





  学期  _____20##-20##-2_____

班级        英语08-5      

课程  翻译理论与实践上机实践

姓名       邹昕润  ____     

学号      200810011127     

















Although art historians have spent decades demystifying [1] van Gogh's legend, they have done little to diminish[2] his vast popularity. Auction prices still soar[3], visitors still overpopulate[4] van Gogh exhibitions, and The Starry Night remains ubiquitous[5] on dormitory and kitchen walls. So complete is van Gogh's global apotheosis[6] that Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers[7] to sprinkle[8] their relatives' ashes on his grave. What accounts for the endless appeal of the van Gogh myth? It has at least two deep and powerful sources. At the most primitive level, it provides a satisfying and nearly universal revenge fantasy disguised[9] as the story of heroic sacrifice to art. Anyone who has ever felt isolated and unappreciated can identify with van Gogh and hope not only for a spectacular[10]redemption[11] but also to put critics and doubting relatives to shame. At the same time, the myth offers an alluringly[12]simplistic[13] conception of great art as the product, not of particular historical circumstances and the artist's painstaking[14] calculations, but of the naive and spontaneous outpouring[15] of a mad, holy fool. The gaping[16]discrepancy[17] between van Gogh's long-suffering life and his remarkable posthumous[18] fame remains a great and undeniable historical irony. But the notion that he was an artistic idiot savant[19] is quickly dispelled by even the most glancing examination of the artist's letters. It also must be dropped after acquainting oneself with the rudimentary[20] facts of van Gogh's family background, upbringing, and early adulthood.21

The image of van Gogh as a disturbed[22] and forsaken[23] artist is so strong that one easily reads it back into his childhood and adolescence. But if van Gogh had died at age twenty, no one would have connected him with failure or mental illness. Instead he would have been remembered by those close to him as a competent[24] and dutiful son with a promising career in the family art-dealing business. He was, in fact, poised[25] to surpass his father and to come closer to living up to the much-esteemed[26] can Gogh name.

The van Goghs were an old and distinguished Dutch family who could trace their lineage[27] in Holland[28] back to the sixteenth century. Among Vincent’s five uncles, one reached the highest rank of vice-admiral29 in the Navy and three others prospered as successful art dealers. Van Gogh's grandfather, also named Vincent, had attained an equally illustrations status as an intellectually accomplished Protestant minister. The comparatively modest achievements of the artist's father, Theodorus, proved the exception, not the rule. Although Theodorus was the only one of grandfather Vincent's six sons to follow him into the ministry, he faltered as a preacher[30] and could obtain only modest positions in provincial churches. It was for this reason that Theodorus and his new wife, Anna, found themselves in Groot Zundert[31], a small town near the Belgian[32] border. Vincent was born a few years after their arrival.

    Van Gogh enjoyed a relatively uneventful[33] childhood save for the birth of five siblings (three by the time he was six and two more by his fourteenth year) and his attendance at two different boarding schools. In rural Zundert he took long walks in the Brabant countryside and developed a naturalist's love of animals and plants. At his two boarding schools, he excelled at his studies and laid down the foundation for his lifelong facility in French and English. The family's decision to apprentice him at sixteen to Uncle Vincent's art gallery in The Hague[34] was far from a nepotistic[35] last resort.36 Uncle Vincent, called "Cent," had transformed an art supply store into a prestigious[37] art gallery and had become a senior partner in Goupil et Cie.38, one of the largest art-dealing firms in Europe. Vincent had not better opportunity for advancement than working at The Hague branch of Goupil's. And it was a testament to Vincent's abilities that the childless "Uncle Cent" took a paternal interest in him and arranged for his position as Goupil's youngest employee.

Vincent's duties progressed from record keeping and correspondence chores in the back office to dealing, if only in a subordinate way, with clients. This confronts us with the nearly unthinkable image of the "socially competent" Vincent. But such was the case at this stage in his life.39 The same man whose eccentricity would one day make young girls scream in fright dressed appropriately and charmed customers with his enthusiasm for art. Vincent also ingratiated himself with the local artists of The Hague School and earned his colleagues' respect. Although his status as Uncle Cent's nephew and protégé must have smoothed his way, Vincent appears to have been genuinely dedicated and effective at Goupil’s. His boss, Tersteeg, sent home glowing reports and after four years at The Hague he was promoted to the London branch.




















The National martyrs’s cemetery1 is the spiritual home of a nation. Standing in the aviation martyrs cemetery I get the impression: eagle nests. Stepping up along the northern slope of the Purple Mountain2, I have a sense of Solemnity just like the aircraft took off. In the Cemetery there are two hundred and sixty graves which lift two hundred and sixty square stone. They are the tombstone, but symbolize the apron3. One apron is waiting for one eagle.

Words engraved on the stone in front of the 36th grave are as follows:

The Martyr Cao Fang Zhen (also known as Fang town), was born at the Xiangxiang County of Hunan Province in the May 10, 1913. Graduating from the Central Aviation School as the sixth term of the graduates, he served as the second lieutenant4 pilot in the twenty-fourth group of Fifth Battalion in the Air Force. On October 12, 1937 he was killed in the combat in Nanjing. He was given the lieutenant position, but left his wife Li.

The cemetery5 was so quiet that I could hear the rustle when I touch the Inscription6. When I reach the last four words, it seems to be the surging7 of the thunder and lightning. People tired of the over-long words, shocked of the over-simple. ‘Left his wife Li’ although only four words,8 they are full of the happiness and the pain. But how can these words describe an eagle?

     The hero and his wife LiChendui came from the same place. On their wedding which held in Changsha the bridegroom said:‘there are only there anniversaries in my whole life –the first is the day when I graduated from aviation school, the second is today, and the third is the day when we repel the Japanese invaders.’ Everyone was shocked by his words. The bride lift the cup tremblingly, and drank the wine with tear. When the holiday was over, the bridegroom wrote in his cards‘honey, please take care of yourself. your Fangzheng’, and then quietly put it into the bride’s dressing box9. Unfortunately, this became a reality. They only had five days of the couple.      

 October 12, 1937 afternoon, nine Japanese Mitsubishi heavy-bomber planes10, six expulsion aircrafts11accompanied by the sea reconnaissance plane12 flied from north to south to fight the city stone.[13] The captain of the Fourth Air Force GaoZhihang, and Liu Cuigang who was the leader of the 24th Air Force led eight chasers to meet the enemy on fifteen thousand feet in altitude of Longtan. In this battle, our army three to one got victory. But this ‘one’ was just CaoFangzhen who was only twenty-four years old. Condor[14] was shot of seventeen shells, fell in the mountain of Badou.

Standing in the barracks, LiDuicheng did not say a word but cried for seven days facing the bad news. Before leaving, she hugged the bloody uniform, pulled quiveringly a bloody gun out from its pocket. Bright red, hot, the blood on the gun is like spewing out from the barrel[15]. She held the gun with both her hands and wept uncontrollably. After a long time, she said to the captain Yan Cui Gang with choked voice : "As his wife I do not want anything, please give this gun to me. "On hearing this LiuCuigang cried out and said:‘Mrs.Cao, you can want everything but this gun.’ Then he saluted[16] to Lee and the gun solemnly. Touch the hat he thought: What force can overcome the people which dare to regard the revenge as a relic?[17]

 They stayed together only twelve days, including five wedding days in the same world and seven days in the different world[18]. Two months after Nanjing was invaded----- hero’s Soul came back to his hometown, but where to settle down the remains? The moment Li Duicheng open her arms for the north, her black hair was suddenly all white. November 21, 1987, Li Duicheng went to the aviation martyrs cemetery To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak of war,also The fiftieth anniversary of the Chinese Air Force won the first battle. Her back curved, eyes laged, gait tottered. Da,da,da,da,the sound of bamboo[19] crunch knock the tomb passage just like weep of the heaven. When she came to the 36th grave, everywhere is quite. Looking for the eagle for half century has finally come nearly to eagle nests Her hands which should touch a child’s cheek touched the stone. The cemetery was so quiet that the rustle when she touched the Inscription could be heared. Reached the last four words, the old woman fainted. but she also rubbed the stone—did the gun buried under the stone?

Silent launched into an eagle launched in the silent, it used the wings to touch the sky.
























