


Flatshare flatmate natural cause alibi(犯罪现场,辩解) lipstick I refreshed it a bit. Bit different from my day. I do not talk for days on end. No a word. Got to dash. walk out on therapist psychosomatic prime spot owes me a favour. (欠我一个人情) There is all sorts round here. (这里什么人都有) Deduction (扣除) that would be right up your street. (这比较适合你) Brilliant landlady(女房东) do not wait up. (不用等了) Sitting-down type(比较安静的类型) bloody thing(棘手的事情) far too much(太多了) I will skip the tea.off out. No point doing sth. (做某事没头绪) It is not decent. (这样不好) Who cares about decent.(谁管他好不好) Be out of their depth.(做事失去方向) Psychosomatic gadget(小玩意) shot in the dark.(胡乱猜的) piss off(滚开) Freak not make it home.(没回家) here we are again(我们又见面了) make a point(清理头绪) asphyxiation(窒息) pass out black out(晕过去了) for god’s sake just make this up(随口说说) we are done waiting(不用再等了) really look(好好看) he gets off on it.(他喜欢这个) now and then(时不时) but for him(要不是他) pickpocket(偷) just passing the time(消磨时间) you are all so vacant.(一群草包) I want your best game.(拿出你做好的策略) child’s play(小孩把戏) the shock talking.(那是胡话) off you go.(你走吧) People will suffer(总是伤及无辜) childish feud(小孩子赌气) resentful(厌恶的) lucky guess(乱猜的)


To be handled(被使用) look hard at sth.(仔细观察某物) please stop asking.(请不要尝试约我了) please use an alternative method of payment.(请使用其他付款方式) you took your time.(你用了很长时间) sort of(差不多) I can manage.(我能搞定) in a manner of speaking.(不妨说) grab a pew(随便坐) enlighten me(请指教) buzz(东奔西忙) bright guy(有为青年) mundane(平凡) catchy(朗朗上口) place it(搞清楚) I have got a gap.(这有个空当) head straight for(直奔···而去) can you not keep doing this?(你别老这样行不行) the milk is gone off.(牛奶坏了) the washing is started to smell(脏衣服也有味了) that was rad(真牛) wouldn’t you say?(不是吗) orphan(孤儿) this is taking ages.(真是慢死了) I go where you point me.(我听你的)

Someone’s been gossiping.(有人嚼舌根) 经常放我鸽子)

神探夏洛克第一季第三集 I’m not one of them.(幸好我不是其中的一员) not worth my time.(浪费我时间) flattered(得意) spectacularly(壮观的,引人瞩目的) hard drive(硬盘) he should have wrapped himself up a bit more.(他应该多穿点) as yet(目前) I can’t spare the time.(抽不出空) usual trivia(鸡毛蒜皮的事) legwork(跑腿) hellish(苦不堪言) have got to do sth.(得做某事) I’d like to see you try.(你倒是试试) now we’ve getting somewhere.(这倒真有意思) brand new(全新的) someone’s taken trouble to do sth.(有人故意做某事) end of story(就是这么个事) I’d better be off.(我还是走吧) save yourself the pain(免得伤心) you’re sparkling form.(你真是成就惊人啊) clever you(算你聪明) why does anyone do anything.(万事皆有理由) devastated(伤心欲绝的) we didn’t always see eye to eye(我们有过些小摩擦) repeat oneself(重蹈覆辙) we are one up on him.(我们领先他一步) he certainly gets about.(他真是神通广大) novel!(有创意) is that news to you?(这对你很新鲜吗) out of the blue(突然) gorgeous(美妙的) he was over the moon.(他心花怒放) you never saw this coming.(你没料到这个) ciao(再见)


Illustrious I’ll be mother.(我来做东道主吧) shall we say(所谓的) keep sb. in the dark.(令某人一无所知) sub-text(不明说) I have bad days.(我也有不爽的时候) delusional that for me will not a hardship.(这对我不是难事) family is all we have in the end. Do give her my love.(带我向她问好) atrocious(折磨死人) compensate(掩盖) it hardly matters.(基本无害) I lost count.(我数不清了) I decline.(我拒绝) redemption(赎罪) duress sentiment(感情用事)


We need a sec.(稍等一下) inappropriate(不合时宜) depressing(失落) in my defense(我想说的是) sb. Is a cake tease.(谁敢说不敢做) how dare you.(好大的胆子) everything’s gonna work out.(一切都会水到渠成) skim(捞油水) if you say so.(你说是就是吧) treats exclusive(独有的) wait, hold phone.(等等,我先问问) it happened.(来不及了、事实就是如此) sober(清醒) badass(女强人) don’t freak out.(别惊慌) chestnut(不可以) nothing’s gonna work out now.(现在做什么都徒劳无功) slow done(不会吧) I am done doing sth.(我受够干某事) sb. Might be screwed.(某人可能完了) more bad luck.(坏运气接踵而至) just got a little damp.(有点小兴奋) we have to mess her up.(给她点颜色看看) cause you never know.(以备不时之需) on the off chance(碰运气) gracious(和蔼) for the record(我要声明一句) come on to me(先逗我的) there goes our big break.(这是个大突破) here comes the future pitiful one in million(万中之一) puberty loose sth.(沉迷某事) funny how sometimes things just work out right.(反正事情不知怎么的就成了) soft opening(试营业) there’s no drama(没那么恐怖吧) we got it out of our systems.(我俩早没事了) cash only besides me later(等下就是我了) or it spells success(没准能带来成功) insolent charlatan(无耻的骗子) that’s gold.(真经典) count on(指望) it freaks me out.(这令我抓狂) it’s bananas./kickstarter(超牛的) things are looking up.(事情变好了) if they’re buying, I’m taking.(如果他们乐意,我也乐意) I’m in a groove.(我很有感觉) indulgent(放纵的) let me get this straight.(让我来理理) candy hammer no back talk(不要顶嘴) bully(欺负人,特好的) trash a people(损一个人) sp. is a bad reception area(某地信号不好) jealous I’m off the chain.(我不趟浑水) it’s turning us against each other.(它在挑拨离间) scale(规模,测量,天平) it sucks(太糟糕了)













Sherlock (神探夏洛克)经典台词











