














(1)检索项:主题 检索词:痛经 检索范围:年份 2001-2011

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(2)检索项:主题 检索词:中医治疗 点击“在结果中检索”


(3)检索项:主题 检索词:研究进展 点击“在结果中检索”


2. 中国知识资源总库---CNKI系列数据库---中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库

(1)检索项:主题 检索词:痛经 检索范围:年份 2005-2010


点击 “检索”按钮 检索结果:329篇

(2)检索项:主题 检索词:中医治疗 点击“在结果中检索”


3. 中国知识资源总库---CNKI系列数据库---中国优秀博士学位论文全文数据库

(1)检索项:主题 检索词:痛经 检索范围:年份 2005-2010


点击 “检索”按钮 检索结果:67篇

(2)检索项:主题 检索词:中医治疗 点击“在结果中检索”


(3)检索项:主题 检索词:研究进展 点击“在结果中检索”


4. 中国知识资源总库---CNKI系列数据库---中文期刊全文数据库

(1)检索项:主题 检索词:痛经 检索范围:年份 1999-2010 匹配:精确

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(3)检索项:主题 检索词:研究进展 点击“在结果中检索” 检索结果:11篇



Power network automation and information system

姓名:** 学号:********

四川大学 电气信息学院 电气工程及其自动化专业



1.1.电网自动化及信息系统的定义 ............................................................................................................2

1.2.电网的发展现状及其发展趋势 ............................................................................................................2


2.1.中文检索词 ..................................................................................................................................................3

2.2.英文检索词 ..................................................................................................................................................3

3.检索数据库 ...........................................................................................................................................................3

4.检索式及检索结果 .............................................................................................................................................4

4.1.中文数据库 ..................................................................................................................................................4

4.1.1.中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI) .....................................................................................................4检索式............................................................................................................................................ 4检索结果........................................................................................................................................ 4

4.1.2.中文科技期刊数据库(全文版).................................................................................................8检索式............................................................................................................................................ 8检索结果........................................................................................................................................ 8

4.1.3. 国家知识产权局专利数据库 .....................................................................................................10检索式.......................................................................................................................................... 10检索结果...................................................................................................................................... 11

4.2.外文数据库 ................................................................................................................................................13

4.2.1 EI Village.......................................................................................................................................13检索式........................................................................................................................................... 13检索结果....................................................................................................................................... 13

4.2.2.SCIE ....................................................................................................................................................17检索式.......................................................................................................................................... 17检索结果....................................................................................................................................... 17

4.2.3.IEEE ....................................................................................................................................................20检索式.......................................................................................................................................... 20检索结果....................................................................................................................................... 20

5.检索效果评估 ....................................................................................................................................................23

5.1.检索结果总体评价...................................................................................................................................23 1

5.2.影响检索结果的因素 ..............................................................................................................................23

5.2.1.数据库的影响 ..................................................................................................................................23

5.2.2.检索词的影响 ..................................................................................................................................24

5.2.3.检索字段的影响 ..............................................................................................................................24

6.检索报告综述 ....................................................................................................................................................25

6.1.概述 .............................................................................................................................................................25

6.2.未来发展 ....................................................................................................................................................25

7.参考文献 .............................................................................................................................................................26

7.1.中文文献 ....................................................................................................................................................26

7.2.英文文献 ....................................................................................................................................................26

8.学习体会 .............................................................................................................................................................26



在电力系统中,联系发电和用电的设施和设备的统称。属于输送和分配电能的中间环节,它主要由联结成网的送电线路、变电所、配电所和配电线路组成。 通常把由输电、变电、配电设备及相应的辅助系统组成的联系发电与用电的统一整体称为电力网。简称电网。













power network automation information system power system power generation power transmission












【题名】 自动化系统信息优化在内蒙古电网的应用

【作者】 董永乐;

【关键词】 信号合并; 优化数量; 报文颜色; 内蒙古电网

【中文刊名】 内蒙古科技与经济

【单位】 内蒙古电力科学研究院;

【摘要】 介绍了内蒙古电网内变电站自动化系统采集、上送信息进行分类的原则,按照分类原则对变电站、集控站、调度主站监控信息进行梳理规范,从而明确信息内容、数量、种类、登录条件等技术规范、运行应具备的条件等进行了阐述,同时对变电站集控综自系统管理及应用水平作了充分的说明。


【题名】 电网调度自动化实时信息分析与评估系统的研究

【作者】 刘洋; 卢建刚; 黄凯;

【关键词】 调度自动化; 实时信息分析; 准确性; 评估; CIM/XML

【中文刊名】 电力系统保护与控制

【单位】 广东省电力调度中心; 南京南瑞继保工程技术有限公司;

【摘要】 介绍了一种分析电网调度自动化实时信息准确性的方案,通过对电厂、变电站的实时数据进行关联性分析,及时识别失准、异常信息,准确指引故障处理,并且采用信息准确率指标定量地评价出全网的自动化水平。该方案构建了一个基于CIM/XML模型的在线评估系统,不同型号的EMS系统的实时信息都能在该系统上进行分析与评估,因而具有推广性。实践结果证明了该方案的可行性和正确性。



【题名】 襄樊电网调度自动化系统的信息分级管理

【作者】 徐靖;

【关键词】 调度自动化; 信息分级; SCADA; 电压等级

【中文刊名】 电网技术

【单位】 湖北襄樊电力调度通信中心 湖北省襄樊市441002

【摘要】 介绍了调度自动化系统的信息分级概念,阐述了调度自动化系统的信息分级的总体原则。在面向系统各个用户的基础上,分析了每个用户的管辖范围和职责。以襄樊调度自动化系统的工程实际为基础,利用现有数据库的32个分类级别,采取了电压等级和管辖范围2次分级的方法,将自动化信息分成了23类,满足了不同用户的实时数据监视、控制的需要,做到了自动化信息的按需分级,提高了电网的安全运行水平。


【题名】 基于电网自动化的地方电网信息系统集成分析

【作者】 秦晓军;

【关键词】 电力系统; 整合集成; 信息系统

【中文刊名】 小水电

【单位】 怀化电力集团有限责任公司 湖南怀化418000

【摘要】 电网自动化系统信息数据不断地扩展、增容,暴露出各系统分散、孤立且不在同一个平台上的缺陷。基于电力系统自动化的功能,介绍整合集成怀化地方电网信息系统处于同一平台上的技术,针对该庞大复杂的信息系统的安全问题分析采取有效的技术措施,为当前国内地方电网信息集成提供了比较成功的技术方法。图3幅。


【题名】 基于电网自动化的地区电网信息系统

【作者】 秦晓军;

【关键词】 电力系统; 整合集成; 信息系统

【中文刊名】 农村电气化

【单位】 湖南省怀化电力集团有限责任公司,

【摘要】 电网自动化系统信息数据不断地扩展、增容,暴露出各系统分散、孤立,且不在同一个平台上的缺陷。该文基于电力系统自动化的功能,介绍整合集成怀化电网信息系统处于同一平台上的技术,针对该庞大复杂的信息系统的安全问题分析采取有效的技术措施,为当前国内地区电网信息集成提供比较成功的技术方法。



【题名】 继电保护故障信息管理系统在“大运行”体系中的应用

【作者】 冯平;

【关键词】 电网; 继电保护; 故障信息系统; 变电站

【中文刊名】 湖北电力

【单位】 湖北恩施州电力总公司;

【摘要】 随着电网自动化技术的快速发展,对变电站内各类微机继电保护及安全自动装置、故障录波器所产生的大量信息的管理提出了更高的要求,文章介绍的继电保护故障信息处理系统,不仅可满足继电保护运行管理智能化的要求,也提高了电网事故处理效率,为电网安全稳定运行起到积极作用。



【题名】 湖北电网继电保护信息系统建设探讨

【作者】 汪鹏; 周虎兵;

【关键词】 电网; 继电保护; 信息系统

【中文刊名】 湖北电力

【单位】 湖北省电力公司;

【摘要】 介绍了湖北电网继电保护及故障信息系统,实现现场故障信息、继电保护信息及故障录波数据自动远传和综合分析。目前,继电保护故障信息系统主站已与省内1/3的变电站的继电保护信息子站连接运行,总结并讨论了建设过程中遇到的问题。


【题名】 智能电网统一信息系统的电网信息全域共享和综合应用

【作者】 程时杰; 李兴源; 张之哲;

【关键词】 智能电网; 信息系统; 电力系统控制; 自适应控制; 自适应管理; ; 综合控制

【中文刊名】 中国电机工程学报

【单位】 华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院; 四川大学电气信息学院; 美国CACI国际公司;

【摘要】 基于智能电网的统一信息系统,提出在电网控制和管理中的电网信息共享和全面的综合利用。电网信息的全域共享和电网的多层综合自动化控制和管理,可通过5方面的技术来实现,即电网信息全面和统一的数据化管理、电网信息数据库的自动化更新、电网状态的全面自动化检查与监视、电网信息数据的全域可达(accessible)以及电网系统层的自动控制和管理。作为统一信息系统智能化应用的实例,针对电网控制管理中的几个问题提出智能化的解决对策。


【题名】 数字化电网信息安全系统的设计

【作者】 许瑾; 王洪诚; 沈霞; 牛尔力;

【关键词】 数字化电网; 信息安全; 双层加密机制; XML

【中文刊名】 微计算机信息

【单位】 西南石油大学电气信息学院; 中国科学院声学研究所;

【摘要】 本文针对数字化电网成员分布广、用户种类多样、访问权限复杂多变、保密性要求高的特点,提出数字化电网信息安全系统设计方案。方案采用主从结构保证安全策略的实施。双层加密机制保证电网内外部信息的安全性和完整性。基于XML的许可证结构可增加信息安全策略的灵活性和信息权限的可扩展性。


【题名】 基于电力系统数据信息重组的压缩技术研究

【作者】 傅德晟;

【关键词】 电力系统; 数据压缩; 故障诊断

【中文刊名】 价值工程

【单位】 江津供电局;

【摘要】 在电力系统故障诊断方法研究、故障测距、电能质量分析及电网运行状态研究都采用电力录波数据压缩技术。而电力系统故障信号处理为非平稳暂态信号,该信号覆盖频谱 6




【题名】 国内外配电自动化系统的调研与比较分析——以中国唐山与韩国配电自动化系统为例

【作者】 陈茜;

【关键词】 配电自动化系统; 唐山; 韩国

【单位】 北京市华北电力大学;

【摘要】 进来配电自动化在全球蓬勃发展,成为电力系统现代化发展的必然趋势。国外配网自动化发展的比较早,技术比较成熟。而我国配电自动化系统起步较晚,尚未成熟。以下将以我国试点项目唐山配电自动化系统与韩国配电自动化系统,从整体概述,系统与结构模式,数据通讯方式四个方面进行对比分析。

【刊名】 科技资讯


【题名】 配电地理信息系统与配电管理信息系统一体化应用

【作者】 吴丽萍; 米娜; 李宽容;

【关键词】 地理信息系统; 管理信息系统; 一体化

【单位】 天津市电力公司; 天津市电力公司城南供电分公司; 天津市普讯电力信息技术有限公司;

【摘要】 从配电地理信息系统(geography information system以下简称GIS)与配电管理信息系统(distribution information system,以下成为配电MIS)一体化应用的背景出发,介绍了天津电力关于配电地理信息系统与配电管理信息系统一体化应用的设计思路,技术架构,设计原则,阐述了一系列关于一体化建设的技术要点,简要说明了一体化实施中包括的主要工作内容,最后总结了一体化应用在天津电力取得的成果。

【刊名】 天津电力技术


【题名】 电网调度自动化实时信息分析与评估系统的研究

【作者】 刘洋; 卢建刚; 黄凯;

【关键词】 调度自动化; 实时信息分析; 准确性; 评估; CIM/XML

【单位】 广东省电力调度中心; 南京南瑞继保工程技术有限公司;

【摘要】 介绍了一种分析电网调度自动化实时信息准确性的方案,通过对电厂、变电站的实时数据进行关联性分析,及时识别失准、异常信息,准确指引故障处理,并且采用信息准确率指标定量地评价出全网的自动化水平。该方案构建了一个基于CIM/XML模型的在线评估系统,不同型号的EMS系统的实时信息都能在该系统上进行分析与评估,因而具有推广性。实践结果证明了该方案的可行性和正确性。

【刊名】 电力系统保护与控制


【题名】 襄樊电网调度自动化系统的信息分级管理

【作者】 徐靖;

【关键词】 调度自动化; 信息分级; SCADA; 电压等级


【单位】 湖北襄樊电力调度通信中心 湖北省襄樊市441002

【摘要】 介绍了调度自动化系统的信息分级概念,阐述了调度自动化系统的信息分级的总体原则。在面向系统各个用户的基础上,分析了每个用户的管辖范围和职责。以襄樊调度自动化系统的工程实际为基础,利用现有数据库的32个分类级别,采取了电压等级和管辖范围2次分级的方法,将自动化信息分成了23类,满足了不同用户的实时数据监视、控制的需要,做到了自动化信息的按需分级,提高了电网的安全运行水平。

【刊名】 电网技术


【题名】 全国高压直流输电设备标准化技术委员会 全国电力电子学标准化技术委员会输配电系统电力电子技术分技术委员会在西安成立


【关键词】 高压直流输电:技术委员会,电力电子技术,电力电子学,设备标准化,标准化工作,输配电系统,标委会,输电设备

【单位】 西安高压电器研究所有限责任公司;

【摘要】 <正>全国高压直流输电设备标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC333)和全国电力电子学标准化技术委员会输配电系统电力电子技术分技术委员会成立大会(SAC/TC60/SC2)成立大会暨第一次工作会议于20xx年9月19日在西安召开,直流输电设备标委会共有28个单位30名代表参加大会。

【刊名】 电器工业


检索式A:M=(电网+发电+输电+配电)*(自动化+调度自动化)*(信息系统+信息分级) 检索式B:T=(电网+发电+输电+配电)*(自动化+调度自动化)*(信息系统+信息分级)检索结果




【作者】牛文楠[1] 马健[2] 王众全[2]

【期刊】20xx年 23卷 12期《广东电力》

【单位】[1]广东电网公司深圳供电局,广东深圳 518001 [2]积成电子股份有限公司,山东济南 250100

【摘要】:通常配电地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)和配电数据采集与监视控制(supervisory control and data acquisition,SCADA)系统是2套独立的系统,为实现数据统一,对配电SCADA系统和配电GIS进行一体化设计。配电GIS提供基于IEC61968/61970公共信息模型(common information model,CIM)的电网模型、设备参数 8

以及超级视频图形(super video graphics,SVG)格式的图形信息,配电SCADA系统为配电GIS提供基于IEC61968/61970通用接口定义(generic interface definition,GID)的实时运行数据。1年多的现场运行实践表明,采用一体化设计,减少了维护工作量,并充分发挥了系统各自的功能。

【关键词】:配电网自动化 一体化设计 地理信息系统 数据采集与监视控制系统 接口



【作者】张陶 张滨 郭德胜

【期刊】20xx年 9期《中国电力教育:中》



【关键词】:地理信息系统 应急处理 城市供电 一体化 电网 技术线路 自动化水平 事故处理



【期刊】20xx年 37卷 5期《云南电力技术》


【关键词】试点项目 配网 智能 配电地理信息系统 国家电网公司 技术支撑系统 配电自动化 厦门电业局




【期刊】20xx年 36卷 6期《云南电力技术》



【关键词】配电 GIS 配网 自动化 CIM IEC61968 IEC61970




【期刊】20xx年 10期《广西电业》


【摘要】随着计算机及网络技术的普及,计算机技术应用于电力调度管理工作中已有多年的历史,调度自动化系统(SCADA、AGC、EMS等)是成功的例子。但全方位、多层次上同时满足调度工作需要的调度综合管理信息系统在广西电网地级调度管理工作中发展得比较缓慢。南宁供电局调度率先在全区地级调度部门推行了覆盖南宁电力调度运行工作各个方面。 9

【关键词】电力调度管理信息系统 计算机技术应用 南宁供电局 调度综合管理信息系统 调





【期刊】20xx年 1期《小水电》



【关键词】电力系统 整合集成 信息系统




【期刊】20xx年 20期《中国科技信息》



【关键词】:地理信息系统 AM/FM/GIS SCADA



【作者】岳利国 张国清

【期刊】20xx年 1期《科技咨询导报》



【关键词】地理信息系统 配电网自动化 应用

4.1.3. 国家知识产权局专利数据库检索式







【公开号】 CN101232183






【公开号】 CN102184472A






【公开号】 CN2733712



【摘要】电网调度自动化电信公网通信通道安全装置,其电路组成包括单片微处理器、RS232通信电路、数据存储器、程序存储器、数据总线、地址总线、控制总线及输入输出接口电路、来电检测电路和继电器跳合闸电路,引入装置的电话线连接来电解码芯片的输入端,来电解码芯片的输出端连接单片微处理器的输入端,继电器跳合闸电路通过继电器触点与电话线连接,单片微处理器的输出端连接继电器输入端。通过本装置在变电站侧建立电信公网电话拔号的来电检测机制,只允许若干授权的电话进行呼叫建立通信链路,解决了用电信公网通信 11





【公开号】 CN1046622


【发明人】冯荫华; 刘国淮; 仉士生; 伍捷增; 陈柏华; 黄飞; 周鸣岗; 杨志秦; 章玲; 朱汉康; 高抒; 徐新华



【名称 一种配电自动化系统的实现方法

【公开号】 CN1305256






【公开号】 CN1588821






4.2.1 EI Village检索式

检索式A:power network WN KY AND automation WN KY AND information system WN KY 检索式B:power network WN KY AND automation WN AB AND information system WN AB检索结果



【Title】Research on SOM-DBN based fault early warning system for dispatching automation


【Authors】Fan, Min (College of Automation, Chongqing University, Campus A, 400044 Chongqing, China); Liu, Zhihong; Huang, Xiyue; Shi, Weiren

【Source】2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON2006, 2007, 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON2006

【Abstract】With the development of computer and network communication technology, substation comprehensive automation system has been widely applied in power network, thus power dispatching center can collect and monitor a lot of power network operation information. How to draw useful diagnosis rules from history and real time operational state data of power network, how to use these rules to find important information and exceptional situation from power network real time state data and give early warning of potential fault in time and correctly, become a significant and urgent research problem of dispatching automation system. This paper presents a framework of SOM-DBN based Fault Early Warning System for dispatching automation, including Data monitoring , Diagnosis and warning, Rule drawing, Management control center, Memory unit. Data monitoring module is used to monitor real time operational data of power network; Diagnosis and warning module is designed to build Diagnosis model, identify important information and exceptional situation, and send out warning information according to diagnosis rules; Rule drawing module uses data mining methods find potential knowledge and rules from history and real time data; Management control center as the system backbone aims at the whole management and cooperation; Storage unit, composed of database, knowledge-base and rule-base, is used to store operational state data, expert domain knowledge and diagnosis rules. The proposed system can monitor power network state and realize early fault warning through two stages. In the first stage, it constructs fault Diagnosis model for power 13

network. Firstly, it clusters history data by SOM and finds clustered feature variables; secondly, through rule drawing module, it can identify fault zone and work out corresponding measures according to clustered feature variables combined with expert domain knowledge; then it uses LVQ algorithm to train SOM network model; next it uses the fault zone sample data to train Diagnosis Bayesian Network model and learns model parameters. In the second stage, the system can monitor power network state and realize fault Diagnosis and warning. Through data monitoring module, it monitors the environment state variables and determines the need for situation assessment; through diagnosis and warning module, it propagates event cues, projects events, diagnoses situation, warns fault and prorides decision-marking. The SOM-DBN based fault early warning system has been applied into Dispatching Automation system ON2000, and effectively improved the diagnosis and warning capability of dispatching automation system. ? 2006 IEEE.


【Title】Research of real-time information analysis and assessment system for power network dispatching automation


【Authors】Liu, Yang (Guangdong Electric Power Dispatch and Communication Center, Guangzhou 510600, China); Lu, Jian-Gang; Huang, Kai

【Source】Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control, v 38, n 8, p 38-42, April 16, 2010

【Abstract】A scheme to analyze the accuracy of real-time information for power network dispatching automation system is proposed in this paper, which identifies the incorrect telemetric data from power plant and substations based on the correlation analysis and guides troubleshooting. In addition, it justifies the automation level quantitatively by using the index of the accuracy rate of real-time information. Based on it, an on-line evaluation system based on CIM/XML is established, which is applicable for kinds of EMSs for real-time information analysis and assessment. The results show its feasibility and validity.


【Title】Application of geographic information system in distribution power network automation


【Authors】Wei, Xianmin (Computer and Communication Engineering, School of Weifang University, 261061, China)

【Source】 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7752, 2011, PIAGENG 2010 - Photonics and Imaging for Agricultural Engineering

【Abstract】 Geographic information system (GIS) is the computer system in support of computer software with collection, storage, management, retrieval and comprehensive analysis of a variety of geospatial information,with various forms output data and graphics products. This paper introduced GIS data organization and its main applications in distribution power network automation, including both offline and online, and proposed component-based system development model and the 14

need to establish WEBGIS and reliability. ? 2011 SPIE.

用检索式B 检索,命中205条,选择其中3条如下:


【Title】Multi-regional power network model online splicing and merging


【Authors】Li, Xiaolu (Yantai Dongfang Electronics Information Industry Co. Ltd., Yantai 264000, China); Huang, Minghui; Wei, Lingxiao; Liu, Runsheng; Zhao, Yong; Wu, Haiyong; Zhou, Jieying

【Source】 Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems, v 33, n 22, p 49-52+83, November 25, 2009 Language: Chinese

【Abstract】A description is made of an online multi-regional model splicing and merging method based on the CIM/XML power system models and SVG graphs and with the tie lines as modeling boundaries for the power ensured automation system. In view of the teed tie lines between regional systems, tee grouping is presented to merge the tee connections from several models and prevent frequent modification of the line information due to non-unified naming of virtual substations. As for the incremental model update, apart from updating the attributes of devices on the basis of unified naming, the connection between equipments will be updated by binding the connectivity of the operating system to that of the model to be imported. By means of the model's online splicing and merging, the power ensured automation system developed will be capable of retrieving a power supply path for important customers from 380 V to all upper level power sources through the network topology. Thus the requirement of "the whole chain" network monitoring can be met, guaranteeing as much as possible reliable power supply to important customers. ? 2009 State Grid Electric Power Reasearch Institute Press.


【Title】On development of hangzhou power network information integration


【Authors】Feng, Yong-Qing (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China); Xia, Xiang; Zhou, Yu-Yong; Hu, Lie-Xiang; Sun, Hong-Bin; Zhang, Bo-Ming; Zhu, Cheng-Qi; Pan, Jian-Yue

【Source】 Power System Technology, v 28, n 19, p 51-52, October 5, 2004 Language: Chinese

【Abstract】 With the development of computer and network communication technology, substation comprehensive automation system has been widely applied in power network, thus power dispatching center can collect and monitor a lot of power network operation information. How to draw useful diagnosis rules from history and real time operational state data of power network, how to use these rules to find important information and exceptional situation from power network real time state data and give early warning of potential fault in time and correctly, become a significant and urgent research problem of dispatching automation system. This paper presents a framework of SOM-DBN based Fault Early Warning System for dispatching automation, 15

including Data monitoring , Diagnosis and warning, Rule drawing, Management control center, Memory unit. Data monitoring module is used to monitor real time operational data of power network; Diagnosis and warning module is designed to build Diagnosis model, identify important information and exceptional situation, and send out warning information according to diagnosis rules; Rule drawing module uses data mining methods find potential knowledge and rules from history and real time data; Management control center as the system backbone aims at the whole management and cooperation; Storage unit, composed of database, knowledge-base and rule-base, is used to store operational state data, expert domain knowledge and diagnosis rules. The proposed system can monitor power network state and realize early fault warning through two stages. In the first stage, it constructs fault Diagnosis model for power network. Firstly, it clusters history data by SOM and finds clustered feature variables; secondly, through rule drawing module, it can identify fault zone and work out corresponding measures according to clustered feature variables combined with expert domain knowledge; then it uses LVQ algorithm to train SOM network model; next it uses the fault zone sample data to train Diagnosis Bayesian Network model and learns model parameters. In the second stage, the system can monitor power network state and realize fault Diagnosis and warning. Through data monitoring module, it monitors the environment state variables and determines the need for situation assessment; through diagnosis and warning module, it propagates event cues, projects events, diagnoses situation, warns fault and prorides decision-marking. The SOM-DBN based fault early warning system has been applied into Dispatching Automation system ON2000, and effectively improved the diagnosis and warning capability of dispatching automation system. ? 2006 IEEE. (5 refs.)


【Title】Research on SOM-DBN based fault early warning system for dispatching automation


【Authors】Fan, Min (College of Automation, Chongqing University, Campus A, 400044 Chongqing, China); Liu, Zhihong; Huang, Xiyue; Shi, Weiren

【Source】2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON2006, 2007, 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON2006

【Abstract】Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC (automation generation control) generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale. By the electrical dissecting information of paths among wind generators, related traditional generators and their loads, adjusting factors for revising traditional generating scheme and load distribution factors for regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators can be computed. Example shows the strategy can effectively trace the fluctuations or forecasting errors of wind and load power, and enhance the operation quality of entire power system. 16


检索式A:主题=(power network) AND 主题=(automation) AND 主题=(information system) 检索式B:标题=(power network or power system or power generation or power transmission) AND 主题=(automation) AND 主题=(information system)检索结果



【标题】Modular wireless real-time sensor/actuator network for factory automation applications


【作者】 Koerber Hans-Joerg; Wattar Housam; Scholl Gerd

【来源出版物:】IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 卷: 3 期: 2 页: 111-119 DOI: 10.1109/TII.2007.898451

【摘要】Modern factory facilities are characterized by highly flexible manufacturing cells and highly dynamic processes, where clusters of fixed or moving sensors and actuators have to be controlled in a limited space under stringent real-time and reliability constraints. In such demanding industrial environments, wireless systems can also be beneficial by improving flexibility, cutting cables, and enabling solutions, which are cumbersome or even not possible to realize with wireline systems, especially in controlling moving or rotating parts. In this paper, we present a conceptual study of a wireless real-time system dedicated for remote sensor/actuator control in production automation. System development is based on user requirements, which were extracted from customer interviews and a market research. Low level measurements of frequency- and space-selective wireless channels in a factory-like environment were carried out. System design aspects, i.e., network topology, multiple access schemes, and radio technologies, will be thoroughly reviewed. The performance of a first prototype implementation will be discussed with emphasis on timing behavior and power consumption, as sensors and actuators of the wireless system are intended to operate without power lines or batteries.


【标题】Development trend prospects of power dispatching automation system


【作者】 Yao Jianguo; Yang Shengchun; Gao Zonghe; 等.


【来源出版物】Automation of Electric Power Systems 卷: 31 期: 13 页: 7-11 被

【摘要】With the development of EHV and power network interconnection, the dispatching automation system trends with several features such as digitization, integration, grid technology, standardization, deregulation and intellectualization. The key of digitization technology is the realization of informatization in electric instruments, data acquisition, control and management. Integration technology emphasizes data sharing and data integration of different systems in dispatching automation system. Grid technology can be utilized to implement the incorporation of information saved dispersedly in hierarchical and distributing power dispatching management system. Standardization emphasizes plug-and-play. Deregulation refers to the supervisory control and analysis of trading in power market. Based on data integration technology, power system analysis and supervisory control can be raised to a completely automatic and intelligent level. The technological issues addressed on these features are analyzed in detail and the future development direction of the dispatching automation system is described.


【标题】Context information-based cyber security defense of protection system


【作者】 Sheng Su; Chan W. L.; Li K. K.; 等.

【来源出版物】IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY 卷: 22 期: 3 页: 1477-1481 DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2006.886775

【摘要】With the development of a substation automation system, it is now feasible for the intelligent electronic devices-based protection system to collect its measurements from electronic instrument transformers through a communication network such as an Ethernet-based local-area network. The application of a wide-area broadband network in power utilities introduces underlying danger for protection systems to maloperate when receiving fake data packages from an intruder. This paper proposes identifying a vicious fault by using context information, such as voltage and current, of the same substation. When the protection system detects a fault based on measurements transmitted through a network, it collects all measurements of the substation and feeds these data to a probabilistic neural network. Thereafter, the fault caused by fake data that differs from the known fault pattern can be identified and blocked.



【标题】 Development trend prospects of power dispatching automation system


【作者】Yao Jianguo; Yang Shengchun; Gao Zonghe; 等.

【来源出版物】 Automation of Electric Power Systems 卷: 31 期: 13 页: 7-11

【摘要】With the development of EHV and power network interconnection, the dispatching automation system trends with several features such as digitization, integration, grid technology, standardization, deregulation and 18

intellectualization. The key of digitization technology is the realization of informatization in electric instruments, data acquisition, control and management. Integration technology emphasizes data sharing and data integration of different systems in dispatching automation system. Grid technology can be utilized to implement the incorporation of information saved dispersedly in hierarchical and distributing power dispatching management system. Standardization emphasizes plug-and-play. Deregulation refers to the supervisory control and analysis of trading in power market. Based on data integration technology, power system analysis and supervisory control can be raised to a completely automatic and intelligent level. The technological issues addressed on these features are analyzed in detail and the future development direction of the dispatching automation system is described.


【标题】Adaptive intelligent power systems: Active distribution networks


【作者】 McDonald Jim

【来源出版物】ENERGY POLICY 卷: 36 期: 12 页: 4346-4351

【摘要】Electricity networks are extensive and well established. They form a key part of the infrastructure that supports industrialised society. These networks are moving from a period of stability to a time of potentially major transition, driven by a need for old equipment to be replaced, by government policy commitments to cleaner and renewable sources of electricity generation, and by change in the power industry. This paper looks at moves towards active distribution networks. The novel transmission and distribution systems of the future will challenge today's system designs. They will cope with variable voltages and frequencies, and will offer more flexible, Sustainable options. Intelligent power networks will need innovation in several key areas of information technology. Active control of flexible, large-scale electrical power systems is required. Protection and control systems will have to react to faults and unusual transient behaviour and ensure recovery after such events. Real-time network simulation and performance analysis will be needed to provide decision support for system operators, and the inputs to energy and distribution management systems. Advanced sensors and measurement will be used to achieve higher degrees of network automation and better system control, while pervasive communications will allow networks to be reconfigured by intelligent systems. (C) 2008 Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


【标题】Active power dispatch and regulation of wind power system based on electrical dissecting information of electric power network


【作者】Chen Ning; Yu Ji-lai

【来源出版物】 Proceedings of the CSEE 卷: 28 期: 16 页: 51-8

【摘要】Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become 19

difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC (automation generation control) generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale. By the electrical dissecting information of paths among wind generators, related traditional generators and their loads, adjusting factors for revising traditional generating scheme and load distribution factors for regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators can be computed. Example shows the strategy can effectively trace the fluctuations or forecasting errors of wind and load power, and enhance the operation quality of entire power system.


检索式A:power network and automation and information system

检索式B:(power network or power system or power generation or power transmission)and automation and information system检索结果



【Title】Customizable power automation system based on an integrated data platform


【Authors】Wu Guopei ; Liu Yuquan ; Huo Jianbin ; Xiao Jian ;

【Sources】 Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT), 2011 4th International Conference on



According to the requirements of high reliability for power supply, it is necessary to monitor on some specific or selected power equipment with high quality in a specific period, which then resulting in some new requirements for automation systems. Under this background, a unified data platform, based on the common device model and the network topology, for power systems is built through integrating the information of equipment and operation from EMS, DMS, GIS and the automation systems in stadiums. The topology models of both the transmission system and the distribution networks are merged, and the data sources and maintenance for all the automation systems could be unified on this platform. Some new advanced applications, e.g. power tracing in the whole network and comprehensive system security assessment, could also be developed based on it. Furthermore, high data quality for automation systems 20

and superior information display is available for specific application requirements based on this platform, and a customizable power automation system, which could better response to the requirements of the customers with high reliability in power supply, could be developed by flexible cutting and focusing on the concerned information and functions. The research in this paper has been applied to the supervisory system for the Guangzhou power system during the 16th Asian Games, which illuminates the high theoretical and practical value of the integrated platform.


【Title】Automation and information management for a large urban power distribution network


【Authors】Rajamani, K. ; Vaishnav, R. ;

【Sources】Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical


【Abstract】Rapid economic growth mounts immense pressure on the electric power generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. Matching the rapid growth in a large metropolis poses several techno-economic challenges on utilities in order to operate the power supply distribution network efficiently and reliably. Utilities need to look at innovative ways to utilize the latest developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) to meet the new demands being placed on them. This paper discusses the experiences of Reliance Energy Limited, Indiapsilas largest integrated private sector power utility company, in deploying a large scale integrated SCADA/DMS system which utilizes a state-of-the art SDH communication network, a mobile phone network for secondary network automation and the use of latest technologies for data warehousing and data mining apart from the cutting edge SCADA technology.


【Title】Cyber security strategy for future distributed energy delivery system


【Authors】Atmaja, T.D. ; Fitriana, F. ;

【Sources】Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2011 International Conference on



Energy delivery systems in future manner will be referred to a modernization of delivery system so it monitors, protects and automatically optimize the operation of its interconnected elements. Its contain power generations, transmission network and user automation. It characterized by two way flow of electricity and information to create an automated distributed energy delivery system. From the viewing side of information flow, there are management and protection of the system that must be strategized to ensure the effective operation of the energy delivery system. This 21

cyber security strategy will examine both domain-specific and common requirement to ensure interoperability of solution across different part of infrastructure. This strategy will require risk management framework developed by both private and public sector. This framework will establish the processes for combining impact, vulnerability, and threat information to produce an assessment of risk to the distributed energy delivery system. The approach of this risk management will consider an organizational perspective, cyber security requirement, standard security system, and electricity security guideline and protection plan. This risk management will be applied on an asset, system, and network basis, as applicable. Some security architecture such as key management, virtualization security within cloud computing, and smart privacy will be linked to the energy delivery system. The final strategy of this effort will be a set of recommended cyber security requirements that will be allocated to interfaces of the Smart Grid. The goal is to ensure that a comprehensive assessment of the systems and component of the distributed energy delivery system is completed.



【Title】Substation automation system using IEC 61850

【题名】采用IEC 61850的变电站自动控制系统

【Authors】Roostaee, S. ; Hooshmand, R. ; Ataei, M. ;

【Sources】Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2011 5th International

【ISBN】 978-1-4577-0355-3

【Abstract】Substation has a critical role in power network because it is a subsidiary station of an electricity generation, transmission and distribution system where voltage is transformed from high to low or the reverse with power transformers. All devices in substation are controlled, protected and monitored by substation automation system (SAS) that collects information from the power equipment (process) and performs actions on it. Communication network is a fundamental element in all automation system and network performances can have a critical impact on the control process. In the past decade, new communication standard have been designed and retrofitted into substations. IEC61850 is a new international standard for substation automation. In this paper, the authors describe some important feature of IEC 61850 as an international communication standard in substation automation system, that separate this standard from other communication standard in substation.


【Title】The Jini-Based Broadband Power Line Communication (BPLC) Home Control System


【Authors】Hee-Sun Kim ; Sang-Seok Han ; Chang-Goo Lee ;

【Sources】Information Technology Convergence, 2007. ISITC 2007. International Symposium on



【Abstract】A home network system guarantees to provide a family with a safe, economical and healthy life, and it services domestic safety, control of instruments, controllable energy and health monitoring by using home appliances. Our studies designed the broadband power line communication (BPLC) home controller which could save much cost at a network infrastructure by using the existing power line at home. The BPLC home controllers could control various domestic appliances such as a digital door-lock, a boiler, an oven and etc., because these controllers had various I/O specifications. We selected the Jini technology surrogate architecture as a home network middleware for our system, this technology was designed to access a home network system without a limitation of the devices. And the client application program of the system managed and monitored the BPLC home controller via Web browser. In this paper we implemented the home security system using the single BPLC home controller.















对于外文检索词,相应的“power network”、“automation”和“information system”是标准的限定词,而power network的同义词及衍生词,如power system , power generation ,power transmission等也应该考虑在内,以提高查全率。而且和中文检索不同的是,英语由于其自身的特点,表达同样的意思可能出现不同的句式,导致词性不同,所以应用后截词才能提高查全率,例如在EI中,用检索式B“power network WN KY AND automation WN AB AND information system WN AB”,只检索205条记录;而用检索式A“power network WN KY AND automation WN KY AND information system WN KY”检索,则有371条记录,查全率大大提高。








1、 对电网安全运行状态实现监控。电网正常运行时,通过调度人员监视和控制电网的周波、电压、潮流、负荷与出力;主设备的位置状况及水、热能等方面的工况指标,使之符合规定,保证电能质量和用户计划用电、用水和用汽的要求。

2、 对电网运行实现经济调度。在对电网实现安全监控的基础上,通过调度自动化的手段实现电网的经济调度,以达到降低损耗、节省能源,多发电、多供电的目的。

3、 对电网运行实现安全分析和事故处理。导致电网发生故障或异常运行的因素非常复杂,且过程十分迅速,如不能及时预测、判断或处理不当,不但可能危及人身和设备安全,甚至会使电网瓦解崩溃,造成大面积停电,给国民经济带来严重损失。为此,必须增强调度自动化手段,实现电网运行的安全分析,提供事故处理对策和相应的监控手段,防止事故发生以便及时处理事故,避免或减少事故造成的重大损失。


1、 运行监视。调度中心为了掌握电网正常运行工况、异常及事故状态,为了安全、经济调度和控制提供依据,必须对电网实现以保证安全运行为中心的运行监视,所以称为安全监视。按部颁有关法规、规程的要求和调度的需求。

2、 经济调度。电网经济调度的任务是在满足运行安全和供电质量要求的条件下,尽可能提高电网运行的经济性,合理地利用现有能源和设备,以最少的燃料消耗(或费用、成本),保证安全发供电。

3、 安全分析。进行安全分析是对电网在正常和异常运行的状态进行分析及对事故发生前的状态预测和事故发生后的状态分析,是保证电网安全稳定运行的重要内容。


4、 自动控制。电网调度自动控制是在运行监视的基础上,对电网的安全与经济运行实施调节或控制。控制信号自上而下发送给厂、所或下级调度。这类控制范围很广,但主要是对断路器及其它发送发变电设备,例如,发电机、调相机、带负荷调压变压器、电力补偿设备等,通过调度人员实现遥控、遥调或自动实现相应的闭环控制或调节。



随着微电子技术、计算机技术和通信技术的发展,综合自动化技术也得到迅速发展。近几年来,综合自动化已成为热门话题,引起了电力工业各部门的注意和重视,并成为当前我 25





《内蒙古科技与经济》 《电力系统保护与控制》 《电网技术》 《小水电》 《农村电气化》 《湖北电力》 《中国电机工程学报》 《 微计算机信息》 《价值工程》






























