


1. In this paper, we focus on the need for

2. This paper proceeds as follow.

3. The structure of the paper is as follows.

4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts

5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the


1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined.

2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections.

3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered.


1. This review is followed by an introduction.

2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2.

3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given.

4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ...

5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.

6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while

1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods.


1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance.

2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic.

3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx

4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding.

5. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window

6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ...

7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance.

8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx.

9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx.

10. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision.

11. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules

12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies.

13. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model.

14. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation.

15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx.

16. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process.

17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3.

18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data.

19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model ..

20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work.

21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example.

22. Various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2.

23. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system

24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy.

25. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense.

26. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions.

27. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments...

This Section

1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described.

2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.Next Section

2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements.

3. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section.

4. The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use.

5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections.

6. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx


1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5.

2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation.

3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research.

4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper.

5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized

6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.

7. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper.

Chapter 0. Abstract

1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables.

2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures.

3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx.

4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations.

5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.

6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm.

7. The usefulness of xx is also considered.

8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed.

9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem.

10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices.

11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified.

12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given.

13. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique.

14. This paper analyses problems in

15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by ...

16. This paper includes an illustration of the ...

17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching

18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.

19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx

20. Our proposed model is verified through experimental study.

21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of: xx, xx

22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables.

23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure

Chapter 1. Introduction


1. Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive

2. Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world

3. The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the

4. The development of ... is explored

5. During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions

6.The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years

7. There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ...

8. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve...

9. A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena.

10. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx

11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed.

12. The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].

13. To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems.

Objective / Goal / Purpose

1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows:

2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction for xxx.

3. The paper concerns the development of a xx

4. The scope of this research lies in

5. The main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making.

6. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ...

7. The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows:

8. The primary purpose/consideration/objective of

9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide

10. The main objective of such a ... system is to

11. The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution.

12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements:

13. In order to take advantage of their similarity

14. more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed

15. In this trial, the objective is to generate...

16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues

17. A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx.

18. For an illustrative purpose, four well known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx.

19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods

20. This illustration points out the need to specify

21. The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive.

22. Chapter 2. Literature Review

23. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx

24. A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade

25. A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx.

26. There is considerable amount of literature on planning

27. However, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty in xx.

28. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in

methodological aspects as in concrete applications.

29. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic.

30. Problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system analysis.

31. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of

32. Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated.

33. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature.

34. The central issue in all these studies is to

35. The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches.

36. Applied ... techniques to

37. Characterized the ... system as

38. Developed an algorithm to

39. Developed a system called ... which

40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce

41. Emphasized the need to

42. Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology

43. A comprehensive study of the... has been undertaken

44. Much work has been reported recently in these filed

45. Proposed/Presented/State that/Described/Illustrated/

Indicated/Has shown / showed/Address/Highlights

46. Point out that the problem of

47. A study on ...was done / developed by []

48. Previous work, such as [] and [], deal only with

49. The approach taken by [] is

50. The system developed by [] consists

51. A paper relevant to this research was published by []

52. []'s model requires consideration of...

53. []' model draws attention to evolution in human development

54. []'s model focuses on...

55. Little research has been conducted in applying ... to

56. The published information that is relevant to this research...

57. This study further shows that

58. Their work is based on the principle of

59. More history of ... can be found in xx et al. [1979].

60. Studies have been completed to established

61. The ...studies indicated that

62. Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking.

Problem / Issue / Question

63. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects.

64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems

67. ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved

68. Two major problems have yet to be addressed

69. An unanswered question

70. This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution.

71. An additional research issue to be tackled is ....

72. Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed

73. The three prime issues can be summarized:

74. The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ...

75. There have been many attempts to

76. It is expected to be serious barrier to

77. It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex

车轮系统 < English> Wheeling System

轮毂 < English> Wheel Hub

轮胎 < English> Tire

轮胎汽门嘴 < English> Tire Valve

轮圈 < English> Wheel Disk

轮圈盖 < English> Wheel Cover

车轮系统 < English> Wheeling System

电装品 < English> Electrical Parts

电瓶 < English> Battery

中央门控 < English> Central Door Lock

分电盘 < English> Distributor

火星塞 < English> Spark Plug

汽车用电子钟 < English> Digital Clock

汽车音响 < English> Car Audio

防盗器 < English> Car Burglar Alarm

雨刷及雨刷连杆 < English> Wiper / Linkage

保险丝座 < English> Fuse Seat

保险丝 < English> Fuse

洗涤壶 < English> Windshield Washer

配线 < English> Wire Harness

马达类 < English> Motor

高压线组 < English> Ignition Cable

喇叭 < English> Horn

发电机(零件) < English> Alternator (Components)

开关类 < English> Switch

蜂鸣器 < English> Buzzer

预热塞 < English> Glow Plug

仪表 < English> Combination Meter

灯泡 < English> Bulb

灯类 < English> Lamp

点火线圈 < English> Ignition Coil

继电器 < English> Relay

倒车雷达 < English> Reverse Sensor

电池充电器 < English> Battery Charger

闪光器 < English> Flasher

省电器 < English> Energy Saving Unit

端子 < English> Terminal

电动座椅装置 < English> Power Seat Unit

马达零件 < English> Motor Components

电装品 < English> Electrical Parts

汽车用光盘 < English> Car CD

汽车用液晶显示器 < English> Car LCD

调整器 < English> Regulator

整流器 < English> Rectifier

电子点火器 < English> Ignition Module

倒车显示器 < English> Rear View Display

定速器 < English> Cruise Controller

HID车灯安定器组合 < English> HID Ballast Complete Set for Headlights LED 灯 < English> LED Lamp

车灯控制器 < English> Lighting Controller

点火线圈模块 < English> Ignition Coil Module

外装品 < English> Exterior Parts

水箱饰罩 < English> Radiator Grille

天线 < English> Antenna

车身护条 < English> Side Protector

防撞护垫 < English> Bumper Pad

后视镜 < English> Door Mirror

装饰贴纸、标志 < English> Ornament Mark 轮弧 < English> Fender Trim

挡泥板 < English> Mud Guard

扰流板 < English> Spoiler

前防撞杆 < English> Guard Assy (Front)

后防撞杆 < English> Grard Assy (Rear)

内装品 < English> Interior Parts

仪表板 < English> Instrument Panel

中央置物箱 < English> Console

孔塞 < English> Grommet Plug

地毯 < English> Floor Mat

安全带 < English> Seat Belt

车门扶手 < English> Door Armrest

车门把手 < English> Door Handle

车门锁 < English> Door Lock

车顶内衬 < English> Roof Lining

车窗升降摇柄 < English> Window Lifter Handle 车窗升降机 < English> Window Lifter

防水衬条 < English> Weather strip

油量表 < English> Fuel Gauge

门饰板 < English> Door Trim

室内镜 < English> Room Mirror

音响喇叭盖 < English> Speaker Cover

(电动)座椅 < English> (Electric) Seat

顶蓬 < English> Headlining

烟灰缸 < English> Ashtray

各类隔音垫 < English> All Kinds of Silencer 饰板/饰条 < English> Garnish / Trim

仪表饰板 < English> Instrument Panel Garnish 遮阳板 < English> Sun visor

压条 < English> Moulding

点烟器 < English> Cigar Lighter

备胎板 < English> Trim for Spare Tire

天窗 < English> Sun Roof

后置物板 < English> Rear Parcel Shelf

后舱室饰板 < English> Rear Trunk Trim

仪表板支架 < English> Instrumental Panel Mounting

其它 < english> Others

随车工具 < english> Tools

千斤顶 < english> Jack

尼龙绳、特多龙绳 < english> Nylon Rope

生产、检测及涂装设备 < English> Production, Test & Painting Equipment 各类孔盖 < English> Cap、Cover

扣具 < English> Cargo Lash

夹片、管束 < English> Clamp, Clip

油土与基准模型 < english> Clay Model and Master Model

油封 < english> Oil Seal

门铰链 < english> Door Hinge

故障标志 < english> Reflector

玻璃类 < english> Glass

修理业 < english> Repairing & Maintenance

粉末冶金 < english> Powder Metallurgy

轴承 < english> Bearing

塑料件 < english> Plastic Parts

隔热材 < english> Heat Insulator

电子件 < english> Electrical Parts

垫片类 < english> Seal、Gasket、Washer、Packing

碳刷 < english> Carbon Brush

管类 < english> Pipe, Hose, Tube

铜套类 < english> Bushing

弹簧 < english> Spring

橡胶件 < english> Rubber Parts

帮浦类 < english> Pump

螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 < english> Nut/Bolt/Screw

锻造件(加工) < english> Forging Parts (Processing)

滤清器类 < english> Filter

锁 < english> Lock

镜类 < english> Mirror

铸造件(加工) < english> Casting Parts (Processing)

引擎盖铰链 < english> Hinge of Engine Hood

行李箱铰链 < english> Hinge of Trunk Lid

保险杆支撑 < english> Mount of Bumper

CAD/CAM车身设计 < english> CAD/CAM Car Body Design

汽车清洁保养用品 < english> Cosmetics for Automobile

涂料 < english> Paints

合成木材 < english> Synthetic Wood

电磁阀 < english> Solenoid Valve

热水阀 < english> Heater Valve

冷煤电磁阀 < english> Refrigerate Solenoid valve

玻璃滑槽 < english> Glass Run

双面胶带 < english> Acrylic Foam Tape

触媒转换器缓冲绵 < english> Catalytic Converter Mate

黑烟过滤器 < english> Diesel Particle Filter

车用灭火器 < english> Extinguisher

零组件用材料 < english> Components Materials

汽车用行动电话 < english> Car Hand-free Mobile Phone 汽车保全系统 < english> Car Security System

汽车导航系统 < english> Car Navigation System

人造革 < english> Artificial Leather

铭板 < english> Nameplate

汽车用计算机 < english> Car Computer

无线电胎压侦测仪 < english> Wireless Tire Monitor

汽车内装用牛皮 < english> Leather for Car Interior

打蜡机 < english> Buffer (Car Polisher)

金属表面处理(材料) < english> Metal Surface Treatment (Material) 插接件 < english> Connector Clip

胎压不足警示器 < english> Tire Low Pressure Indicator

温度感应器 < english> Water Temperature Sensor

油压感应器 < english> Oil Pressure Sensor

机油 < english> Engine Oil

自动变速箱油 < english> Automatic Transmission Oil

油品添加剂 < english> Oil Additive

热处理 < english> Heat Treatment

传动件 < english> Transmission

曲柄组 < english> Chainwheel & Crank

飞轮 < english> Flywheel

链条 < english> Chain

变速杆 < english> Shift Lever

变速器 < english> Derailleur

电动自行车马达 < english> Electric Bicycle Motor

电动自行车控制器 < english> Electric Bicycle Driver

齿轮箱 < english> Gear Box

车轮及剎车 < english> Wheel and Brake

轮胎 < english> Tire

夹式剎车器 < english> Caliper Brake

快拆 < english> Quick Release

花鼓 < english> Hub & Free Hub

液压式剎车器 < english> Hydraulic Brake

脚剎车器 < english> Coaster Brake

碟式剎车器 < english> Disk Brake

轮圈 < english> Rim

辐条/辐帽 < english> Spoke/Nipple

悬臂式剎车器 < english> Cantilever Brake

控制拉线 < english> Control Cable

剎车来令片 < english> Brake Lining Shoe

配件 < english> Accessories

铃 < english> Bell

反光片 < English> Reflector

水壶架 < English> Bottle Cage

打气筒 < English> Floor Pump

商标贴纸 < English> Sticker

货架 < English> Luggage Carrier

速度表 < English> Speed Meter

车体打造(改装) < English> Car Body Building (Refitting) 引擎 < english> Engine

引擎波司 < english> Engine Bush

引擎修理包 < english> Engine Gasket Kits

引擎零件 < english> Engine Parts

凸轮轴 < english> Camshaft

凸轮轴链轮 < english> Sprocket Camshaft

皮带张力器 < english> Tensioner

曲轴 < english> Crankshaft

曲轴皮带盘 < english> Crankshaft Pulley

曲轴轴承片 < english> Crankshaft Bearing

汽门 < english> Valve

汽门座 < english> Valve Seat

汽门摇臂 < english> Valve Arm

汽门摇臂盖 < english> Rocker Cover

汽门弹簧 < english> Valve Spring

汽门导管 < english> Valve Guide

汽缸头(盖) < english> Cylinder Head

汽缸衬套 < english> Cylinder Liner

汽缸体 < english> Cylinder Block

波司垫片 < english> Washer

活塞 < english> Piston

活塞肖 < english> Piston Pin

活塞环 < english> Piston Ring

活塞衬套 < english> Piston Liner

飞轮 < english> Flywheel

飞轮环齿轮 < english> Ring Gear of Flywheel 时规炼条/皮带 < english> Timing Chain/Belt

连杆 < english> Connecting Rod

连杆轴承片 < english> Connecting Rod Bearing 摇臂轴 < english> Rocker Arm Shaft

汽门锁 < english> Valve Cotter

止推垫片 < english> Thrust Washer

共鸣箱 < english> Resonator

喷油嘴 < english> Injection Nozzle

燃料系统 < english> Fueling System

油箱 < english> Fuel Tank

油箱浮筒 < english> Gauge Fuel Tank

空气滤清器 < english> Air Cleaner

空气滤清器盖 < english> Air Cleaner Cover

空气滤清器导管 < english> Air Intake Tube

空气滤蕊 < english> Air Cleaner Element

消音器 < English> Exhaust Muffler

排气歧管 < English> Exhaust Manifold

排气管 < English> Exhaust Pipe

进气歧管 < English> Intake Manifold

节流阀 < English> Throttle Valve

燃油管 < English> Fuel Pipe

燃油帮浦 < English> Fuel Pump

燃油滤清器 < English> Fuel Filter

触媒转化器 < English> Catalytic Converter 柴油车黑烟净化器 < English> Diesel Particulate Filter 时规炼条/皮带外盖 < English> Timing Chain/Belt Cover 燃料系统 < English> Fueling System

废气回收管 < English> EGR Tube

冷却系统 < English> Cooling System

水箱 < English> Radiator

水管 < English> Water Hose

水箱水管 < English> Radiator Hose

水帮浦 < English> Water Pump

水箱风扇 < English> Radiator Fan

风扇 < English> Fan

副水箱 < English> Auxiliary Radiator

节温器 < English> Thermostat

调节器 < English> Regulator

水箱支架 < English> Radiator Mounting

冷却系统 < English> Cooling System

A/C风扇 < English> A/C Fan

润滑系统 < English> Lubrication System

油底壳 < English> Oil Pan

自排车用滤油器 < English> Oil Filter for Automatic Transmission 机油尺 < English> Oil Level Gauge

机油帮浦 < English> Oil Pump

机油滤清器 < English> Oil Filter

机油滤网 < English> Oil Strainer

润滑系统 < English> Lubrication System

机油尺导管 < English> Oil Level Gauge Tube 空调系统 < English> Air-conditioning System 冷气总成 < English> A/C Assembly

冷气配管 < English> A/C Hose

冷气导风管 < English> A/C Duct

冷气压缩机 < English> A/C Compressor

冷凝器 < English> A/C Condenser

暖气总成 < English> Heater Assembly

鼓风机 < English> Blower Assembly

蒸发器 < English> Evaporator

冷媒管 < English> A/C Pipe

储液瓶 < English> A/C Receiver

空调相关零件 < english> A/C Related Components 空气清净机 < english> Air Purifier

空调滤网 < english> A/C Filter

空调系统 < english> Air-conditioning System 提速器 < english> Actuator

车身钣金件 < english> Body & Stamping Parts 引擎支撑 < english> Engine Mounting

引擎盖 < english> Engine Hood

车身 < english> Car Body

车门 < english> Door Panel

车顶板 < english> Roof

底盘及其另件 < english> Chassis and Related Parts 底盘车架 < english> Frame

门框 < english> Sash

保险杆 < english> Bumper

钣金件 < english> Stamping Parts

叶子板 < english> Fender

横梁 < english> Cross Member

行李箱盖 < english> Trunk Lid

车柱 < english> Pillar

车身钣金件 < english> Body & Stamping Parts 支架 < english> Bracket

补强板 < english> Reinforcement Plate

底盘系统 < english> Chassis System

下臂 < english> Lower Arm

上臂 < english> Upper Arm

手剎车拉柄 < english> Parking Brake Lever 支柱总成 < english> Strut Assembly

方向盘 < english> Steering Wheel

比例阀 < english> Proportional Valve

主轴、副轴 < english> Mainshaft / Countershaft 平衡杆 < english> Stabilizer Bar

扭力杆 < english> Torsion Bar

剎车分泵 < english> Brake Cylinder

剎车来令片 < english> Brake Lining Shoe

剎车油管(软) < english> Brake Hose

剎车油管(硬) < english> Brake Tube

剎车真空倍力器 < english> Brake Vacuum Booster 剎车总泵 < english> Brake Master Cylinder

后轴总成 < english> Rear Axle Assembly

动力方向系统 < english> Power Steering System 动力转向油管 < english> Power Steering Hose 动力转向帮浦 < english> Power Steering Pump 控制拉线 < english> Control Cable

排档杆 < english> Shift Lever

排档头 < english> Knob

球形接头 < english> Ball Joint

等速接头 < english> C.V. Joint

传动轴 < english> Propeller Shaft

叶片弹簧 < english> Leaf Spring

鼓、碟式剎车器 < english> Drum / Disc Brake Assembly 鼓式剎车盘 < english> Brake Drum

碟式剎车盘 < english> Brake Disc

辅助气囊 < english> Air Bag

踏板 < english> Pedal

齿轮 < english> Gear

横拉杆接头 < english> Tie-Rod End

螺旋弹簧 < english> Coil Spring

避震器 < english> Shock Absorber

转向连杆 < english> Steering Linkage

转向节臂 < english> Knuckle

转向齿轮箱 < english> Steering Gear Box

转向机柱 < english> Steering Column

转向总成 < english> Steering Assembly

离合器分泵 < english> Clutch Cylinder

离合器片 < english> Clutch Disc

离合器外壳 < english> Clutch Case

离合器总成 < english> Clutch Assembly

离合器总泵 < english> Clutch Master Cylinder

离合器释放轴承 < english> Clutch Release Bearing 变速箱 < english> Transmission Box

变速箱外壳 < english> Transmission Case

曳力杆 < english> Trailing Arm

避震器前后活塞杆 < english> Piston Rod of Front and Rear Shock Absorber 底盘系统 < english> Chassis System

自排变速箱修理包 < english> Automatic Transmission Gasket Kits 齿条 < english> Gear Rack

剎车真空管 < english> Brake Boost Vacuum Tube

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