



Your son is arrived from London.

-爸... -约翰...

- Father ... - John ...

我在遗嘱有交代... 我当初继承诺兰庄园的条件是...

You will see in my will the estate of Norland was left to me in a way - 我们两家不能分祖产

- that prevents me from dividing it between my two families. 因此...诺兰现在依法归你所有

Norland, in its entirety, is therefore yours by law. 我为你和芬妮感到高兴

And l am happy for you and Fanny.

但你继母...我的太太和你姐妹们 每年祗得百英镑

But your stepmother, my wife and daughters are left only a year. 仅能糊口 你的姐妹们的嫁妆都没有着落

Barely enough to live on. Nothing for the girls' dowries. -你一定要帮助她们 -这当然

- You must help them. - Of course.


You must promise to do this.

我保证,父亲 我保证

l promise, Father. l promise.


Help them? What do you mean?

我想要给她们千英镑 所赚得的利息钱也不无小补 l mean to give them ,. The interest will be an extra income. -这份礼物就算我履行承诺 -当然,这就够多了

- The gift will fulfil my promise. - Without question. More than amply. 这种事情,宁可要大方一点

One had rather. on such occasions. do too much than too little. 当然,爸又没有指定要给多少

Of course, he did not stipulate a particular sum. 那你觉得千百英镑如何?

What do you say to ,, then?

别人对亲妹妹都没这么好 更何况是同父异母

What brother would be so kind to his real sisters. let alone half-blood? -她们不能奢望太多 -问题是你能给多少? - They can hardly expect more. - What can you afford? 每年给继母英镑 总比一次拿千百英镑好

a year to their mother is better than losing , at once.

她若再活年以上 那我们岂不是亏大了

Should she live longer than years we'd be completely taken in. 人一有年金可拿就会比较长寿

People live forever when an annuity is to be paid them.

偶尔给个英镑也就行了 你说得对

now and then will amply discharge my promise, you're right. 我相信你父亲 也没指望你拿钱给她们

l'm convinced that your father had no idea of giving them money. -反正她们一年会得到百英镑 -她们还奢求什么?

- They will have a year. - What more could they want for?

她们根本没开销,既没有马 也没几个仆人,又不交朋友...

No housekeeping, carriage, horses, few servants, keeping no company ... 这样的日子算是很富裕了

How comfortable!


They will be much more able to give you something.


Marianne. can you play something else?


Mamma has been weeping since breakfast.


l meant something less mournful.

竟然叫我们反客为主! 我咽不下这口气,爱琳娜

A visitor in my own home! lt is not to be borne. Elinor.

-妈,我们无处可去 -约翰和芬妮马上就到了

- Mamma, we have nowhere to go. - John and Fanny will be here soon. 别想叫我满脸笑容的欢迎他们 贪得无厌!

Do you expect me to be here to welcome them? Vultures!


l will start making inquiries for a new house at once.


Until then, we must try to bear their coming.

玛格丽特,你在上面吗?快下来 约翰和芬妮马上就到了

Margaret, are you there? Come down, John and Fanny will be here soon. 他们为什么非得来诺兰住? 他们在伦敦有房子

Why are they to live at Norland? They have a house in London. 因为房子是传子而非传女 这是法律的规定

Houses go from father to son, not father to daughter. lt is the law. -走,我们去玩你的地图集 -不是我的,是他们的了

- Come, we'll play with your atlas. - lt's not mine. it's their atlas. 请坐

Do sit down.

我们在另找房子 搬家后,祗能雇用汤玛士和贝丝

We are looking for a new home, and can only retain Thomas and Betsy. 很遗憾我们得分手了

We're sorry to have to leave you all.

不过我们相信新女主人, 戴太太会好好善待各位

But we are certain you will find the new Mrs. Dashwood a fair mistress. 我祗关心她们何时才会搬走

My only real concern is how long it will take them to move out. -费洛斯太太好吗? -家母身体一向很好

- How is Mrs. Ferrars? - She is always in good health.

舍弟在伦敦陪她 他可是个万人迷

My brother is with her this season. Quite the most popular bachelor. 他有一辆敞蓬马车

He has his own barouche.

-你有两个弟弟吧? -对,大的叫爱德华

- You have two brothers? - Yes. Edward is the elder.


He's travelling up from Plymouth and will break his journey here. -当然如果你们同意的话... -亲爱的约翰

- lf that is agreeable to you. - Dear John ...


This is your home now.

-芬妮要餐具柜子的钥匙 -她要干嘛?

- Fanny wants the key to the silver. - What does Fanny want with it? 想必是要清点,你在干嘛?

One can presume she wants to count it. What are you doing? 给雇人的礼物,你有看到 玛格丽特吗?她到处躲

Gifts for the servants. Where is Margaret? She's taken to hiding. -至少她可以躲开芬妮 -你也没跟她说半句话

- At least she can escape Fanny. - You've not said a word to her. 我有呀! 我有说“是”和“不是”

l have. l've said yes and no.


Good morning, Fanny.


Good morning, Miss Marianne.


How did you find the silver? Was it all genuine?

-令弟什么时候来? -爱德华明天会到

- When may we expect your brother? - Edward is due tomorrow. 他不会待太久 玛格丽特的房间能否让给他?

He will not stay long. Will Margaret give up her room for him? 那房间的景致最美 我想让他瞧瞧诺兰之美

The view is incomparable, and l want him to see Norland at its best. 这位是戴太太 戴小姐,玛丽娜小姐

Mrs. Dashwood. Miss Dashwood. Miss Marianne.


My brother, Edward Ferrars.


Do sit down.

玛格丽特呢? 我不禁开始怀疑她的存在了

Where is Miss Margaret? l'm beginning to doubt of her existence. 费先生,请您原谅 么女最近很怕生人

Forgive us, Mr. Ferrars. My youngest is shy of strangers at present. 我自己也怕生人 却不像她有个好理由

l am shy of strangers myself, and l have nothing like her excuse. 还喜欢窗户外的景致吗? 费先生

How do you like your view, Mr. Ferrars?

很喜欢,你们的马厩很漂亮 打理得很好

Very much. Your stables are handsome and beautifully kept. 马厩?你窗外应该是一池湖水

Stables? Your windows overlook the lake.

我原本被带到主人房间 我发现错误之后

An error led me to a family room, but l've rectified the situation. 便住在客房,那里很舒适

l am happily installed in the guest quarters.



她们都被宠坏了 玛格丽特很爱爬树到处躲

They're all spoilt. Miss Margaret is always up trees and under furniture. 玛丽安也没对我说上半句好话

l've barely had a civil word from Marianne.

她们的父亲刚过世 生活情况完全改观

They've just lost their father. Their lives will never be the same. 这不是藉口

That is no excuse.



-这些大部份是外文书 -真是太棒了

- These are mostly foreign. - lndeed. Magnificent.


l've never liked the smell of books.

也许是灰尘的缘故吧 听说你胡桃园兴工

The dust, perhaps. l hear you have great plans for the walnut grove. 我要把把它铲平 盖一座希腊式神殿

l shall have it knocked down to make place for a Grecian temple. 听起来不错 你要不要带我参观一下?

That does sound interesting. Would you show me the site?

太贵了,况且我们不需要 间卧房,可以合睡

Too expensive, and we do not need four bedrooms. We can share. 那这个好了

This one. then.


We have only a year.


l'll send out more inquiries today.

恕我打扰了,我想我已经... 找到你们所想要找的

Pardon my intrusion, but l think l have found what you're looking for. 你出来好不好 我们有一整天没见到你了

Won't you come out? We haven't seen you all day.

要加盖 雇人会告诉你时间的

We'll have to enlarge it. Mattocks will help you adjust to our hours. 对不起 你们有没有一本好的地图?

Forgive me, do you by any chance have a reliable atlas?

-应该有的 -我想查尼罗河的位置

- l believe so. - l must check the Nile's position.


My sister tells me it is in South America.

不对! 不,她搞错了

No! No, she's quite wrong.


l believe it is in Belgium.


Surely not. You must be thinking of the Volga.

-窝瓦河的源头是在... -海参崴,流到...

- The Volga, which starts in ... - ln Vladivostok. and ends in ... -温布登 -没错,那里产咖啡豆

- Wimbledon. - Yes. where coffee beans come from.


The source of the Nile is in Abyssinia.


ls it? lnteresting.

-幸会,爱德华费洛斯 -玛格丽特戴虚伍

- How do you do? Edward Ferrars. - Margaret Dashwood. 他家就在旁边 能买下来就太好了

lt adjoins this property, and would be a desirable addition. -我会去找他谈谈...他姓什么? -吉伯森

- l'll ride there and speak to ... - Gibson.

-他应该很乐意出售才对 -他一定会漫天喊价

- He'll be pleased enough to sell. - He'll want more than it is worth. 痛不痛?

Have l hurt you?

谢谢 对不起

Thank you. Forgive me.


That was my father's favourite.

谢谢你关照玛格丽特 你来了之后,她好了很多

Thank you for helping Margaret. She's changed since you came. 我喜欢有她作陪

l enjoy her company.

-她有带你参观树屋吗? 还没有

- Has she shown you the tree house? - Not yet.


Would you do me the honour, Miss Dashwood?

-今天天气很好 -我很乐意

- lt is very fine out. - With pleasure.

-玛格丽特很喜欢旅行 -我知道,她最近很想去中国旅行

- Margaret always wanted to travel. - l know. She's off to China soon. 要我当她的仆人 当然她不会亏待我

l'm to go as her servant, on the understanding l'll be badly treated. -你的工作会是什么? -比剑和打扫

- What will your duties be? - Sword fighting and swabbing. 哪个优先?

Which will take precedence?


All l have ever wanted is the quiet of a private life.


But my mother is determined to see me distinguished.

演讲家,政治家,甚至律师也行 祗要我有豪华马车

Orator. Politician. Even a barrister would do. if l drove a barouche. 你的希望是什么呢?

What do you wish for?

我一直想当神职人员 但我妈认为不够光彩

l prefer the church, but that is not smart enough for my mother. 她喜欢我从军, 但这对我而言太光彩了

She prefers the army, but that is too smart for me.

-你会住在伦敦吗? -我恨伦敦

- Would you stay in London? - l hate London.

我喜欢住在乡下 在小教区行善

Country living is my ideal. A small parish where l might do some good. 养养鸡...讲道而不废话

Keep chickens ... Give very short sermons.

你说你觉得游手好闲 一个人没有工作

You feel idle and useless. lmagine how that is compounded - 没有任何选择时那才难过呢!

- when one has no choice of any occupation whatsoever.


Our circumstances are therefore precisely the same.


Except that you will inherit your fortune.


We cannot even earn ours.

也许玛格丽特说得对 干脆去当海盗算了

Perhaps Margaret is right. Piracy is our only option.


What is swabbing exactly?

“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”

''No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone.'' “奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”

''When snatched from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.'' “而我,更逢惊涛骇浪 即将葬身深海”

''But I, beneath a rougher sea, and whelmed in deeper gulfs than he ...'' 不对,你听我念

No. Edward.

“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”

''No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone.'' “奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”

''When snatched from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.'' 你能体会到他的绝望吗? 再来一次

Can you not feel his despair? Try again.

“天不从人愿,风暴未歇 吉光未现”

''No voice divine the storm allayed. No light propitious shone.'' “奥援竭绝,我们逐一死去”

''When snatched from all effectual aid, we perished, each alone.'' 妈...

Mamma ...

Mamma ...


Look. This has just arrived.

我很乐意 提供巴顿小屋给你们居住...

''l should be pleased to offer you a home at Barton Cottage, as soon ...'' -是约翰爵士寄来的 -爱琳娜一定不嫌贵的

- lt's from Sir John Middleton. - Even Elinor must approve the rent. -她还没看过这信吗? -我去告诉她

- Has she not yet seen this? - No. l will fetch her.


Wait, let us delay.

我相信 爱德华和爱琳娜互相喜欢

l believe that Edward and Elinor have formed an attachment. 我不忍叫她这么快走 迪凡郡太远了

lt would be cruel to take her away so soon. Devonshire is so far.

-你觉得他不适合她? -没有啊!

- Do you disapprove her choice? - By no means.

-爱德华很和善 -和善?可是呢

- Edward is very amiable. - Amiable? But ..?

可是总缺少了什么 他太严肃了,他读诗的样子...

There is something wanting. He is too sedate. His reading ... 爱琳娜不像你

Elinor has not your feelings.

他真的爱她吗? 如此相敬如宾就能满足吗?

Can he love her? Can the soul be satisfied with polite affections? 爱一定要热情如火 就像是茱莉丽、亚瑟皇后一样

To love is to be on fire. Like Juliet. Guinevere. Heloise.

-结果都是悲剧收场 -悲惨?为爱而死?

- They made rather pathetic ends. - Pathetic? To die for love? -有什么比这更荣耀? -你的感情未免太丰富了

- What could be more glorious? - Your romantic sensibilities ... “爱情是梦幻还是感觉? 不,它跟真理一样永恒”

''ls love a fancy or a feeling? No, it is immortal as immaculate truth.'' “不似花朵自然凋落”

'''Tis not a blossom shed when youth drops from life's stem.'' “爱能生于无水荒漠 不怕缺乏阳光滋润”

''lt grows without water, nor ray of promise cheats the pensive gloom.'' 可惜爱德华的朗诵不行

A pity Edward has no passion for reading.


You asked him to read. then you made him nervous.

你待他还很客气,虽然他 念得不好,但你还是喜欢他

Your behaviour is cordial. You like him in spite of his reading. 我觉得他...很和善、可敬

l think him everything that is amiable and worthy.


Praise. indeed.

但如果你要嫁给他 我会好好待他

He shall have my devotion when you tell me he is to be my brother. -我没有你怎么办? -没有我?

- What shall l do without you? - Without me?

我相信你一定会幸福的 但答应我,千万别住得太远

I'm sure you will be very happy, but promise you won't live far away. -不可能的... -你爱他吗?

- There is no question of ... - Do you love him?


l do not deny that l think very highly of him. That l ...


... greatly esteem him. l like him.


Esteem? Like? Use these words again and l shall leave the room! 我的感觉是更强烈 但更进一步倒也没有

Believe my feelings to be stronger. Further than that. do not believe. 爱情是梦幻还是感觉?

ls love a fancy or a feeling?

-莫非是姓费才叫爱 -上床睡觉吧

- Or a Ferrars? - Go to bed.


''l do not deny that I think very highly of him.''


''That l ... greatly esteem him.''


''That l like him.''


We are so happy that you invited Edward to Norland.


We're all very fond of him.

我们对他期望很高 家母对他的期望最高

We have great hopes for him. Mother expects much of him.

婚姻也一样,她要他 跟罗伯娶个门当户对的媳妇

And in marriage. She's determined both he and Robert will marry well. 希望她要他们为爱结婚

But l hope she desires them to marry for love.

但光靠感情 未必会找到适合对象

The heart doesn't always lead us in the most suitable direction. 爱德华心肠很好 容易受穷女人骗

Edward is a compassionate person. Penniless women prey on that type. 一旦说定,绝不会食言

Having entered into an understanding he would never go back on his word. 不过这也会毁了他

But it would lead to his ruin.

我很替他担心 家母已表明她不会给他分文

l'm worried. Mother will withdraw all financial support from him - 如果他所爱的人不是门当户对

- should he plant affection in less exalted ground than he deserves. 我了解了

l understand you perfectly.



我表亲约翰爵士 提供一处小房子给我们住

My cousin, Sir John Middleton, has offered us a small house.


He must be a man of property.

他太太去世了,跟岳母住在 巴顿公园,他把小屋租给我们

He's a widower from Barton Park. It is Barton Cottage he has offered. 小屋?真可爱 住小屋最舒服了

A cottage? Charming. A cottage is always very snug.


You will not leave before the summer?


We can no longer trespass upon your sister's goodwill.

-你会来住几天吧? -我很想去

- You will come and stay with us. - l should like that.


Edward has long been expected by our mother.

爱德华,有空来走走 记得,我们随时欢迎

Come as soon as you can, Edward. Remember, you're always welcome. -不能带它走吗? -我们养不起

- Can't you take him with you? - We can't afford him.


Perhaps he could make himself useful in the kitchen ... Forgive me. 戴小姐...

Miss Dashwood ...


Elinor ... l must speak to you.


There is something of great importance that l need to ...

...跟你说... 是在念书时候的事

... tell you ... about my education.

-念书时候的事? -是的

- Your education? - Yes.


lt was conducted. oddly enough, in Plymouth.

-你很熟吗? -普利茅斯?不熟

- Do you know it? - Plymouth? No.


l was four years there.


ln a school run by Mr. Pratt.

-布来特? -没错,布来特

- Pratt? - Precisely. Pratt.


While l was there ...

我是说,他当时... 他有个...

That is to say, he had a ... has a ...


You're needed in London this instant.

-我今天下午就走 -妈要你马上动身

- l'm leaving this afternoon. - Mamma wishes you to leave at once. 失陪了

Excuse me.


Edward promised he would bring the atlas to Barton.


l'll wager he will do so in less than a fortnight.


Dear Edward ...


Hello there!


Sir John ...


Dear ladies! Upon my word! Here you are!

-约翰爵士,你太客气了 -别跟我客套,别吵

- Sir John, your kindness ... - None of that! Hush, please!


Here is my dear mamma-in-law, Mrs. Jennings.

你一定是戴太太 一路上累了吧,真可怜

You must be Mrs. Dashwood. Was yourjourney tolerable? Poor souls! 怎么不先来我家坐坐

Why did you not come up to the park first?

-他看到你们经过 -我马上请约翰备车就来了

- We saw you pass. - l made John call the carriage.

-她可是急性子 -这一带朋友少嘛

- She would not wait. - We have so little company.

但我们真是一见如故 小姐们还真漂亮

l feel as though l know you already. Delightful creatures!

-你们每天一定要来家里吃便饭 -亲爱的约翰,这怎么行呢 - You'll dine at Barton Park daily. - Dear Sir John. we cannot ... 我不接受拒绝 我不管那么多,就这样了

No refusals! l'm quite deaf to them. But l insist!


Let us settle in. But thank you very much.

忙完后 叫人来通知我们一声,再见

Send your man up for the carriage as soon as you're ready. Goodbye. 别谢了

Don't thank us.


Your feet are cold.

你怎么弄的? 这么脏,都可以种菜了

What have you been doing? You can grow potatoes in this dirt.


lt's cold. l'm cold.

布莱登跑哪去了? 不会是他的马跛了吧?

Where can Brandon be? l hope he's not lamed his horse.

布上校 是本郡最有价值的单身汉

Col. Brandon is the most eligible bachelor in the county.

你们其中一位可以嫁给他 以他的年纪比较适合戴小姐

He is bound to go for one of you. He's a better age for Miss Dashwood. 就怕她早已名花有主

But l dare say she's left her heart behind in Sussex.

我瞧见了玛丽安 秘密被我发现了

l see you, Miss Marianne! l think l've unearthed a secret.


You are worse than my best pointer.

他从事哪一行? 士农工商?我非打听到不可

ls he a butcher. baker. candlestick maker? l'll winkle it out of you. -她是包打听 -这里可没有秘密

- She's good at winkling. - We've none of us any secrets here. 就算有也不会维持太久

Or if we do. we do not keep them long.

-我敢说他是神职人员 -或者是英俊的军官

- He's curate of the parish. - Or perhaps a handsome lieutenant. -来点暗示吧,他穿不穿制服? -他没职业

- Give us a clue. ls he in uniform? - He has no profession.


He's a gentleman?

-你明知没有这个人 -就有,他姓的开头是F

- You know there is no such person. - There is. His name begins with F. F?这就有眉目了

F? A promising letter.

佛斯特? 福瑞特?福林葛?佛斯提

Foster? Forrest? Fotheringay? Featherty?

-佛泰斯秋? -佛顿

- Fortescue? - Fondant?


Might l play your pianoforte?


Yes. of course.

-大家不要这么拘束 -约翰爵士,请原谅...

- We don't stand on ceremony here. - Please forgive ...


l cannot remember when we last had a song in the house.

布莱登! 过来见见我们美丽的邻居

Brandon! Come and meet our beautiful new neighbours.

真可惜你来迟了 你没听到玛丽安美妙的歌声

What a pity you're late. You have not heard our songbird. 确实很可惜

A great pity.

这位是我的好友,布莱登上校 东印度的老战友

This is my good friend Col. Brandon. We served in the East lndies. -天下没有比他更好的人 -你去过东印度群岛?

- Not a better fellow in the world. - You've been to the East lndies? -那里是什么样子? -热得很

- What's it like? - Hot.


The air is full of spices.


Now. Miss Dashwood. it's your turn to entertain us.


And l believe l know what key you will sing in.


F-major ...


You have no right to parade your ignorant assumptions ... -是你说的呀! -我什么也没说

- You told me. - l told you nothing.

-反正他要来 -这种事不能随便说

- They'll meet him when he comes. - You don't speak of such things. -大家都在说 -祗有詹太太

- Everyone else was. - Mrs. Jennings is not ''everyone''.

我喜欢她,她爱聊天 我们从不聊天

l like her. She talks about things. We never talk about things. 想不到合适的话题 就谈天气好了

lf you can say nothing appropriate, limit your remarks to the weather. 编再大的篮子也够了

Surely they have enough reeds for a Moses basket.


You know what they're saying?

人家说你看上一个人, 有何不可?

Word is, you've developed a taste for certain company. And why not? 你正值壮年...这是她的福气

A man like you in his prime ... She'd be a fortunate young lady. 玛丽安看不上我这种人

Marianne Dashwood would no more think of me than of you. -别小看自己 -这样才省她的事

- Don't think of yourself so meanly. - And all the better for her. 真是陶醉...他们是天作之合

Besotted ... An excellent match.

-他富有,她标致 -你认识他多久了?

- He's rich and she's handsome. - How long have you known him? 打从我来这里就认识他了 年了

As long as l've been here, and l came years back.

他家离这里祗有四英哩 他和约翰又是至交

His estate is but four miles hence. He and John are very thick. 他没有妻儿 他有段辛酸往事

He has no wife and children. He had a tragic history.

他爱上了一个人 但因为家人的反对而没结果

He loved a ward to the family. They were not permitted to marry. -为什么? -为了钱,伊丽莎很穷

- On what grounds? - Eliza was poor.


She was flung out of the house, and he was packed off to the army. 要不是约翰,我想他会想不开

l think he'd have done himself harm if not for John.

-那位小姐后来呢? -她换了好几个男人

- What became of the lady? - She was passed from man to man. 上流社会就再也没她的踪迹

She disappeared from good society.

布莱登从印度回来后 就一直在找她

When Brandon returned from lndia he searched and searched. - 在收容所找到时 她已经去逝了

- only to find her dying in a poorhouse.

我以为女儿夏洛特 可以令他开心

l thought my daughter Charlotte might have cheered him up. 但你看他!多体贴呀!

Look at him now! So attentive!

-让我去试探一下 -别去捉弄他吧

- l should try a little experiment. - Please. let the colonel alone. 所有的追求者 都需要有人推一把

All suitors need a little help.

-我们好久没听到你弹琴了 -有高手在此,何必班门弄斧

- We haven't heard you play of late. - You have a superior musician here. 布兰登跟你一样喜爱音乐 他可是钢琴高手

Brandon shares your passion for music. He plays the pianoforte well. 你和玛丽安一样 知道很多哀伤的曲子

You know as many melancholy tunes as Miss Marianne.

来个二重奏好了 你们合奏一曲

You must play us a duet. Let us see you both side by side.

我不会弹二重奏 抱歉,上校

l do not know any duets. Forgive me, Colonel.

难道我们没有宁静的一天吗? 房租虽然便宜,但却要受气

Will we never have peace? The rent is low. but it comes on hard terms.

詹太太有钱有闲 她喜欢替人作媒

Mrs. Jennings has nothing to do but marry off everyone else's daughters. 有人送包裹来

There's a parcel arrived.



他又老又虚弱 怎会还有人开这种玩笑?

When is a man safe from such wit. if infirmity does not protect him? 他是虚弱的话 那我不早就是行尸走肉

lf he is infirm. then l am at death's door.

他自己说有风湿 他祗说“一点痛”

- He complained of rheumatism. - ''A slight ache'' was his phrase. 爱德华说他要亲自拿来的

Edward said he would bring it himself.


''lt gives me great pleasure to restore this atlas to its owner.'' “公事缠身,无法亲自奉还 遗憾之至,恐甚于各位”

''Business prevents my delivering it, which will hurt me more than you.'' “感谢各位的盛情 吾将永志难忘”

''Memories of your kindness must sustain me. and l remain -


- your devoted servant, E.C. Ferrars.''

-他为什么不来? -亲爱的,他说了他很忙

- Why hasn't he come? - He says he's busy, dear.

-他说会来的,为什么不来? -我带你去散步

- He said he'd come. Why hasn't he? - l'm taking you for a walk. -快要下雨了 -不会的

- lt is going to rain. - lt is not going to rain.


l fear Mrs. Jennings is a bad influence.

-你一定很想念他,爱琳娜 -妈,我们又没有订婚

- You must miss him. Elinor. - We are not engaged, Mamma.

-可是他爱你,亲爱的 -我不清楚他怎么想

- But he loves you, dearest. - l am by no means assured of that. 就算他有意思,也不代表... 他能娶一位...

And had he such a preference, there would certainly be obstacles - ...没地位、 连买糖都嫌贵的女人

- to his marrying a woman of no rank who cannot afford to buy sugar. -但你心知肚明... -以现在这情况最好用大脑去想

- But your heart must tell you ... - lt is better to use one's head. -这怎会对我好? -会的,别抱怨了

- lt can't be good for me. - lt is. Stop complaining.

-会害我咳嗽的 -不会的

- lt's giving me a cough. - lt is not giving you a cough.


lt's lovely. Come on, catch up!

-那里有好多兔子 -我不想看兔子

- Over there is a field of rabbits. - l don't want to see rabbits. -还有什么比这更快乐? -我说会下雨吧!

- ls anything superior to this? - l told you it would rain. -蓝色的天空!快追! -我不可以跑的

- Blue sky! Let us chase it! - l'm not supposed to run. 有没有受伤?

Are you hurt?

-我不能走了,快去找人帮忙 -我尽量跑快点

- l cannot walk. Run and fetch help. - l will run as fast as l can. 玛格丽特!



Don't be afraid. He's quite safe.

-你有没有受伤? -祗伤到脚踝

- Are you hurt? - Only my ankle.


May l have your permission to ascertain if there are any breaks? 骨头没事

lt is not broken.


Can you put your arm about my neck?


Allow me to escort you home.


At last!


She fell down and he's carrying her!


Marianne, are you hurt?


lt's a twisted ankle.

伤得不严重 我看过骨头了,没事

lt's not serious. l felt the bone. and it's sound.

-不知该怎么谢你才好 -没什么

- l cannot begin to thank you. - Do not think of it.

-请坐 -我会把椅子给弄湿了

- Will you not be seated? - l'd leave a water mark.

-我明天能来探望吗? -欢迎之至

- But permit me to call tomorrow. - We shall look forward to it. 我送你出去

l'll show you out.


Margaret, get the gentleman's hat.

-问他叫什么名字! 请问先生尊姓大名?

- His name! - To whom are we so much obliged?


John Willoughby of Allenham at your service.


John Willoughby of Allenham ...


What an impressive gentleman!


He lifted me as if l weighed no more than a dried leaf.

-会痛就告诉我 -妈,她不会痛的

- Tell me if l hurt you. - She feels no pain, Mamma.


Margaret, ask Betsy to make up a cold compress.


Please don't say anything important.

-他风度真好 -很有礼貌,人品不错

- He expressed himself well. - With decorum and honour. -有活力、又机智富同情心 -话不多但句句重点

- And spirit and wit and feeling. - And economy. Ten words at most. -快换衣服,免得着凉 -着凉算什么?

- Change, or you'll catch a cold. - What care l for colds?

-等你鼻塞,就会在乎了 -你说的对,快帮我

- You'll care when your nose swells. - You're right. Help me. 卫乐比的条件很好 但玛丽安不能要谁就有谁

He's worth catching. Marianne must not have all the men to herself. -你对他了解多少? -他的马术不错

- But what do you know of him? - There's not a bolder rider. 他有何嗜好,作何消遣?

But what are his tastes. his passions, his pursuits?

-他的猎狗很灵敏... -艾伦汉在哪?

- He has a smart little pointer ... - Where is Allenham?

三哩外的小庄园 他的亲戚将留给他

Nice little estate three miles east. He is to inherit it from a relative. 那位亲戚就是艾夫人

Lady Allen is the name.


lt's Col. Brandon. l should go out and keep watch.

你们都在等卫乐比 没人会去想布莱登了

You're looking out for Willoughby. You'll not think of Brandon now. 请进

Come in.


Good morning, Brandon.

-病人怎样? -谢谢你,上校

- How is the invalid? - Thank you so much, Colonel.

你有这么好的对象 何必再想着卫乐比?

Why set your cap at Willoughby when you've already made such a conquest? 我没有想着任何人

l'll not set my cap at anyone.

-艾夫人的外甥是吗? -他来看所将继承的土地

- Lady Allen's nephew? - He visits. for he's to inherit.

他自己有个漂亮的庄园 在索梅塞的科柏美那

He has a pretty estate of his own. Combe Magna in Somerset.

换了我也会舍不得放弃 这个好机会

l'd not give him up to a younger sister for tumbling down hills.

他来了,走吧,布莱登 我们最好要识时务

The man himself. Come. Brandon. We know when we are not wanted. 谢谢你们来

Thank you so much for calling.

玛丽安 布上校和约翰爵士要走了

Marianne. the colonel and Sir John are leaving.


Goodbye. Thank you for the flowers.

-你好吗,上校? -问候你自己吧!

- How do you do, Colonel? - How do you do, more like.

-卫乐比先生,真高兴再见到你 -完全是我的荣幸

- Mr. Willoughby, what a pleasure! - The pleasure is all mine.

-玛丽安小姐没有感冒吧? -你知道我的名字了

- Miss Marianne has not caught cold? - You've found out my name. 这里到处有我的眼线 你无法接近大自然...

The area is crawling with my spies. You cannot venture out to nature ... -大自然就得来接近你 -好美

- So nature must be brought to you. - How beautiful.

-这不是温室里的花朵 -原来有人送过花了

- These are not from the hothouse. - Mine is not the first offering. -这是从田野里摘的 -我一向喜欢野花

- They come from an obliging field. - l always prefer wild flowers.

-帮我放在花瓶里 -我们感激万分

- Would you ..? - Our gratitude is beyond words.

我常经过这孤零零的房舍 听说有人住进来

l've grieved for this lonely house. Then l heard it was taken.

听说之后就有预感会遇见你们 果然如此

l felt an interest which nothing can account for but my present delight. 请坐,卫先生

Pray sit, Mr. Willoughby.


Who is reading Shakespeare's sonnets?

-玛丽安念给我们听 -你们最喜欢哪一首?

- Marianne is reading them out. - And which are your favourites? 我最喜欢第首

Mine is .


''Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.'' 说变心就变心...哪能算是爱...

''Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. -


- or bends with the remover to remove ...''

-接下来呢? -“不,爱是永不褪色的印记”

- How does it continue? - ''No. it is an ever fixed mark ...''

-纵有狂风暴雨... -是“狂风暴雨”吗?

- ''That looks on tempests...'' - ls it ''tempests''?

没想到你也读这个 我随时带在身边

lt's strange you are reading these. l carry them with me always. 明天见

Until tomorrow then ...

袖珍诗集就送给你好了 给你当护身符

My pocket sonnets are yours. A talisman against further injury. 再见,谢谢你

Goodbye. Thank you.

不错嘛,玛丽安 你们谈了莎翁和其他诗词

Good work. Marianne. You covered Shakespeare, Scott, poetry. 等你知道他对爱情的看法后 你们就没有话题了

When you know his views on romance, you'll have nothing left to talk of. 我想我的确不矜持 我应该祗谈天气

l suppose l erred against decorum. l should have talked of the weather. 卫先生明瞭你对他的兴趣

Mr. WilIoughby can be in no doubt of your enthusiasm for him. 我干嘛要隐藏?

Should l hide my regard?

-毕竟我们对他所知不多 -亲密程度不在时间长短

- No. but we know so little of him. - Time does not determine intimacy. 有些人相处七年还是不熟 但对有些人而言七天已足够

Seven years is too little for some, seven days is enough for others. -对你们而言祗需七个小时 -我觉得我对他已经很了解了

- Or seven hours. in this case. - l feel l know him already.

我要是隐藏我的感觉, 才会跟你一样

Had l more shallow feelings, l could perhaps conceal them as you do. -对不起... -用不着解释

- l'm sorry ... - Don't trouble yourself, Marianne.


l do not understand her.


Marianne ...

-画完了没? -还没,要有耐心

- Haven't you finished yet? - No. Patience.


You're not going to deny us beef as well as sugar?

-肉都好贵 -你要我们饿肚子吗?

- There is nothing under ten pence. - Do you want us to starve? 不是,祗是不吃牛肉

No. Just not to eat beef.

如果我的行为真的失当 我自己清楚

lf my behaviour was improper, l should be sensible of it.

外面已经传得很难听了 你不觉得你应该反省吗?

lt has caused impertinent remarks. Do you not doubt your discretion? 若要理会詹太太的话 那我们不就都难过死了

lf Mrs. Jennings' remarks prove impropriety, we are all offending. 早,上校

Good morning, Colonel.

戴小姐,玛丽安 我是来邀请你们的

Miss Dashwood. Miss Marianne. l come to issue an invitation. 我要在庄园举办野餐

A picnic on my estate at Delaford.

请你们参加 是在下星期四

lf you would care to join us on Thursday next.


Mrs. Jenning's daughter and husband are travelling up especially. 我们很乐意参加,上校

We should be delighted, Colonel.


l will, of course, be including Mr. Willoughby in the party.


l should be delighted to join you.

早安,戴小姐 早,上校

Good morning, Miss Dashwood. Good morning, Colonel.


The colonel has invited us to Delaford.

-听说你有部好钢琴 -布洛伍钢琴

- l hear you have a fine pianoforte. - A Broadwood Grand.

-那我可以弹给你们听 -我们等不及了

- Then l shall play for you all. - We shall look forward to it. -令妹看起来很开心 -她这个人从不隐藏情绪

- Your sister seems very happy. - She does not hide her emotions.

她对爱情的定义 往往使她忘了礼仪

Her romantic prejudices tend to set propriety at naught.

-她真是天真浪漫 -是太天真了

- She is wholly unspoilt. - Rather too unspoilt.


The sooner she is acquainted with the ways of the world, the better. 我认识一个人很像令妹 个性一样冲动、可爱

l knew a lady with the same sweetness of temper -


- who was forced into a better acquaintance with the world.


The result was only ruination and despair.


Do not desire it. Miss Dashwood.


Col. Brandon's lawn is perfect for kite launching.


Mind the pretty ribbons.

我事前不知道 夏洛特一家人跟表妹露茜会来

lmagine my surprise when Charlotte and her master appeared with Lucy. 真是太意外了

The last person l expected to see.

她是来玩的 家里没钱办活动

She came to join in the fun. There is no such luxury at home. 好久没见到你

l'd not seen you for so long.


You sly thing! lt was the Dashwoods she wanted to see.


l've heard nothing but ''Dashwood'' for l don't know how long. 露茜,你见着了,觉得如何? 母亲在信里都写你们的事

What do you think of them? My mother wrote of little eIse in her letters. -妈形容得一点也没错吧? 错得离谱

- Are they not as she described? - Nothing like.


You are quite rude today.

他要当议员 要讨人喜欢,所以很累

He's to be an MP. and he is forced to make everybody like him. -我哪会说这种离谱的话? -看他脾气变来变去的

- l said nothing so irrational. - Mr. Palmer's so droll.

他来了! 夏洛特,你快看看

Here he comes! Now you shall see, Charlotte.


Hello, Mr. Willoughby!


You must meet my daughter Charlotte, and Mr. Palmer.

-和我的小表妹,史露茜 -欢迎

- And our cousin, Miss Lucy Steele. - Welcome to our party.


May l sit beside you?

我早就想认识你 大家对你推崇之至

l've longed to meet you. I've heard nothing but praise for you. 约翰爵士他们太会夸奖人了

Sir John and Mrs. Jennings are too excessive in their compliments. 夸你的是另有他人 而他不会随便赞美人的

The praise came from another source. One not inclined to exaggeration. 怎么回事?

What can this be?


ls Col. Brandon here?

-快牵我的马来! -怎么回事?

- My horse! - What's the matter?

-我得马上赶到伦敦 -这怎么行?

- l must away to London. - lmpossible!

野餐没有主人怎么可以 明天再去吧

We can't picnic without our host. Come up to town tomorrow. -或等野餐结束,才几个小时 -一分钟也耽误不得

- Or wait until we return. - l can't afford to lose one minute.

-请原谅 -希望问题不严重

- Forgive me. - l hope it's nothing serious.


Upon my soul, this is all very unusual.

-脆弱,你的名字叫布莱登 -有些人见不得人家开心

- Frailty, thy name is Brandon. - Some cannot bear pleasure.

你们好坏 布上校不在好可惜

You are a wicked pair. Col. Brandon will be missed.

为什么?每个人都说他好 却都不怎么理他

Why? Everyone speaks well of him, but no one remembers to talk to him. 胡说 约翰爵士他们都很敬重他

Nonsense. He is highly respected at Barton Park.

-这等于是在骂他 -卫乐比,你也真是的

- Which is enough censure in itself. - Really, Willoughby.

过来,傲慢先生 我知道你爱乱搞

Come, come, Mr. lmpudence. l know your wicked ways.

快说你的情人是谁,朋友之间 是没有秘密的,我帮你

Reveal your beau. No secrets between friends. l'll winkle it out of you. 我要你嫁给上校 否则我马上吞帽

l'll have you married to the colonel by tea, or l'll swallow my bonnet.

-好像他配得上你似的 -你为什么不喜欢他?

- As if you could marry him. - Why should you dislike him?


Because he threatened me with rain when l wanted it fine.

他爱挑我马车的缺点 又不肯买我的马

He found fault with my high flyer and will not buy my brown mare. 但为了满足你

If it will be of satisfaction to you, -

我愿意说 他在其他各方面是完美无瑕

- l believe his character to be. in all other respects, irreproachable. 我既然忍痛承认 就请允许我...

ln return for this acknowledgement, don't deny me the privilege - 讨厌他,就如同我喜爱...

- of disliking him as much as l adore ...


... this cottage.

-我计划要整修房子 -这点我绝不赞同

- l have plans for improvements. - That. l will never consent to.


Not a stone must be added to its walls.

我若有钱 就会把家拆掉照这间重新建造

Were l rich enough, l'd rebuild Combe Magna to this exact image. -你喜欢冒烟的壁炉? -尤其是会冒烟的壁炉

- With a fire that smokes? - Especially the fire that smokes.


Then l'd be as happy at Combe as l've been at Barton.


But this place has one claim on my affections none other can share. 答应我不要改变它

Promise never to change it.

你不怕被说闲话送我一程 让我受宠若惊

l'm honoured you risk your honour by seeing me to the gate unaccompanied. -爱琳娜也会这么说 -她说得对

- That is what Elinor would say. - And she would be right.

玛丽安 明天能否和我单独见面?

Miss Marianne, will you grant me an interview tomorrow ... alone? -卫乐比,我们一直都是如此 -可是...

- Willoughby, we are always alone. - But there is ...


There is something very particular l should like to ask you.

当然 我会请妈让我不必上教堂

Of course. l shall ask Mamma if I may stay behind from church.


Thank you.


Until tomorrow. then.


Oh. Virtue ...

安静地、小心地进入 今天在座的各位心中

Silently and with fear, enter the hearts of all that hear me this day. 你想他会跪着说吗?

Will he kneel down when he asks her?


They always kneel down.


What is wrong, dearest?


Willoughby? What is the matter?


Forgive me ... l am sent ...


Lady Allen exercised the privilege of riches upon a dependent cousin. -你说呢? -让我去嘛!我都快岁了

- She is sending me to London. - This morning?

真是遗憾 你应该不会去很久吧?

What a disappointment. Your business won't detain you for long, l hope? 谢谢你的好意 可是我短期之内不会回来了

You are kind. but l have no idea of returning immediately to Devonshire. -我一年祗被邀请来一次 -若是邀请你,可晚点再走吗?

- l am invited only once a year. - Can you wait for our invitation? 我的事情很紧急...我不敢...

My engagements are of such a nature ... l dare not flatter my ... 这样很不明智 我不想再折磨自己

lt's folly to linger in this manner. l will not torment myself further. 卫乐比,回来!

Willoughby, come back!


Ask Betsy to make a cup of tea for Marianne.

-怎么回事? -别问我

- What is wrong, my love? - Do not ask me questions.

-他们一定是吵架了 -不太像

- They must have quarrelled. - That is unlikely.

也许是艾夫人 不赞成他们在一起

Perhaps Lady Allen disapproves of his regard for Marianne.

-找藉口支开他 -那他为何不明说?

- An excuse to send him away. - Then why did he not say so?

-他平常什么事都说的 -那你觉得是什么事呢?

- lt's not like him to be secretive. - What do you suspect?

-他为何面有愧色? -你是说他一直都在做戏?

- Why was his manner so guilty? - You think he's been acting a part? -不,他爱她,这点我敢肯定 -他当然爱她

- No. He loves her. l am sure. - Of course!


Has he left her any assurance of his return?


Ask if he proposed.

不行!我不能去逼问她 你也不该

No! l cannot force a confidence from Marianne. Neither should you. 让她自己跟我们说

We must trust her to confide in us in her own time.


There was something underhand in his manner.


You will think the worst of him.

我愿意相信他 我们都应该如此

l give him the benefit of my good opinion. He deserves no less. 妈,我很喜欢卫乐比

l am very fond of Willoughby.


Mamma ... Mamma!


She would not let me in.

-雨停该有多好 -你能闭嘴更好

- lf only this rain would stop. - lf only you would stop.

是你要娶我女儿的 而且算是便宜你了

'Twas you took her off my hands, Mr. Palmer. A good bargain, too. 现在我手上的牌比你强 因为你不能把人还给我

Now l have the whip hand over you, for you cannot give her back. 玛丽安,来玩牌 你这样,他也不会回来的

Marianne, play with us. Looking at the weather will not bring him back. -她晚餐都没吃 -最近好无聊

- She ate nothing at dinner. - We're all forlorn these days.

戴小姐 我们可以...讨论了吧?

Dear Miss Dashwood, perhaps now we might have our ... discussion. -讨论? -有件事我一直想请教你

- Our discussion? - l've longed to ask you something.


You might think me impertinent. lt is an odd question.

如果卫先生回家了,我们可以 陪令妹找他,我们祗相距半哩 lf only he'd gone to Combe Magna. We live but half a mile away. -是五哩半 -我不相信有那么远

- Five and a half. - l cannot believe it is that far.

-我不相信 -试着相信

- l can't believe it. - Try.

你可以问我任何问题 如果我可以帮得上忙

You may ask any manner of question if that is of any help. 你认识 你大嫂的母亲,费太太吗?

Are you acquainted with your sister-in-law's mother Mrs. Ferrars? 芬妮的母亲? 不,我没见过她

Fanny's mother? No. l have never met her.

你一定觉得奇怪 如果我告诉你?

You must think me strange to ask. lf only l dared tell ...

如果她在说F先生的事 你可得要告诉我们

lf she tells you of the famous Mr. F, you must pass it on.


Will you take a turn with me, Miss Dashwood?


l had no idea you were at all connected with that family. 我目前与费太太毫无关系

l am nothing to Mrs. Ferrars at present.

但可能有这么一天 我会跟她相当亲近

But the time may come when we may be very intimately connected. 此话怎讲?

What do you mean?

你是否和芬妮的弟弟,罗伯 有了婚约?

Do you have an understanding with Fanny's brother Robert? 老么?不,我不曾见过他

The youngest? No. l have never met him in my life.

-是和爱德华 -爱德华费洛斯?

- With Edward. - Edward Ferrars?


Edward and l have been secretly engaged these five years. 你一定很意外

You may well be surprised.


l only mention it because l entirely trust you to keep our secret. 爱德华拿你当妹妹看

Edward looks on you quite as his own sister.


l am sorry. Surely we ...


We surely do not mean the same Mr. Ferrars.

是同一人,我曾就读 我舅舅在普茅利斯主持的学校

Yes. He was under the tutelage of my uncle, Mr. Pratt, in Plymouth. -他没跟你提过? -对?有的

- Has he never spoken of it? - Yes ... Yes. l believe he has.

我希望得到他母亲的首肯 但我们相爱的无法自拔

l wanted his mother's approval, but we loved each other so much. 你应能体会 他很容易让女人倾心

You must have seen how capable he is of making a woman attached to him. 我们相爱得非常辛苦

l cannot pretend it has not been hard on both of us.


We can scarcely meet above twice a year.

你好像有点不对劲 你还好吧?

You seem out of sorts. Are you quite well?

-我没冒犯你吧? -我要知道你们在说什么

- l have not offended you? - l must know what you are saying.

-答应我,绝不说出去 戴小姐好像略有所思

- Promise me you'll not tell a soul. - Miss Dashwood is quite engrossed. 我答应你

l give you my word.

-什么事让你兴致这么高? -说来听听!

- What has so fascinated you? - Tell us all!

-我们在谈伦敦的事 -你听到没有 夏洛特?

- We were talking of London. - Do you hear that, Charlotte?

-你们在说悄悄话的时候 夏洛特和我有了个想法

- Charlotte and l concocted a plan. - The best plan in the world!


l make for London shortly, and l invite you, Lucy, -

我马上就要去伦敦 并且邀请你,露茜


- and both the Misses Dashwood to join me.

-绝妙的主意 -伦敦!

-我可以去吗? -你还小

Can l go?

你们跟我住在雀尔喜 享受社交季节的活动

You will all come to my Chelsea home and taste of the season's delights. -叫我去伦敦 -今天早上?

Please, can l go?

-她们就要去伦敦了 -我来就为了此事

- Do you not long for it to be so? - l came here with no other view. -我们不能丢下家母一个人 -她不必你们操心

- We can't leave our mother. - She can spare you very well.

-一点也没错! -我高兴都来不及

- Of course she can! - l could not be more delighted.

我不许你拒绝,戴小姐 我们来握手约定

l will brook no refusal. Let us strike hands on the bargain.

如果你们九月还结不了婚 那就不是我的错啰!

lf l don't have you married by Michaelmas, it will not be my fault.


l've never been so grateful.

我可以见到卫乐比了 你也可以见到爱德华

l shall see Willoughby, and you will see Edward.

-你睡着了? -有你在我睡得着吗?

- Are you asleep? - With you in the room?

你心里不可能像外表般平静 我今晚睡不着了

You can't feel as calm as you look. Oh, l will never sleep tonight. 你跟史小姐说了什么 说这么久?

What were you and Miss Steele talking about so long?


Nothing of significance.

没有女儿陪着 自己一人怎会去住那大房子?

How do you think l like poking about in that big house without Charlotte? 我写信给爱德华了 但不知我们能见几次面

l wrote to Edward, yet l do not know how much l may see of him. 保密非常重要,他不能来找我

Secrecy is vital. He'll never be able to call.


My only comfort has been the constancy of his affection.

你很幸运,这么久了 你们之间没有疑虑

You're fortunate never to have had any doubts on that score.

我可是个醋坛子 如果他多谈论哪个小姐?

l am of a jealous nature. Had he talked more of one young woman ... 但他从来没让我操心过

But he's not given a moment's alarm on that count.

我们成了朋友 他一定很开心

lmagine how glad he'll be to learn that we are friends.

-皮基安,想不想我? -想极了,夫人

- Have you missed me, Pigeon? - Very much, ma'am.

-一切都很好吧? -很好,但可能要买煤炭

- ls everything in order? - l suggest the ordering of coal.

鹦鹉,你还活着 快泡茶,皮基安

There you are, Pooter. Still alive, l see ... Tea, Pigeon.

你真是分秒必争 交给皮基安处理

You do not waste any time. Give it to Pigeon.


Mrs. Jennings says your sister will buy her wedding clothes in town. 约翰和芬妮在镇上 我们得去见他们

John and Fanny are in town. We should be forced to see them. 是找隔壁的?

l think it was for next door.

你坐下吧 你这样让我好紧张

Sit down for two seconds. You're making me nervous.


Oh, Elinor, it is Willoughby.


lndeed it is.


Excuse me. Colonel.


Colonel ...

真高兴见到你 你一直在伦敦吗?

What a pleasure to see you. Have you been in London all this while? 对不起,戴小姐?

What a pleasure to see you. Have you been in London all this while? 我在镇上听到消息?

l have heard reports through town ...


Tell me once and for all:


ls everything resolved between your sister and Mr. Willoughby? 他们都没告诉我是否有约定

Though neither one has informed me of their understanding, - 但我知道他们是彼此相爱

- l have no doubt of their mutual affection.


Thank you, Miss Dashwood.


To your sister l wish all imaginable happiness.

至于卫先生 愿他好自为之让她幸福

To Mr. Willoughby, that he may endeavour to deserve her. 这是什么意思?

What do you mean?


Forgive me ...


Forgive me.

-约翰,爱德华呢? -爱德华是谁?

- Where is dear Edward. John? - And who is Edward?


My brother. Mr. Edward Ferrars.


Ferrars with an F?

有没有消息? 什么都没有?没卡片?

Are there any messages? No message at all? No cards?

-你都不问有没有信 -对,我没有等信

- You do not ask for your messages. - No, for l do not expect any.


l have very little acquaintance in town.

别跟我嘀咕 你们自己去解决

Not another word about the ham bone. You and Cartwright sort it out. -没有消息,夫人 -别着急,亲爱的

- No messages. - Do not fret, my dear.

因为天气很好 很多人到乡下打球

This good weather is keeping many a sportsman in the country. 但一下霜 他们保证很快就回来

But the frost will soon drive them to town. Depend on it.


l had not thought of that.


And Miss Dashwood may set her heart at rest, -

听说你大嫂 今晚要邀请F先生参加舞会

- for your sister-in-law is inviting Mr. F to the ball tonight.


Do be careful. the horses have been here.


lt is beginning to rain also. Follow me.


Mamma! This is very merry!

-有没认识的人? -巴先生比较高,叫他看

- Do you spy anyone we know? - No. Mr. Palmer has a better view. -巴先生,有看到熟人吗? -可惜没有

- Do you see anyone we know? - Unfortunately not.

你真爱捉弄人 那不是约翰戴虚伍夫人吗?

How can you be such a tease? There is Mrs. John Dashwood. 亲爱的,快跟我来

Come along, my dears.


There you are!


How hot it is ... You are not alone. l trust?


John is just gone to fetch my brother.


Your brother! l declare. this is good news, indeed.


l shall faint clean away.

詹太太,真高兴见到你 这位是我的小舅子?

Mrs. Jennings, l am pleased to meet you. My brother-in-law ... 罗伯费洛斯

Mr. Robert Ferrars.


Miss Dashwood. Miss Steele. Miss Marianne.


My dear ladies, we meet at last.


You must be the younger brother. ls Mr. Edward not here?

-戴小姐以为他会来 -他太忙了

- Miss Dashwood was counting on him. - He is far too busy.

况且这里没他认识的人 来了没啥意思

There's no special acquaintance here to make his attendance worthwhile. 时下的年青人都在做什么? 全都躲起来了?

What are the men about these days? Are they in hiding?

既然你哥哥没来 你得和戴小姐跳支舞

ln the absence of your brother you must dance with Miss Dashwood. 这是我的荣幸

lt would be my honour.


Perhaps Miss SteeIe might consider reserving the allemande? 戴小姐,你住在迪凡郡吧?

You reside in Devonshire. Miss Dashwood?

-住的是一间小屋? -是的

- ln a cottage? - Yes.


l am excessively fond of a cottage.


lf l had any money to spare, l should build one myself.


Mr. Willoughby ...

-你好吗,戴小姐? 很好,谢谢

- How do you do, Miss Dashwood? - Very well.

-家人好吗? -我们都很好

- How is your family? - We are all extremely well.


Thank you for your kind inquiry.




Good God, Willoughby ...


Will you not shake hands with me?


How do you do, Miss Marianne?


What is the matter? Why have you not come to see me?

你之前不在伦敦吗? 有没有收到我的信?

Were you not in London? Have you not received my letters? 谢谢你写信给我

l had the pleasure of receiving the information you sent to me. 看在老天份上,卫乐比 告诉我怎么回事?

For heaven's sake, Willoughby, tell me what is wrong.


Thank you. l am most obliged.


Excuse me, I must rejoin my party.


Go to him. Force him to come to me instantly.


You must come away.

-你认识她们吗? -乡下来的

- Do you know them? - Acquaintances from the country.


Come away, dearest.


l do not understand. l must speak to him ...

天啊,走,亲爱的 出去透透气

My goodness. Come, dear. You need some air.


Lucy! We must go.

如果我们能送她回家 这将是我们的荣幸

lt would be our pleasure to escort your young charge home. 你人真好

How kind.


She actually sent him messages during the night?

-玛丽安,拜托你告诉我 -别问我

- Marianne, please tell me. - Do not ask me questions.

-你都不信任我 -你自己还不是都不说

- You have no confidence in me. - You confide in no one.

-我没有什么好说的 -那我们都没话可说

- l have nothing to tell. - We neither of us do.

毕竟我是毫无秘密 你则是守口如瓶

l, because l conceal nothing. You, because you communicate nothing. 查夫人应该别请这么多客人 昨晚可把我给热死了

Lady Charteris ought to limit her invitation list. lt was very warm. 幸好我们能提早离开

l am glad we left early.


There now ...

爱人吵得凶也去得快 看了信准没事

Lovers' quarrels are swift to heal. That letter will do the trick. 我得走了 希望他别让她等太久

l must be off. l do hope he doesn't keep her waiting much longer. 真不忍心看她如此难过

lt hurts to see her this way.


What a welcome l had from Edward's family.

你大嫂人这么好,你都没说 还有罗伯人也是

You never said how agreeable your sister-in-law is. Robert, also. 幸好他们都不知道你的秘密

It is fortunate that none of them knows of your engagement. “亲爱的小姐 我完全不清楚有何无礼之处”

''Dear Madam. l am at a loss to see how l might have offended you.'' “如果我行为 若有任何误导之嫌”

''lf l have given rise to a belief of more than l meant to express, - “我后悔自己不够谨慎”

- l regret not having been more guarded.''


''My affections are engaged elsewhere.''

“很遗憾得奉还来函 及你相赠之秀发”

''lt is with regret that l return your letters and the lock of hair.'' “谨此,约翰卫乐比”

''l am, et cetera, John Willoughby.''


Dearest ...

这总比订下婚约许久后 他才反悔得好

lt is better than if your engagement had carried on before he ended it. 我们没有婚约

We're not engaged.


l thought he left you with some kind of understanding.

-他没你想像中那么坏 -他有没有说他爱你?

- He's not so unworthy as you think. - Did he tell you that he loved you? 有,没有?没明白的说 常有暗示但没明说

Yes. No ... Never absolutely. lt was implied but never declared. 有时我以为说了 但却不是,他没违背誓言

Sometimes l thought it had been, but it never was. He broke no vow. 他让我们都以为他爱你

He made us all believe he loved you.

他是爱我的! 他爱我,像我爱他一样

He did! He loved me as l loved him.

我刚刚听说了 你还好吧,玛丽安

l had to come straight up. How are you, Miss Marianne?

可怜,她看来好伤心 也难怪,一点也错不了

Poor thing, she looks very bad. No wonder. for it is but too true. 听莫小姐说?

l was told by Miss Morton, -

他即将迎娶 身价万镑的盖小姐为妻

- that he is soon to marry a Miss Grey with ,!

若是真的 那他就是狼心狗肺的东西

lf true, he is a good-for-nothing who used my young friend ill. 我希望他被老婆折磨一辈子

And l wish with all my soul that his wife might plague all his heart out. 世上又不祗他一个男人

He's not the only young man worth having.


With your pretty face you'll never want for admirers.

最好让她发泄一下 哭完就没事了

Better let her have her cry out and have done with it.


l will go look out something to tempt her.

-她喜不喜欢橄榄? -我不清楚

- Does she care for olives? - l cannot tell you.


Apparently, they never were engaged.

盖小姐有万英镑 玛丽安却穷得很

Miss Grey has ,. Marianne is virtually penniless.

她不能指望人家娶她 但我替玛丽安惋惜

She couldn't expect him to go through with it. But l feel for her. 她会变得憔悴 和爱琳娜一样变成老处女

She will lose her bloom and end a spinster like Elinor.

我们不妨请她们来住几天 毕竟我们是一家人

We might have them to stay for a few days. We are, after all, family. -何况父亲? -亲爱的?

- And my father ... - My love ...

我非常赞成 但我已经邀请了史小姐

l would ask them with all my heart, but l've already asked Miss Steele. 我们不能让詹太太没了伴

And we cannot deprive Mrs. Jennings of all her company.


We can invite your sisters some other year.

史小姐才真的需要招待 可怜的女孩

Miss Steele will profit more from your generosity, poor girl. 好主意

Excellent notion.


Colonel Brandon to see you.

- Thank you so much for coming. - How is your sister?

-谢谢你来 -令妹怎么样?

我得尽快送她回家,巴先生可带 我们至他家,离巴顿有一天车程 l must get her home. Palmer can take us to Cleveland, a day from Barton. -我亲自送你们到回家 -我就希望你能帮忙

- l'll take you to Barton myself. - l confess, that is what l hoped. 玛丽安受了很大的打击

Marianne suffers cruelly.

令我最难过的是 她还替卫乐比辩解

What pains me most is how hard she tries to justify Mr. Willoughby. 也许?

Perhaps ...

我能否说明一件事 我是纯粹出自好意?

May l relate some circumstances which only a desire to be useful ... 是有关卫乐比的事?

You have something to tell me of Mr. Willoughby?


When l quitted Barton last ...


No, l must go further back.


No doubt ... No doubt ...


... Mrs. Jennings has appraised you of certain events in my past. 我跟伊丽莎交往的不幸结局

The sad outcome of my connection with a young woman named Eliza. 大家不知道的是?

What is not commonly known -

年前 她去世前生下一名私生女

- is that years ago, before she died. Eliza bore a child.


The father. whoever he was. abandoned them.

伊丽莎临终前 求我替她照顾小孩

As Eliza lay dying, she begged me to look after the child.


l had failed her in ever other way, l could not refuse her now. 我把孩子贝丝,带到乡下?

l placed the child, Beth, with a family in the country -


- where l knew she would be looked after. l saw her whenever l could. 长大后她脾气非常倔强

She grew up so headstrong, -

上帝原谅我 我太宠她,让她太自由了

- and, God forgive me, l allowed her too much freedom.


Almost a year ago she disappeared.

我请人寻找 但八个月来杳无音讯

l instigated a search, but for eight months l imagined the worst. 但在野餐那天 我得到了她的消息

On the day of the Delaford picnic, l received the first news of her. 她?怀孕了

She was ... with child.


And the blackguard who had left her with no hint of his whereabouts ... 你是指卫乐比?

Do you mean Willoughby?

我还没去找他证实 艾夫人听说后便撵他走

Before l could confront him. Lady Allen had turned him out.

-他就跑来伦敦 -他那天没解释就走了

- He fled to London. - He left without any explanation.


He risked losing the estate, and the money that remained to his debtors. 所以他舍弃玛丽安

So he abandoned Marianne -


- for Miss Grey and her ..


ls Beth still in town?


She has chosen to go to the country for her confinement.


l would not burden you, had l not, from my heart, -

祗因为我相信 这或能化解令妹的遗憾

- believed it might, in time, lessen your sister's regrets.


l have described Mr. Willoughby as the worst of libertines.

但艾夫人告诉我 他那天的确有意求婚

But l learned from Lady Allen that he did mean to propose that day. 我不能否认他对玛丽安 原本是真心真意的

l cannot deny that his intentions towards Marianne were honourable. 我相信他原本会娶她

l feel certain that he would have married her.

-要不是有? -钱的问题

- Had it not been ... - For the money.

-我全说了,这样对吗? -当然

- Was l right to tell you? - Of course.


Whatever his past actions, whatever his present course, -


- you may be certain that he loved you.


But not enough.


Not enough ...


Here is someone to cheer you up.

你妹妹好吗,戴小姐 真可怜

How is your dear sister? Poor thing.

我若给男人这般对待 真不知该怎么办

l do not know what I'd do if a man treated me with so little respect. 你在约翰家住得还好吧?

Are you enjoying your stay with John and Fanny?

我这辈子从来没这么开心过 我想你大嫂喜欢我

l was never so happy in my life. Your sister-in-law has taken to me. -有件事你一定猜不到 -我是猜不到

- You cannot imagine what happened. - No. l cannot.

昨天我见了爱德华的母亲 她对我不祗客气而已

Yesterday l was introduced to his mother. She was more than civil. 我还没见到爱德华 但应该快了

l have not yet seen Edward, but l feel sure to, very soon. 有位爱德华费洛斯找您 戴小姐

There is a Mr. Edward Ferrars to see you.


Do ask him to come in.

真高兴见到你 你一定认识史小姐吧?

What a pleasure to see you. You know Miss Steele. of course. -你好吗,史小姐? -我很好,谢谢

- How do you do, Miss Steele? - l am well, thank you.


Do sit down.

你很意外会在这见到我 你以为我在令姐家吧?

Are you surprised to find me here and not at your sister's house? 我去叫玛丽安 她一定很想见你

Let me fetch Marianne. She would be disappointed to miss you. 爱德华!我听到你的声音

Edward! l heard your voice.

-你终于来了 -我不该这么晚才来拜访

- At last you found us. - My visit is shamefully overdue.

-你脸色好苍白,你生病了? -别管我,爱琳娜好好的

- You're pale. Are you not well? - Don't think of me. Elinor is well. -我们该满足了 -还喜欢伦敦吗?

- That is enough for both of us. - How do you enjoy London?

祗有见到你,才有乐趣 对不对,爱琳娜?

The sight of you is all the pleasure it has afforded. ls that not so? -你怎么现在才来看我们? -我有事走不开

- Why have you not visited before? - l have been engaged elsewhere. 比跟朋友见面还重要吗?

But what was that when there were such friends to be met? 或许你认为年轻的男人 都不遵守约定

Perhaps you think young men never honour their engagements? 爱德华是我认识 所最不自私的人

Edward is the most incapable of being selfish of anyone l ever saw. 爱德华,怎么不坐 爱琳娜,你叫他坐

Edward, will you not sit? Help me to persuade him.

-对不起,我得走了 -你才刚到

- Forgive me. l must take my leave. - You are only just arrived. 我得替芬妮办点急事

l've an urgent commission for Fanny.


Perhaps you might escort me back to your sister's house. 这是我的荣幸

lt would be an honour.

-你怎么不留住他? -他要走, 自然有原因

- Why did you not urge him to stay? - He must have had his reasons. 那一定是你太冷淡,换作我 我也会认为你不喜欢我

Yes, your coldness. Were l Edward, l'd assume you didn't care for me. 玛丽安那天好可怜 害我不敢结婚

Marianne looked badly. lt makes me fear that l shall never marry. 胡说 你的归宿会比戴家她们都好

Nonsense. You will marry far better than the Dashwood girls. 可是我没有嫁妆

But l have no dowry.


There are other important qualities that you have in abundance. 说不定你的婆家 远比你想像的好

lt would not surprise me if you married beyond your expectations. 能那样就好了

Oh, l wish that might be so.


There is a young man ...


ls he of good fortune and breeding?

都很好 但他的家人一定会反对

Of both. But his family would certainly oppose the match. 他们一见到你就一定会赞同的

They will allow it as soon as they see you.


lt is a very great secret.


l've told nobody in the world for fear of discovery.

-我这个人最靠得住 -如果我说出来?

- l am the soul of discretion. - lf l dared tell ...


l can assure you, l am as silent as the grave.


Viper in my bosom!


Stop this!

天下大乱了! 我拿来开玩笑的那位费先生

What a commotion! Edward Ferrars. the one l used to joke you about, - 已经跟史小姐订婚年了

- is engaged these five years to Lucy Steele.

他母亲要求他解除婚约 否则将撤消他的继承权

His mother has demanded he break the engagement or suffer disinheritance. 但他拒绝毁约,他坚持要娶她

But he refuses to break his promise. He has stood by her, -

他一毛钱也不要 他妈就把家产给了罗伯

- and is cut off without a penny. She settled it all on Mr. Robert.

我要去找露茜 她被你嫂子臭骂了一顿

l must find Lucy. Your sister-in-law drove her to hysteria.


How long have you known?

-詹太太选我们来伦敦那晚 -你为何不告诉我?

- Since Mrs. Jennings invited us. - Why did you not tell me?


Lucy told me in confidence.

-我不能食言 -他爱你!

- l could not break my word. - He loves you!

-他试着告诉我露茜的事 -他不能娶她

- He tried to tell me about Lucy. - He cannot marry her.


Should he treat her worse than Willoughby treated you?

-他不能娶自己不爱的人啊! -他们早有约定

- He can't marry without love. - He promised a long time ago.

他或许有些后悔 但他会很高兴自己信守承诺

He may harbour some regret, but he he will be happy he kept his word. 我们希望从别人身上找到幸福

lt is bewitching to think one's happiness depends on one person, - 却未必能够找到,认命吧

- but it is not always possible. We must accept.

爱德华会娶露茜 而你和我就回家

Edward will marry Lucy, and you and l will go home.


Always resignation and acceptance.


Always prudence and honour and duty.


Elinor, where is your heart?

你怎会了解我的心? 你知道自己的痛苦

What do you know of my heart, or anything but your own suffering? 这秘密一直闷在我心里 我不能跟任何人说

For weeks this has been pressed on me, when l could not speak of it. 而告诉我的人 就是夺走我希望的人

Forced on me by the person whose prior claims ruined all my hopes. 我听她一再的夸赞 自知和爱德华永无结果

l endured her exaltation, knowing l was divided from Edward forever. 如果我能说的话 你就会明白我的心有多痛

lf not bound to silence. l'd have produced proof of a broken heart. 听说你朋友的继承权 被转至他弟弟名下

l have heard your Mr. Ferrars has lost his fortune to his brother. -这消息正确吗? -没错

- Have l been rightly informed? - lt is indeed so.

-你认识费先生吗? -我们未曾见过面

- Are you acquainted with him? - No. we have never met.


But l know only too well the cruelty ...


... of dividing two young people long attached to one another. 我有个办法 能让他即刻迎娶史小姐

l have a proposal that may allow him to marry Miss Steele immediately. 既然他是你们的好友 我想请你去跟他说

As he is a friend to your family, perhaps you'd mention it to him. 你亲自去说 我想他一定很高兴

l'm sure he'd be delighted to hear it from your own lips.


l think not.


His behaviour has proved him proud. ln the best sense.


l feel certain this is the right course.


Mr. Edward Ferrars.


Thank you for responding so quickly.


l was grateful to receive your message.


God knows what you must think of me.

-我自知无权多说? -我有好消息

- l have no right to speak ... - l have good news.


Do please sit down.

-你知道布上校吧? -听说过

- You know of Col. Brandon. - l've heard his name.

布上校要我转告你 他知道你想当牧师

Col. Brandon desires me to say, as you wish to join the clergy, - -便想请你主持他的教区

- that he has pleasure in offering you the parish at Delaford, - -你和史小姐便可结婚

- in the hope it may enable you and Miss Steele to marry. -布上校? -是的

- Col. Brandon? - Yes.


He means it as testimony of his concern for this cruel situation. 布上校要我主持教区?

Col. Brandon give me a parish?


Can it be possible?

你不能因为家人的绝情 而拒人于千里之外

You shouldn't be astonished to find friendship outside your family. 不,我不是针对你

No. Not to find it in you.


l cannot be ignorant that it is certainly to you that l owe this. 我希望我能表达 但我不善言词?

l'd express it if l could, but l am no orator ...

你误会了 这是你自己得来的

You are mistaken. You owe it to your own merit.


Col. Brandon must be a man of great worth.


He is the kindest and best of men.


May l ask why the colonel did not tell me himself?


l think he felt it would be better coming from a friend. 你是我一生中最重要的朋友

Your friendship has been the most important in my life.


You will always have it.


Forgive me.

你实践你的承诺 这比什么都重要

You honour your promises. That is more important than anything else. 祝你们幸福美满

l wish you both happiness.

真是幸运 能找到离家近的教区

What luck for them to find a parish so close to Barton.


You'll all be able to meet very often.


l've never disliked a person so much as l do Mr. Willoughby.

从我们的小山可以看到 他的房子,我要在山上种大树

We can see his house from the hill! l'll ask Jackson to plant trees. 不可以

You won't.


l hear Miss Grey's bridal gown was everything of the finest ...

班太太 我们快渴死了,快泡茶

Mrs. Bunting! We're in desperate need of tea.

她一路讲,连气都没换 早该另想办法回家

She's not drawn breath since London. Had l only found another way home. 没别的办法 我想走一走,静一下

There was no other way. l'll just take a stroll. A moment's peace. -好像快下雨了 -不会的

- l think it is going to rain. - No. it will not rain.

-每次你说不会就一定下 -我就在花园里,不会走远

- When you say so, it always does. - l shall keep to the garden.

我们很喜欢这孩子 他爸爸最会逗他

We are very proud of our Thomas. His papa has such a way with him. 你在这儿呀! 快来看看汤姆士

Oh, there you are. Come and meet little Thomas.


l cannot see Marianne.


Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. -


- or bends with the remover to remove.


Oh. no. 'tis an ever fixed mark -

纵使有狂风暴雨 也永不动摇

- that looks on tempests and is never shaken.


Willoughby ...


Willoughby ...


Willoughby ...



-她一定会成落汤鸡 -谢谢你提醒

- She'll be wet through. - Thank you for pointing that out. 放心吧,戴小姐 布莱登会找到她的

Do not worry, Miss Dashwood. Brandon will find her.


We can all guess where she went.

她没受伤 得快点给她取暖

She's not hurt. but we must get her warm.


There is a fire lit in my room. Do hurry!


l think Marianne may need a doctor.

你会把自己累坏的,上校 别担心,躺一两天就好了

You'll wear yourself out. A day or two in bed will set her to rights. 哈大夫医术很高明,放心吧

You can rely upon Harris, Colonel. l've never found a better physician. -是什么问题? -是一种会传染的热病

- What is the diagnosis? - lt is an infectious fever.

-我建议快将婴儿隔离 -班太太!

- l recommend removing your child. - Mrs. Bunting!


Miss Dashwood ... l am more sorry than l can say.

-你要我留下的话我愿意 -谢谢你的好意

- lf you prefer me to stay l shall. - That is very kind.


But Col. Brandon and Dr. Harris will look after us.


Thank you for all you have done.


She's not doing as well as l would like.


What can l do?

-你已经帮很多忙了 -给我点事做,不然我会发疯

- You've done so much already. - Anything, or l shall run mad. 家母在会好一些

She would be easier if her mother were here.


l must fetch more laudanum.

我不能骗你说 令妹的病情不严重

l cannot pretend that your sister's condition is not very serious. 你要有心里准备

You must prepare yourself.


l will return shortly.


Marianne ...


Marianne, please try ...


Marianne ...


Please try ...


l cannot ... l cannot do without you.

别的事我都可设法忍受 我会设法?

l've tried to bear everything else. l will try ...


But please, dearest ...


... beloved Marianne ...


... do not leave me alone.


Elinor ...


My mother ...

她脱离险境了 她脱离险境了

She is out of danger. She is out of danger.

-爱琳娜呢? -我在这里

- Where is Elinor? - l'm here.


Dearest. l am here.


Col. Brandon ...


Thank you.

他不如卫乐比潇洒 但亲切稳重得多

He's not so dashing as Willoughby, but he has a pleasing countenance. 我当时总觉得 不喜欢卫乐比的眼神

There was something in Willoughby's eyes at times that l did not like.

“大地毫无消失 依然如故”

''Nor is the earth the lesse. or loseth aught.''

“不论何物,落入海中 终为潮水,流至他处”

''What from one place doth fall is with the tide to another brought.'' “有所失,就有所得”

''For there is nothing lost but may be found ...


... if sought.''

-明天再继续好吗? -不行,我有远行

- Shall we continue tomorrow? - No, for l must away.

-远行?去哪? -我不能说

- Away? Where? - That l cannot tell you.


lt is a secret.


You will not stay away long?



我就在那里跌倒 遇见卫乐比的

There l fell. and there l first saw Willoughby.

可怜的卫乐比 没娶你,他会后悔的

Poor Willoughby. He will always regret you.


Does it follow that. had he chosen me. he would have been content? 纵然有心爱的人但身无分文

He would have had a wife he loved. but no money, -

可能很快会先考虑钱 然后才是爱情

- and might have learned to rank his pocketbook above his heart. 他若有我一半后悔 就够他受的了

lf his regrets are half as painful as mine, he will suffer enough. 你拿你的行为跟他比?

Do you compare your conduct with his?

我是跟常理做比较 跟你的行为做比较

l compare it to what it ought to have been. With yours.


l fetched those beef fillets. ma'am.

镇上牛肉比较便宜 是给玛丽安补的

Beef is less expensive in Exeter. Anyway, it's for Marianne. -镇上人很多吗? -很多

- Was Exeter crowded? - lt was. ma'am.


Miss Pothington has had another stroke.

还有科斯因为酗酒 而被莫小姐开除了

And Miss Murden has turned away Coles for his drunkenness.

费先生结婚了 这你们早已知道

And Mr. Ferrars is married. but of course you know that.


Who told you he was married?

我碰到费太太了 她跟费先生在旅馆歇脚

l saw Mrs. Ferrars myself. She and Mr. Ferrars stopped at the inn. 我经过时看到史小姐 就跟她请安

l saw it was Miss Steele. so l took off my hat.

她问到夫人、还有小姐们 特别是大小姐

She inquired after all of you, especially Miss Dashwood.

她要我代他们夫妇问候你们 还说会送蛋糕来

She bade me give their compliments. They're sending a piece of the cake. -费太太气色好吗? -好得很,她说她非常满足

- Did Mrs. Ferrars seem well? - She said she was vastly contented. 因为她做人很好 我就给她祝福

As she was always an affable lady, l made free to wish herjoy. 谢谢你,汤玛士

Thank you, Thomas.

-是什么,汤玛士? -不知道,挺重的

- What is it. Thomas? - I'm not sure, but it's heavy.

总算找到适合贵府的琴 将于日内造访

''lt is small enough for the parlour. When l follow shortly, l expect - 希望届时能聆听所附曲目 挚友布莱登敬上

- that you've learnt the enclosed. Your friend, Christopher Brandon.'' 刚刚好

lt fits perfectly.


Here you are, Miss Marianne.


Fetch some tea.

-他一定很喜欢你 -这不是我一个人的,是大家的

- He must like you very much. - lt's for all of us.


Here is Col. Brandon.

-好像不是他 -他说他今天会到

- l do not think it is the coloneI. - He said he would arrive today. 爱德华!



lt is Edward!


Calm. We must be calm.


Mr. Ferrars for you, ma'am.


Edward ... What a pleasure to see you.

-你们都好吧? -谢谢你,我们都很好

- l trust l find you all well? - Thank you. We are all very well. 近来天气很好?本来就是

We've been enjoying fine weather ... Well. we have . 很高兴听你这么说 马路都很干

l'm glad to hear it. The roads were very dry.


l wish you great joy, Edward.


l hope you have left Mrs. Ferrars well.


Tolerably ... Thank you.


ls Mrs. Ferrars at the new parish?


No ... my mother is in town.


l meant Mrs. Edward Ferrars.


You've not heard?

我想你指的是舍弟 罗伯的太太

l think you mean my brother. Mrs. Robert Ferrars. -罗伯的太太? -是的

- Mrs. Robert Ferrars? - Yes.


l received a letter from Miss Steele. -

应该说是费太太 她在信中说?

- or Mrs. Ferrars, l should say, communicating to me - 她爱上了舍弟罗伯

- the transfer of her affections to my brother Robert. 他们在伦敦相处愉快

lt seems they were much thrown together in London. 既然情况有所改变 我觉得?

ln view of my new circumstances l felt it only right - 她不该再受婚约约束

- that she be released from our engagement.


At any rate, they were married last week in Plymouth. 那你?

Then you ...


... are not married?



爱琳娜? 我认识露茜时,还很年轻

Elinor ... l met Lucy when l was very young.

我若有职业 就不会有那种愚蠢的念头

Had l had a profession, l would not have felt such an idle inclination. 我在诺兰的行为很不恰当 但我深信你对我祗是友谊?

At Norland, l convinced myself that you felt only friendship for me, - ?是我在拿良心来冒险

- and that it was my heart alone that l was risking.

我今天来并不抱任何期望 祗想告诉你,我?

l have come with no expectations, only to express, now I am able, - 我的心,而且将永远是?

- that my heart is, and always will be ...


... yours.

-他坐在她旁边 -还有呢?

- He's sitting next to her. - What else?


Tell us!


He's kneeling down!













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