


洛基英语Rocky 打造国内最大的英语教育平台


Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. 不要害怕怀有怪念头,因为现在人们接受的所有的观念都曾经是怪念头。

Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame.


Drunkenness is temporary suicide.


I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its Churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.


A process which led from the amoeba to man appeared to the philosophers to be obviously a progress though whether the amoeba would agree with this opinion is not known.


I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.


In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors.


It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.


Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.


Many a man will have the courage to die gallantly, but will not have the courage to say, or even to think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one.


Many people when they fall in love look for a little haven of refuge from the world, where they can be sure of being admired when they are not admirable, and praised when they are not 洛基Rocky在线英语教育平台


洛基英语Rocky 打造国内最大的英语教育平台



Many people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.


Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.


Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves.


A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.


A life without adventure is likely to be unsatisfying, but a life in which adventure is allowed to take whatever form it will is sure to be short.


Against my will, in the course of my travels, the belief that everything worth knowing was known at Cambridge gradually wore off. In this respect my travels were very useful to me.


Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.


Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people's happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race.




Bertrand Russell quotes 罗素名言精粹.

A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.

All movements go too far.

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.

Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise.

I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn't wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine.

I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence.

If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years. In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. l

In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying.

It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this. It is a waste of energy to be angry with a man who behaves badly, just as it is to be angry with a car that won't go. Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.

Mathematics, rightly viewed, posses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.

No one gossips about other people's secret virtues.

Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man.

Passive acceptance of the teacher's wisdom is easy to most boys and girls. It involves no effort of independent thought, and seems rational because the teacher knows more than his pupils; it is moreover the way to win the favour of the teacher unless he is a very exceptional man. Yet the habit of passive acceptance is a disastrous one in later life. It causes man to

seek and to accept a leader, and to accept as a leader whoever is established in that position.

Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.

Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.

So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.

The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good.

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.

The main things which seem to me important on their own account, and not merely as means to other things, are knowledge, art, instinctive happiness, and relations of friendship or affection.

The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.

The people who are regarded as moral luminaries are those who forego ordinary pleasures themselves and find compensation in interfering with the pleasures of others.

The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
























