

Task 3-Students Need Access to Movie Collection Narrator

Now listen to two students discussing the letter. Female Student What do you think? Male Student

I don't think we need to change anything. Female Student

You don't think she is right that it would be easier? Male Student

Well, I just don't think it's that difficult now. I mean, the library has a really good computer system where you can easily see what they have in

their collection, see whaf s available and what's not. Female Student

Yeah. You can always look through the titles on the library computers. Male Student

Right. And you don't even have to have an exact title in mind. I mean, you can just look for certain types of movies or movies with certain actors

or whatever. Female Student Good point. Male Student

And as far as what she said about the staff, the people who do that work are students who really need the money to pay for books and stuff. Female Student True. Male Student

Plus, I am sure those students don't get paid that much to do the work. So I don't think it's going to put any strain on the university's budget.

Task 4-Mental Accounting Narrator

Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. Professor

So a good example of this is something that happened to me. When I was younger, I had an office job and I worked there every day during the week.

And I made a regular salary from that. But also I worked as a waiter at a restaurant each weekend, so I made some money from doing that. Now, around this time, I decided I wanted to buy a house. So every time I got my regular paycheck from my job at the office, I'd save as much of the money from it as I could after I bought the basic stuff I needed. But with the money I made as a waiter that was another story.Somehow I guess

that money seemed separate from the money I earned at my regular job. So

I used the money I made at the restaurant to go out to dinner, to buy videos

or CDs, things I didn't really need.

But the thing is, it ended up taking me a really long time to save up all

the money I needed to buy the house. And looking back now, I realize I could have bought the house a lot sooner if only I had saved more of the money I made working at the restaurant.

Task 5-Picking up Grandma & Review Session Narrator

Listen to a conversation between two students. Male Student Hey. Lin. Whaf s up? Female Student

Oh. Just getting ready for my grandmother to come to town. She is flying in tomorrow to visit me for a few days at school. Male Student

Oh. Yeah. Is she going to stay at your apartment? Female Student

Yeah. It would be good. We can spend some time together and I can show

her around campus and stuff. Male Student Sounds nice. Female Student

Yeah. I am looking forward to it. But I am not sure what to do about picking

her up from the airport. Male Student What do you mean? Female Student

Well, her flight gets in tomorrow. But the problem is, my biology professor

scheduled a special review session...uh...for an upcoming biology exam at the same time I am supposed to pick her up. I didn't know there'd be this conflict. Male Student

Oh. Well, how important is the review session? Do you think you can miss

it to pick your grandmother up? Female Student

It's optional. But this professor's review sessions are usually really helpful, he does a good job going over what's going to be on the exam. So it would be good to go, but... maybe I'll have to miss it. Male Student

Is there something else you could do? Female Student

Yeah. Actually I spoke with my friend Mary and she offered to pick my grandma up from the airport. Male Student

Great. Why don't you do that then? Female Student

Maybe. But Mary doesn't even know my grandmother. And I don't know how

grandma would feel about being picked up by a stranger. She'd probably be more comfortable being picked up by me. Male Student Oh. Well...

Task 6-Arctic Animals Narrator

Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class. Professor

Even though it's cold and snow-covered, the Arctic houses many species of animals that manage to survive the harsh conditions there. These Arctic

animals have adapted to the extremely cold temperatures primarily because

of certain body features that help them to survive in the cold Arctic climate. Let's look at a few of them.

For one thing, many Arctic animals have developed a protective covering on their feet. The covering usually consists of fur or feathers which act as a protective layer between the cold and the animals' skin. Since they spend so much of their time on snowy, icy surfaces, whether they are standing on the ground or swimming in the water, they can easily lose heat

through their feet. This is especially true of Arctic birds. A bird like the Arctic Snowy Owl, for example, has feathers on its body the way other

birds do. But unlike most birds, it also has feathers all over its feet. This shields and protects the feet from the icy ground so that very little of the owl's foot actually touches snowy or icy surfaces, which helps its feet to stay warm.

Another physical characteristic that some Arctic animals share is having smaller bodies and smaller, shorter body parts. In other words, their bodies are often more compact than other animals'. And the parts of their bodies that stick out or protrude like the legs, ears or tails are smaller and shorter. And the result is that there is less body surface exposed to the cold air. A great example is the Arctic wolf. Unlike the larger grey wolves that live in warmer climates, Arctic wolves have relatively small, compact bodies that efficiently retain heat. They also have smaller ears and shorter legs so that they lose less body heat than animals with larger bodies or longer body parts. And in the climate where the temperature is below zero most of the year, that's very important.

第二篇:口语 文档

1. I am new/a freshman. I would appreciate any advice from you, dear groupmates, about English learning. 我是新手,请多多指教。

2. My pleasure. / Pleasure is all mine. 这是我的荣幸。

3. I am very flattered by your invitation. 承蒙您的邀请,我深感荣幸。

4. Where have you been (finding fun)? 你最近上哪混去了?

5. He’re so modest/humble. 他太谦虚了。You value yourself too low. 你把自己低估了。

6. What adds to/compounds my respect for you is that you’re so brilliant but

self-effacing. 你如此才华横溢却不露锋芒。(efface oneself 使自己无足轻重,使自己不被人注意——这是一种让人轻松的处世哲学)

7. We have to work hard to comb out (梳理, 去除杂质) all the knots in English learning. Google pledges to comb out porn results in China. My suggestion is to comb out the lessons you’ve learned every day and note down what new things you get after the review. 我们应该尽力肃清英语学习中的困难。Goggle 承诺要清理在其中文搜索引擎中的黄色条目。我建议每天整理你们学过的课程内容,并且记录下复习所获得的新知识。

8. Live your dream. That shouldn't come too late if you hold it tight. 为你的梦想而奋斗吧!如果你把梦想抓得紧紧的,要把她实现应该不会太久。

9. Who would call you a college student if you haven’t ever flunked any papers? 不挂课怎么叫大学生呢?

10. Very nice knowing you and talking with you. 很高兴认识你!很高兴与你聊天!

11. The telesthesia (心灵感应) between us told me that. 我们之间的心灵感应告诉我的。

12. A small pig’s standing in front of me, with an expression I can’t quite read, if you want me to tell the key, that’s not something I want to see. (绕口令)

13. I will gen you up on this later. 我迟点会把详细情况告诉你的。Okay, give me the gen on this project please. 请把这个项目的资料给我吧。(gen 作名词或者动词,“信息”或者“给予信息”)

14. He goes green/white about the gills. (to look pale with fear or sickness) 脸色发青(苍白) 受惊吓或因病——gills 由于有两个“腮” ,gill用常用复数, about 在…..的周围)。

15. We need to tackle the problem head-on (without trying to avoid it). 正视某问题加以解决(不回避问题)。——“头在上面”的接触足够“正视”的劲,如果一辆车与另一辆车产生了head-on式的碰撞,事情就大了,也就是车头直接对撞,伤亡如何可想而知)。

16. We’re playing for the thrill! 我们玩的就是心跳!(playing for the thrill)

17. Do you think you’re equal to the job/task? 你认为自己能胜任这一份工作/这一项任务么?(be equal to … 能胜任,能处理好,能应对某事) I don’t think they are equal to meeting our requirements. 我认为他们不能达到我们的要求。Equal to the occasion能应付局面、应付自如

18. I know learning English is not an easy task, but if you rise to the

challenge/occasion as occasion requires, you may reap what you deserve anyway. 我知道学习英文并不是一件容易的事情,但是如果你能面对挑战积极寻求解决办法,那你将终有所获。

19. Long time no see, how have you been these days? 很久不见,最近如何?

20. I blurted it out, impressed in spite of myself. (in spite of myself 不觉地,不自觉地,不禁) 我脱口而出,一副趣味盎然到忘乎自我的样子。

21. You have an observing eye. 你真是好眼力劲啊! (Observing注意观察的,对事物敏感的,如果需要用定语形容词,非observant莫属——善于观察的,机警的 )

22. I am honored by your visit. 对你的造访我深感荣幸。Will you honor me with a visit? 如蒙造访则荣幸之至。Honor的意思是,“给某人以荣誉、表扬某人、向某人某事致敬”。Honor sth./sb. with sth. else

23. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You’re welcome down the top of my head. 由衷得感谢!由衷地别客气!(幽默对等)

24. That’s cool, pal! 太棒了,朋友!(pal, 常用作“朋友、老兄”, penpal 笔友)

25. If you have been affected by problems in learning English, our thoughts are with you and we are here to help. 如果在学习英文的过程中你遇到问题,我们会想办法帮你的。

26. Once you get the essence of language learning, you will pride yourself on the quality of your effort you can benefit a lot from. 一旦你掌握了语言学习的精髓,你将会为让你受益不尽的努力而感到自豪的。

27. I just want to have chit-chat/small talk/shoot the breeze today. 我今天只想闲聊一下。

28. I turned/tip the scales at 60 kilograms. 我体重是60公斤。(口语表示体重)

29. We need to be well ready for the test, just like swimmers poised on the edge of the swimming pool. (poised=ready) 在游泳池边作出跳水的准备动作

30. You’re the only one who will be able to tip the scales. 你才是唯一起决定性作用的人。

31. If you make mistakes like this, you will expect a long sermon from your western professor. 耗时间长的批评

32. Our immediate concern is to enlarge our vocabulary. 我们的当务之急是扩展词汇量。

33. His head is cluttered up with all useless facts. 他满脑子都是杂七杂八的东西/闲事。

34. What’s your racket? 你是干哪一行的?(racket职业


35. Who’s gonna rock the group today? 谁想在组里大展身手啊?All of you or just a few? 所有人或者只是几个人啊?

36. We are into a whole new ball game. 我们正处于一种全新的局面。

37. If you do not have the guts to do sth. amazing in front of the public, or you simply don’t want to pull a stunt, you can hardly make a big success in today’s society. Of course, the stunt needs to be made based on your real ability and talent, but courage is also indispensable. 做出惊人之举(stunt特技表演,惊人的举动)

38. You should animate yourself with fresh hope and start again. 你应该给自己以新的希望,然后从头拼起!

39. I want to animate you to greater effort, with a desire to succeed. 我想激励你们更加努力,争取胜利。

40. We need to actually do something to see to it that our plan is fulfilled and takes effect substantially. 我们应该真正地做点事情以保证我们的计划得以实施并产生实质性的效应。

41. You will culminate in success if the struggle you’ve been through is well

organized and effectively implemented. 如果这一斗争/努力经过了周密地组织布置并且被有效地执行的话,你将会取得最终的胜利

42. I could feel the breath of the night, so light so gentle, that’s beaut! 我能感觉到此夜的气息,多么轻盈,多么柔美,简直太舒服了。

43. The playday (节日,休息日) is coming! 马上就要放假啦!

44. Do whatever you want. It’s not like she needs a play-by-play. 管好你自己的事情吧,她并不需要一个跟屁虫。

45. Do you ever wish you could go back, like to another time? I wouldn’t mind

giving back some of these wrinkles. If you were given one do-over (再来一次的机会), anything in your life, what would it be? Did you ever make a big mistake? Jenna, I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I never regret making any of them. Because if I had never made them, I wouldn’t have learned how to make things right.

46. Talk your talk and walk your walk. 走自己的路让别人说去吧!

47. You two, why not take/have another chill and calm down a bit! Chill out

please! 你两个,为何不喝点冰镇饮料,冷静下来呢!(chill out=calm down.)

48. Do you like beer? 你还要来点啤酒么?I must be getting oiled tonight? 我一定是喝醉了。I cannot think straight. 我想不出事情来了。

49. Sorry for being so long-winded, one final word is, some students may think if other group members are not active, there is no point being active myself. That’s a false concept really; a nice atmosphere in group discussion can only be generated by every one of us, inside the group, not few of us or any others rather than you. So if you want to have a wonderful learning time in the group, start it by yourself.


50. By the way =as an aside 顺便加一句,to mention it only as an aside, … 只是顺便提及此事啊。(Aside 旁白,顺便说的话) 还可以说,let me add it, in parenthesis…(顺便说一句……)

51. What a sorrowful fact! I cannot even find the right tune to cry now:It’s simply too deep for tears. 多么令人伤感的事实!哭也找不着调了!简直是令人欲哭无泪哪!

52. We were born in a righter time than previous generations. 我们比上面几代人都要生得逢时。

53. Thanks. But I am not highly susceptible to flattery/compliments. 谢谢你,可我是不会为赞美所动的。

54. That would be a thoroughgoing waste of time! 那完全是浪费时间!

55. To avoid appearing mistake-ridden in group discussion, preparing before your talk is a good way. (ridden:满是某事物的;受某事物支配的) 要避免小组讨论中出现太多的错误,提前准备好你的发言是一个好办法。

56. Zhu Yuanzhang is a responsible and ambitious emperor. 朱元璋是一位有抱负的明君。

57. King Zhou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, is a fatuous and self-indulgent King. 纣王,商朝的最后一个皇帝,是一位昏君。

58. If you didn’t pay due attention to laying a solid foundation for your English skill improvement, a train of bad consequences may follow/result. 如果你们没有为提高英语技能打下坚实的基础,那么,这将会后患无穷啊。(train: 一系列的后续的事件,思想等,my train of thoughts 我的思路)

59. Don’t try to slur over your weaknesses in English learning; only by facing up to them, can you win through in the end. 在英文学习中,千万不要回避自己的短处,唯有正视它们,你才能终获成功。 (slur: 动词或者名词——音乐中的连奏;模糊不清地发出声音;Slur over:回避问题;win through摆脱困境,终获成功(口语))

61. I’d like to tell you all about my success but modesty forbids. 我并非不愿意将成绩一一相告,只是君子不自尚其功。

62. We’ve been on the air for 5 years, that’s season 5. 我们已经开播5年了,现在是第五季。

63. Don’t muck around with those guys=don’t get mixed up with that gang! 别跟那帮人混在一起!

64. Chance plays a big part in many board games, but knowledge acquisition does not. That’s why I do not favor multiple-choice questions at all, and only open-ended essay questions can assess one’s real ability in his/her areas of study. 运气在棋类游戏中占据很大的分量,可是在知识汲取上不是如此。这就是为什么我不喜欢选择题的原因了,只有开放式的作文式问答题才能真正评估学习者的能力。

65. Listeners were left little time to think about the precise meaning of each word, or the way relative clauses are structured, or to what the pronoun might refer to. 听者只有很少的时间去思考每个词的精确意义,或者关系从句的组合方式,也难以推测出此代词所指的内容。

66. In normal language use, we get just one chance at comprehension, and only one. 在正常的语言交际中,我们只有一次的理解机会,仅有一次。

67. It is difficult to assimilate and remember something that does not seem to make sense. 要吸收并且记住自己不理解的内容是很难的。

68. There is no such thing as the correct interpretation of many spoken texts, 口头表达没有绝对正确的翻译,只有一些不同的合理译法。

69. It was long before we finished our exams, but before long, we embraced a long holiday we had been longing for for a long time. In the long run, the waiting wasn’t a bad thing as long as we were contributing to our future. The long and short of it is that, so long as we hold on to positive learning habits, we can be successful in ten years at longest. (上句话把long的所有短语融汇其中。The long and short of it is that=in all=all in all=in a word=generally speaking=to sum up=to conclude...其实建议写作中不用,了解一下即可,因为比较罗嗦。)

70. Posh(上等人或阶层的)=plush(长毛绒的) 豪华的,漂亮的 What a

posh/plush/flash car! 多豪华/ 漂亮的车啊!(posh/plush 强调-豪华高贵,flash强调-崭新,漂亮)

71. Count nouns that end in y take the place of y with “ies” in the plural. 以f结尾的可数名词在复数的时候要把y改成ies.

72. Glass jug/jar 都是玻璃瓶、罐、壶

73. A plush hotel, restaurant, etc 豪华的旅馆、餐厅等

74. Gist 不可数名词,与the连用成为主旨/大意/要点,Competent listeners will usually share much gist after hearing a piece of spoken discourse. 有实力的听者往往会在听完一段话语后深谙其意。

75. Spark off: 直接导致某坏事的发生: His comment sparks off a quarrel between him and me. 他的评论导致了我与他之间的争吵。The incident sparks off a whole chain of disasters. 这一事件激发了一连串的灾难。The united military drill between US and South Korea sparks off escalated tension in the Korean Peninsula. 美国与韩国的联合军事演习使朝鲜半岛的紧张局势升级。

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