(英语学术论文写作) Lecture 7 Usage of Common Words and Phrases


Lecture 7 Usage of Common Words and Phrases


“above” 可用于指称前面提到的信息,但只能以一个段落或前几个句子中曾出现过的信息为限。“above”不能用来说明前几个段落甚至前几页中曾经出现的信息,否则读者会感到迷惑,不清楚“above”所指的信息是什么。

e.g. (1)The above explanation will help answer this question. (刚提及)


(2) We can adopt the explanation described earlier to answer this question.

(3) We can apply the explanation introduced in Section 2 to answer this question.

As mentioned above, as mentioned previously

“as mentioned previously” (as mentioned earlier) 通常用来指几个段落或几页前所提到的内容。作者想指明前几个句子所提到的内容时,可以使用“as just mentioned”。

建议撰写科技论文的作者尽可能使用较准确的词来代替“as mentioned above”或 “as mentioned earlier”。例如,当作者指的是上一节中的内容,则可用 “as mentioned in the preceding section” 来表达,而不用“as mentioned above”。


若论文、著作或研究报告只有一个附录,则在文章中应该使用“the Appendix”。若有两个以上的附录,则采用“Appendix A”,“Appendix B”或“Appendix I”, “Appendix II” 来指称这些附录,而且“Appendix”前可不加冠词。

e.g. The properties of various materials used in the design and analysis of heat pipes are presented 附录c).

As follows

“as follows”, “the following”, “as shown below” 都是正确的形式,而“as followings”, “as the followings”, “as below” 等都是不正确的形式。 (2) Commonly used methods include:



累赘:(1) Regarding the application aspect of Genetic Algorithm (遗传算法), many approaches have been proposed.

累赘:(2) In the area of application of Genetic Algorithm, many approaches have been proposed. 简洁:(3) ___________________________________________________________.



“Based” 这个词常出现在论文的题目中,用于名词短语“基于某物或某方法的…...”之中,以使该名词短语简洁。

e.g. (1) 基于气泡堆积法的非结构化网络生成

bubble packing method based unstructured grid generation

(2) IEEE 802.15.4-based body sensor network

Based on

若句首出现以based on开头的过去分词短语,则必须注意过去分词表示的被动行为对象是句子中的主语。然而,在绝大多数以based on开头的句子中,based on开头的过去分词短语却不能合理地修饰句子的主语。由此看来,还是应该用on the basis of,by,from, According to或其他词来替代based on,否则就需要重写句子,以便使读者清楚地了解是什么的“基础”。

(1) Based on Eq. (6), it is obtained that…. ( )

(2) From Eq. (6), it is obtained that…. ( )

(3) Based on the experimental results, we conclude that…. ( )

(4) On the basis of the experimental results, we conclude that…. ( )

(5) From the experimental results, we conclude that…. ( )

(6) the experimental results show that…. ( )

在下列例句中,以based on开头的短语就可以正确地修饰句子的主语。这个句子的含意是Nikon Cool Pix 995照相机是以“advanced digital technology”为基础的。

Based on advanced digital technology, the Nikon Cool Pix 995 camera provides the excellent performances.


在英文中, “belong”通常表示属某人的财产 (后加“to”)及应归入某部分和适合的意思。但在科技论文中,想要表示某个项目属于某种类型时,通常不使用“belong”,而用“to fall into the category of”, “to be a form of” 或 “to be classified as” (3) The total tool wear (工具磨耗) observed in the ceramic cutting tool (陶瓷刀具) …


(1) Besides, sending these massages electronically eliminates the need for 100 pieces of paper that people glance at and throw away. ( ) that people glance at and throw away. ( )

(3) Moreover, sending these massages electronically eliminates the need for 100 pieces of paper that people glance at and throw away. ( )



e.g. (1a) The gas turbine is better than the stream engine.

(1b) The gas turbine (燃气涡轮) is __________ than the stream engine.

(2a) Our algorithm is better than the conventional one. Can


e.g. (1a) The finite element formulations (有限元数值、公式) be expressed in the non-dimensional form as follows.

(1b)The finite element formulations are expressed in the non-dimensional form as follows. 在英文科技论文的结果、讨论的章节中,常出现“It can be noted from the figure that…”、“It can be observed that…”、“From Fig.5 it can be seen that…” 这样的句子中的can不能被省略。

(2) From the above figure, the notch wear(沟槽磨损) in both of the ceramic(陶瓷) cutting tool increases with cutting speed.

Conclusion, conclude

科技论文中,常用“state conclusion”、“draw conclusion” 或”present conclusions”这样的搭配,而不用“make conclusion”或“give conclusion”。或者有时候只需使用动词“conclude”。 e.g.(1) Finally, we make a conclusion in section 5. ( )

(2) Finally, we state a conclusion in section 5. ( )

(3) The final section of the paper gives the conclusion. ( )

(4) The final section states the conclusion of the paper. ( )

(5) Section 5 __________ the paper.

Display, show, exhibit ( ) ) ) Give

Give是个意思不精确的词,要防止在撰写英文科技论文中滥用give。在大多数情况下,要表达 “提出”、“给出”之意,使用state、present或Propose这些意思较为精确的词要比使用give好很多。在许多中国学生撰写的研究论文的导论中.常常可以见到“The final section gives the conclusions”这样不自然的句子。该句可改写为:



(3) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB (4) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB (5) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB i.e.

i.e.是拉丁文短语id est的缩写,其意思是“即是”。i.e. 是非限定短语.所以必须使用逗号将其与句子分开

The idea of

The idea of的意思与中文的“这个概念”或“这个主意”类似。在撰写科技论文时,当作者想解释提出的方法或理论背后的基本概念时,不宜用the idea of.

the effects of the under-relaxation factor.

(2) The main idea ____________ the proposed method is to use an iterative algorithm to eliminate the effects of the under-relaxation factor.


Illustrate的意思是“举例或以图表等说明”。因此其宾语(对象)应该是一个论点或方法。“to illustrate an example”这种表达方式是不正确的。

(1) Figure 3 illustrates different examples of pore(气孔)-level and system-level chemical non-equilibrium(不平衡). ( )

(2) Figure 3 shows different examples of pore-level and system-level chemical non-equilibrium.

( )

(3) An experimental illustration will show how LDV can be applied to measure velocity(速率).

( )

(4) An experimental example will show how LDV can be applied to measure velocity. ( ) Introduce

科技论文中,尽量用explain,describe或state来代替introduce. Match

在对不同的资料进行比较时,使用agree或其他词表示 “一致”之意,通常比使用match恰当。

原句:(1)The computed lift coefficients(升力系数)match the experimental data.



Modern的意思比较复杂.它可以指of the present or recent times(如欧洲近代史,自1475年迄今),也可以指modern inventions and discoveries(即现代的发明与发现)。因此,在一些句子中,使用modern这个词不能清楚的表明作者所指的究竟是什么时代。在科技论文中,若提到“现代技术”,使用contemporary这个词耍比modern会使意思更加清楚。

(1) The digital video interactive (DVI) technology offers another kinds of compression, edit-level video, done on the developer’s DVI system in real time.


撰写科技论文时, 不能把中文的“的”这个字统统翻译成英文的of。

(1) The use of reformulated gasoline has helped vehicle manufacture to meet CARB standards without a costly investment_______ infrastructure for alternative fuels.

(2)Professor Robinson has done some interesting research(3) This is a book_______ the design of rapid access memory.

On the contrary, in contrast, in comparison

On the contrary 用于否定或反驳前一个句子或分句所提出的论点,in contrast (或by contrast)用于介绍一个与前一个所陈述的观点强烈对照的新观点。in comparison(或by comparison)是用来提出新的信息并与前一个句子所提到的信息作比较或对照。

(1) He argue that this strategy has increased sales. , sales revenue has dropped 20% since the strategy was adopted.

(2)Approach A provides high speed at the cost of increased memory requirement(内存需求量). , approach B is slower but requires much less memory.

(3) The parallel design is quite complex. Phenomena

Phenomena是复数形式, 其单数为phenomenon。Phenomenon的意思是“现象”,常用在中文中, 但在英语中较少使用。一般说来,英文句子中的phenomenon可以省略,最好使用具体的文字来描述所指的对象。

累赘: (1)We must also consider the phenomenon of the radiation effect(辐射效应). 简洁:(2) ___________________________________________

Present, propose

Present和propose这两个动词都是“提出”的意思, 但意思稍有区别。“present”指提出来给他人参考之用, 而“propose”有“建议”或“推荐”之意。科技论文的作者可以以“present”某个自己不完全赞同的论点或方法。相反, “propose”一个论点或方法,等于建议或推荐别人也应该接受。 科技论文中常用到的 “the proposed method”或 “the proposed technique”等短语是用来指论文中所推荐的方法或技术, 此时使用“presented”是不合适的。

(1)In addition, the transcribability from surface nature of mold to the surface of polymer(高分子聚合物) by the presented method was experimentally confirmed. ( )

(2) In addition, the transcribability from surface nature of mold to the surface of polymer by the proposed method was experimentally confirmed. ( )


(1)Recently, many researchers have investigated Magnetocaloric effect (MCE). ( )

(2)Currently, Magnetocaloric(磁热效应) effect (MCE) is attracting a great deal of attention.

( )

(3)Many researchers have investigated Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) recently. ( )

(4)Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) is currently attracting a great deal of attention. ( )



(1) Detailed descriptions of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication(弹性流体力学润滑) (EHL) are referred to (Tanaka,2000). ( )

(2) Detailed descriptions of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) can be referred to (Tanaka,2000). ( )

(3) For a detailed description of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL), referred to (Tanaka,2000). ( )

(4) A detailed description of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) can be found in (Tanaka,2000). ( )


表示某方面或某题目的研究,使用research on这个组合,不能使用research of。另外,在当代英语中,research是个不可数名词,因此只能用单数形式。

(1) Much research on urban heat island has been published.



(1) The initial values of H, S, X, Y, L, B, and the total amount of passage at the air and refrigerant sides are 9.5, 0.2, 1.7, 1.5, 9.3, 110, 215, 19, and 20. respectively.



So far

在科技论文的文献回顾部分中,不要使用so far或until now 来表示“到目前为止”的意思,应该使用to date。然而,当句子采用现在完成时态时,可省略to date, 因为现在完成时态本身就表明“从过去到目前为止”的意思。

(1) To date, little research has been done on this ferromagnetic material.

(2) Little research has been done on this ferromagnetic material.

Type of

Type of, form of 及kind of 中type, form 及kind 的数和接在介词of 后面的名词的数必须一致。此外,在科技论文中,用type of通常比用kind of 恰当。

(1) We adopt a new type of senor for measuring pressure.

(2) There are three types of methods used in business data processing.


(1) Differing from previous works, this book emphasizes applications of information systems and issues facing managers and users. ( )

(2) Different from previous works, this book emphasizes applications of information systems and issues facing managers and users. ( )

(3) Unlike previous works, this book emphasizes applications of information systems and issues facing managers and users. ( )

(4) Unlike the direct MCE measurements, the indirect experiments allow the calculation of both ΔTad (T)ΔH and ΔSm (T)ΔH. ( )

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