





    院:   经济管理学院                

    业:  工商管理                      

    名:   董致德                     

    号:    2010210887               


论文关键词:静态比较优势 动态比较优势 中国经济发展
论文摘要: 静态比较优势理论把比较优势看作是静态的、不变的,强调依据资源禀赋状况确立主导产业;而动态比较优势理论则认为比较优势是动态的、变动的,强调有选择地培育新的优势产业。实践中要立足现有的静态比较优势创造动态比较优势,以实现产业结构的升级和比较优势的转换。



李嘉图的比较优势理论对我国经济发展有指导意义,根据李嘉图的比较优势理论提出了对我国经济建设的意义:(一)充分发挥政府的作用。在二次世界大战以后,一些后进的国家如日本、韩国等,追赶先进的国家,形成整体的竞争优势或局部的竞争优势,都与政府的作用是分不开的。一国如果想改变其相对落后的贸易结构,便应选定一些重要的行业与部门,对其实施有效的政府干预,给予政策、资金等多方面的帮助。建立大规模的企业集团,充分利用规模经济的效应,积 极参与国际竞争。因此,在实施战略贸易政策的时候,可以从本国资源出发,选择好主攻方向,较早地取得成本优势与规模应。(二)加快贸易的转型升级。目前,造成贸易方式向加工贸易倾斜的原因主要包括国内上游产业技术水平较低、产品质量不够稳定。我国建国初期的经济基础就比较薄弱,生产技术水平比较低,我国唯一能和国外竞争的是我们的劳动力,我们拥有非常丰富的劳动力资源。而我国也是采用李嘉图的比较优势理论制定我国大力发展劳动密集型产业的政策。以致到目前为止,我国的大部分的出口产品还是以劳动密集型产品为主,像纺织、服装、鞋之类的。


比较优势是会随着本国的发展和其他国家比较优势的变化而变化的。目前由于亚洲如越南等国家大量发展劳动密集型产业, 使得中国劳动密集型产业在国家贸易中的比较优势地位下降。所以我们要从动态上来看待比较优势,在坚持发展当前比较优势的情况下,积极地寻找和探索新的比较优势,或支持和培养高技术、高资本产业的发展,创造新的比较优势以应对当前比较优势所面临的冲击
  [2]林毅夫.比较优势与中国经济发展[J].经济前言,2005 (11).
  [4]华晓红.“十一五”期间中国对外经济贸易热点问题[M].北 京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007,(11q).世界经济二等公民的地位,同时还面临产业竞争力无法持续发展的问题。



International trade theory has experienced 200 years of history, it has experienced during the evolution of the classical, new classical and modern trade theory. And it constantly adapt to the new international trade theory background requirements and meet the challenges of international trade is a new phenomenon in the process of steady improvement and development. In order to adapt to changes in the 21st century global economy to advance to the theory of demand, in this paper, starting from the idea of combing the traditional international trade theory, analyzes the postwar the challenge of the new phenomenon of international trade theory and the development of the contemporary international trade theory. Draw a clear judgment, namely: international trade theory on the research contents and research methods from the micro development trend, at the same time with other interdisciplinary field theory research, interdisciplinary integration trend.

Key words: international trade theory; Development; Trend; International economic and trade


一、Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

二、The summary of the development of international economic and trade's impact on our

economy ............................................................................................................................................ 1

(一)Beneficial effects ........................................................................................................... 1

(二)The adverse effects. ....................................................................................................... 2

(1)Foreign capital difficulties still exist. ...................................................................... 2

(2)Increase the impact of economic fluctuations. ........................................................ 3

(3)Labor-intensive industries development. ................................................................ 3

三、The challenges of the international trade theory ....................................................................... 4

(一)Development of international division of Lab-our ........................................................ 4

(二)Manufacturing internal trade development ................................................................... 4

(三)Multinational company internal trade growth ............................................................... 4

(四)Regional group internal trade development .................................................................. 5

(五)Processing trade and software outsourcing new trade ................................................... 5

四、Integration of the theory of international trade theory and other areas ..................................... 5

五、The present situation of the international economic and trade development in our country ..... 6

六、The new trend of development of the China international economic and trade, sustainable, and

ecology .............................................................................................................................................. 6

七、 The bottleneck of China international economic and trade development ............................... 7

(一)Accelerating international economic and trade development, China's ability to adapt?7

(二)Degree of regionalization and globalization of trade continuously strengthen, economic

industry in mainland China? ..................................................................................................... 7

(三)The international economic and trade sustainable and ecological problems? ............... 8

八、International economic and trade development in our country are faced with the new trends

and new challenges ........................................................................................................................... 8

九、Under the influence of international economic and trade development countermeasures of

China's economic development ......................................................................................................... 9

十、China international economic and trade development countermeasures................................. 11

(一)The development of high-tech industry ...................................................................... 11

(二)improve the mechanism of foreign trade ....................................................................... 11

(三)Improve the international trade law ............................................................................ 12

(四)Raise the utilization ratio of talent in our country ....................................................... 12

(五)The expansion of the space for foreign trade .............................................................. 12

十一、conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 13

References: ...................................................................................................................................... 14


With the rapid development of social economy, the international economic and trade development is developing, the world economy is more and more cohesive, globalization and regional economic integration trend is obvious. Is the main melody of China's foreign trade development of our country's economy, in order to better promote the economic development of China, international economic and trade development as the breakthrough point, this article on the summary of the development of international economic and trade of our country on the basis of the influence of economic, probes into the international economic and trade development of China's economic development under the influence of countermeasures, aims to illustrate the importance of China's economic development, so as to provide reference for the economic development of China. Seen from the trend of the development of the international economy and trade, the development of the current international trade concentrated embodied in the international economic.

二、The summary of the development of international economic and trade's impact on our economy

International economic and trade development of our country's economy is both a blessing and a curse, and the influence of both beneficial effects, also have an adverse effect, we in the development of foreign trade and economic, should the dialectical view of the influence on the development of the international economic and trade. The specific content is as follows:

(一)Beneficial effects

In our country foreign trade investment. In our country foreign trade investment is international economic and trade development for one of the beneficial effects of economy in our country. At present, our country is in the developing countries, economic development level is not very mature, still has great space for development. The development of international economic integration, to the economic development of China has brought new opportunities for development, is advantageous to the 1

introduction of foreign capital and foreign investment in China. Under the situation of the development of international economic integration, multinational management pattern gradually mature, developed countries export of capital, advanced technology and equipment, for our country foreign trade development and set up a bridge, is conducive to the further development of multinational companies in China.

Conducive to the industrial structure optimization combination. Conducive to the industrial structure optimization combination is international economic and trade development of our country's economy and a favorable effect. In the context of international economic and trade development, presents the economic market to expand and detailed characteristics of collaboration, our country economy through mutually beneficial international division of labor and specialization of production, the industrial structure optimization combination between acceleration, make the economic development of our country's distribution and use of the various factors of production fully, improves the production efficiency and product quality.

Conducive to promoting the development of foreign trade. International economic and trade development of our country economy but also in the beneficial effects of will be conducive to the foreign trade development. With the international economic and trade development, China's opening to the outside world degree also gradually improve, to some extent, economic globalization promoted the growth of international trade in our country, makes foreign trade of our country national economy important growth point. Not only that, but the increase capital flows, and showed a trend of diversification, and international funds transfer and settlement more convenient, can the better development of foreign trade.

(二)The adverse effects.

(1)Foreign capital difficulties still exist.

Foreign capital difficulties still exist is international economic and trade development for one of the negative impact of the economy in our country. Money is the source of trade. For now, although the international economic and trade development of our country economy brought some positive influence, but foreign 2

investments difficulties still exist, the international economic integration make China's foreign investment further difficulty. On the one hand, the current financial crisis spread further, slow growth of economic development in Asia, regional competitiveness, by making loans and investments in Asia in the developed countries are more cautious, less capital inflows will also greatly, on the other hand, many emerging areas are also vigorously introduce investment, objectively also makes our country's investment promotion and capital introduction face greater challenges, ?

(2)Increase the impact of economic fluctuations.

Economic fluctuation to increase the impact of international economic and trade development of our country economy. International economic fluctuations, such as inflation, through the form of international economic and trade economic ties with China, because our country market economy remains to be perfect, once encounter international economic fluctuations, will be vulnerable to the impact of external adverse factors, causes our country economy increased volatility, the status of the economic structure in instability, if not handled properly, there will be a more severe financial crisis and even the whole economic crisis. Therefore, economic fluctuation to increase the impact of become the difficulty of China's economic development.

(3)Labor-intensive industries development.

The negative impact of the international economic and trade development of our country's economy but also on the labor-intensive industries arrested development. In the process of international economic and trade development, product technology content directly decide the product market competitiveness, and because the economic development of China is mainly labor-intensive industries, and international economic and trade development still exist between the larger gap, especially with the improvement of information level, information intensive industry will become the world economic growth pillar industry, in this way, virtually labor-intensive industry development in our country will be hindered, under the existing economic system, China's foreign trade is hard to adapt to the development of trade liberalization. Therefore, explore the international economic and trade development under the 3

influence of our country economy ?

三、The challenges of the international trade theory

(一)Development of international division of Lab-our

After the second world war, with the progress of science and technology, the advent of the developing countries and further development of international division of Lab-our, international trade into an unprecedented development trend. However, is not consistent with the classical trade model predicted the postwar trade pattern has not completely follow the traditional international trade theory. First found this problem is American scholar wassail Lyon began. He USES empirical data to test the model, the results showed that the U.S. trade goes against the theory of H - O. This is the famous "Deflection paradox". The emergence of "Deflection paradox" constitutes a challenge to the traditional international trade theory, has prompted a series of important international trade theory was born after the war. Including the new trade theory, international trade product life cycle

(二)Manufacturing internal trade development

Because of the manufacturing economies of scale, the characteristics of manufacturing after the war within the international division of labor is more fine, some developed countries manufacturing began to transfer to developing countries. Therefore, manufacturing trade within the rising trend. Based on scale constant return of traditional trade theory cannot explain the growth of trade within the same industry.

(三)Multinational company internal trade growth

With economic globalization, the international division of labor in manufacturing is developing by the vertical division of labor to the level of division of labor, even network division of labor. Dominated by multinational companies, is characterized by industrial chain segment of the international manufacturing transfer becomes the new trend. Rising trade in the company. Focus on macro research from the perspective of national interests, the lack of traditional trade theory to explain the strength of the multinational company internal trade growth.


(四)Regional group internal trade development

Regional economic integration through the 1950 s - the first wave in the early 70 s, after the mid - 1980 - s to high. More than half of global trade in all areas within the group. Applicable scope of the global free trade in the classical international trade theory can not explain the regional trade within the scope of growth today.

(五)Processing trade and software outsourcing new trade

In the 1980 s, under the push of the development of industry inner trade, processing trade has become one of the main form of international trade. Since the mid - 90 - s, speeding up the pace of the upgrading of processing trade; Vertical specialization and global outsourcing and subcontracting phenomenon has become a new way of production and operation, product trade further cause the attention of the economist. The integration and innovation of international trade theory to study and put forward new requirements.

四、Integration of the theory of international trade theory and other areas For the abundance of elements, in the production of products and imports are those that require intensive land use in the production in the production of their relative scarcity elements. Therefore, the conclusion is the same as Adam Smith and David Ricardo, think that free trade is beneficial for each trade has come. Heck Herschel and Russian forest contribution is to further enrich the traditional international trade theory system. In the Russian forest model, labor is no longer the only input, but the production technology condition and scale reward remains unchanged. Referred to as the new classical trade theory of factor endowments, once in a long period of time to become the mainstream of international trade theory. From the "absolute advantage theory" to "comparative advantage theory", and then to the H - O four theorems, the development of traditional international trade theory has been following the .


五、The present situation of the international economic and trade development in our country

The emergence of the global financial crisis makes the foreign trade of developed countries suffered a heavy blow to the dollar "domestic material price rising export tax rebates and other reasons also makes our country's foreign trade is struggling! So we must fully understand the current situation of the China international economic and trade development, on the basis of corresponding measures in a timely and effective manner, and actively adjust the China international economic and trade development strategy, participate in the competition of the international market, and improve the process of international economic and trade disputes settlement mechanism, makes the international economic and trade of our country can rapid development with the aid of this good opportunity! In the face of the changing international economic and trade environment, China's foreign trade policy has always been stable, adhere to the "restructuring" # steady growth to promote balanced, the development strategy of $?

六、The new trend of development of the China international economic and trade, sustainable, and ecology

As the world economy globalization, at the same time, after joining the WTO, international economic and trade in our country presents the new development trend, at the same time, in the face of the new trends in China international economic and trade will also face new challenges, how to face ecological and harmonization of international economic and trade under the new trend of international economic and trade reform, is the current international economic and trade development in our country must face the problem, the author tries to from the international economic and trade development present situation and bottleneck analysis, and on this basis puts forward some new trends of response.


七、The bottleneck of China international economic and trade development

(一)Accelerating international economic and trade development, China's ability to adapt?

Along with the deepening of economic globalization, the economic process of experience as a must, international economic and trade ties, slightly changes in the international economy will affect the economic development of China, as the biggest developing country in the world in our country, although the world economy ranked the forefront, but the main way of economic development is still focused on the vulgar, low value.

Economic development model. In international economic and trade to accelerate the development of today's society, the status quot of China's economic development can make a positive response, if you can follow the pace of world economic development? Open the big market in the global economy, China's economic and trade can positive and effective utilization of resources, technology and funds, and achieve optimal allocation.

(二)Degree of regionalization and globalization of trade continuously strengthen, economic industry in mainland China?

Since 1980, the development of science and technology by leaps and bounds, the deepening of international division of labor and economic globalization constantly enabler trade liberalization, the object of the globalization of trade to expand unceasingly, the vast majority of countries in the world's most economic sectors, both active or passive joined the global trade. The scope of international trade has gone way beyond the simple goods trade, development to include finance, service, technology, and so on many kinds of economic and trade. The strengthening of the globalization of trade, the domestic economy and the world market and international trade are closely linked, and economic industry in mainland China, including trade in goods and other kinds of trade in goods trade economic competitiveness? Whether in 7

international trade and economic globalization continuously strengthen ?

(三)The international economic and trade sustainable and ecological problems?

For China international economic and trade can continue, whether ecological problems, the author analyzed from two aspects: first, the international economic and trade caused a great environmental problem, it is not only our country will face the problem, is a challenge in every country in the world. The accelerating world economic and trade globalization, liberalization and accelerating economic development, but with the is not only the positive influence, produced by the environmental pollution, ecological destruction and the resource consumption, waste serious are we must face the problem; Secondly, although the international economic and trade showed a trend of diversification, but the international economic and trade of our country are still in labor and capital as the main trade way, value and technology content is low, and a ? in different countries of the world at present

八、International economic and trade development in our country are faced with the new trends and new challenges

The positive development of high and new technology industry in our country, to enhance the comparative advantage of China's international trade industry, achieve the coordinated development between imports and exports. At the same time, combining with the advantage of the international economic regionalization, learn the advanced technology and experience, realize the leap-forward development of domestic economy, and on this basis, expanding trade space, develop new international market.

Consummates our country international economic and trade law system, strengthen the legal protection of international trade. China should actively develop the corresponding international economic and trade law policy, protecting the legitimate rights of international trade, to prevent the use of the rights of the international trade rules formulated and interpretation of the damage the interests of 8

our country as the international economic and trade trading partners.

Right to seek international economic and trade and environmental protection in China as well as the interaction between the balance. In industrial organization and perfect the "green" trade legislation at the same time, positive development and a number of trade related environmental services, such as environmental consulting services, environmental evaluation and so on, at the same time improve the environmental consciousness of technical standards of enterprises, so as to promote the sustainable and ecological development of China's international economic and trade.

九、Under the influence of international economic and trade development countermeasures of China's economic development

In under the influence of international economic and trade development, in the understanding of international economic and trade development of our country on the basis of the influence of economic, in order to further improve the level of our country's economic development, international economic and trade development of China's economic development under the influence of countermeasures, can from the following several aspects, the following will analyze one by one:

Attach importance to the development of high-tech industries. Attaches great importance to the development of high-tech industries, under the influence of international economic and trade development the important content of China's economic development. In order to better promote the development of foreign trade in our country, our country should attach importance to the development of high-tech industries, seize the spillover effects of capital, actively develop the national market, promote the international competitiveness of high-tech industries in our country. Increased industrial investment not only promoted the development of the industry, also produced a lot of new technology and equipment requirements, to further expand our country high-tech products import.

We will improve the mechanism of China's foreign trade. We will improve the 9

mechanism of China's foreign trade, is under the influence of international economic and trade development important link in China's economic growth. To make the international economic and trade get better development in our country, perfect the mechanism of China's foreign trade, on the concrete practice, it should be three key points, one is to strengthen foreign investment, encouraging the development of multinational enterprises; Second, adjust the industrial structure, make full use of surplus labor force to develop the economy. Three is the use of global resources, improve the structure of foreign trade, in the local finance.

Seeking international trade legal protection. Seeking international trade the protection of the law of international economic and trade development under the influence of China's economic development is also crucial. For China's economic development, to deal with the current policies and measures to adjust and optimize, actively participate in the development of international trade rules, avoid trade protectionism caused by international trade rules, protecting the legitimate right to international trade. In addition, our country should strengthen the operation and management of international and regional economic trade organization, to maintain consultation and cooperation relationship with major trading partners.

Expansion of the space for the development of foreign trade. To expand the space of foreign trade development of international economic and trade development of China's economic development under the influence of also nots allow to ignore. In order to better promote the development of the China international economic and trade, our country should actively adapt to the development trend of international economy and trade, expand the foreign trade space, such as trade financing product innovation, implement the strategy of market diversification, make domestic and foreign exhibition platform, etc., are to improve the position in international economic and trade competition in the market economy in our country, gradually increase the competitiveness of our country, and promote sound and rapid economic development of our country.


十、China international economic and trade development countermeasures

Through the above analysis, to understand the impact of international economic integration to our country economy, therefore, you need to put forward countermeasures for the development of the China international economic and trade, and in particular, mainly from the following several aspects

(一)The development of high-tech industry

In order to better promote the development of China's foreign trade, should be prepared for the import and export between cohesion, this needs to recognize their own comparative advantages, to fully understand and grasp the multinational strategy and technology, so as to better achieve leapfrog development, seize the spillover effects of capital, actively develop the national market, promoting the international competitiveness of high-tech industry in our country. Increased industrial investment not only promoted the development of the industry, also produced a lot of new technology & equipment requirements, to further expand our country high-tech products import!

(二)improve the mechanism of foreign trade

To make the international economic and trade get better development in our country, it needs to perfect mechanism of foreign trade in our country, in particular, can take the following measures: first, strengthen the foreign investment, encourage the development of its multinational, committed to build the international first-class brand, increase the international competitiveness of China's enterprise! Second, the adjustment of industrial structure, make can fully use of surplus labor in our country, promote the development of the national economy. Third, the use of global resources, in order to adjust the resources we should actively participate in the global resources market in China, the resources to be used for the international market, to alleviate the shortage of our resources to speed up the international competitiveness, promote the 11

rapid development of economy of our country! Fourth, improve the structure of foreign trade, our country ?

(三)Improve the international trade law

Further into the current financial crisis, the new trade protectionism, China international economic and trade under the influence of more serious, in which case, you need to adjust the current policies and measures and optimization, and actively participate in the development of international trade rules, avoid trade protectionism caused by international trade rules, protecting the legitimate rights international trade! In addition, our country should also strengthen international and regional economic trade organization operation and management, to maintain consultation and cooperation relationship with major trading partners, to avoid the uncertainty caused by the new trade protectionism and risk! Through some weaken trading partners in the international.

Trade & some monopoly power of interpretation and use in the field of ideology, to prevent these countries use ?

(四)Raise the utilization ratio of talent in our country

Talent competition is the core part of the international economic integration, in order to better promote the development of globalization, you need to improve the utilization rate of resources, so as to better promote the development of international economic integration, to eliminate those negative factors.

(五)The expansion of the space for foreign trade

In order to better promote the development of the China international economic and trade, China should practice the strategy of market diversification, expand the foreign trade space, mainly from the following several aspects: first, perfect the relevant policies and measures, not only should the export tax rebate and export credit insurance system to improve & adjust, also need to improve the export credit! To ensure stable export tax rebate policy, trade financing product innovation, enlarge the coverage of export credit insurance, promote the export tax rebate account managed loans, etc., for small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out export credit support! 12

Second, implement the strategy of market diversification, to strengthen the traditional market, such as the foundation of America & Japan market fool, you also need to vigorously develop emerging markets, such as South Asia and central Asia. Third, make domestic and foreign exhibition platform, tong


International economic integration is the trend of the current world economic development, which not only reflected in the economic globalization, but also on the regional economic integration, & alternate development of regionalization and globalization, and it is in the nature of the world economic and trade development! Economic globalization, along with the rapid development of social economy, the connection between the various countries and regions increasingly close, this is the result of economic accumulation, is also an inevitable phase of economic development, and mutual cooperation & mutual relationship between countries & regions, promoting the formation of global market! Regional integration and trade liberalization trend to strengthen gradually, it was brought for the economic development of our country

The opportunity, but also for our country's economic development has brought the challenge! This paper analyzes the international economic integration ?

All in all, under the influence of international economic and trade development of China's economic development is a comprehensive system engineering, has a long-term and complexity. In order to adapt to the needs of the development of international economic and trade, the economic development of China should attach importance to the development of high-tech industries, the perfection of the mechanism of China's foreign trade, seeking international trade law protection, and expand the foreign trade development space, only in this way, constantly improve the level of the economic development of China, foreign trade got great development in China.



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