


1. 管理你的私人资源。

2. 应对商业世界。

3. 追求有趣且值得从事的工作机会。

4. 作为公民,做出知情权条件下的公共选择。

5. 拓展思维。


(The Economics Of Money, Banking and

Financial Markets)


学生用书:《货币金融学》(The Economics Of Money, Banking and Financial Markets),[美] Frederic S. Mishkin/著,中国人民大学出版社,20xx年第九版。

教师用书:“The Economics Of Money, Banking and Financial Markets”,9th Edition. Frederic S. Mishkin, 2010. 阅读书目:

1.《西欧金融史》,[美]P. 金德尔伯格/著,中国金融出版社,19xx年。(“A Financial History of Western Europe”, Charles P. Kinderberger.)

2.《货币史—从公元800年起》,[英]约翰. F. 乔恩/著,商务印书馆,20xx年。(“A HISTORY OF MONEY—From AD 800”, John F. Chown, 1994.)

3.《国际金融市场》第四版,[英]斯蒂芬. 瓦尔迪兹 朱利安. 伍德/著,

中国金融出版社,20xx年。(“An Introduction to Global Financial Market”, 4th Edition, by Stephen Valdez, 2003.)

4.“Lombard Street: A Description of The Money Market”, by Walter Bagehot.

5.《货币银行学》,黄达/编, 中国人民大学出版社。

6.《货币银行学》,夏德仁 李念斋/编,中国金融出版社。

Part 1 导言(Introduction)

Chapter 1 为什么要研究货币、银行和金融市场? (Why study Money, Banking, and Financial



Part 2 of this book focuses on market in which funds are transferred from people who have an excess of available funds to people who a shortage. Financial market such as stock market and bond market are important in channeling funds from people who do not have a productive use for them to those who do, a process that results in greater economic efficiency. Activities in financial market also have direct effects on personal wealth, the behavior of businesses and consumers, and the

overall performance of the economy.

claim on the issuer’s future income or assets (any financial claim or piece of property that is subject to ownership). A to make payments periodically for a specified period of time. The bond market is especially important to economic activities and because it enable corporations or governments to borrow to finance their activities and because it is where interest rates are determined. An is the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds. There are many interest rates in the economy—mortgage interest rate, car loan rate, and interest rates on many different types of bonds.

Because different interest rates have a tendency to move in unison, economists frequently lump interest rates together and refer to “the” interest rate.

(二)股票市场(The Stock Market)

A represents a share of ownership in a corporation. It is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of the corporation. Issuing stock and selling it to the public is a way for corporations to raise funds to finance their activities. The stock market, in which claims on the earnings of

corporations (shares of stock) are traded, is the most widely followed financial market in America (that’s why it is often called simply “the market”). A big swing in the prices of shares in the stock market is always a big story on the evening news. People often express their opinion on where the market is heading and frequently tell you about their latest “big killing”(although you seldom hear about their latest “big loss”!). The attention the market receives can The stock market is also an important factor in business investment decisions because the price of shares affects the amount of funds that can be raised by selling newly issued stock to finance investment spending. A higher price for a firm’s shares means that is it can raise a large amount of funds, which can be used to buy production facilities and equipment.

(三)外汇市场(The Foreign Exchange Market)

For funds to be transferred from one country to another, they have to be converted from one currency in the country of origin (say, renminbi) into the currency of the country they are going to (say, U.S. dollars). The foreign exchange market is where this conversion takes place, and so it is instrumental in moving funds between countries. It is also important because it is where the foreign exchange rate, the price of one country’s currency in terms of

another’s, is determined.

What have these fluctuations in the exchange rate meant to the Chinese public and businesses?

(一) 金融体系结构(Structure of the Financial The financial system is complex, comprising many different types of private sector financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, financial companies, and investment banks, all of which are heavily regulated by the government. If an individual wanted to make a loan to IBM or GM, for example, they would not go directly to the president of the company and offer a loan. Instead, they would lend to such companies in that borrow funds from people who have saved and in turn make loan to others.

Why are financial intermediaries so crucial to well-functioning financial markets? Why do they extend credit to one party but not to another? Why do they usually write complicated legal documents when they extend loans? Why are they the most heavily regulated businesses in the economy?

(二) 银行以及其他金融机构(Banks and Other Financial


1, 它们为打算储蓄的人们和打算投资的人们提供联系的桥梁。 2, 它们在决定货币供应和传导货币政策效力方面发挥重要作用。 3, 它们一向是迅速发展的金融创新的源泉之一;这些创新拓展了我们将储蓄变为投资的渠道。

However, banks are not the only important financial institutions. Indeed, in recent years, other financial institutions such as insurance companies, finance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, and investment banks have been growing at the expense of banks, and so we need to study them as well.

(三) 金融创新(Financial Innovation)

In the good old days, when you took cash out of the bank or wanted to check your account balance, you got to say hello to the friendly teller. Nowadays you are more likely to interact with an automatic teller machine when withdrawing cash, and you can get your account balance from your home computer. To see why these options have been developed, we study why and how financial innovation takes place in Chapter 9, 10, and 13. We also study financial institutions can lead to high profit. By seeing how and why financial institutions have been creative in the past, we obtain a better grasp of how they may be creative in the future. This knowledge provides us with useful clues about how the financial system may change over time and will help keep our knowledge about banks and other financial institutions from

becoming obsolete.

(一)货币和商业周期(Money and Business Cycles)


在研究货币理论,亦即分析货币数量的变化与经济的总体运作变动和物价水平变化的联系的时候,我们将探讨货币可能怎样影响总产出(aggregate output)。

(二)货币和通货膨胀(Money and Inflation)

一个经济社会的商品和劳务的平均价格被称为物价总水平(aggregate price level),或者更简单地称为物价水平。通货膨胀(inflation)亦即物价水平的持续上涨,影响着个人、企业和政府。通货膨胀通常被认为是一个需要解决的重要问题,而且常常是政治家和决策者首要关心的问题。要抑制通货膨胀,我们需要了解它的缘起。


诺贝尔经济学奖得主米尔顿·弗里德曼作出了他的著名论断:“通货膨胀无论何时都是一个货币现象(Inflation is alwaysand 。” 这一表述为我们研究货币问题提供了一个很好的理由,因为货币的增长率可能是通货膨胀的原动力。我们将通过研究货币数量的变化同物价水平变化的关系来考察货币在造成通货膨胀方面的作用。

(三)货币和利率(Money and Interest Rates)

利率(interest rate)是借钱的费用,或者说,是租用资金所支付的价格(通常用百分比表示100块钱的年租费)。在经济中,存在着很多重利率。利率在很多方面是很重要的。对每个人来说,高利率可能阻止你去买车买房,相反,高利率可能鼓励你去储蓄。



(四)货币政策的实施(Conduct of Money policy)

由于货币会影响许多对于我们社会的福利十分重要的经济变量,政治家和决策者便很关心货币政策(monetary policy)的实施。实施货币政策的组织是中央银行。在后面的章节里我们要研究中央银行如何能够影响经济中的货币数量,然后考察货币政策实际上是怎样实施的。

(五)预算和货币政策(Budget Deficits and Monetary 预算赤字(budget deficit)即政府在某一时期中(通常为一年)的支出超过了其税收收入的差额,这是政府必须通过借钱来弥补的。这样的赤字是不利的,因为它们最终将导致通货膨胀。后面的章节我们将首先考察赤字筹资对货币政策的实施造成的影响,继而分析这些赤字何以导致较高的货币增长率、较高的通货膨胀率以及较高的利率。

四.如何学习货币,银行和金融市场(How we study Money,

Banking, and Financial Markets)

五.结束语(Concluding Remarks)






第一章附录 对总产出、总收入和物价水平的定义


a. gross domestic product,GDP)是一个最常用的指标,它指的是一国在一年内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的价值。这一指标不包括以下两类产品:过去的产品(不是当年的产品和劳务)和中间产品(最终产品已经包括了中间产品的价值,否则就会造成重复计算)。

b. 另一个度量总产出的指标是(gross national product,GNP)要素所生产的最终产品和劳务的价值。GNP与GDP的区别是:它包括了在国外的该国个人和企业所创造的收入,而GDP则相反。

准确点说,GNP=GDP+net receipts of factor income from the rest of the world

The net receipts are primarily the income domestic residents earn on wealth they hold in other countries less the payment domestic residents make to foreign owners of wealth

located at home.

c. aggregate income)地、劳动和资本)在生产商品和劳务过程中所获得的全部收入,它被认为是计量总产出的最好指标。由于对最终商品和劳务的支付,必然会作为收入流回生产要素的所有者手中,收入的支付必然等于对最终商品和劳务的支付。

2 当最终商品和劳务的总值以现价计算的时,得出的GDP被称为名义(nominal)GDP。“名义”一词表明,价值是按现价计算的。如果所有的价格都翻了一翻,而现实的商品和劳务的生产保持不变,则名义GDP也将翻一翻。这样看来名义量值可能成为导致对经济福利指标产生误解的指标。


3 我们把物价总水平定义为消费物价指数(consumer price index,CPI)。CPI也以基年为100的物价指数来表示。

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