

看完一部电影总得学到些什么 半年前初看《中国合伙人》到算不上太喜欢这部电影,其实现在也依旧不算太喜欢。比起《Slumdog Millionaire》这样经典的好电影,每看一次都能在关于民族文化与人的内心形态上获得体悟,《中国合伙人》着实略显单薄。



虽然我们将走向的人生道路和方式都将有别于之,但《中国合伙人》身上还是有很多值得我们借鉴和学习之处。七天突破两亿的票房也不可能只是空穴来风。青春的热血与张狂,踏入社会的现实与悲情,敢从底层做起不怕脏苦累,从一而终的勇敢和万分的坚持,对友情的不轻言弃,努力理解磨合和扶持,都是我们这一代人所缺乏的。 以上为对电影内容的看法,或有些累赘。

上学期我也参与了南医中国梦的微电影大赛,参与编剧并执导了《梦启南医》这部微电影,做得还是有些笨拙,但对自己来说已经很感动很欣慰,最重要的是让我学会了从更多角度去欣赏一部影片,学会关注剧情以外的东西,学会从别人的作品里感受精华。 或许《中国合伙人》的镜头不能算精致,至少没给我足够强烈的视觉享受。也许是导游与摄像选择了一种内敛沉静的方式来诉说剧情,圈内人会去读懂这种艺术手法。然后这部剧针对的观影人群又是需要成长的普罗大众,而大众渴望在影院获取强烈的感官享受,这是不是又有些许矛盾?同作为多条时间轴并进的电影,不得不说《Slumdog Millionaire》的镜头的角度、切换、调度和后期渲染都是非常值得我们学习。




外国女: Mr. Cheng, My client educational exam services has issued a warning to all US universities of the possibilities that new dream students have cheated on the TOFEL and the GREs. The universities have been advised to investigate any new dream students with exceptionally high scores.

孟晓俊:You can’t issue such notice.

外国女:And it has already been issued.

孟晓俊 : What are your accusations based on. It’s already been presumed guilty, a violation on the fundamental principal of American laws.

外国男 : Mr. Meng, if that’s how you feel, why do your travel all the way here for this meeting? 孟晓俊: I know what we’ve done wrong, but you don’t know what you have done, and you don’t even care.

外国男: I hear your quick thinking. It just proved you received a good education in US. I came across some interesting fans about Chinese culture. In the period of examination system was first established. So tradition of cheating began in China, was many document and technique on how to cheat. This is off the record. It’s just an interesting anecdote I want to share.

外国女: Where are you going?

王阳: To take a leak. You want to go with me?

成东青:I’m going with him.


孟晓俊:Mr. Bono you claimed that our tutorial materials give Chinese students unfair advantage to do the exams. Can you define what do you mean by unfair advantages?

外国男: You should know what it means better than I do. We’ll go to that later. Right now I want you to admit the unauthorized use of that material.

外国女: We filed the motion with the courts, ordering you cease your infringement, and destroy all unauthorized copies of EES materials. We’re seeking 15 million in damages, this figure does not include punitive.

王阳: That’s ridiculous.

孟晓俊: The damages you are seeking for far exceed our total profits. You leave us no choice but go to court.

外国女: Please repeat what you did say.

孟晓俊: You heard me, loud and clear, in English.

成东青: I suggest we take a break.

外国女: Fine.


王阳: Mr. Bono. It's a gift ,from me.

外国男: Did you go to the Chinatown?

王阳: Chinese moon cake. Next week is the moon festival. And if the fight breaks out later, I’ll have something to throw.

外国男 : hahahaha...

王阳: oh hoo, you got the joke, for you.

成东青: Mr.Bono, we officially offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity copyright infringement and prepare to settle.

王阳 : But not fifteen million.

成东青: Please, take any clause you want, any clause that is related to our court case. 外国女: Clause eleven.

成东青: The WIPO copyright and performances and phonograms treaties Implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight, amended section 101 by adding the definition of Geneva phonograms convention. Pick another one, please.

外国女: Thirty-five.

成东青:The WIPO Copyright and performances and phonograms treaties implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight, requires that some paragraphs D of the definition of eligible country take effect, a part entry into force of the WIPO performances and phonograms treaties with respect to the United States, which occurred on May 20th 2002.

成东青: This because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here, it is a skill that i mastered when I was eighteen. That year, I memorized the whole Xinhua English dictionary. For your information, I was only considered mediocre on my peers, Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams, you can‘t imagine what they willing to go through to succeed, you don’t understand Chinese culture.

孟晓俊: Mr. Bono, regardless of the final ruling, this meeting marks the start of our formal partnership, we hope the EES can enforce its copyrights in the Chinese market. We don’t like being called thieves, we've come here today, hoping to educate you about one thing, China has changed. Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past.

外国男: Mr. Meng, may I remind you, Yao Ming is in the NBA.

孟晓俊: That’s because NBA was trying to tap into the Chinese market, China is already the world largest market for English language education. Today, Chinese students don't expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet you’re still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.

成东青: Mr. Bono, before we came to the states, we debated whether to list the New Dream on the stock exchange, now, I’ve come to a decision, New Dream’s IPO will be officially announced, today.

外国男:What makes you think I care.

成东青: But you will care, I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity for the company to go public. Now, I've got it. That’s right, it's you who give us this opportunity, thank you Mr. Bono, you are the one who has garnered us the attention of potential investors form Wall Street, they will see us as a company with integrity and courage, that takes responsibility for its mistakes, the more we pay you in compensation, the great valuation we will get in the future.

In addition, there will be at least one more benefit from listing New Dream, someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve, we won’t have to rely on lawsuit to communicate with each other.

More importantly, I’m also doing this for personally reasons, I have a friend, who is more brilliant that I will ever be, and more deserving of success, but when he came to America , I realized the best man of my generation destroyed here, Mr. Bono , the playing field has never been even, this is my way of reclaiming my friend's dignity.

According to a Chinese proverb, I’m like a TUBIE, a soft shell of turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks, now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important, that they forces us to overcome our fears.
























