



【试卷综评】本套试题难度适中,区分度较为理想,没有出现偏题和怪题。试卷中能拉开分数层级的就是阅读理解。而细节理解题是比较容易得分的题目,一般是试卷中较简单的题目。本套试卷反应出很多 学生在细节题上失分,主要因为他们看到一篇接着一篇的阅读,有畏惧心理 ,觉得要赶时间,因此匆匆读一遍,就选出自己认为正确的选项,觉得文章读懂了就懒得再回文中仔细排查与选项有关的信息,解决此类题目,认真细心和耐心是关键

出题人:林金凤  曾晓梅       审题人:莫成富  蒋维刚



1.       答题前,考生务必将自己的学校,班级,姓名,考号用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔填写


2.       选择题(1-55)使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,非选择题用0.5


3.       考试结束以后,将答题卡收回。




1. 【题文】Celia, who is on ______ holiday with her husband, wants to stay in a quiet place,

  taste delicious food and play _____ tennis.  

  A. a, aB. /,  /C. the, theD. /, the

【答案】【知识点】A3  冠词 

【答案解析】B 考查冠词。句意:正在和丈夫度假的Celia想呆在安静的地方,品尝美食和打网球。On holiday 度假,play tennis打网球,故选B项。

2. 【题文】--- Have you ever been to the city of Beijing, our capital?

--- Yes, only once. I ______ there only for two days.   

  A. had stayedB. were stayingC. have stayedD. stayed

【答案】【知识点】A11 动词的时态与语态

【答案解析】D 考查动词的时态。句意:你去过我们的首都北京吗?是的,只有一次,我在那里呆了两年。根据语境可知这件事情已经发生了,故只有D项符合题意。

3. 【题文】_____Xie Tingfeng is in love with Wang Fei again is a piece of good news for their


  A. ThatB. WhatC. WhereD. Which

【答案】【知识点】A13 名词性从句

【答案解析】A 考查主语从句。句意:谢霆锋又爱上王菲这件事对于他们的粉丝来说是个好消息。主语是Xie Tingfeng is in love with Wang Fei again,不缺少主干成分,故用that来引导,故选A项。

4. 【题文】The first textbook ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in 

   the 16th century.

  A. have written      B. to be written     C. being written    D. written

【答案】【知识点】A9  非谓语动词

【答案解析】D 考查非谓语动词。句意:作为第一本被用来英语教堂的教科书出版于16世纪。Written是分词做后置定语,修饰the first textbook,故选D项。

5. 【题文】 It’s helpful to put children in a situation _____they can see themselves differently.

  A. thatB. whenC. which    D. where

【答案】【知识点】A15 定语从句

【答案解析】D 考查定语从句。句意:这是非常有帮助的把孩子处一个他们能看到自己不同的境况。当先行词是situation,case,position时,如果定语从句不缺少主干成分,则用where引导。

6. 【题文】It was at the railway station ______ I met Li Ming yesterday.

  A. where B. whenC. thatD. which


【答案解析】C 考查强调句。句意:昨天我在火车站遇到李明。强调句,it is +强调部分+that 这句子强调地点状语,故选C项。

7. 【题文】 ---Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li?  

---No, it ______ be him. Mr Li is much taller.

  A. mustn’t B. may not         C. can’t  D. needn’t

【答案】【知识点】A10 情态动词与虚拟语气  

【答案解析】C 考查情态动词。句意:那人是谁,是李先生吗?不可能是他,李先生比他高。根据Mr Li is much taller.可知选C项。





  That hat must be Tom’s. 那帽子一定是汤姆的。

  He must be coming by bus. 他一定是乘公共汽车来。


  表示可能性较大的情态动词主要有may, should, ought to,它们大致相当于汉语的“可能”“应该”“按理会”。如:

  She should [ought to] be here soon. 她应该很快就到。

  We may be buying a new house. 我们可能要买一座新房子。



  He might be waiting for you. 他可能在等你。

  She might not like the idea. 她或许会不赞成这个想法。

  We could all be millionaires one day. 我们有一天可能都成为百万富翁。



  Food poisoning can cause death. 食物中毒可导致死亡。

  This kind of thing can happen every now and then. 这种事情是随时可能发生的。

  New England can be very hot in September. 新英格兰有时9月份很热。




  He could have gone off with some friends. 他可能跟几个朋友出去了。

  Mathews may have written that letter. 这封信可能是麦修斯写的。

  I must have mistaken what you meant. 我一定误会了你的意思。

8. 【题文】With so many life’s challenges __  ___, the injured soldier was lucky to have a

  trained dog around to provide support. 

  A. overcameB. overcomingC. to overcomeD. being overcome


【答案解析】C 考查with复合结构。句意:随着生活中越来越多的挑战要克服,这位受伤的战士很幸运的有一只被训练过的狗提供支持。

【技巧点拨】with 复合结构。


1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词;
2. with或without-名词/代词+副词;
3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语;
4. with或without-名词/代词 +动词不定式;
5. with或without-名词/代词 +分词。
1、 She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,作伴随状语)
2、 With the meal over , we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)
3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm。(with+名词+介词短语,作伴随状语。) The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.
4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me.(with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语) He could not finish it without me to help him.(without+代词 +不定式,作条件状语)
5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词 ,作伴随状语) Without anything left in the cupboard, shewent out to get something to eat.(without+代词+过去分词,作为原因状语)
 9._ 【题文】_____young people are making efforts to take more exercise and eat healthily,

  they are still putting on weight.  

  A. BecauseB. Now thatC. WhenD. While

【答案】【知识点】A6  连词

【答案解析】D 考查连词辨析 句意:虽然年轻人努力的参加锻炼和吃得很健康但他们仍然在长胖。根据still可知选D项。

10. 【题文】---Wow, isn’t this handsome device the most popular iPhone 6? Can I have a look   

   at it?

 --- ____________. 

  A. No, you can’t.B. Yes, go ahead. 

  C. Sorry, it is expensive.D. Of course, it looks good.

【答案】【知识点】A17 情景交际

【答案解析】B 考查情景交际。句意:这不就是传说中的苹果6吗我能看看吗?看吧。根据语境选B项。

【技巧点拨】go ahead


go ahead 是口语中一个十分有用的表达。归纳起来,它在中学英语中有以下3种用法。 
  A: May I start? 我可以开始了吗? 
  B: Yes, go ahead. 好,开始吧。 
  A: Will you do me a favour? 请你帮个忙好吗? 
  B: Go ahead. 说吧。 

  Go ahead, we’re all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听着呢! 
  Go ahead, what are you waiting for? 往前走呀,你在等什么? 

  You go ahead and tell him that we’re coming. 你先走一步,告诉他我们就来。 
  You go ahead. I’ll join you soon. 你们先开始,我一会儿就来(和你们一块儿干)。 



    The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good   11  in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I  12  to know him . For a moment, I thought he might be   13  , but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was   14  . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous to 15  that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped(碰到) into his friend. But,   16  , I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very  17  city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he   18  to tell me all about his friend. 

    His friend’s main   19  in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player, and he   20   had his own tennis court(网球场). There were a lot of people with swimming   21  , but there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several   22   like that, including my brother, who was doctor in California. He   23  that maybe there were more private courts in the country, than he   24   but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me   25   my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence (巧合)   26   his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a   27  who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my next-door neighbor had gone to Sacramento last summer and had  28  the house next to my brother’s house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything.

    “Would your friend’s name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?”I asked finally. He  29  and said,“Yes. Would your brother’s name happen to be Dr Rey Hunter?” It was my  30  to laugh. “Yes.” I replied.     

11.A. brother       B. teacher       C.   friend           D. neighbour

12.A. happened    B. managed      C. tried           D. wanted

13.A. expecting     B. lying       C.   talking        D. joking

14.A. funny         B. serious       C. careful          D. disappointed

15.A.  find         B. think         C. realize         D. see

16.A. indeed        B. actually      Cexactly         D. instead

17.A. famous       B. interesting     C. big             D. noisy

18.A. began         B. stopped      C. refused          D. failed

19.A. problem     B. choice        C. interest        D. work

20.A. just          B. ever         C. even           D. surely

21.A. suit           B. habit          C.   river        D. pools

22.A. people      B. players        C strangers       D. friends

23.A.advised        B. admitted      C.   argued      D. announced

24.A. recognized    B. realized        C. visited         D. found

25.A. how          B. whether    C. where         D. when

26.A. if             B. because     C. then            D. though

27.A. doctor        B. friend      C. neighbour       D. player

28.A.visited        B. hired       C. designed       D. sold

29.A. smiled         B. laughed      C. cried           D.nodded

30.A.chance        B.pleasure \   C.  \turn\         D. time

 【答案】【知识点】B1  记叙文



11.考查名词:A. brother兄弟,B. teacher 老师,C. friend朋友,D. neighbour邻居,从下文的Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend.可知陌生人向作者谈起他的好朋友,想知道作者是不是碰巧认识他的好朋友。选C

12.考查动词:A. happened发生,碰巧,B. managed设法,C. tried尝试,D. wanted想要,陌生人向作者谈起他的好朋友,想知道作者是不是碰巧认识他的好朋友。Happen to do sth,碰巧做…,选A

13.考查动词:A. expecting期待,B. lying躺,C.              talking谈论,D. joking开玩笑,从后面的句子:but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not.可知作者开始觉得他这样说可能是在开玩笑。  选D

14.考查形容词:A. funny好笑的,B. serious 严肃的,C. careful仔细的,D. disappointed失望的,从前面的句子:but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not.可知作者从陌 生人脸上的表情看出他不是在开玩笑,他是认真的,选B

15.考查动词:A. find发现,B. think思考,C. realize意识到,D. see看见,作者认为想想在成百万的芝加哥人中能碰见过他朋友都是可笑的。选B

16.考查副词:A. indeed确实,B. actually实际上,C.  exactly确切地,D. instead相反的,由前句可知作者想说陌生人可笑,but表转折,且由空后的“I just smiled and reminded   him...”推断,作者并没有说出自己的想法,相反,作者微笑着提醒陌生人芝加哥是个很大的城市。选D

17.考查形容词:A. famous著名的,B. interesting有趣的,C. big大的,D. noisy嘈杂的,芝加哥是个很大的城市,选C

18.考查动词:A. began开始,B. stopped停止,C. refused拒绝,D. failed失败,从前面的句子:He was silent for a few minutes,可知他开始谈论他的朋友,选A

19.考查名词:A. problem问题,B. choice选择,C. interest兴趣,D. work工作,由下文“He was an excellent tennis player , and he even had his own tennis court.”可知, 陌生人的朋友是个网球手,甚至有自己的网球场,所以说他朋友的主要兴趣在网球。选C

20.考查副词:A. just仅仅,B. ever曾经,C. even甚至,D. surely确定,从后面的句子:yet there were only two people with private tennis court;可知拥有网球场的人并不多,所以是甚至有网球场,选C

21.考查名词:A. suit套装,B. habit习惯,C.              river河流,D. pools水池,有很多人拥有游泳池,但是只有两个人拥有网球场,选D

22.考查名词:A. people人们,B. players球员,C strangers陌生人,D. friends朋友,从后面的句子:including my brother, who was a doctor in California.可知作者认识这样的人,选A

23.考查动词:A. advised建议,B. admitted承认,C.  argued争论,D. announced宣布,陌生人承认在这个国家可能有更多的私人网球场。admit“承认“。选B

24.考查动词:A. recognized认出,B. realized意识到,知道,C. visited参观,D. found发现,有比他知道的更多的私人网球场。realize“知道,了解”。选B

25.考查疑问词:A. how怎样?B. whether 是否,C. where哪里,D. when什么时候,从后面的句子:When I said Sacramento,可知陌生人是问他弟弟住在什么地方,选C

26.考查连词:Aif是否,B. because因为,C. then那么,D. though虽然,前面说这是巧合,因为陌生人的朋友也住在Sacramento,选B

27.考查名词:A. doctor医生,B. friend 朋友,C. neighbour邻居,D. player队友,从前面的句子:including my brother, who was a doctor in California. 可知作者的哥哥是医生,选A

28.考查动词:A. visited参观,B. hired雇佣,租用,C. designed设计,D. sold卖,由空前后信息可知,作者的邻居去年夏天去了Sacramento并且租用了作者哥哥隔壁的 房子。hire“租用”。选B

29.考查动词:A. smiled 微笑,B. laughed大笑,C. cried哭,D.nodded点头,从后面的句子:It was my___ to laugh.可知听到作者的问话,陌生人大笑起来。选B

30.考查名词:A. chance机会,B. pleasure愉快,C. turn次序,D. time时间,轮到作者大笑。It’s one’s turn to do sth.“轮到某人做某事。”选C





    About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didn't want to carry too much money with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred -dollar bill in the safe for me.
    The next morning, however, the clerk said he knew nothing about my money. I didn't have any proof that I had given the man the money. There was nothing I could do but go to the nearest lawyer.

    The lawyer advised me to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. So we did. An hour later, I went back to the desk and asked for my money. Since I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not say he knew nothing about it.

    Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer's plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel to ask for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and when the clerk insisted he had already given it to me, I said it was not true. The lawyer said to him, "I saw this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. If you don't return it immediately, I'll be forced to call the police. "The clerk realized he had been cheated, so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.
    “I don't know how to thank you enough for getting my money back,” I said to the lawyer. And what do you suppose he answered? He said, “Oh, don't thank me. That will be a hundred dollars, please.”
31. What do you think a “safe” is?

   A. A box to put money or other valuables inB. A desk at the checking counter

   C. A room in which guests’ money is keptD. A hotel to stay in

32. The hotel clerk finally returned the first hundred-dollar bill to me because _____.

   A. the lawyer had seen everythingB. he was afraid of going to prison

   C. the bill was not real moneyD. I had called the police

33. At last how much should the author lose in all?

   A.$100B.$200C. $300D. $0

34. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Cheated by a clerkB. Don’t believe in lawyers

   C. How I lost my moneyD. At a Detroit hotel

【答案】【知识点】C2 故事类



31.A 细节理解题。根据第一段提到I didn't want to carry too much money with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred -dollar bill in the safe for me可知我不想随身携带太多的现金,因为要求前台职员把钱给我收到一个安全的地方,故选A项。

32.B 细节理解题。根据第三段提到Since I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not say he knew nothing about it.可知我有律师做目击证人,所以才给了我,故选B项。

33.A  细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到The clerk realized he had been cheated, so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill可知职员归还了第一次的钱,可见作者还没有损失钱但根据最后一段提到He said, “Oh, don't thank me. That will be a hundred dollars, please.律师再向我要钱,故选A项。

34.C 细节理解题。作者讲述在旅店遇到不良职员,不归还他的钱,作者在律师的帮助下,拿回了属于自己的钱,在作者感谢律师的时候,律师的回答出乎作者的预料,故C项更符合文意。


The Islands of Hawaii


The “Big Island” of Hawaii is a paradise (天堂) playground where visitors can enjoy a popular lifestyle and at the same time, witness the attraction of nature: thousands of square miles form a wonderland, featuring breathtaking beaches, forests, snow-covered mountains and amazing active volcanoes. A visit to Volcanoes National Park, which has been described as a true wonder of the world, is a must. It is the state's biggest attraction.


Seasons Resort Hualalai from $ 205.00Fairmont Orchid: from $108.00

Sightseeing and Experiences

Circle Island Tour: from $48.00

The beautiful landscape of Kauai has led to it being called the “Garden Isle”, but it is also referred to as the “Island of discovery”, and with good reason - a land of striking natural contrasts just waiting to be explored. Green mountains, a breathtaking coastline and white sand beaches combine to make it one of the world’s most relaxing locations.

Grand Hyatt Kauai: from $ 101.00Sheraton Kauai Resort: from $ 79.00

Voted the “World's Best Island”, Maui is widely regarded as one of the most romantic destinations on earth.
It is known as the “Valley Isle” and was the ancient playground for Hawaiian royalty. The island is largely rural with a small and wonderful population and a host of attractions and nature wonders.
Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa: from $ 87.00      Sheraton Maui: from $ 99.00

Oahu has a unique rhythm, filling the air with sweet fragrances (香气), music and language: from lovely beaches and amazing nightlife to beautiful rainforests and quiet valleys. Adventure, history, romance, discovery--Oahu waits for you.
Halekulani: from $ 121.00                 Hilton Hawaiia: Village: from $ 73.00
Sightseeing and Experiences
Royal Circle Island Tour: from $ 34.00              Paradise Cove Lu’au: $ 44.00
■ All prices are based on per person per night.
35. What is the biggest attraction in Hawaii?

   A. Garden IsleB Royal Circle Island Tour

   C. Volcanoes National Parks   D. Sheraton Kauai Resort

36. For a couple spending two nights in one of the accommodations, they have to pay at least ____________.

   A. $73.00B. $146.00C. $136.00D. $292.00

37. Which island was the ancient playground for Hawaiian royalty?

   A. HawaiiB. MauiC. KauaiD. Oahu

38. The passage is mainly written to ___________.

   A. tell differences between islands in Hawaii
   B. provide a better understanding of the geography of Hawaii
   C. offer accommodation services to the tourists
   D. attract people to make a visit to Hawaii




35.C 细节理解题。根据第一段提到A visit to Volcanoes National Park, which has been described as a true wonder of the world, is a must. It is the state's biggest attraction.可知选C项。

36.D细节推断题。题目问的是两个成年人两晚的最低食宿费用是多少. 找出各个旅馆中的最低费用单价再乘上2×2=4即可。从文章看食宿费用的最低单价是Hilton Hawaiia的Village的每晚73.00元起。所以答案是: 73.00×2×2=292.00,选 D

37.B  细节理解题。根据第三个景点的介绍中提到Adventure, history, romance, discovery--Oahu waits for you.可知选B项。

38.D 写作意图。文章介绍了夏威夷各个岛的食宿(accommodations)费用和旅游观光费用.从第一段的句子: The “Big Island” of Hawaii is a paradise (天堂) playground where visitors can enjoy a popular lifestyle and at the same time, witness the attraction of nature thousands of square miles form a wonderland, featuring breathtaking beaches, forests, snow–covered mountains and amazing active volcanoes.可知主要是想吸引游客到夏威夷,选D


    What do astronauts eat in space, and why? How did astronaut food come into being? How do astronauts preserve food for long periods of time in space? NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)(美国国家航空航天局)has been researching food for space travel since the 1960’s to find the best way of keeping astronauts from going hungry.

    The research could date from an accident that took place on the first manned Gemini mission in 1965. astronaut John Young managed to sneak(偷偷地拿)a corned beef sandwich onto the Geminni Ⅲ capsule to eat during its orbit around Earth. To Young’s surprise, the sandwich plan did not go as expected; instead the sandwich began to break apart and scatter(散开)through the Geminni Ⅲcapsule. This could have resulted in disaster, since a small piece of food could have stuck in the air vents(通风孔)and other equipment. The sandwich was stuffed into a pocket to avoid the further mess inside the small space capsule This incident caused NASA to enforce strict rules on what types of food can be taken into space.

    Space food has come a long way since then. During the Gemini period, the astronauts mostly ate cubed, compressed foods(压缩食品)high in calories and lightweight.

    NASA expects a long shelf life for space food. The majority of food taken into space has been dried out or heat-treated. These process and use of sodium(钠), make the food taken into space last longer. Research is ongoing into space food to seek out healthier ways to preserve it. Too much sodium is unhealthy, and can badly change the taste of some foods.

39.   What happened to John Young in the Geminni Ⅲ capsule?

   A. His sandwich went bad as expected

   B. He couldn’t eat the sandwich he had bought

   C. His sandwich caused trouble to some equipment

   D. He filled his pocket with the sandwich.

40. Why has NASA set up strict rules on the space since the 1960’s?

   A. To protect the astronauts’ safety

   B. To provide enough food for astronauts

   C. To limit how much junk food astronauts eat

   D. To make it easy for astronauts to get enough nutrition

41. The majority of the space food is dried out or heat-treated in order to _________.

   A. keep astronauts healthyB. keep it from breaking apart

   C. change its tasteD. make it last longer

42. What is the text mainly about?

   A. How to make space foodB. The history of space food

   C. A food incident in the Gemini capsuleD. The process of making space food

【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类



39.B 细节理解题。根据第二段提到To Young’s surprise, the sandwich plan did not go as expected; instead the sandwich began to break apart and scatter(散开)through the Geminni Ⅲcapsule.可知他不能吃三明治,三明治散开,故选B项。

40.A 细节推断题。根据第二段提到John Young偷带食物到太空中,导致事故,为了保证宇航员的安全,故规定只能吃压缩食品,故选A项。

41.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到NASA expects a long shelf life for space food. The majority of food taken into space has been dried out or heat-treated为的是让食品的保质期长,故选D项。

42.B 主旨大意。本文主要讲宇航员在太空中吃什么样的食品,既能确保他们的安全,又能保证营养,还能让食物保质期长,故选B项。


If you know the following fact, you’ll understand why many people suffer from foot problems. The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the Earth in a lifetime. That is enormous wear and tear on the 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles that make up the foot.

    In a recent survey for the American Podiatric Medical Association, 53 percent of respondents reported foot pain so severe that it affected their daily function. On average, people develop pain in their 60s, but it can start as early as the 20s and 30s. And usually women give care to their feet while men don’t.

    “A lot of people think foot pain is part of the aging process and accept it, and walk with pain,” said Dr Andrew Shapiro. Though some foot problems are inevitable, their progress can be slowed.

    The following questions will help you assess whether you should take more preventive action as you age. Do you have flat feet or high arches(足弓)? Either puts feet at risk. Shoes that support the arch and heel can help flat feet. People with high arches should look for roomy shoes and softer padding(衬垫) to absorb the shock. Proper exercises also strengthen muscles, supporting the foot.

    Do your shoes fit? In the survey, more than 34 percent of men said they could not remember the last time their feet were measured. 20 percent of women said that once a week they wore shoes that hurt, and 8 percent wore painful shoes daily. Feet flatten and lengthen with age, so if you still stick to the shoe size you wore at the age of 21, get your feet measured.

    Do you walk? Putting more mileage(里程) on your feet is the best way to exercise the muscles and keep them healthy.

43. The underlined phrase “wear and tear” in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.

   A. a surprising experienceB. an unimaginable distance

   C. damage due to continuous useD. a contribution to the feet

44. What do we know from the passage?

   A. The number of men and women who have foot problems is similar.

   B. Walking as little as possible can protect your feet from pain.

   C. More than half of the respondents have serious foot problems.

   D. 53% of people develop foot pain in their 60s.

45. Which of the following statements best explains foot pain?

   A. Not all of it can be avoided.B. People can’t slow its process.

   C. Walking more will stop foot pain.D. Preventive actions can’t work well.

46. If your feet are 26 cm long at 23, what is the probable length of your feet when you are 43?

   A. 26.2 cmB. 25.2 cmC. 26 cmD. 25 cm

【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类



43.C 细节理解题。根据第一段提到The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the Earth in a lifetime.平均每人走一生的路相当于绕地球三圈,使用起来就非常危险的,故选C项。

44.C 细节推断题。根据第二段提到In a recent survey for the American Podiatric Medical Association, 53 percent of respondents reported foot pain so severe that it affected their daily function.有一半的人脚痛很严重,影响到他们的日常生活,故选C项。

45.A 细节理解题。根据第四段提到The following questions will help you assess whether you should take more preventive action as you age. Do you have flat feet or high arches(足弓)?第五段Do your shoes fit?  Do you walk? 可知没有一项可以避免,故选A项。

46.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到Feet flatten and lengthen with age, so if you still stick to the shoe size you wore at the age of 21, get your feet measured.脚扁平和长度会随着年龄的变化而变化的,如果你还坚持21岁时的脚长的话,你必须得量一下你的脚了,故选A项。


    My daughter recently asked me what a travel agency does. There is one located on our street and it has just been completely rebuilt. I told her that they helped people book their trips and vacations. “Why haven’t we ever been there?” she wanted to know. “Because we do everything ourselves online these days” I explained. “But why do it yourself if other people want to do it for you?” she wondered out loud.

    The answer is that the travel agency makes a little bit of money on each ticket you book through them. If you book your ticket yourself online, you save that money. Saving money sounds great except that when you think about it you typically spend three evenings comparing prices to end up saving $30 on a $300 trip. All those $30 discounts add up of course so I guess we should be happy with that.

    Consider books for a moment. Buying your book at Amazon saves you maybe 30% to 40% on each book. Add to that the convenience of shopping from home and getting the package delivered to your home address. So far so good. Unfortunately, that does mean you spend too much time browsing Amazon. com while you could do something fun instead. Like maybe reading an actual book?

    Then the package arrives and you aren’t home and end up having to pick it up at the local post-office. All in all I wonder how much time I end up investing in the whole process. Time sounds free, but to most of us, it is more valuable than money.

    The Internet Economy promised to get rid of the middle-men and we loved it. Somehow, I’m starting to get the feeling that we ourselves ended up doing the work of that middle-men we were so eager to get rid of.

    In any project you can always pick two of these: fast, cheap or good. We seem to have focused a lot on ‘cheap’ and ‘good’ but the extra time we need to invest to also keep it ‘fast’ comes out of our own pockets.

You can always make more money but you can never make more time.

47. What is the purpose of paragraph 1 ?

   A. It mainly shows the curiosity of the author’s daughter.

   B. It indicates that the Internet has influenced our daily life.

   C. It tells us the importance of a travel agency.

   D. It shows why people need a travel agency.

48. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 ?

   A. We should be satisfied with $30 that we have saved because it is worthwhile.

   B. $30 that we have saved is too little, so we can’t be happy with it.

   C. We should feel regretful although $30 is worth the time we have spent.

   D. It’s hard for us to be happy with $30 because we have wasted a lot of time.

49 What’s the author’s attitude towards the Internet Economy?

   A. PositiveB. IndifferentC. NeutralD. Critical

50. What’s the best title for the passage?

   A. The convenience of the Internet Economy.

   B. How to save time in the Internet Economy.

   C. The hidden cost of the Internet Economy.

   D. How to save money in the Internet Economy.

【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类



47.B主旨大意题,根据第一段Because we do everything ourselves online these days可知,现在人们的生活受到了英特网的影响,故选B项。

48.D 段落大意。根据第二段提到If you book your ticket yourself online, you save that money. Saving money sounds great except that when you think about it you typically spend three evenings comparing prices to end up saving $30 on a $300 trip.可知我们花很多时间省了30块钱,故选D项。




---- Hello! May I speak to Jack please?

---- This is Jack speaking.(51)______

---- This is Sam. I called you last night, but there was no reply.

---- (52)_____  I bought something for my trip to Guangzhou.

---- Guangzhou? That’s where the 16th Asian Games was held. How lucky you are!

---- (53)_____What did you call me for?

---- I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday. Would you like to come?

---- I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come! (54)_____

---- What a pity that you can’t come! (55)______

---- Thank you very much. Bye!

---- Bye!

A. Have a good time!

B. My plane will take off next Tuesday.

C. Thank you.

D. I was shopping at that time.

E. Who is that ?

F. Who are you?

G. So I am.

【答案】【知识点】T1 补全对话



51. E 根据下方提到This is Sam.可知在问你是谁,故选E项。

52.D  根据上文提到I called you last night, but there was no reply.我打电话给你,没有人接,故选D,当时正在购物。

53.G 根据上文提到How lucky you are你真幸运呀,故下方说,确实是这样,故选G项。

54.B 根据上一句话提到I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come我想去,但恐怕去不了,故选B,有事去不了。

55.A 根据上一句话提到What a pity that you can’t come!很遗憾你不能来,故说玩得愉快。



【1】A hiker in California got trapped for days as he walked on a mountain trail. It is believed he was looking for shade and lost his footing (失足跌倒), getting stuck. He was discovered by a dog and his owner who happened to be passing by on their routine walk. Ramon Llamas and his dog, Mole, often go on walks, and the 1-year-old dog likes to explore the area when he is on hikes with his owner. 

【2】Recently, the two had been out on their customary walk and the dog suddenly began crying. Mole pulled Llamas over to the spot. At first Llamas thought his dog had discovered a wild animal and he asked others in the area to call 911. However, it was no wild animal appearing out of the rocks. Llamas discovered there was a man trapped.

【3】According to Yahoo! News, the hiker, identified only as 44-year-old “Paul” in media reports, was severely dehydrated (脱水的). He had been trapped in the rocks on Mount Rubidoux for somewhere between four and six days. According to reports, the man was not sure exactly how long he had been trapped. 

【4】Reportedly, the man was trapped in a hidden location in the rocks about 100 feet from the main trail. Due to the rocks, no one could see or hear him. Paul asked Llamas for water and said, “Please don’t leave me.” According to media reports he was very dehydrated and hardly conscious. Emergency services were called and the Riverside Fire Department came to the mountain and helped rescue the man. Paul is reportedly recovering in a local hospital. He has said he wants to thank Llamas and Mole for finding him, which ultimately saved his life. His doctors believe he will be OK and will make a full recovery.   

56. Who first found the trapped hiker? (No more than 4 words)


57. How did Paul get trapped? (No more than 8 words)


58. What was wrong with Paul when he was found? (No more than 7 words)


59. How long had Paul been trapped before he was rescued? (No more than 5 words)


60. What will happen to Paul according to Paragraph 4? (No more than 4 words)      _____________________________________________________________________

【答案】【知识点】T2 阅读表达



56. A dog called Mole.    根据第二段提到Recently, the two had been out on their customary walk and the dog suddenly began crying. Mole pulled Llamas over to the spot.可知是狗发现的,拖着主人来到现场。

57. He lost his footing while looking for shade 根据第一段提到It is believed he was looking for shade and lost his footing (失足跌倒), getting stuck.可知他寻找遮蔽处时失踪跌倒的。

58. He was very dehydrated and hardly conscious. 根据第三段提到当发现时他都已经严重脱水并且不确定自己被困多长时间了,可知失去意识。

59. Between four and six days 根据第三段提到He had been trapped in the rocks on Mount Rubidoux for somewhere between four and six days可知四到六天。

60. He will recover completely. 根据最后一段提到His doctors believe he will be OK and will make a full recovery.他怕医生相信不久会完全康复。






注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11除起)不计分。

Dear manager, 

    I’m one of your customer. The day before yesterday I bought a walkman in your

shop. Before I left, I do check it carefully and everything was all right. When I got

home, therefore, I found a fault with it. The problem is what the “Play” doesn’t

work at all. Probable it’s not your fault and so is mine. Anyhow, I can’t solve the

problem in person.

You see, a walkman is of great useful for me to learn English and I cannot wait

for too long before this problem is solved. Hopefully you will deal with the walkman

without delay, when you accept my letter. 


    Hoping to hear of you in the earliest possible time!                                                

                                                        Your sincerely, 

                                                             Li Hua

【答案】【知识点】E1 短文改错记叙文



1. customer---customers 考查名词的复数形式。One of 名词复数形式。

2.do—did             考查动词的时态。句意:当我离开时,我仔细检查,一切都好。Left用一般过去时,与其保持一致。

3.therefore—however  考查副词。句意:然而我发现一个问题。

4.what ---that         考查表语从句。句意:问题是,这个播放键不管用。表语从句不缺少主干成分,用that来引导。

5.Probable—Probably  考查副词。句意:不可能是你的错误,也不是我的错误。副词来修饰整个句子。

6. so—neither         考查否定词。句意:不可能是你的错误,也不是我的错误

7.useful—use          考查固定结构。Be of 名词 等于be adj ,故用use.

8.for去掉             考查动词短语。句意:在这个问题解决之前我等了太久。Wait for sth ,等待某人/某物,没有宾语,故去掉for

9. accept              考查动词辨析。句意:当你收到这封信时,希望能尽快处理这个问题, accept 表示主观接受。Receive表示客观接受。

10.of—from           考查动词短语辨析。Hear of 听说。Hear from收到某人来信。


你喜欢快餐食品吗?快餐食品在青少年和儿童中很流行。请根据提示写一篇120 词左右的发言稿,内容要点包括:

1.       快餐流行的原因(至少2点)

2.       弊端(至少2点)

3.       个人看法


Fast food

Dear friends,

Nowadays, fast food is becoming more and more popular among children and













【答案】【知识点】F2 书面表达议论文


Dear friends,

Nowadays, fast food is becoming more and more popular among children and teenagers. I think there are several reasons for its popularity.

First, it’s very convenient and can save a lot of time. You can go into a fast restaurant to order your food and it is ready in no time. Besides, you can take it away or eat there. What’s more, it offers excellent service and tasty food.

However, fast food is not good for people’s health, especially children. There is too much fat in the food and you can’t get enough fresh vegetables. Also the food is very expensive, which may cost you much money.

We are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits and eat fast food as little as possible. It’s only a choice when you are really in a hurry.

That’s all. Thank you!

【思路点拨】范文中出现一些常见的短语in no time立即;What’s more而且;be good for 对。。有好处;Also the food is very expensive, which may cost you much money这个句子which引导非限制性定语从句;Therefore, it’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits and eat fast food as little as possible这个句子it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。


一、单选(10分)1-5 BDADD      6-10 CCCDB

二、完型填空(30分) 11~15 ACBCD   16~20 BADCB    21~25 BDBCA   26~30 DDDCA





56. A dog called Mole.  

57. He lost his footing while looking for shade.

58. He was very dehydrated and hardly conscious. 

59. Between four and six days.  

60. He will recover completely.


Dear manager, 

    I’m one of your customer. The day before yesterday I bought a walkman in your


shop. Before I left, I do check it carefully and everything was all right. When I got


home, therefore, I found a fault with it. The problem is what the “Play” doesn’t

      however                                          that

work at all. Probable it’s not your fault and so is mine. Anyhow, I can’t solve the

            Probably                   neither/nor

problem in person. 


You see, a walkman is of great useful for me to learn English and I cannot wait


for too long before this problem is solved. Hopefully you will deal with the walkman

without delay, when you accept my letter. 


    Hoping to hear of you in the earliest possible time!                                                 


                                                         Your sincerely, 

                                                             Li Hua


Fast food

Dear friends,

Nowadays, fast food is becoming more and more popular among children and teenagers. I think there are several reasons for its popularity.

First, it’s very convenient and can save a lot of time. You can go into a fast restaurant to order your food and it is ready in no time. Besides, you can take it away or eat there. What’s more, it offers excellent service and tasty food.

However, fast food is not good for people’s health, especially children. There is too much fat in the food and you can’t get enough fresh vegetables. Also the food is very expensive, which may cost you much money.

We are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits and eat fast food as little as possible. It’s only a choice when you are really in a hurry.

That’s all. Thank you! (132词)http://gk.canpoint.cn/
























