










                20##   年 9  9  



(第一周 英译汉 两天一篇)


The High-Tech Student

Remember the Stone Age days of research back in elementary school and middle school? We would spend countless hours digesting1 the information we could find on index cards. Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the Gopher program or some generic2 database whose name connoted3 a marmot4 that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick?

  Well, all I have to say can be summed up5 in five words: Thank God For The Internet! Screw6 going to the library! I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collections of literature right at my fingertips. I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok7 in the library, stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare's8 The Tempest9 or some other book, all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the “ silence policy of libraries” means.

  If you recall the flood epidemic10 that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago, that natural disaster wreaked11 havoc12 all over campus. A large portion of journals and texts were located in our libraries' basement which completely filled up with about 10 feet of rain water in a matter of hours.

The Lory Student Center's basement was also flooded and that was where the university bookstore was located. This forced almost every professor to order new textbooks and that really put a dent13 in our wallets. Many students here, myself included, still have to face the disappointment of searching for a particular book or journal for a last minute paper, only to find out that the certain item was a casualty14 of the flood.

  Thanks to the Internet, the university implemented15 the Inter-Library Loan system. Several universities around Colorado have generously aided us in our research endeavors by loaning any resource we need for at least two to three weeks. All we have to do is type in a request and five other university libraries automatically search for that information.

  Without this program, I may have failed several papers and projects. I would have had to spend my nights running from public library to public library around the state just to find a certain article or novel. The World Wide Web has also given us the capability to order any textbook at a much lower price than the university bookstores charge. Hey, we're all college students and we're usually broke16,so anytime we can find a deal or discount that will save us a few bucks17, we will gladly take it.

And last but not least18, for those of us who are constantly homesick, have a special someone far away, or still want to keep in touch with pals, we have e-mail. Like most of you, I moved away from home to go to school and my high school friends spread out across the globe. Instead of wasting money on stationery and envelopes and stamps (which seem to increase in price about every year), I can chat with everyone through the Internet. Plus, scanning19 has allowed us to send pictures to our sweethearts, friends, and family who have forgotten what we look like. So, I'm asking everyone to get on their hands and knees and to pay homage20 to the tele- communications god, the Internet.


A Roller-Coaster Ride in the Stock Market

  Do you enjoy a roller-coaster6 ride? Ups and downs, zigs7 and zags8, free falls in the dark. I made several such rides in Disney Park in Florida. It was an awful yet exhilarating9 experience. But I vowed that I would not do it again since I really do not have the guts10 to experience so many things out of your vision and out of your control. You do not know where you are going and when it is going to be over.

However, I experienced another long roller-coaster ride in the stock market. So did a lot of my friends. In 1999, the bull dominated the stock markets in the States and stocks simply soared11, Dow and Nasdaq reaching their historical heights respectively. In particular, the technology sector grew like crazy. You did not have to be a technology guru12 to pick the right stock and get rich. You just picked any technology stock, at sheer13 blind random, and you would gain after a short period of time. That was the time when most of us--I mean the circle of our friends--got into the stock market.

  In Connell, I had taken a couple of finance courses and learnt some basic concepts about stocks, such as “ Buy low, Sell high” ,“ Diversify your portfolio14” (i.e. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.) and “ Invest for the long term.” However, being a green hand15 in this market, I found it terribly hard to apply what I learnt. First of all, it was difficult to make a due judgment on when the price hit the bottom and was about to turn upward. I had a watch list. Some stocks just had the momentum16 from nowhere and kept on inching higher and higher; some just went headlong17 in the opposite direction. Secondly, it was easy to say “ Diversify your portfolio” . But with my little savings that I invested in the market, it did not seem to make sense to divide a couple of thousand dollars among several stocks. When I tried to apply the evaluation theories to the stocks, they were outrageously expensive, especially those internet stocks. On the other hand, the stocks of traditional industries were punished really hard. They were cheap buys to me and fit the theory of “ Buying low,” but they seemed to always stay in the red, with no hope of turning green.

  Testing the water, I picked two stocks I believed had good fundamentals and were bargains. My husband, who understood nothing about the market, decided to go in an opposite direction. He picked only one technology stock simply by watching the news and following the hot sector. I was really dubious18 of how well he would fare19.

After the day we picked the stocks, we would keep our eyes on how the market did every day. However, we had different reactions to the market. The market soared one day and tanked another day; and to its rhythm20, my spirit rose to the sky and then fell into the hell. Although I told myself I should not be so emotional since I invested for the long term, I could not help myself jumping at the small percent age of gain and stomping21 at the loss.

  My husband was able to keep his composure22 no matter what happened. The only thing that was changed by the market was his living habits. He used to get up really late if he had no classes. Since he entered the market, he got up very early to watch the premarket news and made his moves. He traded frequently, sometimes buying and selling within a day. I kidded23 him that instead of becoming an academician24 he ought to become a happy daytrader. In two months, he made a couple of thousand dollars. Encouraged, he invested more time and energy into it. At the end of each day, he had tons25 of analysts' comments about his stocks and mine since I did not have too much time doing research. While I was glad that he enjoyed what he did and made some money, I was afraid that it took up too much of his time. However, it was hard for him to go back to the life before he entered the market. He cut back the time he spent surfing on the internet for the stock-related news, but still could not help turning on the TV to watch CNBC, the channel devoted to the stock market. And when we had a get together with friends, it seemed that the only thing we talked about was the stock market. Everyone was so bullish and a beautiful and bright future seemed to be just around the corner26.

  However, a dream was a dream. Half a year later, both my husband and I lost all we gained. We thought it was a correction of the bubbles of technology stocks, as many people believed they were overvalued; it was not the arrival of bears in the market. Once the correction was over, the market would charge ahead again. But even if it was just a correction, it burnt us dearly, since, after putting the principle of “ diversify your portfolio” far behind, our portfolio was heavily technology weighted. What was even worse, the overall stock market slipped and slipped into a seemingly bottomless abyss27 that went beyond our ability to gauge28. If I had foreseen such a drastic bearish change in the market, I would have never dared to get into it. My husband was depressed too, but still cautiously29 optimistic about the future. He did not day trade any more, only hoping what he had lost would come back in the long run30.

  In 2000, Dow fell 6% and Nasdaq fell 37% for the whole year. When will the market turn back? My husband does not know, neither do I, nor those analysts.


But, as has been true in many other cases, when they were at last married, the most ideal of situations was found to have been changed to the most practical. Instead of having shared their original duties, and as school-boys would say, going halves, they discovered that the cares of life had been doubled. This led to some distressing moments for both our friends; they understood suddenly that instead of dwelling in heaven they were still upon earth, and had made themselves slaves to new laws and limitations. Instead of being freer and happier than ever before, they had assumed new responsibilities; they had established a new household, and must fulfill in some way or another obligations of it. They looked back with affection to their engagement; they had been longing to have each other to themselves, apart from the world, but it seemed that they never felt so keenly that they were still units in modern society.






【关键词】产学研结合 实验实习平台 校企合作

开放校内外实习基地 实现人才培养模式创新


    [关键词] 开放式实习教学  模式创新



An Empirical Research on Types, Providers, Modes and Evaluation of Public Services in Public Crisisses

去年5月12日,我国发生震惊世界的汶川特大地震。汶川地震给我们造成的损失是惨重的。20##年5月12日,四川汶川发生8级特大地震,给我国部分地区民众造成了巨大的人身和财产损失,引起了海内外公众的关注。截至20##年10月8日12时,全国各地遇难人数达到69229 人,失踪17923人,受伤374643 人;截至20##年9月4日,这次汶川地震造成直接经济损失8451亿元人民币。主震区四川最为严重,占到总损失的91.30%,甘肃占到总损失的5.80%,陕西占总损失的2.90%。现在灾区恢复重建工作正有条不紊的展开。

据甫玉龙、姜继为等学者(2001)的研究,危机情境下的公共服务可分为六种类型:心理服务、信息服务、培养和训练公民的应急能力,增强民众应对危机的意识和技能(以下简称为“培训服务”)、为民众提供物资和技术,做好应对危机的救援准备工作(以下简称“物资技术服务”)、对商户和企业等提供经济、金融服务,帮助他们渡过难关(以下简称“经济金融服务”)、为参加抗击危机的非政府组织、个人提供便利,整合各种积极的力量抗灾救灾(以下简称“便利服务”)。 在当前我国公共危机迭发的社会背景下,六种类型的公共危机服务提供并不到位,并已造成了明显的社会不良后果。“心理服务”提供不到位,已导致部分灾民产生严重的心理障碍,甚至会引发社会犯罪和一定程度的社会混乱。“信息服务”提供不到位,导致谣言四起,人心惶惶和不稳定局面的出现,影响了公共危机的处理。“培养服务”提供不到位,导致人们在危机发生时慌不择路,造成一些不必要的损失。“物资和技术服务”提供不到位,减弱了人们求生的意志,打击人们的信心,同时也会减弱人们对政府的信任。“经济金融服务”提供不到位,不利于灾后重建和恢复发展工作的落实,也使人们失去重建美好家园的信心,更在一定程度上失去对政府的信任。“便利服务”提供不到位,不仅没有办法调动广大人民群众的积极性去参与抗灾救灾,更有甚者,会造成广大民众对政府的不满。



我叫﹡﹡﹡,20##年至20##年 郑州外国语学校读中学,20##年至今在河南工业大学,专业建筑学。








我很欣赏yulia brodskaya,,他能够把再普通不过的纸,变成一个很有立体感的非常有创意的视觉艺术品。我尤其喜欢一幅名为《london》的作品,它以黑白为主色调,用不同角度光制造的阴影形成灰色,包含了大本钟、摩天轮、议会、城市火车、树木等多种元素,并将它们不失层次地融合在一起,极具现代美感。




初高中的时候我有一个现在看来遥远且不切实际的梦想,就是能够成为像西班牙的安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudí)那样的建筑师。大一时专业老师很客观很现实地对我们说,只有百分之十到百分之二十的建筑学学生将来有可能成为真正的建筑设计师并从事设计工作,而大多数只能绘制施工图。大师是极难产生的,或者说对于我们来说几乎是不可能的。但我一直希望自己将来有一天能够做出有独特风格的建筑设计,能够得到认可和肯定。就像老师说的,你可能成为不了一个非常优秀的建筑设计师,但你必须是一个负责任的建筑设计师,必须是一个有思想的建筑设计师。





















The Research on the mode of Cultivating undergraduate in Industry University with combining study, research and product

  _______         based on the target of cultivating talents with applied competence in He Nan University of Technology

【 abstract 】 with the rapid expansion of the college, the original university with industry style began to be multiversity and diversity, and the style has been devalued in the trend, which badly effects the power of such universities in society ,company with drawbacks of the university itself. How to make the university with industry style adapt to the needs of the development of industry in the new situations an important issue placing in front of our education workers . As a typical local university with industry style, Henan University of Technology constructs the training mode combining the production, study and research by strengthening the coalition between college and company, refining the professional direction. And it cultivates an army of talents for the development of grain industry in China.

【 key words 】combination of production, study and research platform of experiment and practice     coalition between college and company

 Opening the practice base and realizing the innovation on the mode of training talents

[Abstract] The open training mode of practice is a beneficial attempt to Cultivate talents with applied competence .Open practice make the target that student practice is combined with company; Graduation Practice is combined with employment, practice program with research. Henan University of technology did some exploratory research on the practice teaching and accumulated some experience.

[Key words] the open practice teaching innovation of pattern

(2)An Empirical research on Types of Providers, Modes, Evaluation of the Public Services-in Public Crisises

Last May 12th, the Wenchuan earthquake broke out, which brought heavy losses to us. May 12th, 2008, the 8.0 earthquake broke out in Wenchuan,Si Chuan province, which aroused concern among the public of home and abroad because of the gigantic loss of life and properties coming with the earthquake in some areas in China. By 12O’clock, October 8th, 2008, the number of deaths reached 69229, 17923 people missed, 374643people got injured; By September 4th, 2008, the economic loss directly caused by Wenchuan earthquake reached 845.1 billion Yuan. The economical loss of Sichuan province, where is most serious earthquake zone, accounted for 91.30% of the total losses. Gansu province, accounted for 5.80% of the total loss, Shanxi province, the total loss of 2.90%. Now the reconstruction disaster area is orderly carried out.

According to the research of FuYulong, Jiang Jiwei and other scholars (2001), public service can be divided into six types in the situation of the crisis: psychological service, information service, cultivating and training emergency ability of citizens, enhancing the consciousness and skills against crises ( referred to as the "training services"), providing materials and technologies for people , preparing to cope with the crisis to rescue work ( referred to as "material technology service"),providing the merchant and enterprise with financial services, to help them get through ( referred to as "economic and financial services"), to provide convenience to the nongovernmental organizations fighting for the crisis and individual, to integrate all kinds of positive force ( referred to as "convenience service"). In the social background that public crises frequently happen, six types of public crisis cannot work well, which brings significant social adverse consequences. "Psychological services" cannot work, which causes some victims of serious psychological barriers, even causes social crime and a certain degree of social disorder. "The information service” cannot work well, which leads to the persistent rumors, panic and the appearance of the unstable situation, effecting handling of the crisis. "Training service” cannot work well, which leads people to be at loss in a crisis, causing some unnecessary loss. "Materials and technology service" cannot work well, which weakens the will of people to survive, blows the confidence of the people, and at the same time also undermines people to trust government. "Economic and financial service” cannot work well ,which goes against the post-disaster reconstruction and the implementation of development work, also makes people lose confidence of rebuilding our homes , in a certain degree losing trust to government. "Convenience service" cannot work well, which can do nothing to arouse the enthusiasm of the public to participate in earthquake relief work, but cause the discontent of public to the government.


Personal profile

My name is ﹡ ﹡ ﹡, from2004 to 20## I was a student of Zhengzhou foreign language school, since 20## I have been a student, majoring architecture, in Henan university of technology.

I am a gentle girl, who like drawing, I always painted my own hut and the common view from the window. When I was six years old, I received a award on the international art year. (The third world peace painting and calligraphy competition in Sydney) I like to assembly toy models, design the layout of the coffee shop with them and decorate it,

I enjoy doing handwork, designing boxes to the chicken with old board, making small house to parrot, building skyscrapers with the toilet paper roll, folding stars with waste tape;

I like plying the jigsaw, especially making world famous painting scenery as a whole;

I like to collect the famous picture books, especially, the master works of some famous animation background and I always try to copy them;

I like to ponder the overall plan of community and the decorating plan of house and decorate my own room;

I also like to design text pattern, in high school I designed the logo of our class.

I appreciate Brodsky, Julia, who is able to make the ordinary paper into a very stereoscopic visual art. I especially like a painting named London, with the priority  tone of black and white, with the shadow from light of different angle, including the gray Big Ben, the ferries wheel, parliament, city such as trees, the train DuoZhong elements, which are together with layers, fulfilling with most modern beauty.

I admire the hero of an article from a magazine, who is a talented black American painter without professional training. Only seeing a city in a helicopter, He could draw a detailed map of the city in a long canvas, even a billboard of tall buildings. In my view, it is the great love for drawing that makes him have such a talent and skill, which makes big surprise to other people.

  Library is the spirit warehouse. Sometimes, the book is more important than food in my eyes. We can get out from a close spirit world to a further place by the different books. We can find the beauty of the buildings of a country or region through pictures, as enjoying a trip of this city. No matter how stressed my study in my high school, I used to take some time in beaks to read some tourism magazines in library. In addition to see food to see outside, still I could read about the different building styles and culture of different countries all over the world. I like Italian classical architecture with the round villa hall. I prefer to the classic building with Gaza Lou of Barcelona. I appreciate the religious building with the style of Middle century in European, and also the groups of buildings with the air of modern at the world trade center in New York.

In my view, the buildings can be as simple as the wooden cabin, which is good for environment and ergonomics, built by Thoreau, a naturalist, who once lived nearby the Walden Lake. Also the building can be as complicated as the Water Cube and the Bird Nest designed without any straight line, which include high-technology and ordinary materials. In short, the construction is not only indispensable and important elements, of a city but also the symbol of society and the era.

I had a distant and romantic dream when I was a high school student that one day I could become an architect, who as extraordinary as Antonio Gaudi Anthony, an architect of Spain. While our professor told us that the propriety of students, majoring in architect, who could be the architect designer and could be engaged in the design work, only took up around 10% to 20%.while most of us can only draw construction drawings. Master is far and few, who is extremely difficult to be one of them for us. But I still keep my hope that one day I could design buildings with unique style which could be appreciated by people.

As our teacher said that maybe you could not be an outstanding designer of architect but you should be a responsible one with you own thoughts.



1.      汉译英过程中,词汇明显匮乏。首先对专业术语的掌握寥寥无几。一旦碰到句子里有专业术语,我只得先从整体上翻译出原意。稍后再去查阅相关词典以寻求帮助。其次,一般性常用词汇掌握有限。以“提高”为例,我翻译时通常会选择increase、improve、enhance。再加上常用词汇的基本用法并未完全熟悉,校对时会发现语法错误。这样大大限制了译文的准确性。译文的语言表达会大大折扣。

2.      汉译英初稿往往是简单、大概地翻译出原意。其表达方式较为单调,逻辑稍显混乱。因此在接下来的几次校对中,我会注意根据意群的划分和句与句间的逻辑分析调整语言表达,尽量使文章结构符合英语常用表达方式且层次较清晰。所以,一篇文章的翻译往往是几次修改才决定的。倘若是在限时翻译中,这样的速度恐怕很难完成任务。

3.      汉译英过程中,对原文信息的整合并不到位。因此有时会发现译文缺少了原文的某一信息或是根据自己的理解增加了原文中并未说明的信息,虽然在校对中可以进行删减、增加,但是拿捏不准得信息整合增加了校对的任务。

4. 英译汉的过程比较顺利,主要是因为文章信息量不大且原文的逻辑相当清晰,语言表达结构也相对简单。不过有时也会出现译文的词语在语体或感情色彩上不能忠于原文。在以后的翻译中是值得注意的。



笔译 实习报告




















XXX 翻译实践报告


语言学合作原则在口译实践中 (2)

