



Hey! Come here!嘿!快过来!

I'm on my way.我这就过去。

He was delirious.But he asked for you by name.


Show him.快拿上来。

He was carrying nothing but this...and this.


Are you here to kill me?你是来这儿杀我的吗?

I know what is this.我知道这是什么。

I've seen one before, many, many years ago.


It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream,a man possessed of some radical notions.


What is the most resilient parasite?A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?


Uh... What Mr. Cobb is trying to say..


第 一 页

An idea. Resilient, highly contagious.Once an idea's taken hold in the brain,it's almost impossible to eradicate.


An idea that is fully formed, fully understood,that sticks right in there somewhere.


For someone like you to steal?以便让你这样的人去盗取?

Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense is

lowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.It's called Extraction


Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself...from even the most skilled extractor


How can you do that?为什么你能做到?

'Cause I am the most skilled extractor.I know how to search your mind and find your secrets。I know the tricks.


第 二 页

And I can teach them to you, so that even when you're asleep, your defense is never down.


Look, if you want my help, you're gonna have to be completely open with me.I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife,better than your therapist, better than anyone.


If this is a dream,and you have a safe full of secrets,I need to know what's in that safe.


In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.为了取得最好的效果,你必须把我当自己人。

Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal. 好好享受你们的夜晚,先生们,我会考虑你们的建议的。

He knows.他识破了。

What's going on up there?上面出什么事了?

Saito knows us.He's playing with us.


It doesn't matter.I can get it here. Trust me,the information is in the safe.He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets.

第 三 页


Head back to the room, alright?I'll take care of this.


Okey, make sure you do.We're here to work.


If I jump, would I survive?要是我跳下去,有可能活吗?

With a clean dive, perhaps.直接入海的话,也许有可能。

Mal, what're you doing here?玛尔</u>,你在这儿干嘛?

I thought you might be missing me.我想也许你想我了。

You know that I am. But I... I can't trust you anymore.


So what?那又如何?

Looks like Arthur's taste.看上去像是阿瑟的品味。

Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.


Please, have a seat.请吧,坐下吧。

Tell me, did the children miss me?告诉我,孩子们想我吗? You can't imagine.你无法想象。

What're you doing?你想干什么?

Getting some fresh air.Stay where you are, Mal.


第 四 页

Come on, damn it!妈的,见鬼!

Turn around.转过身来。

The gun, Dom.放下枪,多姆</u>。


Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.还有信封,考博</u>先生。

Did she tell you, or have you known all along?


That you're here to steal from me, or that we are actually asleep?I want to know the name of your employer.知道你来这里偷我的东西?还是知道我们实际上都在梦里?我想知道你雇主的名字。 Ah, there's no use in threatening him in a dream, right, Mal? 啊,在梦里威胁他没什么用,不是吗,玛尔</u>?

That depends on what you're threatening.


Killing him would just wake him up.But pain...Pain is in the mind. 杀死他只会使他苏醒,但是痛苦……痛苦会留在头脑里。

And judging by the decor, we're in your mind, aren't we, Arthur? 从装饰来判断,我们是在你的梦里,对吗,阿瑟</u>?

- Why are you doing?! It's too soon...- I know. But the dream's collapsing.

- 你怎么回事?提前就醒来了?- 我知道,但梦开始崩溃了。

Just try to keep Saito to wander a little longer. We're almost there. 第 五 页


He was close, very close.差一点就得手了,差一点点。

Ahh... Stop him!啊…抓住他!

I think that isn't gonna work. Wake him up.


He won't wake!他醒不过来!

- Give him the kick.- What?- 给他一踢/反冲。- 什么?

Drop him.放倒他。He's up.他醒了。

You came prepared, hmm?你是有备而来,嗯?

Not even my head of security knows this apartment. How did you find it?就连负责我安全的人都不知道这所公寓,你是怎么发现的? It's very difficult for a man of your position to keep a love nest like this secret,particularly, when there's a married woman involved. 像你这样位高权重的人物,要保守一个秘密,是很难的,特别是当还与一位已婚女人有涉时。

- She would never... - Yet, here we're, to the dilemma.

- 她不会泄露...- 不过,我们还是来了,陷入了困境。

They're getting closer.他们越来越近了。

You got what you came for.你得到了想要的东西。

Well, that's not true. You left out the key piece of information, didn't you?唔,好像不对。你涂抹掉了关键的信息,不是吗?

You held something back because you knew what we were up 第 六 页

to.The question is why do you let us in at all.


An audition.这是个测试。

Audition for what?测试的目的是什么?

It dosen't matter. You failed.没什么关系了,你们失败了。

We've extracted every bit of information you had in there.


But your deception was obvious.So, leave me and go


You don't seem to understand, Mr. Saito.The corporation that hired us,they won't accept failure.We won't last two days.So now I have to do this a little more simply.Tell us what you know!Tell us what you know, now!


I've always hated this carpet.It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways, but very definitely made of wool.


Right now, I'm lying on polyester,which means I'm not lying on my 第 七 页

carpet in my apartment.You've lived up to your reputation,Mr. Cobb. I'm still dreaming.


- How'd it go? - Not good.- 进行得怎样?- 不怎么样。

A dream within a dream, huh?梦中之梦,哈?

I'm impressed.But in my dream, you play by my rules.


- Ah, yes, but you see, Mr. Saito... - We're not in your dream.

- 啊,好的,但是<u>斋藤</u>先生,你知道…- 我们不是在你的梦里。

We're in mine.我们在我的梦里。

Asshole! How did you mess up the carpet?


It wasn't my fault.不是我的错。

You are the architect!你是设计师啊!

I didn't know he was gonna rub his damn cheek on it!


That's enough.别吵了。

And you, what the hell's all that?还有你,你他妈准备怎么办? I have it under control.我有办法掌控。

第 八 页

I'd hate to see ye out of control.我倒是觉得你快失控了。

We don't have time for this.I'm getting off at Kyoto.


Why? He's not gonna check every compartment.


I don't like trains.Listen, every man for himself.


- Yes. Hello? - Hi, daddy. - Hi, dad.

- 喂,你好?- 嗨,爹地。 - 嗨,爹地。

Hey, guys, hey. How are you?How are you doing, huh?


- Good. - Okey, I guess. - Okey? Who's just okey? Is that you, James?- 好的。- 我想还行。- 还行?是谁说还行的?是你吗,

Yeah. When are you coming home, dad?是的。你什么时候回家啊, Well, I can't, sweetheart, I can't.Not for a while, remember?



Okey. I told you I'm... I'm away because I'm working. Right?


Grandma says you're never coming back.


Philippa, is that you?

第 九 页

Put grandma on the phone for me, will you?


She's shaking her head.她在摇头。

Let's just hope she's wrong about that.希望她说得不对。

Is mommy with you?妈妈和你在一起吗?

James, we've talked about this.Mommy's not here anymore. 詹姆士,我们谈过这个了,妈妈再也不在这里了。


That's enough, kids. Say bye-bye.行了,孩子们,说掰掰。

Listen, I'm... I'm gonna send some present with grandpa, alright?听着,我会…我会让外公带礼物给你们,知道吗?

And you'd be good, you'd be...你们要乖啊,你们要……

- Our ride's on the roof. - All right.

- 我们的运输工具在楼顶了。- 知道了。

- Are you okey? - Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Why?

- 你没事吧?- 没事,我很好。怎么?

-While down in the dream, Mal showing up. - Right, good Mal. Sorry about your leg.- 在梦里的时候,玛尔又出现了。- 是啊,玛尔。很抱歉你的腿...

- It won't happen again. - It's getting worse, isn't it?

- 不会再有这样的事了。- 以后会越来越糟,是吗?

One apology's all you're getting, alright, Arthur?Where's Nash?你还 第 十 页


He hasn't shown. You wanna wait?没见到他,想等等吗?

No. We were supposed to deliver Saito's expansion

plans to Cobol Engineering two hours ago.不。两小时之前我们就应该把斋藤的扩展计划交给“科博尔工程公司”,

By now they know we failed.It's time we disappear.


- Where will you go? - Buenos Aires,

- 你要去哪儿?- 布宜诺斯艾利斯,

I can lie low there, maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down. You?我可以在那儿避避风头,等事情平息下来后,也许再瞅瞅有什么活儿可干。你呢?

- Stateside. - 'Course. Send my regards.

- 回美国。- 当然。代我问好。

He sold you out.他让你们露的馅。

Thought to come to me and bargain for his life.


So I offer you the satisfaction.所以我可以让你们得到满足。

It's not the way I deal with things.这不是我行事的方式。

- What will you do with him?

- Nothing. But I can't speak for Cobol Engineering.

- 你会拿他怎么样?

第 十一 页

- 不怎么样。但我不能代表“科博尔工程公司”。

- What do you want from us? - Inception. Is it possible?

- 你究竟想从我们这儿得到什么?- “植入思想”,有可能吗?

- Of course not.

- If you can steal an idea from someone's mind,

- 既然你们能从别人的头脑里盗取意念,

why can't you plant one there instead?


Okey, here's me planting an idea in your head:


I say to you, "Don't think about elephants."What are you thinking about?我对你说“别去想大象”。你现在在想什么?

- Elephants. - Right. But it's not your idea,

- 大象。- 没错,这并不是你自己的意念,

because you know I gave it to you.


The subject's mind can always tracethe genesis of the idea.


- True inspiration's impossible to fake. - It's not true.

- 真正的灵感是不可能伪造的。- 你说得不对。

- Can you do it? - Are you offering me a choice?

- 你能做?- 你这是在让我做选择吗?

第 十二 页

Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol. 我可以自己想办法摆平与“科博尔公司”的过节。

- Then you do have a choice. - And I choose to leave, sir.

- 那你就自己选择好了。- 那我就选择离开,先生。

Tell the crew where you want to go.


Hey, Mr. Cobb...? How would you like to go home, to America, to your children?嘿,考博先生!你想不想回家啊?回<u>美国</u>,回到你孩子身边?

You can't fix that. No one can.- Just like Inception?

- 这你做不到吧,没人能做到。- 就像“植入”?

Cobb, come on.走吧。

- How complex is the idea? - Simple enough.

- 那个意念有多复杂?- 足够简单。

No idea's simple when you need to plant it in somebody else's mind.没有“简单的意念”一说,如果你想把它植入到别人的头脑里

My main competitor is an old man in poor health.


His son will soon inherit control of the corporation.


I need him to decide to break up his father's empire.


第 十三 页

- Cobb, we should walk away from this. - Hold on.

- <u>考博</u>,我们应该躲着点这样的事。- 等等。

If I were to do this, if... if I even could do it, I need a guarantee.如果我愿意做这事,如果…我能够做到,我需要你也能保证。

- How do I know you can deliver? - You don't, but I can.

- 我怎么知道你能做到。- 你是不知道,但是我能。

So, do you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, 怎么说,你是希望来一个信心上的飞跃呢?还是想以后等你老了, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?


Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb, and choose your people more wisely.召集你的人马吧,考博</u>先生,这次你选人时要明智一些。 I know how much you want to go home,but this can't be done. 我知道你非常希望回家,但这事我们干不了。

Yes, it can.You just have to go deep enough.


- You don't know that. - I've done it before.

- 你根本就不知道。- 我以前做过。

Who did you do it to?对谁做的?

- Why are we going to Paris? - We're gonna need a new architect. - 我们为什么去巴黎?- 我们需要个新设计师。

You never did like your office, did you.

第 十四 页


No space to think in that broom cupboard. Is it safe for you to be here?在那样的扫帚柜里没有空间思考。你来这儿安全吗?

Extradition between France and the United States


is a bureaucratic nightmare. You know that.


I think they might find a way to make it work in your case.


Look, I, uh... bought these (*?*).你看,我…呃…买了点礼物,Give it to the kids when you have the chance.


It will take more than the occasional stuffed animal...


to convince those children they still have a father.


I'm just doing what I know, I'm doing what you taught me.


- I never taught you to be a thief. - No, you taught me to navigate people's minds.- 我从没教过你去做小偷。

- 是的,但你教过我如何驾驭人们的头脑。

But after what happened, there weren't a whole

第 十五 页

lot of legitimate ways for me to use that skill.

但是出了那件事,我已经没法再以合法的方式来使用这种技能了。 - What're you doing here, Dom? - I think I found a way home. - 你来这里究竟做什么,多姆?- 我想我找到了回家之路

It's a job for some very, very powerful people,


people who I believe can fix my charges permanently. But I need your help.我相信那人可以一劳永逸地解决对我的指控,但我需要你的帮助

You're here to corrupt one of my brightest and best.


You know what I'm offering. You have to let them decide for themselves.我知道我可以提供怎样的机会,你得让他们自己来决定。 - Money? - Not just money.- 为钱?- 不只是钱。

You remember, it's... the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities,还记得吗?谁不想有机会来建造大教堂、整座整座的城市,

things that never existed, things that couldn't exist in the real world.还有那些不曾的东西、也在现实世界中不可能存在的东西?

So you... you want me to let someone else to follow you into your fantasy?所以你…你希望我让另一个人来追随你进入你的幻界? They don't actually come into the dream. They just...


第 十六 页

they just design the levels and teach them to the dreamers. That's all.他们只要设计好每一层的梦境,并交给造梦者就行了。

- Design it yourself? - Mal won't let me.

- 你自己设计呢?- 玛尔不允许我。

- Come back to reality, Dom. Please!

- Reality? Those kids, your grandchildren,

- 回到现实来吧,多姆!- 现实?我的孩子、你的外孙,

they're waiting for their father to come back home. That's their reality.


And this job, this last job, that's how I get there.


I would not be standing here, if I knew any other way.


I need an architect who is as good as I was.


I've got somebody better.我有更好的人选。

Ariadne, I'd like you to meet Mr. Cobb.


- Pleased to meet you. - If you have a few moments,

- 很高兴认识你。- 如果你有点时间,

Mr. Cobb has a job offer he'd like to discuss with you.

第 十七 页


- A work placement or...? - Not exactly.

- 实习之类的?- 不完全是。

I have a test for you.我想测验你一下。

Would you like to tell me anything about this first?


Before I describe the job, I have to know you can do it.


- Why? - It's not, strickly speaking, legal.

- 为什么?- 严格地说它不太合法。

You have two minutes to design a maze that takes one minute to solve.





You have to be better than that.你得加把劲才行。

That's more like it.


They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential.


Now, that's when we are awake.当然,那是指我们醒着的时候; 第 十八 页

When we're asleep, our mind can do almost anything.


Such as?比如说?

Well, imagine you're designing a building, right? You consciously create each aspect.


But sometimes it feels like it's almost creating itself, if you know what I mean.


- Yeah, yeah. Like, um... discovering. - Genuine inspiration, right? - 是的,像是…嗯…发现。- 真正的灵感,对吗?

Now in a dream, our mind continuously does this:


We create and perceive our world simultaneously.


Our mind does this so well that we don't even know what's happening.我们的头脑做得如此出色,以至于我们甚至都不明白怎么回事,

That allows us to get right in the middle of that process.


- How?- By taking over the creating part.

- 怎么介入?- 通过担当起创造者的角色。

第 十九 页

Now, this is where I need you: You create the world of the dream. 这里就是我需要你的地方:你创造出梦中的世界,

We bring the subject into that dream, and they fill it with their subconscious.


How could I ever acquire enough detail to make them think that it's reality?


Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right?


It's only when we wake up that we realize something that are actually strange.只有当我们醒了之后,才会意识到有些不对劲。 Let me ask you a question:我来问你个问题:

You... you never really remember the beginning of a dream, do you?你…你从来回忆不起某个梦的开头,对吗?

You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.


- I guess, yeah. - So how did we end up here?

- 我想是的,是这样。- 那么我们怎么会在这儿的?

- Well, we just came from the, uh...- Think about it, Ariadne,

- 唔,我们是从…呃……- 仔细想想,<u>阿里阿德涅</u>,

how did you get here? Where are you right now?

第 二十 页


We're dreaming?我们在做梦?

You're actually in the middle of a workshop right now,


This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm.


If it's just a dream, why are you covering...


Because it's never just a dream, is it?


And a face full of glasses hurts like hell.


When you're in it, the feel is real.


That's why the military developed dream sharing.There was a training program...因此军方研发出了梦境分享系统,他们有个训练项目,

for soldiers to shoot, stab, and strangle each other, and then wake up.让士兵们互相射击、刺杀、和扼死,然后醒过来。

How did architects get involved?设计师在其中起什么作用?

Someone had to design the dreams, right?


第 二十一 页

Why don't you give us another five minutes?


Five minutes? What...?We were talking for like at least an


When you dream, your mind functions more quickly.


Therefore, time seems to feel more slow.


Five minutes in the real world gives you an hour in the dream. 真实世界的五分钟,在你梦里能有一小时。

Why don't you see what you can get up to in five minutes?


You've got the basic layout -- bookstore, cafe. Almost everything else's here, too.

你已经有了基本的布局——书店、咖啡店,似乎一切应有尽有。 - Who are the people? - Projections of my subconscious.

- 这些人物是谁?- 是我的潜意识的投影。

Remember, you are the dreamer, you built this world.


I'm the subject, my mind populates it.


You can literally talk to my subconscious.

第 二十二 页


That's one of the ways we extract the information from the subject.正因为如此,所以我们可以从主体那里提取出信息。

How else do you do it?还能做些别的吗?

By creating something secure like a... like a bank vault or a jail,通过创造出一些安全的地方,比如…比如银行的金库或是监狱,

the mind automatically fills it with information he's trying to protect. Understand?


- Then you break in and steal it? - Well...

- 然后由你来闯入和盗取?- 这个嘛……

I guess I thought that the dream's space should be all about the visual,我原以为梦里的空间只和视觉形象有关,

but it's more about the feel of it.但现在看来更像和感觉有关。

My question is what happens when you start messing with the physics of it all?


- It's something, isn't it? - Yes, it is.

- 相当可观,是吗?- 是啊。

Why are they all looking at me?


Because my subconscious feels that someone else is creating this 第 二十三 页


The more you change things, the quicker the projections start to converge on you.


- Converge?

- They sensed the foreign nature of the dreamer.

- 聚拢?- 他们察觉出了造梦者的外来属性,

They attack like white blood cells fighting an infection.


- Are they gonna attack us?- No, actually, just you.

- 他们会攻击我们吗?- 不,他们只攻击你。

This is great. But I'm telling you, if you keep changing things like this...这样很棒,不过,如果像这样不停地改变事物……

Gees! Mind telling your subconscious

to take it easy?


It's my subconscious, remember, I can't control it.


Very impressive.相当的不错。

I know this bridge. This place is real, isn't it?


Yeah, I cross it everyday to get to the college.

第 二十四 页


Never recreate places from your memory, always imagine new places.千万别用你的记忆来再创造环境,总是要想象出新的环境。 Well, you gotta draft from stuff you know, right?


Only use details, uh... a street lamp,or a phone booth, never entire areas.只能用细节的东西,比如呃…一盏街灯,或一个电话亭,绝不能用整个区域。

- Why not? - Because building a dream from your memory... - 为什么不能?- 因为如果你用记忆建造梦境…

is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream.会使你容易迷失,分不清什么是现实,而什么又是梦。 - Is that what happened to you? - Listen to me,

- 你是不是就是这样?- 你听着,

this has nothing to do with me. Understand?


Is that why you need me to build your dreams?


- Get off of her. Back off. - Hey!- 放开她,往后退。- 嘿!

- Back off! - No!- 后退!- 不!

Get off of her!放开她!

- Wake me up! Wake me up! - Mal! Mal!

第 二十五 页

- 弄醒我!快让我醒来!- 玛尔!玛尔!

Wake me up! Wake me up!让我醒来!让我醒来!

Hey, hey, hey! Look at me. You're okey? You're okey?


Why... why wouldn't I wake up?


Because there was still some time on the clock,


and you can't wake up within a dream unless you die.


- She'll need a totem.- What?- 她需要个图腾。- 什么?

A totem is a small personal...图腾是一件小小的个人…… That's some subconscious you've got in you, Cobb.


- She's a real charmer! - Oh, I see you met Mrs. Cobb.

- 她是个大美女啊!- 噢,我想你是遇见考博太太了。

- She's his wife? - Yeah. So... a totem,

- 她是他妻子?- 是的。你看…图腾,

you need a small object potentially have you,

something could have on you all the time

你需要一个小物件藏在你身上,它的一些特征只有你自己知道, - that no one else knows. - Like a coin?

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- 并可以随时提醒你。- 比如说硬币。

No, it must be more unique than that.This is a loaded die.


No, I can't let you touch it, that would defeat the purpose.


Only I know the balance and the weight of this particular loaded die.只有我才了解这个灌铅骰子的平衡和受力方式。

That way, when you look at your totem,


you know, beyond a doubt, that you're not in someone else's dream.你就能确定,你没有在别人的梦里。

I... I don't know...我…我不知道,

if you can't see what's going on, or if you just don't want to,你是看不到那里发生的事呢,还是你不愿去想呢?

but Cobb has some serious problems that he's tried to bury down there.考博</u>有一些很严重的问题,他试图隐藏起来,

And I'm not about to just open my mind to someone like that. 我可没打算向像他那样的人敞开我的思想。

She'll be back.她会回来的。

I've never seen anyone pick it up that quickly before.


Reality is not gonna be enough for her now.When she comes 第 二十七 页


when she comes back, you're gonna help her building mazes. 等她回来后,你要帮助她建造迷宫了。

- Where're you gonna be? - I gotta go visit Eames.

- 你要去哪儿?- 我要去找伊姆斯。

Eames? Now he's in Mombasa.It's Cobol's backyard.

伊姆斯?他现在在蒙巴萨(肯尼亚),那可是“科博尔”的地盘啊。 - It's a necessary risk. - There's plenty of good thieves.

- 不得不冒这个险。- 好小偷多的是。

We don't just need a thief. We need a forger.


You can rub them together all you want, hey're not gonna breed. 你再怎么使劲搓,也搓不出【指筹码】来。

You never know.谁知道呢。

I'll get you a drink.我给你弄杯喝的。

You're buying.你来买。

- Your spelling hasn't improved. - Piss off.

- 你的拼写没什么长进啊。- 去你的。

- How's your handwriting? - Versatile.

- 你的书法怎么样了?- 各种笔迹、顺手拈来。

- Good. - Thank you very much.- 不错。- 非常感谢。


第 二十八 页

Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible...


No, it's perfectly possible.It's just bloody difficult.


Just difficult?Arthur keeps telling me it can't be done.


Hmm... Arthur. You're still working with that stick-in-the-mud?唔…阿瑟,你还在和那个墨守成规的木头共事?

- He's good at what he does, right? - Oh, the best. He has no imagination.

- 他有他的特长,不是吗?- 噢,是很好,但他很没想象力。 - Not like you. - Listen, if you wanna perform Inception,

- 不像你。- 听着,如果你想实施“植入”

- you need imagination.- Let me ask you something,

- 你需要想象力。- 我来问问你,

- have you done it before?- We tried it.

- 你以前做过吗?- 我们试过,

We got the idea in place, but it didn't take.


You didn't plant it deep enough?


It's not just about depth, you know...

第 二十九 页


You need the simplest version of the idea, in order

or it to grow naturally in the subject's mind.你需要将意念简化到最简单的形式,这样才能使它在主体的头脑中自然成长。

That's a very subtle art.这是项非常精妙的技艺。

So what is this idea that you need to plant?


We need the heir of a major corporation to dissolve his father's empire.我们需要一家大型企业的继承人分解他父亲的帝国。

Well, you see right there, you have various political

motivations of...你看,你可以从各种各样的政治动机的角度来考虑,例如…anti-monopolistic sentiments and so forth, and all of that stuff. That's all.反垄断的情绪等等的,诸如此类的玩意,那样就行了。 It's really at the mercy of your subject's prejudice, you see?


All you have to do is to start with the absolute basic.


- Which is what?- The relationship with the father.

- 那是什么?- 与他父亲的关系。

- Do you have a chemist?- No, not yet.

- 你有药剂师了没?- 没,还没有。

Alright. Okey, there's a man here, Yusuf Pierro.

第 三十 页

好吧,正好,这里有个人,<u>尤素福</u>?<u>皮埃罗</u>。 He formulates his own versions of the compounds.


When are you taking me there?- Once you've lost your tail. - 你什么时候带我去见他?- 等你甩掉你的尾巴之后。

- Man at the bar.- Cobol Engineering.

- 注意吧台那人。- “科博尔工程公司”的。

That price on my head, was that "dead or alive?"


I don't remember.Let's see if he starts shooting.


Run interference, I'll meet you downstairs in the bar in, say uh... say half an hour?

你替我打个岔,我会在这楼下与你会合,大约半小时后怎么样? - Be back here?- It's the last place they'd expect.

- 回到这里?- 他们做梦也不会想到。

Hum-hmm. Well...嗯哼。好吧……

Freddy, Freddy Savens? My god, it's you, isn't it?


- Who?- No, it isn't.- 谁?- 不,认错了。

You're not dreaming now, are you?


第 三十一 页

Oh, uh... cafe. One... one cafe.噢,呃…咖啡,一…一杯咖啡。 One cafe.一杯咖啡。

Care for a lift, Mr. Cobb?想要搭车吗,考博先生?

- What're you doing here in Mombasa?- I need to protect my investments.- 你来蒙巴萨干什么?- 我来保护我的投资。

Ahh, so this is your idea of losing a tail, uh?


Different tail.这条尾巴不同。

Cobb said you'd be back.<u>考博</u>说你一定会回来。

- I tried not to come. But...- But there's nothing quite like it.- 我试着想不来,但是……- 但是这一切的确非同寻常。

It's just... pure creation.这只是…纯粹的创造。

Shall we take a look at some paradoxical architecture?


You're gonna have to master a few tricks, if you're gonna build three complete dream levels.


What kind of tricks?什么样的诀窍?

In a dream, you can cheat architecture into impossible shapes. 在梦里,你可以愚弄建筑结构,将它们塑造成不可能的形状, That lets you create closed loops,


第 三十二 页

like the Penrose steps, the infinite staircases.




So a closed loop like that will help you

disguise the boundaries of the dream you create.


But how big do these levels have to be?


It could be anything from the floor of a building to an entire city.多大都可以,从一座建筑的一楼层,一直到整座城市。

But they have to be complicated enough that we can hide from the projections.


- A maze? - Right, a maze, and the better the maze...

- 一座迷宫?- 没错,迷宫,迷宫越复杂…

Then the longer we have before the projections catch us?


- Exactly.- My subconscious seems polite enough.

- 正是。- 我的潜意识应该都很面善。

You wait, they'll turn ugly.


第 三十三 页

No one likes to feel someone else messing around in their mind. 没人喜欢感觉到有其他人在他们的头脑里搅和。

Cobb can't build anymore, can he?考博再也不能建造了,是吗? I don't know if he can't, but he won't.


He thinks it's safer if he doesn't know the layouts.


- Why?- He won't tell me. I think it's Mal.

- 为什么?- 他不愿告诉我,我想是因为<u>玛尔</u>。

- His ex-wife? - No, not his ex.

- 他前妻?- 不,不是前妻。

- They're still together? - No, she...she's dead.

- 他们还在一起吗?- 不,她…她死了。

What you just see in there is just his projection of her.


- What was she like in real life? - She was lovely.

- 真实生活中的她是怎么样的?- 她很可爱。

- You're seeking a chemist? - Yes.- 你想找药剂师?- 是的。 To formulate compounds for a job.为你的活儿配制合成药剂。

- And to go into the field with us. - No, I rarely go into the field, Mr. Cobb

- 并和我们一起加入实战。- 不,我很少参加实战,考博先生。 第 三十四 页

We need you there to tailor compounds specific to our needs. 我们需要你到那儿为我们配制出有着特殊需求的药剂。

- Which are?- Great depth.- 什么特殊需求?- 很深的深度。

A dream within a dream? Two levels?梦中梦?两层?

- Three.- Not possible.- 三层。- 不可能。

That many dreams within dreams is too unstable.


It is possible.You just have to add a sedative.


A powerful sedative.强力镇静剂。

- How many team members?- Five.- 你有几个队员?- 五个。 Six.六个。

The only way to know you've done the job is if I go in with you.为了了解你完成工作的情况,我跟着你。

There's no room for tourists on a job like this, Mr. Saito.


This time it seems there is.这一次似乎得有。

This, I think, is a good place to start.I use it everyday.


- What for?- Here, I'll show you.

- 有什么作用?- 过来,我带你看。

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- Perhaps, you will not want to see.- After you.

- 也许你还是不看的好。- 你先请。

Ten... twelve, all connected.Bloody hell!


They come here everyday to share the dream.


You see? Very stable. 看到没有?非常稳定。

- How long do they dream for?- Three, four hours, each day. - 他们要做多长时间的梦?- 三、四个小时,每天。

- And the dream time? - With this compound?

- 在梦中的时间呢?- 用这个制剂?

About 40 hours, each and every day.大约每天四十个小时。

- Why do they do it?- Tell him, Mr. Cobb.

- 为什么他们要这么做?- 告诉他,考博先生。

After a while, it becomes the only way you can dream.


- Do you still dream, Mr. Cobb?- They come here everyday to sleep?- 你还做梦吗,考博先生?- 他们每天都来这儿睡觉? No, they come to be woken up.不,他们来这儿是为了被唤醒,

The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise, uh?梦已经变成了他们的现实。谁又能说得清梦不是现实呢,嗯? Let's see what you can do.来看看你的本事如何。

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You know how to find me.You know what you have to do.


Sharp? No?够劲吗?嗯?

- Are you all right, Mr. Cobb? - Yeah, yeah. I'm just fine.

- 你没事吧,考博先生?- 是的,没事,我很好。

Robert Fischer, heir to the Fischer-Morrow energy


- What's your problem with this Mr. Fischer?- That's not your concern.- 你和这位费希尔先生有什么问题?- 这不是你要关心的。 Mr. Saito, this... this isn't your typical corporate


You asked me for Inception, I do hope you understand that...the gravity of that request.

你是要求我实现“植入思想”,我希望你能明白这一要求的严重程度。 The seed that we plant in this man's mind will grow into an idea.我们要置入这人头脑里的种子会成长为一个意念,

This idea would define him.It may come to change...


it may come to change everything about him.


We're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance.我们公司是最后有可能阻止他们垄断世界能源的了, 第 三十七 页

We can no longer compete.但我们竞争不过他们。

Soon they'll control the energy supply of half the world. 不久,他们就将控制半个世界的能源,

In effect, they become a new superpower.


The world needs Robert Fischer to change his mind.

这个世界需要<u>罗伯特</u>?<u>费希尔</u>改变主意。 That's where we come in. 所以我们来了。

How is Robert Fischer's relationship with his father? 罗伯特?费希尔与他父亲的关系如何?

Rumor is their relationship is quite complicated.


But we can't work based solely on rumor, can we?


Can you get me access to this man here, Browning? 你有没有办法让我接近这个人,<u>布朗宁</u>?

Fischer Sr.'s right-hand man, Fischer Jr.'s godfather. 老费希尔的左膀右臂,小<u>费希尔</u>的教父。

It should be possible, if you can get the right references. 应该有可能,如果你能获得适当的引荐信的话。

References are something of a speciality for me, Mr. Saito. 引荐信可以算是我的专长,斋藤先生。

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I'm not smelling settlement here.我看不出有什么解决的可能,

- Take them down.- Mr. Browning,- 把他们拿下。- 布朗宁先生, Maurice Fischer's policy is always one of avoiding litigation.


Well, shall we voice your concerns with Maurice directly?


- Not sure if that's necessary.- No, no, no. I think we should. - 我想不必了。- 不,不,不,我想我们应该问一下。

How is he?他怎么样了?

I don't wanna bother him unnecessarily, but...


Robert, I've told you to keep out the damn...


- Just do it!- No, don't speak, Mr. Fischer.

- 快走!- 别说话了,费希尔</u>先生。

Never... never do thing what I asked.


Leave town.离开这里。

Must be a cherished memory of this.这一定是段很珍贵的记忆。 I put it beside his bed.He hasn't even noticed it.


Robert, we need to talk about the power of attorney. I know this is 第 三十九 页

hard for you...罗伯特,我们需要谈谈律师的权利,我知道现在谈这个对你有点难……

- Not now, Uncle Peter.- But it's imperative that we start to... - 现在不行,彼得叔叔。- 但是我们必须开始……

The vultures are circling.


It is the sicker Maurice Fischer becomes, the more powerful Peter Browning becomes.


I've had ample opportunity to observe Browning,adopt his physical presence, study his mannerisms, so on and so forth.


So now, in the first layer of the dream, I can impersonate Browning,and suggest the concept to Fischer's conscious mind. 那么在第一层梦里,我可以化身布朗宁,向费希尔的意识头脑暗示一些概念。

Then, when we take him a level deeper,


his own projection of Browning should... should feed that right back to him.

他自己头脑中投影的布朗宁应该…应该会把那些概念完全反馈给他。 第 四十 页

- So he gives himself the idea?- Precisely.

- 于是他以为那是他自己的意念?- 没错。

That's the only way it will stick.It has to seem self-generated.只有这样才能置入他头脑里,必须让他觉得那是他自己的。

Eames, I am impressed.伊姆斯,不简单啊。

Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur. Thank you.与以往一样,你的纡尊降贵我总是很感激的,阿瑟,谢谢。 Were you going under on your own?你一个人在做梦么?

No, no. I was just, uh...just running some experiments.


I didn't realize anyone was here. So...


Yeah, I was just... I was working on my totem, actually.


Here, lemme take a look.So you're learning, huh?


An elegant solution for keeping track of reality.


- Was it your idea?- No, it was, uh...it was Mal's, actually.This is... - 是你的主意吗?- 不,那是…呃那其实是玛尔想出来的。这个是… This one was hers. She'd spin it in a dream and it would never topple, just spin and spin.

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这个是她的陀螺,她在梦里一转它,就永远不会倒,一直转啊转。 - Arthur told me she passed away.- How are the mazes coming along?- 阿瑟跟我说她去世了。- 你的迷宫造得怎么样了?

Each level relates to the part of the subject's subconscious that we're trying to access, so...making the bottom level hospital, so Fischer will bring his father, um...

每一层都与我们想要接近的主体的潜意识的某一部分有联系,因此 把最底层设计成了医院,这样<u>费希尔</u>会把父亲带到那里,唔…

You know, actually I have a question about this layout...


No, no, no. Don't... don't show me the specifics.


- Only the dreamer should know the layout.- Why's that so important?- 只有造梦者才知道设计方案。- 为什么这个那么重要? In case one of us brings in our projections,


we don't want them knowing the details of the maze.


You mean in case you bring Mal in?You can't keep her out, can you? 你是说万一你把玛尔带进梦里?你无法不让她出现,是吗?

- Right.- You can't build 'em because...

第 四十二 页

- 是的。- 你自己不能建造它们是因为…

if you know the maze, then she knows it.


She'd sabotage the whole operation.他就会破坏整个行动

- Cobb, did the others know?- No, they don't.

- 考博,其他人知道这个吗?- 不,他们不知道。

You gotta warn them if this is getting worse.


No one said it's getting worse!I need to get home.


- That's all I care about right now.- Why can't you go home?

- 这就是目前我所关心的。- 你为什么不能回家?

Because they think I killed her.因为他们认为是我杀的她。

- Thank you.- For what?- 谢谢你。- 谢什么?

For not asking whether I did.谢你没问我是不是我杀的。

"I will split up my father's empire."


Now this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject.这显然是罗伯特目前会抗拒的意念。

Just why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious.


Subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason.

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We need to find a way to translate this into an emotional concept. 我们需要找到某种方式,将这个转化成感情上的概念。

How do you translate a business strategy into an emotion?


That's what we have to figure out, right?


Now, Robert's relationship with his father is stressed, to say the least.即使退一步说,罗伯特与他父亲的关系也是相当紧张的。 Can we remember that,能不能这样,

we could suggest to him breaking up his father's company as a "screw you" to the old man?


No, 'cause I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. 不好,我认为积极的感情总是能胜过消极的感情,

We all yearn for reconciliation, a catharsis.


We need Robert Fischer to have a positive emotional reaction to all this.


Alright, well, try this, um...好吧,要么试试这个,唔…

"My father accepts that I want to create for myself,not follow in his 第 四十四 页



- That might work.- Might?- 这也许行。- 也许?

- We need to do a little better than "might."

- Oh, thank you for your contribution, Arthur.

- 我们需要的比“也许”更强一点。- 噢,谢谢你的贡献,阿瑟

Forgive me for wanting a little specificities.Specificity?


Inception is not about being specific.When we get inside his mind,we're gonna have to work with what we find.

“植入”的过程可不一定那么明确,当我们进入到他的头脑之后, 我们必须学会见机行事才行。

On the top level, we open up his relationship with his father,


say, "I will not follow in my father's footsteps."


Then the next level down, we feed him, "I will create something for myself."


Then, by the time we hit the bottom level, we bring out the big guns...然后,当我们到达底层时,我们端出致命武器……

第 四十五 页

- "My father doesn't want me to be him. - Exactly.

- “我父亲不想让我成为另一个他。”- 正是。

With three layers down, the dreams are gonna collapse...


With the slightest disturbance.


Sedation, for a sleep...睡眠中的镇静效果,

stable enough to create three layers of dreaming,

we have to combine with an extremely powerful sedative.


The compound we'll be using to share the dream

creates very clear connection between dreamers,whilst actually accelerating brain function.


In other words, it gives us more time on each level.


Brain function in the dream will be about twenty times normal. 梦中大脑的功能比通常要快二十倍。

When you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded.如果你进入到梦中之梦,那效果还会翻番。

- Three dreams, that's ten hour times twenty...

第 四十六 页

- I'm sorry, uh... math's never my strong subject.

- 三层梦相当于十小时乘以二十……- 对不起,数学从来就不是我的强项,

- How much time is that? - It's a week the first level down.

- 到底是多长时间?- 第一层是一个星期,

Six months the second level down.And the third level...


Ten years. Who would wanna be stuck in a dream for ten years? 十年。谁会愿意在一个梦里耗上十年?

Depends on the dream.那得看你做什么梦了。

So once we've made the plant, how do we get out?


I'm hoping you have something more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head?

我希望你们已经想好了更文明的办法,而不是朝我头上开一枪。 - A kick.- What's a kick?- 用反冲/踢。- 什么是反冲?

This, Ariadne, would be a kick.这个,阿里阿德涅,就叫反冲。

It's that feeling of falling, you get the jolts to wake. It snaps you out of the dream.


Are we gonna feel a kick with this kind of sedation?


第 四十七 页

Oh, that's the clever part.噢,妙就妙在这里,

I customize the sedative to leave inner ear function

unimpaired.我特制的镇静剂不会影响内耳“平衡器感觉器”的功能, That way, however deep the sleep, the sleeper still feels falling, or tipping.

那样一来,无论你的睡眠有多深,你仍然能感觉到坠落,或翻倒。 The trick is to synchronize a kick that can penetrate all three levels.关键点是要使反冲同步,而且它能穿越所有三层梦境。

We can use a musical countdown to synchronize different kicks. 我们可以利用音乐倒数计时器来同步不同层内的反冲。

He hasn't any surgery schedule, no dental, nothing.


Wasn't he supposed to have a knee operation?


Nothing. Nothing they'd put him under for, anyway.

We need... we need at least a good ten hours.

没有,没有什么能有机会让他睡眠。我们…至少需要实足的十个小时。 Sydney to Los Angeles,one of the longest flights in the world.He makes it every two weeks.


And he must be flying private.那他也是用他的私人飞机。

第 四十八 页

Not if there were unexpected maintenance with his plane.


- It'd have to be a 747.- Why is that?

- 那就需要一架波音747。- 为什么?

'Cause on a 747, pilots are up top, and the first class cabin's in the nose,so no one would walk through.

因为747上飞行员在上面,头等舱位于机头。所以没有人走来走去。 But you'd have to buyout the entire cabin, and the first class flight attendant.


I bought the airline.It seemed neater.


It looks like we have our ten hours.

Ariadne? Terrific work, by the way.


You know how to find me.你知道怎样找到我,

You know what you have to do.你知道你应该做什么。

You remember when you asked me to marry you?


- Of course I do.- You said you had a dream.

- 我当然记得。- 你说你做了个梦。

- That we grow old together.- And we can.

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- 梦到我们一起变老。- 我们可以。

You shouldn't be in here.你不应该来这里。

I just want to see what kind of "tests" you're doing on your own every night.


- Whatever it was, it has nothing to do with you.- It has everything to do with me.

- 不管什么样的试验,都和你没关系。- 当然和我有关系,

- You've asked me to share dreams with you.- Not these. These are my dreams.

- 是你要求我分享你的梦的。- 不包括这些,这些是我个人的梦。 Why do you do this to yourself?为什么你要这么做?

This is the only way I can still dream.


- Why is it so important to dream?- In my dreams we're still together.

- 为什么做梦那么重要?- 在我的梦里,我们仍然在一起。

These aren't just dreams.These are memories.


- And you said never to use memories.- I know I did.

- 你说过决不能用记忆的。- 我知道我说过。

第 五十 页

You're trying to keep her alive.You can't let her go.


You don't understand.


These are moments I regret, the memories that I have to change. 这些时刻,是我感到遗憾的时刻;这些记忆,是我必须改变的记忆。 Well, what's down there that you regret?


Listen, there's only one thing you need to understand about me. 听着,关于我你只需理解一件事就行了。

- This is your house?- Mine and Mal's, yes.

- 这是你/你们的房子?- 我和<u>玛尔</u>的,是的。

- Where is she?- She's already gone.

- 她在哪儿?- 她已经走了。

It's my son, James.He's digging for something, maybe a worm. 那是我儿子,詹姆士。他在挖什么东西,也许是条虫子。

that's Philippa.那是菲利帕。

You see, I thought about calling out to them, so they'd turn and smile and I can see those...those beautiful faces of theirs.But... it's all too late.


第 五十一 页

Right now, or never, Cobb.立刻就走,不然就别想走了,考博。

Then I start to panic.I realize I don't wanna regret this moment, that I...I need to see their faces one last time. - James! Philippa! Come on in!

然后我开始惊慌,我意识到我不想为这一刻而感到后悔,我…我需要最后一次再看一眼他们的面孔。- 詹姆士菲利帕!快进来!

But the moment's passed.但这一刻过去了。

Whatever I do I can't change this moment.


When I'm about to call out to them, they run away.


If I'm ever gonna see their faces again, I've gotta get back home,如果我想再见到他们的面孔,我必须要回家去,

in the real world.在真实的世界。

- What are you doing here?- My name is...

- 你来这里干嘛?- 我是……

I know who you are.What are you doing here?


- I'm just trying to understand.- How could you understand?

- 我只是想理解。- 你怎么能够理解?

Do you know what it is to be a lover?


第 五十二 页

- To be half of a whole?- No.

- 成为整体的一半?- 不知道。

I'll tell you a riddle.我来让你猜一条谜语:

You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away.


You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure.你知道你希望去向何方,但是你不能确定,

But it doesn't matter.不过那也没关系。

How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?


- Because you'll be together.- How could you bring her here, Dom?- 因为我们在一起。- 你怎么能带她来这里,多姆?

- What is this place?- This is a hotel suite where we spent our anniversary.

- 这是什么地方?- 这是饭店套房,我们在结婚纪念日住过。 What happened here?这里发生过什么事?

- You promised! You promised we'd be together

- Please, I need you stay here, just for now.

- 你答应过!你许诺过我们会在一起!

- 对不起,我需要你留在这里,暂时这样。

You said we'd be together! You said we'd grow old together! 你说过我们会在一起!你说过我们会一起变老!

第 五十三 页

- I'll come back, I promise. - Ahh...

- 我会再回来的,我保证。- 啊……

Do you think you can just build a prison of memories to lock her in?你以为你建一座记忆的监狱,就能把她锁在里面吗?

Do you really think that's gonna contain her?


It's time.Maurice Fischer just died in Sydney.


- When's the funeral?- Thursday, in Los Angeles.

- 葬礼是什么时候?- 星期四,在洛杉矶。

Robert should accompany the body no later than Tuesday. We should move.


- Right.- Cobb, I'm coming with you?

- 是啊。- 考博,我和你们一起去

I promised Miles. No.我答应过迈尔斯。不行。

The team needs someone who understands what you're struggling with. 队里需要有人了解你的状况。

And it doesn't have to be me, but then you have to show Arthur what I just saw.不带我的话,那必须带阿瑟看看我刚才看到的一切。 Get us another seat on the plane now.


第 五十四 页

If I get on this plane, and you don't honor our agreement,


when we land, I go to jail for the rest of my life.


Complete the job en route, I make one phone call from the plane,you'll have no trouble getting through immigration.


- I'm sorry. Thank you.- Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.

- 对不起。谢谢。- 噢,抱歉。

Excuse me, I think this is yours?You must've dropped it.


- Would you gentlemen care for a drink?- Oh, water, please.

- 先生们想要喝点什么吗?- 噢,请给我水。

Same, please.一样,谢谢。

Umm... Thank you.唔…谢谢你。

You know, I couldn't help but notice, but...


you wouldn't happen to be related to "the Maurice Fischer", will you?你和那位莫里斯费希尔好像有什么关系,对吗?

Yes, he, um... he was my father.是的,他…唔…他是我父亲。 He was a very inspiring figure.I'm sorry for your loss.

第 五十五 页


- Here you go.- Thank you.- 这是你的。- 谢谢。

Hey, to your father.May he rest in peace.


- Couldn't you have peed before you went under.- Sorry. - 下来之前你就不能去撒个尿?- 抱歉。

Bit too much free champagne before takeoff, Yusuf? 起飞前免费香槟喝得太多了吧,尤素?

Aha, bloody ha.啊哈,好极了。

Well now, he's gonna be looking for a taxi in this weather. 这样的天气,他一定在想找一辆出租车。

- Asshole! Hey man, why don't you try...- Walk away. - 混蛋!嘿,为什么你不……- 闪开。

I gotta go. Taxi! Thank you.我得挂了。出租车!谢谢。 Alright. Snappy!好了,喔。

- What're you doing?- I'm sorry. I thought it was free. - 你想干嘛?- 对不起,我以为是空车。

- No, it's not.- Maybe we could share.

- 不,不是。- 也许我们可以拼一下。

Maybe not. Can you pull over to get this...



第 五十六 页

Come on.


There's five hundred dollars in there, and the wallet's worth more than that. 这里面有五百美元,钱包还不止这个价。

- So you might at least drop me at my stop.- I'm afraid...

- 所以我到了你们至少让我下车。- 恐怕不……

- Covering him!- No! No! No!

- 掩护他!- 不,不,不!

- What was going on?- I don't know.

- 怎么回事?- 不知道。

This wasn't in the design.


Cobb. Cobb?

Get him! 干掉他!

- Are you alright?- Yeah, I'm alright, I'm okey. I'm okey.

- 你没事吧?- 是的,我没事,我很好,我很好。

- Fischer's okey. Unless he gets carsick.- Saito?

- 费希尔也很好,只要没晕车就好。- 斋藤?

Get Fischer in the back room, now.


- Get him in the back room. Move!- What the hell?

- 把他带到后面房间去,快点!- 怎么回事?

第 五十七 页

- Has he been shot? Is he dying? Jesus Christ!- I don't know. - 他中弹了吗?他快死了吗?天哪!- 我不知道。

- Where were you? What happened to you?- We were blocked by a freight train.

- 你刚才在那儿?你怎么回事?- 我们被一列货运列车挡住了。

Why would you put a train crossing in the middle of a downtown intersection?你为什么在闹市十字路口放上一列横冲直撞的火车? - I didn't.- Where did it come from?

- 我没放。- 那它是哪儿来的?

Lemme ask you a question!Why the hell we were ambushed, huh? 我还有问题要问你呢!为什么我们会遭到伏击,哈?

Those were not normal projections.He'd been trained, for god's sakes!那些不是他正常的投影,他绝对接受过训练!

- You're right.- How could he be trained?

- 你说得对。- 他怎么会接受过训练?

Fischer's had an extractor teach his subconscious to defend itself. So...his subconscious is militarized. This should have shown in the research.


- I'm sorry.- Why the hell you didn't?

- 对不起。- 那你他妈的怎么没调查好?

第 五十八 页

- Calm down.- Don't tell me to calm down!

- 冷静。- 别告诉我要冷静!

This was your job, goddamnit!This was your responsibility!


You were meant to check Fischer's background thoroughly!


We are not prepared for this type of fire!


We have dealt with the subsecurity before.


We'll be a little more careful.We're gonna be fine.


"Before" is not a part of the plan!He's dying, for god's sake!


- Let's put him out of his misery.- Don't do that! Don't do that!- 我们来帮他脱离苦海。- 别!别那么做!

- He's in agony. I'm waking him up.- No, it won't wake him up. - 他这样很痛苦,我想唤醒他。- 不,那样唤不醒他。

- What do you mean, it won't wake him up?- It won't wake him up.- 你什么意思,唤不醒他?- 那样唤不醒他。

- When we die in a dream, we wake up.- Not from this.

- 我们在梦中死去,我们就醒了。- 不能从这个梦里。

第 五十九 页

We're too heavily sedated to wake up that way.


Right. So what happens when we die?


- Drop into limbo.- Are you serious?

- 堕入迷失域。- 你没开玩笑吧?

- Limbo?- Unconstructed dream space.

- 迷失域?- 未建的梦境。

- What the hell is down there?- Just raw infinite subconscious. - 那下面究竟有什么?- 只有原始的无限的潜意识。

Nothing is down there, except for whatever might have been left behind by anyone sharing the dream who's been trapped there before


- which in our case is just you.- But how long could we be stuck there?- 我们里只有你去过。- 我们有可能被困在那儿多久?

Not even think about trying to escape until the sedation eases... 想都别想逃出来,直到镇静剂的药效减弱……

- How long?- Decades, it could be infinite, I don't know.

- 多久?- 几十年,也许无限期,我不知道。

- Ask him. He's the one who's been there.- Let's just get him 第 六十 页

upstairs.- 问他好了,只有他去过。- 我们把他抬到上面去。 Great. Thank you.太棒了,谢谢你。

So, now we are trapped in Fischer's mind battling his own private army.

这么说现在我们被困在了费希尔头脑里,和他的私人军队搏着命, And if we get killed, we'll be lost in limbo till our brains turn to scrambled egg. Hmm?

一旦我们被杀死,我们就困在迷失域中直到我们的脑子全烧坏,嗯? You got first aid?有急救用品吗?

So you knew about these risks.You didn't tell us?


There wasn't meant to be any risk. I didn't know we'd be dealing with a load of gunfire.


- You had no right.- This is the only way to go three layers deep.- 你没权利这么做。- 只有这样我们才能深入三层梦境。

- And you, you knew about this and went along with it?- I trusted him.- 还有你,你也早知道了,默不吱声?- 我信任他啊。

You trusted him? When? When he promised you half his share? 你信任他?怎么?他答应分一半钱给你?

No, his whole share. 不,他答应钱全都给我。

- Besides, he said he had done it before.- You had done it before? 第 六十一 页

What?With Mal?

- 还有,他说他以前去过。- 你去过?和谁?和玛尔?

- 'Cause that works so good?- That has nothing to do with it.

- 有什么好结果没?- 那个和现在没关系。

I did what I had to do to get back to my children.


- So you led us into a war zone with no way out?- There's a way out, alright?

- 所以你就把我们拖入了没有出路的战场?- 有出路的,知道吗? We continue on with the job, and we do this as fast as possible,and we get out using the kick, just like before.


Forget it. If we go any deeper, we just raise the stakes.


I am sitting this one hour on this level, worse?


Fischer's security is surrounding this place as we speak.


The ten hours of flight time is a week at this level.


That means each and every one of us will be killed, that I can 第 六十二 页



We have no other choice but to continue on and do it as fast as possible.Downwards, is the only way forwards.


Get ready. You, come on.Let's go shake him up.


I'm insured against kidnaping for up to ten million. This should be very simple.


Shut up! It won't be.闭嘴!没那么简单。

In your father's office, below the bookshelf, is his personal safe.在你父亲的办公室里,书架下面是他的私人保险柜。

- We need the combination.- I don't know any safe.

- 我们需要它的密码。- 我不知道有什么保险箱。

It doesn't mean you don't know the combination. Tell us what it is. 那并不代表你不知道密码。告诉我们是什么。

- We have an old good authority you do know.- Yeah? Who's this authority?

- 我们有权威人士透露,你肯定知道。- 是吗?谁说的?

- Five hundred dollars this cost.- Open inside.

第 六十三 页

- 这个值五百美元。- 看看里面。

Cash, cards, ID, and this.


- Useful?- Maybe.- 有用吗?- 也许。

- You're on. You've got an hour.- An hour?

- 你出场吧,给你一个小时。- 一个小时?

- I was supposed to have all night to crack this.

- Saito wasn't supposed to be shot in the chest.

- 我本来应该有整个晚上来撬他的嘴。- 斋藤本来不应该胸前中弹。 Got one hour to get something useful, please.


- Oh...- What's that?- 噢……- 那是什么?

- Good authority.- Ahh... Oh...

Uncle Peter.

- Just... just make them stop.- The combination?

- 让…让他们住手。- 密码?

- I don't know it.- What does Browning say you do.

- 我真的不知道。- 布朗宁说你知道。

I don't know. Just lemme... lemme talk to him, and I'll find out. 我不知道。让我…让我和他谈谈,看看怎么回事。

You have one hour. Start talking. 你有一个小时,开谈吧

第 六十四 页

- Oh...- Are you alright?- 噢……- 你没事吧

- Oh...- Are you okey?- 噢……- 你还好吧?

Those bastards bad at me for two days.


They have someone with access to your father's office.


- And they're trying to open his safe.- Yeah.

- 想打开他的保险柜。- 是吗?

They thought I'd know the combination, but I don't know it.


- Yeah, well, neither do I. So...- What?

- 是啊,我也不知道,所以……- 什么?

Maurice told me that when he passed, you are the only one to be able to open it.


No, he never... he never gave me any combination.


Maybe he did, I mean, maybe you just didn't know it was a combination.也许他说过,我是说,也许只是你不知道那是密码。 - Well, what then?- I don't know.

- 那会是什么?- 我不知道,

Some meaningful combination of numbers based on your... your 第 六十五 页

experiences with Maurice.


We didn't have very many, um... meaningful experiences together.我们没有许多…唔…有意义的共同经历。

Perhaps, after your mother died.


After my mother died, you know what he told me?


"Robert, there's really nothing to be said."


- Oh, he was bad with emotions.- I was eleven, Uncle Peter.

- 噢,他不善表露感情。- 那时我才十一岁,<u>彼得</u>叔叔。 - How's he doing?- He's in a lot of pain.

- 他怎么样了?- 他很痛苦。

When we get down to the lower levels, the pain will be less intense.当我们到下面一层后,疼痛就没那么剧烈了。

- And if he dies?- The worst case scenario?

- 要是他死了呢?- 最坏的情况?

When he wakes up, his mind is completely gone.


- Cobb, I'll still honor the arrangement.- I appreciate that, Saito. But...

第 六十六 页

- 考博,但我仍然会履行我们的协议- 很感谢你这么说,斋藤,可是… when you wake up, you won't even remember that we had an arrangement.Limbo's gonna become your reality.

当你醒过来以后,你都不记得我们有过协议。迷失域就成了你的现实。 You're gonna be lost down there so long that you're gonna become an old man.你会在那下面迷失得太久,变成一个老人。

- Filled with regret.- Waiting to die alone?

- 心中充满遗憾。- 在孤独中等待死亡?

No, I'll come back. And we'll be young men, together again.



These people are gonna kill us here, if we don't give them the combination.这些人会杀了我们,如果我们不给密码。

- They just want a ransom.- I heard them.

- 他们只是想要赎金。- 我听到他们说了,

They're gonna whack us in that van and then drive it into the river.他们准备把我们塞进那辆面包车,然后开进河里。

- Alright, what is it in the safe?- Something for you.

- 好吧,保险柜里到底是什么?- 是给你的东西。

Maurice always said it was his most precious gift to you.


- A will.- Maurice's will is with (*?*).

第 六十七 页

- 一份遗嘱。- 莫里斯把遗嘱留给了律师。

That's an alternate.律师的只是个预备版本。

This would supersede the other, if you want it to.


It splits up the component businesses of Fischer-Morrow,and it'd be the end of the entire empire as we know it.

你这一份的内容是拆分费希尔的子公司,结束我们整个帝国集团。 Destroy my whole inheritance?毁掉我的整个遗产?

- Why would he suggest such a thing?- I just don't know.

- 为什么他要建议这样做?- 我也不知道。

- He loved you, Robert, in his own way

- In his own way?

- 他爱你,罗伯特,以他自己的方式。- 以他自己的方式?

At the end, he called me to his deathbed.He could barely speak.But he took the trouble to tell me one last thing.


He pulled me close.And I could only make out one word --"disappointed."


When were you in limbo?


第 六十八 页

You might have the rest of the team convinced to carry on with this job,你怎么能在其他队员都不明真相的情况下,说服他们…

- but they don't know the truth?- Truth? What truth?

- 继续完成这项任务?- 真相?什么真相?

The truth that at any minute, you might bring a freight train through the wall.


The truth that Mal is bursting through your subconscious.


And the truth that as we go deeper into Fischer, we're also going deeper into you.

真相就是,我们越深入罗伯特的头脑,也就越深入你的头脑。 And I'm not sure we're gonna like what we find.


We were working together.We were exploring the concept of a dream within a dream.


I kept pushing things.I wanted to go deeper and deeper.I wanted to go further.


I just didn't understand the concept that hours could turn into years down there,

第 六十九 页


and we could get trapped so deep that only wound up on the shore of our own subconscious.


We lost sight of what was real.


We created and built a world for ourselves.


We did that for years.We built our own world.


- How long were you stuck there?- Something like fifty years. - 你们在那里停留了多长时间?- 大概有五十年吧。

Jeez. How could you stand it?


It wasn't so bad at first, feeling like gods.


The problem was (*?*) not but was real.Eventually, it just became impossible for me to live like that.


And what about for her?那她怎么样?

She had locked something away, something deep inside her. 第 七十 页


The truth that she had once known, but she chose to forget.


Limbo became her reality. 迷失域变成了她的现实。

What happened when you woke up? 那你们醒来后又发生了什么? Well, to wake up from that after... after years, after decades, 从那样的经历了几年、几十年的感觉中醒来,

we come old souls thrown back into youth like that.


I knew something was wrong with her.She just wouldn't admit it.我知道她有什么地方变得不对劲,只是她不愿意承认。

Eventually, she told me the truth -- she was possessed by an idea.终于,她向我说出了真相——她已经被一个意念牢牢控制。

This one very simple idea that changed everything,that our world wasn't real,hat she needed to wake up to come back to reality, that...In order to get back home, we had to kill ourselves.

这一个非常简单的意念,改变了一切,那就是我们的世界不是真实的, 她需要醒过来回到现实去……为了回到现实中的家,我们必须杀死我们自己。

- What about your children?- She thought they were projections,hat our real children were waiting for us up there somewhere.

- 那你们的孩子怎么解释?- 她认为他们是我们潜意识的投影,而我 第 七十一 页


- I am their mother.- Calm down.

- 我是他们的母亲,- 镇静。

Don't you think I can't tell the difference?


- If this is my dream, why can I control this?- Because you don't know you're dreaming!

- 如果这是我的梦,为什么我可以控制这个?- 因为你不知道你正在做梦!

She was certain there was nothing I can do,no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded.

她的态度如此决绝,我无能为力,不管我如何恳求,不管我如何乞求。 She wanted to do it, but she could not do it alone.


She loved me too much, so... she came up with the plan on our anniversary.


- Sweetheart, what are you doing?- Join me.

- 亲爱的,你在干嘛?- 和我一起来。

Just... just step back inside. Alright?


Just step back inside. Now, come on.先退回到屋里。快点。 第 七十二 页

Now... now you listen to me.现在…现在你听我说,

If you jump, you're not gonna wake up.Remember?


You're gonna die. Now just... just step back inside. Come on! 你会死去。现在就…就退回到屋里。快点!

- Step back inside so we can talk about this.- We've talked enough.- 退到屋子里,然后我们再谈一下。- 我们已经谈过太多了。 Come on.快啊。

Come out onto the ledge, or I'll jump right now.



Let's talk about this. Alright?我们就谈谈这个,好吗?

- I'm asking you to take a leap of faith.- No, I can't.

- 我是在要求你来一个信心上的飞跃。- 不,我不能。

I can't. You know I can't do that.


Take a second to think about our children.


Think about James, think about Phillipa, now.


If I go without you, they'll take them away, anyway.


第 七十三 页

- What does that mean?- I filed a letter with our attorney,explaining how I'm fearful for my safety,how you threatened to kill me.

- 你这话什么意思?- 我给我们的律师留下一封信,写明了我多么为我的安全担心,还有你是如何威胁要杀了我。

- Why did you do this?- I love you, Dom.

- 你为什么这么做?- 我爱你,<u>多姆</u>。

Why did you... why... why would you do this to me?


Freed you from the guilt of choosing to leave them.We are going home, to our real children.We are going home, to our real children. 我们要回家了,回到我们真实的孩子身边。

No, no... no.Mal, you listen to me, alright?


- Mal, look at me, please!- You're waiting for a train,

- 玛尔,你看着我,求求你了!- 你在等一列火车,

- Mal, goddamnit! Don't do this!

a train that will take you far away.

- 玛尔,上帝啊!别这么做!- 一列会带你去向远方的火车。 - James and Phillipa are waiting for you!

- You know where you hope this train will take you,

- 詹姆士和菲利帕在等着你

- 你知道你希望火车去向何方,

第 七十四 页

- They're waiting for us!

- but you don't know for sure.

- 他们正在等着我们!

- 但是你不能确定,

- Mal, look at me!- But it doesn't matter,

- 玛尔,看着我啊!- 不过那也没关系。

- Mal, goddamnit!- because we'll be together.

-玛尔,见鬼!- 因为我们在一起。

Sweetheart! Look at me! Mal! No!Jesus Christ!


She had herself declared sane by three different

psychiatrists,that made it impossible for me to try to explain the nature of her madness.So they're in.


Right now, or never, Cobb.


Fine, let's go.好吧,我们走。

I left my children behind, and I've been trying to buy my way back ever since.

我离开了我的孩子们,从那一刻起,我无时不在努力想回到他们身边。 Your guilt defines her, it's what powers her.

第 七十五 页


But you are not responsible for the idea that destroyed her.


And if we're gonna succeed in this, you have to forgive

yourself,如果我们想成功完成这次任务,你必须原谅你自己, and you're gonna have to confront her.你必须勇敢地直面她。 - But you don't have to do that alone.- No, you don't...

- 当然你不必独自一人去面对。- 不,你不用……

I'm doing it for the others.


Because they have no idea of the risk they've taken coming down here with you.因为他们全然不知和你一起所要冒的风险。

We have to move.我们得走了。

- Time's up.- All right.- 时间到。- 好吧,

I don't know any combination, not consciously anyway.


How about instinctively, huh?那本能反应里呢,嗯?

I've got somebody standingin your father's office.


Right now, we need to tap in the combination.


We need the first six numbers that come to your head right now. 第 七十六 页


- I have no idea.- Right now!- 我不知道。- 就现在!

I said right now! Right now!我说了就是此刻!快说!


You'd have to do better than that.你应该做得更好。

Alright, bag them.行了,把他们罩起来。

We're going for a ride.我们要出去兜兜风。

What more do your like?你要怎么样?

To kill me?要杀了我吗?

What did you get?得到什么了?

That boy's relationship with his father is even worse than we imagined.那孩子与他父亲的关系比我们想象的还要糟。

This helps us how?这对我们有用吗?

The stronger the issues, the more powerfully cathartic.


How are you gonna reconcile them of so estranged?


- Well, I'm working on that, an't I?- Move fast.

- 我正想办法呢,急什么?- 最好快点,

The projections are closing in quick.We gotta break out of here,before we're totally boxed in.

他的投影已经很快包围了我们,我们得从这儿突出去,免得被他们围 第 七十七 页


Damn it!妈的!

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


Now, we need to shift his animosity from his father to his godfather.现在我们需要他把敌意从他父亲身上转移到他教父身上。

Would this destroy his one positive relationship?


No, we'll repair his relationship with his father by exposing his godfather's true nature.

不,我们通过揭露他教父的真面目,来修复他与他父亲的关系。 We should Fischer's loot more than Saito's (*?*).


What about his security?It's gonna get worse as we go deeper. 他的潜意识卫队会怎样?我们深入下去后情况会更糟。

- Now, I think we run with Mr. Charles.- No.

- 我想我们可以试一试查尔斯先生。- 不行。

- Who's Mr. Charles?- Bad idea.- 查尔斯先生是谁?- 馊主意。

The second we get into that hotel and approach Fischer, his security's gonna be all over us.

我们一到达那家饭店,想接近费希尔,他的卫队就会紧随着我们。 We run with Mr. Charles like we did on the Stein job.

第 七十八 页


- So you've done it before?- Yeah, it didn't work.

- 这么说你俩以前干过?- 是的,不过根本没起作用,

The subject realized that he was dreaming, and his subconscious tore us to pieces.

主体意识到他在做梦,所以他的潜意识差点没把我们撕成碎片。 Excellent. But you've learnt a lot, right?


- I need some kind of distraction.- No problem.

- 我需要有人替我干扰一下。- 没问题,

I've had a lovely lady I've never used before.


- Listen to me. You drive carefully, alright?- Yeah.

- 听我说,你小心点开,行吗?- 好的。

The thing down there's gonna be unstable as hell.


Don't jump too soon.别提前跳,

We only have one shot at that kick you're gonna make.


I'll play the music, then you'll know it's coming. The rest is on you. 我会播放音乐,你们就知道有反冲了。其余的就全靠你们自己了。 - Are you ready?- Ready!- 准备好了吗?- 好了!

第 七十九 页

Sweet dreams!做个好梦!

Am I boring you?我让你觉得厌烦了吗?

I was telling you my story.I guess it wasn't your liking.


Oh, um... I have a lot in my mind.噢,唔…我心里有事。

There goes Mr. Charles.查尔斯</u>先生出场了。

Mr. Fischer? Right?费希尔</u>先生?对吗?

Pleasure to see you again.Rod Green from marketing.


- And you must be...?- I'm leaving.- 这位是……?- 正好要走。 In case you get bored...要是你觉得无聊了……

Must have blown you off.她一定把你绕晕了,

That is unless her phone number, really is only six digits.


Funny way down, make friends, someone stealing their wallet like that.真有意思,交朋友,然后偷钱包。

- Ha, goddamnit! Wallet alone is worth at least...- About 500 dollars, right?

- 哈,见鬼!钱包本身就至少值……- 大约五百美元,对吗?

Listen, don't worry about it.My people are already on it as we speak.

你看,你不用担心。我们谈话的时候,我的人已经开始行动了。 第 八十 页

Who or what is Mr. Charles?谁是查尔斯</u>先生,有什么用?

It's a gambit designed to turn Fischer against his own subconscious.


Then why don't you approve?


'Cause it involves telling the mark that he's dreaming,which involves attracting a lot of attention on us.


Didn't Cobb say never to do that?考博不是说过不能这么做吗?

Hmm, so now you've noticed how much time Cobb spends doing things he says never to do.


- Mr. Saito, can I have a moment?- Oh, I... I'm sorry. Pardon - Wait!- 斋藤先生,你有时间吗?- 噢,对不起,请原谅。

- You lived to be back here?- Very amusing, Mr. Eames.

- 你还活着可以来这里?- 非常有趣,伊姆斯先生。

- Turbulence on the plane?- No, it's much closer. It's Yusuf's driving.- 飞机遇到气流了?- 不,是更近的原因,是尤素福开的车。 - Um, I'm sorry, who did you say you were?- Rod Green from marketing.

第 八十一 页

- 呃,对不起,你说你是谁来着?- 营销部的罗德格林

That's not true at all, is it?那完全不是事实,对吗?

My name is Mr. Charles.You remember me, don't you?


I'm the head of your security down here.


Get out on a different floor and keep moving.


- Dump the wallet. The security will look for that.- Okey.

- 扔掉钱包,保安会去找的。- 好的。

We need to buy Cobb a little more time.


Security, huh? 负责安全,哈?

- You work for the hotel?- No, no.

- 你是为饭店工作的?- 不,不。

I specialize in a very specific type of security -- subconscious security.


Are you talking about dreams?Are you talking about, um... Extraction?你是在说梦中吗?你是在说…唔…“盗梦”?

I'm here to protect you.我来这里是为了保护你。

Mr. Fischer, I'm here to protect you in the event that someone tries 第 八十二 页

access to your mind through your dreams.


You are not safe here.They are coming for you.


Strange weather, isn't it?奇怪的天气,不是吗?

You feel that?感觉到没有?

What's happening?发生什么事了?

Cobb's drawing Fischer's attention to the strangeness of the dream,which is making his subconscious look for the dreamer,for me. Quick, give me a kiss.


- They're still looking at us.- Yeah, it's worth a shot.

- 他们还在盯着我们。- 是啊,不过也值了。

We should probably get out of here.


Do you feel that?


You've actually been trained for this, Mr. Fischer.


Pay attention to the strangeness of the weather, the shift of the 第 八十三 页


None of this is real. You're in a dream.


Now, the easiest way for you to test yourself is to try to remember,how you arrived at this hotel.Can you do that?


See, I don't, I...唔,我记不得了,我……

Now, breathe, breathe.Remember your training,accept the fact that you're in the dream, and I'm here to protect you. Go on.


- You're not real?- No, no.- 你不是真实的?- 对。

I'm a projection of your subconscious.


I was sent here to protect you in the event that the extractors try to pull you into a dream.


And I believe that's what's going on right now, Mr. Fischer.


Yeah, okey.好吧。

- Can you get me out of here?- Right away. Follow me.

第 八十四 页

- 你能帮我离开这里吗?- 现在就走,跟我来。

This is what? What're you doing?怎么回事?你想干嘛?

These men were sent here to abduct you, alright?


If you want my help, you have to remain calm.


I need you to work with me, Mr. Fischer.


This is a dream? I should just kill myself to wake up. Right?


I wouldn't do that if I were you, Mr. Fischer.I believe that they have you sedated.我要是你我不会那么做,费希尔先生,因为我相信他们给你用了镇静剂。

If... if you pull that trigger, you may not wake up.You may go into a further dream state now.如果…如果你扣动那个扳机,你不会醒来,你也许会进入更深层的梦态。

You know what I'm talking about.


You remember the training?Remember what I said to you?


Give me the gun.把枪给我。

- This room should be directly below 528?- Yeah.

第 八十五 页

- 这个房间应该直接在528号下面?- 是的。

Think, Mr. Fischer, think.想想,费希尔先生,好好想想,

What do you remember from before this dream?


Oh... there was, um... there was a lot of gunfires.


There was... rain.还有…雨。Uncle Peter.

- Oh my god, we've been kidnaped.- Where were they holding you? - 噢我的上帝,我们被绑架了。- 他们把你们关在哪里?

- They had us in the back of a van.- That explains the gravity shifts.- 他们让我们坐在一辆面包车后面。- 这就解释了为什么重力会偏移。 You're in the back of a van right now.Ke...keep going!


It had something to do with, um... something to do with a... a safe.还有和…唔…一个保险柜有关。

God, why is it so hard to remember?


It's like trying to remember a dream after you've woken up.


Listen to this, it takes years of practice.


第 八十六 页

You and Browning have been pulled into this dream,


because they're trying to steal something from your mind.


I need you to focus and try to remember what that is.


- What is it, Mr. Fischer? Think!- Uh... A combination.

- 是什么东西,费希尔先生?想想!- 呃…一个密码。

They demanded the first numbers that popped into my head. 他们要求我报出我头脑里的六个数字。

They were trying to extract the number from your subconscious. 他们那是想从你的潜意识里提取数字。

It can represent anything.We are in a hotel right now.


Should try hotel rooms.What was the number, Mr. Fischer?

应该试一下饭店的房号。那个数字是什么,<u>费希尔</u>先生? Try and remember for me.This is very important.


- 5...52... It was something long number...- That's good enough. We could start there.

- 5…52……应该更长一点的……- 可以了,我们可以从这个开始。 - Fifth floor.- Yep.- 五楼。- 对。

第 八十七 页

- So do you use a timer?- No, I have to judge it for myself.

- 那么你用定时器吗?- 不用,我必须自己做出判断。

While you're all asleep in 528.I wait for Yusuf's kick.

你们所有人都将睡在528房间,我等待<u>尤素福</u>的反冲。 - Well, how will you know?- His music warns me.

- 你怎么知道?- 他用音乐提醒我。

And then when the van hits the barrier of the bridge,


that should be unmistakable.So we get a nice, synchronized kick.不会搞错的。于是我们反冲同步。

If it's too soon, we won't get pulled out.And if it's too late, I won't be able to drop this.


- Why not?- Because of the van that will be in free fall.

- 为什么塌不下来?- 因为面包车会成为自由落体。

- Can't drop be without gravity.- Right.

- 没有重力,就塌不下来。- 是啊。

They're with me.他们是我的人。

- Mr. Charles.- Do you know what that is, Mr. Fischer?

- 查尔斯先生,你看。- 你知道这是干嘛用的吗,费希尔先生?

- Yeah, I... I think so. Yeah.- They were trying to put you under.- 知 第 八十八 页

道,我…我想我知道。- 他们想让你到下面去。

- I'm already under.- Under again.

- 我已经在下面了。- 再下一层。

What do you mean?A... dream within a dream?


- Hey, I see you've changed.- I'm sorry?

- 嘿,你又变了。- 对不起?

- Oh... I'm sorry. I've mistaken you for a friend.

- Oh. Good looking fella, I'm sure.

- 噢…抱歉,认错了。- 噢,我想他一定很帅。

That's Fischer's projection of Browning.Let's follow him and see how he behaves.


- Why?- Because how he acts would tell us...

- 为什么?- 因为他的行为会告诉我们,

if Fischer's starting to suspect his motives as the way we wanted to.是否费希尔开始怀疑他,就像我们希望的那样。

- Uncle Peter?- You said you were kidnaped together?

- 彼得叔叔?- 你说你们一起被绑架的?

Well, um... well, not... not exactly.


They... they already had him.They were torturing him.

第 八十九 页


And you saw them torture him?


- The kidnapers are working for you?- Oh, Robert...

- 绑架者是你的人的?- 噢,罗伯特……

You're trying to get that safe open? So you get the alternate will?你想要打开那保险柜?拿到另一份遗嘱?

Fischer-Morrow has been my entire life.I can't let you destroy it.费希尔公司是我的整个生命,我不想让它毁在你手里。

I'm not gonna throw away my inheritance!Why would I?


I couldn't let you rise to your father's last taunt.


- What taunt?- The will, Robert.

- 什么恶作剧?- 遗嘱,罗伯特</u>,

That will, that's his last insult, a challenge for you...you'd build something for yourself,by telling you you're not worthy of his accomplishments.


- Well, that he was, um... disappointed.- Hmm, I'm sorry.

- 是啊,他是…唔…是很失望。- 嗯,我很抱歉。

第 九十 页

But... he's wrong.但是…他错了。

You can build a better company than he ever did.


- Mr. Fischer, he's lying.- How do you know?

- 费希尔先生,他在撒谎。- 你怎么知道?

Trust me, it's what I do.He's hiding something,and we need to find out what that is.我们必须查明那到底是什么。

I need you to do the same thing to him that he was going to do to you.我需要你对他做同样的事情,而那本来是他准备对你做的:

We'll enter his subconscious and find out what he doesn't want you to know.进入他的潜意识,找出他不想让你知道的东西。

All right.好吧。

He's out.他睡着了。

Wait, whose subconscious are we going into exactly?


We're going into Fischer's.


But I told him it was Browning's, so he can be a part of our team.但是我告诉他那是布朗宁的,这样他就可以成为我们中的一员。 He's gonna help us break into his own subconscious.


That's right.没错。

第 九十一 页

- The security's gonna run you down, huh?- Then I will lead them on a merry chase.

- 保安会追得你团团转的,嗯?- 那我就好好地涮他们一遭。 - Just be back before the kick.- Go to sleep, Mr. Eames.

- 但愿这里反冲之前能上来。- 睡你的吧,伊姆斯先生。

Are you good?你没事吧?

- Hey! Are you alright?- Yes, yes, I'm... I'm fine. I'm ready.

- 嘿!你还好吧?- 是的,我…我很好,我准备好了。

Cobb. Cobb? What's down there?考博</u>?那里会有什么?

- Hopefully the truth we want Fischer to learn.- I mean, what's down there for you?

- 我们希望费希尔了解的真相。- 我是说那里对你来说会有什么? Huh... Did you see that?哈…你们看到没?

Eames, this is your dream.伊姆斯,这是你的梦,

I need you to draw the security away from the complex. Do you understand?我需要你把卫队从建筑群那儿引开,你明白吗? - You will guide Fischer in?- Not me.

- 你们带着费希尔进去吗?- 我不去。

If I know the route, everything could be compromised.


- I... I designed the place.- No, you're with me.

- 我…我设计的这个地方。- 不,你和我呆在一起。

第 九十二 页

- I can do it.- Alright.

- 我可以和他一起进去。- 好的。

You'll breach on the route into the complex.Fischer, you'll be going with him.


- Alright.- What about you? - 好的。- 你干什么?

Keep this live.I'll be listening in the whole time.


The windows on that upper floor're big enough for me to cover you from that south tower.


- You see it?- Yeah. You're not coming in?

- 看到了吗?- 看到了。你不进去吗?

In order to find out the truth about your father,you're gonna need to break into Browning's mind on your own.

为了揭示关于你父亲的真相,你必须自己闯入布朗宁</u>的头脑。 Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm!快拉警报!快拉警报!

Hope you're ready.希望你们准备好了。

No, it's too soon.不,这也太早了吧。

Cobb, do you hear that?考博</u>,你听见了吗?

First heard it about twenty minutes ago.I thought it was the wind up here.

第 九十三 页


Yeah, I hear it. It's music.是的,我听见了,是音乐。

- So what do we do?- Move fast!- 那么我们怎么办?- 抓紧行动! Yusuf's ten seconds for the jump,尤素福<十秒钟后起跳,

which gives Arthur three minutes.那样会给阿瑟三分钟时间,

- which gives us what?- Sixty minutes.

- 那么给我们呢?- 六十分钟。

- Can they make that route in under an hour?- They still have to climb down to the middle terrace.

- 他们能在一小时内突围吗?- 他们还得往下爬到中层平台。 Well, then they need a new route, a more direct route.


- Did Eames add any features?- I don't think I should tell you. - 伊姆斯有没有附加其他的结构?- 我想我不应该告诉你。

- If Mal finds out...- We don't have time for this.

- 要是玛尔发现了……- 我们没时间谈论这个。

Did he add any?他有没有加什么东西?

He added an airduct system that can cut through the maze.


Good, explain it to them.很好,给他们说明一下。

- Saito?- Go ahead?- 斋藤?- 什么?

第 九十四 页

- Paradox.- No...!- 悖论。- 不……!

- What was that?- The kick.- 那是什么?- 反冲。

- Cobb! Cobb, did we miss it?- Yeah, we missed it.

- 考博,我们错过了吗?- 是的,错过了。

- Have dreamt of a goddamned beach, huh?- Yeah.

- 怎么不梦到他妈的一片海滩,哈?- 是啊。

- What the hell do we do now?- We finish the job before the next kick.

- 那我们现在他妈的怎么办?- 在下一个反冲之前完成任务。 - What next kick?- When the van hits the water.

- 什么下一个反冲?- 当面包车击中水面的时候。

If you want to make a call, please hang up and try again.


How can I drop you without gravity?


Arthur has a couple of minutes, we have about twenty.


Are you okey?你还好吗?

Move on! To the base!快回去!回大本营去!

There's something wrong, they're heading your way, like they know something.

有什么不对劲,他们都往你那儿回撤了,好像他们知道了什么。 第 九十五 页

Just buy us some more time, alright?Come on!


On my way.我也过来。

That's the antechamber, it's just stronger.


Was it stronger if it hadn't any windows?


Well, I mean it wouldn't be very strong if it did.


Let's hope Fischer likes what he finds in there.


- Are those projections part of his subconscious?- Yes.

- 那些投影是他潜意识的一部分吗?- 是的。

- Are you destroying those parts of his mind?- No, no. They're just projections.- 那你会不会毁掉他头脑的那些部分?- 不,不会,他们只是投影而已。

Okey. We are here.好了,我们到了。

You are clear but hurry.There's an entire army heading your way.里面没情况,动作要快。全部人马都在向你们扑来。

We're in.我们进去了。

Look here!看这儿!

- Someone else's in there.- Fischer, it's a trap. Get out!

第 九十六 页

- 有人在那儿。- 费希尔,那是个陷阱。快离开!

Come on, a little lower.快点,再低一点。

Cobb. No, she...考博</u>,不,她…

- she is not real.- How do you know that?

- 她不是真实的。- 你怎么知道?

She is just a projection.Fischer... Fischer is real.



Eames! Eames! Get to the antechamber now!伊姆斯快到前厅去! - What happened?- Mal killed Fischer?

- 出什么事了?玛尔杀了费希尔。

I couldn't shoot her.我应该早点开枪。

There's no use in reviving him, his mind's already trapped down there.救他已经没意义了,他已经陷落到下面去了。

- It's all over.- So that's it? Then we failed?

- 一切都结束了。- 就这样完了?我们失败了?

We're done. I'm sorry.


Well, it's not me who doesn't get back to my family, is it?


It's a shame. I really want to know what's gonna happen in there. I swear we have this one.真太可惜了,我真的很想知道那里面会发生 第 九十七 页


Let's set the charges.我们装炸药吧。

No, there's still another way.不,有一个办法。

- We just have to follow Fischer down there.- Not enough time. - 我们只要跟着费希尔</u>下去。- 时间不够了。

No, but there will... there will be enough time down there.


And we will find him, okey?我们会找到他,对吗?

As soon as Arthur's music kicks in, just use the defibrillator to revive him.


We can give him his... his own kick down below.Look, you get him in there

我们在下面也…也给他一个反冲。你看,然后你让他到那里面去。 As soon as the music ends, you blow up the hospital,


and we all ride the kick back up the layers.


That's worth a shot. Saito can hold the guards out, while I set the charges.


Saito will never make it, will he?

第 九十八 页


- Cobb, come on. We've got to try this.- Let's go.

- 考博</u>,快点,我们应该试一下。- 行动吧。

If you are not back for the kick, I will go with or without you.如果这里反冲的时候你们还没回来,那我就自己上去了。

She's right. Let's go她说得对。我们走。

Can I trust you to do what's gonna happen here?I mean, Mal's gonna be down there.我能相信你吗?接下来会发生什么事?我是说玛尔会在那下面。

I know where to find her.She'll have Fischer.


- How do you know?- Because...- 你怎么知道?- 因为…

she wants me to come after her, she wants me back down there with her.她想让我跟着她,她想让我回到下面跟她在一起。

Are you alright? 你还好吗?

- This is your world?- Was. This is where she'll be.

- 这是你的世界?- 曾是。她就在这里。

Come on.走吧。

Come here.到这边来。

Saito, Saito!

I need you, I need you to take care of Fischer, while I go set some charges. Okey?

第 九十九 页


No room for tourists on this job.“这种事不能带游客玩”。

Who said?谁说的?

- You built all this? This is incredible.- We built it for years.- 这些都是你们建造的?太不可思议了。- 我们建造了很多年。

And we started it on the memories.我们凭记忆开始建造。

This way.这边走。

This is our neighborhood,这是我们的街坊,

the place is from our past.我们从前住过的地方。

That was our first apartment.那是我们的第一套公寓,

And we moved to that building right there, after Mal became pregnant, that became my home.


- You reconstructed all of this from memory?- Like I told you, we had lots of time.- 你们凭记忆就重建了所有这一切?- 就像我跟你说过,我们有很多时间。

- What's that?- It's the house Mal grew up in.

- 那是什么?- 玛尔</u>在那房子里长大。

- Will she be in there?- No.- 她会在里面吗?- 不会。

Come on.快点。

We both wanted to live in that house, but we loved this type of building.In the real world, we'd have to choose, but not here.我们俩 第 一○○ 页


- How would you bring Fischer back?- We have to come up with some kind of a kick.

- 你怎么让费希尔</u>回去?- 我们得想出某种反冲的办法。 - What?- We'd better improvise.- 怎么做?- 随机应变。

Listen, there's something you should know about me, about Inception.听着,关于我有些事情你应该了解,关于“意念植入”。 An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious.


A smallest seed of an idea can grow.It can grow to define or destroy you.The smallest idea such as "Your world is not real,"simple little thought that changes everything.


So certain of your world of what's real?


Do you think he is?你认为他真实吗?

What do you think he is as lost as I was?


I know what's real, Mal.


第 一○一 页

No creeping doubts, not feeling persecuted, Dom?


Chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces?Or whether the projections persecute the dreamer?


Admit it,you don't believe in one reality anymore.So choose, choose to be here,choose me.


You know why I have the deal, have to get back to our children? Because you left them,because you left us.


- You're wrong!- I'm not wrong.

- 你错了!- 我没错。

You're confused.你糊涂了。

Our children are here.我们的孩子在这里。

And you'd like to see their faces again, wouldn't you?


Yes. But I want to see them up above, Mal.


第 一○二 页

Up above?上面?

Listen to yourself.听听你自己说的。

These are our children.Watch.James! Phillipa!


Don't do this, Mal. Please.Those aren't my children.


You keep telling yourself that, but you don't believe it.


- No, I know it!- What if you're wrong?

- 不,我知道的!- 要是你错了呢

What if I'm what's real?要是我是真实的呢?

You keep telling yourself what you know.


But what do you believe?但是你相信什么?

What do you feel?你的感觉是什么?


I feel guilt, Mal.我感到内疚,<u>玛尔</u>。

No matter what I do, no...no matter how hopeless I am, no matter how I confused, that guilt...is always there, reminding me of the truth.


第 一○三 页

What truth?什么真相?

The idea that caused you to look what's your new reality came from me.那个导致你质疑现实的意念,来自于我。

You planted the idea in my mind?


What is she talking about?她在说什么?

The reason I knew Inception was possible was because I... I did it to her first.


- I did it to my own wife.- Why?

- 我对我自己的妻子做过。- 为什么?

We were lost in here.我们迷失在这里,

I knew we needed to escape, but she wouldn't accept it.


She had locked something away, something.... something deep inside.The truth that she had once known, but she chose to forget.She couldn't break free.So I decided to search for it,

going deep into the recess of her mind and found that secret place.I broke in.


第 一○四 页

Then I planted an idea,a simple little idea that would change everything.That "Her world wasn't real.""The death was the only escape."


You're waiting for a train,the train that'll take you far away.You know where you hope this train will take you,but you can't know for sure.But it doesn't matter.


Now tell me why!告诉我为什么!

Because we'll be together!因为我们会在一起!

But I never knew that...that idea would grow in her mind like a cancer, that even after she woke up.That even after you came back to reality.That you continue to believe your world wasn't real.That death was the only escape.


Mal! No! Jesus...玛尔</u>!不!上帝……

- You infected my mind? - I was trying to save you.

- 你感染了我的头脑?- 我只是想挽救你。

第 一○五 页

You betrayed me.But you can make amends, you can still keep your promise.We can still be together, right here, in the world we built together.


Cobb, we need to get Fischer.考博</u>,我们必须找到费希尔</u>。 You can't have them here.你不应该让他们来这里。

- If I stay here, would you let them go?- What're you talking about?- 如果我留在这里,你会让他们走吗?- 你在说什么?

Fischer's on the porch.


- Go check if he's alive.- Cobb, you can't do this.

- 去看看他是否还活着。- 考博</u>,你不能这么做。

Go check if he's alive, right now. Do it.


Cobb, he's here. And it's time.You have to come now!


- Take Fischer with you, alright?- You can't stay here to be with her.- 你带上<u>费希尔</u>赶紧走,行吗?- 你不能留在这儿和她在一起。

I'm not. Saito's dead by now, that means he's down here 第 一○六 页

somewhere.我不会。斋藤已经死了,他也在这里的某个地方, It means I have to find him.我必须得找到他。

I can't stay with her anymore, because she doesn't exist.


- I'm the only thing you do believe in anymore.- No. I wish...

- 我是你唯一能够相信的人。- 我希望是…

I wish more than anything, but...I can't imagine you with all your complexity,all your perfection, all your imperfection.


You alright?你还好吗?

Look at you,看看你自己,

you're just a shade.你只是个阴影,

You're just the shade of my real wife.


You're the best that I could do, but...I'm sorry, you are just not good enough.


Is this good enough? Is this real?


- What're you doing?- Improvise.- 你在干嘛?- 随机应变。

No, no! No!不,不!别开枪!

第 一○七 页

Get in there, now. Go! Go, go, go!



Dis... Disap... 失…失……

- I was disa... disa...- I know, dad.

- 我很失…失……- 我知道,爸爸。

I know you were disappointed, I couldn't be you.


No, no, no.

I was disappointed you just tried.



That's the kick, Ariadne!You have to go now!


Don't lose yourself!Find Saito and bring him back!


I will!我会的!

Do you remember the idea that asked me to marry you?



You said you dreamt that we grow old together.But we did.We did, you don't remember?

第 一○八 页


I miss you more than I can bear, but...we had our time together. 我无法忍受对你的思念,但是…我们有过我们共度的时光。

I have to let you go.我不得不放你走,

You know, the will means that dad wanted me to be my own man.Not just to live for him.That's what I'm gonna do, Uncle Peter. 你知道,那遗嘱的意思是爸爸想让我成为我自己,不只是为他而活着。这也正是我打算要做的,彼得叔叔。

- What happened?- Cobb stayed.

- 出什么事了?- 考博</u>留在了那里。

He'll be lost.他会迷失的。

No, he'll be alright.不,他会没事的。

Have you come to kill me?你是来杀我的吗?

I'm waiting for someone,someone from a half remembered dream. 我在等一个人,一个依稀记得的梦里的人。


We were young men together.I'm an old man.Filled with regret.Waiting to die alone, huh?


I've come back for you,to remind you...of something...something 第 一○九 页

you once knew.That this world is not real.To convince me to honor our arrangement.To take a leap of faith, yes.


Come back with me.和我一起回去。

Come back.回去。

Hot towel, sir?需要热毛巾么,先生?

We will be landing in Los Angeles in about twenty minutes.


Do you need immigration forms?你需要入境登记表么?

Thank you.谢谢。

- Hot towel, sir?- Oh, no.

- 需要热毛巾么,先生?- 噢,不用。

Do you need immigration forms?需要入境登记表么?

Welcome home, Mr. Cobb.欢迎回家,考博</u>先生。

James? Philippa?Look who's here.看看谁来了。

- Daddy! Daddy!- Hey, kids! How are you?

- 爹地!爹地!- 嘿,孩子们!你们好吗?

- Look what I built?- What're you doing there?

- 看看我造了什么?- 你在那儿干什么呀?

- I built a house on the cliff.- Out of rocks?

第 一一○ 页

- 我在悬崖上造了一座房子。- 用石头?

第 一一一 页
























