

Difan Sail Gu

D Block


If I were my parent, I would enact draconian laws and regulations to limit their actions and

performances and increase protocol such as respect and politeness because my parents were over democratic for me when I was a younger.

I know a little about how those American parents educate their; however, I perceive they sometimes ignore their actions and performances that usually harm their children in an indirect way and they often indulge their children in playing game and watching televisions that are so meaningless that they lose a lot of time to learn. Televisions are not only limited to series but also there are some educating and enlightening programs such as National Geography, which help children foster their interest in nature, environment and science.

A good and responsible parent is one who will guide his or her children to a right way to learn, to perceive, to live and to relieve. For example, my parents did great job to foster my interest in

reading books. In this modern time full of electronic devices, people lose their patience on reading books that load untold information for readers. Unfortunately, a lot of people abandoned those tiny “libraries of knowledge.”I do not think that my host’s child does good job in learning and protocol. His personality, in my eyes, is distorted. I don’t see that he loves his mother. There is one exception: when he loses his X-Box, he will cajole his mother to get his “life” back. Losing X-Box means “ruining his life” in his world. And he put his blames on me, who never interfered with him. Even though he achieved good grades on his subjects, he could not wreak toward me. Respect to people will follow one whole life but grades will not.

第二篇:Journal 1

Journal 1

1. How did philosophy of language come into being? And why?

The origin of philosophy of language can be driven back to ancient time. In general, it is divided into three parts: antiquity, middle ages and early modern period. The source of Philosophy of Language can be driven back to ancient time.

Linguistic speculation in India is attested since roughly 1500 BC with deification of “speech”. In the west, inquiry into language stretches back to the 5th century BC with Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. Plato considered the question of whether the names of things were determined by convention or by nature. Aristotle concerned himself with the issues of logic, categories, and meaning creation. The Stoic philosophers made important contributions to the analysis of grammar, distinguishing five parts of speech. Both in India and in Greece, linguistic speculation predates the emergence of grammatical traditions of systematic description of language, which emerged around the 7th century BC in India and around the 3rd century BC in Greece.

Linguistic philosophy proper has its origins in early medieval Indian philosophy with debate between various schools of thought. Medieval philosophers were greatly interested in the subtleties of language and its usage. For many scholastics, this interest was provoked by the necessity of translating Greek texts into Latin. The scholastics of the high medieval period considered logic to be a science of language. The result of their studies was the elaboration of linguistic-philosophical notions whose complexity and subtlety has only recently come to be appreciated.

Linguists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods were infatuated with the idea of a philosophical language reversing the confusion of tongues, influenced by the gradual discovery of Chinese characters and Egyptian hieroglyphs. European scholarship began to absorb the Indian linguistic tradition only form the mid-18th century. In the early 19th century, a Danish philosopher insisted that language ought to play a larger role in Western philosophy. He argues that philosophy has not sufficiently focused on the role language plays in cognition and that future philosophy

ought to proceed with a conscious focus on language.

Hence, language began to play a central role in Western philosophy in the late 19th century, especially with Port Royal in France, and in the English-speaking world and other parts of Europe. The philosophy of language then became so pervasive that for a time, philosophy as a whole was understood to be matter of philosophy of language. In the 20th century, “language” became an even more central theme within the most diverse traditions of philosophy. The phrase “the linguistic turn” was used to describe the noteworthy emphasis that modern-day philosophers put upon language.

Learning Journal


Learning journal


Learning Journal—-开学篇(1)


Learning journal


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Learning Journal1


Learning Journal 8






Journal 1


children learning english 范文


Unit 7 Learning Strategies


learning journal(32篇)