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Strategy training in language learning


There has been a growing concern on developing students’ independent learning ability in foreign language teaching. We focus on strategy training which closely relates to learner autonomy. After an initial discussion of the necessity of strategy training and major contents which may be included therein, then we conducts a tentative analysis and evaluation of four principle approaches to strategy training and emphasizes the advantage of the strategy-based instruction model. Finally, we points out a number of important factors that call for attention in strategy training.

Key words: teacher’s role, learner strategies, strategy training





Abstract (English)…………………………………………………………..............Ⅰ Abstract (Chinese)......................................................................................................Ⅰ

1. The Definition of Strategy Training ………………………………........................................1

2. The Necessity of Strategy Training in Language Learning………………..…………….…1

3. Patterns of Strategy Training in Language Learning……………………………………....1

A. Pearson &Dole’s Pattern…………………………………………………………………...1

B. Oxford’s Pattern……………………………………………………………………………2

C. Cohen’s Pattern…………………………………………………………………………….2

4. Strategies on Strategy Training in Language Learning…………………………………….3

A. Choosing Appropriate Strategies…………………………………………………………..3

B. Being Aware of the Aim of Strategy Training……………………………………………...3

C. Making Full Use of Assessments by Both Teachers and Students…………………………4

5. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………..5

1. The Definition of Strategy Training

Strategy training has been a very heated study during the late twenty years in applied linguistics. Strategy training can also be defined as learners’ learning methods training. The process of language learning is very complicated which involves many factors like individual characters, age, learning experience and so on of learners. So there is big difference among learners in language learning efficiency. But it shows that successful language learners have something in common- they have their own learning strategies. If we sum up the learning strategies which adopted by those successful language learners and pass them on to other learners in appropriate ways, it must be helpful to improve learners’ language learning.

2. The Necessity of Strategy Training in Language Learning

It's a time while new knowledge are needed but not to emphasize on the ability in obtaining the former knowledge repeatedly. So study on learning strategy is highly heated and is viewed as a necessity in language learning.

It has long been raised that school should establish two basic teaching aims-one is to help students gaining language and communication skills and the other is to help students becoming autonomous, namely, learning how to learn. Learning strategy training is the medium to achieve the goal of autonomous learning. The aim of learning strategy training is to help learners making acquaintance of the importance of strategy deeply and getting to know how to use appropriate strategies when necessary.

3. Patterns of Strategy Training in Language Learning

What kind of strategy the learner actually needs during the over - language learning ? This question decides the contents of strategy training. However, there is no definite conclusion till now. But we might as well investigate the content and classification of strategy first.

A. Pearson &Dole’s Pattern

In 1987, Pearson& Dole proposed firstly strategy training of native language studying, which is also applicable to foreign language studying. This training model includes 5 steps:

(1)One strategy be demonstrated by teacher first, and the usage and importance of the strategy explained;

(2)Lead and help student to practice the strategy;

(3)Review to make the strategy mastered;

(4)The strategy be independently practiced by the student;

(5)Apply the strategy learned to the new learning tasks.


This strategy training model is based on single-item training. It is to explicitly demonstrate a certain strategy, and to explain the extensive usage of the strategy. Learners may do well in practicing different strategies but it’s a pity that the training content is very limited.

B. Oxford’s Pattern

Oxford have designed a strategy training system on language learning according to several years of foreign language teaching experiences which includes 7 steps:

(1)Let a learner who has never been trained to finish a language task ;

(2)Learners are organized to talk about how they go through the language task given. Give public recognition to the useful strategy that they mention and let he recall how does it promote the learning process;

(3)Suggest to the learner and demonstrate other useful strategies, and explain how to make most of the strategies.

(4)Provide ample time in the process of practicing new strategies when learning languages.

(5)To inform that how the strategies are applied to other study tasks;

(6)Provide new language task to learners, let them select by themselves the strategy to complete these tasks;

(7)Help learners to understand the evaluating process during strategy training and how to make better changes for obtaining.

This training model can inspire learners deeply. It can better transfer learners motivation and to make them learning actively. Learners need not practice the strategies step by step as well because it’s of very loose procedure and some steps can even be practiced at the same time.

C. Cohen’s Pattern

Lately, Cohen has published his strategy- based foreign language teaching model in “The strategies to learn a second language”. This model includes 5 steps:

(1)The teacher gives a probably useful strategy as an example, demonstrating and illustrating it;

(2)Derive more examples according to learners’ experience.

(3)Leading groups or all of the learners together carrying on a discussion about strategies;

(4)Encourage learners to practice all kinds of strategy.

(5)Combine strategies with class daily material together, melt strategy into language task in explicit or implicit way.


Comparing with the other two kinds of training strategies, Cohen’s is more ideal. It is a kind of strategy training that takes student as a centre. It’s a kind of

strategy training helping learners to apply it into language learning systematically. At the same time, learners has the opportunity sharing the strategy that he likes, and to expand their strategy in the process of completing a language task. Last but not least, the teachers are able to help introducing to learners different strategies based on their learning levels and get the strategies enhanced together with language learning.

4. Strategies on Strategy Training in Language Learning

When more and more responsibility learners are taking, the roles between the teacher and learners need to exchange. So teachers are looked on as promoters in learners’ language learning but not an entire controller. Hereafter, both learners and trainers should pay special attention to some concrete questions as follows:

A. Choosing Appropriate Strategies

The teacher should well consider the demand of the learner and thus helping them to find the most appropriate strategy before carrying on strategy training. A series of question should be paid attention, for example: Who is trainee? What are their language levels? How about learners’ strong and weak points? What kind of strategy does the learner need to be studied? What’s the difference between their own ways on language learning and the strategy the teacher introduced and what lead to this kind of difference? How learner s treat the role of them? Whether the teacher needs to transform learners’ attitudes? Whether the teacher has given learners the opportunity to express them the strategies they are fond of? When selecting the strategy, not only those above questions should be concerned but also the follows: selecting the strategy which relate to learners’ needs; several different strategies can be applied into language leaning at the same time; selecting the strategy which is useful for most learners; try to pay attention to both the easier and difficult strategies which can motivate learners and also be benefit to them.

B. Being Aware of the Aim of Strategy Training

Be clear about the training purpose and pay attention to improve learners’ capability to draw inference from one example.

While carrying on strategy training, the teacher should let the learner totally understand the value and purpose of strategy training. The teacher should inform learners of the importance of strategy as far as possible and lead learners boldly using strategy during different study tasks, and inspire them to draw inference from one example, and learn to make use of these strategies to the new language tasks under different circumstances. At the same time, give learners opportunity to evaluate the


of new strategy and investigate how and why it’s acting. As researches have shown that learners get well known to the usage and replacement of strategy through strategy training, and it’s possible for them to evaluate the strategies based on their own experience at the same time which contributes the training in return..

C. Making Full Use of Assessments by Both Teachers and Students

Combine the evaluation of teachers and the learners together to ensure strategy training effect.

First, teachers should carry on an evaluation about the strategy training in or after training period, for which is benefit for achieve a better training effect and to promote learners’ language learning in or outside class. Whether a strategy training is successful or not, there’s yet no certain standard. But here are several factors which can be taken as a reference: whether learners’ general language skill and the ability of completing a given task has already improved or not; Whether the new strategy are applied frequently and has increased than before; Whether learners’ attitude has been improved and so on..

Secondly, it’s of the same importance for learners to evaluate themselves on strategy training and it’s a necessity which can provide a useful reference for teachers thus to make the training more efficient.



1. Benson P &W Lor. Making sense of autonomous language learning: conceptions of learning and readiness for autonomy M. English center monograph, No.2. the university of Hong Kong,1998.23.

2. Stern H H. fundamental concepts of language teaching M. Oxford University Press,1983.414.

3. Wenden A &J Rubin. Learner strategies in language learning M. Prentice Hall International(UK)Ltd,1987.17.

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