

Microeconomics I Quiz#1 Answer Key

Fall 2009



I. Multiple choice questions (4*15=60%)


1) Society faces trade-offs because of

A) government regulations. B) greedy corporations. C) faceless bureaucrats. D) scarcity. Answer: D

2) Suppose a market were currently at equilibrium. A rightward shift of the supply curve would cause a(n)

A) increase in price but a decrease in quantity. B) decrease in price but an increase in quantity. C) increase in both price and quantity. D) decrease in both price and quantity. Answer: B

3) A competitive equilibrium is described by

A) a price only. B) a quantity only.

C) the excess supply minus the excess demand. D) a price and a quantity. Answer: D

4) If the price of automobiles were to decrease substantially, the demand curve for public transportation would most likely

A) shift rightward.

B) shift leftward.

C) remain unchanged.

D) remain unchanged while quantity demanded would change.

Answer: B

5) Suppose there are 100 identical firms in the rag industry, and each firm is willing to supply 10 rags at any price. The market supply curve will be a(n)

A) vertical line where Q = 10.

B) vertical line where Q = 100.

C) vertical line where Q = 1000.

D) horizontal line where Q = 1000.

Answer: C

6) Suppose the demand curve for a good is downward sloping and the supply curve is upward sloping. At the market equilibrium, if demand is more elastic than supply in absolute value, a $1 specific tax will

A) raise the price to consumers by 50 cents.

B) raise the price to consumers by less than 50 cents.

C) raise the price to consumers by more than 50 cents.

D) raise the price to consumers by $1.

Answer: B

7) If the supply curve for orange juice is estimated to be Q = 40 + 2p, then

A) supply is price elastic at all prices.

B) supply is price inelastic at all prices.

C) supply is elastic only at prices below 20.

D) no general statements about price elasticity of supply can be made. Answer: B


8) The above figure shows the market for crude oil. If a consumer group convinces the government to set a maximum price of $2 per barrel, then

A) 300 barrels of crude oil will be sold at $2.

B) zero barrels of crude oil will be sold.

C) zero barrels of crude oil will be demanded.

D) None of the above.

Answer: B

9) If two goods are perfect substitutes, then the indifference curves for those two goods would be

A) upward-sloping and concave to the origin.

B) downward-sloping and convex to the origin.

C) downward sloping and straight.

D) L-shaped.

Answer: C

10) If Fred's marginal rate of substitution of salad for pizza equals five, then

A) he would give up five pizzas to get the next salad.

B) he would give up five salads to get the next pizza.

C) he will eat five times as much pizza as salad.

D) he will eat five times as much salad as pizza.

Answer: B

11) Sarah has the utility function U(X,Y)= X0.5Y0.25. When Sarah consumes X=2 and Y=6 she has a marginal rate of substitution of

A) -12

B) -1/6

C) -6

D) -1/12

Answer: A

12) Joe's income is $500, the price of food (F) is $2, and the price of shelter (S) is $100. Which of the following bundles is in Joe's opportunity set?

A) 50 units of food, five units of shelter

B) 200 units of food, two units of shelter

C) 100 units of food, one unit of shelter

D) 150 units of food, three units of shelter

Answer: C

13) If the price of one good increases while the price of the other good and the consumer's income remain unchanged, what will happen to the budget line?

A) The budget line rotates inward from the intercept on the axis of the good that did not change in price.

B) The budget line rotates outward from the intercept on the axis of the good that did not change in price.

C) The budget line shifts inward without a change in slope.

D) The budget line shifts outward without a change in slope.




14) Max has allocated $100 toward meats for his barbecue. His budget line and an indifference map are shown in the above figure. What is the price of chicken?

A) $0.80/lb

B) $1.25/lb

C) $4/lb

D) $5/lb

Answer: D

15) Max has allocated $100 toward meats for his barbecue. His budget line and an indifference map are shown in the above figure. Which of the following best describes Max's preferences?

A) d > b > e

B) d = b = e

C) a = b > c

D) a = b > e

Answer: D

II. Problem

1.(ch2, AP7) (10%)

Suppose the demand for onion ice cream was described by the equation QD ? 20 ? p , and the supply was described by QS ? ?40 ? p . What are the equilibrium price and quantity? Show your answer using a graph.


Set QS ? QD and solve.

P* ? 30 Q* ? ?10 Equilibrium quantity is zero, because the demand curve lies below the supply curve at all


prices where output is positive. See Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4

2. (Ch3, AP6) (5+5+5+4+4=23%)

For each of the utility functions below, draw a set of indifference curves showing utility levels U ? 12, U ? 16, and U ? 24.

a. U ? XY

b.U ? X ? Y

c. U ? X ? Y

d.What is true about the commodities in (b)? (How is their relationship of substitute?)

e. What about the commodities in (c)? (Is there good or bad commodity? Which one is good? And which one is bad? How is their relationship?)




Figure 3.1



Figure 3.2



Figure 3.3

d. They are perfect substitutes.

e. X is a good, and Y is a bad, providing exactly the opposite of X in utility per unit.

3.(ch3,Q23) (15%)

Linda loves buying shoes and going out to dance. Her utility function for pairs of shoes, S, and the number of times she goes dancing per month, T, is U(S,T)=2ST.What are her marginal utility of shoes and her marginal utility of dancing? It costs Linda $50 to buy a new pair of shoes or to spend an evening out dancing. Assume that she has $500 to spend on clothing and dancing

a. What is the equation for her budget line? Draw it (with T on the vertical axis), and label the slope and intercepts.

b. What is Linda's marginal rate of substitution? Explain.

c. Solve mathematically for her optimal bundle. Show in a diagram how to determine this bundle using indifference curves and a budget line.


For Linda, MUS= 2T and MUT= 2S.

a. 50S ? 50T ? 500

b. MRS ? –(?U/?S)/(?U/?T) ? ?T/S

c. MRT ? ?ps/pt

T/S ? 50/50 T ? S Substitute into budget constraint 50T ? 50T ? 500 T ? 5, S ?





摘要: 按照惯例,我们早餐喜欢吃地瓜粥。今天因为地瓜没有了,妈妈只好黔驴技穷地削些芋头来滥竽充数。没想到那些种在阳台的芋头很好吃,全家都贪得无厌地自食其果……


















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