


Unit 4 Do you like candy?

Lesson 25


1. 能听、说、认读字母Kk至Rr并能在单词中辨认,同时让学生初步感知这些字母在单词中的读音,为今后的学习奠定基础;能听、说、认读生词kangaroo,lion,monkey,:mosquito,nest,owl,dog,parrot,panda, quail,rabbit、rooster,elephant, tiger,并能在交际中灵活运用。

2. 能理解并掌握有关询问事物的句子,并能在交际中灵活运用下列语句。

    1)What's this?


    2)What's that?

    It's a ...

3.  通过chants.songs, games等多样化的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,深化语言的学习,激活学生的思维,丰富学生的想象,培养学生的动手能力、创新精神和实践能力。

4. 通过探究学习和小组合作学习,激发学生的学习潜能,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,培养学生的自信心,提高学生的综合素质,为学生的终身学习和发展奠定基础。



1. 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

  1)  Everyday English

    由值日生组织全班同学说英语、用英语,具体形式由值日生根据上一节课所    学内容自定,在学生自主的前提下,教师可给予一定的指导,目的是在复习巩固所学知识的同时培养学生创造性运用语言的能力。

  2)  唱字母歌,为上课做好准备。

2. 新课导入(Presentation)

   1)  教师用简笔画在黑板上画一只大熊猫panda,然后问学生这是什么,学生回答It's a panda.教师再问What's this?学生可能听不懂,教师多问几遍并启发学生回答,也可自问自答What's this ? It's a panda.

2)  学生了解What's this?的含义以后,教师可再画一个大袋鼠问What's this?学生不知用英语怎么回答,教师这时把单词Kangaroo写在旁边,并领学生认读。用同样的方法教单词lion,待两个单词都熟悉以后,教师可用chant的形式说    K,K,Kangaroo ;L,L,lion!要带领学生多练习几遍。

  3)  展示教学挂图,同时播放录音,让学生在情景中感知理解本课对话。再次放录音,要求学生跟读模仿。

  4)  让两个学生站在黑板前面,一个演Gao Wei,一个演mother,表演对话。

  5)  让更多的学生到讲台前面表演对话,并用黑板上kangaroo,panda等词替换。

  6)  把字母K,k,L,l,写在黑板上,让学生观察模仿,并再次唱chant:K,K,Kangaroo;L,L,lion


1) 以小组为单位,学做字母Kk,Ll和单词kangaroo,lion卡片,然后在班内展示,教师引导学生互相进行评价。

  2)  Just play


    Show me…和Act like…及时表扬表演活泼、逼真的学生。教师可以根据实际教学情况,适当扩展字母和单词。




  1)  听录音,根据录音内容划出每幅小图中的—个动物。

  2)  把大小写字母连起来,然后大声朗读。

  3)  教师提供参考答案,指导学生给小印章涂色,并进行自我评价。

5. 补充活动(Additional activities)



  3)用What’s this问自己不知道名称的东西。



Unit 2 单元分析

教材内容分析:本单元是人教版小学英语第二册教学内容,它处于整册书的第二单元,主题为My family. 通过真实自然的情境会话,教给学生如何询问别人的身份,如何介绍自己和询问他人的家庭成员;通过单词认读,学习家庭成员名称;继续学习字母及例词的书写;在A、B部分的基础上,对语言适当的拓展:通过活泼、有趣的叙述,让学生理解故事大意,提高运用语言的能力;通过听力测试,检查学生对所学内容掌握情况。文化部分介绍了不同餐具在中西方家庭中的使用。在生动活泼的气氛中完成教学任务。

教学目标:能听懂、会说:This is my family. Who?s that man (boy)? He?s my….Who?s that woman(girl)? She?s my… Come on! Let?s watch TV. 并能在实际情境中运用,要求模仿正确、语调自然;能正确使用感叹词‘Great! / Cool! / Oh! / Wow!’,恰当抒发情感。能听、说、认读本课主要单词:father (dad), mother(mom), etc;能听、说、读、写字母F-I, 并能听懂、会说以这4个字母为首的单词;能听懂所接触到的指示语,并能按照指令做相应的动作.

教学重、难点:能在实际情境中运用会话中的句型进行交流;用主要单词介绍家庭成员并认读;听、说、读、写字母和例 词,是本部分的重点。会话灵活运用、单词的认读和字母的书写是本部分的难点。

教法:以情境交际法为主, 结合直观法、视听法、听说法等多种方法,使学生在听清、听准的基础上模仿发音,进而创设生活实景,使学生身临其境去交际,达到学以致用的目的。游戏法的使用能有效组织课堂,调动学生的积极性,使教学过程环环相扣,高潮迭起,节奏明快,张驰有度,提高课堂效率。




P14:1课时 P15:1课时 P16:1课时 P17:1课时 P18:1课时

P19:1课时 P20:1课时 P21:1课时 Revision:2课时

课题 Unit 2 –Let?s talk 总课时 10-1 授课时间

Teaching contents: Who?s that woman? - She?s my mother.

Who?s that man? - He?s my father.

Hi, Mom! This is my friend, Amy.

Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.

Teaching aims: Use the sentences 'Who's that man? He's my... Who's that woman?

She's my...' to ask one's family members.

Use the sentence-patterns to communicate with others.

Key points: Learn to use the new sentence pattern- Who?s that woman/man?

She?s/ He?s my…

Difficult points: Use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one?s family members


Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Communicative Method,

The Situational Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Sing the song: Boy and girl. 2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1.Review the contents learnt last lesson.

A: Good morning/ afternoon.

I?m…(name). I?m from…(country.) Where are you from?

B: I?m from…

A: Nice to meet you. (To the class) Hi! This is B. We have

a new friend today.

Class: Welcome!

2. T (Point to the two Ss): This is my student, … And this is …

Review the sentence patterns: This is … Where are you from? I?m from…

3. Get Ss introduce their own friends with the sentences patterns Step III. Presentation.

1. T (Point to ?Amy?): Look! Who?s this girl? Do you know? Oh, she?s Amy. She?s my friend.

Get the Ss follow up: She?s Amy. She?s my friend.

Focus in: she.

T (Point to ?Mike?): Look! Who?s this boy? Do you know?

Oh, he?s Mike. He?s my friend.

Get the Ss follow up: He?s Mike. He?s my friend.

Focus in: he.

2. Go on with other students. Ask the same questions.

3. Show my own friends' pictures and direct the Ss ask.

T: Look! I have a picture. Would you like to know this woman?

Please ask me ?Who?s that woman??

Ask several times until they understand and ask: Who?s that woman? At this time T answers: She?s my friend.

4. T (Show the picture of my own family): This is my family. Teach to say: family. ?There are 3 people in my family. Do you know who they are?? Encourage Ss ask.

Teach the new words: mother (mom), father (dad).

5. Get Ss watch VCD to learn Let?s talk.

Step IV. Practice

1.Game: Listen and point.

S2: Who?s that man? Design like this:

A: Look! I have a picture. B: Who?s that man? A: He?s my dad.

3.Get the Ss work in pairs and talk about their own pictures.

4. Get the Ss practice the content of Let?s talk.

Then invite Ss come to the front and make role-play.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 14 five times.


课题 Unit 2 –Let?s learn. 总课时 10-2 授课时间

Teaching contents:

father (dad) grandfather (grandpa) man woman friend

grandmother(grandma) mother(mom)

Song: Father and mother

Teaching aims: Use the words to introduce the family members. Sing the song

frequently and properly to consolidate the words learnt.

Key points: Learn to listen, say and cognize the main words.

father(dad) grandfather (grandpa) man woman friend grandmother(grandma)


Difficult points: Use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one?s family members


Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures, Wall chart of family tree and paper-cuts, Word cards and picture cards.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Sing the song: Boy and girl.

2. Greetings.

3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Sing the song of Unit 6 in Book 1 to review the numbers.

2. T-Ss activity:

T: Hello, I?m… This is my family. A: Who?s that man?

T: He?s my dad. A: I?m… This is my family.

T: Who?s that woman? A: She?s my mom.

Work in pairs. Focus in: family, she and he.

3. Listen and follow up Let?s talk. Then make the role-play.

Step III. Presentation.

1. Show the Wall chart of the family tree as the following:

Grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma)

father (dad) mother (mom)

I sister brother

T: This is my family. There are 7 people in my family: my grandpa, my

grandma, my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother and me. Then teach the new words: grandpa, grandma, dad, mom.

2.Game: Who is fast?

3. Point to the word cards and get the Ss read together. Then divide them into several groups and have a match.

4. Get the Ss listen to the content of Let?s learn and cognize the words:

grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), father (dad), mother, man,

woman. My family


Step IV. Practice

1. TPR Activity:

T: Show me the picture of your mom.

Ss hold up the picture of mom and say: This is my mom.

He who does wrong will have to drop out from the game.

2. Game: Good partners

Prepare some word cards and invite three Ss come to the front. One student looks at the word card and read the word, e.g. dad.

The other two students will put the proper picture on the family tree rapidly and speak out loudly: Dad, this is my dad.

3. Encourage the Ss show their families on the family tree.

T: Hello, A! How many people are there in your family?

A: Four. This is my…

T: Who?s that man/ woman?

A: He?s / She?s my…

4. T tells the Ss: I love my father. I love my mother.

Focus in: love

5. Play the tape and get the Ss listen to Let?s sing.

Teach the verse as a chant. Get the Ss clap their hands and say.

I love my father. I love my mother.

They love me. They love me.

I love my father. I love my mother.

They love me. They love me.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 15 five times


课题 Unit 2 –A. Let?s say. 总课时 10-3 授课时间

Teaching contents:

Ff – fish father Gg – girl goose

ABCDEFG. Father, mother and me.

CDEFGAB. Sing and dance under the tree!

Teaching aims: Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters Ff and Gg. Also learn to

say the words capitalized with the two letters: fish, father, goose, girl.

Key points: Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters.

Difficult points: Read and write the letters, and use them in the words.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Sing the song: Father and mother.

2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. TPR activity:

Direct the Ss imagine the expressions and actions of the family members: grandfather, grandmother, father and mother.

T: mom. Ss: This is my mom. (Act out)

This activity will develop the Ss? abilities of expression and imagination.

2. Reading exercise:

Show the word cards, and divide the Ss into several groups. Get the Ss read the words in groups. Then have a match.

3. T (Point to the two Ss): This is my student, … And this is …

Step III. Presentation.

1. Show the letters learnt on the blackboard and get the Ss read together. Then ask: What?s the next? (Leading in Ff) Oh! It?s Ff. Teach: Ff. The same method to Gg.

2. Hand out the seven letter cards learnt to the Ss. When I read a letter, who holds this card will stand up at once and read it out loudly.

3. Show the word cards about these letters.

T: What?s this? Teach: It?s a fish.

The same method to goose. Show the word cards and get the Ss read


Review the words: father, girl.

4. Get the Ss listen to the contents of Let?s say and follow up.

Step IV. Practice.

1. Game: Find the friends.

Detach the big letters with the small letters. Some of the Ss hold the big letter cards and some of them hold the small letter cards. Get the Ss holding big letter cards stand up and read the letter, and the Ss holing small letter cards run to him/ her:

I?m…They shake hands and say: Nice to meet you.

Design like this:

A: F. B: I?m f.

A: Nice to meet you! (to the class) This is my friend, f.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

2. Get the Ss imagine what the letters learnt today look like.

3. Teach the writing of these letters.

4. Play VCD of Let?s chant and get the Ss say with the rhythm.

Pay attention to: under, tree.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 16 five times.


课题 Unit 2 –A. Revision 总课时 10-4 授课时间

Teaching contents:Revision of Unit 2- Part A

Teaching aims: Use the sentences to ask one?s family members.

Use the sentence-patterns to communicate with others.

Use the words to introduce the family members.

Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters. Also learn to say the words capitalized with the letters.

Key points: Complex revision of this part.

Difficult points: Develop the Ss? abilities of communicate in English.

Read and write the letters, and use them in the words.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, The Situational Method,

The Communicative Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1.Sing the song: Father and mother.

2.Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Say the song in the rhythm. (Clap hands.)

× ×× × × | × ×× × × |

I love my father. I love my mother.

× × × - | × × × - |

They love me. They love me.

2. Extending practice about Let?s talk.

(1) T- Ss activity: Invite some top students come to the front and make the dialogue with T.

(2) Ss activity: Direct the Ss practise the dialogue in groups of three. They can extend the dialogue by themselves.Invite some groups act out their dialogues to the class.

3. Point to the word cards and get the Ss read together. Then divide them into several groups and have a match.

4.Get the Ss listen to the content of Let?s learn and cognize the words:

grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), father (dad), mother, man, woman.

5. Hand out the seven letter cards learnt to the Ss. When I read a letter, who holds this card will stand up at once and read it out loudly.

6. Game: Find the friends.

Step III. Practice

1.Get the Ss practise in groups of three.

2. Dictate the letters learnt in this unit.

Play VCD of this part and get the Ss follow up.

Step IV. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 14- 16 five times.


课题 Unit 2 –B. Let?s talk 总课时 10-5 授课时间

Teaching contents:

- Come on, Bai Ling. Let?s watch TV. - Great.

- Who?s this boy? - My brother. – Cool.

- Who?s this girl? - Oh! She?s my sister. – Really? - Look! This is my mom. And this is my dad.

- Wow, how funny!

Teaching aims: Use the sentences ?Who?s this boy? He?s my…Who?s this girl? She?s


Come on! Let?s watch TV. ? to ask one?s family members; Use the interjections ?Great!/ Cool!/ Oh!/ Wow!?

Use the sentence-patterns to communicate with others.

Key points: Learn to use the new sentence pattern- Who?s this girl/boy? She?s/

He?s my…

Difficult points: Use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one?s family members


Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Communicative Method,

The Situational Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Sing the song: Father and mother.

2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Game: Match. (This game is to review the family members.)

(And more: He?s from China. He?s a teacher.)

2. Play the content of Let?s talk. Get the Ss listen and follow up.

Then invite some of them come to the front and act out.

Step III. Presentation.

1. TPR activity: T gives instructions, Ss do the actions.

T: Come on, boys and girls! Stand up, please! (Gestures)

Cool! Sit down, please. Open your book.

Look at the blackboard. (Point to the Bb.)

Watch TV. (Point to the TV.)

2. Teach: Come on! / Great! / Cool!

Praise the Ss with: Cool! Great! Get them guess the meaning.

3. Focus in: Watch TV. Play the multimedia and get the Ss follow up. Pay attention to: Come on. / Really? / How funny!

Step IV. Practice.

1. Direct the Ss draw a friend or a family member. Emphasis on the people?s character. Show some of the pictures to the class.

T: Is she/ he your mom/ dad/ grandma/ grandpa…?

Ask several times, and prompt the Ss answer in simple sentences: yes, no.

2. Teach: Is she your mom? Yes, she?s my mom. No, she?s my sister. Get the Ss read one by one. Correct their pronunciation in time

3. Make the activity of Let?s practise in small groups.

A: I have a picture.

B: Who?s this girl? A: Guess.

B: Is she your…? A: Yes, she?s my…

4. Get the Ss practise the content of Let?s talk.

Then invite Ss come to the front and make role-play.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 17 five times.


课题 Unit 2 –B. Let?s learn. 总课时 10-6 授课时间

Teaching contents:

- What a big fish! - Wow! sister brother

Father and mother help each other.

Sister and brother play together!

Teaching aims: Use the words to introduce the family members.

Say the chant frequently and properly to consolidate

the words learnt; Learn to praise things.

Key points: Learn to listen, say and cognize the words- sister, brother.

Difficult points: Use the contents learnt to ask or introduce one?s family members


Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures, Wall chart of family tree and paper-cuts, picture cards

and word cards.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Say the chant: ABCDEFG

2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Show the pictures and ask: Do you know who he is? Ask me please. Come on! Who can try?

A: Who?s that man? T: Guess.

A: Is he your dad/ friend…? T: No, he is my grandpa.

2. Direct the students bring their pictures or photos to mime the dialogue above, and others guess the people in the picture.

Step III. Presentation.

1. Play the tape and get the students follow up the content of Let?s talk, then make role- plays.

2. Show the wall chart of the family tree and say: This is my family. Do you still remember? How many people are there in my family? If the students answer right, I will praise him or her: Good job! / Great! Point to the wall

chart and get the students read together: This is my grandpa. This is my grandma. This is my sister. This is my brother… Teach to say: sister, brother.

3. Show a family photo and ask the students: Who?s that man? Can you guess? Who wants to try?

Extending practice – Ss: Is he…? T: Yes, he is? No, he?s my.. Then direct the students work in pairs:

- Who?s that woman/ girl/ boy?

- She?s my mom/ sister. He?s my brother.

4. Teach: What a big fish!

5. Play the tape, get the students listen to the content of Let?s learn and cognize the words.

Step IV. Practice.

1. Practice of cognizing:

2.Get the students take out the pictures not shown before and play the game of Let?s practise.

3. Game: Match.

4.Play the content of Let?s chant. Get the students listen twice and pick out the words learnt before.

5. Get the students look at the pictures and follow up Let?s chant.

Step V. Homework.

1. Listen to the contents of Let?s learnt and introduce the family members.

2. Say the chant to your parents.


课题 Unit 2 –B. Let?s say. 总课时 10-7 授课时间

Teaching contents:

Hh – hamburger hot dog Ii – ice-cream ice

ABC, look and see. CDE, draw a tree. EFG, have a seat.

GHI, fly a kite. ABCDE, read after me. EFGHI, say “goodbye.”

Teaching aims: Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters Hh and Ii.

Also learn to say the words capitalized with the two letters: hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream, ice.

Key points: Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters.

Difficult points: Read and write the letters, and use them in the words.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Say a chant: Father and mother.

2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Show the letter cards and direct the students cognize the letters together. Show big letters or small letters individually while showing the letters cards and get the students read.

2. Game: Quick response.

When T reads out a letter, the students will pick out the proper letter from the letter cards, hold up it and say loudly.

Step III. Presentation.

1. Show the letter Hh and teach the students to read several times.

The same method to the letter Ii.

2. Show the pictures of hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream and ice. Teach the students cognize the things in the picture.

T: What?s that? Oh, it?s a hamburger.

Direct the students follow up and answer.

C: It?s a hamburger.

T: Do you like it? (Prompt the students answer yes or no.)

C: Yes!

Give the pictures to the students who answered loudly.

T: Here you are. What?s this?

A: It?s a hamburger.

T: Good! Sit down, please.

3. Show the word cards and get the students cognize the words. Direct the students find the letters learnt in the lesson from the words.

4. Play the contents of Let?s play and get them follow up twice. Step IV. Practice

1. Direct the students imagine what the letters look like.

2. Teach the writing of the letters and get the students practice.

3.Game 1: Find the friends.

4. Game 2: Line up.

5. Game 3: Bingo

6. Play the contents of Let?s do and get the students follow up. Step V. Homework.

Listen, read Page 19 five times.


课题 Unit 2 – B. Revision 总课时 10-8 授课时间

Teaching contents:Revision of Unit 2- Part B

Teaching aims: Use the sentences to ask one?s family members.

Use the sentence-patterns to communicate with others.

Use the words to introduce the family members.

Learn to listen, say, read and write the letters. Also learn to say the words capitalized with the letters.

Key points: Complex revision of this part.

Difficult points: Develop the Ss? abilities of communicate in English. Read and write

the letters, and use them in the words.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, The Situational Method,

The Communicative Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1.Let?s do: A B C, look and see.

2.Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Say the chant in this rhythm. (Clap hands.)

×× × × ↗ | × × × × ↘ |

Father and mother, help each other.

×× × × ↗ | × × × × × ↘ |

Sister and brother, play together.

2. Extending practice about Let?s talk.

(1) T- Ss activity: Invite some top students come to the front and make the dialogue with T.

(2) Ss activity: Direct the Ss practise the dialogue in groups of three. They can extend the dialogue by themselves。 Invite some groups act out their dialogues to the class.

2. Point to the word cards and get the Ss read together. Then divide them into several groups and have a match.

3. Get the Ss listen to the content of Let?s learn and cognize the words: brother, sister.

4. Hand out the nine letter cards learnt to the Ss. When I read a letter, who holds this card will stand up at once and read it out loudly.

5. Game: Find the friends.

Step III. Practice

1.Get the Ss practise in groups of three.

2. Dictate the letters learnt in this unit.

Play VCD of this part and get the Ss follow up.

Step IV. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 17-19 five times.


课题 Unit 2 – C. Story time. 总课时 10-9 授课时间

Teaching contents:

- Who?s that woman? - She?s my mother.

- She?s beautiful! - Thank you.

- My mom is an actress. - Really?

- Wait a moment. - Look at me! - Beautiful!

- Zoom! How beautiful! - Ahhh!

Teaching aims: Consolidate the sentence patterns by learning the story about Zoom and Zip.

Key points: Learn to grasp the sentences- She?s beautiful! My mom is an actress. Look at me! How wonderful!

Difficult points: Use the sentence patterns and the dialogue freely.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, The Situational Method, The Communicative Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1.Sing the song: Father and mother.

2.Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1.Let?s do:

A B C, look and see. C D E, draw a tree. E F G, have a seat. G H I, fly a kite.

ABCDE, read after me. EFGHI, say “goodbye.” Direct the students listen and act as they saying the chant.

2.Guessing game:

Show pictures and get the students cognize the people in the pictures together.

Practise: Who?s that man/ woman/ boy/ girl?

Then get them guess who is the people in others? picture. - Who?s that man? - Guess.

- Is he your father? - No, he?s my uncle.


Step III. Presentation.

1. Play the VCD, get the students listen and watch.

2. After they know the meaning of this story, T will explain it.

(Point to myself) T: I?m a teacher.

(Point to Ss) T: You are students.

(Point to Zoom?s mom) T: Who?s that woman? She?s Zoom?s...

C: Mom!

T: Is she a teacher?

C: No.

T: Yes! She?s an actress.

Teach: actress, She?s an actress, She?s beautiful.

3. Get the students listen again and follow up. Underline the sentences they can?t grasp.

4. Teach the story:

Zip: Who?s that woman? Zoom: She?s my mother.

Zip: She?s beautiful! Zoom: Thank you.

Zoom: My mom is an actress. Zip: Really?

Zoom: Wait a moment. Look at me! Zip: Beautiful!

Parents: Zoom! How beautiful! Zoom: Ahhh!

5. Get the students work in pairs. Then direct them put on the paper –cuts of

Zoom and Zip to act out the story.

Step IV. Practice

1. Game: Cognize practice.

Divide the students into several groups and get them cognize in turn or tell the contents.

2. TPR activity:

T tells out a people and Ss mime the actions or expressions of him/ her rapidly. Have a race.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 20 five times.


课题 Unit 2 – C. Culture. 总课时 10-10 授课时间

Teaching contents:

Let?s check. & Culture.

My mom is from China. She uses chopsticks.

My dad is from Canada. He uses a fork and knife.

I can use them all!

Teaching aims: Check if the students grasp the contents well or not by Let?s check; learn about the different dishware between China and the west country.

Key points: Learn to know the new words- chopsticks, fork and knife.

Difficult points: Use the knowledge learnt in daily life.

Teaching methods: The Direct Method, The Audio- Lingual Method,

The Audio-Visual Method, The Situational Method,

The Communicative Method, TPR& Games.

Learning methods: The Practical Method, Group activities, T-Ss activities, The

Cooperative Method.

Teaching aids: CAI, pictures and paper-cuts

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm-up:

1. Let?s do: A B C, look and see. C D E, draw a tree.

E F G, have a seat. G H I, fly a kite.

ABCDE, read after me. EFGHI, say ?Goodbye?.

2. Greetings. 3. Free talk.

Step II. Revision

1. Play the VCD and get the students watch it. Then direct them review

the story together:

Zip: Who?s that woman? Zoom: She?s my mother.

Zip: She?s beautiful! Zoom: Thank you. Zoom: My mom is an actress. Zip: Really?

Zoom: Wait a moment. Look at me! Zip: Beautiful!

Parents: Zoom! How beautiful! Zoom: Ahhh!

2. Direct the students practise in pairs. Then invite some of them come to the front and act out it to the class.

Step III. Presentation.

1. Play the tape, get the students take out their pencils and tick the correct pictures they hear.


① Who?s this man? He?s my father.

② Who?s that girl? She?s my sister.

③ Face, F-A-C-E, face.

④ Hide, H-I-D-E, hide.

2. Culture:

(1) T: Where are you from? S: I?m from…

(Show a pair of chopsticks)

T: Do you know this? Ss: Yes.

T: They are chopsticks. I can use chopsticks.

Teach: chopsticks.

(Then show a picture of the foreigners having dinner.)

T: Do they use chopsticks? Ss: No.

(Show the fork and knife, get the students identify them.)

(2) Play the VCD and explain the contents to the students.

My mom is from China. She uses chopsticks.

My dad is from Canada. He uses a fork and knife.

I can use them all!

Step IV. Practice

1.Get the students work in groups or have a race.

2.Get the students work in groups of four. They can discuss the pictures with their partners.

3.Get the students work in pairs and help each other.

Step V. Homework.

Listen, read and act Page 21 five times.

























