



Dear international students,

I am the chairman of the Students? Union. I?ve just received the emails from you and got the news that you would come to our university. Firstly, I?d like to show our warm welcome. On behalf of our university and all the students here, I really look forward to your coming。

In order to make all of you feel at home, here are some conductive suggestions. Firstly, you?d better take some warm clothes with you because it is winter in China now and it is very cold in Beijing. Secondly, I advise you to prepare some relevant knowledge about Chinese culture for better understanding in class。 I really hope you?ll find these proposals useful. And I?m looking forward to your coming!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social

phenomenon, from which we can observe that in this cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. The 2 men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground。

According to the information given in the above-mentioned cartoon, the gist of it is regarding how we should perceive the world around us. People tend to show different attitudes towards the issue. Then , what prove to be the underlying reasons for it? The following several reasons stated below can be taken to be responsible for it. First and foremost, that issue is largely having something to do with the current state of people? mind, without any doubt, some people are born positively, and while some others are born negatively. What is more important is that the outlook and value embodied in society affects how we throw our insights into something we are deal with。

As far as my personal thinking is concerned, when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are experiencing and encountering setbacks, only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopted, can we be bound to live a life of happiness。


An English proverb has it that “it?s no use crying over the spilt milk”. This picture precisely captures one of such situations—a bottle of milk has been accidentally dropped onto the ground. The reactions of the two individuals in the pictures are totally different. One exclaims “Oh, God, it?s all finished!” whereas the other one is more positive and calm, claiming that “there is still some left.”

There are rich implications underlying this scene. For the same event, two different individuals make two totally different observations and comments, reflecting two totally different states of mind—one negative and pessimistic, the other positive and optimistic.

For the pessimistic mind, they tend to exaggerate the seriousness of an accident. Instead of taking active and concrete steps to address the problem, they would despair, complain and give up. Finally, they deteriorate into inertia. When they ultimately fail, they would blame the failure on others or external

circumstances rather than reflecting on their own foibles of humanity. Those are the people who only look at the dark sides of the matters and few of them would truly succeed.

By contrast, people with a positive and optimistic state of mind would endeavor to turn the negative

Dear sir/madam:

I have always known that, because of poverty, many children in remote areas just begin to school but have to face the fate of quit their study, especially girls. That?s really made me sad, so I have made a decision to aid a girl who is comes from remote area and on the verge of quit school

Thank to the Project Hope give me such an opportunity. If you could help me seek such a girl, I will offer the totally tuition until her university graduation, and try my best to comfort at her requirement of living.

Thanks again of you consider my application and wait for your reply soon.

Sincerely yours

Li Ming







大作文 偶像崇拜现象

On Idol worship

These two photographs show two young adults worshipped Beckham who is a super football-star comes from England. One of them painted Buckram?s name on his face to show his support for Beckham, and another is willing to spend 300 Yuan to have a hairstyle as same as Buckram?s.

These pictures are all vividly reflects a social phenomenon that idol worship is widespread among young people nowadays. Many teenagers often fashion themselves upon some superstars, even to performs a face-lift surgery only for approach the figure of these stars at mostly. These crazy and absurd behaviors are always made us couldn?t know whether to laugh or to cry.

In fact, the successes were attained by superstars, which are usually from unremitting efforts. Unfortunately, most youths as the loyal fans of these superstars not realized it. They concentrate on superstars merely for the glorious appearance but not for the strive spirits. On idol worship this phenomenon, I think, blind worship of idol must be ended. Adolescents should learn this strive spirit and the good qualities of their idol and live life at its best of their own.





20xx年 辞职信:辞去 Design & Fashions杂志社的工作

This drawing shows us an oil lamp shine brightly in the darkness. The caption surrounded with this picture indicates that “Love is a lamp which brighter in darker places.”

I don?t know who painted this picture, but I always like it. As a reminder told me that the love it seems too tiny sometimes, but the energy released is unlimited. The love can bring the warmth to the people in the chill night; it can support dropouts to finish school. The love can help the homeless wretches to rebuild their homelands, it also can save a mislead heart. “When trouble occurs at one spot, help comes from all quarters”, I believe that owing to a running brook was assembled with love to contribute our Harmonious Society.

Showering the warm sunshine of love, we are at the threshed of an era of peace and prosperity now. So much love from many people for our growth we carried, the best way to payback these people who had brought their love for us will give own

love to them. As a song sang like that:“If everybody delicate a little of his love to others, the world will be a delightful Eden. ”





20xx年 穿着中国传统服装的美国少女

Cultural exchange between China and the world

The picture described an American girl in traditional Chinese costumes. The sweet smile on her face made us to believe that she is very interested in the Chinese traditional culture.

I glanced at this picture,it evoked my memories of another similar picture which was published on the cover of Time magazine of American. A Chinese young man in a black jacket stood on the Great Wall, a bottle of Coca Cola was held on his hand, he also smiled happily. That picture vividly reflects the great lure of west culture to China at the initial stages for reform and opening-up

From a Chinese people in jacket stood on the Great Wall and have a photograph taken with a bottle of Coca Cola to the picture of an American girl in traditional Chinese costumes, I can?t help amazing that the world is different now. With the reform and opening-up endeavor has been deepened and China Entering WTO, the ancient Chinese cultural have become too fashionable around the world rapidly now. Enhanced the cultural exchange between east and west, would be strengthened the contact with China and the world, attracted more foreigners attention to the development of China,made more Chinese people to understand the world . I deem it benefit to China and the world at last during this cultural exchange.


这幅图片描绘了一个穿着中国传统服装的美国少女。她脸上甜美的微笑让我们相信她对中国传统文化很感兴趣。 看到这张照片让我想起另一张曾经登载在美国的《时代》杂志封面上的相似的图片:一个中国的年轻小伙子身着黑色夹克衫站在长城上,一瓶可乐握在他的手里,他同样开心地笑着。那张照片生动地反映出改革开放之初,西方文明对中国巨大的吸引力。


20xx年 关于渔业资源过度捕捞

On fish resources exhaustion

Here are two pictures. In the first picture, there were various kinds of fishes and only a fishing-boat in 1900. The second on the contrary with the first picture, in 1995, there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats.

The aim of the paint shows us that due to over-fishing, the marine fishery resources nearly in a state of exhaustion. We must pay important attention to the decline of ocean resources, otherwise we don?t know where we want to fish in the forthcoming future, and then our environment will suffer a great destruction even threaten the basic human survival.

Therefore, it is high time for us to take effective actions. For one thing, our government must to make strict laws for control the commercial fishing and draw up a plan about the fishing-prohibiting period policy. For another, continuing to take the path of sustainable development, and promoting a coordinated development of the economy, population, resources and the environment. Only in this way can we protect our limited ocean resources and have a more brilliant future.



这幅画旨在告诉我们因为渔业资源的过度捕捞,海洋渔业资源处于濒临灭绝的状态。我们必须重视渔业资源的下降,否则的话在不远的将来,我们将无鱼可捞,而且我们的环境将遭受巨大的破坏,甚至威胁到人类基本的生存。 因此,是到了我们采取必要措施的时候了。一方面,我们的政府必须制定严格的法律来控制商业捕鱼并且制定休渔期;另一方面,继续走可持续发展道路,促进经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调。只有这样,我们才能保护我们有限的海洋资源有一个光明的未来。

19xx年 人口发展与动物生态平衡曲线图

On the relationship between the growth of U.S population and wildlife species extinction

The two graphs present a sharp contrast between the growth of human population and the decline of quantity amount of wildlife species in America. In the first graph, the population in American has grown rapidly from 1800.In the second graph, due to human population explosion resulted many wide animal species have already been destroyed.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, the most common cause were concluded for the next three points simply. Firstly, the merciless hunting methods is the reason which leads the decreed of wildlife species immediately. Secondly, an increasing number of people were immigrated to America and occupied the space which was belonged to wild animals to survive. Thirdly, human beings brought pollution whenever they arrived, which to some degree caused many wildlife species? extinction.

Considering all the causes, it must be to take some relevant measures to save those spices on the brink of extinction. On the one hand, it is necessary of legal institution makes the laws to ban the actives to killing wildlife. On the other hand, the government ought to establish more nature reserves. At last, citizens should enhance the awareness to protect the wildlife. Only in this way can keep ecological balance between the human population and wildlife species





19xx年 如此承诺

Such as Promises
























