









1.1 目录


1.2 题目


1.3 摘要与关键词

1.3.1 摘要


1.3.2 关键词


1.4 论文正文


1.4.1 前言


1.4.2 论文主体


1.4.3 结论(结果与分析)



1.5 参考文献


1.6 致谢


1.7 附录



2.1 论文书写

论文(设计说明书)要求统一使用Microsoft Word软件进行文字处理,统一采用A4页面(210×297㎜)复印纸打印。其中上边距25㎜、下边距25㎜、左边距25㎜、右边距25㎜、页眉15㎜、页脚15㎜。字间距为标准,行间距为单倍行距。页眉内容统一为“华中农业大学本科论文(设计)”,采用宋体小五号斜体字居右排写。



2.2 目录



2.3 摘要与关键词

中、外文摘要与关键词单独成页置于目录后,编排上中文在前,外文在后。摘要、关键词题头均用四号黑体字居中排写,隔行书写具体内容,内容文字用五号宋体字,英文用Times New Roman。关键词各词条间用分号“;”隔开。

2.4 论文正文

2.4.1 章节及各章标题


2.4.2 层次


表2-1 农理工科类论文层次代号及说明


表2-2 文法经管类论文层次代号及说明


2.5 参考文献 2.5.1 文献标识


名全部列出(外文文献只列姓氏),当所引用文献作者有3名及3名以上时,只列第一作者,后加“等”字以示省略。如“(梅明华,2002)”,“(梅明华和李泽炳,2001)”,“(梅明华等,2002)”,外文文献引用作同样处理,如(Smith,1990),(Smith and Jones,1992),(Smith et al.,1993)等。

2.5.2 书写格式





学术刊物类文献——[序号]□作者.文章名.学术刊物名,年,卷(期):引用部分起—止页 学术会议类文献——[序号]□作者.题名.见:编者,文集名,会议名称,会议地址,年份.出版地:出版者,出版年:引用部分起—止页




2.6 公式


公式较长时在等号“=”或运算符号“+、-、×、÷”处转行,转行时运算符号书写于转行式前,不重复书写。公式中应注意分数线的长短(主、副分线严格区分),长分线与等号对齐。 公式中第一次出现的物理量应给予注释,注释的转行应与破折号“——”后第一个字对齐,格式见下例:

式中 Mf——试样断裂前的最大扭矩(N·m);


2.7 插表




文法经管类论文插表在表下一般根据需要可增列补充材料、注解、资料来源、某些指标的计算方法等。补充材料中中文文字用楷体小五号字,外文及数字用Times New Roman体小五号字。

2.8 插图


2.8.1 图题及图中说明


2.8.2 插图编排


2.8.3 照片图


2.9 附录


附录1 目录示例




□□摘要(5号宋体)?????????????????????????????Ⅱ □□关键词(5号宋体)?????????????????????????????Ⅱ □□Abstract(5号宋体)?????????????????????????????Ⅱ □□Key words(5号宋体)????????????????????????????Ⅱ □□前言(5号宋体)?????????????????????????????1










2.2□有丝分裂计数????????????????????????????? 4

2.2.1□染色体数分布及两代间变化 ????????????????????4









3.3 □关于杂种育性水平逐代提高的可能原因??????????????????7 参考文献????????????????????????????????????8 致谢??????????????????????????????????????8 附录???????????????????????????????????10

附录2 论文摘要及关键词示例(中、英文)











Cytological study on the intergeneric hybrid progenies between Raphanus sativus and Brassica oleracea ↖

(空一行)〔3号Times New Roman居中,单倍行距〕

Abstract(4号Times New Roman居中)


□□The intergeneric hybrid progenies of Raphanus sativus × Brassica oleracea were used in this study, and the variation of chromosome numbers of ovary cells were studied. The results were as follows. In the plants of the F5 generation, chromosome numbers ranged from 18 to 38,and the cells with 36 chromosomes were the most frequent (27.05%). Most of the cells were those with chromosome numbers 38,37,36 and 34. In the plants of the F6 generation, the range of chromosome number decreased evidently, which was from 30 to 38. The cells with 36 chromosomes were the highest (41.86%). Most of the cells were those with chromosome numbers 37,36 and 35. In the F5 generation, the plants with 2n=36 as the highest chromosome number were the most frequent (40.7%), and those with 2n=38 were the second (29.6%). In the F6 generation, the plants with 2n=36 as the highest chromosome number were again the highest (51.9%)??(5号Times New Roman,单倍行距) (空一行)

Key words(4号Times New Roman居中)


□□Raphanus sativus;Brassica oleracea;intergeneric hybrids;cytology;fertility(5号Times New Roman)

附录3 论文格式示例(农、理、工科类用)

1□标题(正文第1章标题, 4号黑体,上下间距为:段前0.5行,段后0.5行)




1.1.1□××××(正文3级标题, 5号黑体)















附录4 论文格式示例(文法经管类用)

一、标题(正文第1章标题, 4号黑体,上下间距为:段前0.5行,段后0.5行)




□□1.××××(正文3级标题, 5号黑体)
















附录5 文献综述示例









②摘要、关键词题头为五号黑体字,内容文字为五号楷体字,文中数字及英文采用Times New Roman字体,统一用单倍行距;



附录6 外文翻译示例



□□原文来源:Bellaloui N,Brown P H.Manipulation of in vivo Sorbitol Production Alters Boron Uptake and Transport in Tobacco.Plant Physiol.1999,119(2):73-74




①译文题目采用小二号黑体字居中排写,后空一行书写“原文来源”,统一用单倍行距; ②在题目与译文正文之间必须标明原文来源,原文来源编写参照《华中农业大学学士学位论文撰写规范(暂行)》中参考文献编写格式参照论文(设计)参考文献著录格式;

③“原文来源”首行空两格书写,题头为五号黑体字,内容采用五号Times New Roman字书写;


⑤正文书写及其它格式参照《华中农业大学学士学位论文撰写规范(暂行)》; ⑥外文翻译装订顺序为译文在前原文复印件在后,原文复印件应整洁。

附录7 参考文献示例




[1] 王石平,刘克德,王江,张启发.用同源序列的染色体定位寻找水稻抗病基因DNA片段.植

物学报,1998,40: 42-50

[2] 王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL] .http://www.cajcd. edu.

cn/pub/wml. txt/980810-2.html,1998-08-16/1998-10-04.

[3] 刘克德.水稻广亲和性遗传基础的全基因组分析及S5位点区段部分物理图谱的构建.[博


[4] 全国文献工作标准化技术委员会第六分委员会.GB 6447-86文献编写规则.北京:中国标


[5] 张启发,李建雄.水稻杂种优势的遗传和分子生物学基础的研究进展.王连铮, 戴景瑞主

编, 全国作物育种学术讨论会论文集.中国作物学会第六届理事会暨全国作物育种学术讨论会, 北京, 1998,北京:中国农业科技术出版社,1998:1-10

[6] 张启发.玉米的群体和群体遗传学.见:刘纪麟主编,玉米育种学.北京:农业出版社,

1991: 264-320

[7] 姜锡州.一种温热外敷药制备方法.中国专利, 881056073.1989-07-26

[8] 谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N] .人民日报,1998-12-25(10).

[9] 蓝盛银,徐珍秀.植物花粉剥离观察扫描电镜图解.北京:科学出版社, 1996:47-48

[10] Ahn S, Tanksley S D. Comparative linkage maps of the rice and maize genomes. Proc Natl Acad

Sci USA, 1993b, 90:7980-7984

[11] Foth H D. Fundamentals of soil science. 7th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984: 151-159

[12] Aldemita R R. Genetic Engineering of rice: Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation

of rice and evaluation of a corn pollen-specific promoter using the gusA gene in transgenic rice. (Ph D dissertation). West Lafyatte: Purdue University, 1998

[13] Morison J I L. Intercellular CO2 concentration and stomatal responses to CO2. In: Zeiger E,

Farquhar G D, Cowan I R eds., Stomatal Function. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987:229-251

[14] Wang X M. Recombinant DNA sequences encoding Phospholipase. USA patent, 5670366.


[15]Zhang Q, Gao Y J, Yang S H, Ragab R A, Saghai Maroof M A, Li J X, Li Z B. Molecular

marker-based analysis of heterosis in hybrid rice. Abstract, 7th Annual Meeting of the Rockefeller Foundation's International Program on Rice Biotechnology, 1994, Bali, Indonesia

Norm of Graduation Paper for Undergraduates in English


I. Structure and Writing Requirements


Your graduation paper should include: Chinese cover, English front page, contents, English abstract and key words, Chinese abstract and key word, main body, bibliography, acknowledgement and appendixes. It should be bound according to this order.

A. English Front Page(英文扉页)

The English front page should include the title, the names of the author and the tutor, the academic degree that the paper is for, name of the department and time.

B. Contents(目录)

The contents table lists the major chapters and sections of the paper and the page numbers.

C. Abstract and Key Words(摘要与关键词)

1. Abstract

Abstract is the main idea of the paper. It is a brief summary of the research you have carried out, which includes the purpose, the methods, thesis statement, major arguments and conclusion of the research and its significance. It should be clear and complete. The length of the English abstract is usually 150 words and the Chinese abstract should be an equivalence of the English one. The English abstract should be put before the Chinese one.

2. Key Words

Key words are provided for document retrieve. They should cover the major terminologies used in the paper. Usually, 3 to 10 words should be listed. The English key words should be properly translated into Chinese and listed after the Chinese abstract.

D . The Paper (论文正文)

The paper includes introduction, the main body and conclusion.

1. Introduction

Introduction should include the purpose, background and meaning of the research, literature review which concludes what the others have done on this research topic, and a brief introduction to your research which includes your thesis statement and major arguments. It is the beginning of the paper and should not be numbered.

2. Main Body

The main body of the paper should be clear, coherent and logical.

3. Conclusion

It is the conclusion of the research discussed in the paper. Your innovative ideas should be emphasized. It usually includes the major discoveries in the research, its meaning and suggestions for further research and so on. It should not be numbered.

E. Bibliography(参考文献)

The Bibliography lists the articles or books you have used as references.

F. Acknowledgement(致谢)

The acknowledgement shows your appreciation to the persons or organizations which helped you during the research. It should be simple, clear and sincere.

II. Format and Type of the Paper


A. Typing and Binding of Paper (论文打印与装订)

The whole paper including the bibliography should be typed with double spaces between the lines (1.5倍行距 ). The rest should the same as The Writing Principles of Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree of HAU.

B. English Cover(英文扉页)

The title should be typed in Times New Roman (TNR) 24, bold and the rest should be typed in TNR 14. Go to

C. Abstract and Key Words(摘要与关键词)

The words “Abstract” and “Key Words” should be typed in TNR 14, bold and the content of the English abstract should be typed in TNR 12.

中文摘要与关键词部分, “摘要”与“关键词”用四号黑体,摘要内容用五号宋体。 Go to

D. Contents(目录)

The contents table should list all the chapters and the page numbers, including English abstract and key words, Chinese abstract and key word, contents, main body, bibliography, acknowledgement and appendixes. “Contents” should be typed in TNR 14, bold in the middle. The rest will be typed in TNR 12.

Go to

E. The Paper (论文正文)



F. Notes and Bibliography(注解和参考文献)

The Bibliography lists the articles or books you have used as references.

1. Notes

In MLA documentation style, you acknowledge your sources by keying brief parenthetical citations in your text to an alphabetical list of works (Bibliography) at the end of the paper. The parenthetical citation that concludes the following sentence is typical of MLA style.

e.g. Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197).

The citation “(Marcuse 197)” tells readers that the information in the sentence was derived from page 197 of a work by an author named Marcuse. If readers want more information about this source, they can turn to the Bibliography page, where under the name of Marcuse, they would find the following information.

The parenthetical citation works like this:

(1) Mention your source (author’s last name and page number) within the text of your paper I parentheses, like this:

e.g. One of the great all-time best sellers, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, sold over 300,000 copies in America and more than 2 million copies world-wide (Wilson 3).

(2) If you are quoting directly or if want to stress the authority of the source you are paraphrasing, you may mention the name of the source in your sentence. Then include just the page number (or numbers) at the end in parentheses, like this:

e.g. In Patriotic Gore, Edmund Wilson tells us that Mrs. Stowe felt “the book had

been written by God” (5).

(3) If you must quote indirectly -- something quoted from another source not available to you -- indicate this in your parenthetical reference by using "qtd. in" (for "quoted in"). The following example comes from a book written by Donald Johanson and Maitland Edey:

e.g. Richard Leakey's wife, Maeve, told the pale anthropologist David Johanson, "We heard all about your bones on the radio last night" (qtd. in Johanson and Edey 162 ).

(4) If you are using a source written or edited by more than three people, use only the name of the first person listed, followed by "et al." (meaning "and others"):

e.g. Blair et al. observe that the fine arts were almost ignored by colonial writers (21). It is observed that the fine arts were almost ignored by colonial writers (Blair et al. 21).

(5) If you refer to more than one work by the same author, include a shortened title in the citation in your text like:

e.g. It is noticed primary school pupils often make this mistake (Gould, (6) If the author's name is not given, then use a shortened title instead. In your abbreviation, be sure to use at least the first word of the full title to send the reader to the proper alphabetized entry on your Bibliography page. The following is a reference to a newspaper article entitled "Ramifications of Baboon Use Expected to Become, an Issue":

e.g. The doctor observed that some people objected to the transplant on grounds that were emotional rather than rational ("Ramifications" A23).

(7) If you are quoting more than four typed lines, you should indent the quotation 5 spaces on both sides and omit the quotation marks. Cite the page number in parentheses two spaces after the period: e.g. She says goodbye to everything that is familiar and secure. She does not walk through the door to find somebody else to live with and for; she is leaving the house more insecure than she ever realized she could be. But she hopes to find out who she is and why she is. She is facing with the problem of finding out her own identity. (263).

2. Bibliography

The following models will help you write Bibliography entries for most of the sources you will use. Your references should be listed according to alphabetic order.

(1) Books

Common entry:

Author’s name. city of Publication: Publishing House, year of publication.

(a) Book by one author

Wilson, Edmund. New York: Oxford UP, 1966.

Wilson, Frank R. . New York: Pantheon, 1998.

(b) Two or more books by the same author New York: Norton, 1981.

---. New York: Norton, 1980. (c) Book by 2 or more authors

2 authors:

Eggins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. . London: Cassell, 1997.

3 authors:

Brusaw, Charles W., Gerald J. Alfred, and Walter E. Oliu. . New York: St. Martin's, 1976.

more than three authors . New York: Appleton, 1965. [The phrase "et al." is an abbreviation for "et alii," meaning "and others."]

(d) Book by an anonymous author . New York: Somerset, 1993.

(e) Book with an editor, translator or compiler

Zaranka, William, ed. . Cambridge: Apple-Wood, 1981.

[For a book with two or more editors, use "eds. "] . Trans. H. M. Parshley. New York: Knopf, 1971. Sevilano, Mando, comp. . Flagstaff: Northland, 1986.

(f) Book with an editor, translator or compiler and an author Trans. Jessie Coulson. Ed. George Gibian.

New York: Norton, 1964.

Shakespeare, William. Ed. G. B. Harrison.

New York: Harcourt, 1948.

(g) Multivolume work . 2 vols.

Hamden: Garland, 1993. . 5th ed. 10 vols. New York: St. Martin's, 1961.

(h) A book published in a second or subsequent edition, or revised edition or abridged edition Ed. F. W. Robinson. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton, 1957.

Cheyfitz, Eric. Expanded ed. Philadelphia: U of

Pennsylvania P, 1997. Rev. ed.

New York: Watts, 1986. Trans. Edward G. Seidensticker. Abr. ed. New York: Vintage-Random, 1985.

(i) Work in a collection or anthology

Calvino, Italo. “Cybernetics and Ghosts.”Trans. Patrick

Creagh. San Diego: Harcourt, 1982. 3-27.

Firebaugh, Joseph J. "The Pragmatism of Henry James." Ed. Lyall Powers. East Lansing: Michigan State P, 1973.187-201.

Hanzlik, Josef. “Vengeance.” Trans. Ewald Osers. Comp. and ed. Peter Spafford. Cheltenham: New Clarion, 1992. 54.

(j) Work reprinted in a collection or anthology 1983. 42-52.

(2) An Article in a Scholarly Journal

Basic entry

Author’s name. “title of the article.” Volume number (year of

publication): page numbers


Craner, Paul M. “New Tool for an ancient Art: the computer and Music.”[If the journal has only issue numbers, treat them as volume numbers.] [If the journal has more than one series, write the number (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) and abbreviation ser. between the journal title and the volume number. If it is divided into new series and an original series, indicate the series with ns or os before the volume number.]

Daniels, John. “Indian Population of North America in 1492.” Spivak, Kathleen. “Bewteen Two Cultures.”(3) News paper article

(a) Signed newspaper article

Krebs, Emilie. “Sewer Backup Called No Problems.” 20 Nov. 1985: A3 (b) Unsigned newspaper article

“Minister Found Guilty of Soliciting Murder.” (4) Electronic Publications

(a) A complete scholarly project or information database

It usually consists of the following items:

Title of the project or database (Italicized)

Name of the editor of the project or database (if given)

Electronic publication information, including version number (if relevant and if not part of the title), date of electronic publication or of the latest update, and name of any sponsoring institution or organization

Date of access and network address

If you cannot find some of the information, cite what is available. E.g.

Vers. 98.2. Apr. 1998. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8 May 1998 </>.

Ed. Michael N. Salda. Vers. 1.1. Dec. 1997. De Grummond

Children’s Lit. Reserch collection, U of Southern Mississippi. 15 Apr. 1998 <http://www-dept.usm.edu/-dengdept / cinderalla /cinderalla.html/>.

(b) A document in the project

“City Profile: San Francisco.”>.

(c) Personal cite (d) An online book Author’sof publication, name of publisher, year of publication etc. ). Date of access <network address>.


Austen, Jane. Ed. Henry Churchyard. 1996. 10 Sept. 1998

<http://www.pemberley. com/ janeinfo/ pridprej.html>. 1998 <http:// mitpress.mit.edu/e-books/Chomsky/>.

(e) An article in an Online Periodical Author’s name. “Title of the article.” volume number(issue

number or other identifying number) (date of publication). The number range or total number of pages. Date of access <network address>.


Calabress, Michael. “Between Despair and Ecstasy: Marco Polo’s Life of the Buddha.”9.1 (1997). 22 June 1998 <http://web.english.ufl. edu/ english/exemplaria/calax.htm>. Elam, Diana. “Disciplining woman: Feminism or women’s Studies.”24 June 1998 <http://tornade.era.umontreal.ca:80/ -guedon/Surfaces/vol5/elam.html>.

(f) CD-rom, disk, or tape

Author’publisher, date of publication.


Barnes. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984, CD-ROM. Clayton: InteLex, 1994. oyager,


(5) Chinese Reference Books

Chinese reference articles or books should be listed after the English ones. Please take The Writing Principles of Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree of HAU as reference for format.

Go to

III. Format for Literature Review


Literature review should include cover, English title, abstract and key words, main body and bibliography. The main body should not be less than 1500 words.

A. Cover:It will be made and printed by the university;

B. English title should be typed in TNR 14, bold;

C. Abstract and key words: TNR 12;

D. Main body: TNR 12;倍行距);

E. 页眉设置参照《华中农业大学学士学位论文撰写规范》。

F. Notes and bibliography: same as the paper.

Go to

IV. Format for Literature Translation


Choose a piece of your references, either a complete article or a complete chapter from a book, and translate it into Chinese:

A. Please take The Writing Principles of Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree of HAU as reference for format.;


□□原文来源:Bennet, Paula. Emily Dickenson: Woman Poet. New York: Northeastern University Press, 1998.

Appendix 1: Sample of Front Page

X X X X Title X X X X


Student’s name

Under the Supervision of

Teacher’s name

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Foreign Language Department

Huazhong Agricultural University

May 2005

Appendix 2: Sample of content table, abstract and key words

Contents(TNR14, Bold, 居中)


Abstract(以下均为TNR12)??????????????????????Ⅱ Key Words…………………………………………………………………… ……... Ⅱ 摘要(宋体五号)……………………………….…………...………………………..……Ⅱ 关键词………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ


I. Emily Dickinson’s Mysterious Recluse Life……………………….…..…………...2

A. Emily Dickinson’s Family Background……….…………...……….…………...2 (前空2字符与上一级标题正文对齐)

B. Emily Dickinson’s Doubt towards Religion……………………..………………3

C. Emily Dickinson’s Refusal of Publication and Marriage…………..……………3 II. Emily Dickinson’s Nature Poem……...………………………………...………….5

A. The Characteristics of Dickinson’s Nature Poem………….…………...…..…...5

1. Style…


IV. Emily Dickinson’s Unconventional Art of Poetry……………….………..….......14

A. The Direct, Simply, yet Thought-provoking Image in “Because I could not stop for


B. Dickinson’s Peculiar Rhyme……………..……….…...……..………………..…...15 (标题每一个实词首字母大写)


Acknowledgement………………………………………………….………………..…..18 Bibliography………………………………………………………………….…...…….19

Abstract(TNR14, Bold, 居中)


Emily Dickinson stands firmly among the best poets for her unique and penetrating ideas as well as freshness in form. Retreating from almost all social activities and rejecting church, marriage and publication, she remains all her life a free thinker. Her nature and religious poems, her concise, simply yet thought-provoking verses together with the peculiar rhymes give full pay to her individual spirit. (TNR 12)


Key words(TNR14, Bold,居中)


Individualism; nature; death; God; image; rhyme; poetry(前空4个字符)

摘 要 (四号黑体居中)






Ⅱ(罗马数字标页码,与Contents 所标页码一致)

Appendix 3: Sample of the paper Introduction(T NR 14, Bold)


In the expanding, exiting America of the second half of the nineteenth century, poetry loses its clearly defined characters and becomes various …….(T NR 12).


I. Emily Dickinson’s Mysterious Recluse Life(TNR 14, Bold)


Dickinson’s life remains to a large extent mysterious, which we could only imagine from her letters and poems as well as memories of her few friends.


A. Emily Dickinson’s Family Background(TNR 12, Bold)

Emily Dickinson was born in Ameberst, Massachusetts,“……they are religious, except me” (qtd. in Chang 235-6).


B. Emily Dickinson’s Doubt towards Religion

Another point should call attention is her commitment of never being religious……




It is true to say that Dickinson may have retained her self-image as an isolated “kangaroo among the beauty,”….

Acknowledgement (T NR 14, Bold)


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor—Ding Yanwen, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. Her encouragement and help are worthy of high acknowledgement.


Bibliography(T NR 14, Bold)


Bennet, Paula. Boston: Northeastern University Press,


Farr, Judith. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996. Johnson, Thomas H. and Theodora Ward, ed. Cambridge, 1958.

Kennedy, X. J. and Dana Gioia. . New York: Harper Collins

College Publishers, 1994. . Urbana and Chicago:

University of Illinois Press, 1958.

(如参考书目的某一条的内容多于一行,从第二行起,行首空5个字符) 李宜燮,常耀信编. 美国文学选读. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2002

金莉,秦亚青. 美国文学. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999

常耀信. 美国文学简史. 天津:南开大学出版社, 1990

Appendix 4: Sample of the literature review

The Individualism of Emily Dickinson(TNR 14,Bold,居中)


Abstract: (TNR12, Bold)Emily Dickinson’s greatness lies in her uniqueness in ideas and freshness in expression, which originate in her strong individualism. Emersonism and Calvinism have exerted great influence upon her. Poems on nature and death as well as her peculiar rhymes and images give full play to her individualistic spirit.

Key Words:Individualism; poetry; nature; death; rhyme; image (TNR 12)


Emily Dickinson, as one of the greatest poets in history, has made superb contribution to English poetry by reason of its thought, its polished expression and unique craftsmanship. She was never commonplace; always imaginative and stimulating. Her poems are remarkable for their condensation, their vividness of image, their subtle feeling for nature, their startling abruptness in dealing with themes usually regarded commonplace, their violence and sincerity in emotion, all of which well illuminated her individualism and originality. (TNR 12)


Bibliography(TNR 14, Bold)


Benway, Nova. "BookRags Book Notes on The Joy Luck Club." 2 November 2004.


Huntley, Edward D. London: Greenwood Press,

1998. (如参考书目的某一条的内容多于一行,从第二行起,行首空5个字符)







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