

Time spent at a university is the most memorable moment in our life.Maybe my lecture can arouse your memories.

At the beginning,from military life,we had learned to persist insomething.”We can not stand any more,the weather is too hot …” but we have to stand,stand..Finally,we changed from the inside to out. Campus life were also rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of activities and class meeting, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of ctivities. There is a good saying :Friend is who can give you strength at last.

As a freshman ,we are full of confidence and hold the idea that life is so colorful in the future .Different people have different checklist of life .For example,this checklist of life is ideal one for most people. Because,family,friend,good job,money,are the necessary ingredients of happiness.

But as time goes on,skipping classes for love ,sleep,or game become a part in college life. With the approach of the final exam ,we come to understand “time is like the wind ,you can not see it,but you can feel it.”Failed a class is a bad dream,we must review the lesson day and night. Later , as college junior,maybe we are confused with our future but we have to make choice.Huntting for job? Studying abroad?Taking exams for postgraduate? Starting a Business? We come to realize ivory tower is so different from real society

Finally, each of us has our own harvest. We have made a lot of friends,most importantly,we may find soul mate.

However, each one has a different choice. As far as I am concerned, everyone should find the key words about your life. Then you can try your best to be the person you want to be. Be the change you want to see in the world. College life is the most precious memory in our life,however,everyday is the most important. So take the time to enjoy yourself, to improve yourself. I hope we can have a rich graduate Life



Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is taking. Patty: Hi Eric! Are you having fun at college?

Eric: Yes, it's great. How many classes are you taking?

Patty: I'm taking four classes. Are you taking a lot of classes?

Eric: I'm taking three classes.

Professor Bowman, Eric怎么只选三门课?美国大学生的日子也太轻松了吧!

Professor: Well Winnie, maybe they are taking hard classes and have to study a lot. 这么说也有道理。可能正是因为课程难度大,所以他们才只选几门课。

Professor: Let's listen and find out what their classes are.

Patty: What classes are you taking?

Eric: Well, I'm taking English classes.

Patty: I see. Well I'm taking a lot of science classes, like chemistry.

Eric: Chemistry? Wow, that sounds hard. You must have a lot of work.

Patty选修化学课,这门课可不好学。可是Professor Bowman, Eric为什么要选英文课呢?英语不是他的母语么?这算不算投机取巧?

Professor: Well Winnie, some English classes are hard, even for Americans. Students have to read very hard books.


Professor: Well, let's listen to Eric and Patty talking about when they have classes. Patty: What's your schedule like?

Eric: It's great! I only have classes from Monday to Thursday!

Patty: You don't have any classes on Friday?

Eric: No, so I can have fun with my friends on Thursday night.


Professor: Yes, some students have easy schedules. Now let's listen to them talking about their professors.

Eric: Who is your chemistry professor?

Patty: I got Professor Franklin for chemistry. He's really great!

Eric: Who did you get for math?

Patty: I got Professor Martinez for math. He's good, but the TA is so boring. TA? TA是什么? Professor: A TA is a "teaching assistant." They are older students who help professors teach the younger students.

哦,TA就是Teaching Assistant的缩写,也就是助教的意思。Patty说她很喜欢自己的数学教授,不过教授的那位助教却非常沉闷无聊。

Professor: Right. You know, if my students don't study hard enough, sometimes I'll get a mean TA to help me teach.


Professor: No. If I get a cute TA, everyone will have a crush on him and study less. Now Eric and Patty are going to talk about what clubs they are in.

Eric: What do you do outside of class?

Patty: I'm in some fun clubs.

Eric: What kind of clubs are you in?

Patty: I do all kinds of things. I do some academic clubs, but other clubs are just for fun. 哇, Patty 可真行,加入了这么多课外社团。Professor, 美国大学中都有那些社团呢?

Professor: Some clubs are academic. Students study together for tests or discuss current events. Some clubs are just for fun. They do things like yoga and hip hop dancing. 瑜珈社和街舞社,听起来真不错!不知道Eric加入了什么社团没有!

Eric: I'm only in a hip hop dancing club. It's really fun.

Patty: A dancing club? I love hip hop music, and I love dancing.

Eric: You should join. It's not full, and there are plenty of spaces left.

Patty: I think I will. It would be fun to do a club together.


Professor: Well, Eric may be busy for other reasons. Tune in next time and we'll learn more about student life.



Professor: Eric wants to find out what clubs Patty is in. In this section, listen for the word "a cappella," which means singing without any instruments.

Eric: So Patty, tell me about what kind of clubs you like to do.

Patty: Well, I've always loved singing, but it's pretty hard to get into the singing clubs. Eric: I know, they can be pretty competitive. But if they don't accept you, you should start an a cappella group! I'm sure lots of people would want to join.

Patty: Do you think it's hard to start a club?

Eric: I don't think it's very hard. You should talk to the student life officials. I think you just have to find a professor to sponsor you.

Patty: That's all? That's really easy. I think I'll do that.


Professor: That's right, Winnie. So what does Eric suggest that she do?

Eric建议她自己组织一个"A-cappella" club,也就是不用乐器伴奏,全靠清唱的阿卡贝拉合唱团。Professor Bowman,阿卡贝拉合唱团在美国大学里受欢迎么?

Professor: Yes, they're very popular. Now we're going to learn about what Eric does in his free time. Listen for the word "cramming," which means to study really hard.

Patty: What about you, Eric? What kind of clubs and activities do you do outside of class? Eric: Personally, I don't have time for clubs.

Patty: Why not? Do you have to do a lot of cramming for the three English classes you take? Eric: Actually, I'm not busy because I have to spend lots of time cramming. I'm busy because I have a part-time job.

啊?我原来还觉得,Eric只选三门英文课是因为他偷懒呢,原来他是因为要兼职打工才没这么多时间的。 Professor: In America, lots of students have part-time jobs to help pay for college.


Professor: Some students work on campus in places like the library. Others work off campus as waiters at restaurants.


Patty: What do you do for your part-time job?

Eric: I work at a restaurant bartending and serving food.

Patty: Oh cool! How do you like it?

Eric: I love it because all my hours are at night, so I can save my days for class and studying. Patty: That's very convenient. Do you make a lot of money?

Eric: Yeah, the tips are great and I meet a lot of fun people.


Professor: Yes, but he must be very tired going to school all day and working all night. Did you hear how Eric is paid at the restaurant?

他说,他在酒吧挣很多tips - 小费。

Professor: Exactly. Now let's find out if Patty has a job.

Eric: What about you? Do you have a part-time job?

Patty: No, I got a scholarship, so I don't have to worry about working.

Eric: That's great. Does your scholarship pay for everything, including classes, housing and food?

Patty: That's right, thanks to my good grades in high school I got a full ride.

Patty真厉害,有scholarship奖学金,所以不用打工赚学费。Professor Bowman, 什么叫"full ride"呢?

Professor: Some scholarships only pay for part of college. But if your scholarship pays for everything, you can say it's a "full ride" scholarship.

哦,full ride就是全额奖学金,学杂费和生活费全包!Patty一定特别优秀。

Professor: Yes, she said she got good grades in high school.

Eric: Wow, I wish I had studied harder in high school so that I got a scholarship.

Patty: Well, there is one big problem. Since the scholarship pays for my meals, I have to eat the food in the dorms.

Eric: Oh right! The cafeteria food is terrible. But whenever you want a good meal, come to the restaurant I work at and you can eat for free.

Patty: Believe me, that is an offer that I will not refuse.

Patty和Eric都觉得学校食堂cafeteria的饭菜不好吃。 Professor Bowman, 在美国大学住学生宿舍好不好玩?

Professor: Let's tune in next time to find out.



Professor: Listen for the word "lousy," which means "bad."

Eric: So Patty, are you planning on living on campus this year, or are you going to go for an apartment?

Patty: Well, housing is included in my scholarship, so I have to live on campus. The food is lousy, but there are other things I like about it.

Eric: What are the good things about living in a college dorm?

Patty: There are lots of advantages to living in the dorms. For example, I like studying and hanging out with my floormates. We all go out to parties together.

Eric: Wow, it sounds like the people in your dorm are pretty close.

Patty: Yeah, we really are. I love the dorms because you make friends that last all through college.

看来,虽然食堂饭不好吃,但 Patty 还是挺喜欢住校的,跟宿舍楼里的人很合得来。对了,Professor Bowman, roommate是室友,那么Patty说的floormate是住在同一层的人么?

Professor: That's right, Winnie! A floormate is someone who lives on the same floor. 也就是“层友”! 我们来听听Eric住在哪里吧。

Patty: How about you, Eric? Are you living on campus?

Eric: Right now I live in an apartment off campus. I didn't like living on campus because the people in my dorm always had their doors closed and were studying. It wasn't much fun. Patty: That's too bad. It sounds like the people in your dorm weren't as close as the people in my dorm.

Eric: No, you're right. Living off campus is OK, but I feel like I miss out on all of the fun stuff that happens on campus.

Patty: Have you ever thought of joining a fraternity? I hear that all the brothers in the frat houses are really close.

Eric: Yeah, I've thought about joining a frat. But the frat houses are just so dirty! I'm not sure I could take it.

Professor Bowman, "fraternity"是兄弟会吗?

Prof: Exactly. And the "frat house" is the house that the people in the fraternity live in. Sometimes fraternities are called the "Greek system." If you join a fraternity, you can say that you "go Greek."

加入兄弟会可以说“Go Greek",真有意思!那我猜,既然有兄弟会,一定也有“姐妹会”吧?

Professor: Yes! In the next section, listen for the word "sorority," which is a fraternity for women.

Eric: What about you? Have you ever thought about joining a sorority?

Patty: No way. I've heard a lot of horror stories about Greek life. Plus, I'm not a big drinker and I decided it's better to keep a clear head and focus on my studies.

Eric: You're totally right. I like to go to parties, but I don't want to wake up in the morning surrounded by empty beer bottles!

Patty: Yeah, partying in the place you live is a bad idea. Plus, all the hazing seems really stupid.

Eric: Yeah, some of my friends joined fraternities and they said the hazing was really bad. 看来,Patty对姐妹会不感兴趣。可她说的"hazing"是什么意思啊?

Professor: Sometimes when you want to join a club, the people in the club will make you do lots of crazy things to prove you really want to join. For example, a fraternity might haze one of the men trying to join it by making him wear a dress out in public.

啊?原来"hazing"就是整人啊!为了考验想加入兄弟会的男生,可能会让他穿着裙子到大马路上走一圈儿! 难怪Eric和Patty都讨厌这些hazing的把戏!

Eric: You know, my friend is having a party this Saturday night at his apartment. Do you want to come?

Patty: Sure! That sounds like lots of fun!

Eric: Great. Bring all of your girlfriends!

Patty: Wait a minute. Are you inviting me just so that I will bring lots of other girls to the party?

Eric: What? Of course not! I'm inviting you because I need a designated driver!

Eric请Patty去参加派对,但却是为了让Patty在派对结束后当他的专用司机 - "designated driver," 这是什么朋友啊!

Professor: Well, if Patty is a true friend she will want to make sure Eric gets home safely, right?













大学生活 英语作文








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