seen,

而他口袋里 有个终极武器

and, in his pocket, the ultimate weapon. 一个密码

The key code.

几行程序代码 可以打开任何一扇门

A few lines of computer code that can unlock any door.

所以你们抓住了他 试图找出密码?

And you abducted him to try and find the key code? 审问了他几周

Interrogated him for weeks. 结果呢? 他完全不合作 And? He wouldn't play along. 他就坐在那里 He just sat there 两眼盯着黑暗

staring into the darkness. 只有一件事能让他开口

The only thing that made him open up... 我可以让他说话 一点点

I could get him to talk, just a little. 但是...



In return you had to offer him Sherlock's life story. 所以 唯一的弥天大谎是 So, one big lie... 夏洛克是骗子

..Sherlock's a fraud,

人们都会相信 因为其他全是真相

and people will swallow it because the rest of it's true.

莫里亚蒂想毁掉夏洛克 是吧

Moriarty wanted Sherlock destroyed, right, 而你给他装备了完美的弹药

and you have given him the perfect ammunition. 约翰 John. 对不起 I'm sorry.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


噢 拜托

Oh, please! 转告他 好吗?

Tell him, would you? 我收到了你的信息

I got your message.

程序代码是关键 找到了 我们可以用它

The computer code is the key to this. We find it, we can use it.


to beat MORIARTY, it's ok 什么用它?

what do you mean, Use it? 他用它来制造假身份

He used it to create a false identity

我们也能入侵档案 摧毁理查德·布鲁克 so we can break into the records and destroy Richard Brook.

带回吉姆·莫里亚蒂 Bring back Jim Moriarty again. 就在B某处

Somewhere in b,

陪审团裁决那天 他藏的东西

somewhere on the day of the verdict he left it hidden.

他摸了什么? 一个苹果 没了 What did he touch? An apple, nothing else. 他写了什么吗? 没有 Did he write anything down? No. 是我

Yeah, speaking. 什么?


发生什么了 她还好吗? What happened? Is she OK? 上帝呀 好的 我来了

Oh, my God! Right, yes, I'm coming. 发生什么了?

What is it?

是急救员 赫德森太太被枪击了 Paramedics. Mrs Hudson's been shot. 怎么会?


多半是你招惹的杀手们啊 上帝

Probably one of the killers you managed to attract. Jesus!

她快死了 夏洛克 我们走 she is dying, Sherlock. Let's go.

—— Sherlock Holmes

你去吧 我在忙

You go. I'm busy.

忙? 思考 我需要思考

Busy?! Thinking. I need to think. 你需要... 她对你没意义吗?

You need to...? Doesn't she mean anything to you? 上回那男人碰了她 你把他弄到半死

You once half-killed a man because he laid a finger on her.


She's my landlady.

她快死了... 你这冷血机器 She's dying...you machine!

算了 你尽管一个人呆在这儿吧

Sod this. Sod this! You stay here if you want, on your own.

我就拥有孤独 孤独能保护我 Alone is what I have. Alone protects me. 不 只有朋友能互相保护 No, friends protect people. * 我自从出生就被踢来踢去

* I've been kicked around since I was born * 可现在我很好 一切都没关系 * But now it's all right, it's OK * 你可以视而不见 * You can look the other way * 我们可以试着理解 * We can try to understand * 纽约时报如何打动人心

* The New York Times' effect on man * 不论你是兄弟 或是母亲

* Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother

* 你会活下去

* You're stayin' alive... * 好吧 我们终于又见面了 Well...here we are at last. 你和我 夏洛克 You and me, Sherlock. 我们的难题 终极难题

And our problem - the final problem. 活下去

Staying alive!

多无聊啊 是不是? It's so boring, isn't it? 就这样活着 It's just staying.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes


All my life I've been searching for distractions 你曾是我最好的消遣 可现在我连你也没了

and you were the best distraction and now I don't 几行简单代码 可以进入任何系统

A few simple lines of computer code that can break into any system. 我告诉了所有客户

even have you 因为我打败了你

because I've beaten you.

你知道吗? 最后简直易如反掌

And you know what? In the end, it was easy. 易如反掌

It was easy.


Now I've got to go back to playing with the ordinary people,

结果发现你也是普通人 和他们一样

and it turns out you're ordinary, just like all of them. 好吧

Ah, well.

你是不是也快要开始怀疑 我是否存在? Did you almost start to wonder if I was real? 我是不是差点骗到了你? Did I nearly get you? 理查德·布鲁克

Richard Brook.

似乎没人领略到我的幽默 可你能 Nobody seems to get the joke, but you do. 当然了 好小子

Of course. Attaboy.

理查德·布鲁克 德语里是莱辛巴赫 Richard Brook in German is Reichenbach. 我的成名大案

The case that made my name. 只是想找点乐子

Just trying to have some fun. 很好 这个你也明白了 Good. You got that too. 节拍就是数字

Beats like digits.

打一拍是1 休止一拍是0

Every beat is a one, every rest is a zero. 二进制码

Binary code.


That's why all those assassins tried to save my life. 密码就藏在我身上 在我头脑里

It was hidden on me, hidden inside my head.

Told all my clients,


last one to Sherlock is a sissy.

但现在我也知道了 我可以用它修改档案

But now that it's up here, I can use it to alter all the records.

我可以杀死理查·布鲁克 I can kill Rich Brook 找回吉姆·莫里亚蒂 and bring back Jim Moriarty. 不不 这太简单了

No, no, no, no, no. This is too easy. 太简单了

This is too easy.

根本没有密码 白痴

There is no key, doofus!

这些数字毫无意义 完全没用

Those digits are meaningless. They're utterly meaningless.


You don't really think a couple of lines of computer code


are going to crash the world around our ears? 我对你失望了 普通人夏洛克

I'm disappointed in you, ordinary Sherlock. 但这种节奏是... 第一帕蒂塔组曲 But the rhythm... Partita no ! 谢谢你 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫 Thank you, Johann Sebastian Bach. 那你是怎么...?

But then how did you...?

我是怎么入侵银行 伦敦塔 还有监狱?

How did I break into the bank, to the Tower, to the prison?

明抢呀 只需要有合适的帮手就行

Daylight robbery! All it takes is some willing participants.

我知道你会中计 这是你的弱点

I knew you'd fall for it. That's your weakness. 你想要一切都很聪明

You always want everything to be clever. 一起来结束游戏吧? 最后一幕了 Shall we finish the game? One final act.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


很高兴你选了座高楼 这是个好办法

Glad you chose a tall building. Nice way to do it. 好办法? 做什么? Do it? Do what? 当然了 of course. 我的自杀

My suicide.


Genius detective proved to be a fraud. 都上报纸了 想必是真的啦

I read it in the paper so it must be true. 我爱报纸 I love newspapers. 都是童话 Fairy tales.


And pretty grim ones too.

上帝 约翰 你吓我一跳 警察那边还好吗? Oh, God, John, you made me jump. Is everything OK with the police?

夏洛克把一切都解决了吗? Has Sherlock sorted it all out? 上帝呀 Oh, my God. 出租车


出租车 不 我是警察...算是吧 Taxi! No, no, no. Police...sort of! 多谢呀伙计 太感谢了

Thanks, mate. Thanks a lot!

我还能证明 你整个身份是伪造的

I can prove that you created an entirely false identity.

还是自杀吧 省力多了

Oh, just kill yourself. It's a lot less effort. 动手吧 Go on. 为了我 For me. 求你了 Please! 你疯了

You're insane.

你才刚知道? 哇哈哈

You're just getting that now? Wo-wo-wo! 好吧 OK.

—— Sherlock Holmes


Let me give you a little extra incentive. 你不照办 你的朋友会死

Your friends will die if you don't. 约翰?


不只是约翰 所有人 Not just John. Everyone.

赫德森太太? 所有人 Mrs Hudson? Everyone. 雷斯垂德?


三颗子弹 三个枪手 三个受害者 Three bullets, three gunmen, three victims. 没人能阻止他们

There's no stopping them now... 除非我的人看到你跳下去 ..unless my people see you jump. 你可以逮捕我 折磨我

You can have me arrested, you can torture me, 你可以对我为所欲为

you can do anything you like with me, 但是没人能阻止他们扣动扳机

but nothing's going to prevent them from pulling the trigger.

你在世上仅有的三个朋友会死 除非...

Your only three friends in the world will die unless... 除非我自杀 成全你的故事

Unless I kill myself and complete your story. 你得承认 这样更性感 You've got to admit, that's sexier. 而且死得名声扫地 And I die in disgrace. 当然 这才是重点

Of course. That's the point of this. 哦 你有观众了

Oh. You've got an audience now. 跳吧 Off you pop. 照办吧

Go on.

我告诉你结局了 I told you how this ends. 唯有你的死 能阻止杀手

Your death is the only thing that's going to call off the killers.

反正我不会阻止他们 I'm certainly not going to do it.

You lower the IQ of the whole street.



Would you give me one moment, please? 一点私人时间

One moment of privacy. 求你 Please. 当然了 Of course. 什么? What?! 是什么?

What is it?

我哪里有漏洞了? What did I miss? 你不会阻止他们

You're not going to do it. 这么说 杀手确实能被取消 So the killers can be called off, 有个召回密码 一个词 一个数字

then there's a recall code or a word or a number. 我不用死 I don't have to die 只要我手上有你 if I've got you.


You think you can make me stop the order?

你觉得能让我这样? 是的 You think you can make me do that? Yes. 你也这么想

So do you.

夏洛克 你的大哥加上国王的全部人马

Sherlock, your big brother and all the King's horses 都没能逼我做违心的事

couldn't make me do a thing I didn't want to. 对 可我不是我的大哥 记得吗? Yes, but I'm not my brother, remember? 我就是你

I am you.

时刻准备去做一切 Prepared to do anything. 时刻准备焚烧

Prepared to burn.


Prepared to do what ordinary people won't do. 想跟我在地狱里握手?

You want me to shake hands with you in hell? 我不会让你失望的 I shall not disappoint you.

—— Sherlock Holmes


你只是说大话 You talk big. 不



You're ordinary.

你是普通人 你站在正义的天使一边 You're ordinary. You're on the side of the angels. 也许我是站在天使一边

Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, 但你千万别以为 我是他们中一员

but don't think for one second that I am one of them. 不 No... ..你不是 ..you're not. 我知道了 I see. 你不平凡 You're not ordinary. 不 No.

你就是我 You're me. 你就是我 You're me. 谢谢你

Thank you...

夏洛克.福尔摩斯 ..Sherlock Holmes. 谢谢你 Thank you. 祝福你 Bless you. 只要我还活着

As long as I'm alive,

你就能拯救你的朋友 这办法不错

you can save your friends, you've got a way out. 好吧 祝你好远 Well, good luck with that. 不


是 长官 谢谢 再见 Yes, sir. Thank you. Bye. 喂? Hello?

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


约翰 嘿 夏洛克 你没事吧? John. Hey, Sherlock. Are you OK? 回头 原路返回

Turn around and walk back the way you came. 我就过来 I'm coming in. 按我说的去做 Just do as I ask! 求你了 Please. 你在哪? Where? 在这里停下 Stop there. 夏洛克?


好吧 抬头看 我在屋顶上 OK, look up. I'm on the rooftop. 噢 上帝

Oh, God.

我...不能下来 我们只好这样说了

I...I can't come down, so we'll just have to do it like this.

出了什么事? What's going on? 我道歉 An apology. 一切都是真的 It's all true. 什么?


他们说的有关我的一切 Everything they said about me. 是我捏造了莫里亚蒂 I invented Moriarty. 你为什么要说这些? Why are you saying this? 我是个假货 I'm a fake. 夏洛克...



The newspapers were right all along. 我要你告诉雷斯垂德

I want you to tell Lestrade,

我要你告诉赫德森太太和茉莉 I want you to tell Mrs Hudson and Molly.

—— Sherlock Holmes

事实上 告诉每一个听你说话的人

In fact, tell anyone who will listen to you... 我纯为私心编造了莫里亚蒂

..that I created Moriarty for my own purposes. 住嘴 夏洛克 别说了

OK, shut up Sherlock. Shut up. 我们第一次见面... 第一次见面

The first time we met... the first time we met, 你不是对我姐姐了如指掌吗? you knew all about my sister, right? 没人能有那么聪明 Nobody could be that clever. 你可以 You could. 我调查过你

I researched you.

我们见面前 我调查了能找到的一切

Before we met, I discovered everything that I could 来取悦你

to impress you.

这是个圈套 魔术圈套 It's a trick. Just a magic trick. 不是的 好了别说了 No. All right, stop it now. 不 站在原地别动

No. Stay exactly where you are. 别动 好好 Don't move. All right. 眼睛盯着我

Keep your eyes fixed on me. 求你了 能帮我做这件事吗? Please, will you do this for me? 做什么? Do what?

这个电话 是... This phone call, it's... 是我的留言

..it's my note.

人们不是都这么做吗? It's what people do, don't they? 留下留言? Leave a note? 什么留言?

Leave a note when?

再见 约翰 不 不要 Goodbye, John. No.Don't... 夏洛克 Sherlock!

You lower the IQ of the whole street.


—— Sherlock Holmes



夏洛克... 夏洛克 Sherlock...Sherlock.

我是医生 让我过去 请让我过去

I'm a doctor, let me come through. Let me come 居然能把尸体和食物放一起

Imagine, keeping bodies where there's food. 是啊 Yes.


And the fighting!

through, please.

他是我朋友 他是我朋友 求你们了 He's my friend. He's my friend... Please. 求你们了 就让我... Please, let me just... 上帝啊 Oh, Jesus! 不 No.

上帝 不要 God, no.


There's stuff that you wanted to say... 却没有说 是的 ..but didn't say it. Yeah. 现在说出来吧 Say it now.

对不起 我做不到

Sorry, I can't.

所有东西都在这里了 所有科学仪器

There's all the stuff. All the science equipment. 我都收到箱子里了 我不知该拿它们怎么办

I left it all in boxes. I don't know what needs doing. 不如送到哪所学校吧 I thought I'd take it to a school. 你还会不会...?

Would you...?

我不能回公寓了 至少现在做不到

I can't go back to the flat again, not at the moment. 我在生气

I'm angry.

没什么 约翰 这一点也不稀奇

It's OK, John. There's nothing unusual in that. 这就是他给每个人的感受

That's the way he made everyone feel. 我桌上那些痕迹 还有噪音

All the marks on my table and the noise, 凌晨一点半的枪声 嗯

firing guns at half past one in the morning... Yeah.

冰箱里一堆该死的标本 ..bloody specimens in my fridge.

他做事太轻率 都快把我逼疯了

Drove me up the wall with all his carryings-on. 呃 其实我也没那么生气 好吗? Listen, I'm not actually that angry, OK? 好吧 我留你和他单独在一起... OK. I'll leave you alone to, you know... 你... 你有一次对我说 You...you told me once... 你不是个英雄

..that you weren't a hero.

有时 我甚至觉得你不像人类

Erm, there were times I didn't even think you were human,

但是让我告诉你 你是... but let me tell you this, you were... 最好的人

the best man...

我所知道的... 最富有人性的人

the most human...human being that I've ever known 永远没人能让我相信你欺骗了我

and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, so... 就这样吧 ..there.


I was so alone... 我欠你那么多

..and I owe you so much.

可是求求你 还有一件事 就一件事

But, please, there's just one more thing, one more thing,

再创造一次奇迹 夏洛克 one more miracle, Sherlock, 为了我 请不要... for me, don't be... 死去


为了我 可以吗?

Would you do that just for me?

别这样了 停止这一切 Just stop it. Stop this. S02 E03 END













Sherlock (神探夏洛克)经典台词










Sherlock homels 神探夏洛克英文读后感

